RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. |
You are more than welcome to play a ranger, there are no class or race ability limits in this game.
"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain." It's time to toss the dice. |
Dragon hide most definitely is not a normal item, you cannot just decide to start with dragon hide armor. Any normal phb weapon or armor up to Plate Mail is ok to start with, plus any of the regular PHB equipment.
"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain." It's time to toss the dice. Last edited by idilippy; Jun 8th, 2016 at 12:54 AM. |
Well I figured dragon hide was as normal as full plate because they have the same cost range. Actually full plate is 4x as expensive.
But since it seems full plate is rare... So 14 str is enough to run around with plate, a shield, and a sword, halberd, morningstar, and bow? |
Having trouble pegging a solid explaination of cleric spheres:
Do I have to have the Healing sphere to cast healing spells? Do I only have access to spells according to spheres?
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. |
That small issue aside, I am almost done. Just equipment now.
So I've a special substance I can generate (dasyl), and Craft Crude Weapon proficiency. Would you like me to roll some checks to craft Superior weapons or can I start with a stockpile of 10 or so? (Chatka - It's a melee/thrown weapon)
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. |
answers in red
Thank you Yves. I've got a better idea what I can and can't do.
So as a monk and a physician I can do a lot of little heals, but down the road I cannot be relied on for big ones. Minor sphere access to heal spells and all. But Healing/Herbalism/Pharmacy/Diagnostics/Prayer = Win for out of battle hurt-mending. So if Dr. Zoiburg proves anything, it's that alien medical practitioners can be trusted! ![]()
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. Last edited by JonnyGulliver; Jun 8th, 2016 at 03:51 AM. |
The only high level heal spell worth casting is heal, and that's at 6th level. Until then 1st-3rd are better (since you have way more spells of those levels). Healing is really not efficient in ad&d. It is necessary though!
I think everyone is taking the mechanical side of things way too seriously right now. This is an adventure series that can be handled by 3rd-5th level standard built characters, and it's a Planescape adventure where thinking, interaction, exploration, and clever solutions are the way to go, not brute force.
Also, since apparently it needs to be spelled out more, if anything is not part of the PHB equipment list, ask about it. If something costs more than 100gp, ask about it. If you need something in quantities that could be considered dozens, ask about it. I want the game to be fun, with a little challenge that might put y'all in danger if you make really bad decisions but nothing your characters can't handle if they're smart and think their way through problems. I don't want a curb stomp where I have to redo the whole adventure so your characters don't buzz saw their way unsubtly through any obstacle before you.
"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain." It's time to toss the dice. |
I'm thinking that would be me. Sorry. We have access to so many options, and I can he very efficient. He's a survivor and I built him to be complelty non-reliant on any equipment if he must. I've also gone heavy on the medical training because it fits the Self reliancy of the Fated, and specifically wanted to.avoid skills like street fighting or natural fighting that would make him uber. Zeal however was too good to pass up :-P
I can remove use of his 4-arms due to TWF specialization if it makes you comfortable, but that means I'll still have some weapon proficiencies just floating unused. Also I can remove his +2 extra martial arts specialization for now. But a lot of the proficienies I have come with class and race, so there is only so much I can remove. Take a look at my sheet and let me know how what would make you feel more comfortable. I'd be happy to work with you. If you have issue with the amounts of herbs and gauze in my kit, you can also select what you think is appropriate. Other than that, I'll just stock up on normal chatka for now. Once we finalize your modifications, I think that my sheet is done. Also a question on TWF: If I have TWF with Ambidexterity using light weapons, it reduces penalties to 0/0. But there is also a bonus of +2 due to high dex. Does that mean I get +2/+2 on top of STR bonus of +1/+1? Or does that mean a reduction only in penalties only, making ambidexterity moot?
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. Last edited by JonnyGulliver; Jun 8th, 2016 at 02:29 PM. |
Definitely not just your fault. My problem is I had my character all squared away, and then I look at these other character sheets (yours for example) and I'm like, "Wow, at this point I'm just a heal-bot!" Then I try to even out the playing field and that's where I went too far.
Oh, btw dexterity can't give you bonus to twf, just reduce your penalty.
Alright. Thank you. Making adjustments now.
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon. |
Can someone memorize an extra strength and cat's grace spell for me? I'll give you your own person skeletal bodyguard in return!
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