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Old Oct 31st, 2020, 01:58 AM
Finrod Ancalímon's Avatar
Finrod Ancalímon Finrod Ancalímon is offline
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Dramatis Personae

You can post your character sheets here.

Since the site doesn't have character sheets for 1e, I improvised one. It's not pretty but it should do the job. You can copy it and fill it out with your character info.

Character Sheet
Name: Race:
Age: Sex:
Class: Level:
XP: Next Level:

INT: Hit Points: /
WIS: Attack Bonus:
DEX: Melee:
CON: Range:


Saving Throws
Dragon Breath:

Name Damage Range Special
- - - -
Name Damage Range Special
- - - -

Armor & Shield
Name AC Special
- - -
Name AC Special
- - -

Carrying Capacity
Light Load:
Heavy Load:




Level Spells Prepared Spells/Day
Lv.1: 1


Thieves Special Abilities
Level Open Locks Rem. Traps Pick Pock Move Silent Climb Walls Hide Listen
- - - - - - - -

Don't feel obligated to write a novel right now. I'm all for adding to the background as we play and get to know the character more.

Here I made an example of a filled out form.

Originally Posted by orcbane

You got me once! But you won't get me twice, Finrod the sneaky!

Last edited by Finrod Ancalímon; Oct 31st, 2020 at 02:54 AM.
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Old Nov 5th, 2020, 03:35 PM
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Ghrimm Ghrimm is offline
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Ghrimm Ghrimm Ghrimm Ghrimm Ghrimm Ghrimm Ghrimm Ghrimm Ghrimm Ghrimm
Posts: 776
Name: Sa'Byan Dhante Race: Elf
Age: 38 Sex: Male
Class: Mage/Thief Level: 1
XP: 0 Next Level: 3750

STR: 6
INT: 11
WIS: 8
DEX: 12
CON: 10
CHA: 7

AC: 13
Hit Points: 4 / 4
Attack Bonus: Melee: 0 / Range: +1

Languages: Common, Elvish

Special Abilities
-Darkvision 60'
-Detect secret doors 2 in 6, casually 1 in 6
-Immune to ghoul paralysis
-Reduce surprise chance by 1 in 6
-+1 vs paralysis and petrify, +2 vs magic wands and spells
-Sneak attack +4/x2 dam

Saving Throws
Death/Poison: 13
Wands: 14
Para/Stone: 13
Dragon Breath: 16
Spells: 15

Name Damage Range Special
silver dagger d4 10/20/30
Name Damage Range Special
shortbow d6 50/100/150 20 arrows

Armor & Shield
Name AC Special
Leather 13

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 50
Heavy Load: 120
Movement: 40'

GP: 16

Thieves' Tools (1)
Spell book (1)
Belt pouch
Leather Armor (15)
Silver Dagger (1)
Short bow & quiver w/ 20 arrows (3)
Cloak (1)
Water skin (2)
Tinderbox (1)
Dry Rations, 1wk (10)

Level Spells Prepared / Spells/Day
Lv.1: 1 / 1

Spells Known
Lv.1: Read Magic, Sleep

Thieves Special Abilities
Level 1 Open Locks 25 Rem. Traps 20 Pick Pock 30 Move Silent 25 Climb Walls 80 Hide 10 Listen 30

Last edited by Ghrimm; Nov 6th, 2020 at 09:36 AM.
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Old Nov 6th, 2020, 01:24 AM
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Character Sheet
Name: Race: Elf
Age: 240 Sex: F
Class: Cleric Level: 01
XP: 0 Next Level: 1,500

STR: 13+1 AC:
INT: 11+0 Hit Points: 6/6
WIS: 14+1 Attack Bonus:
DEX: 13+1 Melee:
CON: 12+0 Range:
CHA: 06-1


Saving Throws
Death/Poison: 11
Wands: 10
Para/Stone: 13
Dragon Breath: 16
Spells: 15

Name Damage Range Special
Name Damage Range Special
- - - -

Armor & Shield
Name AC Special
Leather13 -
Name AC Special
Shield+1 -

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 50
Heavy Load: 150
Movement: 30

GP: 1



Level Spells Prepared Spells/Day
Lv.1: 1


Thieves Special Abilities
Level Open Locks Rem. Traps Pick Pock Move Silent Climb Walls Hide Listen
- - - - - - - -

Rhiannon is a local healer. She tends to the sick and injured while sometimes assisting those who venture out to fight threats.

