Character Generation: Ultimate Random Race Chart
I am making this thread because what I am going to post is almost too large. To print it in standard font would take 150 pages. The first seven pages are racial references. Please, bear with me. Included are several races that the player may not want to use, this is fine. However, for some of the races included adjustments need to be made in regards to technologies or methodolgy of given powers, but that is all rather easily completed. All sources cited are 3e/3.5e d20 systems. This chart is also a 'living document' meaning it can change as more sources are found. Here is how the Ultimate Random Race Chart is going to work: 1. Roll three d7-1's to find your Section (thousands place number). 2. Roll three d1000 to find three race choices, this is done for a few reasons, choice and the 'Chart' has templates listed as well. (should result in three 0001-6000 choices) 3. Should a 'base'/'core' race not be rolled in the three initial attempts, a follow-up roll will be made until a 'base'/'core' race is the result, that will be your base creature. 4. The player has the option to accept the results of this random determination at a credit of +1XP. If none are acceptable the whole concept can be scraped for a fresh attempt. 5. Continue on to the rest of the random tables for generation complete results and an additional XP, as above. 6. Make final choices for playability. 7. Try to play and have fun :P
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos Last edited by Solomon777; Dec 14th, 2013 at 01:31 AM. |
Ultimate Random Race Chart: Table of References
1-8 = Players Handbook 8-16 = Expanded Psionics Handbook 7-20 = Magic of Incarnum 21-34 = Planar Handbook 35-42 = Unearthed Arcana 43-96 = Savage Species 97-109 = Races of Destiny 110-125 = Races of Eberron 126-133 = Races of Stone 134-137 = Races of the Dragon 138-144 = Races of the Wild 145-164 = Dragonlance Campaign Setting 165-166 = Dragonlance: Age of Mortals 167-194 = Races of Ansalon 195-210 = Dragons of Krynn 211-262 = Bestiary of Krynn 263-279 = Savage Species (templates) 280-305 = Conan 2nd Edition 306-316 = Bestiary of the Hyborian Age 317-339 = Book of Exalted Deeds 340-342 = Book of Vile Darkness 343-377 = Draconomicon 378-389 = Dragon Magic 390-413 = Frostburn 414-418 = Ghostwalk 419-437 = Libris Mortis 438-463 = Sandstorm 464-477 = Stormwrack 478-507 = Eberron Campaign Setting 508-531 = Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 532-534 = Champions of Ruin 535-536 = Waterdeep City of Splendors 537-541 = City of the Spider Queen 542-544 = Dragons of Faerun 545-546 = Faiths and Pantheons 547-557 = Lost Empires of Faerun 558-560 = Magic of Faerun 561-599 = Monsters of Faerun 600-662 = Races of Faerun 663-668 = Serpent Kingdoms 669-672 = Serpent Kingdoms, Web Enhancement 673-682 = Shining South 683-693 = Unapproachable East 694-721 = Underdark 722-740 = Kingdoms of Kalamar Players Guide 741-759 = Oriental Adventures 760-774 = Manual of the Planes 775-780 = Tome of Magic 781-785 = Deities and Demigods 786-834 = Fiend Folio 835-957 = Monster Manual I 958-999 = Monster Manual II 1000-1046 = Monster Manual III 1047-1056 = Monster Manual IV 1057-1066 = Monster Manual V 1067-1069 = The Dread Codex 1070-1085 = Monster (Alderac) 1086-1093 = Faeries (Bastion Press) 1094-1110 = Minions Rebirth (Bastion Press) 1111-1124 = Out for Blood (Bastion Press) 1125-1130 = Welcome to HAEL (A Better Mousetrap) 1131 = Blackdyrge’s Bestiary: Perils of the Burning Waste (Blackdryge Publishing) 1132-1133 = Blackdryge’s Bestiary: Terrors of the Under Realm (Blackdryge Publishing) 1134-1146 = Blackdyrge’s Templates 1147-1151 = Primal Races (Bloodstone Press) 1152-1157 = The Lords of the Night: Liches (Bottled Imp Games) 1158-1168 = The Lords of the Night: Vampires (Bottled Imp Games) 1169-1172 = The Lords of the Night: Zombies (Bottled Imp Games) 1173-1175 = Dragon Lords of Melnibone (Chaosium) 1176-1193 = Masterwork Characters/Monsters (Clockwork Golem Workshop) 1194-1195 = Harn Guide (Columbia Games) 1196-1230 = Deathstalkers II Corebook (Cutters Guild) 1231-1242 = Crown: City of the Fallen (Dark Quest) 1243-1245 = Dwarves: Hammer of the Dwarven Lords (Dark Quest) 1246-1251 = Fell Beasts: Goblins (Dark Quest) 1252-1254 = Gnomes: Masters of Illusion (Dark Quest) 1255-1271 = Lost Prehistorica (Dark Quest) 1272-1274 = Lost Prehistorica: Lost Creatures (Dark Quest) 1275 = Moon Elves (Dark Quest) 1276-1279 = Accidents of Birth: Deformities (Devil’s Workshop) 1280 = Legend of the Headless Horseman (Devil’s Workshop) 1281-1282 = Travels & Troubles: Bizarre Bestiary (Devil’s Workshop) 1283-1285 = Folkloric: Gallia, Land of Chivalry and Intrigue (Dog Soul) 1286-1290 = Folkloric: Kitsunemori Campaign Setting (Dog Soul) 1291-1293 = Folkloric: Niflheim, the Land of Fire and Ice (Dog Soul) 1294-1310 = Races of Consequence (Dog Soul) 1311-1315 = Culture Clash: Dwarves (Dungeon Dwellers Guild) 1316-1321 = Culture Clash: Elves (Dungeon Dwellers Guild) 1322-1328 = Fields Run Red: Players Guide (Dungeon Dwellers Guild) 1329-1340 = Liber Bestiarius: The Book of Beasts (Eden Studios) 1341-1359 = Dawnforge Corebook (Fantasy Flight Games) 1360-1365 = Dawnforge: Age of Legend (Fantasy Flight Games) 1366-1382 = Devil’s Players Guide (Fast Forward Entertainment) 1383-1384 = Dragon Lore (Fat Dragon) 1385-1435 = The Completist Guide to Humanoid Characters (Fifth Element) 1436 = A Flock of Foes (Genjitsu Games) 1437-1443 = Dragonmech (Goodman Games) 1444-1449 = Etherscope (Goodman Games) 1450-1452 = Races of the Endless Dark (Goodman Games) 1453-1455 = The Complete Guide to Beholders (Goodman Games) 1456-1460 = The Complete Guide to Dragonkin (Goodman Games) 1461-1467 = The Complete Guide to the Drow (Goodman Games) 1468-1474 = The Complete Guide to the Fey (Goodman Games) 1475-1480 = The Complete Guide to Liches (Goodman Games) 1481-1482 = The Complete Guide to Rakshasa (Goodman Games) 1483-1491 = The Complete Guide to Treants (Goodman Games) 1492-1498 = The Complete Guide to Vampires (Goodman Games) 1499-1514 = Blue Rose (Green Ronin) 1515-1637 = Advanced Bestiary (Green Ronin) 1638-1647 = Advanced Players Manual (Green Ronin) 1648-1658 = Mythic Vistas: Egyptian Adventures: Hamunaptra (Green Ronin) 1659-1663 = Mythic Vistas: Eternal Rome (Green Ronin) 1664-1669 = Mythic Vistas: Mindshadows (Green Ronin) 1670-1687 = Mythic Vistas: Spiros Blaak (Green Ronin) 1688-1689 = Mythic Vistas: Testament (Green Ronin) 1690-1692 = Mythic Vistas: The Black Company (Green Ronin) 1693 = Mythic Vistas: Trojan War (Green Ronin) 1694-1703 = Races of Renown: A Guidebook to the Planetouched (Green Ronin) 1704-1746 = Races of Renown: A Guidebook to Half-breeds (Green Ronin) 1747-1753 = Races of Renown; A Guidebook to Wood Elves (Green Ronin) 1754 = Races of Renown: A Guidebook to Vampires (Green Ronin) 1755-1760 = Races of Renown: A Guidebook to Dwarves (Green Ronin) 1761-1816 = Book of Beasts (Igino) 1817-1835 = Shadowlands (Jagged Edge Games) 1836-1845 = The Realms of Lanai Players Guide (Khan’s Press) 1846 = Fringe Monsters: Predators of the Pit (Khan’s Press) 1847-1850 = Fringe Races: Rogues (Khan’s Press) 1851-1866 = Monster Anthology Volume One (Khan’s Press) 1867-1869 = Halloween Horrors (Lion’s Den Press) 1870-1877 = Secrets of the Planes (Lion’s Den Press) 1878-1888 = The Iconic Bestiary (Lion’s Den Press) 1889-1909 = Arcana Evolved: Variant Players Handbook (Malhavok Press) 1910-1918 = Arana Evolved: Arcana Unearthed Variant Players Handbook (Malhavok Press) 1919-1943 = Arcana Evolved: Arcana Unearthed Legacy of the Dragons (Malhavok Press) 1944-1953 = Castlemourn Corebook (Margaret Weis Publishing) 1954-1961 = Infernum II: Book of the Tormentor (Mongoose Publishing) 1962 = Mist Elves (Mongoose Publishing) 1963-2011 = Monster Encyclopaedia Vol. 1: Ravagers of the Realms (Mongoose Publishing) 2012-2019 = Nephandum (Mongoose Publishing) 2020-2021 = Seas of Blood (Mongoose Publishing) 2022-2029 = The Slayers Guide Compendium Vol. 1 (Mongoose Publishing) 2030-2089 = The Slayers Guide Series (Mongoose Publishing) 2090-2098 = The Tome of Drow Lore (Mongoose Publishing) 2099-2100 = Lost Lineage Series (Mythic Press) 2101-2106 = The Complete Guide to Drow (d20 Natural) 2107-2118 = Primal Codex (Netherland Games) 2119-2123 = Bronze Gods (Old Kingdom Games) 2124-2133 = Eldest Sons: Essential Guide to Elves (Paradigm Concepts) 2134-2145 = Lords of the Peaks: Essential Guide to Giants (Paradigm Concepts) 2146-2150 = Slaves of the Moon: Essential Guide to Lycanthropes (Paradigm Concepts) 2151-2154 = Unveiled Masters: Essential Guide to Mind Flayers (Paradigm Concepts) 2155-2173 = Emerging Forms Series (Primal Urge Games) 2174-2176 = Monster of Illusion (Reality Deviants) 2177-2178 = Construct Mechanus (Ronin Arts Design) 2179-2187 = Legends of the Samurai Campaign Guide (RPG Projects) 2188-2190 = Curse of the Moon (Sean K Renolds Games) 2191-2203 = The Second World (Second World Simulations) 2204 = Lines of Legend Series (Secular Games) 2205-2208 = Viking: Midgard (Secular Games) 2209-2211 = Monsters of Twilight: Cursed Monsters (Silven Publishing) 2212-2214 = Races of Twilight Series (Silven Publishing) 2215-2393 = Book of Templates (Silverthorne Games) 2394-2416 = Races of Evernor (Silverthorne Games) 2417-2471 = Template Troves (Silverthorne Games) 2472-2487 = Twisted Menagerie (Silverthorne Games) 2488 = Blackdryge’s Templates (Skeleton Key Games) 2489-2567 = Noble Wild (Skirmisher Game Development Group) 2568-2591 = Dreadmire (Spellbinder Games) 2592-2603 = Children of the Panes (Tangent Games) 2604 = Monsters: The Headless Horseman (The Le Games) 2605-2606 = Moonfire (Thousand Press) 2607-2743 = Bestiary Malfearous (Unknown Publisher) 2744-2745 = Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (Unknown Publisher) 2746-2747 = Herocraft: Magecraft (Unknown Publisher) 2748-2762 = Immortals: Handbook of Ascension (Unknown Publisher) 2763 = Mutant Super Powers (Unknown Publisher) 2764-2766 =Super Powers (Unknown Publisher) 2767-2776 = Warhammer Conversion (Unknown Publisher) 2777-2784 = Book of Erotic Fantasy (Valar Project) 2785-2798 = Clash of Stone (Vigilance) 2799-2810 = EverQuest Players Guide (White Wolf Publishing) 2811-2826 = EverQuest: Monsters of Luclin (White Wolf Publishing) 2827-2872 = EverQuest: Monsters of Norrath (White Wolf Publishing) 2873-2886 = EverQuest II: Player’s Guide (White Wolf Publishing) 2887-2905 = BESM: 3rd Edition (White Wolf Publishing) 2906-2916 = Blackoor Corebook (Zeitgeist Games) 2917-2926 = Heroes of Delphi (Zoze Games) 2927-3008 = Unearthed Arcana (WotC) 3009-3029 = Savage Species (WotC) 3030 = Player’s Choice 3031-3222 = Template Index 3223 = Highlander 3224-3253 = Legend of the Five Rings: Creatures of Rokugan (Alderac Games) 3254-3307 = Legend of the Five Rings: Rokugan Campaign Setting (Alderac Games) 3308-3337 = Legends & Lairs: Mythic Races (Fantasy Flight Games) 3338-3363 = Legends & Lairs: Monsters Handbook (Fantasy Flight Games) 3364-3376 = Legends of Excalibur: Arthurian Adventures (RPG Objects) 3377-3395 = Midnight 2nd Ed. (Fantasy Flight Games) 3396-3404 = Midnight: Minions of the Shadow (Fantasy Flight Games) 3405 = Krull: Campaign Setting 3406-3416 = Narnia: Campaign Setting 3417-3435 = Nyambe African Adventures: Players Lorebook 3436-3446 = Spelljammers: Converted Creatures 3447-3475 = Tome of Horrors (Necromancer Games) 3476-3487 = The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) 3488-3506 = Umbragia: Realms of Shadow (Jagged Edge Games) 3507-3558 = World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertaiment) 3559-3609 = Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene (WotC) 3610-3613 = Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts (Green Ronin Publishing) 3614-3657 = World of Kulan: Monster Compliation (Net-Book) 3658-3664 = World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment) 3665-3782 = OGL Ancients (Mongoose Publishing) 3783-3803 = Morningstar Corebook (Goodman Games) 3804-3810 = Mythe (Sporadic Ent.) 3811-3820 = Narosia: Sea of Tears (Legendsmiths) 3821-3837 = NeoExodus (Devil’s Workshop) 3838-3876 = Nyambe: Afrikan Aventures (Atlas Games) 3877-3882 = Nyambe (Web Enhancements) 3883-3895 = Oathbound (Bastion Press) 3896 = Jade and Steel: Mythic China (Avalanche Press) 3897-3947 = Bestiary Nefarious 3948-3953 = Mars Corebook 3954-3974 = Phydea Campaign Setting 3975-3982 = Ravenloft Campaign Setting (Malhavoc Press) 3983-4023 = Ravenloft: Denizens of Darkness (Malhavoc Press) 4024-4031 = Heroes and Magic Sourcebook (Seven Avengers) 4032-4042 = Sovereign Stone Campaign Setting (Soveriegn Press) 4043-4046 = Spellcraft & Swordplay (Elf Lair Games) 4047-4062 = Star Wars Revised Core Rulebook (WotC) 4063-4244 = Star Wars: Ultimate Alien Anthology (WotC) 4245-4252 = Swashbuckling Adventures Corebook (Alderac Entertainment) 4253-4256 = Swashbuckling Adventures: The Sidhe Book of Nightmares (Alderac Entertainment) 4257-4298 = Talislanta (Morrigan Press) 4299-4318 = 13 Kingdoms 4319-4330 = The Echoes of Heaven (Rolemaster) 4331-4366 = The Kyngdoms (The Kyngdoms) 4367-4378 = The Land of Argyle (Silver Oak Studios) 4379-4384 = The Second World Campaign Sourcebook (Second World) 4385-4409 = The Forgotten Realms: Players Guide to Faerun (WotC) 4410-4843 = Dungeons and Dragons Wiki (www.dandwiki.com) 4844-5148 = Creature Catalog: Converted Monsters (http://creaturecatalog.enworld.org/) 5149-5763 = DnDWiki: LA+0 (www.dndwiki.com) 5764-5941 = DnDWiki LA+1 5942-6078 = DNDWiki LA+2 6079-6128 = DNDWiki LA+3 6129-6153 = DNDWiki LA+4 6154-6167 = DNDWiki LA+5 6168-6173 = DNDWiki LA+6 6174-6180 = DNDWiki LA+7 6181-6183 = DNDWiki LA+8 6184-6246 = DNDWiki LA+9 +/- 6247-6271 = DNDWiki LA=Unknown 6272-6288 = DNDWiki LA=Varies 6289-6292= Dragonlance Nexus: Draconians (http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/12040.aspx) 6293-6319 = Draonglance Nexus: Player Races (http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/10979.aspx) 6320-6417 = Elf: SRD 6418-6515 = Dwarf: SRD 6516-6612 = Gnome: SRD 6613-6709 = Half-elf: SRD 6710-6806 = Half-orc: SRD 6807-6903 = Halfling: SRD 6904-7000 = Human: SRD
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos |
1st Section:
