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Old Nov 2nd, 2021, 06:29 PM
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The Crew

Place your character blurbs with attached sheets here.

With the nature of the game, I'm not particularly enamored of any specific format. Give me a name linked to the sheet, class, race, and whatever else you care to write about your character to give us a reference.

Skulls and Shackles Players' Guide
Level: 1
HP: Max at 1st, the better of Rolled or 1/2+1 for subsequent levels
Stats: 25 point buy, up to 18 and down to 7 before adjustments
Race: Anything up to 15 RP.... AND I'm trusting you guys to play Drow commoners. If you really, really, really want to. But like, really really want to.
Class: Any first party Paizo I can find on Nethys
Age: Up to Venerable, if you'd like
Traits: 2 (one campaign, one free)
Background Skills: Yes
Feats: Elephant in the Room Feat Tax Adjustments
Firearms: Early

-Not all adversaries are there to be defeated. I don't mean this in a deus ex way, in that challenges are designed for you to fail them. I mean that there are potential enemies and encounters that you're exposed to but that you cannot overcome at level 1, so be sensible when you go picking fights or exploring. I'm not going to spell out explicitly which characters will hand you your lunch, but I will try to imply it heavily.

- Don't neglect social interactions. Not every interaction is solved by a check; sometimes you can get what you want just by being nice or clever. However, I'll call for Sense Motive checks when the book directly calls for opposed rolls. You may still want to make Sense Motive checks on your own from time to time.

- I'm going to roll "passive" perception checks whenever the book tells me you guys get a chance to notice something. I'll make a note in the post of [Passive]. A green obviously indicates success and will be accompanied by what you notice. A red indicates a passive failure and gives you the opportunity to make a Perception check as a Standard action. You can still make Perception checks on your own if you like, but this should eliminate a lot of unnecessary rolls

- Even with group initiative, action economy will be followed as closely as PbP allows when in combat, including AoO and Immediate actions. If you have at-will abilities that are not constant, requiring some sort of an action (even just a free action) to activate, I will not assume you are using them unless explicitly stated otherwise in previous posts. The examples that stick out to me are Shifter's Claws or the skinwalker and kitsune abilities to change form. If you don't have it explicitly noted in your posts that you have your Shifters Claws out before combat begins, or you're in a shifted form (the racial entry spells out what your natural form is), I'll consider you unarmed or armed with whatever weapon is listed on your character sheet as Equipped.

- Except in special, specific circumstances, characters begin combat with the first weapon listed on their sheet as Equipped drawn and ready. This does not apply to weapons and abilities that require an action to activate, like Shifter's Claws or the kitsune bite attack,

Last edited by Icereach; Nov 7th, 2021 at 08:19 PM.
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Old Nov 2nd, 2021, 07:05 PM
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Ships' Surgeon

Badger probably once had a kind face, at least long ago before the sun and countless knife fights removed some of the charm. Still, despite the scars, he has a ready smile beneath an onyx eye that make him seem still friendly, at least when the face is split with a smile. His coloration is that of a sailor, deeply tanned and almost the color of fine cowhide. No one who saw him would consider him scrawny. Thick wrists offset long delicate fingers, and a muscled, sinewy body gave power to his movements. He was agile enough to work a ship's riggings, and strong enough to work along a wagon smith for a day in the blistering sun, but he could never be the better of either tradesman, in their own element.

Whitish scars criss cross the backs of his hands, and across his cheek. A larger, older one crosses his left eye, which is covered with a patch of thin, black cloth. His hair is long, dark, with a white streak through the middle, giving him his nickname, Badger. He typically wears it pulled back, and tied in a thick braid, or pony tail.

Much of his body is covered with tattoos, ship-inked by other sailors.

Badger is not shy. He does not often go unnoticed in a room, either because he is free with opinions, or his opinions are not universally liked by those who hear them. Badger tends to be brash, blunt, and forthright; some might say, tactless at times. His heart is good, but his mouth sometimes runs faster than his head can stop it.

