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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 05:42 AM
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@ Please do not use AI generated images.

I realized that after crunching AI generator for a day

And it is so hard to find a good one - all that google gives you is AI generated these days.

Interesting challenge.
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by HexCursed View Post
Application deadline = Nov 30th, 2024

We will be using the Greyhawk map and several aspects of the setting for this game. That said, I do not know the history of the setting - just what's in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide.

If a player want to use an event/organization of the setting as part of their backstory should we check with you first or anything that does not contradict the lore on the recruitment is automatically allowed? Also, in which year does the game takes place (if I'm not mistaken the DMG says that is currently 576CY)?

Other questions (list for easy of answer):
  1. What is the intended max level to be reached on the campaign?
  2. Would it be correct to assume that the local drow no longer practice slavery but that up to the fall of Rao they had slaves?
  3. How did Lolth (and her priestesses) reacted to the change in ways in the area beneath Veluna? Was there any infighting and or/cursing of drow/attacks from drow communities that weren't impacted by Rao's fall?
  4. Since the DMG is vague regarding the appearance of each goliath's subspecies, can one simply assume they are humanoids with the characteristics (skin, hair, eyes) of their giant ancestor?
  5. How do you rule the Giant Ancestry When you hit a target with an attack roll and deal damage to it, you can also deal 1d10 Fire damage to that target. (PHB24, p192)Fire's Burn in regards to multiple attacks and Eldritch Blast? Does the d10 happens at every hit?
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 10:22 AM
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Hi Alemar

Orcish is a very sensible choice of language for a merchant.

As for the assigned task for attaining 2nd level not being completed yet, I can work with that. Sounds fine and like a good start on what the patron wants.

One of the best interpretations of a fiend pact that I've seen comes from Baldur's Gate 3 - Wyll's pact with Mizora (a cambion). Basically, Wyll is framed as a hero in that he kills fiends, who just happen to be Mizora's rivals. That said, the pact does eventually go wrong. In summary, a pact with a fiend is likely to result in the warlock being asked to do something evil or something they aren't willing to do. The trick is for the patron to be a bit subtle about it. But players are smart, so they figure it out. Your character would likely have to choose to do an evil act or reject the patron. Since this is a heroic adventure and I don't want evil characters in the party, then that means that you'd be forced into giving up the patron (who wouldn't go quietly), resulting in an ex-warlock (hopefully) who is multiclass into something else. Not sure if you want that...

As for an Archfey patron, that's fine. The exact nature of the patron is something we can discuss. Tempting a character with wealth is a classic. Fey generally lean into "chaotic" behaviors but not necessarily. Many are benevolent. All are a bit mysterious. It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out what that looks like.


I like questions! Let's see if I can answer these:

Originally Posted by 1Skell View Post
If a player want to use an event/organization of the setting as part of their backstory should we check with you first or anything that does not contradict the lore on the recruitment is automatically allowed?
Check with me first, please. I don't know that established lore in any kind of detail or proficiency. So, I'd like the opportunity to review the event you're considering using. I'd say that things like the Scarlet Brotherhood and setting-specific organizations exist.

Also, in which year does the game takes place (if I'm not mistaken the DMG says that is currently 576CY)?
That's probably fine. I don't see why not. I hadn't thought about it, honestly, since I didn't really plan on it being super-revelant.

[*]What is the intended max level to be reached on the campaign?

That's open-ended. Hopefully our first adventure goes well and we'll want to keep going.

[*]Would it be correct to assume that the local drow no longer practice slavery but that up to the fall of Rao they had slaves?

Yes. Slavery is one of those traditional Drow practices that they had to give up.

[*]How did Lolth (and her priestesses) reacted to the change in ways in the area beneath Veluna? Was there any infighting and or/cursing of drow/attacks from drow communities that weren't impacted by Rao's fall?

I'm not sure that your character would know. That's more of a campaign detail that would require a character to roll a History Check. So, in short, the answer to those question is "not public knowledge".

[*] Since the DMG is vague regarding the appearance of each goliath's subspecies, can one simply assume they are humanoids with the characteristics (skin, hair, eyes) of their giant ancestor?

I think being a Goliath is as obvious as somebody else being a Dwarf. They're not going to pass for Human without a disguise. That said, how your character looks is up to you.

[*]How do you rule the Giant Ancestry When you hit a target with an attack roll and deal damage to it, you can also deal 1d10 Fire damage to that target. (PHB24, p192)Fire's Burn in regards to multiple attacks and Eldritch Blast? Does the d10 happens at every hit?

So, the Giant Ancestry paragraph states that the ability can only be used proficiency-modifier times per long rest. There is no restriction on Fire's Burn regarding using it more than once per turn. It takes no action to use. It does not restrict what kind of attack gets the bonus damage. So, yes, the character could do d10 extra fire damage to every hit, up to twice per day (at 2nd level).

