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Old Jan 11th, 2020, 09:44 PM
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By the way, I don't know how useful this will be to you guys, but I thought I'd throw it out there. I forget who I got the template from, but I like it by virtue of having a handy reference for my feats and spells right there so I don't have to double-check my character sheet all the time, but have a handy link to it when I need it. This is a character I have in another game. Also, to keep my pictures at a reasonable size, I download pictures I like (such a thief, much shame), edit the size, then upload to imgbb.com. Not required, but there if you want it. This has been a public service announcement .

Valerius, Druid of the Moon
left-aligned image
Valerius Codrin, Druid of the Moon
HP: 16/16 | AC 15 | PP: 15 | Spell Save DC: 13 | Spell Attack: +5 | Status: Normal
HD 1d8 | Spell Slots: 2/3 1st Level Slot | Ray of Frost, Blade Ward, Expeditious RetreatDescendant of Levistus | Familiar with the various outcast groups (beggars, urchins, slaves), able to locate/contact these groups in urban settings. They'll aid however they can, might shield/fight for you. Knowing the underbelly of cities you have an easier time locating and conversing with criminal's & their organisations.Outcast Familiarity | Being of the Circle of the Moon, Valerius can become a CR-1 creature he's seen before as a bonus action (nothing with a swim/fly speed). He replaces his physical stats with the beast's, and learns their skills. While shifted, use bonus act to expend 1 spell slot to regain 1d8HP per spell slot lvl.Wild Shape

Insert awesome posting here.



Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Jan 12th, 2020, 03:24 AM
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Stat blocks like that are always immensely helpful, I agree.

Stats: You can use point-buy or roll for your stats with this command 6 times: 4d6kh3. If the total is less than 76, reroll. If your total is 76+, you're locked in.
BTW, a neat dice trick here on the forums for rolling stats in this method would be using the following:


That single line (in [] instead of <> of course) will roll 6 sets kh3 and save you from having to copy it several times and give the numbers in a nice tidy table to boot.
Telrix the Fabulous | V1D10-601345 (Vidio Goleas)
STATUS: On hiatus. Take care of yourselves! <3

Last edited by Theore; Jan 12th, 2020 at 03:25 AM.
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Old Jan 12th, 2020, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Theore View Post

That single line (in [] instead of <> of course) will roll 6 sets kh3 and save you from having to copy it several times and give the numbers in a nice tidy table to boot.
Neat, indeed. I'm always surprised how this kind of thing isn't easier to find. But good to know, thank you
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Jan 15th, 2020, 01:48 PM
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I just sent out some PMs linking to the game folder. If anyone else shows up before deadline, I'll work something out. In the meantime, feel free to roll up your characters
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Jan 15th, 2020 at 01:48 PM.
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Old Feb 15th, 2020, 12:38 AM
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I'm opening up for another player or two; feel free to post for interest.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Feb 15th, 2020, 02:26 AM
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This looks pretty neat. Interested in an Artificer who will probably be a gnome. More details to come.
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Old Feb 16th, 2020, 12:59 AM
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Name: Elam Gregor
Race: Human, Variant
Class: Barbarian
Subclass: Zealot
Background: Outlander
Writing Sample:
The battered scrapper had finally made it to the Control Officer's booth at the compound gate of Potter's Field. He squirmed out of the sledge harness, sweat glistening on his face and chest, coagulated blood and a wound above one eye. Bloody scratches covered both arms and his neck, a huge bruise on his left ribs.

The Control Officer looked up from his paperwork. "Son, you look like you've had a hell of a time!"

"Zombies. Destroyed now," was all Elam said, his breathing still heavy.

The Control Officer's eyebrows raised up for a moment. Not many survived zombie attacks in the wilds, especially alone.

"What's your name, Son? And your business in Potter's Field today?"

"Elam Gregor," he sad as he waved toward the sledge with curved, machined, rusty steel neatly strapped to it. "Here to trade leaf springs."

"Elam Gregor, trading scrap leaf springs," said the Control Officer as he wrote it down in his ledger. "The gate fee is two silver, or in kind."

"I have this," said Elam as he pulled a gold ring out of his pocket. "It was my mother's wedding ring. And my grandmother's and great grandmother's. Can you hold it as pawn? Don't want to trade it."

The Control Office took the ring and rubbed it hard along a tile on his desk, then looked closely at the streak. "That'll do. Retrieve it for two silver on your way out of town," he said, then dropped the ring into the wooden box, quickly wrote out a receipt and handed it the young scrapper. "Check your weapons with Sgt. Davidian there, and he'll give you receipt for those, too. Welcome to Potter's Field, Mr. Gregor. Enjoy your stay, and may your business be fruitful."

Last edited by Oakie; Feb 16th, 2020 at 01:06 AM.
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Old Feb 16th, 2020, 04:14 PM
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@mrtowne Awesome, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got.
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Old Feb 18th, 2020, 11:13 PM
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Name: Nissa Garick
Race: Rock Gnome
Class: Artificer
Subclass: Any, Leaning towards Battle Smith
Background: Faction Agent (Gnomes of Forest Marsh)
Writing Sample:
"Prepare for Test Number 324!" called out Master Rillo as her pulled his safety mask on. Just across the testing apparatus, a complicated contraption of pipes and valve connected to a steam furnace, Nissa did the same. She did once last check and called out "Furnace is stoked. Tanks are full. Ready to for pressure on your mark, sir!"

