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Old Nov 7th, 2024, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Ermine;
Can we have custom casting traditions, too? I already designed one, but I'll keep the name private until the reveal of the full character. It's specific to a small group of people (4 total).
Custom Casting traditions are allowed with the caveat that you can have no more than 6 drawbacks. Obviously I need to approve the tradition. (Will update the main thread)

Originally Posted by Ermine
-CAM: Intelligence
-Type: Divine
-Drawbacks: Anemic, Center Of Power (scales over her heart glow when she casts or concentrates), Emotional Casting, Somatic Casting (2, must be able to freely dance), Substantial Magic
-Boons: Sanguine Empowerment, Deathful Magic, Empowered Abilities
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
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Old Nov 7th, 2024, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Eviltedzies View Post

Kind of funny to me that the name is Whip "Boxer" when the Boxing sphere is nowhere in it lol, but that is purely a fluff observation. Mechanically the tradition is sound. Also assumed you meant the "Axe Kick" talent instead of "Ace kick."
The curse of phone posting. Also whip boxing is a thing and includes no boxing. Blame Australia.

Edit: Also unrelated but somehow my brain has decided that the parabellum games calls for a character heavily inspired by professional wrestling.

Last edited by MundayKnight; Nov 7th, 2024 at 04:18 PM.
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Old Nov 7th, 2024, 05:47 PM
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This might be a strange request, but I’m requesting summon spirit from the death sphere. I want to summon the spirits in the remnants of the victims from the monster my PC is hunting. So these hands will be possessed by vengeful spirits. So piecemeal reanimation to animate the hand, summon spirit to have it possessed, parts and pieces to have them count as animated objects and to grant them feats with the militant animation feat. And then tomb of flesh to transport them.

Now to find a way to have the hands come together and form a mega-undeadmech.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
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Old Nov 7th, 2024, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by MundayKnight
The curse of phone posting. Also whip boxing is a thing and includes no boxing. Blame Australia.
Well..... I learned something new today. Love good old Australia insanity. Whip Boxing it is!

Originally Posted by Battlechaser
This might be a strange request, but I’m requesting summon spirit from the death sphere.
Summon Spirit is allowed [Though see Lore note below]

Originally Posted by Battlechaser
I want to summon the spirits in the remnants of the victims from the monster my PC is hunting. So these hands will be possessed by vengeful spirits. So piecemeal reanimation to animate the hand, summon spirit to have it possessed, parts and pieces to have them count as animated objects and to grant them feats with the militant animation feat. And then tomb of flesh to transport them.
Your idea is totally valid and an interesting twist to the Grim Hunter trait.

Originally Posted by Battlechaser
Now to find a way to have the hands come together and form a mega-undeadmech.
If you go Wraith with the Path of the Corruptor you can technically possess your animated undead. Not quite a mech but similar in concept. (IE: Combine undead and master into one). Also might help to look into the Necrotic Marionette

@Battlechaser - Seeing as how you are going the Necromancy route (a personal favorite I suppose?) I should at least throw out that the views on Necromancy in this setting vary depending heavily on where you are.

(Added this to the main lore post as well for others)

Note on Your Idea: Given that the souls would be willing to return to the pieces of their bodies, this would not be seen as badly by educated necromancers. (Though most would agree your character would have put himself at great risk making the attempt) Most non-casters however would not know the difference or even be able to tell a soul was imbued into the corpse to begin with.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game.
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Last edited by Eviltedzies; Nov 8th, 2024 at 06:25 PM.
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 12:09 AM
Ermine Ermine is offline
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I have everything but art and RP sample (but art is coming along slowly). Trying to come up with more of an RP samplr thaan "Yippee!"
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 12:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Ermine
I have everything but art and RP sample (but art is coming along slowly). Trying to come up with more of an RP sample than "Yippee!"
You've still got 3 weeks before the deadline and I doubt I'll hit the 16 completed app limit I set lol. Take your time and enjoy it. Let me know once you've posted your app and I will add it to the table.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game.
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Last edited by Eviltedzies; Nov 8th, 2024 at 12:17 AM.
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 12:29 AM
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Here it is, the long awaited, still artless, app!

