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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 10:32 AM
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If we take a Trade Tradition, does that replace or add to your class skills?

What about existing skill points?
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 10:40 AM
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Replaces class skills. Trade traditions don't interfere with how many skill points you have. The opposite, actually: skill points determine whether you're competent or adroit trade rank. If you take a trade tradition later than 1st, you just get a talent from vocation sphere (and if it's a trade talent, it adds to your class skills).

Edit: If you take the trade tradition and talents as the pseudogestalt thing, I would assume it would add? That I'm not sure on. Typically in gestalt it would give you additional class skills, but I would assume it's just a Vocation sphere talent with this option.

Last edited by Ermine; Nov 14th, 2024 at 10:44 AM.
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 12:40 PM
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Name: San-Gi Cova
Race: Shingami (Exile)
Class: Armorist
Archetype: Martial Armorist, Bloodbinder
Alignment: Neutral Good
Primary Party Role: Ranged Damage, Buffer
Secondary Party Role: Slow Heal

Home Kingdom: San-Gi incorporated her body in Jukai but was forced to leave.
Campaign Trait: Glutton for War - Many claim that they are forced to kill in order to live. For San-Gi, this is a literal fact of her existence.
Physical Description: San-Gi looks mostly human, her pallid tone generally attributed to a lack of sunlight and her more exotic features assumed to be the norm in Jukai. She does resemble a woman from Western Jukai but minor features stand out to natives of that nation. Her face is a bit too sharp, she stands just a little too tall, and her eyes are an unnatural metalic gold with subtly diamond shaped pupils. Not enough that the average citizen would immediately call her out but enough to

From her frequent travelling San-Gi maintains a healthy physique, tall and lithe but with well defined arms, and she moves and dresses in short cuts and sleeveless outfits to accentuates what she considers her best features. While working or on the road she favors well-fitted but simple leathers cut for maximum comfort and mobility, but she owns several stunning silk Jukai dresses for nights out. A nigh-everpresent soft smile makes what otherwise could be a cold and cruel visage warm and inviting, and absolutely terrifying when it turns malevolent.

When moved to violence San-Gi manifests a blackened gauntlet that extends up and over her shoulder before flaring outwards and a bone-white hunting bow with traces of blood in the 'grain' of it's material. The whites of her eyes flood with vivid red blood, overflowing into tear tracks flowing down her cheeks when manifesting the fullness of her power. A subtle mist surrounds her as all warmth is pulled from the air into her skin until it is consumed by the endless void of her blood.

Personality: Casual interaction with San-Gi would lead one to assume the woman to be carefree and perhaps a bit irreverent. This is not entirely untrue, as it is what she strives for in life. To live, let live, and for everyone's day to be just a bit better than it could have been. She loves to travel and meet new people, and is always on board for new experiences. A frequent saying of her's is "I'll try anything twice". She often ends up ingratiating herself into local taverns as a novelty, both in her personage and her magic-infused brews, as a way of earning her keep and putting herself in a prime position to join or enable anything fun that might crop up. In the absence of anything interesting going on she will begin to draw people into her orbit for something as simple as sharing a few drinks and talking about absolute nonsense hypotheticals, or to begin an impromptu pseudo-festival of semi-organized competitions and singing. To her, life isn't wasted if it was enjoyed or at least improved the lives of those around her.

Part of the reason for her drive to live is the everpresent knowledge of her impending demise. While most people are consciously aware of the fact that they will die, shinigami are literally aware of this fact in the same way that humans are aware of where their feet are without having to look down. The nature of a shinigami's need to reap has given her a simultaneously rosey and pragmatic outlook on the idea of life, death, and killing. Those that lead a peaceful life deserve to have that life protected. Those that threaten that peace are fair game for slaughter. San-Gi has managed to maintain some distance from her eventual end through the unwise decision of bandits and other roadside monsters to prey on a seemingly unarmed woman travelling alone, even going so far as to take a proactive stance and hunt down threats in an area she'll be staying in for some time, but without making the ending of life her day-to-day occupation she knows that the looming non-existence she feels growing closer every day will eventually catch up to her.



RP Scenario:

San-Gi stood behind the counter of the Wanderer's Rest, cleaning a few glasses and getting ready to put away her supplies. The big rush for the night had passed and it was unlikely she would need any more pre-mixed solutions before Johan closed down the bar and kitchen. As she set out a few pieces to dry a wisp of conversation caught her ear.

"-killed three teams last time one showed up, and good money says it takes more this year. Brutal way to go."

Wiping off her hands she slipped out from behind the bar and drifted closer, spotting one of her regulars with a mostly empty Mana Bomb in front of him. "Dakon, did I hear right? Some kinda beast in the area causing trouble? Anyone called for a Hunter yet?"

The native Baalreisan looked up at the sound of her voice, returning a smile and a lifted drink in greeting. "Nah, nah, Sashi." She ignored the mispronunciation, Dakon at least tried and got closer than most. "It's the Games! The Games!"

She fixed him with a bemused look. "Alright, so let's pretend for a moment I didn't grow up around here and know the festival calendar?"