1. Human 2. Dwarf 3. Elf 4. Halfling 5. Gnome 6. Half-elves 7. Half-orcs 8. Dromite 9. Duergar 10. Elan 11. Githyanki 12. Githzerai 13. Half-giant 14. Maenad 15. Thri-kreen 16. Xeph 17. Azurin 18. Duskling 19. Rilkan 20. Skarn 21. Aasimar 22. Bariaur 23. Buomman 24. Mephling 25. Neraphim 26. Shadowswyft 27. Spiker 28. Tiefling 29. Wildren 30. Avoral Guardinal 31. Chain Devil 32. Hound Archon 33. Janni 34. Lillend 35. Aquatic Variant (reroll) 36. Arctic Variant (reroll) 37. Desert Variant (reroll) 38. Jungle Variant (reroll) 39. Air Variant (reroll) 40. Earth Variant (reroll) 41. Water Variant (reroll) 42. Fire Variant (reroll) 43. Half-ogres 44. Air Elemental, Large 45. Annis Hag 46. Aranea 47. Asrtal Deva 48. Athach 49. Avoral 50. Azer 51. Barghest 52. Belker 53. Centaur 54. Djinni 55. Drider 56. Earth Elemental, Large 57. Efreeti (genie) 58. Ettercap 59. Fire Elemental, Large 60. Fire Giant 61. Flamebrother (salamander) 62. Flesh Golem 63. Frost Giant 64. Ghaele 65. Ghoul 66. Hag, Green 67. Griffon 68. Grig 69. Hamatula 70. Harpy 71. Hound Archon 72. Imp 73. Janni 74. Kyton 75. Lillend 76. Magmin 77. Medusa 78. Mind Flayer 79. Mummy 80. Nixie 81. Ogre 82. Ogre Magi 83. Pixie 84. Rakshasa 85. Satyr 86. Sea Hag 87. Shadow 88. Stone Giant 89. Succubus 90. Incubus 91. Treant 92. Troll 93. Trumpet Archon 94. Umber Hulk 95. Vrock 96. Water Elemental, Large 97. Human 98. Illumian 99. Half-elf 100. Half-orc 101. Aasimar 102. Doppleganger 103. Half-ogre 104. Mongrelfolk 105. Sea Kin 106. Sharakim 107. Skulk 108. Tiefling 109. Underfolk 110. Changling 111. Warforged 112. Shifter 113. Kalashtar 114. Dwarf 115. Elf, Aerenal 116. Elf, Khorvaire 117. Elf, Valenar 118. Gnome 119. Goblin 120. Half-elves 121. Half-orc 122. Halfling, Khorvaire 123. Halfling, Talenta 124. The Inspired 125. Orc 126. Dwarf 127. Gnome 128. Goliath 129. Chaos Gnome 130. Dream Dwarf 131. Feral Gargun 132. Stonechild 133. Whisper Gnome 134. Dragonborn of Bahamut 135. Spellscale 136. Kobold 137. Dragon-Descent 138. Elf 139. Halfling 140. Raptoran 141. Catfolk 142. Centaur 143. Gnoll 144. Killoren 145. Human, Civilized 146. Human, Nomad 147. Mountain Dwarf 148. Hill Dwarf 149. Dark Dwarf 150. Gully Dwarf 151. Elf, Kagonesti 152. Elf, Qualinesti 153. Elf, Silvanesti 154. Half-elf 155. Sea Elf 156. Tinker Gnome 157. Kender 158. Centaur 159. Draconian, Baaz 160. Draconian, Kapak 161. Irda 162. Ogre 163. Half-ogre 164. Minotaur 165. Tarmak 166. Half-kender 167. Human, Civilized 168. Human, Nomad 169. Hill Dwarf 170. Mountain Dwarf 171. Dark Dwarf 172. Gully Dwarf 173. Half-dwarf 174. Elf, Kagonesti 175. Elf, Qualinesti 176. Elf, Silvanesti 177. Sea Elf 178. Half-elf 179. Tinker Gnome 180. Mad Gnome 181. Wild Gnome 182. Half-gnome 183. Goblin 184. Bugbear 185. Hobgoblin 186. Half-goblin 187. True Kender 188. Afflicted Kender 189. Half-kender 190. Minotaur 191. Minotaur, Thoradorian 192. Ogre 193. Half-ogre 194. Irda 195. Draconian, Aurak 196. Draconian, Baaz 197. Draconian, Bozak 198. Draconian, Kapak 199. Draconian, Sivak 200. Draconian, Flame 201. Draconian, Frost 202. Draconian, Lightning 203. Draconian, Vapor 204. Draconian, Venom 205. Dragonspawn, Black (reroll) 206. Dragonspawn, Blue (reroll) 207. Dragonspawn, Green (reroll) 208. Dragonspawn, Red (reroll ) 209. Dragonspawn, White (reroll) 210. Dragonspawn, Sea (reroll) 211. Centaur, Wendle 212. Child of the Sea (reroll) 213. Accantus (reroll) 214. Dark Thrall (reroll) 215. Disir 216. Tyin 217. Disir Queen 218. Draconian, Flame 219. Draconian, Frost 220. Draconian, Lightning 221. Draconian, Vapor 222. Draconian, Venom 223. Dragon, Amphi 224. Dragon, Aquatic 225. Dragon, Fire 226. Dragon, Frost 227. Dragon Vassal (reroll) 228. Dragonspawn, Blue (reroll) 229. Dragonspawn, Green (reroll) 230. Dragonspawn, Red (reroll) 231. Dragonspawn, White (reroll) 232. Dragonspawn, Sea (reroll) 233. Dragonspawn, Black (reroll) 234. Dragonspawn, Abomination (reroll) 235. Air Minion 236. Earth Minion 237. Water Minion 238. Fire Minion 239. Feeder 240. Forestmaster (reroll animal) 241. Giant, Desolation 242. Half-giant 243. Goblin, Cave Lord 244. Huldrefolk 245. Imp, Vapor 246. Kyrie 247. Lizardfolk, Jarak-Sinn 248. Magori 249. Awakened Animal (reroll animal) 250. Proto-Creature (reroll) 251. Sacred Guardian 252. Saqualaminoi 253. Skorenoi (reroll) 254. Slig 255. Ghaggler 256. Tainted Blood (reroll) 257. Tayling 258. Taylang 259. Tylor 260. Ursoi 261. Witchlin (reroll) 262. Yaggol 263. Feral Creature (reroll) 264. Gelatinous Creature (reroll) 265. Ghost Brute (reroll) 266. Incarnate Construct 267. Insectile Creature (reroll) 268. Monstrous Beast (reroll) 269. Multiheaded Creature (reroll) 270. Mummified Creature (reroll) 271. Reptilian Creature (reroll) 272. Spectral Creature (reroll) 273. Symbiotic Creature (reroll) 274. Tauric Creature (reroll) 275. Umbral Creature (reroll) 276. Wight (reroll) 277. Winged Creature (reroll) 278. Wraith (reroll) 279. Yuan-ti (reroll) 280. Human, Cimmerian 281. Human, Himelian Tribesman 282. Human, Himelian Tribesman, Wazuli 283. Human, Hyborian 284. Human, Hyborian, Argossean 285. Human, Hyborian, Bossonian 286. Human, Hyborian, Gunderman 287. Human, Hyborian, Hyperborean 288. Human, Hyborian, Tauran 289. Human, Hyrkanian 290. Human, Turanian 291. Human, Khitan 292. Human, Kushite 293. Human, Chaga 294. Human, Ghanata 295. Human, Nordheimer 296. Human, Pict 297. Human, Shemite 298. Human, Shemite, Meadow Shemite 299. Human, Shemite, Pelishtim 300. Human, Southern Islander 301. Human, Southern Islander, Darfari 302. Human, Stygian 303. Human, Vendhyan 304. Human, Zamorian 305. Human, Zingaran 306. Bestial Things of Yb 307. Children of the Night 308. Giant-kin/Blood of the Giant 309. Hyena-men 310. Jaguar-men 311. Man-ape 312. Man-serpent 313. Snake-men 314. Vampire (reroll) 315. Werebeast (reroll animal) 316. Wild-men 317. Aleax (reroll) 318. Archon, Owl 319. Archon, Sword 320. Archon, Throne 321. Archon, Warden 322. Asura 323. Bariaur 324. Eladrin, Coure 325. Eladrin, Firre 326. Eladrin, Shiradi 327. Eladrin, Tulani 328. Guardinal, Equinal 329. Guardinal, Musteval 330. Guardinal, Ursinal 331. Hollyphant 332. Leskylor 333. Leskylor, Three-headed 334. Moon Dog 335. Quesar 336. Rhek 337. Sacred Watcher (reroll) 338. Saint (reroll) 339. Sanctified Creature (reroll) 340. Bone Creature (reroll) 341. Corpse Creature (reroll) 342. Corrupted Creature (reroll) 343. Drake, Abyssal 344. Dracolich (reroll dragon) 345. Draconic Creature (reroll) 346. Dragonkin 347. Dragonnel 348. Drake, Earth 349. Drake, Fire 350. Drake, Air 351. Drake, Ice 352. Drake, Magma 353. Drake, Ooze 354. Drake, Water 355. Drake, Smoke 356. Dragon, Faerie 357. Dragon, Fang 358. Felldrake, Spiked 359. Dragon, Ghostly (reroll dragon) 360. Half-dragon 361. Landwyrm, Forest 362. Landwyrm, Plains 363. Landwyrm, Underdark 364. Dragon, Battle 365. Dragon, Chaos 366. Dragon, Ethereal 367. Dragon, Howling 368. Dragon, Oceanus 369. Dragon, Pryoclastic 370. Dragon, Radiant 371. Dragon, Rust 372. Dragon, Styx 373. Dragon, Tarterian 374. Dragon, Shadow 375. Dragon, Skeletal (reroll dragon) 376. Dragon, Vampiric (reroll dragon) 377. Dragon, Zombie (reroll dragon) 378. Human, Silverbrow 379. Elf, Drow, Deepwyrm 380. Half-elf, Drow, Deepwyrm 381. Dwarf, Fireblood 382. Elf, Forestlord 383. Half-elf, Forestlord 384. Gnome, Stonehunter 385. Halfling, Glimmerskin 386. Lizardfolk, Viletooth 387. Hobgoblin, Sunscorch 388. Orc, Frostblood 389. Half-orc, Frostblood 390. Human, Neanderthal 391. Dwarf, Glacier 392. Elf, Snow 393. Gnome, Ice 394. Halfling, Tundra 395. Uldra 396. Domovoi 397. Dwarf, Midgard 398. Frost Folk 399. Genie, Qourrash 400. Ghost, Frostfell (reroll) 401. Giant, Frost, Mauler 402. Giant, Frost, Spiritspeaker 403. Giant, Frost, Tundra Scout 404. Goblin, Snow 405. Ice Beast (reroll) 406. Orc, Snow Shaman 407. Raven, Giant 408. Spirit Animal (reroll animal) 409. Urskan 410. Vodyanoi 411. Yeti 412. Yeti, Abominable 413. Yuki-on-na 414. Bonesinger (reroll) 415. Ghost (reroll) 416. Monstrous Vampire (reroll) 417. Mumai (reroll) 418. Yuan-ti (reroll) 419. Morgh 420. Ghoul 421. Vampire Spawn 422. Ghast 423. Mummy 424. Cinderspawn 425. Deathlok 426. Desiccator 427. Evolved Undead (reroll undead) 428. Ghost Brute (reroll) 429. Ghoul, Gravetouched (reroll) 430. Half-vampire (reroll) 431. Hooded Pupil (reroll) 432. Mummified Creature (reroll) 433. Necromental (reroll elemental)* 434. Necropolitan (reroll) 435. Revived Fossil (reroll) 436. Swarm Shifter (reroll undead) 437. Umbral Creature (reroll) 438. Asherati 439. Bhuka 440. Dwarf, Badlands 441. Elf, Painted 442. Half-orc, Scablands 443. Crucian 444. Cursed Cold One/Gelun 445. Desert Devil/Araton 446. Dragon, Sand 447. Lich, Dry (reroll) 448. Dustblight 449. Dustform Creature (reroll) 450. Half-janni 451. Werecrocodile 452. Marrulurk 453. Marrusault 454. Marrutact 455. Mephit, Glass 456. Mephit, Sulfur 457. Mirage Mullah (reroll) 458. Saguaro Sentinel 459. Canisphinx 460. Crocosphinx 461. Saurosphinx 462. Threskisphinx 463. Troll, Wasteland 464. Aventi 465. Darfellan 466. Dwarf, Seacliff 467. Elf, Aquatic 468. Gnome, Wavecrest 469. Hadozee 470. Halfling, Shoal 471. Amphibious Creature (reroll) 472. Anguillian 473. Hippocampus 474. Neried 475. Seawolf 476. Sisiutl 477. Yugoloth, Echinoloth 478. Human 479. Human, House Cannith 480. Human, House Orien 481. Human, House Deneith 482. Human, House Vadalis 483. Human, House Tharashk 484. Changeling 485. Dwarf 486. Dwarf, House Kundarak 487. Elf 488. Elf, House Phiarlan 489. Elf, House Thuranni 490. Gnome 491. Gnome, House Sivis 492. Half-elf 493. Half-elf, House Lyrandar 494. Half-elf, House Medani 495. Half-orc 496. Half-orc, House Tharashk 497. Halfling 498. Halfling, House Ghallanda 499. Halfling, House Jorasco 500. Kalashtar 501. Shifter 502. Warforged 503. Dolgaunt 504. Dolgrim 505. Horrid Creature (reroll animal) 506. Magebred Animal (reroll animal) 507. Rakshasa, Zakya 508. Human 509. Dwarf, Gold 510. Dwarf, Gray 511. Dwarf, Shield 512. Elf, Sun 513. Elf, Moon 514. Elf, Wood 515. Elf, Wild 516. Elf, Drow 517. Half-orc 518. Half-elf 519. Half-elf, Drow 520. Halfling, Lightfoot 521. Halfling, Strongheart 522. Halfling, Ghostwise 523. Aasimar 524. Tiefling 525. Genasi, Fire 526. Genasi, Earth 527. Genasi, Air 528. Genasi, Water 529. Gnome, Rock 530. Gnome, Deep 531. Dracolich (reroll dragon) 532. Draegloth 533. Extaminaar 534. Krinth 535. Leucrotta 536. Leucrotta, Changesteed 537. Arachnid Creature (reroll) 538. Half-dragon, Faerunian (reroll dragon) 539. Keening Spirit (reroll elf) 540. Revenant (reroll humanoid) 541. Silveraith (reroll) 542. Dragon, Mercury 543. Dragon, Steel 544. Dragon, Mist 545. Zin-Carla (reroll) 546. Chosen of Bane (reroll) 547. Dread Warrior (reroll) 548. Greenbound Creature (reroll) 549. Helmed Horror 550. Battle Horror 551. Ixzan 552. Lycanthrope, Werebat (reroll) 553. Lycanthrope, Werecat (reroll) 554. Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile (reroll) 555. Lycanthrope, Wereshark (reroll) 556. Phaerimm 557. Tressym 558. Crypt Spawn (reroll) 559. Magister (reroll) 560. Spectral Mage (reroll) 561. Aarakocra 562. Alaghi 563. Bullywug 564. Chitine 565. Choldrith (cleric) 566. Doppleganger, Greater 567. Dragonkin 568. Dwarf, Sheild 569. Dwarf, Gold 570. Dwarf, Duergar 571. Dwarf, Arctic 572. Dwarf, Urdunnir 573. Dwarf, Wild 574. Firenewt 575. Giant, Fog 576. Draegloth 577. Hybsil 578. Malaugrym 579. Meazel 580. Genasi, Earth 581. Genasi, Water 582. Genasi, Fire 583. Genasi, Air 584. Tiefling, Tanarukk 585. Tiefling, Fey’ri 586. Pterafolk 587. Quaggoth 588. Shalarin 589. Siv 590. Stinger 591. Wemic 592. Beast of Xvim (reroll animal) 593. Curst (reroll) 594. Lycanthrope, Werebat 595. Lycanthrope, Wereshark 596. Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile 597. Revenant (reroll) 598. Yuan-ti, Tainted One (reroll) 599. Yuan-ti, Broodguard (reroll) 600. Dwarf, Arctic 601. Dwarf, Gold 602. Dwarf, Gray 603. Dwarf, Shield 604. Dwarf, Urdunnir 605. Dwarf, Wild 606. Elf, Aquatic 607. Elf, Avariel 608. Elf, Drow 609. Elf, Moon 610. Elf, Sun 611. Elf, Wild 612. Elf, Wood 613. Gnome, Deep 614. Gnome, Forest 615. Gnome, Rock 616. Half-elf 617. Half-elf, Aquatic 618. Half-elf, Drow 619. Orc, Gray 620. Half-orc 621. Orc, Mountain 622. Orog 623. Halfling, Ghostwise 624. Halfling, Lightfoot 625. Halfling, Strongheart 626. Human, Calishite 627. Human, Chondathan 628. Human, Damaran 629. Human, Illuskan 630. Human, Mulan 631. Human, Rashemi 632. Human, Tethyrian 633. Aasimar 634. Genasi, Air 635. Genasi, Earth 636. Tiefling, Fey’ri 637. Genasi, Fire 638. Tiefling, Tanarukk 639. Tiefling 640. Genasi, Water 641. Aarakocra 642. Centaur 643. Goblin 644. Hobgoblin 645. Bugbear 646. Goblin, Dekanter 647. Kir-Lanan 648. Lizardfolk 649. Lycanthrope (reroll animal) 650. Lycanthrope, Lythari 651. Lycanthrope, Werebat 652. Lycanthrope, Werebear 653. Lycanthrope, Wereboar 654. Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile 655. Lycanthrope, Wererat 656. Lycanthrope, Wereshark 657. Lycanthrope, Weretiger 658. Lycanthrope, Werewolf 659. Shade 660. Wemic 661. Yuan-ti 662. Lizard King/Queen 663. Lycanthrope, Wereserpent 664. Muckdweller 665. Sarrukh 666. Tren 667. Yuan-ti, Holy Guardian 668. Yuan-ti, Mageslayer 669. Saurial, Bladeback 670. Saurial, Finhead 671. Saurial, Flyer 672. Saurial, Hornhead 673. Human, Arkaiun 674. Human, Durpari 675. Human, Halruaan 676. Human, Shaaryan 677. Loxo 678. Thri-kreen 679. Beguiler 680. Dragon, Rattlyr 681. Giant, Cyclops 682. Tasloi 683. Elf, Star 684. Gnoll 685. Taer 686. Volodni 687. Spirit Folk 688. Hagspawn 689. Blightspawned (reroll) 690. Bloodes One (reroll) 691. Dread Warrior (reroll) 692. Zombie, Juju (reroll) 693. Shadow-walker (reroll) 694. Chitine 695. Imaskari, Deep 696. Elf, Drow 697. Dwarf, Duergar 698. Gloaming 699. Grimlock 700. Kuo-toa 701. Slyth 702. Gnome, Svirfneblin 703. Dwarf, Derro 704. Mind Flayer 705. Orc, Orog 706. Minotaur 707. Quaggoth 708. Tanarukk 709. Troglodyte 710. Arachnid Creature (reroll animal) 711. Baphitaur 712. Chameleon Creature (reroll) 713. Faerzress-infused Creature (reroll) 714. Gloura 715. Half-illithid (reroll) 716. Lith 717. Giant, Maur 718. Mineral Warrior (reroll) 719. Phaerlock 720. Drake, Portal 721. Stone Flyer 722. Human 723. Dwarf, Hill 724. Dwarf, Mountain 725. Dwarf, Stone 726. Elf, Dark 727. Elf, Grey 728. Elf, High 729. Elf, Wild 730. Elf, Wood 731. Gnome, Deep 732. Gnome, Forest 733. Gnome, Rock 734. Half-elf 735. Half-hobgoblin, Kargi 736. Half-hobgoblin, Krangi 737. Half-orc 738. Halfling, Golden 739. Halfling, Lightfoot 740. Hobgoblin 741. Human 742. Hengeyokai 743. Korobokuru 744. Nezumi 745. Spirit Folk 746. Vanara 747. Dwarf 748. Elf 749. Half-elf 750. Half-orc 751. Halfling 752. Gnome 753. Bakemono 754. Hannya 755. Hebi-no-onna 756. Kappa 757. Pennaggolan (reroll) 758. Tasloi 759. Tengu 760. Bariaur 761. Githyanki 762. Githzerai 763. Mercane 764. Half-elemental (reroll) 765. Shadow Creature (reroll) 766. Earth Element Creature (reroll) 767. Air Element Creature (reroll) 768. Water Element Creature (reroll) 769. Fire Element Creature (reroll) 770. Cold Element Creature (reroll) 771. Wood Element Creature (reroll) 772. Axiomatic Creature (reroll) 773. Anarchic Creature (reroll) 774. Petitioner (reroll) 775. Human, Karsite 776. Goblin, Dark 777. Dark Creature (reroll) 778. Genie, Khayal 779. Archon, Word 780. Loquasphinx 781. Giant, Lesser Cyclops, Olympian 782. Giant, Greater Cyclops, Olympian 783. Faun 784. Minion of Set 785. Mummy, Greater (reroll) 786. Abrian 787. Haraknin 788. Shadurakul 789. Vultivor 790. Dark Creeper 791. Dark Stalker 792. Ethergaunt, Black 793. Ethergaunt, Red 794. Ethergaunt, White 795. Fensir 796. Rakka 797. Feytouched 798. Giant, Bog 799. Giant, Shadow 800. Half-fey (reroll) 801. Half-illithid (reroll) 802. Half-troll (reroll) 803. Half-scrag (reroll) 804. Hueceva (reroll) 805. Jackal Lord 806. Jackalwere 807. Kaorti 808. Keeper 809. Khaasta 810. Maug 811. Mongrelfolk 812. Nerra, Kalareem 813. Nerra, Sillit 814. Nerra, Varoot 815. Ophidian 816. Planetouched, Maeluth 817. Planetouched, Mechanatrix 818. Planetouched, Shyft 819. Planetouched, Wispling 820. Rilmani, Aurumach 821. Rilmani, Cuprilach 822. Rilmani, Ferrumach 823. Sarkrith, Spelleater 824. Sarkrith, Thane 825. Selkie 826. Shadar-kai 827. Skulk 828. Gnome, Spriggan 829. Swordwraith (reroll) 830. Ti-khana (reroll dinosaur/reptile) 831. Wendigo (reroll) 832. Zombie, Yellow Musk 833. Yuan-ti, Anathema 834. Yurian 835. Angel, Astral Deva 836. Aranea 837. Archon, Hound 838. Archon, Trumpet 839. Athach 840. Azer 841. Bugbear 842. Celestial Creature 843. Centaur 844. Couatl 845. Demon, Dretch 846. Demon, Hezrou 847. Demon, Succubus 848. Demon, Vrock 849. Dwarf, Derro 850. Devil, Bearded Devil 851. Devil, Chain Devil, Kyton 852. Devil, Erinyes 853. Doppleganger 854. Dragon, Black 855. Dragon, Blue 856. Dragon, Green 857. Dragon, Red 858. Dragon, White 859. Dragon, Brass 860. Dragon, Copper 861. Dragon, Bronze 862. Dragon, Silver 863. Dragon, Gold 864. Drider 865. Dwarf, Deep 866. Dwarf, Duergar 867. Dwarf, Hill 868. Dwarf, Mountain 869. Eladrin, Bralani 870. Eladrin, Ghaele 871. Elf, High 872. Half-elf 873. Elf, Aquatic 874. Elf, Drow 875. Elf, Gray 876. Elf, Wild 877. Elf, Wood 878. Ettercap 879. Ettin 880. Fiendish Creature (reroll) 881. Gargoyle 882. Genie, Djinni 883. Genie, Janni 884. Ghost (reroll) 885. Giant, Fire 886. Giant, Frost 887. Giant, Hill 888. Giant, Stone 889. Giant, Storm 890. Githyanki 891. Githzerai 892. Gnoll 893. Gnome, Rock 894. Gnome, Svirfneblin 895. Gnome, Forest 896. Goblin 897. Grimlock 898. Half-celestial (reroll) 899. Half-dragon (reroll/reroll dragon) 900. Half-fiend (reroll) 901. Halfling, Lightfoot 902. Halfling, Tallfellow 903. Halfling, Deep 904. Harpy 905. Hobgoblin 906. Kobold 907. Kuo-toa 908. Lamia 909. Lammasu 910. Lich (reroll) 911. Lillend 912. Lizardfolk 913. Locathah 914. Lycanthrope, Werebear 915. Lycanthrope, Wereboar 916. Lycanthrope, Wererat 917. Lycanthrope, Weretiger 918. Lycanthrope, Werewolf 919. Lycanthrope (reroll/reroll animal) 920. Lycanthrope, Werewolf Lord 921. Merfolk 922. Mind Flayer 923. Minotaur 924. Nymph 925. Ogre 926. Ogre, Merrow 927. Ogre Mage 928. Orc 929. Planetouched, Aasimar 930. Planetouched, Tiefling 931. Pseudodragon 932. Rakshasa 933. Sahuagin 934. Sahuagin Mutate 935. Salamander, Flamebrother 936. Satyr 937. Skeleton (reroll) 938. Skum 939. Slaadi, Red 940. Slaadi, Blue 941. Slaadi, Green 942. Slaadi, Gray 943. Androsphinx 944. Gynosphinx 945. Hieracosphinx 946. Sprite, Grig 947. Sprite, Nixie 948. Sprite, Pixie 949. Treant 950. Triton 951. Troglodyte 952. Troll 953. Vampire (reroll) 954. Xill 955. Yuan-ti, Pureblood 956. Yuan-ti, Abomination 957. Zombie (reroll) 958. Abeil, Vassal 959. Abeil, Soldier 960. Abeil, Queen 961. Bladeling 962. Braxat 963. Desmodu 964. Dragon, Amethyst 965. Dragon, Crystal 966. Dragon, Emerald 967. Dragon, Sapphire 968. Dragon, Topaz 969. Giant, Firbolg 970. Giant, Fomorian 971. Giant, Forest 972. Giant, Sun 973. Giant, Ocean 974. Giant, Mountain 975. Glimmerskin 976. Half-fiend, Durzagon 977. Immoth 978. Ixitxachitl 979. Dragon, Hellfire Wyrm 980. Dragon, Linnorm, Gray 981. Dragon, Linnorm, Dread 982. Dragon, Linnorm, Corpse Tearer 983. Loxo 984. Neogi, Adult 985. Ocean Strider 986. Planetouched, Chaond 987. Planetouched, Zenythri 988. Thri-kreen 989. Yak Folk 990. Captured One (reroll) 991. Chimeric Creature (reroll) 992. Death Knight (reroll) 993. Half-golem (reroll/golem) 994. Monster of Legend (reroll monster) 995. Spellstitched (reroll undead) 996. Tauric Creature (reroll/reroll monster) 997. Titanic Creature (reroll animal) 998. Warbeast (reroll animal/dinosaur) 999. Scorpionfolk 1000. Armand