ApplicationName: Aisling of the Lunar Flame
Race: Xada
Classes: Prodigy 10
Archetype(s): Void Dancer (no 7 link teleport)
Alignment: True Neutral
Primary Party Roles: Off-tank, Damage Dealer
Character Sheet: Eventually

Home Kingdom: The North of Arrhakor, among the barbarian tribes.

Campaign Trait: Glutton For War (campaign), Wild Soul (region, Arrhakor, Scent)

right-aligned image

Physical Description: Aisling has draconic horns and a scaly, jagged tail, with patterns of red scales on her fair-complected body. Her straight, red-to-blonde hair reaches just past her shoulders. Deceptively strong despite being so thin. Rabbit-like ears which match her hair are on top of her head, and she has blue, slitted eyes with an almond shape. Hints of fur grow around her scales. Her hands are in a combat ready position at all times. Her double set of canine teeth are in surprisingly good health.

Personality: Obsessed with blood and battle, like the rest of her people. Just like the rest of her people, she believes she will be reincarnated when she dies, something she'd prefer to do in glorious battle against a worthy foe. Not that she wants to die any time soon, of course, and she has no interest in fighting unworthy foes unless forced; it's not fun if it's not a challenge.

She believes her people's place will be cemented as normal citizens in Baalreisan, instead of being the targets of discrimination, if enough of them win in arena battles in the colosseum, and that people will know of them as capable warriors. She knows most of her people would enjoy a romp in the arena, almost as much as she herself. She fights for the thrill of battle, not the outcome of it.

Backstory: Part of the wandering barbarian tribes of Arrhakor. She's on the path to ascension to replace her peoples' "waxing moon goddess", as she is supposedly the reincarnation of the "full moon goddess." These goddesses are technically just very powerful mortals, glorified shamans, and powerful warriors, and can be of any age when they supposedly ascend. The appointment is obviously for life, but there are 4 stages (full, waning, new, and waxing), a goddess for each, and these stages progress in order as the previous stage's goddess dies, becoming the new leader of the tribe. Her role as full moon goddess was determined when she was born and was "recognized" by the family of the previous full moon goddess.

Most of her life, she had a hound she named Cú an Bháis. She was an edgy child when she got him, but didn't regret the name at any point in her life. While her people don't have a formal military (they all "serve" if able when the time for battle comes), she would often be relied upon as a general-like figure, even in her youth, because of her fierce intellect, clear skill in combat, and status as the next leader of the tribe. Cù an Bháis died of old age not long before Aisling left her homeland, which was surprising since she took him into battle with her.

Aisling is the last of four children (the others are named after other warriors). They were all raised by the entire tribe, which mostly meant play-fighting with various weapons. She discovered she was best with farming implements-turned-weapons, particularly the scythe. Not that the children used real weapons, of course, but when she was older and actually doing real battle. She was always the victor as a child, and made obvious by her continued survival, as a teen and young adult.

RP Scenario:
AislingAisling waited at the tavern for a response to her bid for citizenship. This, of course, meant she'd have to fight in the Volker Macht Colosseum, something she knew she'd enjoy. Battles to the death against beasts from all corners of the world? That was her dream. If this was to be how she was going to get citizenship and a place for her people that valued their views, she hoped that they would be worth fighting. She wondered briefly if she would be granted a place to stay as a victor of the Parabellum Games, but came to the conclusion that living on the fringes of society would probably be better for someone not accustomed to city life.

All that waited was getting the news, and this is where she was asked to be by the attendant. She awaited the courier with anxious glee. She expected — no, KNEW — the people here would see her prowess and cower before her if they were intelligent enough to fight. Barring that, she carried with her an ordinary, but wicked-looking voidglass scythe. She didn't trust anyone else to enchant it, so would put bloody runes on it when the time came, when battle was imminent.

Just then, when she was deep in her musings, but not in her cups, the courier arrived. The young lad was no warrior, but a scrawny and gangly human teen. She was almost offended that they'd send their weakest to greet her. She'd be more offended if this young one was to deliver bad news. Her face was stony at the thought, but when the courier found her, he held out a scroll dramatically. "Welcome, mistress...Ayez ling to the Parabellum Games!"

Mispronunciation of her name was common in these parts, but it still bothered her. She was ash linn. But it was only a momentary concern. She let out a loud cheer that clearly struck short-lived fear in the courier. "Celebrate with me, young one! Now is not the time for fear, but joy! Give this child, not mead. Juice from the finest apples!" Her grin exposed her sharp teeth, pearly white.

