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Old Aug 9th, 2016, 01:53 AM
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Sensing a lull in the conversation, Gummy enthusiastically leapt to fill the void with a torrent of words.

"Well Mistal me-darlin', to answer your query from before. I don't get so much "recruited" as I get Good News! that someone has a brand spanking new adventure for me. And the spankinger, the better, ifyaknowwhattamsayin'. And the fast that the client would one of the lovely lillend-folk was far too much to pass up, though I DID have some small important matter to handle for the faction, but in the end I was confident they would all work it out and Simsen would cover for me so I can seek out know experiences with you grand folk!"

He leaps nimbly to the top of the table, snagging a mug of ale on the way, and appears to both drink AND take a breath simultaneously.

"Oh, I just LOOOVE this banana brew!" he exclaims as he wipes the froth from his mouth. "Who ever thought of mead mixed with apple cide, and stired by a ripe banana? That's the kinda guy who really gets around. Speaking of getting around, if you ever find yourself in the Abyss, and you have an appointment in Ba'ator, so you REALLY gotta shake a leg, there's this one path that will help you, and it is so AMAZINGLY INTERESTING! I mean it IS slightly deadly, but that's part of the thrill. Now here's what you need to know to traverse the path they call the way of the widow...."

Gummywort proceeds to regale his new friends with tips and tricks to survive travel in the lower planes, as well as exciting "hot spots" (he laughs uproarously each time this pun appears), and great places to eat. Or at least places you have a relatively low expectation to become the meal yourself. He prattles on and on until someone else interjects with a new topic or discussion, at which point he resumes his rapt listening.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Aug 10th, 2016, 10:49 PM
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Despite herself, Mistral laughed, pushing her hood back. She was going to stand out with this crowd no matter what, so she may as well fit in.

"Only a Sensate would visit Hell on a holiday." She says, shaking her head. "Tell me, gnome, have you ever been to Limbo? I have to say - if you're looking for new experiences, that's the one - so long as you have someone around who can shape chaos well enough. On the other hand, I can't say my experience with the lower planes is exhaustive - I've been to Dis a couple of times on errands, but no canny blood wants to deal with fiends. On the other hand, dealing with the Githzerai is hardly a picnic in itself."

"Also, since it looks like we'll be banging around together for a while, and just to make sure we're not going to tumble to any blood feuds, I'm going to say I don't have a problem with any thoughtguild a berk chooses to call their own, and I'm not going to try and convince them otherwise. If anyone has a problem with extending the same courtesy in return, they can go for a stroll in the Mazes for all I care. Sound like a good basis for mutual respect?" She's not particularly worried about a Sensate proving annoying - at least, not for any reason other than the fundamental annoyingness of a berk who won't talk about anything but their feelings - but she wants to make her position clear from the outset. And now that she's done so, she can enjoy sharing a yarn with the gnome.

"Gummy, was it? Tell me, have you ever tried to pull one over on a Slaad?"
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