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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 04:37 PM
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Mounts are provided to reach the meeting point, along with a Watchman to bring them back.
Once there, you note there is something akin to a fire on the far side of the boulder you are to meet at, though it gives off little to no smoke so it isn't easily seen until you are close up.
Tending to something cooking over the fire on a spit and large ladle, is a human woman, dressed in the simple clothes of a shopkeep or trader. As you approach, she says, Send the Watchmen back to the city with your mounts. Once he is gone, we will be on our way. I am Favnir. Join me at my fire? Have some stew?
Keeping behind the boulder so the Watchman can't see her, she points to a stack of wooden bowls and spoons.
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 05:22 PM
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Peredhil smiles and bows. "Thank you mlady." He lets someone else deal with the watchman as he makes sure he has all his things and sits down, helping himself to the stew."
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 06:23 PM
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Navalia removed her gear from the mount and handed the reigns to the watchman "Thank you for taking the time to escort us and please thank your lords again for their hospitality." She noticed her ranger friend had just dropped the reigns, so she retrieved them as well handing them to the watcman. she slung the backpack around her shoulder as she caught up with Peredhil. The priestess curtsied to Favnir "Thank You Favnir, for all that you are doing for us.". The priestess sang a song of thanks to the dark maiden for bringing together friends and the food which they were about to receive from such a gracious host. After her song, she sat down next to Peredhil with a bowl and began eating.
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 08:22 PM
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Muzzleknot is already filling a bowl before Favnir finishes making her invitation.

"Don't mind if I do," the gnome says between spoonfuls. "I'm never one to turn down free food."

Half the bowl is gone when a quizzical expression furrows his brow. "Say... what's in this?"
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 09:02 PM
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Serah sits down as well, politely ladling some food into a bowl and examining the dragon discretely, uncertain as to whether the Thentian mages intentionally or accidentally misrepresented her, or if Favnir was male as they had implied, and had for some reason chosen a female-seeming form.

She doesn't begin to eat until after the dragon has answered Gummy's question to her satisfaction. The younger generation may have been inspired by stories of helpful dragons, and believe the creatures are 'cool', Serah knew that the vast majority of the nominally non-evil ones were also prone to greed and arrogance to the point where it didn't matter what colour their scales were.

"Thank you Favnir." Serah says mildly. After all - malevolent or not, it is best not to offend a dragon unless absolutely necessary.
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 11:31 PM
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Raina looks at the woman carefully, her mind suspicious. She hands the reins of her horse to the watchman and gather her things. "Say watchman, this Favina, supposed to be a male, right?"
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 09:11 AM
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Brian 'Mindwalker' dismounts and hands the reigns to the watchman.
"Take good care of it."
He then walks forward and stands near the fire. He does not eat any of the stew, but he does examine it, wondering what it contains...
[I]I hope this guide will lead us to the place we seek.[I]
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 03:48 PM
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The Watchman says "Who's Favina?", and takes Raina's mount and then Brian's lastly, lashing them in a line, and then begins the trek back to town, not looking back. He apparently had orders, and could be trusted by Lord Blackturret.

Favnir stirred the pot and ladled it out to all takers. It had carrots, potatoes, green beans, and the like as well as the meat. She listened to the Drow's song, and seemed to like it as she didn't interrupt, but ate as she enjoyed it. After she replied, "It's beef stew. You know, I've tried different meats in stews, but there's just nothing like beef in a stew, the way it permeates the vegetables and creates a broth is like nothing else. Sorry I didn't bring any fresh bread.
She nods to any thanks or comments, seeming to not be in a hurry. Next to her is a common pack, though large, of the type that farmers used in the fields when gathering their edible crops, or of the kind that was used to gather herbs by cooks for their establishments or tables. It was open, and a small bit of coiled elven silk rope could be seen sticking out of it.
Though there is plenty for all still, the large stew pot looks to only be half full when she begins sharing, the broth line originally being close to the top. Favnir, has eaten more than all of you combined it seems.
Putting her bowl aside she said, "I overheard what you said to the watchman, and you needn't worry. I have many human forms, but this is one that I choose so I can pass easily in and out of the city without drawing attention to myself.
Now, before you see my true form and we make ready to leave, what questions do you have for me? Regarding the accepted task before you, that is.
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jun 17th, 2015 at 03:50 PM.
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 04:34 PM
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Peredhil listens to the dragon in female human form and nods to her. When she is finished, he then ask his question. "I am curious, we were told you wouldn't be able to go with us because of another dragon. I can understand the territorial thing, but unless the other dragon is evil, surely he/she would understand the mission.?"
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 05:53 PM
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Should anyone's stew bowl become empty, she would refill it and not take no for an answer. Even if you just held it, or set it back down she didn't get offended or even seem to mind. She was very polite. You do notice one thing that hints at her being what she is supposed to be, and that is the shock of hair the color of shiny polished steel hanging to one side of her forehead.
She pauses, raising an eyebrow under her off-colored shock of hair at Peredhil's question as her mouth goes slightly askew indicating she wasn't too fond of his question. After a moment, however, her frown changes to a smile as she puts some more stew into her own bowl and sits on one of the many boulders neatly arranged around the fire, like the one you are sitting on. Incidentally, some of these would take great strength to move, and these were recently arranged.
"Peredhil", she says obviously knowing his name, probably knowing all of your names through her contacts in the City, "I do not wish to insult your intelligence, but perhaps your experiences are somewhat limited when it comes to those of my... various species.
She pauses to take a bite and then looks down at her bowl as if realizing she is hungry again. She takes another bite, chews and swallows most lady like and continues.
Few of my varied kind like to be around the more civilized races, and few still even like your kinds. There are those that are tolerant, like the Cloud or Mist variety, but even one of them would not take kindly to even me taking a group like yourselves into their territory. Think about it from our point of view. How would you feel if a group of the most highly skilled adventurers and combatants in the Realm were dropped off not too far from your home? It matters not the reasoning, and even if I wanted to take the few years of time to discuss and try and convince one that all is well, there simply isn't enough time from what I understand."
Favnir's comments about your skills is a testament to her knowledge of each of you, and people in general. More importantly, you were just given a compliment by a person who is supposedly a shapeshifted Steel Dragon. This is something few get to speak of much less experience.
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jun 17th, 2015 at 05:54 PM.
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 06:36 PM
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Peredhil then nods as he listens. "I do understand actually, we all have our opinion in how to react to certain situations." he then half shrugs and takes another bite of the stew. "Very good stew by the way." he smiles a friendly smile.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 08:05 PM
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After finishing his third bowl of stew, Muzzleknot covers his mouth with his spoon hand, and emits a soft belch.

