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Old Sep 17th, 2023, 03:36 PM
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RLT: Cast of Characters

Place your "Approved" Character Application along with a link to their character sheet here.

Current Cast of Characters (In no particular order)
  1. Ghost6442's Human Noble Battle Master, Andrea Morgan Greyskull
  2. The Rat Queen's , Half-elven Faction Agent Paladin, Lia Stormwind
  3. secretID's Human Sage Wizard (War), Albaro Junte
  4. GleefulNihilism's Half-elven Pirate Rogue (Swashbuckler), Kalee Sykesdaughter
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jan 27th, 2025 at 01:23 PM.
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Old Sep 17th, 2023, 05:03 PM
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Name: Andrea Morgan Greyskull
Age: 26
Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Fighter (Battle Master)

Appearance: Andrea Morgan Greyskull is a tall well-muscled human female with a light complexion. Her deep red hair is uncooperative at the best of times, she favours tying it back as a large braid, though it tends to escape that too. Her eyes are an Emerald green colour that stands out against her hair, an odd feature of her eyes is her slightly draconic pupils, a gift from her great grandfather, though not something easily noticed with a casual glance.

Mechanical Background: Noble

Greyskull Keep is somewhere northwest of Alaghôn along the coast. As a predominantly military structure, you will not see it on most maps. It was put in place to help guard the coast and as part of an early warning system should an attack come from across the waves or Gulthmere forest. It gets its name from a particularly daring group of pirates who moved in while the keep was being built and confounded the builders into believing they were the nobility who would run the keep once it was complete. Such was their deception that the builders took their side when the actual nobility showed up. Not wanting to waste resources taking back the defensive structure they had just built a compromise was negotiated and the Greyskull lineage began. The actual Greyskull Pirate flag (a leering grey skull impaled on a sword) still hangs in the main hall to this day. This is mostly on the account that the one time someone decided to take it down the keep was "attacked" by a dragon. We use the term "attacked" loosely here as few were aware it was a dragon until it transformed and flew off with the Lord's daughter in the direction of Dragon Isle. With no ships of its own to make chase one had to be sent for from Alaghôn and with how the speed of bureaucracy goes it was well over a month later before a rescue party was ready to set off. Meanwhile, some superstitious soul decided to rehang the flag back in its place of honour in the hall, only for the dragon to return, bringing back the kidnapped daughter. There was much apologising and promises to visit from the dragon and the daughter was rather vague in her retelling of the events. She later gave birth to a healthy baby boy who grew up to become the adventurer Ikaros Greyskull a draconic sorcerer known to want to solve all his problems with 'fireball'. Once he had expended his desire for adventure and learned to solve problems more diplomatically, Ikaros married Haelia and took up the mantle of running Grayskull Keep. He had two sons Rendon and Bryce. Rendon is the older and more abrasive of the two believing the world owes him something, yet rarely willing to do the work himself. Which is why their father named Bryce as heir to Greyskull Keep. Bryce married Eleanor and sired Fergus and Andrea.

Rendon somehow made his mark during the Alaghôn Civil War, building up his own force of Mercenary brigands in Dempster Turmish's employ. As the war moved south to engage Hlondeth, he secretly took his men to Greyskull keep, using Andrea's coming-of-age ceremony to gain entry. Bryce had planned to leave Andrea as steward of Greyskull keep, under the guidance of her mother while he took a force of men south to answer the call to battle. Her brother Fergus had left with his men by ship a day or two before. Surprised to have his brother show up for Andrea's ceremony swearing he wished to make amends, Bryce could not turn him away lest he spoke the truth. Unfortunately, it was a lie. On the morrow, Rendon's men stormed the Keep killing all in their path. Only by the heroic sacrifice of her mother did Andrea escape. With a little more than her nightclothes, a hastily gathered bundle and the blade that took her mother's life Andrea was thrust out into a world that didn't care.

