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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 03:28 AM
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After paging through my PHB, I realized that I have a revised edition because it has these advertisements on the inside cover. The earlier printings have plain white on the inside. When they revised it, they should have explained why that wizard is harassing a potter on page 60. I think that's a felony in Waterdeep.

How does HP work with dual classing? The division thing is multi-classing. For dual classing, you only gain new HP when your second class exceeds the first. It's on p. 45 of the PHB. Tarus is the generic example that would have earned his own painting had Wizards been involved in this. Instead of giving a face to the nearly anonymous examples, we get paintings of wizards harassing potters. They only got it right in 1st edition where every picture was a heavy metal album.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 04:56 AM
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That is a good picture.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 11:44 AM
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Thanks Honorious! At least my first class has the higher HD. :-)

Last edited by AlwaysCivilMike; Feb 8th, 2010 at 04:50 PM.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 03:41 PM
Rcc Rcc is offline
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Hi, I'm a little bit hesitant to post here, because I could neither find a decision that I'd been allowed into the game nor a refusal of my application. Could someone please enlighten me? There was a mention of 'four rogues' and I applied with a rogue but that is hardly a substantial indication either way..
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 03:44 PM
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I think you were one of the ones allowed. You've just been pretty silent, only posting a couple times in all the threads seen so far.

Be more active.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 03:53 PM
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Well that's mostly because it takes a lot of time just to read up. It seems almost too much to grasp for my simple adnd mind. Also, I do not want to crash into a game where I don't belong.

Last edited by Rcc; Feb 8th, 2010 at 06:41 PM.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 04:38 PM
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I think that makes 7
Kariel, JayRob, AlwaysCivilMike, Chow, Honorius, Uroboros, Rcc

better ask Asztirejan
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 05:02 PM
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I'm pretty sure Rcc was one of the original four, in the original thread, let in by Asz. The rest showed up later.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 06:02 PM
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I'll be starting a 2e game in a few weeks, after I have hammered out the rest of the plot and encounters. You might recall that a group of barbarians from The Ride attacked a Zhentarim caravan in route to Glister in the Year of the Dragon 1352 DR. In this campaign, the Zhentarim take revenge on the barbarians, slaughtering and enslaving them. Their people are divided and scattered across the north to serve in construction projects for The Black Network. A group of about 100 are set to task on constructing a particular keep, only the Northmen revolt and dash each of their captor's heads with the keep's stones. This is where the adventure would begin. The party as members of the tribe must gather their people together and wreck vengeance against the "civilized" southmen.

This campaign would be more snow and ice than heat and sand. The idea is partially based on the Fall of the Roman Empire. I realized that the Year of the Worm (1st Edition FR start date) had quite a lot of chaos in the Dalelands and they would be susceptible to invasion, although the Tuigan hordes had not yet been united under the Khahan. Similar to Rome in the 5th century, a barbarian invasion from several different sources would do well in the Eastern part of Faerun amid the chaos (akin to the Vandals, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Huns etc.).

I'm trying to incorporate material from the green cover campaign source books (vikings, celts etc.), but I have to develop it a little more before I let it loose.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 06:06 PM
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Thanks for both the coffee set answer and the weapons, which was my next question, I will definitely be going scimitar and short bow.

Now I saw you are going to homebrew the stuff from Skills and powers, which kinda screwed me up in my character generation, I had all that stuff figured out and set up for Yezeed. Let me know which way we are gonna go on that please so I can finish this up.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 06:17 PM
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Well, I'll take the full responsibility for this misunderstanding.

Rcc, I had assumed you weren't playing after you stopped posting. I had completely forgotten about you in the commotion of trying to catch up two my two games and get this one going.

Without seeing you post anything after that one short rough-draft character concept, and the deleted post, I figured you were no longer interested. I went ahead without you, so to speak, and ended up accepting Honorius and Uroboros' applications.

I apologize, sir. I'm in a difficult situation now, because I feel bad to say "sorry, your spot got taken"; yet at the same time I don't want to tell Honorius or Uroboros that they can't play after all. Most importantly, a 7-player party is simply way too big; 6 is a stretch for me as it is...when I DM, I prefer to have a smaller party of 3-4 people at most in order to maximize the personal attention and character development (and not tax my resources!).

