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Old Sep 12th, 2023, 06:54 PM
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Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit Drachenspirit
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Game NameForgotten Realms: The Road Less Traveled
Game SystemADnD 5E
ThemeForgotten Realms
FlavourMelee and Mystery

Plot SummaryCharacters risk life and limb to bring an end to war that's been raging for over 5 years.

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The HookThe Road Less Traveled. What makes it less traveled? Fortitude? Determination, perhaps? Faith? Maybe it's just plain stubbornness or luck? Desperation? Revenge? Whatever it is, the "Road" mentioned here is no actual Road. It's symbolic. It's a specific kind of path one particular kind of individual takes through life, and this path is most certainly not the one of least resistance. This path, this... Road, is extremely resistant to the weak, and the soft-minded. Few have the character and the intestinal fortitude to go down this Road in life, the life of uncertainty, and most of all...Adventure. This... is "The Road Less Traveled."

150 DR - The Vilhon Reach, the Town of Xorhun in the Season of Mirtul.

Almost a Millenia has passed since the events that took place surrounding a few unlikely individuals who came together to bring an end to war. The names have changed over time, and some of the details of the telling, but the core of what transpired remains. Spring visits the Reach in early Mirtul. Spring's arrival is heralded by the opening of the mierngras blossoms. These flowery shrubs of violet and gold bloom once during the spring and are known as "nature"s waterclocks" by the denizens of Chondalwood to the south. The temperature during this time may reach 80° F during the spring. Evening and early morning temperatures rarely drop below 60° F. But on this evening, the temperature has dropped a bit below the norm, almost as if there's an intentional chill in the air for what may happen on this night. And it is here that our story begins...

It's late. This small tavern on the outskirts of Xorhun has you here for reasons of your own whether they be happenstance, intentional, or the following of orders. Whatever the case, your quiet reverie is interrupted by a loud human man in his late 40s to early 50s sitting at the bar with the bartender. Aside from these two there's only four others in the Tavern, 5 counting yourself. Maybe the cooler night has kept people away, or maybe it's the fog that has settled in for a bit outside. The man yells out, "It's the truth I tell you! I wish I hadn't discovered it, but I did! It was all there, written on a scroll, it was. I read it, showed it to someone I trusted and he wanted to show it to those he trusted. A few days later, he was dead, and my shop was set ablaze. If I hadn't been sleeping it off at that sailor's bar in a dark corner, I'd be dead now as well. And then they came looking for me."

The bartender, a young human man in his 20s lifted his hands in a questioning manner when the man seemed to drift off.

"Who? I don't know, but they wore dark cloaks and clothes and after bursting in to question those at that sailor's tavern, everyone died from drinking bad wine. That's the official story, but I saw it from the stable loft next door. I wasn't hiding mind you, I was... sleeping off the ale. That's why I fled Holondeth. But they're after me.
And why wouldn't they be? A secret like this? A crown or cloak pin, or bracelet or necklace, some item worn by all those who are lead the forces fighting tied to three other magical devices. It's crazy I know. Some... evil, with designs of its own to constantly have our lands fighting. It's the influence of these magical items that cannot be destroyed unless these three other magical items are brought together, near one worn by a leader. Only then, is there a chance to stop the madness that is war."

It is a crazy story, and that three letter word lies heavy in the room. There has been a war on between the forces of Hlondeth and Alaghôn for more than 5 years straight. Before that to the south, Humans raided the Chondalwood and the elves some 6 years before with all manner of skirmishes and fighting in the interim. And it was almost ten years ago that the armies if Iljak engaged the forces of Mussum along the sandshore, fighting to a stalemate. This in turn prompted Samra's army to sack the city if Iljak and attack it's forces from their unprotected flank. Iljak surrendered to the twin forces of Mussum and Samra, only to have the survivors enslaved and sold into slavery while Iljak burned.

The old man continues, It all was set into motion eighteen years ago when Dempster Turmish declared himself mayor of Alaghôn. He began building up that mercenary army right after he began wearing that crown that no one seems to know the origin of. This prompted the civil war as you know that lasted for over a decade. And it wasn't just there. Remember the city of Mimph? How it rose to prominence some fifteen years ago, threatening to make Arrabar a ghost town? And suddenly the leader of Arrabar's military began wearing a crown of sorts, and shortly after Arrabar's military completely wiped out Mimph.
And here we are. All because of some devices with purple colors on them and some unknown runes and sigils. I don't know who or what is behind it, but I got me some assurances that they won't kill me if they find me. Wrote down where these three other magical items were. Got in here in my belt. But, I'm going to keep running until I reach somewhere far away. The Sword Coast maybe. Cheers!"