With the ongoing war effort heading south, few cared what happened to some coastal Keep to the north. Rendon was loyal to Dempster Turmish, was he not? it was a waste to send troops up that way. So Andrea resolved to also head south to perhaps find her brother and tell him of what had transpired, so they might seek revenge together. Misfortune struck again as the ships sailing south never arrived. Not knowing what else to do she spent the next few years fighting up and down the Turmway to earn her coin... One day she will reclaim her home or see it burn.

If the war can be stopped, then her revenge might come that much sooner...

Personality: Serious and quick to anger, Andrea is not the type to show mercy in battle. Despite her fierce determination and love of battle, she does have a kinder, calmer side though it is rare to see as she has endured much and little want to show weakness. She prefers to solve problems rather than complain about them, though her methods aren’t always well received. When you carry a Warhammer most problems look like nails.

Before losing her family Andrea was a much less serious and cheeky girl, happy to play pranks or hide from her tutors so she could read a good book.
Personality Traits:
  • I can stare down a hell hound without flinching
  • I face problems head-on, A simple direct solution is the best path to success.
  • Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.
  • If you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name and salt your fields.
  • I judge people by their actions, not words.
  • Sincerity. There’s no good pretending to be something I’m not. (N)
  • Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me. (G)
  • I come from a noble family, and one day I’ll reclaim my lands and title from those who stole it from me.
  • A powerful person killed someone I loved. Someday soon, I’ll have my revenge.
  • I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.
  • The tyrant who rules my land will stop at nothing to see me killed

Posting Status: Internet back, catching up slowly

Posting day is Wednesday AEDT (GMT +10/+11)

Last edited by Ghost6442; Jul 18th, 2024 at 06:17 AM.
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Old Sep 18th, 2023, 11:53 AM
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Lia Stormwind, Paladin of Selûne the Moonmaiden
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Name: Lia Stormwind
Race: Half-elf
Class: Paladin
Background: Faction Agent
Age: 22

Appearance: Lia is tall and strong, standing just under six feet in height, with long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and slightly-pointed ears. While she carries herself like a warrior, she has a surprisingly soothing voice and bright smile. She tries to avoid threatening motions, instead preferring to talk and try to work things out non-combatively. However, when peace is no longer an option, her movements are strong, almost brutal, designed to end the conflict as quickly as possible.

History: Born in Later known as Neverwinter.Eigersstor to an unlikely union between a human father and a Moon-elf mother, Lia had a more privileged upbringing than many. Her father had been a general in Illusk, and her grandfather had been with Stefan Blackspear when the Illuskans drove the wizards out of the city and was a personal friend to the Highlord.

Her mother, a priestess of Selûne, was from Iliyanbruen, across the River Mirar. She had personally aided the settlements of the North against the Orc Marches, but had also been aided with the defeat of the forces of Illusk and helped put a halt to Illuskan expansion southward and was present at the peace negotiations in −4 DR.

Lia grew up with the advantage of basic needs being provided, with an extra helping of comfort. However, mere comfort was not acceptable to her, and she became a firebrand in the community, petitioning for compromise and peace between the humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves in the area. To focus her passions, her mother sponsored her with the Church of Selûne and petitioned her for paladinhood.

Lia earned a knighthood with the Guardians of Light, who still functioned despite the fall of Netheril centuries before. The duties of the Order were more ceremonial than in old times, but Lia still took an Oath of Redemption, having seen multiple sides to the many conflicts in the area. The Church sent Lia forth, bidding her to travel as far and wide as she could to promote peace in Selûne's name. Unknown to Lia, however, her parents had used their influence and connections to pressure the Church to send Lia away, as rumors and intelligence were indicating a massive invasion from orcs, and wished to send Lia away to safety. They knew that if Lia found out about the possible attack, she would demand to stay and either negotiate with the orc tribes or fight to defend their lands. Thus Lia was sent out on her 'mission'.