@A7ice: I hear you. It's getting ridiculous.
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Last edited by HexCursed; Nov 19th, 2024 at 10:48 AM.
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 11:12 AM
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All questions were very well answered, thank you. On regards to canon I would like to use the Slave Lords in my character backstory.
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by 1Skell View Post

All questions were very well answered, thank you. On regards to canon I would like to use the Slave Lords in my character backstory.
What does that imply? What specific historical details does that introduce?
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Hex Cursed
@Warlocks: For those players interested in choosing the Warlock class, we'll talk about your character's patron and how your character relates to them. One thing that I typically require of warlocks is that their patron will ask them to do something specific (and not terribly difficult) for them once per level. Unless they perform the assigned task, the patron will not give the warlock more power. The character needs to prove their devotion and meet the terms of their pact first.

That means that the warlock cannot take another level of warlock until the task is done. The player has 2 choices: They can wait to level up until they have completed the task. Or, they can take a level in a different class.
Thank you (to Asker and Hex Cursed) for the key details on the Warlock class. I've got a general idea for a character. I'd intended to use Warlock. Although, they could as easily be a Rogue or perhaps Warlock and then switch to Rogue if the Patron's requirements get too onerous.
1) Pact of the Chain - Does the familiar need to have the same alignment as the Patron?

I do have a few questions about the Crafter Origin Feat.
1) To what extent can we use the 20% discount - on starting gear, for other PCs?
2) Are we using the PHB playbook for crafting - e.g., 50% of item cost for materials and then 1 day/10GP of item cost?
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 01:08 PM
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Hi PurpleRook

Familiars: There is no rule that says that a warlock's familiar needs to conform to the alignment of the patron. From a thematic and roleplay perspective, it kind of seems like it should. A familiar is not an actual creature but the spirit of a creature. The term "spirit" is not defined. The spirit will be typed appropriated as a fey, celestial, or fiend. That kind of applies an alignment but it's not a requirement. So, is the question that if the patron is an Archfey, can you have a Quasit familiar? I'd say yes.

Crafting: As I understand it, the starting equipment and gold is a representation of a character's wealth. It does not mean that they literally naked with a handful of coins when they gained first level and then bought all of their gear. So, no. I don't believe that the 20 percent discount applies to starting equipment.

After the game starts, the discount applies to whatever you buy, even for somebody else. As long as you buy it, then you get your wholesale price.

The crafting rules in the Player's book seems fine and we'll use them.
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by HexCursed View Post
What does that imply? What specific historical details does that introduce?
It would imply the existence of a criminal organization called The Nine (think Greyhawk city's version of the Xanathar guild) that became the Slaves Lords around 569 CY and of a realm ruled by pirates called Hold of the Sea Princes (think Oerth's version of Mintarn).

The specific historical detail the backstory and organization would introduce is the War of the Wild Coast, which was a conflict between the Slave Lords (using the Sea Princes as mercenaries) and the cities along the Wild Coast. Basically the Lords used to raid settlements on the Wild Coast and hired the Sea Princes to raid more and with military precision. The locals, lords and population, started resisting, which lead to a open conflict between the sides until from early 570CY to 576CY, when the cities won. During this war many freed slaves took arms against the lords and by the end of it most of the Slave Lords were captured or executed.
Upholder of the Oath of Sangus

Last edited by 1Skell; Nov 19th, 2024 at 01:37 PM.
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 02:10 PM
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@HexCursed, thanks for the clarifications; they sound good. They make me feel good about Frank 'the Quartermaster' - a title he will publically loathe.

I have a few questions about the Friends Cantrip and, I guess, apply to the Charm Person spell as well.

"...when the spell ends, the target knows it was Charmed by you."
  • Is the knowledge a 'they got the better of me' or a 'they cast a spell on me'?
  • Friends has a 1 minute duration. It is somewhat context-dependent but is that long enough to convince someone to buy or sell something?
  • Charm Person has a V, S component requirements, and Friends a S,M. To what extent can the Warlock cast either/both in a crowded tavern (or from hiding) without being noticed?
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 03:10 PM
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Name: Kathra "J"

Pseudonyms: K.J.

Class: Rogue/Wizard

Intended subclass: Arcane Trickster or Thief / Likely Illusionist

Origin: Criminal

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Alignment: CG

Personality: KJ is outgoing, quite a bit impulsive, and a whole lot rebellious. She's passionate about her goals and kind to those who can't help themselves, and relates to those she calls friend in a sort of trenchant alliance. She's driven by succeeding with what she's learned in getting what she feels she needs, and needs to do to gain wealth and respect for what she does and who she is. The latter is in almost constant flux due to her just starting out on her ventures and her lack of wisdom due to her youth. She's not looking to make a difference, just to matter.

