DnD5e A Story of Unlife: Academic Pursuit - RPG Crossing
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Old Dec 30th, 2019, 10:38 PM
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A Story of Unlife: Academic Pursuit

Applications Reopened.
Hitting the reset button.
Deadline to submit 11/01/23
Announcement 11/03/23
Game NameA Story of Unlife: Academic Pursuit
Game SystemDnD 5e
ThemeUrban fantasy homebrew campaign
FlavourMagical realism
Plot SummaryIt is the dead of January, 243 AS (Anno Spiritu), or 2316 by the old calendar if you prefer. In the third age of recorded history, post apocalypse, the world's starting to find its feet again amidst the return of magic, and its consequences. The Necromancers' Guild holds great power and influence, being the primary defense against the threat of the undead, and Guildmaster Doc Moribund guards his power jealously.

A few days ago, something fell from the sky and crashed into the northern territories of the trolls. The Guildmaster doesn't know what it is, but he wants this Fallen Star. Doc Moribund has served humanity for over 200 years, and was often considered a godsend. In Potter's Field, he is even called a prophet and revered as the Dark Father of the Church of Enoch. However, his age may finally be reaching him, and in recent years it has been unwise to deny the Guildmaster what he wants. Many have already left Potter's Field, hoping to advance themselves in the eyes of Doc Moribund. For you, it means more than wealth and glory. It's your freedom, and very likely your life.

There is little faith in your success, but has nothing to lose by sending you on your way. Lightly equipped on a fool's errand, you must brave the wilderness to find the Fallen Star before your fellow seekers... whoever they may serve.

OOCPosting would be about 1x weekly. I would also like those who submit their characters to add a secret about them that I can thread into the campaign.
Start at Level 2 with standard equipment.
Stats: You can use point-buy or roll for your stats with this inside of a dice command: rstat2. If the total is less than 76, reroll. If your total is 76+, you're locked in.
HP: Max 1st level + CON, then roll for level 2.

If you want to be a tricksy little dice goblin and roll stats now, you can do that here.

Player Character Race Class Background Post
HexenArzt Phyrra Human Rogue (Assassin) Criminal #
Dembe Kai Shi Ghostwise Halfling Monk (Way of Long Death) Acolyte #
triedtherest Cyrus Crow V. Human Wizard (Necromancer) Noble #
Theore Telrix the Fabulous Goblin Proselytizer (Divine Soul Sorcerer) Evangelical Racketeer Extraordinaire! #
danab Davi Althuyzer V. Human Fighter (Rune Knight) Urban Bounty Hunter/Resurrection Men #
AllyDJ Seraphina Vess Human Blood Hunter (Profane Soul) Monster Hunter #
Oakie Elam Gregor V. Human Zealot Barbarian Outlander #
mrtowne Nissa Garick Rock Gnome Artificer (Battle Smith?) Faction Agent #
New Applications     
JohnStone Varissa Shadows Half-Elf Sorcerer (Divine Soul) Acolyte #
Kai Tomber Gael V. Human Rogue (Thief) Criminal #
Grouchy Nakton V. Human Druid (Circle of Occult) Acolyte* #
SnakeOilCharmer Veridelle of Taltan Human Cleric (Twilight) Far Traveler #
Raada Solace Ravenhand Tiefling Blood Hunter (Order of Mutant) Guild Artisan #
TibbyLTP Tasia "Sunbeam" Satyr Paladin (Oath of Ancients) Hermit* #







Table of Contenders, Part Deux
Player Character Race Class Post
Togot Gish Bulnoil V. Human Evoker Wizard #
Ermine Rebecca Feylost Mechanically SatyrJackalopefolk Battle Master Fighter #
BarrowB VeryWIP Human (Mark of Passage) Battlesmith Artificer #
Geldar Seelah Human War Cleric! #
Azathool Ain’Jel Custom Lineage Warlock #
Tom22 Alex Human Fighter/Barbarian? #
tordon Josef Nightwalker Human Fighter/Ranger #
JohnStone Varissa Shadows Half-Elf Sorcerer #
Rylus Erik Ravensguard Dhampir Armorer Artificer #

Last edited by FatherDondo; Nov 4th, 2023 at 12:11 PM.
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Old Dec 31st, 2019, 01:39 AM
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I take it that Necromancers are allowed in this game?
Expressing interest in playing one.
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Old Dec 31st, 2019, 02:47 AM
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This sounds interesting. I'm curious though, would we be going on this mission for freedom and our lives because of a specific reason or is that something we come up with in our backstories?

Last edited by Vailee; Dec 31st, 2019 at 08:09 AM.
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Old Dec 31st, 2019, 08:07 PM
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@triedtherest: Yes, you can definitely roll a necromancer. I will say that you will have a different sort of relationship with the rest of the party. Necromancers hold positions of power and prestige, whether wizards or clerics. Cleric classes can, if they wish, choose from the local deities of Thanatos (Grave), Chernobog (Death), and Father Dondo (Order). These are the Three Captive Gods, the pantheon of the Church of Enoch. They can also serve as patrons, but their contracts are distributed by the Church for those faithful who wish to make a high level of commitment but have the right aptitude to be a cleric. It doesn't have quite the same level of respect, though.