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos |
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1001. Astral Stalker 1002. Bonedrinker (bugbear/goblin undead) 1003. Changeling 1004. Demon, Arrow 1005. Dracotaur 1006. Giant, Sand 1007. Gnoll, Flind 1008. Goatfolk 1009. Goblin, Forestkith 1010. Gulgar 1011. Harssaf 1012. Kenku 1013. Lhosk 1014. Lizardfolk, Blackscale 1015. Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk 1016. Lumi 1017. Nycter 1018. Ogre, Skullcrusher 1019. Phoelarch 1020. Vazalkyon 1021. Quaraphon 1022. Rakshasa, Ak’chazar 1023. Rakshasa, Naztharune 1024. Redcap, Young 1025. Mummy, Salt 1026. Shifter 1027. Spellwarped Creature (reroll) 1028. Splinterwaif 1029. Petal 1030. Thorn 1031. Troll, Cave 1032. Troll, Crystalline 1033. Troll, Forest 1034. Troll, Mountain 1035. Troll, War 1036. Voidmind Creature (reroll) 1037. Warforged 1038. Warforged, Charger 1039. Warforged, Scout 1040. Witchknife 1041. Wood Woad 1042. Woodling (reroll) 1043. Yugoloth, Canoloth 1044. Yugoloth, Mezzoloth 1045. Yugoloth, Nycaloth 1046. Yugoloth, Ultroloth 1047. Elf, Drow 1048. Lolth-touched (reroll animal) 1049. Githyanki 1050. Gnoll 1051. Lizardfolk, Dark Talon 1052. Ogre 1053. Orc 1054. Varag 1055. Windrazor 1056. Windscythe 1057. Dragon, Xorvintaal (reroll dragon) 1058. Xorvintaal Exarch (reroll) 1059. God-blooded Creature (reroll) 1060. Hobgoblin 1061. Jaebrin 1062. Shaedling 1063. Ushemoi, Arkamoi 1064. Ushemoi, Hadrimoi 1065. Ushemoi, Lashemoi 1066. Ushemoi, Turlemoi 1067. Undead Lord (reroll) 1068. Cadaver Lord 1069. Zombi, True (reroll) 1070. Orc, Black 1071. Brood 1072. Ogre, Cobra 1073. Dogfaces 1074. Ferris 1075. Hobgoblin, Grikkyn 1076. Groglin 1077. Orc, Gurk 1078. Minos 1079. Mongrel 1080. Nasimir 1081. Neslikaar 1082. Ogre, Ruoth 1083. Screeching Green 1084. Sluverian 1085. Goblin, Spider 1086. Bogie 1087. Deep Fey 1088. Faerie/Common Fey 1089. Feeorin/Noble Fey 1090. Half-fey 1091. Scath 1092. Sprite/True Sprite 1093. Nymph 1094. Boarclops 1095. Chromithian 1096. Deep Fey 1097. Dover 1098. Faust 1099. Groundling 1100. Ith’n Ya’roo 1101. Knuk 1102. Nightling 1103. Picker 1104. Udamentaz 1105. Urgoda 1106. Valco 1107. Vogel 1108. The Fallen (reroll celestial) 1109. Half-troll (reroll) 1110. Inner Planar Creature (reroll animal) 1111. Vampire, Aberrant (reroll aberration) 1112. Vampire, Astral (reroll) 1113. Vampire, Barbed-tongue (reroll) 1114. Callicantzaro 1115. Vampire, Deathgaze (reroll) 1116. Death Ringer (reroll) 1117. Phampir 1118. Vampire, Irontooth (reroll) 1119. Kuang-shi (reroll) 1120. Vampyr, Lesser (reroll) 1121. Vampire, Nosferatu (reroll) 1122. Vampire, Plague (reroll) 1123. Vampyr (reroll) 1124. Volkadlok (reroll lycanthrope) 1125. Orc, Daeorc 1126. Yaena 1127. Human 1128. Halfling 1129. Kirene 1130. Daemen 1131. Half-basilisk (reroll) 1132. Dread Ghoul (reroll) 1133. Gigantic Creature (reroll) 1134. Abominable Creature (reroll) 1135. Armored Apparition (reroll) 1136. Brute (reroll) 1137. Deep Spawn (reroll) 1138. Devout (reroll) 1139. Elemental Exemplar (reroll) 1140. Half-dragon, Greater (reroll) 1141. Half-dragon, Lesser (reroll) 1142. Martial Creature (reroll) 1143. Moldering Creature (reroll) 1144. Primordial Creature (reroll) 1145. Roguish Creature (reroll) 1146. Spawn of Apophis (reroll) 1147. Human, Aborigine 1148. Enelil 1149. Grundengar 1150. Human, Neanderthal 1151. Phrohiem 1152. Death Touched Creature (reroll) 1153. Living Dead Creature (reroll) 1154. Lich, Sunken (reroll) 1155. Lich, Necrotic (reroll) 1156. Lich, Skeletal (reroll) 1157. Lich, Spectral (reroll) 1158. Vampire, Ash (reroll) 1159. Vampire, Black Blood (reroll) 1160. Vampire, Fire (reroll) 1161. Vampire, Lost (reroll) 1162. Vampire, Mock (reroll) 1163. Vampire, Ravenous (reroll) 1164. Vampire, Shadow (reroll) 1165. Vampire, Vangaard (reroll) 1166. Vampire, Scion (reroll) 1167. Dhampyre/Half-vampire 1168. Vampire, Ghoul 1169. Dragon, Ash 1170. Hollow One (reroll undead) 1171. Zombie, Sanguine (reroll) 1172. Deathless 1173. Melnibonean 1174. Half-melnibonean 1175. Myyrrhn 1176. Shadowborn 1177. Feyborn 1178. Scalzian 1179. Trahmok 1180. Mako 1181. Toksi 1182. Irkrikit 1183. Kobold, Mutate 1184. Ghoulish Creature (reroll) 1185. Ghast Creature (reroll) 1186. Zombie, Ghoul (reroll) 1187. Ghoul Hound (reroll animal) 1188. Ghoul, High (reroll) 1189. Troll, Bog 1190. Troll, Cave 1191. Troll, Iron 1192. Troll, Stone 1193. Trollspawn (reroll) 1194. Elf, Sindarin 1195. Dwarf, Khuzdul 1196. Centaur 1197. Demon, Antithrax 1198. Dwarf 1199. Elf 1200. Fairy 1201. Fayan 1202. Gnome, Common 1203. Gnome, West Lander 1204. Goblyyn 1205. Half-cat, Felarian 1206. Half-cat, Manxian 1207. Half-cat, Felineo 1208. Half-cat, Sabertooth 1209. Half-dead 1210. Half-giant 1211. Half-wolf 1212. Human, Northlander 1213. Human, Easterner 1214. Human, Chokoido Savage 1215. Kelpie 1216. Kobold 1217. Minotaur, Red 1218. Minotaur, Blue 1219. Minotaur, Bestial 1220. Ogre 1221. Orc 1222. Dragon, Sabyr, Green 1223. Dragon, Sabyr, Red 1224. Dragon, Saybr, Blue 1225. Dragon, Sabyr, Black 1226. Dragon, Sabyr, Brown 1227. Dragon, Sabyr, Purple 1228. Dragon, Sabyr, White 1229. Stagian 1230. Wu-zen 1231. Alonn 1232. Dwarf 1233. Elf 1234. Etherean 1235. Halfling 1236. Human 1237. Lumilon 1238. Oltreggan 1239. Saruulan 1240. Tiefling 1241. Lycanthrope, Wererat 1242. Half-breed 1243. Dwarf, Painted 1244. Dwarf, Reaving 1245. Dwarf, Steppe 1246. Goblin, Common 1247. Goblin, Dustgob 1248. Half-goblin 1249. Goblin, Ice 1250. Goblin, Maglin 1251. Goblin, Tatterkin 1252. Gnome, Hill 1253. Gnome, Mountain 1254. Gnome, Imperial 1255. Amphimid 1256. Elf, Slither 1257. Felklaw 1258. Golgaut 1259. Homid, Later 1260. Kifter 1261. Mandreg 1262. Mandrillion 1263. Probosin 1264. Guzi 1265. Oolori 1266. Palethynes 1267. Orc, Hoc 1268. Homonid, Early 1269. Giant, Magma Brute 1270. Tyrotaun 1271. Stegotaur 1272. Cinder Ash Creature (reroll) 1273. Firebrander 1274. Giant, Und 1275. Elf, Moon 1276. Carrier Gestalt Creature (reroll) 1277. Conjoined Twins (reroll) 1278. Bi-Cephalous Creature (reroll) 1279. Reptilian Deformity (reroll) 1280. Headless Horseman (reroll) 1281. Prophecy Beast (reroll) 1282. Faul Creature (reroll) 1283. Fairy 1284. Melusine 1285. Woodwose 1286. Kitsune 1287. Kappa 1288. Moon Folk 1289. Nukekubi 1290. Tanuki 1291. Valkryie 1292. Jotnar 1293. Ancient Creature (reroll) 1294. Dwelf 1295. Dweoven 1296. Earthtouched 1297. Elome 1298. Gnomesti 1299. Gnomling 1300. Hilling 1301. Lenneb 1302. Lillalee 1303. Lillichildren 1304. Mungrel 1305. Peatfolk 1306. Powrie 1307. Sloth 1308. Stoneborn 1309. Sylindy 1310. Thang-agar 1311. Dwarf, Arctic 1312. Dwarf, Celestial 1313. Dwarf, Pious 1314. Dwarf, Seafaring 1315. Dwarf, Volcanic 1316. Elf, Arcane 1317. Elf, Highborn 1318. Elf, Nomadic 1319. Elf, Spartan 1320. Elf, Subterranean 1321. Elf, Wilderness 1322. Human 1323. Dwarf 1324. Elf 1325. Gnome 1326. Half-elf 1327. Half-orc 1328. Halfling 1329. Aeon 1330. Dactyl 1331. Dakeen 1332. Gharial 1333. Nange 1334. Giant, Qor 1335. Quisloi 1336. Ruhk 1337. Skresh 1338. Tegano 1339. Tisyah 1340. Zug 1341. Doppleganger 1342. Dwarf 1343. Elf, Dawn 1344. Elf, Night 1345. Gnome 1346. Halfling 1347. Human, Highlander 1348. Human, Lowlander 1349. Human, Saltblood 1350. Human, Trueborn 1351. Lizardfolk 1352. Minotaur 1353. Ogre 1354. Orc 1355. Tiefling 1356. Yuan-ti, Thinblood 1357. Atzaran 1358. Genshok 1359. Troll, Stone 1360. Elf, Dawn 1361. Elf, Night 1362. Elf, Ghost 1363. Elf, Moon 1364. Elf, Wood 1365. Forest Wight 1366. Devil, Barbazu 1367. Devil, Botis 1368. Devil, Cornugon 1369. Devil, Erinyes 1370. Devil, Flauros 1371. Devil, Gelugon 1372. Devil, Hamatula 1373. Devil, Imp 1374. Devil, Kyton 1375. Devil, Osyluth 1376. Devil, Pit Fiend 1377. Devil, Shabriri 1378. Chosen of Hell (reroll) 1379. Devilish Servant (reroll) 1380. Half-devil (reroll) 1381. The Reborn (reroll) 1382. Touched by the Hells (reroll) 1383. Elf, Draconic 1384. Dwarf, Red Doom 1385. Aasimar 1386. Bugbear 1387. Centaur 1388. Dwarf, Hill 1389. Dwarf, Mountain 1390. Dwarf, Duergar 1391. Elf, High 1392. Half-elf 1393. Elf, Aquatic 1394. Elf, Drow 1395. Elf, Grey 1396. Elf, Wild 1397. Elf, Wood 1398. Gnoll 1399. Gnome, Rock 1400. Gnome, Forest 1401. Gnome, Svirfneblin 1402. Goblin 1403. Grimlock 1404. Halfling, Lightfoot 1405. Halfling, Deep 1406. Halfling, Tallfellow 1407. Hobgoblin 1408. Human 1409. Kobold 1410. Lizardfolk 1411. Locathah 1412. Merfolk 1413. Minotaur 1414. Ogre 1415. Ogre, Merrow 1416. Orc 1417. Half-orc 1418. Sahuagin 1419. Satyr 1420. Tiefling 1421. Triton 1422. Troglodyte 1423. Darkheart 1424. Dwelf 1425. Elfling 1426. Erlking 1427. Gobel 1428. Half-dwarf 1429. Half-gnome 1430. Hammerling 1431. Kabouter 1432. Nisser 1433. Puki 1434. Treiling 1435. Vetter 1436. Darkrunner 1437. Human 1438. Dwarf 1439. Gnome 1440. Elf 1441. Halfling 1442. Half-elf 1443. Half-orc 1444. Human 1445. Human, Alpha 1446. Human, Gamma 1447. Human, Delta 1448. Human, Epsilon 1449. Fey 1450. Gaurzam Dai 1451. Jungen 1452. Nowyr 1453. Beholder, Sovereign 1454. Beholder, Eyekin 1455. Eyetouched Creature (reroll animal) 1456. Half-dragon (reroll) 1457. Dragontouched 1458. Wyrmbred 1459. Dragold 1460. Breathslain (reroll) 1461. Elf, Drow 1462. Drider 1463. Drothir 1464. Half-drow 1465. Shaturug 1466. Shur 1467. Urbam 1468. Grogan 1469. Puck 1470. Shee 1471. Urchin 1472. Fey-shaped (reroll) 1473. Malekin (reroll) 1474. Fomori (reroll) 1475. Dracolich (reroll dragon) 1476. Drowlich (elf, drow) 1477. Novalich (reroll) 1478. Philolich (reroll) 1479. Semi-lich (reroll) 1480. Warlich (reroll) 1481. Rakshasa 1482. Yaksha (reroll) 1483. Treant, Firesworn 1484. Treant, Leafsinger 1485. Treant, Treeherd 1486. Treant, Woodwarden 1487. Blasted Treant (reroll treant) 1488. Deep Treant (reroll treant) 1489. Foresaken Treant (reroll treant) 1490. Hollow Treant (reroll treant) 1491. Brambleshadow Creature (reroll) 1492. Vampire, Standard (reroll) 1493. Vampire, Inferno (reroll) 1494. Vampire, Lymphatic (reroll) 1495. Vampire, Magebane (reroll) 1496. Vampire, Moglet (reroll) 1497. Vampire, Sukko (reroll) 1498. Vampire, Veldrane Mold (reroll) 1499. Human, Aldin 1500. Human, Forest Folk 1501. Human, Islander 1502. Human, Jarzoni 1503. Human, Kern 1504. Human, Rezean 1505. Human, Roamer 1506. Night People 1507. Rhydan 1508. Dolphin 1509. Rhy-cat 1510. Rhy-horse 1511. Rhy-wolf 1512. Sea Folk 1513. Vata, True 1514. Vata, Dark 1515. Amalgam Creature (reroll/reroll monster) 1516. Amphibious Creature (reroll) 1517. Arboreal Creature (reroll) 1518. Bipedal Creature (reroll animal) 1519. Blood Knight (reroll) 1520. Bramble (reroll) 1521. Broken Soul (reroll) 1522. Cave Creature (reroll) 1523. Celestial Blessed Creature (reroll) 1524. Clockwork Creature (reroll) 1525. Crystal Creature, Topaz (reroll) 1526. Crystal Creature, Amethyst (reroll) 1527. Crystal Creature, Emerald (reroll) 1528. Crystal Creature, Sapphire (reroll) 1529. Crystal Creature, Ruby (reroll) 1530. Crystal Creature, Crystal (reroll) 1531. Crystal Creature, Onyx (reroll) 1532. Demon Possessed Creature (reroll) 1533. Devil Bound Creature (reroll) 1534. Divine Guardian (reroll) 1535. Dread Allip (reroll) 1536. Dread Bodak (reroll) 1537. Bodak 1538. Dread Devourer (reroll) 1539. Dread Ghast (reroll) 1540. Dread Ghost (reroll) 1541. Dread Ghoul (reroll) 1542. Dread Lacedon (reroll) 1543. Dread Lich (reroll) 1544. Dread Mohrg (reroll) 1545. Dread Mummy (reroll) 1546. Dread Shadow (reroll) 1547. Dread Skeleton (reroll) 1548. Dread Spectre (reroll) 1549. Dread Wight (reroll) 1550. Dread vampire (reroll) 1551. Dread Wraith Sovereign (reroll) 1552. Wraith 1553. Dread Zombie (reroll) 1554. Dram Creature (reroll) 1555. Dust Creature (reroll) 1556. Element-infused Creature, Earth (reroll) 1557. Element-infused Creature, Water (reroll) 1558. Element-infused Creature, Fire (reroll) 1559. Element-infused Creature, Air (reroll) 1560. Feral Dragon (reroll dragon) 1561. Flesh Plant (reroll plant) 1562. Force Creature (reroll) 1563. Fortune-blessed Creature (reroll) 1564. Fortune-spurned Creature (reroll) 1565. Four Horsemen, War (reroll) 1566. Four Horsemen, Famine (reroll) 1567. Four Horsemen, Plague (reroll) 1568. Four Horsemen, Death (reroll) 1569. Fungal Creature (reroll) 1570. Genie-bound Creature (reroll) 1571. Gigantean (reroll) 1572. Green Warden (reroll plant) 1573. Half-drow (reroll) 1574. Half-giant (reroll) 1575. Half-plant (reroll) 1576. Holy Creature (reroll) 1577. Icy Creature (reroll) 1578. Inveigler Creature (reroll) 1579. Jotunblood Giant (reroll giant) 1580. Lifespark Construct (reroll construct) 1581. Lunatic Creature, Waxing Cresent (reroll) 1582. Lunatic Creature, First Half Moon (reroll) 1583. Lunatic Creature, New Moon (reroll) 1584. Lunatic Creature, Waxing Gibbous (reroll) 1585. Lunatic Creature, Last Half Moon (reroll) 1586. Lunatic Creature, Full Moon (reroll) 1587. Lunatic Creature, Waxing Cresent (reroll) 1588. Lunatic Creature, Waxing Gibbous (reroll) 1589. Magma Creature (reroll) 1590. Manimal (reroll animal) 1591. Metal-clad Creature, Adamantine (reroll) 1592. Metal-clad Creature, Brass (reroll) 1593. Metal-clad Creature, Bronze (reroll) 1594. Metal0clad Creature, Copper (reroll) 1595. Metal-clad Creature, Gold (reroll) 1596. Metal-clad Creature, Iron (reroll) 1597. Metal-clad Creature, Lead (reroll) 1598. Metal-clad Creature, Mithril (reroll) 1599. Metal-clad Creature, Platinum (reroll) 1600. Metal-clad Creature, Silver (reroll) 1601. Metal-clad Creature, Steel (reroll) 1602. Metal-clad Creature, Red Steel (reroll) 1603. Metal-clad Creature, Thimeavril (reroll) 1604. Miniature Creature (reroll) 1605. Mist Creature (reroll) 1606. Lycanthrope, Monster (reroll monster) 1607. Muck Creature (reroll) 1608. Negative Energy Charged Creature (reroll) 1609. Nightmare Creature (reroll) 1610. Noncturnal Creature (reroll) 1611. Ooze Creature (reroll) 1612. Plague Bearer (reroll) 1613. Poisonous Creature (reroll) 1614. Poltergeist (reroll) 1615. Primitive (reroll) 1616. Prismatic Creature (reroll) 1617. Psychic Creature (reroll) 1618. Quadrupedal Creature (reroll) 1619. Quickling (reroll) 1620. Ravenous Creature (reroll) 1621. Saurian (reroll) 1622. Savant (reroll) 1623. Seasonal Creature (reroll) 1624. Seelie Creature (reroll) 1625. Smoke (reroll) 1626. Solaric Creature (reroll) 1627. Sonic Creature (reroll) 1628. Stone Idol (reroll) 1629. Suzerian Creature (reroll) 1630. Swamp Lord (reroll) 1631. Thunder Child (reroll) 1632. Time Seer (reroll) 1633. Transforming Construct (reroll construct) 1634. Unholy Creature (reroll) 1635. Unseelie Creature (reroll) 1636. Verminoid Creature (reroll vermin) 1637. War Machine (reroll) 1638. Human 1639. Dwarf 1640. Elf 1641. Gnome 1642. Halfling 1643. Half-elf 1644. Half-orc 1645. Dwarf, Greater 1646. Half-dwarf 1647. Planetouched (reroll) 1648. Human, Pesedjer 1649. Gnoll, Anpur 1650. Halfling, Asari 1651. Elf, Esetiri 1652. Half-elf, Peseshet 1653. Dwarf, Ptahmenu 1654. Gnome, Sutekhra 1655. Desert Khaibit (reroll) 1656. Imiut (reroll animal) 1657. Sand Creature (reroll) 1658. Sobekhi 1659. Human, Arimaspi 1660. Centaur 1661. Giant, Cyclops 