"So that we may avoid your conflicts and getting involved in your politics, what conflict are you involved in? We will not know how to avoid it if we do not know about it." When he speaks of the two-legs, Davynor frowns in thought. And the mention of cannibalism only narrows his mind. He looked towards the way they were going, the way Tim said was dangerous. Then his gaze turned back to the group. "Perhaps it would be best if we did move farther south. Or, I could scout ahead myself. I would be nearly impossible for them to catch on my own, so long as they cannot change their forms." Davynor looked back to Tim in a questioning way at that last part.
“Holy ****," I breathed. "Hellhounds." "Harry," Michael said sternly. "You know I hate it when you swear." "You're right. Sorry. Holy ****," I breathed, "heckhounds.” ~Harry Dresden and Michael Carpenter, Grave Peril Last edited by FranklinRPer; Jun 29th, 2015 at 09:05 PM. |
The conflict is between my people, the Coatimundi, and the Children of the Queen; The tiny folk." Tim says. His eyes dart about and he lowers his tone confidentially. "They are tricky little bugs!" He hisses. Not to be trusted! Not to be trusted at all!" He leans in close when he says the last, looking Davynor right in the eye.
As he speaks there is a buzzing noise and another one of the insects from before darts into the grove where you stand. This one is quite a bit larger and is a shiny, iridescent blue colour that seems to glow in the dim light filtering down from the canopy. It alights on the ground near Tim and says in a tiny, high-pitched voice, "Don't listen to this mongrel, good sir! He is a natural liar and will say anything to cover up the atrocities of his people." The tiny being fairly spits the last word as it tilts it's minuscule features in Tim's direction. Whatever Tim see's there, he only looks back and bares his needle sharp teeth. "You see?!" He says. "All lies!"
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.” Last edited by Jonwane; Jul 1st, 2015 at 09:10 PM. |
"I guess this is what happens if you talk to your food," Nailfin comments to the others. For his part, the conflict between these two factions is of little concern as for the time being it appears to be on the same level as two ant colonies fighting for the same bread crumb. "Rillion, Matthew, I think you two should head back to the base camp and make sure everything is being set up there properly." Seeing his two apprentices depart, he then turns to consult with the other party members. "I think if there is danger on this island, we should probably investigate that first. Thanks to Tim here we have a pretty good idea of where to look"
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jul 2nd, 2015 at 12:38 PM. |
Lexa moves over to stand beside her fellow ranger, actually kind of in his shadow as he towers over her. She says, "Nailfin is right. We are wasting our time here. As it has been said many times before, such is the circle of life. Now, the scout and rangers of this group say we should investigate the danger. Any hard disagreements? No? Then I've got the lead." Even if there was discussion, as long as it wasn't heated and total disagreement, she'd set off with her shewolf in the direction of the... danger.
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Brother Francis watches everything unfold, a silent entity taking in everything he sees and hears. He understands why everybody wants to continue as they are here to explore and open this land up for others to follow. He will follow suit. "Tim. Thank you." He then looks into the forest and bows, "Thank you was well." With that he continues on.
"I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it" Last edited by theclaytster; Jul 2nd, 2015 at 01:46 PM. |
Day 1 - Around 4:30PM. Nightfall in 45 minutes.
"Don't say we didn't warn you!" Tim calls after you just as you lose sight of him in the dense forest. "Watch the trees! They hide in the trees!" There is a scuffling commotion from his direction and anyone who looks back can just see him disappearing into the shadows in hot pursuit of his adversary. After another half hour of walking, the fog that you spotted downstream begins to roll in. As a result sunlight is cut even further, and as earlier suspected, visibility decreases significantly. It's not so bad that you have to tie yourselves together, but even with infravision you cannot see further than perhaps a hundred hands before everything blurs into indistinguishable shapes. For another three hours you continue roughly westward, following the curve of the river as it winds its way towards it's source. The ground begins to take on a much steeper incline as you journey towards the mountains and by the time it becomes apparent that the daylight is waning, you are several treks deep into the low lying foothills of the mountain range first spotted from the Luck of Adventure. The sun is slowly sinking over the hills to the east on its way to the ocean and your shipmates. The forest is quiet again, the animals having all returned to their nests, burrows, and dens. Only a soft sigh as the breeze brushes against the canopy far above, breaks the stillness. You stand among giants as darkness falls. The great trees towering around you, their upper branches glowing like fire in the dying light. You are about halfway up one forested hill, standing on a level A naturally formed level area that occurs on the slopes of some hills.bench. The river is only a 100 feetfew hands off to the south following a serpentine route down through the foothills. It tumbles over small drops here and there further upstream, but where you stand it falls for about 20 feetforty hands into a crystal clear pool of water before continuing downhill. Colorful fish swim in the glassy water and in great abundance. They vary in size anywhere from a 6 incheshalf a hand, to 3 feetsix hands in length. They are a bright silver color, with dark red fins. A display of brilliant blue tendrils originate from their lips and appear to grow, in some cases, longer than the fish itself. This is the first stretch of the river that you have encountered any aquatic life other than the Nixies, but the water is also clearer here than anywhere else along the river that you have seen so far. While it is possible that other fish did live in the murky, green, waters downstream, it is obvious that this particular fish likes the clearer, colder water.