Last edited by Ysolde; Nov 24th, 2020 at 10:55 PM.
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Old Nov 7th, 2020, 04:09 AM
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Work in progress

Character Sheet
Name: Bobo Bibble Race: Halfling
Age: 22 Sex: M
Class: Thief Level: 1
XP: 0 Next Level: 1,250

STR: 7-1 AC: 13
INT: 9+0 Hit Points: 4/4
WIS: 8-1 Attack Bonus: -1
DEX: 9+0 Melee: -1
CON: 11+0 Range: 0
CHA: 11+0
Languages: Common, Halfling

Special Abilities:
- Halflings are unusually accurate with all sorts of ranged weapons, gaining a +1 attack bonus
- When attacked in melee by creatures larger than man-sized, Halflings gain a +2 bonus to their Armor Class
- Halflings are quick-witted, thus adding +1 to Initiative die rolls
- Outdoors in their preferred forest terrain, they are able to hide very effectively; so long as they remain still there is only a 10% chance they will be detected
- Indoors, in dungeons or in non-preferred terrain they are able to hide such that there is only a 30% chance of detection

- Sneak Attack:
+4 attack bonus and does double damage if it is successful. The attack must be from behind (may require a Move Silently and / or Hide roll)
Can't be performed on the same opponent more than once in any given combat
Can also be performed bare-handed and with the "flat of the blade" (+0 attack bonus and does normal damage). In both cases subduing damage is done

Ferret (Trained) - Iggy
- Armor Class: 14
- Hit Dice: 1d2 HP
- No. of Attacks: 1 bite + hold
- Damage: 1d4 + 1d4/round
- Movement: 40’
- Save As: Fighter: 1
- Morale: 8

Saving Throws
Death/Poison: +4
Wands: +4
Para/Stone: +4
Dragon Breath: +3
Spells: +4

Name Damage Range Special
Frying Pan 1d4 - -
Sickle 1d6 - -
Name Damage Range Special
Sling 1d4 30/60/90 -
Bola 1d3 20/40/60 Entangle

Armor & Shield
Name AC Special
Leather 13 -

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 40
Heavy Load: 80
Movement: 30'

GP: 12
SP: 9



Thieves Special Abilities
Level Open Locks Rem. Traps Pick Pock Move Silent Climb Walls Hide Listen
1 25 20 30 25 80 10 30

Bobo is the youngest of the three siblings (an older brother and sister) of poor farmers from the southern village of Abita Springs located on the edge of the Bentdurn Swamp. Bobo did not aspire for greatness as there is nothing special about him. He is average in every way getting the short end of the stick as his brother and sister seemed to have gotten the better parts. But that did not bother him. He was undeterred, just taking a bit longer to learn something, and once he learned it, he seemed to retain that knowledge rather than loose it like most who don't perform a task on a regular basis. And his pa was a fountain of knowledge. There was nothing his pa could not do. What better teacher to have. Bobo was just a Halfling who had a swamp as his playground.

That changed when his eyes fell upon a young lady, Tika, the daughter of one of the village elders. Never afraid of strangers, he approached her on many occasions, in his best outfit, which wasn't much to say the least, played her songs he learned on a flute, presented her with wild flowers and other things he thought a woman should have, and somehow he caught her eye. It did not last long as Tika's father had other plans for her and those had nothing to do with a swamp bumpkin.

Bobo set his mind to prove Tika's father wrong. He would win her hand. That was the easy part. The hard part was how. Then came the Kings Festival. Everybody would be there, even Tika. He had a half-baked plan, but at least it was something as he took what he could and headed to Stallanford. A town. A big town compared to Abita Springs.
"I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it"

Last edited by theclaytster; Dec 30th, 2020 at 05:24 PM.
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Old Nov 16th, 2020, 01:32 PM
Thaco's Avatar
Thaco Thaco is offline
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Thaco Thaco Thaco Thaco Thaco Thaco Thaco Thaco Thaco Thaco Thaco
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Character Sheet
Name: Marcus Thornwall Race: Human
Age: 17 Sex: Male
Class: Fighter Level: 1
XP: 0 Next Level: 2000

STR: 11 (+0) AC: 14
INT: 11 (+0) Hit Points: 7/7
WIS: 13 (+1) Attack Bonus: +1
DEX: 14 (+1) Melee: +1 (1d8)
CON: 6 (-1) Range: +2 (1d4)
CHA: 8 (-1)
Languages: Common


Saving Throws
Death/Poison: 12
Wands: 13
Para/Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Spells: 17

Name Damage Range Special
Battle Axe 1d8 - -
Name Damage Range Special
Sling (10 bullets) 1d4 60 -

Armor & Shield
Name AC Special
Leather Armor 13 -
Name AC Special
- - -

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 60
Heavy Load: 150
Movement: 30/20

GP: 2



Marcus' father always knew that his son would grow up to be a great warrior, just like he would have, had he not taken that arrow to the knee. He groomed Marcus for the role from before he could walk, so that the boy would learn to handle himself in any situation.

Marcus, on the other hand, was always more interested in tales of the great mages, like his hero Bigby. He would like nothing more than to find a nice, quiet library someplace, where he could hole up and learn to be a wizard.

But until that time, he has to pay the bills somehow...

Last edited by Thaco; Nov 16th, 2020 at 01:35 PM.
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