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Old Jan 1st, 2021, 11:16 PM
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Reina Wildenheart
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Name: Reina Wildenheart

Race: Variant Human

Class: Fighter (Champion)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Background: Knight

Personality Trait:
-Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.
-The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.

Ideal: Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me. (Good)

Bond: The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.

Flaw: I hide a truly scandalous secret that could ruin my family forever.

Writing Sample:

My work(s):
-Record of the Frost King
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Old Jan 3rd, 2021, 12:15 AM
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Tasia "Sunbeam"

Name: Tasia "Sunbeam"

Race: Satyr

Class: Paladin

God: Skerrit

Subclass: Oath of the Ancients

Background: Hermit (Would you be fine if I switch the Religion skill proficiency to Nature?)

Life of Seclusion: I was searching for spiritual enlightenment.

Personality Trait:
- I'm oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
- I feel tremendous empathy for all who suffer.

Ideal: Greater Good. My gifts are meant to be shared with all, not used for my own benefit. (Good)

Bond: I'm still seeking the enlightenment I pursued in my seclusion, and it still eludes me.

Flaw: Now that I've returned to the world, I enjoy its delights a little too much.

Writing Sample: Tasia gives a contented sigh as she gazes up at the starry night sky. It has been a very long day. She knew her first day back in civilization would be a rough one, its been well over 10 years at this point, but she could never have expected the amount of things that could happen in one day.

Kicked out of a store for "stealing." If you didn't want people to take your items why leave them out on a shelf?

Kicked out of a temple for "causing a disturbance." How else are you to honor your god than by song and dance?

Kicked out of a tavern for "destroying property." What is the use of a table if not as a stage to dance upon? How was I supposed to know it would not support me?

And finally kicked out of many people's homes for "trespassing." If homes were made for sleeping then why wouldn't anyone let me sleep!

Tasia gives one final stretch and then snuggles into the strong arms of the only man that didn't turn her away. Maybe tomorrow will be different. "Oi! You, satyr. What the bloody damn do you think you are doing in that statue?" Tasia groans, Its going to be a long night.

Last edited by TibbyLTP; Jan 3rd, 2021 at 12:08 PM.
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Old Jan 5th, 2021, 06:27 PM
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@TibbyLTP, nature's fine. Making your own background is standard fair; so long as it's reasonable, go nuts. Sorry I didn't get to your other questions sooner; end of the year madness. Anyway, yes, there are a number of exotic species that are here and there. The local Teamsters union is basically made of centaurs, and there are satyr here and there. (In one of the upcoming locations in the game, there's a satyr barman, but I didn't say that. Shh...)

Anyway, I've been going through with broad strokes, and things have calmed down a bit so I have more free time on my hands, I'm going to do more with a fine comb. Don't be afraid to get weird.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Jan 5th, 2021, 08:16 PM
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Thanks for the answers, and no worries about the delay on answering me, life comes first and all that.

I did assume from what you had said before about exotic races that my idea for my character would be fine, I just wanted to be more safe than sorry. :>

It is nice to know that exotic races do have a more prominent role in this world, most of the time they seem to be just tossed in as an after thought.

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Old Jan 17th, 2021, 02:54 AM
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I'll be dming folks tomorrow
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Jan 21st, 2021, 01:37 PM
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That was a little chaotic, but never mind. In any case, it was a tough call, but I made my choices for this go around. If we need more or I have the opportunity to expand the game, then I'll give priority to the others who haven't been picked so far.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Oct 6th, 2023, 11:07 PM
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I decided I'd give this game another shot. Enough time has passed, I'm just going to hit the restart button. I'm going to post about once a week, I'm going to shoot for Saturdays. If we're in combat and you haven't posted, I'll have you dodge. What I'm thinking of suggesting is if you're playing with someone you know and trust(?), you can arrange for them to puppet you if you know you're going to be late (in-laws are coming, there's a performance review at work, etc).

In any case, official material is on the table. There is some setting-specific stuff on the front page. If you have a suggestion for something that you think would be interesting, hit me with a link and I'll see how well it vibes. When making your application, secret me your secrets. But not your financial secrets; I don't need your credit card number. Or do, I'm not your dad. And I have a mortgage now.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Oct 7th, 2023, 01:36 AM
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What kind of secrets are you looking for? Would my character's backstory (well, what I shared with you in PM) qualify as a secret?
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Old Oct 7th, 2023, 05:14 AM
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Name: Gish Bulnoil
Race: variant human
Class: Wizard
Subclass: Evoker
Background: cloistered scholar
Personality Traits
I've read every book in the world's greatest libraries, and i'll make sure everyone knows it

Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge.