She now finds herself in Xorhun, recently privy to potentially dark magics that might be behind the recent wars. The fighting in Chondalwood affected her deeply, as it was too reminiscent of the Illuskan-Illefarnean conflicts over a century ago. If there is a device, or devices, that are the source behind the fighting, it was Lia's duty to seek out and destroy such cursed artifacts. It was possible that the items were causing this Dempster Turmish to create such chaos. If so, Lia would attempt to free the man of such evil impulses. If not, she would be forced to ensure that he could harm no others.

Personality: Lia is friendly and confident, with an agreeable nature. She has seen the destructive nature of war and combat, and prefers peaceful solutions to conflict. Even in battle, she will at least attempt to resolve the matter without bloodshed.

However, she is not naive. She understands that there are times where violence is the only option people will accept, and she's not foolish enough to stand there talking while people are trying to kill her. She is also aware that some creatures from other planes are, by their nature, inherently evil and beyond redemption. However, she does not see races such as orcs and drow as inherently evil, and will try peace first.

She is also aware that non-violent doesn't necessarily mean 'nice'. She can be quite imposing when she wants to be, which is usually a final warning. She will grant mercy when asked, unless it puts herself or others at too much risk, and will defend a captured prisoner with her life if needed, even if the prisoner were previously trying to kill her.

Personality Traits: I can find common ground between the fiercest enemies, empathizing with them and always working toward peace. Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
Ideals: Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost.
Bonds: Everything I do is for the greater good.
Flaws: My piety sometimes puts me at a disadvantage.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Sep 22nd, 2023 at 03:31 AM.
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Old Sep 20th, 2023, 02:11 AM
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Posting status: I *should* be back to normal. Please let me know if I'm falling short.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jan 27th, 2025 at 01:23 PM.
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Old Oct 9th, 2023, 09:22 AM
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Name: Albaro Junte (fake name)

Age: 42

Race: Human

Class: Wizard (War)

Mechanical Background: Sage

Physical Description: See pic. Albaro has a worried, even haunted, look about him, that can give the misimpression that he isn’t paying attention. He is medium-tall, with a lean build that he moves smoothly. Albaro tends to speak with an intensity and a certainty that can be off-putting. He isn’t arrogant, though, but just a bit socially clumsy.

Motivation for AdventureAlbaro suspects that beings from the Shadowfell are exploiting the perpetual wars, or possibly even causing them.

History/BackgroundAlbaro Junte, then using his original name, contentedly devoted his early adulthood to academic pursuits. When the war – one of the many – came, the funding for humanities dropped from meager to extinct, and necessity pushed Albaro into a position as a general’s scribe. Necessity became convenience and then obligation, and the job became a career. As time passed, only the generals and the specific wars changed.

After one particularly bloody battle, Albaro, now working for the forces of Alaghon, toured the field per his standard practice, estimating casualties and recording observations of enemy capabilities. Deep among the corpses, in the misty dusk, he noticed something odd, some strange wrinkle in the shadows. He moved closer to investigate…and found himself in another world.

The landscape had not completely changed. The rises and gullies remained, but the bodies were gone, as was the grass, replaced by some gray foreign scruff. A small wood on the edge of the battlefield was similarly replaced by a gnarled and twisted tangle that seemed ready to reach out to ensnare the sage. Most disturbingly, this land was literally devoid of color – all was shades of charcoal and gray.

Albaro reflexively turned to look for the Alaghon camp, but failed to spot even the smoke of its fires. He seemed very much alone. Had that only be so. Instead the voice spoke to him, into and throughout him, in a whisper that nonetheless pushed like a great wave across his head. It spoke of power, and secret knowledge, and it gave Albaro a taste of both.

Albaro awoke back on the battlefield, catching some teasing for having fainted. He hoped that such was the case, but he soon discovered amazing Shadow Touched and Eldritch Adept featsnew talents in magic, with which he had only previously dabbled. More troubling, over the next several months Albaro noticed the shadow wrinkle more times, and heard the distant whisper of the voice. Each time he hurried to ignore them, but he began to dread the entity haunting the battlefields and his mind, and longed to escape.