The only way I can see this working is to do something that I've been tossing around in my head for the last few days: split you guys into two groups that either are working at cross purposes, or are just totally independent until much later in the campaign. I had pretty much decided since last night that I would try to stick with one party if at all possible; I was going to make a post and ask you guys how you'd feel about being split up, but I never got around to it.

Once again, I really am sorry, Rcc. If you don't mind, I can think about it more tonight and give you an answer tomorrow--but I'm leaning toward having to politely tell you no.

Originally Posted by Chow
I'm pretty sure Rcc was one of the original four, in the original thread, let in by Asz. The rest showed up later.
As a final note--honestly, I can't remember if Rcc expressed interest back in the original Planescape-titled thread, but the "original 4" to which I have referred actually include you, Chow. JayRob, Kariel, ACM, and you, to be precise.

Edit: Damn, I didn't check the character thread first.

Man...how can I tell a guy no when he's already started rolling?

Alright, that swayed my decision back in the other direction. Rcc, you're in. However, you need to let me know immediately (via email, please) if you have the books necessary, so we can get your character details worked out. If you don't, I'll take it from there (again, via email). I want to see a detailed character history; description; and what kit you'll be using (obviously, if you don't have the Al-Qadim material, that will have to wait until you do).

As for the rest of you--I apologize, but this will create a slight delay, as the introduction of another variable like this changes my equations around quite a bit. Well, it's not like we can play yet without JayRob anyway.

Stay tuned for updates...don't expect me to have anything concrete ready for posting by tonight, but my brain will be working in overtime now. Well...it already has been, so maybe double-overtime.

Since I already mentioned it, I think now would be a good time to hear your thoughts on a two-party game. Nothing more specific than that, yet; just let me know how you would feel about simply having two parties, and your preferences as to what type of relationships said parties would have.

Edit: Oops, totally forgot to address Kariel's comment/question after this other situation. Alright: I was trying to hammer out the mechanics for the "skill points" houserule I talked about, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it would be too complicated and unwieldy to figure out how many skill points a dual-classed or multi-classed character would get at new levels. After all, without having character points as the foundation for the classes themselves, it'd be impossible to use the standard Skills & Powers rules for such characters.

But, I want to figure out a way to make this work. I will!

So, how about this: In addition to having extra languages as bonus NWPs, as shown on Table 9: Knowledge of Skills & Powers (pg. 24), which I was going to do anyway, you will also have the same number of bonus NWPs. Furthermore, like I originally said, each character will begin with a number of skill points and gain additional skill points as they advance in level. I'm not sure yet what mechanic I will use for determing how these additional skill points will be gained, as it would need to be something that could apply across-the-board-- treating multi-, dual, and single-classed characters equally.

Sorry, Kariel. I'm working on it though!
Who says Dark Sun is dead?

Last edited by Asztirejan; Feb 8th, 2010 at 07:53 PM.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 06:34 PM
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I posted several days ago that I was handling a pretty intense combat in my DM game, and I do realise I was not posting here for several days. I was mostly just waiting for a message from you, letting us know who got accepted.

I must say I'm probably just as surprised by this whole situation as you are. I've been through the whole recruitment process and I must say I couldn't have done it without the several pages of notes I wrote about all the applications. I know just how messy that can get.

If you take a look at my profile and some of my games, you'll definitely find out I'm one of the more active players around here. My initial interest post was on page 4 in the interest thread if that helps at all.

Anyway, you're the DM, so you're ultimately making the decisions on recruitment. Please let me know.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 06:43 PM
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Who says Dark Sun is dead?
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 06:48 PM
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Just a quick note on splitting up parties:

There is the fundamental disadvantage that some characters don't get to meet some of the others for what is usually a long time. This doesn't improve roleplay in my opinion. I prefer characters to have a chance to develop all kinds of interesting inter-PC relations.

OK, as we speak several PM's are flying along the digital highway towards our esteemed DM.

Glad I got in after all and here's to hoping for a good game!

Last edited by Rcc; Feb 8th, 2010 at 07:04 PM.
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Old Feb 8th, 2010, 07:42 PM
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Agreed (with your comments).
Who says Dark Sun is dead?
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