Bond: one day I will return to my college and prove myself the greatest wizard of them all!

Flaw: I am extremely arrogant and believe myself better and smarter than everyone else

Description: Gish is a handsome man in his late twenties who’s most distinguishing feature is his long blue hair which is a result of the prestidigitation spell. He wears elaborate robes that make him look larger than he is. He often has a serious, unamused look on his face. His eyes are sharp and analytical.

Personality: Gish is an extremely arrogant man believing himself to be better than others, especially non magical folk. He always has his mind on the bigger picture and is dismissive of minor trivialities. He is convinced of his own greatness and is extremely critical of himself, seeing any mistakes as a flaw that must be corrected. Despite this cold demeanor, Gish is not a heartless man and always does what he thinks is best for the greater good. He just wishes the little ignorant people didn’t make it so difficult.

Backstory: Like so many with arcane talent, Gish was taken from his family when his abilities manifested at the age of twelve. Placed in a college and taught to control his powers. Believing himself to be special due to his gifts, Gish buried himself in his studies, determined to be the best that he could be and prove his greatness. while this made him develop faster than his peers earning him their respect, he had trouble making friends.

While most mages desired to be necromancers dreaming of following in the guildmaster, but Gish walked the road less traveled and focused on evocation, seeing it more useful for dealing with foes both living and dead. He has proven himself an exceptional battlemage and loves dueling others so that he can humble them. his signature combo move is casting grease under a person to trip them up and then burning hands to set them on fire which compliments his flashy flair.

He is now a loyal member of the Mage's Guild of and serves their interests which usually just involves conducting magical research or recruiting new talent. His current assignment is to assist the expedition and retrieve the fallen star. Gish sees this as the chance he’s been waiting for to really shine and make a name for himself, and he intends to give it his all to ensure its success.

Writing Sample
Gish cast prestidigitation as he ran his fingers through his hair, recoloring it from red back to blue. He had been experimenting with changing his look, but blue really was his color. He turned his head side to side as he examined himself in the mirror and wondered if he should get his ears pierced. He was a bit old to do it now, but he did like his jewelry.

Satisfied with his appearance, he left his quarters and headed down the college courtyard. Yet another first year had challenged him to a duel. It happened so often that Gish was becoming known as the breaker for breaking in the newbies. And the more he won, the more he was challenged. Thankfully his seniors were above such childish displays. Once you learned second level spell, duels became deadly, so people were less eager to pick fights. Also, the ill-tempered ones often got weeded out early.

Gish took his time making his way to the courtyard. He knew that his challenger would be there promptly and making them wait would only further throw them off their game. An angry wizard was a sloppy wizard. When he did emerge from the college entrance, he found a crowd had formed to watch the show. Millet greeted him with a knowing smile, her arms folded across her chest. He knew she fancied him, and he enjoyed showing off for her.

“You’ve got the water ready?”
Gish asked with disinterest as he walked down the steps. He saw his opponent standing with four friends gathered around him for support.

“Of course,”
Millet said.

Gish paused a moment while watching the young man smirking cockily back at him. “Don’t put him out too quickly.”

Gish took up his position across from his challenger, making a point of looking unimpressed and disinterested. “you’re late,” the young man said angrily. “I would expect one with your reputation to be more punctual.”

“Why bother?”
Gish said in a droll tone. “You weren’t going anywhere. Shall we get on with it.”

“Today is the day you get knocked off your throne.”
The boy said.

“Twelve,” Gish replied while inspecting his fingernails.

The young man frowned but regained his composure. “you’re going to pay to what you did to Morholt. I’ve studied your moves; I know your tricks.”

Gish said, sounding bored.

“Why are you counting?”
the man asked.

Gish looked at him as if just noticing him, “Oh, I’m sorry; it’s just that I hear these little speeches so wearily often that I’ve begun keeping a mental list of how many times I’ve heard certain lines.”

“You…you bastard!” the man snapped.

“Oh my,” Gish said with a laugh. “Twenty.”

“Alright, enough banter,”
Millet said as she took her position off to the side. "Ready,” she raised a hand. “Now!”