His opportunity came when his unit was decimated in a surprise rout. Albaro feared the entity’s hand in the defeat, perhaps as some threat or punishment. Regardless, he fled the front and the war, in search of answers and protection.

First-Person RP SampleThree armored women is a lot for a backwater tavern, but none of them appears to be in the ranks. To the contrary, those two look to be knights…though travelling without retinue for some reason. But even if deserters are none of their concern, they may grow inquisitive as they drink, and those types expect their questions to be answered. I should leave.

And what is this man ranting about? Secrets on a scroll? – some swindle, most likely. He’ll make a useful distraction. Poison...arson…? I raise an eyebrow at his curious pitch as I move toward the door.

I am half out the door when the man begins to talk of war. It’s a popular topic, but this is different: he speaks of war as I know it, a force of nature or the gods, cyclically perpetuating, independent of individual humanoid causation. Putative causation, more accurately, because the man says much more, voices ideas that I have yet dared not speak. He alleges the working of some dark power. Could it be the one who…?

I must talk to him, but not here…or is he simply mad? - or is this a trap, to uncover those who suspect the truth of these wars, to expose me? I will be careful; I will find him later in private, and watch him before approaching, so –

He’s suddenly dying, now dead – done, in seconds, along with the bartender. I reflexively glance at my half-drained mug at my abandoned table, though I had no wine. I watch the bottle, now toppled, as it rolls off the bar and hits the floor, much louder than a pin drop. Then my eyes wander to the dead man’s belt, holding its deadly secrets.

The other four are still breathing. None of them drank either? Could that have been only chance? They did not seem to be together, but…? And if they aren’t responsible, how long before these dark cloaks come to burn us all out too?

Post template:
Albaro Junte, Human WizardAC: 12with Mage Armor(15) | HP: 30 | Status: Normal | Spells +8/16 DC | Quarterstaff +3/d6+1 | Darts +4/d4+2
Darkvision 30' | Arcane Deflection | Misty Images | 1L Slots 4/4 | 2L Slots 3/3 | Arcane Recovery 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Cause Fear 1/1 | Wand of Magic Missiles 7/7 | HD 4/4 (d6)
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Last edited by secretID; Oct 22nd, 2023 at 08:27 AM.
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Old Oct 9th, 2023, 03:30 PM
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Old Oct 10th, 2023, 02:39 AM
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Initiative Kalee
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Name: Initiate Kalee, formerly known as Kalee Sykesdaughter
Age: Young Adult
Race: Half-Elf
Mechanical Background: Sailor (Variant: Pirate)
Class: Rogue (Swashbuckler)

Physical Description/Appearance: Initiate Kalee at the Temple of Selune is pretty much the last person you’d expect to see in a church at all, which is why it always is so flabbergasting to know that she’s not only often there but she’s *technically* one of the Nuns. She sleeps in, she drinks frequently, she is loud, brags frequently, cavorts with various forms of company also frequently - there’s no getting around it. She’s a *terrible* Nun. But that’s not what you asked.

Athletic, it's obvious that she was born with pale skin but she's gotten some Sun over her life. Her musculature is such that it isn't immediately obvious and she doesn't look like she'd carry a great amount of weight but she moves like a dancer and swims like she was born for the sea. Like her father, she has blue eyes and jet black hair that she usually ties back. She usually dresses in all black as well when she has a choice, whether in tribute to her parents or for the goddess she allegedly worships is hard to say. Will often have a holy symbol of Selune somewhere on her person but seemingly only as an afterthought. Her sword on the other hand, is always prominent.

BackgroundWhen they finally brought the notorious Dread Pirate Captain Proverb “Blackmane” Sykes to Justice, it was more than a little surprising that he actually had some redeeming qualities. It had been noted in later years that he seemed to take a particular dislike for Slavers, but at the time it was just thought to be a matter of profit and not principle. Arguably the biggest among such qualities though was that he was actually a loving husband and dotting father, the love of his life an elven former slave and together they had a then teenage daughter. Life on the Sea as a Free-Sailor was perfect for Kalee, especially as Proverb made it a point to teach her everything he knew. Especially "The Art of the Blade". Dread Pirate Captain Proverb "Blackmane" Sykes was commonly considered one of the most skilled Swordsman alive, and Kalee was definitely Daddy's Little Girl.