The old man found his glass empty, and the barkeep spun around to grab a bottle. He poured the man a full glass of wine, and another for himself. The Barkeep raised his glass, the old man tapped it and they both drank deeply from their glasses.

The old man was smiling and then he looked at the bottle the barkeep had sat on the counter. It was a dull colored thick crystal glass with no label, only some etchings as if done by acid, some with purple paint in them.
The old man said, "Where'd you get this bottle?"
The barkeep said, "Just came in this morning. Man said he had a new vineyard and said he'd be back to see what I thought in a day or so."

The old man's eyes went wide as he snatched up the bottle and looked at it closely, his mouth agape with a look of fear on his face. The barkeep's eyes went wide as well, and suddenly they both began gagging and foaming at the mouth. They both collapsed, choking and gagging with blood coming out of their eyes, nose and ears. They're dead in seconds, leaving the five of you left in the place staring.
What's been said by the old man, what's just transpired... you don't know how you know it, but you know it to be true. Someone, some group, something is controlling people and causing continual war. You suddenly know that no one else will believe it if you repeat what you've seen and heard. It's up to you to find these things and put an end to this madness; this... war that may never end unless someone takes a stand and heads off down that road to set right that which has been wronged; that 'Road less Traveled.'

Game Mechanics
How many Players are you looking for?
- 3 players have already been "pre" accepted.
What is the characters' starting level?
Single or one additional multi-class, characters start at 4th level.

What Races are allowed?
All in PHB only.
-No others, don't ask or your app won't be reviewed or considered for the game.

How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
Level 1 equipment and, 500 gp, 1 Uncommon magic item or two Common magic items.

Are there any particular character “things that you want... or do not want?
- No evil or true neutral alignments.
- I will be looking for those who can script a story with decent grammar and technical writing skills. I do not mean perfection in punctuation and editing, rather an ability to paint a picture with words. This game will be like any other DND game more or less, but with a heavy lean on the collaborative story telling element. Although I'm not looking for a mini novella in an application, I would like to get a sense of what you'll bring to the play-by-post table.

Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that Players should know about?
  • Max HP at first level, Standard, or Roll for levels 2-4.
  • Free Feat to start at level one. (Yes, this means that if you choose Variant Human as Race you'll get two feats to start
  • We are not using the optional feats rule where you can forego taking the ability score improvement feature. Thus, the free feat to start above

Is a character background required? Are you looking for anything in particular?
- All backgrounds are restricted to Forgotten Realms area only.
- Background/Back History can be as specific or vague as you like.
- One thing that MUST be included in your background/history is the motivation to join in on this endeavor.
Are your Players restricted to particular rule books and supplements?
Yes. These are the books that are allowed.
-Player’s Handbook
-Dungeon Master's Guide
-No others, don't ask or your app won't be reviewed or considered for the game
Character Submission:
  • Name
  • Age
  • Race
  • Physical description/Appearance (Pic or drawing preferable, but not necessary)
  • Mechanical Background
  • History/Background
  • Motivation to join the endeavor (Note that this can be 'interwoven' into your characters history/background.
  • RP Sample of your character's reaction to what they've witnessed in the tavern, written in the 'First Person' point of view.

Game Posting Requirements:
Once a week is preferable, several times a week favored. A quick PM, or post in an OOC thread when Life has you otherwise occupied would be appreciated.
As for content, at least a decent paragraph in a post would be appreciated. Yes, sometimes combat can’t be too meaty, but it can be “descriptive!” So, c’mon folks, we’re writing a story, and adventure together. Let’s have fun out there!

Character Generation Method -
27 point buy, or 4d6 drop lowest die roll method. If you go with the latter and it's less than the 27 point buy, you can choose to give up your Magic item(s) or your 1st level free Feat and go with 27 point buy. Once the game forum is live, I'll link the Dice rolling thread here. Per site rules, no rolling in Game Advert threads.

Lastly: No dice rolling in the Advertisement Thread. (Yes, I said it twice cuz it's a big "no-no.")
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Sep 25th, 2023 at 01:47 PM.
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