The challenger’s hand snapped up making a gesture as he cried, “Tormen!” three marble sized balls of white energy flew out of his hand and shot at Gish.

Without flinching, Gish raised a hand and calmly said, “Dinis,” a blue barrier sprang up and absorbed the three bolts. With his other hand Gish made a different gesture and said, “Lubrouse.” A pool of slick grease formed under the challenges’ feet. the boy’s eyes went wide with surprise as he struggled to keep his balance. He failed, and fell on his backside.

“Magic missile is a terrible spell to use against a mage, you silly boy,”
Gish said as he leisurely strolled over to his opponent. He made a hand gesture, aiming it at the boy.

“No, please!”
the boy cried, putting up a hand in surrender.

“And fifty,”
Gish said. “Flamarey.” A gout of flames shot from his hand which ignited the grease.

I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time

Last edited by Togot; Oct 7th, 2023 at 05:31 AM.
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Old Oct 7th, 2023, 05:51 AM
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[Name:] Rebecca Feylost
[Race:] Jackalopefolk (Satyr, mechanically)
[Class:] Fighter
[Subclass:] Battle Master
[Background:] Secret

-Personality Traits: I live in the now; no point in stewing on the past or future. I am passionate to extremes, be that anger or love.
-Ideal: Innovation. Everything must evolve to survive.
-Bond: I observe my friends closely, looking for any changes in behavior.
-Flaw: I'm a sucker for a pretty face.

[Appearance:] She'd look like a regular human woman if it weren't for the antlers and rabbit ears. Oh, and the digitigrade legs. Her skin is very pale (almost albino), her hair and fur are a mixed feywild green, and her eyes are pink. She is barely over 5 feet tall before counting her small antlers, with clothing befitting a middle class detective. Despite her actual age (34), she could pass for a teen. She is quite slender, like all jackalopefolk, but her youthfulness is all her own.

Her hands and spine, for those who have a chance to look, are metallic, modified by alterists. Her eyes have also been replaced with synthetic ones capable of being modified later. She hopes to replace her legs, and improve on all of her augments.

[Writing Sample:] The bar was mostly empty, just a heavily covered Rebecca, a member of her team, the bartender, and their mark. She was tasked with killing him, while the others had other jobs (acquisitions, research, etc). She hadn't been admiring the lanterns too long when she noticed the mark was leaving too early for their plan.

Her partner swooped in and got the keys they needed before Rebecca got close to the not-drunk-enough man. She sidled up next to him, waiting a few seconds with her hands demurely crossed in front of her, gloves on to not draw unneeded attention.

"So where are you headed?" She asked, her voice as cutesy as she could make it, as they walked out the door.

"That's none of your business, kid. Got a summons is all."

"You couldn't wait a little? I'm no kid, if you know what I mean. I can show you in that alley..." She pointed with her thumb behind them, to the alley next to the bar.

The man didn't respond, but clearly looked annoyed. He then stopped walking suddenly and reached around to where his key ring had been. "You stole my keys!"

"I can't imagine why you'd blame me, I didn't do nothin'." She pouted a little. She hadn't stolen them, that was a fact.

The man turned to her. He was big, no doubt about it, but he had underestimated the small woman. Before he could do anything, she punched him in the gut to lower him to her level, and then snapped at his face with her other fist. She punched the now unconscious man a few more times before snapping his neck for good measure.

She took the sending stone out of her pocket and confirmed her kill before leaving.


Last edited by Ermine; Oct 7th, 2023 at 07:39 AM.
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Old Oct 7th, 2023, 07:28 AM
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Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Oct 7th, 2023 at 07:32 AM.
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Old Oct 7th, 2023, 07:38 AM
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Edited the secret.
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Old Oct 7th, 2023, 08:14 AM
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Can we roll potential stats somewhere before we get picked?

Just to know what is possible for the character.
Would be odd to describe someone as intelligent and then be forced to dump that stat completely.
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Old Oct 7th, 2023, 08:44 AM
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You know what, sure. I'll see about making a thread for it in an hour or so. If you do this, link to the roll in your app.
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Old Oct 7th, 2023, 11:45 AM
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As promised, there is a publicly available dice tower thread if you want to roll stats for your character. Sometimes the rolls and stats affect how you build your character's rp; I have 100% done this... an indeterminate number of times.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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