But the legal penalty for Piracy is clear - amputation of a hand for the first offense and execution for the second. Kalee actually holds the Kingdom's record for the youngest person to be convicted of Piracy but because of her age the courts were willing to make a deal. Instead of the Chopping Block, Kalee was handed over to the Priestesses of Selune. She is technically a Nun of Selune, but at the lowest rank of Initiate and she will probably never advance. The clergy of Selene doesn't eject her mostly because they are of the opinion that her moral compass is pointed in roughly the right direction, she just doesn't hold the right reverence to the goddess. She’ll be the first to deny it but she has picked up a taste for doing the right thing, if in the wrong way. She’s a terrible nun, but she’s a much better person then she tells herself she is and all the other clergy except her see it.

Frequently transferred around thanks to her tendency to rub against authority figures wrong, admittedly sometimes the skills of a talented Swordswoman and former Pirate can come in handy. Now there seems to be some sort of equilibrium reached where they make suggestions to Kalee what they want to happen, like - say - find a something to get a merchant suspected of secretly dealing in Slaves arrested and don't ask questions as to how she does it. Works surprisingly well, actually...

Motivation: Kalee probably does not strike as a woman of strong morals, and its true that she doesn't have a lot of them - but the ones she does have she has with an intensity that could match the most passionate of Paladins. The daughter of an escaped Slave, she morally objects to Slavery and Mind Control to the point of near reckless abandon.

RP SampleYou know - for someone routinely considered Selune's Worst Nun, I sure get a sent on a lot of pilgrammages and ecclesiastical missions. Ecclesiastical. That's the word, right? Missions, to help out other Clergy. Right?


My name is Kalee Sykesdaughter, and I deserve this. I should be on the seas right now, in my own ship, maybe being a proper Pirate Queen right now. But right now I have to dress in this silly outfit and speak softly while supposedly being pious. Ah, well - at least I like the color. The goddess they worship seems alright too, if a bit formal for my tastes. Not to mention when you have the skills of a Princess of Pirates - especially with a Sword - at some point it's silly to let it go to waste.

So on my way back to the convent from another little favor - the kind where a sword and lockpicks and a lack of questions comes in handy - I stopped for a meal. Turkey, Ale, and a Roll of Bread - all of which the largest they had. I deserved this, and I put my feet up to tuck in. Don't worry, I took the habit off. Should make it easier to clean later.

The story started soon after I let out a particularly unladylike belch. What? The taven is nearly empty. Of course I can't help but overhear some of the conversation, they're the only ones talking in it. A generous drink goes past my lips and I thought about getting some more before they get too deep into it. Then again, I did need a room for the night so I was also thinking it might help if she puts the head-piece back on. Play up the Pious Nun act and the like. It definitely seems like a bad idea to try to get a room via her sword.

The story went on, and it smells and sounds like horse dung to me. What? I've grown up on the tall tales of Sailors. Poor fool, the Wars were horrible but you can't excuse responsibility for people like that.

The mention of whole villages getting enslaved gives her pause, a hand instinctively goes down to the thin blade at her belt. She grabs it, like she's firmly grabbing the hand of an old friend. An old friend with a wonderful singing voice as she can make it slice through the air, but not now.

Then the old man's story goes into Slavery and Mind Control, and my blood ran cold. My father was a Pirate Captain but my mother was an escaped Slave so stories like that - always did make my think of my mother. Seeing how those things can tear someone up first hand, it - it leaves an impression. But no, the story sounded fake. Like the stories of old sailors.

But then the story didn't continue.

'Where did you get the Bottle?' the old man called out in shock.