What drives them to adventure: She loves being in "the game" as the criminal world refers to it. The thrill and adventure of the job, task or con is mostly what drives her in this life; but it doesn't hurt to be wealthy either.

World View: Life has taught her that everyone has a little larceny operating within them, despite what they say, do or the position they hold. With this outlook, her conscience is always clear when it could be seen by others that she is crossing the line morally when "thieving." She has a bit of a weak spot for those who can't provide/fend for themselves, but she won't dive too deep into her own pockets or risk her neck too much to help out - unless the "thrill" is enough to convince her.

History: Kathra J's last name is a mystery; it may not even start with the letter J. She has said on many occasion that her parents belonged to a city's Dungsweeper's Guild and worked as such - making it clear she had no desire to follow in their footsteps. It was the "connections" the Guild had that intrigued her and pulled her in to the criminal world. Black marketing, Smuggling, Fencing, and just plain outright stealing was where she cut her proverbial teeth as a Thief. Being a bit smarter than the average cutpurse, she threw in with those leaning into the Arcane Arts to further their means. In truth, she keeps her last name a mystery due to a family member being in jail for committing a crime she was responsible for. Given the history with that family member, she's okay with that.

Character sheet Link It is also attached.
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Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Nov 30th, 2024 at 06:18 PM. Reason: spelling errrrrorrs
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by purplerook View Post
@HexCursed, thanks for the clarifications; they sound good. They make me feel good about Frank 'the Quartermaster' - a title he will publically loathe.

I have a few questions about the Friends Cantrip and, I guess, apply to the Charm Person spell as well.

"...when the spell ends, the target knows it was Charmed by you."
  • Is the knowledge a 'they got the better of me' or a 'they cast a spell on me'?
  • Friends has a 1 minute duration. It is somewhat context-dependent but is that long enough to convince someone to buy or sell something?
  • Charm Person has a V, S component requirements, and Friends a S,M. To what extent can the Warlock cast either/both in a crowded tavern (or from hiding) without being noticed?
Hi again.

First, spellcasting without Subtle metamagic is obvious. Characters cannot hide that they cast a spell. Think Doctor Strange; big gestures, mystic incantations, swirling energy, etc. If the charm takes hold, then the target (only) temporarily thinks that you casting the spell was okay. When the effect wears off, they remember that you enchanted them.

As for whether or not that's long enough to complete a transaction... I'll get out my egg timer...
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by HexCursed View Post
Hi again.

First, spellcasting without Subtle meta magic is obvious. Characters cannot hide that they cast a spell. Think Doctor Strange; big gestures, mystic incantations, swirling energy, etc. If the charm takes hold, then the target (only) temporarily thinks that you casting the spell was okay. When the effect wears off, they remember that you enchanted them.

As for whether or not that's long enough to complete a transaction... I'll get out my egg timer...
Yes, I love it. It makes Subtle Metamagic so valuable, and social magic (the crowded barroom) is not feasible without it.

In terms of Friends. I figured as much. It's a powerful ability (Charm), but they've rendered it useless for anything other than interrogation - where the target is restrained and cannot do anything.

I'm missing my Draconic Sorcerer, who had a closet full of disguises and thought nothing of dropping a Charm spell to mess with her mark.

This brings me no closer to the decision on Frank: Rogue or Warlock.

BTW, the first draft of the application is pretty crappy; I mostly wanted to get a few ideas down to help think about him.
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 04:53 PM
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Sounds like a great place for my jiu jitsu nerd monk!
Name:Mikey mumbles
Nickname: mouse

Class:monk 2
Intended subclass: 4 elements
Origins: sailor
Species: Human
Gender: Male

Alignment: WIP
Personality: WIP
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 06:38 PM
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Question: Since I haven't created a 5e character sheet in a while, I remember that Expertise is something you gain when you have Proficiency in a skill twice. Am I mixing something up?

What I’m trying to do is combine a Monk and a Wood Elf. The origins that allow for both Dexterity and Wisdom upgrades are four: Guide, Sailor, Scribe, and Wayfarer. Each of these backgrounds provides at least one skill proficiency that overlaps with the skills you gain from being a Wood Elf (Insight, Perception, or Survival).

So, unless they stack and turn into Expertise, it seems like a waste of skill proficiency. Do they stack and become Expertise, or not?
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by purplerook View Post
Yes, I love it. It makes Subtle Metamagic so valuable, and social magic (the crowded barroom) is not feasible without it.
I once had an idea of playing a Fighter Sorcerer who would subtlespell shadowblade... never got around to actually making it though. then with the new rules I had a similar idea for a character that was a Sorcerer/Martial, every morning they would cast Magic Weapon and use 1 metamagic point to extended the spell... Boom you now have a +X weapon for the next 24 hours and with the martial class you'd have proficiency and fighting styles to stack on top of it... Might be a fun idea for me next time
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