Notable People and Places in The Vilhon Reach
Located at the edge of the Halondar Valley, Xorhun serves as the garden spot of the nonhuman population, especially elves. The city has been nicknamed 'Correlon's Cradle' and 'Lifeblood Falls' by the residents. Xorhun has an unusual effect on elves and gnomes, increasing their fertility rate. Children are born at a rate two to three times the norm for their race. One must live in the area for five years before the fertility effects begin to show. Other than this unusual property, Xorhun serves primarily as a stopping point along the Halondar, the road that connects Hlondeth to the south and Alaghôn to the north. It is populated primarily by craftsmen and merchants. Ravilar's Cloak Antonio Ravilar was a ranger who earned his namesake by protecting the village from bugbears and lawlessness during its infancy. Since his death more than 100 years ago, Ravilar's Cloak has become a rough-and-tumble town filled with lawless, ruthless men. "The Cloak," as it is popularly referred to, is a favorite haunt for miners searching for wealth in the nearby Orsraun Mountains. Two taverns, The Dog and Bone and The Griffon, are the life of the town. Ravilar's Cloak is patrolled by the "factors," independent groups of warriors who try to keep murders to a minimum while lining their own pockets with bribes and protection money. Of course, the factors have their rivals as well, and this situation leads to armed confrontations on the streets of the Cloak. These battles between factors have led to the disappearance of an awful lot of money over the years. This situation, in turn, has led to an awful lot of speculation regarding where the money has disappeared to. One such story revolves around the flying helm, a magical helmet said to be infused with the souls of dead warriors. Serving as a normal helm until its owner's death, this magical item flies around the streets of Ravilar's Cloak, "seeking dropped coppers." Locals firmly believe that the helm can pick up small, unattended things. As long as the mines northwest of the city continue to thrive, the city of Ravilar's Cloak will continue to prosper. Despite the lawlessness and violence, the promise of gold continues to draw treasure-seekers from all around the Vilhon. Jathrin's Jump This town is one of many along the "smugglers" road Gildenglade, - serving as a stop-off point for all sorts of shady characters. It has been said that if you're on the run, you will find yourself at the Jump before too long. This backwoods settlement got its name from the execution of an outlaw who was thrown from the top of a cliff to the rocks far below. That, according to the locals, is why "a person"s gotta be smarter than your average Jathrin." Anyone looking to fence stolen goods can probably find a broker in Jathrin's Jump. The town crawls with the lawless, both residents and those on their way to more "peaceful" lands. Anyone looking for goods that would probably get them arrested by merely mentioning them in more respectable cities will probably find them sitting out in the open for sale at the Jump. "As straight as a deal in the Jump" is a common catchword for activities involving more than a slight degree of danger. The catch-phrase has grown in popularity and is now used throughout the Vilhon. Hlondeth Known as the "City of Serpents" and the "Jewel of the Vilhon," Hlondeth is one of the busiest port cities in the Reach. It accepts goods for transport into the lower half of Turmish and for caravans heading west into the Shining Plains. It is a very organized and efficient citystate. The architecture of the city sets Hlondeth apart from the other cities in the Reach. Its tall, graceful arches and coils of emerald-hued stone give the city a look unlike anywhere else. At night, its large stone buildings are illuminated by a combination of natural elements and magical lighting, causing the city's skyline to reflect off the calm waters of the Vilhon. Hlondeth has no stairs in its architecture; ramps and poles allow the yuan-ti easier access to the buildings. Fort Arran This outpost guards the road south into the heart of Sespech and keeps a wary eye toward Chondath. If a war is to be fought, Fort Arran will be the site of first battle. The men here understand their role if such a battle should occur. They must slow down and harass the attacking force while messengers rush to Mimph, Elbulder, and Ormpetarr with a warning. Serving at Fort Arran is considered to be a great honor for a warrior, and few ever turn down such an appointment. Arrabar The ancient capitol of Chondath is a sprawling port city neatly divided into various guild districts. To the west is the Port District, the north is the Warehouse District, the south is the Merchants District, the center is the Governor District, and the east is the Living District. Despite its age, Arrabar is well-maintained and clean. The Generon is the ruling palace of the Lord of Arrabar. It is still a resplendent sight, gold and silver glittering off its domed rooftops. Unfortunately, it is the only thing left in Arrabar that still shines like in the past. Surrounding the Generon are the armed forces of the city, lying in wait like an angry mob or a faithful dog. The palace of the lord of the city is well defended. Along the outer walls of the city lie the various noble houses, their own armies protecting them. Six major houses still remain but none are powerful enough to challenge the current Lord. The civil war that would erupt if such an attempt was made would tear Arrabar apart. A few bars near the waterfront are of note. The first is the Seaside, an expensive and ritzy tavern that caters primarily to the rich and well-to-do. The Crying Claw is another establishment along the waterfront. It caters to the middle class, especially officers on ships and adventurers.
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Factions -
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here are nine gods known throughout the Vilhon Reach. While other gods are worshiped in the area as well, their faithful are such small numbers as to typically poorly organized or in be overlooked. This is not to imply that other religions are persecuted; such is not the case. They are as accepted as they are elsewhere in the realms. However, the Reach does cater to the gods of war and nature.
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Notes on Turmish
The kingdom of Turmish is known throughout the Sea of Fallen Stars as the 'heartland of the Reach' due to its peaceful nature and concentration on commerce over warfare - normally. Its capital, Alaghôn, serves as the most popular port-of-call along the southern fringes of the Inner Sea. The people of Turmish are tall, mahogany-skinned, and generally well-educated, especially in business and agriculture. Custom dictates that the male merchants of Turmish have square, neatly trimmed beards. This custom has given rise to the phrase 'as square as a Turmishan's beard," used to indicate a fair deal throughout the Reach. The warriors and mercenaries of Turmish pride themselves on their intricately crafted armor. From the most prominent noble to the least known militiaman, fighters of Turmish keep their armor in exquisite condition and frequently adorn them with embellishments. Such embellishments are usually expensive additions, such as gold inlay or gems. To the people of Turmish, the armor is a status symbol. Valuing one's armor as much as one's beard is quite common.
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