Hey! I have 17 hp! That's totally enough to survive a fireball!
![]() More pertinently, I have an invisibility spell, and one or two area debuffs (Web, Fog Cloud). Would Gummy/Threabear or Chathi/Mairen or Danni/Sassafrass mind learning Stinking Cloud? It's a really useful spell, and I was going to take it, but I'm pretty sure that if Mistral views breathing as a filthy habit, then polluting up the air with something like a Stinking Cloud would be unconscionable for her. Last edited by Ratpigeon; Jun 7th, 2016 at 01:50 AM. |
Let's see...
Dice Roll:
GG. Last edited by Yves; Jun 7th, 2016 at 01:47 AM. |
We have enough mages that it might not even be an enemy caster. Friendly fire anyone?
I get a Save!!
Dice Roll:
Take that! With a 20 save, I'm pretty sure you can only take half your health total, so I would be fiiiine (Of course, I just 'wasted' a natural 20)... Also, Idilippy, for mundane gear, can I have a Good Lock (100GP) for the room she rents (the 'Safe Place' for her backup spell book). And I wanted to take the Sage Knowledge proficiency (twice, once for Inner Planes and once for Outer Planes), and she's a bit of a book collector - I figure there's no way she would have a full sage library of 50-100 books worth a total of 10,000GP (twice that for two areas of knowledge :/) but I would like her to have a few books on the planes, and on Wild Magic and stuff just because she as a character would have books. However, since in AD&D, the going rate for proper books seems to be at least 100GP per book, I figured I should ask about that too. Last edited by Ratpigeon; Jun 7th, 2016 at 03:30 AM. |
You lucked out this time my friend...6 hp. Meanwhile your healers are probably far away in melee combat. :P
I have taken the Oath of Sangus Last edited by ThreadBear; Jun 7th, 2016 at 03:01 PM. |
A good lock is just fine, if you want a few mundane books kept somewhere safe that's fine too.
"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain." It's time to toss the dice. |
Whew, I move over a 3-4 day period, and this OOC blows up. Gosh, people.
Lookin' forward to this ![]()
In Repose |
Since my character has lowish strength I can't imagine him being able to move in full plate. So I'm going to have him use dragon hide armor instead per the monster manual (cheaper than full plate and only 25 lbs). The red and black dragon armor would fit my character nicely I think.
Had to downgrade to normal fighter given I didn't meet the stat requisites of Ranger. Since I also changed from Psion to Monk, that pretty much means the entire character concept has changed. Will update background info to reflect this later on. Tonight, I will try to finalize the sheet for review tomorrow.
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. |
Id said stat requisites are not necessary.
Also that Ranger/Priest not a valid combo. If that's still cool, I'd be happy to Ranger it up.
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. |
I don't know enough about thri-keen class combos to know whether you're right or wrong.
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