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Old May 27th, 2015, 02:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Drachenspirit View Post

Shattercloak gets something out of her cloak and at a shadowy place next to the wall places it against a particular stone. The wall opens as if a door as she says, "You can just come out and say it Serah. I know we weren't properly introduced, but under the circumstances it couldn't be helped. And yes, I will always be in your debt for that place with the thing, and the guy, but let's not dwell in the past, shall we?" She led the way into a small corridor and then closed the wall behind them as the ceiling began to light up and then a magic mouth began to speak about death and mutilation if you proceeded, to which she told it to shut up and it promptly did.
She paused, and then asked, "Now... refresh my memory. What brings you here again?"
"I believe it is a matter of an ancient mages tower that has recently been uncovered?" Serah says mildly - after all, oddness aside, Shattercloak is one of the ruling powers in the city, is privy to treasure troves of information and appears to be in a chatty mood. If she jogs the mage's memory without being too specific, she might gain more information than she had received in the initial request - after all, Serah knows better than most how loath a mage can be to give away any form of knowledge, even when it would obviously benefit them to do so. And even if Shattercloak doesn't offer any knew knowledge, hearing it in the Arch-mage's own words could provide insight. "I believe there was talk of lost libraries and laboratories... and monsters."

She doesn't mention the Wild Magic artifacts.

It is possible Serah may also be subject to this wizardly flaw.

After giving Shattercloak a chance to respond, Serah continues the conversation as she follows the small form of a half-elven girl through the narrow corridor, turning it towards the more immediate point of interest: "So then - what is the project has 'mastered' you this time?"
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Old May 27th, 2015, 02:46 AM
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Peredhil says his goodbye to Vena and in his room, he undresses, grabs a towel, wraps about his waist and enter the bathing area. He stops looks thru the crack of the door as Navalia sits down. He smiles at her beauty and shakes his head, thinking someone will be a lucky husband one day. He finds his own bath, taking the towel off and setting it on a chair, he gets in and relaxes a moment before washing himself.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old May 27th, 2015, 01:16 PM
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Navalia & Peredhil

The baths are just hot enough to be comfortable and soothing, unless you prefer a cold bath which is available as well. At any rate, you aren't disturbed.


The watchmen open the single person door and greet you. Announcing your name causes one to hand another a scroll and he then takes on a whole different countenance. He says, "Please, come inside and wait. Our Lord has instructions for you to be met and escorted." He then hands whispers to the other watchman and waves so that the man literally runs off into the city.
After several minutes the watchman returns with an older looking, gentleman leading the way. He is dressed in custom leather of a light fighting style with twin longswords across his back sheathed in a "x" pattern. He has black hair that is graying at the temples.
He approaches you and says, "My apologies Priestess Raina. We did not know when to expect you. I am Gelduth Blackturret, Captain of the Guard here in Thentia, and may I bid you welcome to our fair city. Come, you must be hungry."
He bows as he introduces himself, and gestures into the city that you are free to come in.

Serah and Muzzleknot

Shattercloak has remained still, contemplating what he was doing and then she smiles and continues. "Ah yes. Radnav. Ancient texts show that name used to inspire fear and respect long, long ago. His... home, or tomb now I suppose has been discovered, and I surmise that monsters will be the least of your concerns. Well... maybe not the least, but certainly not the greatest.
She leads you down a winding narrow corridor past several other magic mounts that speak of gloom and doom if you do not turn back but she ignores them all. Ahead, there's an arch that you pass through right before the corridor seems to end ahead. The corridor does end abruptly with a loop of rope hanging down that is moving, like the chain or rope looped around a pulley, but it is just hanging. Every few seconds a round circular piece of stone comes into view, held in place by a knot above and below it. The stone circles reach the bottom of the looped rope and then continue upwards on their journey, as if they never stop moving.
On the right side of the corridor, there is one more magic mouth, but it doesn't speak as you approach or pass it.
Shattercloak says, "Ah, my project can only be truly appreciated in person. I will show you once we reach my tower. Now, all you do is step onto a piece of stone while grabbing one above to hold on, and the rope will take you up to my home. I call it... The Mage Mover. Crafty, huh? Now - "
He is interrupted by the Magic mouth that was remaining silent. "Halt! Who dares attempt to enter my home by magical means?!"
Shattercloak grins and says, "It would appear my dear Serah that we are not alone. I think I know who it is, but I do so hope I'm wrong. I so love a mystery."
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Old May 27th, 2015, 04:30 PM
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After washing himself, Peredhil then lays back, his hands clasps behind his head. He begins to think on the mission. Must be important if they summoned me. I wonder how many others here that have been requested as well? He then closed his eyes and dream of Navalia..
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old May 27th, 2015, 08:28 PM
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Raina nods with a smile. "Thank you Captain, things...came up, wasn't sure when I would arrive myself." She follows the man into the city. "Nice city you have Captain." she nods with a smile at other people as she walks by.
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Old May 27th, 2015, 10:10 PM
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Nevalia finished her bath and put on her gown, before returning to her room. As was the practice of her deity, she performed her evensong before bed. The song that released all of her emotions through a monotone song to Eilistraee. She would wake up early in the morning for her ritual prayers another custom of the order.
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Old May 28th, 2015, 01:20 AM
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{Serah and Muzzleknot}