"You may proceed, Appreciate Garick." the older gnome said looking at the contraption with interest. Across the top were a baker's doezen pressure guages. One master guage, built and calibrated by the Master himself, and twelve lesser guages created by his appretices but we'll tested and reliable. As Nissa bulit pressure he noted the needles rising, occasionally reaching out to turn a valve here and there to take note of how that affected the guages. When he was satisfied he called "Release pressure!" and Nissa hastened to obey.

Once the hissing died down and the guages lacked any pressure to measure both gnomes took off their masks. Nissa nervously approached Rillo and said "Well?"

"I think the results speak for themselves, Journeyman Garick. Your testing apparatus is a success. We can now test valves and guages by the dozen. A fitting project to prove that you are ready to strike out on your own." said Rillo, allowing a touch of pride to enter his voice.

Grinning widley, Nissa lept up and gave the old man a ferocious hug. "Thank you Sir! My parents will be so proud! And now they'll finally let me go visit Uncle Fress. He lives with the humans in Potter's Field."

A slight frown appears on the face of Master Rillo. "Yes, I recall. It's time I told you a few things about those humans your uncle lives with..."

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Old Feb 21st, 2020, 08:13 PM
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Old Feb 22nd, 2020, 09:48 AM
GoombaJosh GoombaJosh is offline
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A zombie post apocalyptic d&d game, this looks fun, just putting my placeholder here, my character will be a bubbly diviner wizard that dreams to be headmistress of her own academy.

Myrellia Khaos
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I have discovered there is magic in sounds. It made my friends smile for the first time.

[Name:] Myrellia Khaos
[Race:] Human
[Class:] Wizard
[Subclass:] Divination School
[Background:] Entertainer
[Writing Sample:]
Myrellia took a deep breath, knowing the importance of this job, she hold a tight grip on her cittern. She had been wandering Potter's Field as a minstrel, it hasn't been doing well until a high ranking nobel mage was on a hurry looking for an entertainer for a party his throwing, guess who got picked. Myrellia was outside the nobleman's estate, shuffling through her musical notes. She nervously steps through the doorway, and with a blink of an eye, she's at the stage. Hundreds of people are looking at her now.

"Hi, uhm, hello their my name's Myrellia Khaos and this might seem unusual for the performer to speak to an audience such as this but I just wanted you to know that I devoted my music to make your day a sunny one." she says, then takes a deep breath and starts playing. As she played, she remembered the times where her parents sang her a lullaby, she remembered the times in the orphanage where she played her first song to her friends, she remembered the time where she made a poem for a silly crush she had, she remembered her first time using magic thanks to her friends. She remembered the moment where her mentor thought her magic through paintings and artwork, and she'll remember this time where she made one person smile during her performance, even though she was really bad at it and was kicked out. She thinks this day as one of her best day to date, cause she made someone smile today and hopes to make many more.


Last edited by GoombaJosh; Feb 22nd, 2020 at 11:21 AM.
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Old Feb 22nd, 2020, 11:22 AM
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And that's a finish for my app, feedback is much appreciated. ;p
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Old Feb 22nd, 2020, 06:44 PM
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I'll just start out saying that I just closed up applications for the moment, but I am hoping to open up other sections of teams competing against each other. I don't quite have the hype yet; I am still a new DM, after all, so that makes sense.

As to feedback, apart from a little grammatical polish (I'm a teacher, so that jumped at me first), I think you have a fair start. However, it's a little unfocused. Given what you showed me, I take it that Myrellia is a wizard who uses sound-based magic, but I don't quite see how that stacks with divination as of yet. I think a better bet if you wanted to go that route is to start with a level of bard, then multi-class as a wizard. Not only do you get the flavour you're looking for, but you get 1d8 to start with as a base for your HP instead of a 1d6 and you get to be proficient in light armor and some hardier weapons. Of course, you wouldn't be able to pick a wizard school until level 3, but you'd have the heart of your character down, leaving room to grow from there. I'm not saying don't be a divination wizard, just be aware of being too many things. Case in point, I have a live game over Discord where I play a spear-wielding, minotaur samurai who works as a gladiator with an adopted father named Yojimbo. The first thing one of the other players said upon hearing this was, "You're too many things! Why are you so many things?!" Of course, I play him for comedy, but it's easier to get away with being too many things when it's meant to be funny. There are a lot of things that when you lay them out flat seem a bit much (e.g. Superman is a prime example), but you don't notice because of a strong presentation.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Feb 22nd, 2020, 07:47 PM
GoombaJosh GoombaJosh is offline
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Right, first off, sorry for the grammars, I'm not good at writing, the fact that I'm using a phone makes it so much worse. Now as for my class, I should have explained this a bit, I'm using the Divination School as a template, simply cause theirs less divination spells. She'll generalized with all types of spells in her journey, but I really like your bard/wizard multiclass, make sense to me.
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Old Feb 22nd, 2020, 08:04 PM
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The phone will get you every time. The worst is when you alt tab to another window of your browser, and then everything you'd already written is gone. Bah!

At the moment, I think we're good for numbers. I will reach out to you the next time I open for more applications though.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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