Clergy are supposed to reach for their God in an emergency. Instinctively I instead drew my blade with expectations of an attack. I could tell from their eyes that I was too late to help in that regard but that didn't mean I couldn't do anything. The old man had already told his story, I ran and vaulted over the bar quickly and grabbed the barkeep's head to make him look me in the eyes.

"Tell me about who gave you the bottle! FACE, CLOTHES, EYES, SOMETHING!"

They're dead in seconds, and there's nothing I can do.

...Well, that's not entirely true. Whoever did this expects everyone to be dead, probably will come by pretty soon. If the story is true, they're not here - right?

I grabbed the offending bottle, then looks through the other bottles for something empty or close to it. Something I could trust. A quick drink from the safe bottle, then I poured some of the poison bottle into the safe bottle. I'm not an alchemist, but probably wouldn't be hard to find one through the church. Then I puts the offending bottle back.

Whoever did this, they're probably going to be by soon. Too late to save these poor bastards - but I can get ready to trip up some Slavers without them realizing, depending on what the Alchemist says. Then I remembered something else too, I wasn't alone.

"I don't suppose anyone else here considers themselves the Adventuring type."

Quod Confutat Veritas, Ut Destruatur
Poetice Vivere, Aut Mori Stultitiam - Nullius In Verba
=11/19 -> Actually managed to catch up a couple days ago and keep that. Nice!

Last edited by GleefulNihilism; Oct 10th, 2023 at 07:58 PM.
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Old Jan 28th, 2025, 02:40 PM
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Name: Joybringer Seferio, but you can call me "Sef"
Race: Variant Human (Chef feat)
Class: Cleric 5 (Life)
Background: Entertainer (I dabble in a little bit of everything!)
Age: 22

Although of average height, Seferio is a broad, big bellied man with a laugh and a personality even bigger than he is. He has thick brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and a full well-groomed beard that encircles a wide mouth with an easy smile. He has a big round nose and rosy cheeks, and his gray eyes sparkle with mischief. Although heavy limbed and large, he moves surprisingly gracefully for his size. He wears several cooking knives sheathed on the right side of his waist and and around his neck hangs a silver amulet of a triangle with a six pointed star at each intersection. On the left side of his waist is a variety of what appears to be cooking tools and a shield is strapped to his left arm.


Sef has a heart just as big as he is. He loves making friends and living life to the fullest, and is convinced there is greatness lurking within everyone. They just need to recognize it for themselves. One of the greatest gifts Sef feels he can give others is a small slice of happiness, and he does this as much as he can. Whether it's through a comforting word, a belly-bursting joke, a bawdy song, a baked treat, or even a smile Sef does what he can to spread the light of Lliira throughout the world. He is especially compassionate towards the common folk, and has previously spent his own coin in holding festivals for them just to bring a bit of happiness into the world. He has a child-like curiosity about the world and has the philosophy that many a grim situation can be vastly improved with a full belly and a good time. Sef loves to eat and is frequently snacking on some kind of food or another, and he loves cooking (not only for others, but also for himself!). A born performer, he enjoys being the center of attention as then he can drag others into the light with him, earning that person some new friends and a treasured memory themselves. Sef is not a big fan of fighting, he prefers to use his charm and his magic over brute force, but if it is in defense of others he has no qualms about doing what is necessary to protect them. Sef's biggest weakness is because he is such a fun loving individual, he dislikes when situations get too serious or sad so he tends to downplay those emotions and try to lighten the mood with jokes or songs. He realizes not everyone is a fan of this approach, but sometimes he just can't help himself.

Traits: Life is a party, and I'm here to be the life of it! I love to eat, and am always willing to snack on something. I have a good heart and a warm personality, and treat everyone as a friend when I can.
Ideal: Generosity. My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world. (Good)
Bond: Everything I do is for the common people.
Flaw: I have a tendency to downplay the seriousness of a situation, usually with jokes.
01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.

Last edited by Grouchy; Jan 30th, 2025 at 11:29 AM.
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