@Vailee: I don't think it's too much of a spoiler that you start in prison (roughly 75% of d&d campaigns, right?), but there's a specific reason, and it's a bit more than lockup for drunk & disorderly.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Jan 11th, 2020 at 09:55 PM.
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Old Dec 31st, 2019, 10:51 PM
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I’m interested. Which source books are allowed?
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 02:17 AM
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I'll say if it's in a book, I'll probably allow it. Most humanoids will start at the start. A centaur, on the other hand, would start separately from the party, and then run parallel until the humanoids' inciting incident is over. There would be some other differences on a case by case basis. For example, elves were first developed in an attempt to create humans that were immune to cancer and aged more slowly. Ghouls are human-shaped animals made as servants. Goblins are chemotrophic, basically existing as biological excavation machines. Vampires are all nosferatu, zero sparkle. Charisma will be your dump stat.

I will say no fliers or war-forged. I will allow an olio (in-setting flesh golem), but there would be a lot going on with that one. I'd say no more than one in a party (i.e. not every character can be Drizzit).
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Jan 1st, 2020 at 12:24 PM.
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 11:03 AM
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This reminds me a little of the Necromancers of Hollowfaust from the Scarred Lands Campaign (If you're familiar with that) I have some ideas for a Human Wizard (Necromancer) probably with the Noble background based on that type of concept.
Is there any further information for your campaign? I would like to remain as in-canon as possible.
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 12:04 PM
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I don't know that one; I'll have to look it up.

Sure. I'll put it up top.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 12:55 PM
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What are Gnomes like in your setting?
Also, if the technology level is fairly low, then are we limited when it comes to certain types of armor or weapons?

Last edited by girlplay; Jan 1st, 2020 at 12:59 PM.
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 03:28 PM
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@girlplay Gnomes, like dwarves and halflings, came from human stock. Magically enhanced medical science allowed them to address the complications of their conditions without changing too much about their general body shape. Between these modifications and the survival advantages of being small (e.g. you require less energy to sustain yourself), they were able to flourish enough to be called their own races. Culturally, gnomes tend to put more stock in the lost technology of the last age, and have of late been making some progress. Higher level technology (i.e. anything you can fry with an EMP), is mostly unrecoverable, but they are beginning to experiment with the applications of steam.

The technology level of society at large is fairly medieval, and there is some surviving tech (if you can get it to work). Artificers do exist, but are rare and isolated. Potter's Field so far has one and his apprentices. I'll say that the artificer class is restricted to gnomes and one of those human apprentices.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 04:04 PM
HexenArzt HexenArzt is offline
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This sounds like fun I'd be interested in playing a Elf Rogue Assassin. Is the Necromancers' Guild considered to be the good guys?
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 04:17 PM
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@HexenArzt (Witch doctor? I haven't spoken German in ages, I'm a little rusty). That depends entirely who you ask. Most of them are just... people. Mostly a mix of good and neutral; strongly devout to the local cult, but good and neutral in spite of that (or in light of that). The followers of Chernobog though... they're a little harder to put in those categories. You know how medical scientists know how to protect people from the cold because they already know the body's tolerance for cold? That came from putting people in the cold and watching with a clipboard and timer. It would be wildly unethical to conduct an experiment like that today... but... someone did it. If you want to find the stereotypical necromancer in Potter's Field, they'll be hard to find... but the closest would be in Chernobog's part of the flock.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Jan 1st, 2020 at 04:19 PM.
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 06:30 PM
HexenArzt HexenArzt is offline
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It does mean witch doctor, and did you want the background to be a certain length? Or is a simple background ok for now?
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 06:57 PM
HexenArzt HexenArzt is offline
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[Name:] Phyrra
[Race:] Human
[Class:] Rogue
[Subclass:] Assassin
[Background:] Criminal

Phyrra had a fairly normal life growing up with her mother and father. Her parents were mere farmers. She was faster than most children her age and found herself very good at finding places to hide. When she became an adult Phyrra became well known in her community for her ability to be fast and quiet, capable of sneaking up on people and scaring them. Sometimes just for fun she would pickpocket strangers. The Necromancer's Guild quickly noticed Phyrra's abilities. They recruited her in hopes to train her to assassinate anyone who doubts or tries to go against the Guild and Doc Moribund. Recently, she was sent on a dangerous mission to assassinate a higher ranking official and ended up in prison for the assassination attempt. It had been Phyrra's first major mission for the Necromancer's Guild and only a select few in the Guild new about the plan to assassinate then official. This lead to her arrest after failing the mission.
[Writing Sample:] (about a paragraph)
Phyrra took a quiet deep breath, realizing the importance of this mission. She had studied the official's home for days watching for those who came in and out. Making sure that she knew his daily routines. Phyrra was just outside the official's bedroom window. Any moment now he should be fast asleep. Thankfully this window was to a poorly lit alley where no one would see her. Phyrra carefully opened the window and slipped inside the dark bedroom.
At that moment, a light turned on and a deep voice stated "I knew you'd be here tonight. GUARDS!"
A guard rushed into the room and captured Phyrra.
"But, how?" Phyrra stammered.
"That clearly doesn't matter now, does it?" the official replied.
Phyrra tried to release herself from the guards grasp, but he was too strong.
[Secret:] (Remember to make out your secret tag to me.)

Let me know if you need anything else

Last edited by HexenArzt; Jan 1st, 2020 at 07:07 PM.
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Old Jan 1st, 2020, 06:59 PM
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Ah. When I put background there, I just meant the background mechanic with features (urchin, scholar, etc). Telling me more about your character specifically can go in your writing sample. A paragraph should be fine, but I've never been one to stifle the artistic spirit; if you want to do more you can, just so long as it's significantly shorter than a novella
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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