Dakon waved his drink-filled hand in a dismissive motion. "Oh come on, it's The Games! The Parabellum Games! World famous, gotta be, we get all kinds coming round. Even a few people from your corner poke their heads out to come fight in it. Big event, twice a decade, monsters like you wouldn't believe. Saw a huge dragon my first time as a kid, and that's just the start. The Hunters bring in all kinds of weird creatures, really gives a sense of what they're doing out there, y'know? Makes ya proud, them standing between good honest folk and a Froghemoth."

San-Gi shook her head, nearly laughing. "Okay now that sounds made up."

"Honest truth, frog monster big as this building, tentacles everywhere, only reason they ain't a bigger problem is they ain't subtle and the Hunters make good time."

"Well what was the thing you were talking about before, killing teams?"

Dakon looked both excited and somber somehow. "They found...a blob!" The deadpan look he got for that prompted him to abandon theatrics. "A Carnivore Blob, it's like them acid oozes but all made of meat and blood. They kill and eat ya, then split off into more. One of them hits a village and you can be looking at a rampage across the countryside. I hear they caught one over by Lanjur, and with the Games coming up no way they aren't throwing it in there."

"So you're saying these things have killed a lot of people? And they just throw anyone willing to fight them into a pit with it?" San-Gi was torn between revulsion at the practice and a bit of growing excitement at the prospect. 'This could be what I was looking for...'

"Them and more! People come from all over! It's big money, too. You can set yourself up for life getting far enough into the big events."

'Possibly in more ways than one...' San-Gi thought to herself, the ever-present thrum of mortal doom hovering in the back of her thoughts. "Well, I was planning on checking out the capital at some point anyways. Maybe I'll find the time to watch a round or two..."

~ Two weeks later, at the front office of the Volker Macht Colosseum ~

"Hello, I have come to kill your monsters!"

San-Gi stood in front of the desk advertising sign-ups for the Games. The bored looking scribe took a long look at her and sighed, an expression that loudly communicated 'fantastic, another crazy one', and turned a paper around to place in front of her. "Please read this in it's entirety and sign. If you cannot read balreisan a translator can be provided. Volker Macht is not responsible for participant's failure to complete due diligence and safety measures, and provides no assertion as to your chance of survival before, after, or during any event associated with our Colosseum."

Monster EncounterEncounter Name: Sacrificial Lambs
Difficulty Rating: Medium-high
Monsters: Carnivorous Blob*, Goats* x6

Monster Strategy:
  • This fight is always the third for a day. Note the place of death of all non-undead flesh-based creatures during previous rounds, and previous rounds will preference such creatures. Goats that die from being hit by the Blob do not leave behind a corpse, and sufficient fire, acid, or cold damage may also render any corpse unusable.
  • The Goats/Lambs always act first at the top of the initiative (effectively they had readied actions to dash upon the gates opening). They will always use their movement to move as far from the Blob as possible, but if the only available path would move them within reach of another creature other than another Goat they will use Powerful Charge to chase them off. If cornered by a wall they will attempt to flee, with the same direction/attack tactics as earlier (Bullrushing if doing so could clear them a path).
  • The Blob's first action will always be to move into the arena and grab a Goat, constricting and draining it to showcase the signature ability Absorb Flesh. All of it's actions are instinctual and hunger-motivated, preferring moving towards the nearest living creature to eat and attacking the most recent nearby creature that harmed it, but it will actively avoid persistent areas of extreme cold. If it cannot reach living prey by charging then it will attempt to consume a corpse within range. It may also do this if particularly injured (<25% HP) and there are corpses within immediate reach but no living prey.
  • Special Ability: This Blob is accustomed to having to snatch up it's food quickly, and it isn't picky about freshness. It can use Absorb Flesh on dead, flesh-based corpses consuming the corpse and healing it as though the target had taken Con damage as normal. Doing so causes it to be Sickened until the end of it's next turn (exception: Goats killed by the players are fresh enough not to incur this penalty), and consuming additional corpses extends the duration by 1 round. If Sickened has 3 or more rounds left the Blob is also Nauseated. Sickened/Nauseated duration is retained by both when the Blob splits. When it would make a But not a SplitReactive Strike it may instead immediately Slam/Absorb Flesh a corpse within it's range as an attack of opportunity. This attack automatically succeeds.
  • Variable Difficulty: Difficulty can be lowered slightly by starting the Blob below it's maximum health, or imposing Exhausted on it due to starvation. If you really want to kill some folk the difficulty can be raised by starting the Blob with one or two Absorb Flesh rolls during the 'surprise' round (the Goats were used to lead it into the arena. Not all of them made it), potentially starting the fight with one Split in effect.

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Last edited by AximusLokar; Nov 17th, 2024 at 09:11 AM.
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by triedtherest
If we take a Trade Tradition, does that replace or add to your class skills?
What about existing skill points?
I had not considered how Trade Traditions would interact with our non-gestalt setup.

If you gain a Trade Tradition by choosing the free Journeyman progression you do not replace your existing class skills. You may instead add any new class skills gained from the tradition to your normal class skills. Your skill points per level will remain the same as your base class.

