Barmy Berks
"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain." It's time to toss the dice. |
![]() Xia'Wa'Chhtt'Kttka Gender: Irrelevant Race: Thri-Kreen Class: Empathic Wanderer (Ranger/Monk) Alignment: NG - Good intentions, but culturally alien Faction: The Fated Physical Description: Xia'Wa is pretty frightening to most who are not familiar with his breed, and can incite hostile reactions to in those who assume his is some kind of monster, or even terror from those with any kind of phobia to insects. Xia has been traveling around the mammals long enough to know some universal friendly gestures and obsequious mannerisms. Pantomime humor he finds is his best ice-breaker. Though he has no need of clothing, he has adopted a bare minimal garb to cover where most species assume his genitals are. Armor is moot, and anything metal just chafes his chitin. Instead he adorns himself with loose leather cloth and loose hanging baubles that clink against his skin when he walks. He has a weakness for bling and and precious gems, so he opts for the shiniest, prettiest baubles he can find, often crafting them into crude jewelry to proudly display. He carries an assortment of self crafted weaponry in a bundle on his back, and takes great care in his art, often using whatever shinies he can find to etch into their design. As a result, he is becoming well known in the Hive within Sigil, his creations often being sought out by collectors for it's unique craftsmanship and it's cultural value.
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. Last edited by JonnyGulliver; Jun 8th, 2016 at 02:31 PM. |
Name: Gummywort "Gummy" Thistledown
Race: Svirfneblin Class: Imagemaker 5 / Thief 6 Faction: Sensates Description/Personality: Gummy is a gnome of average height and build for his relative young age, but no one would use the word "average" to describe anything else about him. Like practically all deep gnomes, he has no hair, not even a whisker, and his charcoal skin is actually a deeper shade of grey than most. But that skin is festooned with tattoos done in bright gold ink. His arms, neck, and even the sides and back of his head glitter brightly in a dizzying tapestry of geometric designs and fanciful depictions. His typical garb is a red velvet smoking jacket, lined with ermine fur dyed purple. Or something similarly ostentatious. His fingers and ears alike drip with jewelry. Indigo pantaloons embroidered with crimson thread terminate in bare feet, which, apart from the lacquered nails, appear entirely unadorned. Topping the ensemble is a hat. It is impossible to describe the hat, because it seems Gummy has a limitless supply of caps and cowls and pill hats and fezes and bowlers and tri-corns. First impressions of Gummy can typically be summarized as follows: Outgoing, garrulous, and possessed of boundless curiosity (though decidedly bounded concern for the welfare of other beings, or even his own). Flamboyant in dress, speech and manner. Full of mirth and optimism, but rather lacking in sympathy. He loves being the center of attention, and is usually the center of trouble. Gummy is an artist and a performer at heart, and his work is not limited to mystical displays of Illusion. His skills as a painter and a puppeteer have won him a few plaudits and a few more coins. Both mediums obviously do not approach his illusions in terms of depth and verisimilitude, but they are better suited to serve as springboards for the imaginations of his audience. Magic Item Wish List: Girdle of Giant Strength Hat of Disguise Gauntlets of Ogre Power Cloak of the Bat Cloak of Elvenkind Shortsword of Backstabbing Boots of Elvenkind Collar of Disguise Collar of Charisma Pearl of Power/Ring of Wizardry/Ring of Spell Storing
I have taken the Oath of Sangus Last edited by ThreadBear; Jun 16th, 2016 at 11:21 AM. |
![]() Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Holy Strategist 7 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Deity: The Red Knight Physical Description: A priest of The Red Knight has two suits of armor. One suit is a dark red color. This suit is the signature color of the priesthood of The Red Knight. An approaching legion of red-armored troops always struck fear into the hearts of enemies. The other suit is black. When a Priest of The Red Knight needed to go on stealth missions, his red suit is not exactly subtle enough for the job. Thus a Priest of The Red Knight always has a backup suit of armor. This armor is usually not as heavy as the red suit and is better suited for stealthy operations while still providing adequate defense. Both suits of armor have a cloak of corresponding color covering the entire body from the ankles to the neck. Both suits also have a Corinthian-style helm. Underneath the armor, Eirik has a medium build. He is tall (6'), but rather average in stature, certainly not what one would expect of a warrior. Maybe that's why he was neither a paladin nor a fighter. He has brown hair and brown eyes and a neatly trimmed beard giving him the looks of a military man. Background: For the past two decades, the Legions have been fighting in the Province of Ahlissa, leaving the Empire short-handed elsewhere. Generals took to hiring mercenaries to fight alongside imperial forces. The mercs were disrespected by the regulars, and given the worst of supplies and equipment, and often had to make do with whatever they could scavenge, but fought fiercely. Eirik spend a few years as a merc, fighting to put down a rebellion in Chathold and to keep the Nyrondese from encroaching over the Harp River. The imperial liaison to Eirik’s merc company was a crusader priest of The Red Knight, who took a liking to the young merc and began preaching to him of the benefits of entering the priesthood; better assignments, better equipment, better pay, and respect. Between deployments he entered the priesthood of The Red Knight. His natural ability and experience as a fighter and his warlike attitude made him a prime candidate for the crusader order. Soon after he completed his training, Eirik received a message from his sponsor. The senior priest had seen the signs of what was to come; the Emperor had converted to worship Garagos, and this could only mean one thing to the priesthood of The Red Knight. Eirik was told to take whoever he could convince and flee to the southwest. With the war going on, it was unlikely that the Empire would have time to hunt down every priest of The Red Knight within the legions. In addition, he was to spread the word of the threat to whatever priests he could find. He went south with a dozen junior priests, and journeyed into the Province of Ahlissa, where they scattered to spread the word through the legions. He was too late. Priests of Garagos had already been deployed to the legions. The first priest of The Red Knight that Eirik found had already been crucified and was near death. Eirik finished him and continued west, towards the Sword Coast. Word of the slaughter of the priesthood reached Waterdeep, where the priesthood survived. Eirik frequented a tavern in Waterdeep called the Misty Beard. There he drank to his fallen comrades, and to the future of the priesthood of The Red Knight. The Red Knight, his patron, has heard of rumors of conflict brewing in the planes. Not being able to enter the city of Sigil herself she sends Erik, one of the highest ranking officers in the remnants of her scattered priesthood, to investigate. Motivation: Eirik is a strategist. He is most vocal during a time of war where he assumes a leadership position. He even is vocal when planning for minor battles. When he is not in war or in a battle, he is more of a quiet and recluse person. He can come off as always having a serious attitude, having a dark past. Shopping List: Girdle of Dwarvenkind Gauntlets of Ogre Power Frostbrand Candle of Invocation Pearl of Wisdom Cloak of the Bat Ring of Regeneration Last edited by Yves; Jun 16th, 2016 at 04:26 AM. |
Last edited by Mairien; Jun 19th, 2016 at 07:41 AM. |
Magic item Wish List: (In order of desirability) Stone of good luck Ioun stones (especially vibrant purple/soell storing) Some of the wild-mage special random items (deck of many things...?) Flying boots Pearls of Power Girdle of many pouches Warp marble (ToM) Generic protective items rings etc. Ring of invisibility Talisman of Zagy? Cube of force? Last edited by Ratpigeon; Jun 7th, 2016 at 03:05 AM. |
In Repose Last edited by Sassafrass; Jun 8th, 2016 at 12:10 PM. |
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