Perhaps, just perhaps, old world sailing vessels was the subject of my master's thesis, eh? Maybe I just KNOW this stuff.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
Squeek said you never finished middle school, so...
And you believed Squeak?
Who's dumber than a middle schooler now?
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
Jeff Foxworthy but I don't think that counts.
He may well be dumber, but he's sitting on a few million dollar fortune, and neither Squeak or I are.
Speaking of which... what is Squeak sitting on? Ugh!
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
Alright. Sorry for the delay, I just had a lot going on. I'll get us moving again tonight
Or at least that was the plan. I seem to have come down with viral meningitis. I can't apologize enough team, but let me get this out of my system.
Oh, sure. Apologize for catching a virus. Something completely out of your control.
Uhm, Ice... you don't apologize for things out of your control. Your friends don't expect you to. Just... take care of yourself. Get better. And, best to stay out of bilge rooms... you've got enough infection to fight off.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
I feel for you icereach. Get well soon. In the meantime I had my wrist worked on by my doctor to fix a tear in my TFCC . I'm typing with one hand and it's my non dominant one. Expect delays
She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
I survived, for the most part. No fever, no light sensitivity waking up today, though the neck is still stiff. I doubt I'll get anything up today or tomorrow, but the woods, I'm outta them. Also solidarity, Yssy.
Alright. I'm alive, back in the swing of things, and updating on a crunch. Just now seeing this about your wrist, Ysolde. How's the therapy coming along?
There's a big info dump about pirate games and entertainments and updates to the NPC chart I need to make, but I'm honestly pretty wiped. I'll try to get to it tomorrow so you guys have everything at your fingertips, posted in Day-to-Day and Dramatis Personae.
Looking forward to all the info! (even if Graak is bitterly disappointed that Mr Fishguts is a smelly human...) Take care Ysolde and Icereach
![]() I will likely be out of action intermittently myself over the next week or so as the festive season kicks up a notch.
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. |
Alllllllllrighty then. Now that we've done our first day of work and you guys are getting more freedom to move about the ship, it's time to handle the step we intentionally skipped at the beginning: equipment! You have your class average in wealth to purchase starting gear. However, don't add this to your character sheet. Instead, list all items at the bottom of your post in the character thread with the listed cost. You'll have plenty of opportunities to beg, buy (at 1/2 listed price), or steal it all back from the quartermaster during play. I wanted to introduce the penalties for getting caught stealing before letting you all know the possibilities.
Meanwhile, I'm still updating the info threads. I'll post here when that's complete.
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