Ametrine Opaltide
Race Duergar (Deep Dwarf)
Class Cleric - Twilight Domain - Seluna
Background - Far Traveler
Character Sheet
Ametrine stands at a grand height of four feet tall and a modest weight of 120 pounds which has been generously proportioned to her feminine frame. Her eyes, a pupil-less dull grey with a telltale twilight hue seemingly illuminating them from within. Though of a buxom build she is often clad in her heavy armor which obscures her frame in lieu of protection over aesthetics, but that isnt to say that the armor is bland by any means. It shares the same twilight colouration as her eyes; as she had a twilight patina placed upon it, as well as a symbol of the moon emblazoned upon its surface. All of this radiant twilight colouration is in stark contrast to her dull stone-grey skin, and white hair; shaved down the left side, and braided down her back with wild bangs eluding to her more care-free nature. About her person she wears varying cloth garments, and accessories all of which are dyed, and coloured a nice almost royal purple hue, the look of which, when combined with her armour create a similar effect to her namesake. Purple is by far her favorite colour, and she has even gone so far as to pay extra to leather workers to dye her commissions. On her journey northward she had the additions of a liner, and hood placed in her armor of the same purple colouration, only accented by the bright white flare of fur trim around to help keep more heat inside her frame.
Unlike her dour, and often critical kin, Ametrine is a breath of fresh air to most who meet her as she immediately breaks the stereotype associated with her kind. Ametrine is often boisterous and loud, and is always willing to lend a helping hand when she can, though sometimes she can interject, or insert herself where she shouldn't. While friendly she IS still a dwarf, which means that in some ways she is quick to anger, and take offense, mostly when her ability or integrity comes into question, or whenever ale, and competition meet. She isnt afraid of confict, and will often pout herself in the middle of it, and has a deep love of baked goods be they sweet, or savoury alike. She often can be seen with a bounce in her step, and even be heard humming to herself more often than not, and her favorite thing to do is to take a hot dark bath with a platter of quiche, rolls, Danishes, and the like, with a large bottle of wine.
Trait 1: Nothing can shake my Optimistic Attitude
Trait 2: I'm confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others.
Ideal: Respect. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. (Good)
Bond: I protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Flaw: I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.
Character History
Gracklestugh to many this place is unknown, but to the denizens of the underdark the name evokes the image of industry, and possibly the greatest seat of mass smithing in the entirety of the Forgotten Realms. The kingdom of Gracklestugh is a duergar kingdom that is devoted to the production of quality goods, be they weapons, armor, tools, the duergar are making them with uncanny skill. The city itself is located in a small northern part of the underdark close to where many other races find their largest kingdoms, Blingdenstone the kingdom of the Svirfneblin or Deep Gnomes, and the ever more famous, and dreaded Menzoberranzan. Main domain of the many houses of Lolth loyal drow, and seat of great cruelties acrossed the realms. Lucky for us Ametrine's story begins just outside of Bingdenstone as a part of a shipment of gemstones to the merchant guilds of the deep-gnome kingdom. Here a pregnant, work obsessed Duergar would give birth, making the return trip that much more dificult.
Needless to say travel in the underdark in treacherous enough as it is, let alone trying to carry a newborn through those perils as well. Unfortunately as the caravan of duergar headed back they were set upon by a drider raiding party, and taken for food. Asleep, and tucked away Ametrine lay unaware of the massacre that had taken her parents, and the rest of the mercantile group that had been there. It wasnt until her second day there in the underdark that a group from the surface world, adventurers happened upon her while searching through the wreckage of the caravan. This one in a million chance was what brought the little deep dwarf to the surface, though she was responsible for more than a few mishaps on the way to the surface world. Luckily for her when she made it to the surface those who had found her brought her somewhere she could thrive.
Growing up surrounded by the group that saved her, had raised her with a plethora of differing view points, and ways to look at the world from each of the people that helped raise her. Two fathers, and three mothers all of varying racial backgrounds helped her come into her own a blur of differing, and sometimes conflicting ways of looking at things. It was their helpful nature however that brought her to the Selunite temple to better help people like her parents had helped her. With her strong sense of self, and her drive to help people in need she poured herself into her faith, and started helping those in need exactly like her parents had.
Ametrine grew up in Neverwinter, not overly far from the place of her birth, though much brighter, and less dangerous than the northern reaches of the underdark. As she progressed in her teaching in the Selunite church she eventually earned her title of cleric, and was allowed to set out and spread the influence, and goodness of Seluna herself.
Ametrine is motivated by her strong moral compass, and being a Selunite she is always wanting to spread good in the name of her goddess, as well as bring peace where she can. Her happy-go-lucky attitude helps brighten the lives of others. It also doesn't hurt when one of your adopted parents; a seasoned adventurer, headed off to look into this war 3 years ago and you haven't heard anything from her since.
RP Sample
The day had been long, and her short legs were tired as she sat with a mug of whatever they were passing for dwarven stout in front of her. Inside there were seven people two of which were loudly talking at the bar, which is exactly where the dwarf would be herself if she hadn't been travelling the day already.
Seluna give me the energy she thought as the middle aged human blurted out his story to the barkeep and anyone within earshot. With a giggle to herself she brushed a bit of her wild white bangs out of her face and took a drink from her tankard. The man sounded to believe what he was saying to the barkeep, but it did sound like something she might hear of more in Waterdeep or the Gate.
Kicking her feet slightly, letting them dangle she listened to the two, paying little attention to who else was there in the establishment as she hummed a tune to herself to make it not look obvious she was "eavesdropping" if it could even be considered that with the volume they were speaking at. It wasn't until the lull in the conversation where the barkeep turned to grab a fresh bottle that she looked up, and was actively paying attention to what was going on. Curiosity got the better of her, and as she watched the man explain the origin of his new wine she could see the telltale signs of poisoning as he two men foamed at the mouth and gurggled their last breaths. Her stomach sank as if her dwarven stout had turned to rocks in her gut as she hopped off her seat and onto the floor. "
Moons shadow!, what in the hells?!" she says aloud as she readies her shield and makes her way to the bodies. Once there she confirms the worst, and places a hand over her heart in silent prayer for them before taking a deep breath and looking around.
Taking in the people around her and any possible new arrivals she sighs "
Could be worse, we all could have ordered the wine, right?" nervously she looks to each other person there. "
I cant be the only one with WAAAAAY more questions about this, right? RIGHT?! Tell me you guys need to know more too." Its clear she is overly excited, and trying to keep it contained, but her excitement isnt fear, more a mixture of concern, and legitimate awe.