Monster Encounter:
Encounter Name: Huli Jing Twins
Difficulty Rating: Hard
Monsters: 2 Huli Jing
Monster Strategy: Both huli jing will attempt to use Dominate Person immediately. If they succeed, they burrow underground. If it fails, they create a figment they can hide within of hallucinatory terrain before using assorted charms to control their foes. They only resort to attacking physically if they have to, preferring to burrow out of combat.


Last edited by Ermine; Nov 26th, 2024 at 07:14 AM.
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 01:22 AM
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Thank you.
And it’s mostly a favorite due to laziness. Why work when others can do it for you?
I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 06:56 AM
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The fearful view on necromancy may well be the reason why Battlechaser's PC decided to go to the arena in the first place.
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 09:58 AM
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Is spheres of origins allowed to make new races?

And asking for approval of this casting tradition:

Psychic casting
CAM: Constitution
Innate curse: shattered psyche
Draining casting
Incompatible energies
Somatic casting
Mental focus
Skilled casting perform sing
Boons: easy focus, fortified casting, alien source, drawback feat: reinforced structures
I have taken the Oath of Sangus.

Last edited by Battlechaser; Nov 8th, 2024 at 12:24 PM.
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Battlechaser
Is spheres of origins allowed to make new races?
For this first run of the game I am not allowing any of the Origin race creator options from Spheres material.

Originally Posted by Battlechaser
And asking for approval of this casting tradition:

Psychic casting
CAM: Constitution
Innate curse: shattered psyche
Draining casting
Incompatible energies
Somatic casting
Mental focus
Skilled casting perform sing
Boons: easy focus, fortified casting, alien source, drawback feat: reinforced structures
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 02:45 PM
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Ooh, this seems fun. And Spheres are so rarely allowed. I've got something for this. Got a few things that'll need approval. Lemme pull them together and get back to ya.

Concept: Magic-blooded Archer and her pet rock. O̶̩͠m̸̬̌i̴̙͊n̵͉̽ȍ̵̩u̸̳͌s̵̨̚ ̶͕͝d̶̦̀r̶̠͋ȏ̵̥ṋ̴̍i̶̦̾n̸̻̄g̵̛̗ ̴̟̉ḯ̴̻ņ̴͊t̵̯̓e̷̝͒n̷͉̄s̶̝͐í̷̞f̷̪̎i̶̲͂e̴̦͠s̸̖̎.̶̈́ ̘
Translation: Bloodbinder Armorist with a bound Orb that uses the Fate and Warleader spheres.

A few questions:
Originally Posted by Eviltedzies View Post
Custom Casting traditions are allowed with the caveat that you can have no more than 6 drawbacks. Obviously I need to approve the tradition. (Will update the main thread)
Does this include the Sphere-specific drawbacks that modify the base function of spheres instead of the spellcasting tradition overall? ie: Destruction (Energy Focus) or Divination (Limited Divination: Senses Only)?

Also, Conjuration's Martial Companion doesn't innately grant a Martial Tradition but mentions 'some companions may qualify to trade things for a martial tradition'. Could I trade something from my Orb companion for this? Of the top of my head I'm eying it's Natural Armor and Hover Height Advancement. I don't mention it's Natural Weapon or Multiattack only because I already planned to trade that Natural Weapon for Implement Bearer (which makes Multiattack worthless anyways so it'd be kinda cheesy to trade it for something), though I'd rather have that tradition than Implement Bearer so it is on the table.

One about the function of Gory Armaments. It summons ranged weapons with basic ammunition, and allows one to create and use basic ammunition without the normal blood loss price. But could one pay that blood loss price to produce enhanced ammunition per the enhancement bonus of a created weapon? ie: Every 20 shots (the capacity of a quiver) it has to be restocked at the usual blood loss price?

And finally, while this is one I think works just fine mechanically and it's honestly overspending to get a bit of synergy and stylistic cool factor, I'd rather confirm it than be blindsided. Bloodbinder gets access to Blacksmith Insights. There's a pair of Blacksmith Insights, Shieldsmith and Master Shieldsmith, that effectively allow one to use a shield unimpeded. One removes the attack penalty for using a weapon in your shield hand, the other stops you losing your shield AC when using your shield arm to attack. There's a bit more but that's what it breaks down to for my purposes. Then you have the equipment talent Shielded Gauntlet that lets you treat a gauntlet as a buckler. Do you have any objection to my archer using a magic blood gauntlet as a shield without penalty at the cost of 2 Insights and a Talent (functionally 3 talents considering I could just take a Talent with an Insight)?