The air in front of the magic mouth shimmers, and a cloaked figure appears, facing the magical alarm. The figure is a study in grey, and stands statue-still...until after a few seconds a hand appears from the folds of the cloak. The hand raises a half-eaten apple to the figure's mouth, and light grey teeth take a bite from the fruit. The figure chews for a moment, then turns to look sideways at Shattercloak.

"The only mystery, Shattercloak," the figure says between chews, "is why you would willingly subject yourself to the unbearable cacophony produced by all these magic mouths. It seems every time I come, you've added more. This one, for example. I don't recall it from my previous visits."

The figure turns to Shattercloak's companion, swallows, and clears his throat.

"*cough* But where are my manners? Forgive me, Wizard Anshiel, it is a bad habit of mine to skulk unnecessarily. My name is Muzzleknot."

Muzzleknot inclines his head in greeting, then takes another bite from his apple.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus

Last edited by ThreadBear; May 28th, 2015 at 01:23 AM.
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Old May 28th, 2015, 08:04 AM
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"Of course, it is a delight to meet you." Serah says, inclining her head in return; she doesn't think that subjecting either of them - or her knees - to the awkwardness of attempting to shake hands would be kind. "How is the feud? Last I heard your nemesis had escaped again and was gallivanting around the planes - the summoning master at my college couldn't get anything but an embarassed Lantern Archon from Celestia for a month. Of course, if you're here, you must have recaptured him - you and the other arch-mages are really pulling out all the stops for this tomb, aren't you? I think we had better relish the wine tonight, and whatever project Shattercloak has for us.

"Now, let's test this 'Mage-Mover' contraption... Is it some modification of a Levitate spell? Possibly constrained by the circumference of the rope loop and maintained by a Permanency? If it is half as useful as it seems, I will have to try and persuade you to give me a copy of the formula."
With a smile Serah steps aside to allow Shattercloak to lead the way, following them towards the floating stones and then up to the tower above.
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Old May 28th, 2015, 09:10 AM
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Brian "Mindwalker" sips ale and waits...the archmage is still busy eating.
At least the food and drink here are good.
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Old May 28th, 2015, 10:54 AM
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A slight smile appears on Muzzleknot's hooded face.

"You surmise correctly. The fiend is once again languishing most uncomfortably in a cell. As for the tomb of Radnav, I suspect you know as much as I. Today I am one of the summoned, not one of the summoners."

Turning to Shattercloak, "But now, let us see this project that has you so excited."

*bite* *munch, munch*
I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old May 28th, 2015, 09:13 PM
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Navalia woke up long before sunrise. She left her room and found a quiet spot on the temple grounds to pray, the cool morning breeze made her meditation pleasant for her. Following her morning prayer she went to the stables to gather supplies from her wagon. Different fruits, vegetables, and dried pork along with various spices she had gathered during her journeys. She gathered her iron pot and cooking utensils as one of her duties was to cook and feed the hungry.

The drow returned to the Temple grounds with her ingredients, finding a cooking grill and began cooking a thick pork gravy stew with rice. Once other sisters awoke she'd ask for spare eggs to be added for the morning meal. She was a little anxious to have the Selune maidens try this breakfast as the spices included were very rare some from the underdark while others from the east.
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Old May 28th, 2015, 10:07 PM
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Peredhil stretches sits up. Been a long time since he slept in, felt strange, but good. For once, the sun had beat him. He dresses and heads for breakfast.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old May 29th, 2015, 08:17 PM
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Navalia & Peredhil

After a nice provided meal, the faithful in the Temple of Selune, send for Vena and she leads you to the Hall of Lords. Before you leave, the Temple's High Priestess greets the both of you as you are lead to a room where a great many things are being prepared for this evening's feast. She greets you quickly and politely, and then takes her leave. It is understandable as this evening is indeed one of her biggest days of the year.


Thuldoum doesn't say much to Brian, just gives small talk and tries to get Mindwalker to enjoy the finest food and drink of the town.
Finally, when pressed, He admits that he didn't want to seem... not as important as the other Archmages who were having guests for the approaching Quest. He then admits it is Shattercloak that really is able to get under his skin, and leaves it at that. He then puts you up in the best room in the Inn, and sends his Apprentice by in the morning at sunrise to ensure Brian has eaten and freshened up and then leads him to the Hall of Lords.