1662. Nymph 1663. Satyr 1664. Elf, Amarati 1665. Gnome, Jendram 1666. Dwarf, Nivashan 1667. Elf, Puskamu 1668. Halfling, Rangtsen 1669. Yuan-ti, Naranjan 1670. Corrupted Creature (reroll) 1671. Lycanthrope, Werefox (reroll) 1672. Lycanthrope, Werehawk (reroll) 1673. Lycanthrope, Wereraven (reroll) 1674. Necrozen (reroll) 1675. Son of Shivanos (reroll orc) 1676. Dwarf, Crafter/Arkanoclain 1677. Goblin, Bakad 1678. Goblin, Voesti 1679. Goblin, Witch Hill 1680. Half-ogre 1681. Human, Midwyn 1682. Human, Rilgoth 1683. Human, Spiran 1684. Iguanalon 1685. Kavbroed 1686. Lavayne/Blood-kin 1687. Mentor 1688. Demon-possessed (reroll) 1689. Half-nephilim (reroll) 1690. Centaurs of the Plain of Fear 1691. Forvalaka (reroll) 1692. Spirit (reroll) 1693. Divine Offspring (reroll) 1694. Aasimar 1695. Tiefling 1696. Fetch 1697. Jinx 1698. Janjanni 1699. Nergaz 1700. Silvan 1701. Similern 1702. Cambion 1703. Nephilim 1704. Aellar 1705. Alicorn 1706. Blinkling 1707. Burrower 1708. Decataur, Biped 1709. Decataur, Quadruped 1710. Green Folk 1711. Grendle 1712. Half-gnoll 1713. Half-goblin 1714. Half-hobgoblin 1715. Half-bugbear 1716. Half-huo-toa 1717. Half-ogre 1718. Houri 1719. Jovian (reroll giant) 1720. Kestrel 1721. Lasher 1722. Lurker 1723. Merg 1724. Mindripper 1725. Morlock 1726. Piper 1727. Spring Child 1728. Sthein 1729. Trixie 1730. Watcher 1731. Wendigo 1732. Woodwose 1733. Wretch 1734. Wyrd 1735. Half-beholder (reroll) 1736. Half-creature, Biped (reroll/reroll animal) 1737. Half-creature, Quadruped (reroll/reroll animal) 1738. Half-doppleganger (reroll) 1739. Half-medusa (reroll) 1740. Half-rakshasa (reroll) 1741. Half-titan (reroll) 1742. Half-vampire (reroll) 1743. Half-elemental, Air (reroll) 1744. Half-elemental, Earth (reroll) 1745. Half-elemental, Water (reroll) 1746. Half-elemental, Fire (reroll) 1747. Elf, Wood 1748. Elf, Fire 1749. Elf, Metal 1750. Elf, Water 1751. Elf, Wind 1752. Elf, Wood, Elemental 1753. Elf, Feral 1754. Vampire Scion (reroll) 1755. Defender of Mar-namor (reroll undead) 1756. Dwarf, Arcane/Eldlorn 1757. Hammerstruck Creature (reroll) 1758. Iron-souled Creature (reroll) 1759. Dwarf, Arctic/Isen 1760. Tempered Creature (reroll) 1761. Archon, Regalent 1762. Archon, Sidrae 1763. Batling 1764. Bendith Y Mamau 1765. Brownie 1766. Butterfae 1767. Centacornus 1768. Diva Ray 1769. Dragon, Gray 1770. Elf, Shadow 1771. Ellyon 1772. Vampire, Fleshbound (reroll) 1773. Goblin, Ghorig 1774. Goblin, Firedeep 1775. Gravesprite 1776. Gryphon 1777. Half-arachnid (reroll) 1778. Half-incarnate (reroll) 1779. Half-medusa (reroll) 1780. Hiend 1781. Hodekin 1782. Incarnate (reroll) 1783. Khryg 1784. Hag, Lesser (reroll) 1785. Living Sword 1786. Lizardfolk, Greater 1787. Manta-kine 1788. Mekanoid (reroll) 1789. Nubling 1790. Nulyani 1791. Nymph, Sea 1792. Orc, Ebony 1793. Orc, Pigmy 1794. Orc, Swamp 1795. Shabat 1796. Shadow Reeve 1797. Skinrug Guardian (reroll animal) 1798. Troll, Tunnel 1799. Two-headed Mutant (reroll) 1800. Verge Creature (reroll) 1801. Vugoo 1802. Xusc 1803. Acantha 1804. Dynad Construct 1805. Fetid Creature (reroll) 1806. Reen 1807. Boarog 1808. Chrone 1809. Gravidon 1810. Immortal (reroll) 1811. Hominid, Neanderthal 1812. Replicant Creature (reroll) 1813. Skald 1814. Sryag 1815. Tanker Creature (reroll) 1816. Trig 1817. Acota 1818. Aesir 1819. Daermin 1820. Elgarph 1821. Goumin 1822. Gyor 1823. Haitir 1824. Izhan 1825. Khutai 1826. Lukar’r 1827. Nathas 1828. Nimori 1829. Polymarie 1830. Quina 1831. Shadahs 1832. Vanir 1833. Vasyl 1834. Xxyxx 1835. Zynar 1836. Elf, Celestial 1837. Elf, Dark 1838. Kaileppal 1839. Dwarf 1840. Halfling 1841. Elf, Skie 1842. Elf, Gold 1843. Tali 1844. Elf, Wyld 1845. Human 1846. Woolv 1847. Goblin, Crag 1848. Darkness Dweller 1849. Moon Siren 1850. Impet 1851. Goblin, Crag 1852. Daegon 1853. Darkness Dweller 1854. Succubus, Lesser 1855. Dream Creature (reroll) 1856. Impet 1857. Leporen 1858. Moon Siren 1859. Multiple-headed Giant (reroll giant) 1860. Fiendish Mutation (reroll) 1861. Pariah (reroll) 1862. Prince of Darkness (reroll fiend) 1863. Puck 1864. Stalking Gargoyle 1865. Soulless (reroll) 1866. Sylvan Harpy 1867. Damned Soul (reroll) 1868. Sluagh 1869. Lich, Transcendent (reroll) 1870. Deigenae 1871. Eirling 1872. Fiendtouched 1873. Neiruts 1874. Nysciennes 1875. Serphiri 1876. Terragen 1877. Truskin 1878. Quiet Folk 1879. Sasquatch 1880. Ei’risai, Lesser 1881. Ei’risai, Medial 1882. Ei’rsiai, Greater 1883. Ei’risai, Master 1884. Greymalkin 1885. Ophiduan, Hominis 1886. Ophiduan, Semiferum 1887. Ophiduan, Anguineum 1888. Phrenic Scourge 1889. Human 1890. Human, Evolved 1891. Dracha 1892. Darcha, Evolved 1893. Faen, Loresong 1894. Faen, Quickling 1895. Faen, Evolved Loresong 1896. Faen, Evolved Quickling 1897. Faen, Spryte 1898. Faen, Evolved Spryte 1899. Giant 1900. Giant, Evolved 1901. Litorian 1902. Litorian, Evolved 1903. Mojh 1904. Mojh, Evolved 1905. Runechild 1906. Sibeccai 1907. Sibeccai, Evolved 1908. Verrik 1909. Verrik, Evolved 1910. Human 1911. Mojh 1912. Sibeccai 1913. Giant 1914. Faen, Quickling 1915. Faen, Loresong 1916. Faen, Spryte 1917. Litorian 1918. Verrik 1919. Arachtar 1920. Balthrok 1921. Blade Breaker 1922. Troll, Blade 1923. Bone Viper Egg Bearer (reroll) 1924. Chlorthek 1925. Elemental Scion (reroll) 1926. Faradian 1927. Grynloc 1928. Hypnolox 1929. Navver’s Curse/Dread Slayer 1930. Night Beast 1931. Rock Ape, Advanced 1932. Rune Animal (reroll animal) 1933. Rune Manifest, Arcane 1934. Rune Manifest, Battle 1935. Rune Manifest, Disease 1936. Rune Manifest, Terror 1937. Shuyarn 1938. Squamous Lir 1939. Terrig 1940. Totem Spectre (reroll) 1941. Urgan’s Minion 1942. Vallorian 1943. Wind Lord 1944. Human 1945. Dwarf 1946. Elf 1947. Gnome 1948. Golaunt 1949. Half-elf 1950. Halfling 1951. Thaele 1952. Sharae 1953. Whisperlips 1954. Benandanti 1955. Biomechanoid 1956. Brokenlander 1957. Construct 1958. Damned Soul 1959. Half-demon 1960. Plant 1961. Spawn 1962. Elf, Mist 1963. Alchemical Double (reroll) 1964. Amber Animal (reroll animal) 1965. Anachra, Cat 1966. Anachra, Chain 1967. Anachra, Hammer 1968. Anachra, Herald 1969. Anachra, Storm 1970. Athanor, Copper 1971. Athanor, Silver 1972. Athanor, Gold 1973. Troll, Barrow 1974. Basilim 1975. Bladeleaf 1976. Ogre, Bonecracker 1977. Troll, Bridge 1978. Copse Spawn 1979. Daunt 1980. Demon, Centidemon/Trelligith 1981. Demon, Rage/Regnorath 1982. Zombie, Devouring (reroll) 1983. Dissolute 1984. Dolphiend 1985. Eyeless 1986. Giant, Swamp 1987. Giant, Volcano 1988. Combat Golem (reroll construct) 1989. Knocker 1990. Living Ghoul 1991. Malchemic (reroll) 1992. Mercurial 1993. Mesmeric Spectre 1994. Angel, Battle 1995. Angel, Wrath 1996. Monopod 1997. Mummer (reroll) 1998. Oakstump 1999. Pack Totem (reroll animal) 2000. Imp, Patron
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2001. Treant, Petrified 2002. Phouca 2003. Titan, Sea 2004. Swollen Horror 2005. Thorn Sprite 2006. Trash Rat 2007. Wind Warrior 2008. Wise Hare 2009. Goblin, Wolfsworn 2010. Woodsong 2011. Wyrdling 2012. H’Rakati 2013. Mothling 2014. Purpurean 2015. Transfigured Thrall of Ashatha 2016. Transfigured Thrall of Hyssiris 2017. Transfigured Thrall of Melpheron 2018. Transfigured Thrall of Tzanaar 2019. Transfigured Thrall of Yordul 2020. Giant, Sea 2021. Talorani 2022. Hobgoblin 2023. Gnoll 2024. Troll 2025. Orc 2026. Troglodyte 2027. Doppleganger 2028. Triton 2029. Bugbear 2030. Human, Amazon 2031. Centaur 2032. Damned Soul (reroll) 2033. Imbued (reroll) 2034. Half-demon (reroll) 2035. Soulless (reroll) 2036. Archdemon (reroll demon) 2037. Dwarf, Derro 2038. Dwarf, Duergar 2039. Half-elemental, Air (reroll) 2040. Half-elemental, Ash (reroll) 2041. Half-elemental, Dust (reroll) 2042. Half-elemental, Earth (reroll) 2043. Half-elemental, Fire (reroll) 2044. Half-elemental, Lightning (reroll) 2045. Half-elemental, Mineral (reroll) 2046. Half-elemental, Radiance (reroll) 2047. Half-elemental, Salt (reroll) 2048. Half-elemental, Steam (reroll) 2049. Half-elemental, Vacuum (reroll) 2050. Half-elemental, Water (reroll) 2051. Mudmen 2052. Giant, Anakim 2053. Giant, Anakim, Gibborim 2054. Giant, Anakim, Rephaim 2055. Giant, Anakim, Zamzummin 2056. Giant, Fomorian 2057. Half-giant (reroll/reroll giant) 2058. Giant, Mountain 2059. Giant, Nephilim 2060. Giant, Nephilim, Greater 2061. Giant, Rime 2062. Giant, Sea 2063. Giant King/Queen (reroll giant) 2064. Gnoll 2065. Goblin 2066. Harpy, Celaeno 2067. Harpy, Nicothoe 2068. Harpy, Ocypete 2069. Harpy, Podarge 2070. Lizardfolk 2071. Medusa 2072. Minotaur 2073. Ogre 2074. Orc 2075. Sahuagin 2076. Scorpionfolk 2077. Titan 2078. Troll 2079. Bodak (reroll) 2080. Devourer (reroll) 2081. Ghoul (reroll) 2082. Ghast (reroll) 2083. Morhg (reroll) 2084. Mummy (reroll) 2085. Wight (reroll) 2086. Allip (reroll) 2087. Shadow (reroll) 2088. Spectral Undead (reroll) 2089. Wraith (reroll) 2090. Troll, Deep 2091. Half-drow 2092. Elf, Drow, Kanahraun 2093. Morgoshe 2094. Elf, Drow, Kanahraun Upper Class 2095. Elf, Drow, Lorgreln 2096. Elf, Drow, Pol’Tah 2097. Elf, Drow, Sulzthul 2098. Shangu 2099. Elf, Phantom 2100. Giant-blooded 2101. Elf, Drow 2102. Drow Mutation, Burol 2103. Drow Mutation, Drider 2104. Drow Mutation, Shaturug 2105. Drow Mutation, Shur 2106. Drow Mutation, Urbam 2107. Human, Aborigine 2108. Enelil 2109. Grundengar 2110. Neanderthal 2111. Phroheim 2112. Abatwa 2113. Giant, Sky 2114. Giant, Rock 2115. Giant, Flaming Tooth 2116. Giant, Winged 2117. Ogre, Cliff 2118. Ogre, Negoogunogumbar 2119. Eida 2120. Har Men 2121. Iridian 2122. Konok 2123. Vaske 2124. Elf, High 2125. Elf, Sea 2126. Elf, Gray 2127. Elf, Wild 2128. Elf, Wood 2129. Elf, Dark 2130. Eternal (reroll) 2131. Fae-beast (reroll animal) 2132. Half-elf (reroll) 2133. Half-Faerie (reroll) 2134. Giant, Hill 2135. Giant, Stone 2136. Giant, Frost 2137. Giant, Fire 2138. Giant, Cloud 2139. Giant, Celestial 2140. Giant-kin, Ettin 2141. Giant-kin, Cyclops 2142. Giant-kin, Ogre 2143. Giant-kin, Ogre Magi 2144. Giant-kin, Trolls 2145. Giant-kin, Half-giants 2146. Lycanthrope, Werebear 2147. Lycanthrope, Wereboar 2148. Lycanthrope, Wererat 2149. Lycanthrope, Weretiger 2150. Lycanthrope, Werewolf 2151. Illethkin (reroll) 2152. Half-elf, Bana’Dur 2153. Halfling, Domani 2154. Human, Foresaken 2155. Aegire 2156. Alratheen 2157. Cyndarim 2158. Daxa 2159. Euqsam 2160. Grizimilak 2161. Ith Wra 2162. Jhardwyn 2163. Ka Ngrej 2164. Lidaem 2165. Mneumra 2166. Pergothi 2167. Rin 2168. Ryonth 2169. Ta Zoel 2170. Thozeran 2171. Vae Rdin 2172. Xeshaal 2173. Zure 2174. Elder Mother 2175. Dragon, Shimmer 2176. Uilloctul 2177. Mechanus, Stilt 2178. Mechanus, Abombinus 2179. Bakeneko 2180. Hengeyokai 2181. Kenku 2182. Kitsune 2183. Goblin, Mountain 2184. Naga, Common 2185. Nezumi 2186. Oni, Common 2187. Goblin, Swamp 2188. Lycanthrope, Simple (reroll/reroll animal) 2189. Lycanthrope, Cursed (reroll/reroll animal) 2190. Lycanthrope, Fey (reroll/reroll animal) 2191. Raptor 2192. Orca 2193. Halcon 2194. Hsuan 2195. Escidi, Serpent Folk 2196. Ved Qayat 2197. Human 2198. Elf 2199. Dwarf 2200. Gnome 2201. Halfling 2202. Half-elf 2203. Half-orc 2204. Elf, Winter 2205. Human 2206. Dwarf 2207. Jotunym 2208. Vaniryan 2209. Dragon, Caern 2210. Forsaken (reroll) 2211. Malfeasant (reroll) 2212. Green 2213. Lutrin 2214. Sarkuvan 2215. Quickened (reroll) 2216. Aberrant (reroll aberration) 2217. Wretched (reroll aberration) 2218. Elder Beast (reroll animal) 2219. Nettlecloud Vermin (reroll animal) 2220. Arcane Servitor (reroll) 2221. Blind Oracle (reroll) 2222. Blood Pawn (reroll) 2223. Chirurgic Horror (reroll) 2224. Deep One (reroll) 2225. Dreadnaught (reroll) 2226. Enchanted (reroll) 2227. Fey-kissed (reroll) 2228. Flying (reroll) 2229. Gigantic (reroll) 2230. Hiveling (reroll) 2231. Hypermitotic (reroll) 2232. Legion (reroll) 2233. Many-headed (reroll) 2234. Metallivore (reroll) 2235. Moon Wildling (reroll) 2236. Necrovore (reroll) 2237. Psionic (reroll) 2238. Quickened (reroll) 2239. Relentless (reroll) 2240. Savage (reroll) 2241. Scryling (reroll) 2242. Siphon (reroll) 2243. Spellpowered (reroll) 2244. Vampiric Creature (reroll) 2245. Variant Augmentation (reroll/reroll effect) 2246. Ablative (reroll construct) 2247. Automaton (reroll construct) 2248. Phantasmal (reroll construct) 2249. Skinrug (reroll construct) 2250. Variant Construct (reroll construct/reroll effect) 2251. Blighted Thrall (reroll) 2252. Degenerate (reroll) 2253. Miniature (reroll) 2254. Breath-Weapon (reroll) 2255. Half-dragon, Breath Weapon (reroll) 2256. Dragon-blooded (reroll) 2257. Elemental (reroll/reroll element) 2258. Half-template (reroll/reroll) 2259. Demigorgon (reroll) 2260. Dhampire (reroll) 2261. Half-troll (reroll) 2262. Nymph Child (reroll) 2263. Padrafyte (reroll) 2264. Amorphous (reroll) 2265. Ooze, Puppeteer (reroll) 2266. Puppeteer Ooze Host (reroll) 2267. Apocalytic (reroll) 2268. Argent Servitor (reroll) 2269. Beast Lord (reroll/reroll animal) 2270. Ebon Servitor (reroll) 2271. Ethereal (reroll) 2272. Fallen (reroll) 2273. Half-genie (reroll) 2274. Immortal (reroll) 2275. Mindbender (reroll) 2276. Redeemed (reroll) 2277. Shadowborne (reroll) 2278. Spirit (reroll) 2279. Void Spawn (reroll) 2280. War Aspect (reroll) 2281. Plantform (reroll) 2282. Vampire, Corpse (reroll) 2283. Desiccated (reroll) 2284. Vampire, Fleshbound (reroll) 2285. Paleoskeleton (reroll dinosaur) 2286. Skinhusk (reroll) 2287. Vampire, Terror (reroll) 2288. Mummy, True (reroll) 2289. Undead-blooded (reroll) 2290. Variant Undead (reroll) 2291. Variant Vampire (reroll) 2292. Quickened (reroll) 2293. Aberrant (reroll aberration) 2294. Wretched (reroll aberration) 2295. Elder Beast (reroll animal) 2296. Nettlecloud Vermin (reroll animal) 2297. Arcane Servitor (reroll) 2298. Blind Oracle (reroll) 2299. Blood Pawn (reroll) 2300. Chirurgic Horror (reroll) 2301. Deep One (reroll) 2302. Dreadnaught (reroll) 2303. Enchanted (reroll) 2304. Fey-kissed (reroll) 2305. Flying (reroll) 2306. Gigantic (reroll) 2307. Hiveling (reroll) 2308. Hypermitotic (reroll) 2309. Legion (reroll) 2310. Many-headed (reroll) 2311. Metallivore (reroll) 2312. Moon Wildling (reroll) 2313. Necrovore (reroll) 2314. Psionic (reroll) 2315. Quickened (reroll) 2316. Relentless (reroll) 2317. Savage (reroll) 2318. Scryling (reroll) 2319. Siphon (reroll) 2320. Spellpowered (reroll) 2321. Vampiric Creature (reroll) 2322. Variant Augmentation (reroll/reroll effect) 2323. Ablative (reroll construct) 2324. Automaton (reroll construct) 2325. Phantasmal (reroll construct) 2326. Skinrug (reroll construct) 2327. Variant Construct (reroll construct/reroll effect) 2328. Blighted Thrall (reroll) 2329. Degenerate (reroll) 2330. Miniature (reroll) 2331. Breath-Weapon (reroll) 2332. Half-dragon, Breath Weapon (reroll) 2333. Dragon-blooded (reroll) 2334. Elemental (reroll/reroll element) 2335. Half-template (reroll/reroll) 2336. Demigorgon (reroll) 2337. Dhampire (reroll) 2338. Half-troll (reroll) 2339. Nymph Child (reroll) 2340. Padrafyte (reroll) 2341. Amorphous (reroll) 2342. Ooze, Puppeteer (reroll) 2343. Puppeteer Ooze Host (reroll) 2344. Apocalytic (reroll) 2345. Argent Servitor (reroll) 2346. Beast Lord (reroll/reroll animal) 2347. Ebon Servitor (reroll) 2348. Ethereal (reroll) 2349. Fallen (reroll) 2350. Half-genie (reroll) 2351. Immortal (reroll) 2352. Mindbender (reroll) 2353. Redeemed (reroll) 2354. Shadowborne (reroll) 2355. Spirit (reroll) 2356. Void Spawn (reroll) 2357. War Aspect (reroll) 2358. Plantform (reroll) 2359. Vampire, Corpse (reroll) 2360. Desiccated (reroll) 2361. Vampire, Fleshbound (reroll) 2362. Paleoskeleton (reroll dinosaur) 2363. Skinhusk (reroll) 2364. Vampire, Terror (reroll) 2365. Mummy, True (reroll) 2366. Undead-blooded (reroll) 2367. Variant Undead (reroll) 2368. Variant Vampire (reroll) 2369. Adan-sidhe 2370. Ansikvol 2371. Half-orc, Black 2372. Caraigh-alfar 2373. Daergrim 2374. Elder Hart 2375. Faewasse 2376. Gloma 2377. Gnome, Savage 2378. Goblin Spider, Hunter 2379. Goblin Spider, Monarch 2380. Goblin Spider, Spinner 2381. Halfling, Lekassi 2382. Kolmun 2383. Kolmun, Dragon-blooded 2384. Kyampasa 2385. Orgar 2386. Padarafyte 2387. Sidhe 2388. Skjoniss 2389. Talock 2390. Dwarf, Thunderhead 2391. Truagekin 2392. Tsaavyn 2393. Baelstrith 2394. Elf, Cabaran 2395. Celedhriel 2396. Elyrian 2397. Fezroki 2398. Glimjara 2399. Gnome, Fjurnian 2400. Dwarf, Kefgrald 2401. Kroy 2402. Lizardfolk, Lissk 