The minor synergy is I'm looking at Smashing Counter if I've already invested so much into this shield combo for people that think 'oh, it's an archer, I'll just run up and stab it scott free'. Also synergizes with what should be my only Legendary Talent request, Soul's Shield (shield enhancement bonus gives resist bonus to saves, so basically taking the place of a Cloak of Resistance).
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 03:33 PM
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right-aligned image

Name: Alisha Nocturn
Race: Elf Vampire
Classes: Conscript 10
Archetype(s): N/A
Alignment: CE
Primary Party Roles: Minor skill monkey. Hard Carry: Stabber(melee and ranged)
Character Sheet: LINK

Home Kingdom: Baalreisan

Campaign Trait:

Physical Description:




Extra Backstory:


Tie in With Leobyron:

RP Scenario:

Don't forget to keep a smile on! You know, you're never fully dressed without one!

Last edited by Unforgiven; Nov 29th, 2024 at 11:41 AM.
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by AximusLokar
Originally Posted by Eviltedzies
Custom Casting traditions are allowed with the caveat that you can have no more than 6 drawbacks. Obviously I need to approve the tradition. (Will update the main thread)
Does this include the Sphere-specific drawbacks that modify the base function of spheres instead of the spellcasting tradition overall? ie: Destruction (Energy Focus) or Divination (Limited Divination: Senses Only)?
Good catch. General drawbacks are limited to 6 per casting tradition. Sphere specific drawbacks may be taken as many times as you like. [Will update the main thread with this info]

Originally Posted by AximusLokar
Also, Conjuration's Martial Companion doesn't innately grant a Martial Tradition but mentions 'some companions may qualify to trade things for a martial tradition'. Could I trade something from my Orb companion for this? Of the top of my head I'm eying it's Natural Armor and Hover Height Advancement. I don't mention it's Natural Weapon or Multiattack only because I already planned to trade that Natural Weapon for Implement Bearer (which makes Multiattack worthless anyways so it'd be kinda cheesy to trade it for something), though I'd rather have that tradition than Implement Bearer so it is on the table.
If you take the Battle Creature (Form) talent twice your conjured companion may choose to exchange Martial Weapon proficiency with a Martial Tradition. I will not be allowing the exchange of natural attacks, defenses, special qualities, ect.... for a Martial Tradition.

Originally Posted by AximusLokar
One about the function of Gory Armaments. It summons ranged weapons with basic ammunition, and allows one to create and use basic ammunition without the normal blood loss price. But could one pay that blood loss price to produce enhanced ammunition per the enhancement bonus of a created weapon? ie: Every 20 shots (the capacity of a quiver) it has to be restocked at the usual blood loss price?
I see the argument to be made for allowing this, but I will have to say no for now.

Originally Posted by AximusLokar
And finally, while this is one I think works just fine mechanically and it's honestly overspending to get a bit of synergy and stylistic cool factor, I'd rather confirm it than be blindsided. Bloodbinder gets access to Blacksmith Insights. There's a pair of Blacksmith Insights, Shieldsmith and Master Shieldsmith, that effectively allow one to use a shield unimpeded. One removes the attack penalty for using a weapon in your shield hand, the other stops you losing your shield AC when using your shield arm to attack. There's a bit more but that's what it breaks down to for my purposes. Then you have the equipment talent Shielded Gauntlet that lets you treat a gauntlet as a buckler. Do you have any objection to my archer using a magic blood gauntlet as a shield without penalty at the cost of 2 Insights and a Talent (functionally 3 talents considering I could just take a Talent with an Insight)?
If you are willing to spend that many resources just to be able to wield a gauntlet that counts as a shield while also firing a bow with it that is fine by me.

Originally Posted by AximusLokar
Legendary Talent request, Soul's Shield
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 06:05 PM
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Posting interest, I keep wanting to try and a Crimson Dancer so you can expect one of those with a heavy focus on the Blood sphere
Posting Status: June 7th: Things are looking up and I am ready to play.
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