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Old Jun 15th, 2015, 07:52 PM
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So while we're getting everything together, I was wondering if you guys wanted to discuss interactions that might have happened on the trip and ties or rivalries that might have formed.

For instance, things you would have learned about Davynor:
-He has never let anyone call him Davy or Davie and doesn't like it when people shorten his name.
-If someone doesn't like calling him Davynor, they're welcome to call him 'Druid' or 'Elf'. He's been called both in his time, even if the latter it's precisely true.
-The only thing he'll say about his parents is that they were both good people, Druids, and that they died when he was young. He was raised among his Order.
-He's a skilled healer and tracker, not relying solely on his magic but also on mundane skills.
-He has a magic pack that can seemingly store everything and his cloak blends in with his surroundings when he raises the hood.
-He has an owl companion named Archemedies who he swears is smarter than he lets on.
-Davynor enjoys spending as much time as possible in his other forms.
-He's friendly, but his nature is such that he accepts everything that happens and moves on. He doesn't seem to dwell on anything, including death.
“Holy ****," I breathed. "Hellhounds."
"Harry," Michael said sternly. "You know I hate it when you swear."
"You're right. Sorry. Holy ****," I breathed, "heckhounds.”
~Harry Dresden and Michael Carpenter, Grave Peril

Last edited by FranklinRPer; Jun 15th, 2015 at 07:54 PM.
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 01:43 AM
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That's a good idea! Cool way to do intros.
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 04:27 AM
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I guess I will work on posting as well while my character gets finished up.
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 12:24 PM
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Things you would have learned about Nailfin.
  • Nailfin can sometimes be found meditating, rather than resting or doing other jobs some would find normal.
  • He was renown as a ranger in the past, but had disappeared for several years. Nobody really saw him until this voyage.
  • He has two followers with him (Rillion and Matthew). They seem to keep to themselves as much as possible. The followers don't seem to be particularly good at fighting, can't do magic and aren't stealthy, so nobody really knows what they do. Somehow they always manage to be present first for dinner though.
  • Nailfin has a fascination with a large valuable gem he carries with him. You may have overheard or been asked by him if you know a surgeon who could implant the thing inside his rib cage.
  • Nailfin is friendly and does his work without complaint. He was heard shouting with the captain the day one of the crew went overboard, complaining that nobody asked him for help. He seems confident he could have saved the man.
  • He wears a very nice set of studded leather, which is obviously magical, along with a scimitar he keeps at his side. Beyond that, and valuable gems, he seems fairly uninterested in material things or wealth.
  • Nailfin likes to compliment others on their skills and talents. It seems he has a good sense of teamwork.
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 12:49 PM
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Things others would find out about Lexa after being around her for 2 months on a ship:
- She doesn't like being on the ship, and often says that she is tolerating it for the lands that await them.
- Once her wolf companion suffered frostbite, and she healed the shewolf by laying her hands on him. She has clearly picked up some magical talents during her lifetime.
- It is almost impossible to sneak up, or walk up behind her without her knowing it. She has an uncanny ability for this.
- She can fish. She often fishes when the waters are clear and allow for it. Most of the time, she feeds her catches to the wolf whose "portion" of food doesn't seem to be enough.
- She can sense the weather changing before it does.
- She loves life and is quick with a joke, though quite often she is the only one who gets her jesting. When speaking of things about scouting, or like when they arrived and she was looking ahead at the shore, she is quite still and serious.
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 05:26 PM
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So it looks like you are all going ashore. Any objections to that?
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 05:29 PM
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No sir, although I do have a phantom steed that can pass over water as if dry land which may come in handy if we stick to the shore.
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Old Jun 16th, 2015, 11:11 PM
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Things you would learn about Fyrian on the voyage:

- He doesn't like to be called Lord Fyrian by anyone but his servants and soldiers. Pretty much excludes everyone on the boat.
- He doesn't like fake people. There were crewmen on the ship that were trying to gain his favor by kissing ass and he immediately disfavored them.
- Not a big fan of small talk. Sometimes he sees it as necessary; and being a Lord has made it even moreso. But he prefers a meatier conversation. He will however throw in a joke every once in a while.
- He's a pretty humble guy. Sure, he'll show off and razzle dazzle with spells, but it's all in good fun. He wouldn't throw it in other people's face or judge someone because he's better than they are. In fact, during the voyage you'll see him interacting and joking with the crew members.
- Most of his skills are preceded by his fame/reputation and his sword and armor. On the trip, it really didn't seem like he was all that special or strong.
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 01:42 AM
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So a couple things after reading what you guys have said:

-If asked Davynor would have offered to put the gem inside of Nailfin's chest, but he would caution the man against putting something that isn't of his body inside of himself, as it can lead to sickness.

-Those of you with a natural-world leaning (Lexa primarily and Nailfin secondary) would have caught his interest and he'd have wanted to talk to you about your travels. He seems fascinated by the sheer diversity of the world and, if you'll engage him in discussion about it, he has a large breadth of experience in such things.

-He has very mercurial moods. At times he talks amicably and with no misgivings. At other times, he'd rather not talk any more than he has to. Mostly these times are when he's concentrating on something and he can get frustrated beyond belief if he's repeatedly interrupted during a task.

-He would, at some point, have tried to strike up a conversation with Lexa's timber wolf. How well that would go is up to you, but he is a Druid and is respectful of the bond between Lexa and said wolf.
“Holy ****," I breathed. "Hellhounds."
"Harry," Michael said sternly. "You know I hate it when you swear."
"You're right. Sorry. Holy ****," I breathed, "heckhounds.”
~Harry Dresden and Michael Carpenter, Grave Peril

Last edited by FranklinRPer; Jun 17th, 2015 at 01:44 AM.
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 12:03 PM
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Lexa's wolf if spoken to - Would say Lexa is a work in progress and there may be hope for her truly understanding the world (nature). There will come a day when she will simply walk away from Lexa, her training of the half-elf cub being complete. As for everyone else, they aren't worth her time as they are untrainable. She is a bit mistrustful of Davynor when not in an animal form, and when in animal form will be friendly enough, but not follow her around.
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 04:09 PM
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Well... given a natural 20 roll isn't what you want when rolling for NWPs in AD&D 2E, Lexa didn't find squat for tracks here. Although... her wolf companion might smell something yet.
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Old Jun 17th, 2015, 05:05 PM
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What to know about Brother Francis...

- He always has a smile on his face which does not seem to go away even through adversity
- He loves a hearty meal and drink,though does not over-indulge
- He knows a thing or two about healing and herbalism
- He is always clean and will make sure he stays that way when he gets a chance
- He does not preach his faith outright and listens to others
- He is not very strong or agile
- He speaks whats on his mind and does not sugar coat it
"I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it"
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Old Jun 18th, 2015, 12:15 AM
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So what would you guys like the crew of the ship to do whilst you go exploring? The captain and crew have been paid to aid you in any way that you desire and are more than capable of setting up a base camp if you like.
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

Last edited by Jonwane; Jun 18th, 2015 at 12:16 AM.
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Old Jun 18th, 2015, 04:54 AM
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I think the consensus is base camp at the mouth of the river.
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Old Jun 18th, 2015, 02:21 PM
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Ok, cool. I'll get a post up this evening. Also. I had a couple questions about the journals with regards to how often you can post and still receive the XP rewards. What I've decided is that if you wish, you can make two main posts per day and I will reward those posts with a minimum of 5k XP (exceptional posts will receive up to 10k, but they will be rare). After that I will award 1k XP for anything else you would like to post.

Are you guys enjoying the journal aspect of the game?
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