2403. Myrrond 2404. Orc, Orusk 2405. Aavali 2406. Damorlinn 2407. Flitterling 2408. Hrulian-tensu 2409. Jinoor 2410. Magnar 2411. Nephogg 2412. Pofferil 2413. Elf, Raellorian 2414. Raziran 2415. Vorl 2416. Yaal-tensu 2417. Arnrach (reroll spider) 2418. Behirling (reroll) 2419. Chemdrake (reroll reptile) 2420. Couatlan (reroll snake) 2421. Devourer Survivor (reroll undead) 2422. Dragomongrel (reroll dragon) 2423. Fenrirrin (reroll canine) 2424. Flashbeast (reroll) 2425. Gullinburstin (reroll boar) 2426. Greyman (reroll undead) 2427. Jormugandrin (reroll reptile) 2428. Lenkag (reroll snake) 2429. Medusan Creature (reroll) 2430. Murmouth (reroll) 2431. Oxeph Host (reroll) 2432. Poison Flow (reroll element/ooze) 2433. Shulgspawn (reroll) 2434. Skoth (reroll) 2435. Sleipnirrin (reroll equine) 2436. Twilight Hagling (reroll) 2437. Blasphemous Terror (reroll good) 2438. Chuul Spawn (reroll) 2439. Darkscale (reroll) 2440. Guardscale (reroll) 2441. Half-ooze (reroll) 2442. Morphling (reroll) 2443. Planescarred (reroll) 2444. Rotscale (reroll) 2445. Rustwyrm (reroll dragon) 2446. Spiritscale (reroll) 2447. Spellvoid (reroll magic-user) 2448. Starborn (reroll) 2449. Thornskin (reroll) 2450. Waterscale (reroll) 2451. Carrier (reroll) 2452. Distorted Creature (reroll) 2453. Enraged Creature (reroll) 2454. Foetid Creature (reroll) 2455. Zombie, Plague (reroll) 2456. Pox Spirit (reroll) 2457. Withered (reroll) 2458. Fetal Imposter (reroll) 2459. Heartless (reroll) 2460. Hivedriven (reroll) 2461. Meningeal (reroll) 2462. Overseen (reroll) 2463. Ravenous (reroll) 2464. Soul Eater (reroll) 2465. Absolved (reroll) 2466. Grafted (reroll) 2467. Inheritor (reroll) 2468. Lucid (reroll) 2469. Sanguineous (reroll) 2470. Spectator (reroll) 2471. Toxic (reroll) 2472. Drathatch 2473. Ettercap, Aberrant 2474. Ettertroll 2475. Gnasher 2476. Goblin, Blighted Thrall 2477. Goblin, Forge 2478. Kobold, Hiveling 2479. Lucanidae 2480. Centaur, Nuckalavee 2481. Nymph, Grey 2482. Ogre Fiend 2483. Psuedo-kin 2484. Shirios 2485. Spheth 2486. Stone Children 2487. Valcos 2488. Elder Fiend (reroll fiend) 2489. Noble Animal (reroll animal) 2490. Noble Ape 2491. Noble Chimpanzee 2492. Noble Gorilla 2493. Noble Orangutan 2494. Noble Baboon 2495. Noble Badger 2496. Noble Skunk 2497. Noble Bat 2498. Noble Bear 2499. Noble Black Bear 2500. Noble Brown Bear 2501. Noble Beaver 2502. Noble Bird-of-Prey 2503. Noble Condor 2504. Noble Eagle 2505. Noble Hawk 2506. Noble Vulture 2507. Noble Boar 2508. Noble Camel 2509. Noble Canine 2510. Noble Coyote 2511. Noble Dog 2512. Noble Fox 2513. Noble Wolf 2514. Noble Cat 2515. Noble Big Cat 2516. Noble Great Cat 2517. Noble Lion 2518. Noble Tiger 2519. Noble Cheetah 2520. Noble Crocodilian 2521. Noble Alligator 2522. Noble Crocodile 2523. Noble Deer 2524. Noble Donkey 2525. Noble Elephant 2526. Noble Elephant, Afrika 2527. Noble Elephant, Orient 2528. Noble Equine 2529. Noble Horse, Heavy 2530. Noble Horse, Light 2531. Noble Horse, Pony 2532. Noble Horse, Zebra 2533. Noble Gazelle 2534. Noble Goat 2535. Noble Sheep 2536. Noble Herdbeast 2537. Noble Hyena 2538. Noble Lizard 2539. Noble Lizard, Monitor 2540. Noble Mongoose 2541. Noble Monkey 2542. Noble Moose 2543. Noble Otter 2544. Noble Owl 2545. Noble Parrot 2546. Noble Porpoise 2547. Noble Dolphin 2548. Noble Rabbit 2549. Noble Raccoon 2550. Noble Raven 2551. Noble Crow 2552. Noble Rhinoceros 2553. Noble Rodent 2554. Noble Mouse 2555. Noble Rat 2556. Noble Squirrel 2557. Noble Snake, Constrictor 2558. Noble Snake, Viper 2559. Noble Songbird 2560. Noble Dove 2561. Noble Mina Bird 2562. Noble Toad 2563. Noble Frog 2564. Noble Tortoise 2565. Noble Weasel 2566. Noble Ferret 2567. Noble Wolverine 2568. Alligataur 2569. Anthroach 2570. Arachne 2571. Caterpygmy 2572. Cribbet 2573. Darkhopper 2574. Elf, Alluvial 2575. Fritillary 2576. Giant, Mire 2577. Gnome, Wikiwiki 2578. Lycanthrope, Weregator 2579. Mushroomfolk 2580. Ogre, Half-merrow 2581. Ogre Magi, Half-merrow 2582. Troll, Half-scrag 2583. Unliving Brain (reroll) 2584. Zombie, Bayou (reroll) 2585. Faded Soul (reroll) 2586. Fungus Replicant (reroll) 2587. Mojeaux (reroll) 2588. Mummy, Swamp (reroll) 2589. Unseely Fey (reroll) 2590. Avian Folk 2591. Orc, Uber-orc 2592. Anzien 2593. Bralinsidhe 2594. Durrin 2595. Firesly 2596. Grumsashen 2597. Korali 2598. Leonork 2599. Lurkin 2600. Reivar 2601. Skinx 2602. Vanuran 2603. Xiokin 2604. Headless Horseman (reroll) 2605. Zombie, Iron (reroll) 2606. Scarred (reroll) 2607. Acidion 2608. Adaptoid 2609. Amazon 2610. Animalfolk (reroll animal) 2611. Apefolk 2612. Baboonfolk 2613. Batfolk 2614. Bearfolk 2615. Bissonfolk 2616. Boarfolk 2617. Bovinefolk 2618. Camelfolk 2619. Catfolk 2620. Cheetahfolk 2621. Chickenfolk 2622. Crocodilefolk 2623. Deerfolk 2624. Dogfolk 2625. Donkeyfolk 2626. Eaglefolk 2627. Elephantfolk 2628. Elkfolk 2629. Foxfolk 2630. Giraffefolk 2631. Hawkfolk 2632. Horsefolk 2633. Hyenafolk 2634. Leopardfolk 2635. Lionfolk 2636. Lizardfolk 2637. Monkeyfolk 2638. Owlfolk 2639. Oxfolk 2640. Pigfolk 2641. Ratfolk 2642. Ravenfolk 2643. Rhinofolk 2644. Sheepfolk 2645. Snakefolk 2646. Tigerfolk 2647. Toadfolk 2648. Viperfolk 2649. Weaselfolk 2650. Wolffolk 2651. Wolverinefolk 2652. Asqua 2653. Goblin, Backknife 2654. Slugknife 2655. Bat, Darknight 2656. Bejorn 2657. Bird of Renown, Harmonic Nightingale 2658. Bird of Renown, Owl of Wisdom 2659. Bird of Renown, Pirate Parrot 2660. Bird of Renown, Rogue Raven 2661. Bird of Renown, Wizard Jay 2662. Bird of Renown, Swashbuckler Sparrow 2663. Bird of Renown, Warhawk 2664. Burglarcat 2665. Cadriff 2666. Chita 2667. Triclops 2668. Devilhand 2669. Dragonfolk, Algalue 2670. Dragonfolk, Tyres Haul 2671. Dreader 2672. Dwarf 2673. Dwarf, Coral 2674. Dwarf, Desert 2675. Dwarf, Ice 2676. Dwarf, Sand 2677. Elf 2678. Elf, Ash 2679. Elf, Falcon 2680. Elf, Light 2681. Elf, Surf 2682. Elf, Shadow 2683. Fauxfolk 2684. Forok 2685. Giant, Rock 2686. Giant, Wind 2687. Glemli 2688. Gnome 2689. Guaz De 2690. Halfling 2691. Halfling, Dark 2692. Halfling, Hairfoot 2693. Halfling, Stout 2694. Hauk 2695. Hermaphodite 2696. Human 2697. Human, Aegyptian 2698. Human, Afarian 2699. Human, Aharati 2700. Human, Aztec 2701. Human, Dhoric 2702. Human, Ghan 2703. Human, Nippon 2704. Human, Randese 2705. Human, Ubunti 2706. Human, Skierian 2707. Javana 2708. K’less Tau 2709. Ket-tet-kneck 2710. Khao Toji 2711. Kobold 2712. Living Dead (reroll) 2713. Lycan (reroll animal) 2714. Lycan, Tiger 2715. Lycanthrope (reroll animal) 2716. Lycanthrope, Werebadger 2717. Lycanthrope, Were-eagle 2718. Lycanthrope, Werehorse 2719. Lycanthrope, Wereowl 2720. Lycanthrope, Wereraven 2721. Lycanthrope, Werespider 2722. Lycanthrope, Werethrush 2723. Mageborn 2724. Malalk Mereka 2725. Maughtley 2726. Meglass 2727. Menten, Enforcer 2728. Menten 2729. Thrallkin 2730. Nementor (reroll arcane spellcaster) 2731. Shrubfolk 2732. Sipchloras 2733. Skeleking (reroll warrior) 2734. Sslaunn 2735. Taurii 2736. Troll 2737. Troll, Feral 2738. Troll, High 2739. Troll, Night 2740. Roarin 2741. Uglama 2742. Watcher in the Woods 2743. Zamadon 2744. Half-fey (reroll) 2745. Recondite Pawn (reroll) 2746. Gemgolem (reroll construct) 2747. Gemsucker (reroll) 2748. Disciples (reroll) 2749. Prophet (reroll) 2750. Hero-deity (reroll) 2751. Quasi-deity (reroll) 2752. Demi-deity (reroll) 2753. Lesser Deity (reroll) 2754. Intermediate Deity (reroll) 2755. Greater Deity (reroll) 2756. Elder God (reroll) 2757. Old One (reroll) 2758. First One (reroll) 2759. Demiurge (reroll) 2760. Time Lord (reroll) 2761. High Lord (reroll) 2762. Supreme Being (reroll) 2763. Mutant (reroll) 2764. Alien/Starfolk 2765. Human 2766. Metahuman 2767. Human 2768. Dwarf 2769. Dwarf, Chaos 2770. Elf 2771. Elf, High 2772. Elf, Wood 2773. Elf, Dark 2774. Gnome 2775. Halfling 2776. Orc, Greenskin 2777. Demonbred (reroll) 2778. Devilblooded (reroll) 2779. Felid 2780. Feykissed (reroll) 2781. Giantborn (reroll) 2782. Half-demon (reroll) 2783. Half-devil (reroll) 2784. Serpentine (reroll) 2785. Dwarf, Primitive 2786. Elf, Primitive 2787. Gnome, Primitive 2788. Halfling, Primitive 2789. Half-elf, Primitive 2790. Half-orc, Primitive 2791. Human, Primitive 2792. Dwarf, Savage 2793. Elf, Savage 2794. Gnome, Savage 2795. Halfling, Savage 2796. Half-elf, Savage 2797. Half-orc, Savage 2798. Human, Savage 2799. Barbarian 2800. Elf, Dark 2801. Dwarf 2802. Gnome 2803. Half-elf 2804. Elf, High 2805. Human 2806. Iksar 2807. Ogre 2808. Troll 2809. Vah Shir 2810. Elf, Wood 2811. Galorian 2812. Grimling 2813. Shissar 2814. Sun Revenant 2815. Tegi 2816. Tegi, Fire 2817. Tegi, Water 2818. Tegi, Wind 2819. Tegi, Shadow 2820. Tegi, Ice 2821. Tegi, Stone 2822. Vampyre 2823. Fallen (reroll) 2824. Mutant Outcast (reroll) 2825. Revenant (reroll) 2826. Shadow (reroll) 2827. Aviak 2828. Burynai 2829. Centaur 2830. Chetari 2831. Dhampyre 2832. Clockwork, Runaway 2833. Drachnid 2834. Evil Eye 2835. Faerie 2836. Froglok 2837. Geonid 2838. Giant, Fire 2839. Giant, Frost 2840. Giant, Forest 2841. Giant, Hill 2842. Giant, Mountain 2843. Giant, Nightfall 2844. Gnoll 2845. Goblin 2846. Goblin, Aqua 2847. Goblin, Ice 2848. Goblin, Isle 2849. Goblin, Flame 2850. Goblin, Inferno 2851. Goblin, Pickclaw 2852. Minotaur, Gorge 2853. Holgresh 2854. Kobold 2855. Mermaid 2856. Muddite 2857. Orc, Crushbone 2858. Orc, Deathfist 2859. Orc, Ry’gorr 2860. Othmir 2861. Pledge Familiar, Rogue 2862. Sarnak 2863. Cyclops, Seafury 2864. Shadowed Man 2865. Tizmak 2866. Corrupted (reroll) 2867. Dark Assassin (reroll) 2868. Diseased (reroll) 2869. Ghoul (reroll) 2870. Skeleton (reroll) 2871. Werebat (reroll) 2872. Batling 2873. Barbarian 2874. Elf, Dark 2875. Dwarf 2876. Erudite 2877. Froglok 2878. Gnome 2879. Half-elf 2880. Human 2881. Iksar 2882. Kerra 2883. Ogre 2884. Ratonga 2885. Troll 2886. Elf, Wood 2887. Android Battle-maid 2888. Elf, Dark 2889. Dwarf 2890. Fairy 2891. Grey 2892. Half-dragon 2893. Half-oni 2894. Half-orc 2895. Haud 2896. Homo Psyche 2897. Key, Skeleton 2898. Nekojin 2899. Shapechanger 2900. Slime 2901. Snow Maiden 2902. Spider Demon 2903. Vampire 2904. Woolie 2905. Yurei 2906. Dwarf 2907. Elf, Cumasti 2908. Half-elf 2909. Elf, Westryn 2910. Gnome 2911. Halfling 2912. Halfling, Docrae 2913. Half-orc 2914. Human, High Thonian 2915. Human, Thonian 2916. Human, Peshwah 2917. Human, Amphictyonic 2918. Human, Arcadian 2919. Human, Argive 2920. Human, Athenian 2921. Human, Boeotian 2922. Human, Corinthian 2923. Human, Cretan 2924. Human, Ionian 2925. Human, Laconian 2926. Human, Thessalian 2927. Bloodline, Minor Celestial 2928. Bloodline, Minor Demon 2929. Bloodline, Minor, Devil 2930. Bloodline, Minor Doppleganger 2931. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Black 2932. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Blue 2933. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Brass 2934. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Bronze 2935. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Copper 2936. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Gold 2937. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Green 2938. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Red 2939. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, Silver 2940. Bloodline, Minor, Dragon, White 2941. Bloodline, Minor, Elemental, Earth 2942. Bloodline, Minor, Elemental, Air 2943. Bloodline, Minor, Elemental, Fire 2944. Bloodline, Minor, Elemental, Water 2945. Bloodline, Minor, Fey 2946. Bloodline, Minor, Genie, Djinni 2947. Bloodline, Minor, Genie, Efreeti 2948. Bloodline, Minor, Genie, Jann 2949. Bloodline, Minor, Giant, Cloud 2950. Bloodline, Minor, Giant, Fire 2951. Bloodline, Minor, Giant, Frost 2952. Bloodline, Minor, Giant, Hill 2953. Bloodline, Minor, Giant, Stone 2954. Bloodline, Minor, Giant, Storm 2955. Bloodline, Minor, Githyanki 2956. Bloodline, Minor, Githzerai 2957. Bloodline, Minor, Hag 2958. Bloodline, Minor, Lycanthrope (reroll Lycanthrope) 2959. Bloodline, Minor, Minotaur 2960. Bloodline, Minor, Ogre 2961. Bloodline, Minor, Slaad 2962. Bloodline, Minor, Titan 2963. Bloodline, Minor, Troll 2964. Bloodline, Minor, Vampire 2965. Bloodline, Minor, Yuan-ti 2966. Bloodline, Intermediate, Celestial 2967. Bloodline, Intermediate, Demon 2968. Bloodline, Intermediate, Devil 2969. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Black 2970. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Blue 2971. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Brass 2972. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Bronze 2973. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Copper 2974. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Gold 2975. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Green 2976. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Red 2977. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, Silver 2978. Bloodline, Intermediate, Dragon, White 2979. Bloodline, Intermediate, Elemental, Air 2980. Bloodline, Intermediate, Elemental, Earth 2981. Bloodline, Intermediate, Elemental, Fire 2982. Bloodline, Intermediate, Elemental, Water 2983. Bloodline, Intermediate, Fey 2984. Bloodline, Intermediate, Genie, Djinni 2985. Bloodline, Intermediate, Genie, Efreeti 2986. Bloodline, Intermediate, Giant, Cloud 2987. Bloodline, Intermediate, Giant, Fire 2988. Bloodline, Intermediate, Giant, Frost 2989. Bloodline, Intermediate, Giant, Stone 2990. Bloodline, Intermediate, Giant, Storm 2991. Bloodline, Intermediate, Ogre 2992. Bloodline, Intermediate, Slaad 2993. Bloodline, Intermediate, Titan 2994. Bloodline, Intermediate, Troll 2995. Bloodline, Intermediate, Vampire 2996. Bloodline, Intermediate, Yuan-ti 2997. Bloodline, Major, Celestial 2998. Bloodline, Major, Demon 2999. Bloodline, Major, Devil 3000. Bloodline, Major, Dragon, Gold
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos |
4th Section:
3001. Bloodline, Major, Dragon, Red 3002. Bloodline, Major, Dragon, Silver 3003. Bloodline, Major, Fey 3004. Bloodline, Major, Genie, Djinni 3005. Bloodline, Major, Genie, Efreeti 3006. Bloodline, Major, Giant, Storm 3007. Bloodline, Major, Titan 3008. Bloodline, Major, Vampire 3009. Feral Creature (reroll) 3010. Gelatinous Creature (reroll) 3011. Ghost Brute (reroll) 3012. Incarnate Construct (reroll construct) 3013. Insectile Creature (reroll) 3014. Monstrous Beast (reroll animal) 3015. Multiheaded Creature (reroll) 3016. Multiheaded, Lernaean Creature (reroll) 3017. Multiheaded, Pyro Creature (reroll) 3018. Mulitheaded, Cryo Creature (reroll) 3019. Mummified Creature (reroll) 3020. Reptilian Creature (reroll) 3021. Spectral Creature (reroll) 3022. Symbiotic Creature (reroll) 3023. Tauric Creature (reroll) 3024. Umbral Creature (reroll) 3025. Wight (reroll) 3026. Winged Creature (reroll) 3027. Wraith (reroll) 3028. Yuan-ti (reroll) 3029. Yuan-ti, Tainted One (reroll) 3030. Player’s Choice 3031. Afflicted (reroll) 3032. Elemental Creature, Air (reroll) 3033. Aleax (reroll) 3034. Alu-demon (reroll) 3035. Amphibious (reroll) 3036. Anarchic ‘Unfinished’ Creature (reroll) 3037. Animus (reroll) 3038. Arachnoid (reroll) 3039. Arcane-blood (reroll) 3040. Arch-dragon, Chaotic (reroll) 3041. Arch-dragon, Evil (reroll) 3042. Arch-dragon, Good (reroll) 3043. Arch-dragon, Lawful (reroll) 3044. Zombie, Athasian (reroll) 3045. Axiomatic ‘Perfect’ Creature (reroll) 3046. Lycanthrope, Blacktooth (reroll) 3047. Bodak (reroll) 3048. Captured One (reroll) 3049. Cauldron Spawn (reroll) 3050. Celestial Creature (reroll) 3051. Chameleon (reroll) 3052. Arch-dragon, Chaotic (reroll) 3053. Chimeric (reroll) 3054. Chosen of Malar (reroll) 3055. Elemental Creature, Cold (reroll) 3056. Corrupted (reroll) 3057. Death Knight (reroll) 3058. Death Knight, Undead Legion (reroll) 3059. Dracolich (reroll dragon) 3060. Draconic (reroll) 3061. Dragon, Skeleton (reroll dragon) 3062. Dragon, Vampiric (reroll dragon) 3063. Dragon, Zombie (reroll dragon) 3064. Dreamstealer Spawn (reroll) 3065. Drowned One (reroll) 3066. Lich, Dry (reroll) 3067. Dustform (reroll) 3068. Elemental Creature, Earth (reroll) 3069. Effigy (reroll) 3070. Elder Serpent (reroll) 3071. Entropic Creature (reroll) 3072. Arch-dragon, Evil (reroll) 3073. Evolved (reroll) 3074. Faerzress-infused (reroll) 3075. Favored Spawn of Kyuss (reroll) 3076. Fetch (reroll) 3077. Fiendish Creature (reroll) 3078. Elemental Creature, Fire (reroll) 3079. Fire-souled (reroll) 3080. Fleshvigor (reroll) 3081. Ghastly (reroll) 3082. Gheden (reroll) 3083. Ghost (reroll) 3084. Ghost Brute (reroll) 3085. Ghost, Haunting (reroll) 3086. Ghost, Sagacious (reroll) 3087. Ghoul, Gravetouched (reroll) 3088. Ghoulish (reroll) 3089. Ghul (reroll) 3090. Arch-dragon, Good (reroll) 3091. Lich, Good (reroll) 3092. Ghoul, Gravetouched (reroll) 3093. Half-celestial (reroll) 3094. Half-doppelganger (reroll) 3095. Half-dragon (reroll) 3096. Half-elemental, Air (reroll) 3097. Half-elemental, Earth (reroll) 3098. Half-elemental, Water (reroll) 3099. Half-elemental, Fire (reroll) 3100. Half-fey (reroll) 3101. Half-fiend (reroll) 3102. Half-golem, Brass (reroll) 3103. Half-golem, Clay (reroll) 3104. Half-golem, Flesh (reroll) 3105. Half-golem, Iron (reroll) 3106. Half-golem, Stained Glass (reroll) 3107. Half-golem, Stone (reroll) 3108. Half-illithid (reroll) 3109. Half-janni (reroll) 3110. Half-minotaur (reroll) 3111. Half-nymph (reroll) 3112. Half-ogre (reroll) 3113. Half-rakshasa (reroll) 3114. Half-Satyr (reroll) 3115. Half-Scrag (reroll) 3116. Half-troll (reroll) 3117. Half-Vampire (reroll) 3118. Hivebrood (reroll) 3119. Hooded Pupil (reroll) 3120. Horrid (reroll) 3121. Huecuva (reroll) 3122. Ice Beast (reroll animal) 3123. Elemental Creature, Ice (reroll) 3124. Ka-tainted (reroll) 3125. Katane (reroll) 3126. Favored Spawn of Kyuss (reroll) 3127. Scion of Kyuss (reroll) 3128. Arch-dragon, Lawful (reroll) 3129. Lemorian (reroll) 3130. Lich (reroll) 3131. Lich, Dry (reroll) 3132. Lich, Suel (reroll) 3133. Lichfiend (reroll) 3134. Living Spell (reroll) 3135. Living Wall (reroll) 3136. Lolth-touched (reroll) 3137. Lycanthrope (reroll/reroll animal) 3138. Lycanthrope, Blacktooth (reroll) 3139. Magbred (reroll) 3140. Elemental Creature, Magma (reroll) 3141. Maurid (reroll) 3142. Memlith (reroll) 3143. Mineral Warrior (reroll) 3144. Mirage Mullah (reroll) 3145. Monster of Legend (reroll) 3146. Mummified (reroll) 3147. Nagpa (reroll) 3148. Nameless (reroll) 3149. Necromental (reroll) 3150. Necropolitan (reroll) 3151. Nether Hound (reroll) 3152. Obah-blessed (reroll) 3153. Elemental Creature, Ooze (reroll) 3154. Phantom, Greater (reroll) 3155. Phantom, Lesser (reroll) 3156. Poisonous (reroll) 3157. Pseudonatural (reroll) 3158. Radiant Creature (reroll) 3159. Ravenous (reroll) 3160. Revives Fossil (reroll) 3161. Riddled (reroll) 3162. Sacred Watcher (reroll) 3163. Saint (reroll) 3164. Sanctified (reroll) 3165. Scion of Kyuss (reroll) 3166. Scorned (reroll) 3167. Shadow Creature (reroll) 3168. Sign of the Smoking Eye (reroll) 3169. Dragon, Skeletal (reroll dragon) 3170. Skeleton (reroll) 3171. Skeleton, Electrical (reroll) 3172. Skeleton, Fiery (reroll) 3173. Skeleton, Frost (reroll) 3174. Skeleton, Nimble (reroll) 3175. Skeleton, Soldier (reroll) 3176. Skeleton, Vicious (reroll) 3177. Elemental Creature, Smoke (reroll) 3178. Favored Spawn of Kyuss (reroll) 3179. Spectral (reroll) 3180. Spell Stitched (reroll) 3181. Spellhoarding (reroll) 3182. Spellwarped (reroll) 3183. Spirit Animal (reroll animal) 3184. Stoneboned (reroll) 3185. Lich, Suel (reroll) 3186. Swam-shifter (reroll) 3187. Swordwraith (reroll) 3188. T’liz (reroll) 3189. Tarterian (reroll) 3190. Tauric (reroll) 3191. Ti-khana (reroll) 3192. Titanic (reroll) 3193. Topiary Guardian (reroll plant) 3194. Trap Haunt (reroll) 3195. Umbral (reroll) 3196. Vampire (reroll) 3197. Vampire, Moonbane (reroll) 3198. Vampire, Persuasive (reroll) 3199. Vampire, Psychic (reroll) 3200. Vampire, Savage (reroll) 3201. Vampire, Shadow (reroll) 3202. Vampire, Swarmform (reroll) 3203. Vampire, Terror (reroll) 3204. Dragon, Vampire (reroll dragon) 3205. Vivacious Creature (reroll) 3206. Voidmind (reroll) 3207. Wandering (reroll) 3208. Warbeast (reroll) 3209. Elemental Creature, Water (reroll) 3210. Mummy, Web (reroll) 3211. Wendigo (reroll) 3212. Elemental Creature, Wood (reroll) 3213. Woodling (reroll) 3214. Zombie, Yellow Musk (reroll) 3215. Zombie (reroll) 3216. Zombie, Athasian (reroll) 3217. Dragon, Zombie (reroll) 3218. Zombie, Bloodthirsty (reroll) 3219. Zombie, Diseased (reroll) 3220. Zombie, Fast (reroll) 3221. Zombie, Hunting (reroll) 3222. Zombie, Unkillable (reroll) 3223. Immortal (reroll) 3224. Ashalan 3225. Bakeneko 3226. Kenku 3227. Kitsu 3228. Kitsune 3229. The Lost 3230. Goblin, Mountain 3231. Naga, Asp 3232. Naga, Chameleon 3233. Naga, Cobra 3234. Naga, Constrictor 3235. Naga, Greensnake 3236. Nezumi, Crippled Bone 3237. Nezumi, Tattered Ear 3238. Nezumi, Grasping Paw 3239. Nezumi, Third Whisker 3240. Ningyo 3241. Nue 3242. Porthungluin 3243. Goblin, Swamp 3244. Tanuki 3245. Tsuno Ravager 3246. Tsuno Soultwister 3247. Zokujin 3248. Goryo (reroll) 3249. Naar Teban (reroll reptile) 3250. Oracle (reroll) 3251. Darkness Spawn (reroll) 3252. Shadowlands Madman (reroll) 3253. Shiryo (reroll) 3254. Human, Hida Crab Clan 3255. Human, Hiruma Crab Clan 3256. Human, Kaiu Crab Clan 3257. Human, Kuni Crab Clan 3258. Human, Toritaka Crab Clan 3259. Human, Yasuki Crab Clan 3260. Human, Asahina Crane Clan 3261. Human, Daidoji Crane Clan 3262. Human, Doji Crane Clan 3263. Human, Kakita Crane Clan 3264. Human, Yasuki Crane Clan 3265. Human, Hitomi Dragon Clan 3266. Human, Mirumoto Dragon Clan 3267. Human, Kitsuki Dragon Clan 3268. Human, Tamori Dragon Clan 3269. Human, Togashi Dragon Clan 3270. Human, Akodo Lion Clan 3271. Human, Kitsu Lion Clan 3272. Human, Ikoma Lion Clan 3273. Human, Matsu Lion Clan 3274. Human, Moshi Mantis Clan 3275. Human, Yoritomo Mantis Clan 3276. Human, Tsuruchi Mantis Clan 3277. Human, Agasha Phoenix Clan 3278. Human, Asako Phoenix Clan 3279. Human, Isawa Phoenix Clan 3280. Human, Shiba Phoenix Clan 3281. Human, Bayushi Scorpion Clan 3282. Human, Shosuro Scorpion Clan 3283. Human, Soshi Scorpion Clan 3284. Human, Yogo Scorpion Clan 3285. Human, Horiuchi Unicorn Clan 3286. Human, Ide Unicorn Clan 3287. Human, Iuchi Unicorn Clan 3288. Human, Moto Unicorn Clan 3289. Human, Shinjo Unicorn Clan 3290. Human, Utaku Unicorn Clan 3291. Human, Seppun 3292. Human, Otomo 3293. Human, Miya 3294. Human, Ichiro Badger Clan 3295. Human, Tonbo Dragonfly Clan 3296. Human, Kitsune Fox Clan 3297. Human, Usagi Hare Clan 3298. Human, Ujina Hare Clan 3299. Human, Monkey Clan 3300. Human, Ox Clan 3301. Human, Suzume Sparrow Clan 3302. Human, Kasuga Tortoise Clan 3303. Human, Heichi Boar Clan 3304. Human, Chuda Snake Clan 3305. Human, Hoshi 3306. Human, Kaeru 3307. Human, Yotsu 3308. Aaleear 3309. Anaema 3310. Animen 3311. Artathi 3312. Blickish 3313. Coivald 3314. The Curst 3315. Eleti 3316. Fairie 3317. Illonis 3318. The Luminous 3319. Mhuinntir 3320. Niomus 3321. Ooloi 3322. Pevishan 3323. Quissian 3324. Rezurbek 3325. Rhonian 3326. Rhoode 3327. Risen Demon 3328. Sendasti 3329. Siarran 3330. Sktak 3331. Stonegrunt 3332. Tremen 3333. Uthuk Y’llan 3334. Vermen 3335. Ittaken 3336. Mahkim 3337. Mannikin 3338. Alien Entity (reroll aberration) 3339. Awakened Aberration (reroll aberration) 3340. Degenerate Aberration (reroll aberration) 3341. Chaos Dragon (reroll dragon) 3342. Deep Dragon (reroll dragon) 3343. Feral Dragon (reroll dragon) 3344. Half-breed (reroll dragon) 3345. Planar Dragon (reroll dragon) 3346. Undead Dragon (reroll dragon) 3347. Elemental Creature, Air (reroll) 3348. Elemental Creature, Water (reroll) 3349. Elemental Creature, Earth (reroll) 3350. Elemental Creature, Fire (reroll) 3351. Dark Fey (reroll) 3352. Deep Fey (reroll) 3353. Half-fey (reroll) 3354. Giant Lord (reroll giant) 3355. Half-titan (reroll giant) 3356. Half-ogre 3357. Dire Humanoid (reroll) 3358. Possessing (reroll outsider) 3359. Dire Lycanthrope (reroll lycanthrope) 3360. Splintered Shapshifter (reroll shapechanger) 3361. Bloated (reroll undead) 3362. Cloaked (reroll undead) 3363. Relentless (reroll undead) 3364. Bloodline, Human, Base/Criminal 3365. Bloodline, Human, Common/Serf 3366. Bloodline, Human, Middle Class 3367. Bloodline, Human, Lesser Noblility/Peerage 3368. Bloodline, Human, Nobility/Royalty 3369. Bloodline, Giant, Sadera 3370. Bloodline, Giant, Polyphymos 3371. Bloodline, Giant, Goliath 3372. Bloodline, Giant, Manteran 3373. Bloodline, Giant, Albion 3374. Bloodline, Giant, Poseidon 3375. Giant, Afanc 3376. Wolf Man 3377. Human, Dorn 3378. Human, Sarcosan, Plains 3379. Human, Sarcosan, Urban 3380. Human, Erenlander 3381. Dwarf 3382. Dwarf, Clan 3383. Dwarf, Kurgun 3384. Elf 3385. Elf, Caransil/Wood 3386. Elf, Danisil/Jungle 3387. Elf, Erunsil/Snow 3388. Elf, Miransil/Sea 3389. Gnome 3390. Halfling, Agrarian 3391. Halfling, Nomadic 3392. Orc 3393. Dwarrow 3394. Dworg 3395. Elfling 3396. Vine Beast (reroll animal) 3397. Husbanded Creature (reroll) 3398. Forsaken (reroll) 3399. Ogre Damen 3400. Berserk (reroll) 3401. Herald (reroll) 3402. Mender (reroll) 3403. Warden (reroll) 3404. Imp, Highland 3405. Cyclops 3406. Human 3407. Dwarf, Black 3408. Dwarf, Red 3409. Fawn 3410. Marsh-wiggle 3411. Badger 3412. Beaver 3413. Bear 3414. Cheetah 3415. Fox 3416. Mouse 3417. Human, Azzazza 3418. Human, Hutali 3419. Human, Marak’ka 3420. Human, Mbanta 3421. Human, NaBula 3422. Human, Nghoi 3423. Human, Shombe 3424. Human, Tembu 3425. Human, Tisambe 3426. Human, Tuslan 3427. Human, Xon’mo 3428. Human, Zamara 3429. Halfling, Agogwe 3430. Gnome, Kitunusi 3431. Half-orc, Ngoloko 3432. Lizardfolk, Unthlatu 3433. Dwarf, Utucheckulu 3434. Elf, Wakyambi 3435. Allura 3436. Arcane 3437. Chattur 3438. Dohwar 3439. Flow Fiend 3440. Giff 3441. Grav 3442. K’r’r’r 3443. Lakshu 3444. Scro 3445. Half-Scro 3446. Spiritjam (reroll) 3447. Arach 3448. Baccae 3449. Baobhan Sith 3450. Biclops 3451. Churr 3452. Wolfwere, Dire 3453. Genie, Abasheen 3454. Giant, Smoke 3455. Giant, Sea 3456. Gremlin 3457. Gronk 3458. Inphidian, Night Adder 3459. Inphidian, Rattler 3460. Kuah-lij 3461. Orc, Black 3462. Orc, Blood 3463. Orc, Ghost-faced 3464. Orc, Greenskin 3465. Phooka 3466. Reigon 3467. Wang Liang 3468. Clockwork (reroll) 3469. Deathleech (reroll) 3470. Flame-spawned (reroll) 3471. Mythical Animal (reroll animal) 3472. Paleoskeleton Creature (reroll dino/dire creature) 3473. Plant-imbued Creature (reroll) 3474. Tenebrous Creature (reroll) 3475. Thorny (reroll animal/dino/dire) 3476. Human, Aiel 3477. Human, Atha’an Miere 3478. Human, Borderlander 3479. Human, Cairhienin 3480. Human, Domani 3481. Human, Ebou Daria 3482. Human, Illianer 3483. Human, Midlander 3484. Human, Tairen 3485. Human, Tar Valoner 3486. Human, Taraboner 3487. Ogier 3488. Acota 3489. Aesir 3490. Daermin 3491. Elgarph 3492. Goumin 3493. Gyor 3494. Haitir 3495. Izhan 3496. Khutai 3497. Lukar’r 3498. Nathas 3499. Nimori 3500. Polymarie 3501. Quina 3502. Shadahs 3503. Vanir 3504. Vasyl 3505. Xxyxx 3506. Zynar 3507. Human 3508. Dwarf, Ironforge 3509. Elf, High 3510. Elf, Night 3511. Goblin 3512. Half-elf 3513. Half-orc 3514. Orc 3515. Tauren 3516. Ancient 3517. Centaur 3518. Dryad 3519. Keeper of the Grove 3520. Draenei 3521. Dragonspawn, Wyrm Kin 3522. Dragonspawn, Flame Tongue 3523. Dragonspawn, Scalebane 3524. Furbolg 3525. Furbolg, Corrupt 3526. Giant, Mountain 3527. Gnoll 3528. Harpy 3529. Kobold 3530. Murloc 3531. Mur’gul 3532. Naga 3533. Nerubian 3534. Ogre 3535. Ogre Magus 3536. Pandaren 3537. Quilboar 3538. Satyr 3539. Trogg 3540. Troll, Dark 3541. Troll, Forest 3542. Troll, Ice 3543. Troll, Jungle 3544. Tuskarr 3545. Tainted (reroll) 3546. Scourge (reroll) 3547. Banshee (reroll) 3548. Nerubian, Crypt Fiend 3549. Human, Forsaken 3550. Ghost (reroll) 3551. Ghoul of the Scourge (reroll) 3552. Lich (reroll) 3553. Shade (reroll) 3554. Skeletal Mage (reroll arcane) 3555. Skeletal Warrior (reroll) 3556. Withered (reroll) 3557. Wraith (reroll) 3558. Zombie (reroll) 3559. Bugbear, Magi 3560. Cyclops, Reanaarian 3561. Darkling Snatcher 3562. Dragon, Water 3563. Dragon, Deshada 3564. Dragon, Twilight 3565. Elephantine Creature (reroll) 3566. Fairy 3567. Fairy, Woodland 3568. Fairy, Farisee 3569. Forlarr 3570. Giant, Woodland 3571. Goblin, Shashyf 3572. Goldfin 3573. Harpy, Grave 3574. Hulking Growler 3575. Lamia, Tigeress 3576. Lizardfolk, Zek’ira 3577. Lobsterfolk 3578. Mindflayer, Servitor 3579. Mite 3580. Ratfolk 3581. Sharjan, Least (reroll) 3582. Sharjan, Lesser (reroll) 3583. Sharjan, Greater (reroll) 3584. Sharjan, Lord (reroll) 3585. Rhajghani (reroll) 3586. Sileni/Goatling 3587. Slavering Gorger 3588. Sprite 3589. Leprechaun 3590. Troglodyte, Sca’lara 3591. Troll, Arctic 3592. Troll, Cave 3593. Troll, Chaos 3594. Troll, Demonic 3595. Troll, Moss 3596. Troll, Sand 3597. Troll, Sea 3598. Troll, Stench 3599. Dopplegangerkin, Mirror 3600. Minotaur, Plains 3601. Ogre, Drhokkeran 3602. Yuan-ti, Shafanivar 3603. Half-dwarf 3604. Half-githzerai 3605. Half-gnoll 3606. Half-gnome 3607. Half-goblin 3608. Half-satyr 3609. Tel-amhothlan 3610. Elf, Bamboo 3611. Tanuki 3612. Chiao 3613. Sennin (reroll) 3614. Bakemono, Fallenlanden 3615. Buckawn 3616. Centaur, Harqual 3617. Dracovaran 3618. Dragon-kin, Fallenlanden 3619. Dwarf, Harqual, High 3620. Dwarf, Harqual, Hill 3621. Dwarf, Harqual, Torin 3622. Ee’aar 3623. Elf, Forest 3624. Elf, Desert 3625. Elf, Silver 3626. Elf, Silver, Wild 3627. Fremlin 3628. Giant, Reef 3629. Gnoll, Harqual 3630. Flind, Harqual 3631. Gnome, Rockwood 3632. Gnome, Star 3633. Griff 3634. Grippli 3635. Halfling, Hairfoot 3636. Ibonahin 3637. Kenku, Hawk-headed 3638. Kenku, Eagle-headed 3639. Kenku, Raven-headed 3640. Kenku, Owl-headed 3641. Kerrn 3642. Lizardfolk, Xanth 3643. Lupin 3644. Minotaur, Deep 3645. Minotaur, Son of the Horn 3646. Nagpa 3647. Orc, Mountain 3648. Orc, Earth 3649. Ogre, Mage of Janardun 3650. Phanaton 3651. Rakasta 3652. Sahne 3653. Simbasta 3654. Spiderkin, Gema 3655. Tabaxi 3656. Throkr 3657. Vonakyndra 3658. Dwarf, Wildhammer 3659. Elf, Blood 3660. Furbolg 3661. Gnome 3662. Naga 3663. Pandaren 3664. Troll, Jungle 3665. Human, Greek, Slave 3666. Human, Greek, Worker/Labor 3667. Human, Greek, Middle Class 3668. Human, Noble (female) 3669. Human, Noble (male) 3670. Human, Amazon 3671. Human, Assyrian 3672. Human, Barbarian 3673. Human, Nubian 3674. Human, Persian 3675. Human, Hittite 3676. Human, Phoenician 3677. Human, Spartan 3678. Human, Scythian 3679. Human, Athenian 3680. Human, Thessalian 3681. Human, Cretan 3682. Human, Karnak 3683. Divine Blood (reroll) 3684. Divine Parentage, Air 3685. Divine Parentage, Ancestor 3686. Divine Parentage, Animal 3687. Divine Parentage, Artifice 3688. Divine Parentage, Beastmaster 3689. Divine Parentage, Cavern 3690. Divine Parentage, Celerity 3691. Divine Parentage, Celestial 3692. Divine Parentage, Chaos 3693. Divine Parentage, Charm 3694. Divine Parentage, Community 3695. Divine Parentage, Construct 3696. Divine Parentage, Craft 3697. Divine Parentage, Creation 3698. Divine Parentage, Darkness 3699. Divine Parentage, Death 3700. Divine Parentage, Destruction 3701. Divine Parentage, Divination 3702. Divine Parentage, Domination 3703. Divine Parentage, Dream 3704. Divine Parentage, Drow 3705. Divine Parentage, Dwarf 3706. Divine Parentage, Earth 3707. Divine Parentage, Elf 3708. Divine Parentage, Entrancement 3709. Divine Parentage, vil 3710. Divine Parentage, Exorcism 3711. Divine Parentage, Family 3712. Divine Parentage, Fate 3713. Divine Parentage, Fey 3714. Divine Parentage, Fire 3715. Divine Parentage, Force 3716. Divine Parentage, Gateway 3717. Divine Parentage, Glory 3718. Divine Parentage, Gnome 3719. Divine Parentage, Good 3720. Divine Parentage, Halfling 3721. Divine Parentage, Hatred 3722. Divine Parentage, Healing 3723. Divine Parentage, Hero 3724. Divine Parentage, Illusion 3725. Divine Parentage, Inquisition 3726. Divine Parentage, Judgement 3727. Divine Parentage, Knowledge 3728. Divine Parentage, Law 3729. Divine Parentage, Liberation 3730. Divine Parentage, Luck 3731. Divine Parentage, Madness 3732. Divine Parentage, Magic 3733. Divine Parentage, Meditation 3734. Divine Parentage, Mentalism 3735. Divine Parentage, Metal 3736. Divine Parentage, Mind 3737. Divine Parentage, Missionary 3738. Divine Parentage, Moon 3739. Divine Parentage, Mysticism 3740. Divine Parentage, Nature 3741. Divine Parentage, Nobility 3742. Divine Parentage, Ocean 3743. Divine Parentage, Oppression 3744. Divine Parentage, Orc 3745. Divine Parentage, Pestilience 3746. Divine Parentage, Planning 3747. Divine Parentage, Plant 3748. Divine Parentage, Portal 3749. Divine Parentage, Protection 3750. Divine Parentage, Rainbow 3751. Divine