Items, once owned:

35 gold MINUS:

Hammock 7 sp

Backpack 2 gp
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk!
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Old Nov 3rd, 2021, 09:28 PM
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Vizk "Scales" Ichimal
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Vizk "Scales" Ichimal

Besmara's Blessing

Vizk, most commonly called Scales by his crewmates, was born into a tribe in The Sodden Lands. His life was fairly unremarkable until his adolescence when, trying to show off to his friends, he spilled hot coals and caught the shrine to Yig, whom the tribe worshipped, alight.

The tribal leader was a stern female, and she allowed no leniency for age nor intent, Vizk was exiled from the tribe. For a time, he wandered the swamps alone, surviving on what roots he could dig up and what small fish he could catch, more than once narrowly escaping becoming a meal for a larger predator. He caught sight of a ship with mostly pale, scaleless creatures on board, they were loading food captured from the shore onto their ship.

In desperation, he snuck aboard the ship, breaking into the stores and eating. With a full belly and a safe spot, he drifted to sleep. When he awoke, it did not take long for him to put the swaying sensation of the ship to a conclusion, the ship must have left the shore. He scrambled up on deck, but the shore was no longer in sight. He must have made some noise at that point, because it drew the sailors to him.

They drug him in front of what he took to be their chief, and there was much talking he didn't understand. He wouldn't know until later that they were deciding his fate, and he would owe his survival that day to many sailors believing he was a sign from Besmara.

He was kept at first as sort of a crew mascot. There was a half-elf aboard who spoke Draconic, and he painstakingly taught Vizk to speak Common. Once they could communicate, the crew soon appreciated the value he brought in being able to safely swim under the ship too check for damage, and he became more and more a member of the crew. As time passed, Vizk became a passable fighter, and then suddenly he could call upon divine aid for spells. The older sailors took it as another sign that Vizk had the blessing of Besmara upon him, while Vizk himself was never sure, he didn't go out of his way to worship Besmara, things just happened.

Recently, things have taken a downward turn. Captain Rithlow was getting on in age and passed away on the last voyage. After he passed and First Mate Grinlow took charge, the ship was first becalmed for three days before running into a storm a week later that almost capsized the ship, and to end it all off he brought the ship in a little too fast, damaging the ship against the pier. It was done, the crew had lost all faith in Grinlow, they said he was a good first mate, but a terrible captain. If he could even pay for the repairs, the crew wasn't coming back, they were all looking for new berths. And just like that, the closest thing Vizk had known to a tribe and family for the last six years was gone. He supposed he should try to find a new ship and crew as well, in the morning. He found himself in the dockside tavern the Formidably Maid, drinking grog. He had never liked the stuff on ship, he supposed it must taste different to non-reptilian tongues, but the alcohol had the same effect. He wanted to mute his feelings, but with his lack of experience quickly found himself three sheets to the wind, slowly drifting to sleep at the table where he sat.

Vizk looks imposing to people not very familiar with Lizardfolk, and his reptilian face does not display facial cues as readily as mammalian faces. He often wears warpaint in intricate designs on his dark blue-green scales.


Last edited by Icereach; Jan 7th, 2022 at 11:15 PM.
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Old Nov 4th, 2021, 07:05 AM
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Graak Fishguts
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Graak Fishguts

Buccaneer's Blood

The Fishgut name once stood for something. It was once a feared and respected name all round the Shackles. So the fact hat the end of the ferocious Fishguts line ended up being born at the bottom of a abandoned mine on the wrong side of the Slithering coast. Dark and cold, Graak Fishguts was thrust into the world with a name of power, but very little to back it up.