"My thanks and compliments to the chef.

If I may, I, too, have a few questions.

Number 1,"
he holds up one finger of the spoon hand, raising an additional finger for each subsequent question, "As you say, Good Favnir, a party of skilled adventurers may be considered a threat, particularly if they are arriving unannounced. I surmise that the dragon into whose territory we must delve has not been apprised of our mission. Thus it would behoove us to make our way to our destination without drawing the dragon's attention. Do you have any suggestions as to how we may accomplish this? Perhaps you know of a path to Radnav's domain which has a good amount of cover, as from trees, which might obscure our party from the sight of a flying dragon?"

Number 2, if luck is against us, and we do find ourselves confronting the dragon, is there anything you can tell us about him or her? Any advice on how we may be able to bargain for passage, or, should the negotiation fall through, do you have any information as to the strengths and weaknesses of this dragon?

Number 3, once we reach our destination, we have little notion of what we can expect to encounter. Do you have any intelligence concerning Radnav's abode, such as hazards, defensive measures or guardians, and do you know anything about the group against whom we race, other than that they are comprised at least in part of werefolk?

And finally, Number 4, once we have achieved our goal and escaped both Radnav's tomb and the other dragon's demesne, will you be waiting to transport us back to the city? Or does that last leg of the journey fall to us, as well?"

When the torrent of queries ends, Muzzleknot grips the spoon and holds it and the bowl aloft.

"And while you're answering, might I also trouble you for one more bowl? Your stew is most excellent!"
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 10:42 PM
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"Do you know anything about the wards on the tomb?"
Mindwalker attempts to change the subject back to the mission.
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Old Jun 18th, 2015, 12:30 AM
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Raina sits quietly, looking at Favina, then nods her head, accepting the answer from her.

She eats while she listens to the others and only grins at Muzzleknot, knowing that the other dragon could be in any shape like Favina. With so many dragons in the world, there was a reason why not many are seeing flying around. Why draw attention to yourself?
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Old Jun 18th, 2015, 07:56 PM
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Favnir serves up more stew when anyone is interested, or, lets them help themselves if they move to do so.
She answers the questions put to her. You misunderstand my meaning. You have nothing to fear from any Dragonkind where you are going, provided I go no closer than a few hours from your destination. It is not you alone who will draw the attention of a dragon in that area, but you as a group and... I. Even if I went close, nothing would come of it today, tomorrow, or perhaps even years from now. But trouble would come in the future. You see, Dragonkind do not forget, nor do they forgive a slight or trespass. I would be endangering Thentia if I ventured out to the location where this Radnav's tomb is located. As for this lair, or tomb, I only know what you know as my information came from the same source as you. And I know not of this area either. I have never been there, nor am I familiar with its past history. If there were more time, I could possibly gain more information, but alas there is not.
As for returning you to Thentia, I will return to the location where I leave you every morning at dawn. If there is a fire burning, I will see it as a sign to come retrieve you for a flight back here, if that is agreeable.
Are there any more questions, or are you all ready to be underway?

In saying all this she had answered both Muzzleknot and Mindwalker's questions.
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jun 18th, 2015 at 07:57 PM.
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