Parentage, Renewal 3752. Divine Parentage, Repose 3753. Divine Parentage, Retribution 3754. Divine Parentage, River 3755. Divine Parentage, Rune 3756. Divine Parentage, Scalykind 3757. Divine Parentage, Secrets 3758. Divine Parentage, Shadow 3759. Divine Parentage, Slime 3760. Divine Parentage, Spell 3761. Divine Parentage, Spider 3762. Divine Parentage, Stone 3763. Divine Parentage, Storm 3764. Divine Parentage, Strength 3765. Divine Parentage, Suffering 3766. Divine Parentage, Summoning 3767. Divine Parentage, Sun 3768. Divine Parentage, Time 3769. Divine, Parentage, Trade 3770. Divine Parentage, Trickery 3771. Divine Parentage, Travel 3772. Divine Parentage, Tyranny 3773. Divine Parentage, Undeath 3774. Divine Parentage, Vengeance 3775. Divine Parentage, War 3776. Divine Parentage, Water 3777. Divine Parentage, Weather 3778. Divine Parentage, Wood 3779. Divine Boon: Astounding Beauty 3780. Divine Boon: Godlike Accuracy 3781. Divine Boon: Invulnerable 3782. Divine Boon: Uncanny Luck 3783. Dwarf, Stonecutter 3784. Dwarf, Flayed 3785. Dwarf, Clay 3786. Dwarf, Storm 3787. Elf, Bone 3788. Elf, Briar 3789. Elf, Crown 3790. Elf, Meadow 3791. Elf, Stream 3792. Elf, Muryan 3793. Gnome 3794. Halfling, Bloodfed 3795. Halfling, Seaspray 3796. Halfling, Speaker 3797. Halfling, Embrel/True Folk 3798. Human 3799. Thull 3800. Half-orc 3801. Half-elf 3802. Planetouched, Aasimar 3803. Planetouched, Tiefling 3804. Dwarf, Mountain 3805. Elf, Gold 3806. Half-elf 3807. Halfling 3808. Human 3809. Half-orc 3810. Manduka 3811. Atlan 3812. Cheebat 3813. Drothmal 3814. Fey, Elliya 3815. Fey, Faelariya 3816. Fey, Loriya 3817. Newardin 3818. Scythaa 3819. Tsaals 3820. Tsverg 3821. Aneishi 3822. Caliban 3823. Cerebral Assassin 3824. Exodite 3825. Khaynite 3826. Kobura 3827. Kroca 3828. Locari 3829. Cavian 3830. Cynean 3831. Dalrean 3832. Draco 3833. Enuka 3834. Prymidian 3835. P’tan 3836. Sasori 3837. Tiefling 3838. Human, Azzazza 3839. Human, Hutali 3840. Human, Marak’ka 3841. Human, Mbanta 3842. Human, NaBula 3843. Human, Nghoi 3844. Human, Shombe 3845. Human, Tembu 3846. Human, Tisambe 3847. Human, Tuslan 3848. Human, Xon’mo 3849. Human, Zamara 3850. Halfling, Agogwe 3851. Gnome, Kitunusi 3852. Half-orc, Ngoloko 3853. Dragon, Unthlatu 3854. Dwarf, Utuchekulu 3855. Elf, Wakyambi 3856. Eloko 3857. Entare 3858. Getiet 3859. Ingogo 3860. Orc, Kosan 3861. Gnoll, MbUi 3862. Nommo 3863. Ronga 3864. Samat 3865. Giant, Sao 3866. Animal Shapechanger (reroll animal) 3867. Barozi (reroll animal) 3868. Lycanthrope, Werehyena 3869. Lycanthrope, Werejackal 3870. Lycanthrope, Wereleopard 3871. Lycnathrope, Werelion, Lesser 3872. Lycanthrope, Werelion, Greater 3873. Malata Plant Servitor (reroll) 3874. Mwanga (reroll) 3875. Terkow (reroll) 3876. Zombi, True (reroll) 3877. Anubian 3878. Ghoul (reroll) 3879. Ghast (reroll) 3880. Glaistig 3881. Imbulu 3882. Psittae 3883. Asherake 3884. Ceptu 3885. Chromithian 3886. Dover 3887. Faust 3888. Frey 3889. Haze 3890. Lunar 3891. Nightling 3892. Picker 3893. Silver 3894. Valco 3895. Ort 3896. Human 3897. Accursed (reroll) 3898. Araby 3899. Aspii, Blooded 3900. Aspii, True 3901. Auraling 3902. Baquada 3903. Bastuu-i 3904. Cactus Folk 3905. Corrupt Soul 3906. Dwelf 3907. Elogre 3908. Fluttercat 3909. Fowler 3910. Geshara 3911. Gnomling 3912. Haraka 3913. Hath 3914. Hellchilde 3915. Horesse 3916. Antfolk 3917. Beefolk 3918. Beetlefolk 3919. Flyfolk 3920. Mantisfolk 3921. Mothfolk 3922. Roachfolk 3923. Waspfolk 3924. Ister-suul, Chosen One 3925. Ister-suul, Common 3926. Lycanthrope, Werebee 3927. Lycanthrope, Werelion 3928. Lycanthrope, Wereoctopus 3929. Lycanthrope, Weresnake, Constrictor 3930. Lycanthrope, Weresnake, Viper 3931. Lycanthrope, Wereshark 3932. Maiden of Nature, Bat Maiden 3933. Maiden of Nature, Bird Maiden 3934. Maiden of Nature, Fish Maiden 3935. Mamaluke 3936. Orev 3937. Perii 3938. Po-pei 3939. Serpenti 3940. Sesenti 3941. Shaakasti 3942. Turkon 3943. Vengal 3944. Xlexi 3945. Yyaunn (reroll) 3946. Zaramian 3947. Zuan De 3948. Red Men 3949. Green Men 3950. White Ape 3951. Grey Men 3952. Earthmen 3953. Synthe-men 3954. Human 3955. Bardha 3956. Soricid 3957. Daktyloi 3958. Nymph, Elemental, Air, Slyph 3959. Nymph, Elemental, Ash, Koniaid 3960. Nymph, Elemental, Dust, Paliaid 3961. Nymph, Elemental, Gnome, Earth 3962. Nymph, Elemental, Salamander, Fire 3963. Nymph, Elemental, Rhigiaid, Ice 3964. Nymph, Elemental, Astriaid, Lightning 3965. Nymph, Elemental, Potiaid, Magma 3966. Nymph, Elemental, Lithiaid, Mineral 3967. Nymph, Elemental, Deisiaid, Ooze 3968. Nymph, Elemental, Photiaid, Radiance 3969. Nymph, Elemental, Haliaid, Salt 3970. Nymph, Elemental, Kapniaid, Smoke 3971. Nymph, Elemental, Auriaid, Steam 3972. Nymph, Elemental, Eremiaid, Void 3973. Nymph, Elemental, Anereid, Water 3974. Soricid, Ghost 3975. Human 3976. Caliban 3977. Dwarf 3978. Elf 3979. Gnome 3980. Half-elf 3981. Halfling 3982. Half-vistani 3983. Animator (reroll item) 3984. Arak, Powrie, Redcap) 3985. Arak, Shee 3986. Arak, Sith 3987. Changeling/Powriekin 3988. Changeling/Sheekin 3989. Changeling/Sithkin 3990. Dhampir/Half-vampire (reroll) 3991. Ermordenung (reroll) 3992. Geist (reroll) 3993. Ghoul Lord (reroll) 3994. Human, Vistani 3995. Lebendtod (reroll) 3996. Living Tattoo (reroll) 3997. Lycanthrope, Loup-garou, Lowland 3998. Lycanthrope, Loup-garou, Mountain 3999. Lycanthrope, Werebadger 4000. Lycanthrope, Werebat
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos |
5th Section:
4001. Lycanthrope, Werejackal 4002. Lycanthrope, Werejaguar 4003. Lycanthrope, Wereleopard 4004. Lycanthrope, Wereray 4005. Lycanthrope, Wereraven 4006. Moor Man 4007. Paka 4008. Quevari 4009. Ravenkin 4010. Reaver 4011. Skin Thief 4012. Vampire, Chiang-shi/Oriental Vampire 4013. Vampire, Nosferatu 4014. Vampire, Vrykolaka 4015. Vampire, Dwarf 4016. Vampire, Elf 4017. Vampire, Gnome 4018. Vampire, Halfling 4019. Vampyre 4020. Vorlog (reroll) 4021. Wolfwere 4022. Wolfwere, Greater 4023. Zombie Lord (reroll) 4024. Drakand 4025. Draman 4026. Land People 4027. Nath 4028. Randrom 4029. Scinthy 4030. Zenith 4031. Svariji 4032. Human, Dunkargan 4033. Human, Karnuan 4034. Human, Nimran 4035. Human, Nimorean 4036. Human, Trevenici 4037. Human, Vinnengaelean 4038. Pecwae 4039. Elf 4040. Dwarf, Clan 4041. Dwarf, Unhorsed 4042. Ork 4043. Human 4044. Dwarf 4045. Elf 4046. Halfling 4047. Human 4048. Bothan 4049. Cerean 4050. Duros 4051. Ewok 4052. Gamorrean 4053. Gungan 4054. Ithorian 4055. Mon Calamari 4056. Quarren 4057. Rodian 4058. Sullustan 4059. Trandoshan 4060. Twi’lek 4061. Wookie 4062. Zabrak 4063. Abyssin 4064. Adarian 4065. Advozse 4066. Amanin 4067. Anomid 4068. Anx 4069. Anzat 4070. Aqualish 4071. Arcona 4072. Arkanian 4073. Ayrou 4074. Balosar 4075. Barabel 4076. Baragwin 4077. Bartokk 4078. Besalisk 4079. Bimm 4080. Bith 4081. Blood Carver 4082. Bothan 4083. Caamasi 4084. Caarite 4085. Cathar 4086. Celegian 4087. Cerean 4088. Chadra-fan 4089. Chagrian 4090. Charon 4091. Chev 4092. Chevin 4093. Chiss 4094. Clawdite 4095. Codru-ji 4096. Colicoid 4097. Cragmoloid 4098. Dantari 4099. Dashade 4100. Defel 4101. Devaronian 4102. Draethos 4103. Drall 4104. Dressellian 4105. Dug 4106. Duros 4107. Ebranite 4108. Elom 4109. Elomin 4110. Em’liy 4111. Ewok 4112. Falleen 4113. Farghul 4114. Feeorin 4115. Filordus 4116. Frozian 4117. Gamorrean 4118. Gand 4119. Geonasian 4120. Givin 4121. Gossam 4122. Gotal 4123. Gran 4124. Gungan 4125. Herglic 4126. H’nemthe 4127. Ho’Din 4128. Houk 4129. Iktotchi 4130. Iotran 4131. Ishi Tib 4132. Ithorian 4133. Jawa 4134. Jenet 4135. Kaminoan 4136. Kel Dor 4137. Kerestian 4138. Khil 4139. Khommite 4140. Kian’thar 4141. Kitonak 4142. Klatoonian 4143. Koorivar 4144. Krevaaki 4145. Krish 4146. Kubaz 4147. Kushiban 4148. Lannik 4149. Lepi 4150. Menahuun 4151. Miraluka 4152. Mon Calamari 4153. Morseerian 4154. Mrlssi 4155. Muun 4156. Myneyrsh 4157. Nagai 4158. Nautolan 4159. Nazzar 4160. Neimoidian 4161. Neti 4162. Nikto, Mountain 4163. Nikto, Pale 4164. Nikto, Green 4165. Nikto, Red 4166. Nikto, Southern 4167. Nimbanel 4168. Noehon 4169. Noghri 4170. Nosaurian 4171. Nuknog 4172. Omwati 4173. Ortolan 4174. Pacithhip 4175. Pa’lowick 4176. Phindian 4177. Pho Ph’eahian 4178. Psadan 4179. Quarren 4180. Quermian 4181. Qwohog 4182. Ranat 4183. Ranth 4184. Rodian 4185. Ruurian 4186. Rybet 4187. Ryn 4188. Sakiyan 4189. Sanyassan 4190. Sarkan 4191. Sauvax 4192. Selonian 4193. Shi’ido 4194. Shistavanen 4195. Skakoan 4196. Skrilling 4197. S’kytri 4198. Sludir 4199. Sluissi 4200. Snivvian 4201. Spinner 4202. Squib 4203. Ssri-Ruu 4204. Sullustan 4205. Talz 4206. Tarasin 4207. Tarro 4208. Temolak 4209. Thakwaash 4210. Thisspiasian 4211. Tiss’shar 4212. Togorian 4213. Togruta 4214. Toong 4215. Toydarian 4216. Trandoshan 4217. Trianii 4218. T’surr 4219. Tunroth 4220. Tusken Raider 4221. Twi’lek 4222. Ubese 4223. Ugnaught 4224. Umbaran 4225. Verpine 4226. Vodran 4227. Vor 4228. Vratix 4229. Vuvrian 4230. Waaquay 4231. Whiphid 4232. Wookiee 4233. Woostoid 4234. Xexto 4235. Yarkora 4236. Yevetha 4237. Yuuzhan Vong 4238. Yuzzem 4239. Zabrak 4240. Zehethbra 4241. Zeltron 4242. Meerian 4243. Tchuukthai 4244. Human, Avalon 4245. Human, Castille 4246. Human, Cresent Imperial 4247. Human, Eisen 4248. Human, Montaigne 4249. Human, Ussura 4250. Human, Vendel League 4251. Human, Vestenmannavjar 4252. Human, Vodacce 4253. Sidhe 4254. Sidhe, Fallen 4255. Sidhe Blooded 4256. Sidhe, Unforgiven 4257. Aamanian 4258. Aeriad 4259. Ahazu 4260. Ariane 4261. Armite 4262. Callidian 4263. Cymrilian 4264. Danelek 4265. Danuvian 4266. Dhuna 4267. Djaffir 4268. Dracartan 4269. Farad 4270. Gnomekin 4271. Gnorl 4272. Gryph 4273. Ispasian 4274. Jaka 4275. Jhangaran 4276. Kang 4277. Kasmiran 4278. Giant, Kharakhan 4279. Mandalan 4280. Mirin 4281. Muse 4282. Nagra 4283. Orgovian 4284. Phantasian 4285. Rahastran 4286. Sarista 4287. Sawila 4288. Sindaran 4289. Sunra 4290. Thaecian 4291. Thiasian 4292. Thrall 4293. Ur 4294. Vajra 4295. Xambrian 4296. Yassan 4297. Yitek 4298. Zandir 4299. Dwarf, Mountain 4300. Dwarf, Hill 4301. Dwarf, Mud 4302. Elf, Dark 4303. Elf, Wood 4304. Elf, Sea 4305. Gnome, Surface 4306. Gnome, Deep 4307. Halfing 4308. Half-elf 4309. Half-orc 4310. Human 4311. Goblin 4312. Bugbear 4313. Hobgoblin 4314. Hobgoblin, Beherinome 4315. Half-ogre 4316. Hanaras 4317. Lizardfolk 4318. Nagan 4319. Human, Common Man 4320. Human, High Man 4321. Dwarf, Mountain 4322. Elf, Grey 4323. Elf, High 4324. Half-elf 4325. Elf, Wood 4326. Gnome, Surface 4327. Halfling, Hairfoot 4328. Halfling, Stout 4329. Halfling, Tallfellow 4330. Cambion, Beastman 4331. Dwarf, Hill 4332. Dwarf, Arctic 4333. Dwarf, Deep 4334. Duergar 4335. Dwarf, Mountain 4336. Elf, Wood 4337. Half-elf 4338. Elf, Aquatic 4339. Elf, Dark 4340. Half-elf, Jungle 4341. Elf, Desert 4342. Elf, Jungle 4343. Elf, High 4344. Elf, Gray 4345. Elf, Wild 4346. Gnoll 4347. Gnome, Rock 4348. Gnome, Arctic 4349. Svirfneblin 4350. Gnome, Desert 4351. Gnome, Forest 4352. Gnome, Jungle 4353. Bugbear 4354. Goblin 4355. Hobgoblin 4356. Goblin, Arctic 4357. Hobgoblin 4358. Halfling, Lightfoot 4359. Halfling, Tallfellow 4360. Human 4361. Keradinn 4362. Kobold 4363. Kobold, Arctic 4364. Orc 4365. Half-orc 4366. Orc, Desert 4367. Dwarf, Argon 4368. Dwarf, Cape 4369. Dwarf, Muerig 4370. Elf 4371. Gnome, Gurud 4372. Gnome, Hozz 4373. Gnome, Murkan 4374. Halfling, Softbottom 4375. Halfling, Grizzlefeet 4376. Half-elf 4377. Half-orc 4378. Human 4379. Raptor 4380. Orca 4381. Halcon 4382. Hsuan 4383. Escidi/Serpent Folk 4384. Ved Qayat 4385. Human, Chondathan 4386. Human, Damaran 4387. Human, Rashemi 4388. Human, Mulani 4389. Human, Calishite 4390. Human, Tethyrian 4391. Human, Bedine 4392. Human, Turami 4393. Human, Chultan 4394. Human, Tashalan 4395. Human, Vaasan 4396. Human, Illuskan 4397. Human, Shaaran 4398. Human, Durpari 4399. Human, Nar 4400. Human, Ulutiun 4401. Human, Sossrim 4402. Human, Halruaan 4403. Human, Tuigan 4404. Human, Rashemi 4405. Human, Lantanna 4406. Human, Ffolk 4407. Human, Netherese 4408. Human, Shade 4409. Human, Shou 4410. Aasimar 4411. Dragon, Adventure 4412. Aethra 4413. Amazon, Aiton 4414. Ambiko 4415. Apexes 4416. Appilon, Agiishell 4417. Appilon, Ortshell 4418. Kobold, Aquiter 4419. Ar’Eisyyan 4420. Aristrakh 4421. Armanite-born 4422. Aroghin 4423. Artaiad 4424. Asuta 4425. Azer 4426. Balareion 4427. Bangaa 4428. Brachyura 4429. Halfling, Brightmind 4430. Candothist 4431. Candothist, Teroccus 4432. Cardomor 4433. Cecaella 4434. Elf, Yule/Christmas 4435. Dwarf, Chromatic 4436. Coloth 4437. Consu 4438. Craven 4439. Crool 4440. Cthulhoid 4441. Cyclops 4442. Illithid, Daeijine 4443. Dao 4444. Darkkin 4445. Dashkin 4446. Deceiver 4447. Deeka 4448. Deinonych 4449. Denizen of Chaos 4450. Denizen of Limbo 4451. Denizen of Order 4452. Denizen of Shadow 4453. Denizen of Twilight 4454. Denizen of Valiancy 4455. Djinn 4456. Djinn, Variant/Savage 4457. Dragon, Libram 4458. Drakenbred, Lofali 4459. Drakenbred, Tsobaal 4460. Drow 4461. Dryad 4462. Duergar 4463. Durumgiru 4464. Durzite 4465. Efreet 4466. Einherjar 4467. Plushie, Dawn 4468. Plushie, Eijulund 4469. Eldritch Horror 4470. Elemental-bodied 4471. Elf, Lost 4472. Elf, Salvator 4473. Elf, Variant/Common 4474. Elnade 4475. Elvaan 4476. Elf, Frost 4477. Escarian 4478. Esquirel 4479. Ethergaunt 4480. Faun 4481. Feytouched 4482. Firbolg 4483. G’Koatone 4484. Galka 4485. Gear Actua 4486. Genasi, Air 4487. Genasi, Earth 4488. Genasi, Fire 4489. Genasi, Water 4490. Genasi, Book of Elements, Air 4491. Genasi, Book of Elements, Earth 4492. Genasi, Book of Elements, Fire 4493. Genasi, Book of Elements, Water 4494. Genasi, Book of Elements, Material 4495. Genasi, Book of Elements, Shadow 4496. Genasi, Elements Project, Air 4497. Genasi, Elements Project, Earth 4498. Genasi, Elements Project, Water 4499. Genasi, Elements Project, Fire 4500. Genasi, Elements Project, Material 4501. Genasi, Elements Project, Shadow 4502. Goede 4503. Giantkin 4504. Gigas 4505. Githyanki 4506. Githzerai 4507. Gnoll, Spotted 4508. Gnome 4509. Gokiburi 4510. Golden One 4511. Gorgoneion 4512. Goron 4513. Granling 4514. Vampire, Grey 4515. Guromescai 4516. Half-crool 4517. Half-dead 4518. Half-hobgoblin 4519. Half-kreen 4520. Half-lunar 4521. Half-malboro 4522. Half-nymph 4523. Half-Pangoloid 4524. Half-rylvian 4525. Hat 4526. Hedoro 4527. Hekatonped 4528. Hell Hound 4529. Heuco 4530. Hevier 4531. Human, Imperial 4532. Intruugin 4533. Ivory 4534. Elf, Ivory 4535. Jann 4536. Jennaerik 4537. Jerren 4538. Khayal 4539. Khazad 4540. Killoren 4541. Kisalli 4542. Kitsune 4543. Koopa 4544. Koopa, Winged 4545. Kopikos 4546. Korok 4547. Kremen 4548. Kyton, Lesser 4549. Centaur, Lesser 4550. Elemental, Lesser 4551. Archon, Hound, Lesser 4552. Medusa, Lesser 4553. Thri-kreen, Lesser 4554. Lizardfolk 4555. Lobster 4556. Lunars 4557. Magnes 4558. Mahud 4559. Malaquian 4560. Mandragora 4561. Mandrake 4562. Marid 4563. Mephit 4564. Merling 4565. Mewling 4566. Psuedodragon, Mind-dweller 4567. Minotaur, Rockland 4568. Mithra 4569. Moogle 4570. Mortem 4571. Mousa 4572. Myosines 4573. Na’vi 4574. Naiad 4575. Natalupe 4576. Nephropid 4577. Nobody 4578. Noo 4579. Octimu 4580. Oms 4581. Oobleck 4582. Orc, Chicken 4583. Osteon 4584. Pandwarf 4585. Pangali 4586. Pangoloid 4587. Pantheren 4588. Penguinus 4589. Peregrine 4590. Phant 4591. Pingu 4592. Elf, Planarblood 4593. Planeforged 4594. Poltho 4595. Prinny 4596. Psifelid 4597. Qorrashi 4598. Qua-Vel 4599. Quarrin 4600. Quickling 4601. Quillchild 4602. Quito 4603. Raptor 4604. Rheyus 4605. Riesfrit 4606. Rito 4607. Ronso 4608. Rothan 4609. Ruk 4610. Rylvain 4611. S’uuisku 4612. Sahuagin 4613. Saiyan 4614. Samarie 4615. Sandman 4616. Sarg 4617. Sentient Illusion 4618. Sentriet 4619. Seppia 4620. Setenall 4621. Shadar-kai 4622. Shadar-kai, Axim 4623. Shadowspawn 4624. Shattermind 4625. Sheikel 4626. Shaene 4627. Sindran 4628. Siroc 4629. Skandar 4630. Slime Child 4631. Sprightling 4632. Starborn 4633. Steamdoll 4634. Succedaneum 4635. Tarutaru 4636. Telums 4637. Tempus 4638. The Ortal 4639. The Unforgiven 4640. Thri-ranx 4641. Tierrix 4642. Tortoise Folk 4643. Trollkin 4644. Uberich 4645. Unspirited 4646. Uongo-Mijusi 4647. V’kai 4648. Vithui 4649. Viverrae 4650. Vulpe 4651. Wastecrawler 4652. Wegard 4653. Velociraptor, Winged 4654. Xanthian 4655. Yearling 4656. Oni, Youkai 4657. Yuan-ti 4658. Zeitgeist 4659. Zherihnghil 4660. Zora 