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.” Last edited by Jonwane; Jul 2nd, 2015 at 10:14 PM. |
After traveling about as far as it seems they will be able to go for the day, Nailfin sits down for a moment to take a sip of water. "I suppose at some point we will have to address the issue of the Coatimundi and The tiny folk. At least they were not initially hostile. We might want to hold up here until daylight returns. We could move by use of torch, but fire would give our position away very easily, and if what Tim said is true then we may want to be a little more discrete than that." For a moment Nailfin stares at the fish in the water observing them. Then he reaches out his hand, although well above the water as if grabbing one of the fish. Slowly he pulls the fish out of the water with an unseen hand until it rests in front of him, and then he grabs the fish with his real hands. He gives the slimy fish a kiss on the nose. "You always have to kiss your first fish. That's what my father use to say at least. Well, should we see if these things are edible?"
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jul 4th, 2015 at 01:41 PM. |
Brother Francis nods, acknowledging Nailfin and his ideas. "I too am hungry and those guys look mighty fine. And if there is an issue, I can at least save one of us." He chuckles at his rye joke, but he is serious. "Anybody know much about fish? I've heard they can be poisonous, but don't have the slightest clue as to identify that." Hoping that Lexas, Nailfin or Davynor will provide some insight. "You bring up a good question. What to do of the council of animals, insects, and talking trees? I would imagine there are more creatures involved, but maybe Tim was the only one brave enough or curious enough to speak to us. At this time, I would suggest we make sure they are on our side. We do not need to face crazed cannibals and have the natural world as our enemies." He is about to close his mouth when he opts to continue. "As far as fire, I would rather have light than no light. I cannot see at night and it may also keep away pesky bugs and other creatures. Sure we will expose ourselves, but there is something to say about comforts as well."
"I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it" |
You find it strange (or maybe not) that during the trek, Fyrian does not seemed to be fatigued at all. And rightfully so, because not only does his endurance seem unending, but you have not noticed him stop to keep hydrated or unpack some food to eat. Another strange thing is that neither the dense fog nor the darkness seems to phase him. If you were to notice his eyes, the irises seem to change color depending on the state of the environment. Is he really human? Fyrian laughs at the suggestion of stopping because of nightfall. "So are we really just going to be bound by the lack of natural light then? That gives us what--5 hours a day to explore?" The human (or maybe not so human) turns to the address everyone. "So whom of you besides Brother Francis cannot see at night?" Last edited by Yves; Aug 1st, 2015 at 12:14 AM. |
Smiling, Nailfin responds to Fyrian, "I can fight in the dark just fine, but navigating through an unknown jungle is another issue. You make a good point Francis. Perhaps we should not be so shy in our announcement of us being here. With only 5 hours a day of travel, this expedition will take unrealistically long to complete. So, we light up torches, or perhaps Fyrian can see for all of us?"
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jul 6th, 2015 at 02:51 PM. |
I can't see for all of you, but I can cast a spell that would enable you to see at night. My dwarven senses allow me to see in darkness already. You look at Fyrian. Dwarf? What dwarf? However, I did not prepare for such an occasion. So that would have to start tomorrow. Anyone else need it besides you two then?
Last edited by Yves; Jul 6th, 2015 at 03:12 PM. |
Lexa speaks on her thoughts and such. "I agree that we should make camp for the night. Best reason is because we don't know what other manner of creatures are nocturnal and we've yet to encounter. Other reasons are simply that we start first sign of light or dawn after a good rest. I don't know about any of you, but sleeping on that ship isn't something I'll miss. She then casts the spell of language on her wolf companion and begins asking her what she thinks of what she has seen so far. As she cast the spell in common, everyone will hear her answers.
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Well, we'll never encounter them if we don't travel at night, Fyrian says with a smirk. As I mentioned though I don't have the infravision spell prepared today, but tomorrow we will all be able to see. If necessary. I'm even fine with traveling by torchlight.
"I disagree Fyrian. We will most likely encounter some just by setting up a camp across their trails, and in their territory, hunting grounds, or food foraging areas. As for torchlight, it ruins my natural night vision, so I'd rather not do that. Plus, it lets everything know we are here, and our direction of travel. I haven't survived this long to go and tempt fate by walking around at night in a foreign land with a blazing torch. If we were underground, it'd be alright... maybe. But not trekking across the land." She spoke from experience, and actually said as much. "I didn't earn the title of Master Scout sitting around telling stories. I actually..., 'Scout.' Lexa wasn't here because she paid someone to go along, or was out looking for treasure, or was related to some noble. Nay, she was good at what she did and didn't mind letting anyone know from what position she speaks with such authority. Experience.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me. Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jul 8th, 2015 at 06:35 PM. |
Fyrian laughs. "Bring 'em on! I prefer a straight fight to all the sneaking around!" The dragon-skin clad warrior coughs to clear his throat. "As I was saying, I am fine with torchlight. You are free to have your own opinions."
Last edited by Yves; Jul 9th, 2015 at 02:01 AM. |
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