Lord Blackturret gives Raina some small talk of issues of the day at Thentia, some of the lesser threats, and treats her to a nice meal that is catered from a local Inn. They dine in the room of the Watchmen reserved for greeting dignitaries and such. After the meal, he gives her the best room they have, but it is clear it is more for important warrior types than nobles, meaning Raina should feel right at home due to the manner it is decorated. In the morning, he eats breakfast with Raina, again catered, and then leads her to the Hall of Lords.

Serah and Muzzleknot

Shattercloak merely smiles as Muzzleknot mentions her Magic Mouth additions. After she listens to the conversation for a moment, she goes to grab a loop of rope and put his foot in another at the level of the floor when she says, "I have no idea. Phourkyn created this for me in return for my summoning someone to help him with... I think he swore me to secrecy on that now that I speak of it. Come on!"
The ferret holds on tight as Shattercloak is lifted up the vertical chute. Half covered continual light spells cast on scones mark the way every 10 feet or so.
Once all are at the top, you see Shattercloak has moved to a woodstove that is probably heated by a log of everburning by the way it seems to have little to no accumulated ash. She waves you around to see her latest project. Her lair, so to speak, is typical of any archmage. Things are lying almost everyhere, but there are three beds in separate sort of alcove rooms. At the stove, you see she is doing something with pan toasted thing slices of bread. She puts the last one cooking onto a stack of others and moves it all to a table.
"I just invented this. I take thickly sliced fresh bread, dip it in a batter of egg yolk mixed with a splash of milk, some seasoning called cinnamon, and a drop of molasses. Put some powdered sugarcane atop it drizzled with honey, and you won't want to leave." Shattercloak, it seems, loves to enjoy the little things in life. After the meal, there's drinks of all kinds in a chilled lead box along with a vast number of fermented choices. She offers Selah one of the beds, says another is hers, and totally ignored the last open one.
She pointed to a nice hammock hanging between two mastodon looking tusks for Muzzleknot.
In the morning, she had food sent up from somewhere as the sun was coming up. Once everyone had eaten and freshened up, she lead the way out of her tower "lair", down the proper way to the hall of Lords.

Hall of Lords

The hall or Lords is a large room in one of the highest buildings in Thentia. It has many windows that look down into the city on all but the North wall. An outdoor walkway goes all the way around the building, so at anytime one could look down on any part of the city. Surprisingly, there is only one "Lord" present, Lord Gelduth Blackturret. He is accompanied by a warrior looking half-elven woman he introduces as Raina to those who don't know her.
Besides the six who were called, there's Phourkyn One-Eye - a male human high level wizard, Flammuldinath "Firefingers" Thuldoum - a male human high level wizard, Rilitar Shadow-water - a male moon elf and high level wizard, and the mysterious mage known only as Scattercloak.
Rilitar is quite beautiful, even for an elf of his subrace, and he looks nothing like one would expect of an Archmage. He looks like he should always be smiling given how quite beautiful he is, but he isn't. He greets each of you with an even tone, and polite handshake before sitting in a chair.
Thuldoum looks very much like a typical High level mage, and his face, though ruggedly handsome, has been exposed to an accident of the arcane type more than once. He seems pleasant and quite happy to be here.
Shattercloak has the look of a young elven girl, and is dressed like royalty of a high elven court, save the Ferret perched across her shoulders. She seems pleasant as well.
It is Phourkyn One-Eye who seems to have many scrolls, scroll cases, and parchments stacked in front of where he is sitting. He's smoking some kind of thin tobacco wrapped in thin rolled brown leaves and stuck in a small holder. The other Archmages sit to either side of him on the large curving table in the room.
All of you adventurers are motioned to sit across from them and greet one another. The only one who doesn't sit is Lord Blackturret.

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Last edited by Drachenspirit; May 29th, 2015 at 08:18 PM.
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Old May 29th, 2015, 09:03 PM
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That night, she enjoys the conversation with Lord Blackturret and she takes her bath, then goes to bed, tired after a long journey.

In the morning, Raina rises, does some stretching exercises, dress and meets Lord Blackturret. "I love the room, very nicely done." she smiles at him as they eat their breakfast.

At the Hall of Lords, Raina takes a seat, greeting the others with a smile. She then turns toward Lord Blackturrent, her focus is now completely on him since it seems he will be the one who tells the group their mission.
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Old May 29th, 2015, 11:42 PM
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Navalia is a thinly built, but toned drow elf, she wears a thin material gown and a holy symbol with a silver sword crossing a silver crescent moon. Her white and silver hair hangs low to her knees.

Navalia greets the visitors along the side of the table then curtsies to the elder (in rank) statesmen. She looks at Peredhil "Maybe we were escorted to the wrong room, this looks like a mage's convention." as she takes her seat, her attention is focused on the lord standing before the group.
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