His green ears seemed to grow first. Perhaps it was to make up for the dark surroundings, or perhaps it was just a sign that Graak was reaching for the surface world with every inch of his body. His eyes adjusted next, piercing the gloom of the mine. His mottled hands and feet grew knobbled and pointy as he scaled every inch of the mines, scrabbling to reach out and find every crack and crevice to clamber his way out. In a few short years (a lifetime to any self-respecting goblin), Graak Fishguts had made it to the surface. Now to take back his name.

Short and angry, even for a goblin, Graak picked up any skill he could. He could jump, and climb just about anything he could find.He would take any work he could, but it was on the ships that he felt most comfortable. He was a natural up in the crows nest, scaling rigging faster than any of the big folk. He could swim too - not well mind, but good enough not to get eaten. That was the number one rule of the open sea too - stay out of harms way just far enough so you don't get eaten, or killed, by the next biggest threat, and Graak had made it this far by skirting these exact threats, tumbling past the blades and arrows, and even picking up a few sword tricks of his own.

It wasn't luck, not all of it at least. There was a real skill in what he did, precise and calculated movements. He had a fine eye for detail, and his field training in swordsmanship bordered on surgical at times. Graak started to get a reputation for derring do, fancy footwork and fast hands. It was this reputation that finally handed Graak an interview in the Formidably Maid. He had shown up, cocky and sure, but was bested before he even started by the sort of typical conniving and underhanded trickery that he should have seen coming. Struck from behind in a pathetic excuse for a barroom brawl, Graak was down in moments. His final images were blurred, but he thought he saw a grinning face and the glint of gold in the mouth...


On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus.

Last edited by Icereach; Jan 7th, 2022 at 11:14 PM.
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Old Nov 4th, 2021, 09:51 PM
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Touched by The Sea

The small white haired girl was found at the beach. Her body blue and nearly everyone thought her to be dead. When she was finally brought to a healer she woke and spewing water from her young lungs and breathing air for what nearly seemed to be the first time. She was taken in by a fishing family that had no children of their own. She grew up on the water, feeling the ebb and flow of the fluid beneath the boat every day of her life.

One day, sitting at the beach, a turtle came from the waves. The creature made its way to her and somehow she understood it. Then it began teaching her. She learned from it and soon enough she had magic and a destiny. It was with this destiny in mind that came to Port Peril in and a tavern called the Formidably Maid, there she had a few drinks before going down to the docks to take in a view of the sea. The last thing she remembers is a blow to the back her head and the waves rushing up to meet her.

Last edited by Ysolde; Nov 5th, 2021 at 12:16 AM.
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Old Mar 2nd, 2022, 03:22 AM
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Brimble Lightfinger


There is no room for weakness when it comes to the Lightfingers. Ever since his great-grandmother Capt. Letricia Lightfinger sailed the open seas under the black flag, with her crew of marauders, the Lightfinger name was synonymous with Legitimacy and Fear in equal measure. Whether their leadership style has been the Cunning and Calculated stylings of his Grandfather Carver Lightfinger, or the Raw, unfiltered Violence, Aggression, and Chaos of his Father, Hank "Havoc" Lightfinger... The Lightfinger's remain leaders in their own right! That is, all the way up until Brimble.

Brimble T. Lightfinger shared in the wanderlust of her forebears, but lacked their leadership qualities. He simply wanted to sail the open sea, and had an eye for beauty and treasure... But had no desire to pillage, plunder, or murder anyone to get it. He'd spent his life learning to weigh risks vs rewards. It's because of his calculating mind, and possibly his OCD, that Brimble found himself aboard the Wormwood. Spending his days taking inventory and reorganizing the shelves, Brimble fancies himself an unofficial apprentice of the ship's current Quartermaster, Cut-Throat Grok.

Generally with a stoic demeanor, and clipboard in hand, he prefers to remain out of sight, and out of mind, of the other crew members. After all, what better place for a rogue to operate than in the background?
"Without Commitment, you'll never start;
But, without Consistency, you'll never finish!"

Last edited by Reliq0770; Mar 15th, 2022 at 01:24 AM.
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