If you gain a Trade tradition through another method such as choosing a Spheres of Guile class or trading away some class features/feats to gain a Trade tradition you must follow the normal rules on Trade Traditions including them replacing existing class skills.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 09:42 AM
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Oh man, I had not even looked at Trade Traditions. I'm glad I did, because despite the arena setting I'm building my character as though it were for a normal campaign (including side-skills for fleshing out downtime activities like splashing ranks in civilian-level-skills like enjoying dancing, and absolutely taking a few ranks of Style!) and the armorist's skill list is definitely meant more for a warrior than a scout.

Requesting the following Trade Tradition

Wandering Exile
Base [Craft, Perception, Perform, Profession]
Undead Slayer (trade) [Intimidate, KnRelig, KnPlane, Survival; Intimidate undead]
Dilettante (trade) [Acrobatics, Sense Motive, Stealth, Composure]
Body Control sphere (Incredible Stamina drawback) [Escape Artist]

Side note, intent to replace: [Planes/Survival -> Style]
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 09:47 AM
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I considered trading mine for a trade tradition, then realized Prodigy loses a TON of class skills doing that. That's why I only took Body Control with a feat. (Endurance Training is going to be useless in this one except maybe RP purposes between matches, to sleep less and RP more, maybe, but I mean...I LIKE Body Control sphere)

Last edited by Ermine; Nov 15th, 2024 at 10:07 AM.
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 10:44 AM
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Brewmaster Borkin's Sheet is all done apart from his Languages (he gets over 20).

What Languages exist in this setting?
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 10:46 AM
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Originally Posted by triedtherest View Post
Languages (he gets over 20).
Languages: Yes.
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 01:33 PM
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A minor reminder for those dabbling in Trade Traditions, but also to those curious about my Homebrew skill rules. Do not forget that I am allowing anyone to exchange two of their classes existing class skills for any two of my Homebrew skills. If you possessed a skill that was rolled into one of my new skills you automatically gain the new skill as a class skill without needing to exchange for it.

If you gain a Trade Tradition by taking the free Journeymen talent progression your Trade Rank is considered Competent for calculating the Trade Tradition benefits you gain. [See the Trade Rank section of the Trade Traditions page]

Originally Posted by AximusLokar
Trade Tradition
Wandering Exile
Base [Craft, Perception, Perform, Profession]
Undead Slayer (trade) [Intimidate, KnRelig, KnPlane, Survival; Intimidate undead]
Dilettante (trade) [Acrobatics, Sense Motive, Stealth, Composure]
Body Control sphere (Incredible Stamina drawback) [Escape Artist]

Side note, intent to replace: [Planes/Survival -> Style]

Originally Posted by triedtherest
What Languages exist in this setting?
You just had to make me stop and think about how I wanted to do languages didn't you Tried? *furiously starts typing up some hombrew language stuff because he is too OCD to use the bare bones Pathfinder languages as they are*

Added a new section under the Homebrew Mechanics section called Homebrew Languages. I've also updated the "Kingdoms of Kairinina" section to include the national languages of each major kingdom.

Have fun!
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 06:03 PM
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left-aligned image
Name: Lucius Nox
Race: EcclesiarumCustom Race; Offshoot of Aasimar*
Classes: Ecclesitheurge Sphere Cleric 1 / Incanter 6 / Swarmheart Wraith 3
Alignment: Chaotic-Good
Primary Party Roles: Battlefield Controler (via Conjuration Companion), DPS, Tank, Healer (single target only)
Character Sheet: Link
Home Kingdom: Soul Terra (Born to Magic Regional Trait)
Campaign Trait: Right of the Strong





“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

Last edited by LeoByron; Nov 30th, 2024 at 08:31 PM.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 01:24 PM
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Update: 12 days left until application closing folks!

I see a lot of folks who have posted interest have put a placeholder app with some details but only a few people have gone back to edit said details. Remember, I don't need a full character sheet for your app to be considered completed. I just want the fluff plus your monster encounter.

That said, I am liking what I am seeing so far. Almost everyone has gone out of their way to include some of my homebrew lore into your characters as well as making use of my campaign traits for your backstories. Some folks are even going above and beyond when it comes to creating new lore for their character which I love.

If you feel your application is complete please say so here in the thread and I will mark it as pending review. I will look over the app to confirm it has the basics of what I asked for and then mark it as complete. I will not give detailed reviews per application because I feel that can create a sense of false hope. The only exceptions are if I notice a mechanical detail or glaringly obvious fluff hole in your app that contradicts your mechanics.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 01:29 PM
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I mean, I already said mine is done (except the sheet)...
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Ermine View Post
I mean, I already said mine is done (except the sheet)...
My apologies. I missed you line about being done. I will update your app as Review in Progress and change it to Completed once I get time to look it over.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 04:51 PM
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Still fiddling with some mechanics stuff but the application itself is ready.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 04:52 PM
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I said that mine was done subject to review as well.

I'm going to have a look at the Language Rules to sort out what Borkin can speak/read.
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