4661. Abyssalbred (reroll) 4662. Agarican (reroll) 4663. Alchemical Truthseer (reroll) 4664. Corrupted, Arcane (reroll) 4665. Ashbound Fallen (reroll) 4666. Assimilated (reroll) 4667. Avatar (reroll) 4668. Biozombie (reroll) 4669. Blood Creature (reroll) 4670. Child (reroll) 4671. Child/Youngling (reroll) 4672. Clockwork (reroll) 4673. Corpseblood Gel (reroll) 4674. Corrupt (reroll) 4675. Corrupted Blood (reroll) 4676. Deathless (reroll) 4677. Dire (reroll) 4678. Disruptive (reroll) 4679. Eeveelution (reroll) 4680. Electric Creature (reroll) 4681. Elemental Creature (reroll) 4682. Exemplar (reroll) 4683. Frostlich (reroll) 4684. Ghoul, Tome (reroll) 4685. Gifted (reroll) 4686. Gildencursed (reroll) 4687. Gluttonous (reroll) 4688. Half-jinn (reroll) 4689. Half-samarie 4690. Heartless-possessed (reroll) 4691. Hellspawn (reroll) 4692. Hollow Ones (reroll) 4693. Hollowed (reroll) 4694. Hypno (reroll) 4695. Infused Creature (reroll) 4696. Living Dead (reroll) 4697. Lycanthrope, ‘low-power variant’ (reroll) 4698. Mimic (reroll) 4699. Mummy (reroll) 4700. Mutant (reoll) 4701. Mystic Revenant (reroll) 4702. Natural Arthropod (reroll) 4703. Nephilim (reroll) 4704. Nobody (reroll) 4705. Planetwisted (reroll) 4706. Psionic (reroll) 4707. Pyrefly Rift (reroll) 4708. Radiant Touched (reroll) 4709. Rampage (reroll) 4710. Redeemed Undead (rerplay) 4711. Revenant (reroll) 4712. Rimebound Fallen (reroll) 4713. Saiyan Oozaru (reroll) 4714. Sand Slave (reroll) 4715. Selfich (reroll) 4716. Shade (reroll) 4717. Shadow-tainted Creature (reroll) 4718. Shadowkin (reroll) 4719. Shadowmorph (reroll) 4720. Siren (reroll) 4721. Skydancer (reroll) 4722. Slaymate (reroll) 4723. Slothful (reroll) 4724. Spellborg (reroll) 4725. Spider, Monstrous, Liphistiidae (reroll) 4726. Spider, Monstrous, Atypidae (reroll) 4727. Spider, Monstrous, Antrodiaetidae (reroll) 4728. Spider, Monstrous, Mecicobothriidae (reroll) 4729. Spider, Monstrous, Hexathelidae (reroll) 4730. Spider, Monstrous, Dipluridae (reroll) 4731. Spider, Monstrous, Cyrtaucheniidae (reroll) 4732. Spider, Monstrous, Ctenizidae (reroll) 4733. Spider, Monstrous, Idiopidae (reroll) 4734. Spider, Monstrous, Actinopodidae (reroll) 4735. Spider, Monstrous, Migidae (reroll) 4736. Spider, Monstrous, Nemesiidae (reroll) 4737. Spider, Monstrous, Microstigmatidae (reroll) 4738. Spider, Monstrous, Barychelidae (reroll) 4739. Spider, Monstrous, Theraphosidae (reroll) 4740. Spider, Monstrous, Paratropididae (reroll) 4741. Spider, Monstrous, Hypochilidae (reroll) 4742. Spider, Monstrous, Austrochilidae (reroll) 4743. Spider, Monstrous, Gradungulidae (reroll) 4744. Spider, Monstrous, Filistatidae (reroll) 4745. Spider, Monstrous, Sicariidae (reroll) 4746. Spider, Monstrous, Periegopidae (reroll) 4747. Spider, Monstrous, Drymusidae (reroll) 4748. Spider, Monstrous, Leptonetidae (reroll) 4749. Spider, Monstrous, Telemidae (reroll) 4750. Spider, Monstrous, Ochyroceratidae (reroll) 4751. Spider, Monstrous, Pholcidae (reroll) 4752. Spider, Monstrous, Plectreuridae (reroll) 4753. Spider, Monstrous, Diguetidae (reroll) 4754. Spider, Monstrous, Caponiidae (reroll) 4755. Spider, Monstrous, Tetrablemmidae (reroll) 4756. Spider, Monstrous, Segestriidae (reroll) 4757. Spider, Monstrous, Dysderidae (reroll) 4758. Spider, Monstrous, Oonopidae (reroll) 4759. Spider, Monstrous, Archaeidae (reroll) 4760. Spider, Monstrous, Mecysmaucheniidae (reroll) 4761. Spider, Monstrous, Pararchaeidae (reroll) 4762. Spider, Monstrous, Holarchaeidae (reroll) 4763. Spider, Monstrous, Micropholcommatidae (reroll) 4764. Spider, Monstrous, Huttoniidae (reroll) 4765. Spider, Monstrous, Stenochilidae (reroll) 4766. Spider, Monstrous, Palpimanidae (reroll) 4767. Spider, Monstrous, Malkaridae (reroll) 4768. Spider, Monstrous, Mimetidae (reroll) 4769. Spider, Monstrous, Eresidae (reroll) 4770. Spider, Monstrous, Oecobiidae (reroll) 4771. Spider, Monstrous, Hersiliidae (reroll) 4772. Spider, Monstrous, Deinopidae (reroll) 4773. Spider, Monstrous, Uloboridae (reroll) 4774. Spider, Monstrous, Cyatholipidae (reroll) 4775. Spider, Monstrous, Synotaxidae (reroll) 4776. Spider, Monstrous, Nesticidae (reroll) 4777. Spider, Monstrous, Theridiidae (reroll) 4778. Spider, Monstrous, Theridiosomatidae (reroll) 4779. Spider, Monstrous, Dictynidae (reroll) 4780. Spider, Monstrous, Symphytognathidae (reroll) 4781. Spider, Monstrous, Anapidae (reroll) 4782. Spider, Monstrous, Mysmenidae (reroll) 4783. Spider, Monstrous, Synaphridae (reroll) 4784. Spider, Monstrous, Pimoidae (reroll) 4785. Spider, Monstrous, Linyphiidae (reroll) 4786. Spider, Monstrous, Tetragnathidae (reroll) 4787. Spider, Monstrous, Nephilidae (reroll) 4788. Spider, Monstrous, Araneidae (reroll) 4789. Spider, Monstrous, Lycosidae (reroll) 4790. Spider, Monstrous, Trechaleidae (reroll) 4791. Spider, Monstrous, Pisauridae (reroll) 4792. Spider, Monstrous, Oxyopidae (reroll) 4793. Spider, Monstrous, Senoculidae (reroll) 4794. Spider, Monstrous, Stiphidiidae (reroll) 4795. Spider, Monstrous, Zorocrtidae (reroll) 4796. Spider, Monstrous, Psechridae (reroll) 4797. Spider, Monstrous, Zoropsidae (reroll) 4798. Spider, Monstrous, Zoridae (reroll) 4799. Spider, Monstrous, Ctenidae (reroll) 4800. Spider, Monstrous, Agelenidae (reroll) 4801. Spider, Monstrous, Cybaeidae (reroll) 4802. Spider, Monstrous, Desidae (reroll) 4803. Spider, Monstrous, Amphinectidae (reroll) 4804. Spider, Monstrous, Amaurobiidae (reroll) 4805. Spider, Monstrous, Cycloctenidae (reroll) 4806. Spider, Monstrous, Hahniidae (reroll) 4807. Spider, Monstrous, Dictynidae (reroll) 4808. Spider, Monstrous, Amaurobiidae (reroll) 4809. Spider, Monstrous, Phyxelididae (reroll) 4810. Spider, Monstrous, Titanoecidae (reroll) 4811. Spider, Monstrous, Nicodamidae (reroll) 4812. Spider, Monstrous, Tengelliidae (reroll) 4813. Spider, Monstrous, Miturgidae (reroll) 4814. Spider, Monstrous, Anyphaenidae (reroll) 4815. Spider, Monstrous, Liocranidae (reroll) 4816. Spider, Monstrous, Clubionidae (reroll) 4817. Spider, Monstrous, Corinnidae (reroll) 4818. Spider, Monstrous, Zodariidae (reroll) 4819. Spider, Monstrous, Chummidae (reroll) 4820. Spider, Monstrous, Homalonychidae (reroll) 4821. Spider, Monstrous, Ammoxenidae (reroll) 4822. Spider, Monstrous, Cithaeronidae (reroll) 4823. Spider, Monstrous, Gallieniellidae (reroll) 4824. Spider, Monstrous, Trochanteriidae (reroll) 4825. Spider, Monstrous, Lamponidae (reroll) 4826. Spider, Monstrous, Prodidomidae (reroll) 4827. Spider, Monstrous, Gnaphosidae (reroll) 4828. Spider, Monstrous, Selenopidae (reroll) 4829. Spider, Monstrous, Pholcidae (reroll) 4830. Spider, Monstrous, Clubionidae (reroll) 4831. Spider, Monstrous, Sparassidae (reroll) 4832. Spider, Monstrous, Philodromidae (reroll) 4833. Spider, Monstrous, Thomisidae (reroll) 4834. Spider, Monstrous, Salticidae (reroll) 4835. Swordwraith (reroll) 4836. Synthetic Soul (reroll) 4837. Treant, Specific (reroll) 4838. Unhallowed Minion (reroll) 4839. Vampire, Lasombra (reroll) 4840. Vampire, Tome (reroll) 4841. Vitageist (reroll) 4842. Voidwarped (reroll) 4843. Wingpin (reroll) 4844. Aartuk 4845. Actaeon 4846. Dragon, Air (reroll) 4847. Alcor 4848. Dragon, Amber 4849. Amitok 4850. Animal Lord (reroll animal) 4851. Animal, Dire (reroll animal) 4852. Anuchu 4853. Dragon, Aquatic 4854. Dragon, Auburn 4855. Averx 4856. Ba’atun, Flight Leader 4857. Ba’atun, Wing Leader 4858. Ba’atun, Swarm Leader 4859. Bane Minion, Black 4860. Bane Minion, Blue 4861. Bane Minion, Red 4862. Bauh-yin 4863. Ba’atun 4864. Beast of Chaos (reroll animal) 4865. Beastman 4866. Dragon, Beljuril 4867. Berbalang 4868. Dragon, Bestiary 4869. Biclops 4870. Blindheim 4871. Bogey 4872. Bogeyman 4873. Boggie 4874. Bole-undead (reroll undead) 4875. Booka 4876. Bramble 4877. Dragon, Brine 4878. Bug-a-boo 4879. Burnbone (reroll Priest) 4880. Caiveh 4881. Canopic Shade (reroll undead) 4882. Caveling (reroll) 4883. Centaur, Nomadic 4884. Centaur, Sea 4885. Centaurkin, Ha’pony 4886. Centaurkin, Zebranaur 4887. Ceremorph, Mozgriken 4888. Ceremorph, Tzakandi 4889. Vampire, Ch’ing Shih (reroll) 4890. Chac 4891. Chagmat 4892. Dragon, Chameleon 4893. Chevall 4894. Dragon, Cobra 4895. Colchiln 4896. Coral Beast 4897. Crabman 4898. Drake, Crystal 4899. Desert, Cyclops 4900. Cynamolgus 4901. Dark Lord (reroll) 4902. Dark Wing 4903. Death Knight (reroll) 4904. Demon, Alu-demon 4905. Demon, Cambion 4906. Drake, Demon 4907. Diakk, Carcene 4908. Diakk, Varath 4909. Diurge 4910. Dogai 4911. Dragite 4912. Dragon, Phase 4913. Dragonet, Blue 4914. Dragonet, Crows-nest Dragon 4915. Dragonet, Geyser Dragon 4916. Dragonet, Mole Dragon 4917. Dragonet, Pavilion Dragon 4918. Dry Bones (reroll) 4919. Ekrat 4920. Eladrin, Noviere 4921. Eladrin, Shiere 4922. Dragon, Electrum 4923. Elf, Rockseer 4924. Fachan 4925. Faedorne 4926. Changeling, Faerie 4927. Drake, Faerie 4928. Faerie, Seelie 4929. Faerie, Unseelie 4930. Dragon, Yellow, Faerunian 4931. Keraptis, False (reroll) 4932. Faerie, Faux 4933. Knight, Fiend (reroll) 4934. Flind 4935. Flittering 4936. Foo Creature (reroll animal) 4937. Frost Man/Frost Folk 4938. Gahonga 4939. Gargoyle of the Tors 4940. Gargoyle, Archer 4941. Gargoyle, Spouter 4942. Gem Eyes (reroll) 4943. Genie, Tasked, Administrator 4944. Genie, Tasked, Deciever 4945. Genie, Tasked, Harim Servant 4946. Genie, Tasked, Herdsman 4947. Genie, Tasked, Hunter 4948. Genie, Tasked, Miner 4949. Geran 4950. Ghast-lord (reroll) 4951. Ghost-stone (reroll) 4952. Ghul, Lesser 4953. Ghul, Greater 4954. Ghul-kin, Soultaker 4955. Ghul-kin, Witherer 4956. Ghuuna (reroll) 4957. Giant, Verbeeg 4958. Giant, Voadkyn 4959. Giant, Antaeus 4960. Giant, Bosk 4961. Giant, Earth 4962. Giant, Enceladus 4963. Giant, Fhoimorien 4964. Giant, Goblin/Cave Lord 4965. Giant, Island 4966. Giant, Jungle 4967. Giant, Ogre 4968. Giant, Sea, Greater 4969. Giant, Sea, Lesser 4970. Giant, Spacesea 4971. Giant, Spacesea Savant 4972. Giant, Swamp 4973. Giff 4974. Vampire, Greater, Arch-lord 4975. Vampire, Greater, Arch-prince 4976. Vampire, Greater, Lord 4977. Vampire, Greater, Prince 4978. Vampire, Greater, Princeling 4979. Grung 4980. Gyerian 4981. Hagertral 4982. Halfling, Wild 4983. Hamadryad 4984. Headless Horseman (reroll) 4985. Horag 4986. Hsing-sing 4987. Hu Hsien 4988. Hungry Dead (reroll) 4989. Illithidae (reroll) 4990. Ingundi 4991. Insectoid, Antold 4992. Insectoid, Koasp 4993. Insectoid, Scorpiorc 4994. Insectoid, Skag 4995. Insectoid, Woblin 4996. Dragon, Jacinth 4997. Jackalwere 4998. Dragon, Jade 4999. Jogah, Ga-hon-ga 5000. Jogah, Gan-da-yah
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos |
6th Section:
5001. Jogah, Oh-da-yah 5002. Jor/Orc 5003. King-wight (reroll) 5004. Kobalt 5005. Kobalt, Mutilation 5006. Komazar 5007. Korred 5008. Krolli 5009. Kruel/Danartha 5010. Kurg 5011. Lava Children 5012. Leprechaun 5013. Lich, Master (reroll) 5014. Life-Born Duplicate 5015. Lizardfolk, Agrutha 5016. Lizardfolk, Crocodilian, Brute 5017. Lizardfolk, Crocodilian, Master 5018. Lizardfolk, Geckonid 5019. Lizardfolk, Iguanid 5020. Lizardfolk, Malpheggi 5021. Lizardfolk, Varanid 5022. Lizardfolk, Venusian 5023. Maedar 5024. Manikin (reroll) 5025. Manni 5026. Manotaur 5027. Dragon, Marsh 5028. Martian, High 5029. Maskhi 5030. Dragon, Rain/Tlalocoatl/Maztican 5031. Dragon, Mithril 5032. Mongrelman 5033. Moon Man 5034. Dragon, Moonstone 5035. Musical Spirit (reroll bard/druid) 5036. Dragon, Mustard 5037. Dragon, Crystaline, Mystaran 5038. Dragon, Jade, Mystaran 5039. Dragon, Onyx, Mystaran 5040. Dragon, Ruby, Mystaran 5041. Mystaran Gargantua (reroll) 5042. Naga Master (reroll naga) 5043. Dragon, Night 5044. Nilbog 5045. Noctral 5046. Dragon, Obsidian 5047. Half-ogre 5048. Ogre, Stonecrown 5049. Ogrillon 5050. Olive Slime Creature (reroll) 5051. Orc, Ondonti 5052. Orog 5053. P’oh 5054. Dragon, Paper 5055. Dragon, Pearl 5056. Per (reroll) 5057. Phanaton 5058. Dragon, Pink 5059. Plainsjan 5060. Plantfolk 5061. Plantfolk, Chief 5062. Psuedo-undead (reroll) 5063. Quickling 5064. Dragon, Rainbow 5065. Rakasta 5066. Rock Totem (reroll animal) 5067. Rullhow 5068. Sakina 5069. Sartani 5070. Dragon, Scintillating 5071. Segarran, Lesser 5072. Semilich (reroll) 5073. Sha’az Knight 5074. Drake, Shadow 5075. Gnome, Shan Sao 5076. Shark-kin 5077. Shatjan 5078. Sha’az Warrior 5079. Skeleton, Shock Bones (reroll) 5080. Sidhe 5081. Skeleton Warrior (reroll) 5082. Skeleton, Ravenloft (reroll) 5083. Skeleton, Crystal (reroll) 5084. Skelter (reroll) 5085. Skin Puppet (reroll) 5086. Skorpio 5087. Skulk 5088. Snyad 5089. Spectral Wizard (reroll arcane) 5090. Gnome, Spriggan 5091. Dragon, Stone 5092. Stone Maiden 5093. Subsumed Mind (reroll) 5094. Thoul 5095. Tunder Child 5096. Tohr-kreen, J’ez 5097. Tohr-kreen, J’hol 5098. Tohr-kreen, Tondi 5099. Tohr-kreen, T’keech 5100. Dragon, Tourmaline 5101. Transposer 5102. Treant, Frost 5103. Treant, Hoarfrost 5104. Troll, Ice 5105. Troll, Spectral (reroll troll) 5106. Troll, Two-headed 5107. Troll, Mutate 5108. Troll-Bjerg-trolde 5109. Troll, Desert 5110. Troll, Giant 5111. Troll, Gray 5112. Troll, Phaze 5113. Troll, Ragnhilder 5114. Troll, Skovtrolde 5115. Troll, Snow 5116. Troll, Spirit 5117. Troll, Stone 5118. Trow 5119. Ubue 5120. Uldra 5121. Umpleby 5122. Undead Unseelie Faerie (reroll fey) 5123. Urd 5124. Urisk 5125. Urisk, Lubin 5126. Dwarf, Utuchekulu 5127. Vampire, Goblin (reroll) 5128. Dragon, Veeru 5129. Verini 5130. Viltch 5131. Dragon, Vishap 5132. Vorascious Creature (reroll) 5133. Watchghost (reroll) 5134. Web-spectre (reroll arcane) 5135. Wendigo (reroll) 5136. Wind-thrower 5137. Wolfwere 5138. Wraith-king (reroll) 5139. Wyrd (reroll elf) 5140. Yaksha 5141. Yakshini 5142. Yau-mor 5143. Zombie, Juju (reroll) 5144. Zombie, Netherese, Greater (reroll 6HD) 5145. Zombie, Quick (reroll) 5146. Zombie-lord (reroll) 5147. Zombire (reroll bloodline) 5148. Zoveri 5149. Aasimar, Keran 5150. Aegis, Keran 5151. Aegyl 5152. Aelfinn 5153. Airkin 5154. Amazon, Aiton 5155. Allurin 5156. Alouettians 5157. Alteaevantae 5158. Altmer 5159. Alumaril, Keran 5160. Alumaril, Two-armed 5161. Ambiko 5162. Anarchs 5163. Ancient 5164. Angel, Tirr 5165. Animen, Lion-man 5166. Animen, Monkey-man 5167. Animen, Rabbit-man 5168. Animen, Rat-man 5169. Animen, Serpent-man 5170. Animen, Shark-man 5171. Animen, Tiger-man 5172. Animen, Wolf-man 5173. Animus Apparatus 5174. Anthromal 5175. Anthromorph 5176. Kobold, Aquiter 5177. Ar’Eisyyan 5178. Aradan 5179. Arasi 5180. Argonian 5181. Armoral 5182. Aroghin 5183. Atlantean 5184. Augmented 5185. Avadim 5186. Avalor 5187. Aycienti 5188. Banari 5189. Bangaa 5190. Bangaa (lizard) 5191. Basti 5192. Bathuria 5193. Gnome, Battle-born 5194. Beastfolk, Aranthi 5195. Beastfolk, Arthorphage 5196. Beastfolk, Birdfolk 5197. Beastfolk, Bucktoothed Builder 5198. Beastfolk, Danali 5199. Beastfolk, Elapi 5200. Beastfolk, Equitra 5201. Beastfolk, Foxkin 5202. Beastfolk, Grand Turos 5203. Beastfolk, Lapid 5204. Beastfolk, Lutrin 5205. Beastfolk, Mouseling 5206. Beastfolk, Night Peeper 5207. Beastfolk, Ovida 5208. Beastfolk, Porque 5209. Beastfolk, Prickleskin 5210. Beastfolk, Procion 5211. Beastfolk, Ragemonger 5212. Beastfolk, Ratling 5213. Beastfolk, River People 5214. Beastfolk, Roos 5215. Beastfolk, Sirius 5216. Beastfolk, Slinks 5217. Beastfolk, Treefolk 5218. Beastfolk, Urban Catfolk 5219. Beastfolk, Ursa 5220. Beastfolk, Wolfen 5221. Beastfolk, Xi-Coatl 5222. Beastmen 5223. Bem-abbas 5224. Bergmen 5225. Naga, Bleu 5226. Blibby 5227. Bosmer 5228. Bourgensia 5229. Human, Breton 5230. Brezon 5231. Bynokie 5232. Cacnaer 5233. Cactii 5234. Caelumoragen 5235. Cainnin 5236. Candothist 5237. Canis Humanis 5238. Cardomor 5239. Carver 5240. Cat Folk/Felis Sapien, Domestic 5241. Cat Folk/Felis Sapien, Feral 5242. Catfolk, Tirr 5243. Catkin 5244. Cea’olin 5245. Cealandrian 5246. Human, Celt 5247. Human, Cetra 5248. Chajjyk 5249. Changeling 5250. Charner 5251. Human, Charon 5252. Human, Child 5253. Children of the Green 5254. Clavant 5255. Coraxi 5256. Creed 5257. Human, Crete 5258. Crickori 5259. Cryptoss 5260. Crystalforged 5261. Cu Sidhe 5262. Cyclops 5263. Dakin 5264. Darkaralome 5265. Human, Darkkin 5266. Troll, Darkspear 5267. Darlokk 5268. Deathly Asutas 5269. Deeka 5270. Delphi 5271. Gnome, Demic 5272. Demon-born 5273. Denizen of Chaos 5274. Denizen of Limbo 5275. Denizen of Shadow 5276. Denizen of Twilight 5277. Denizen of Valiancy 5278. Deschin 5279. Halfling, Desert 5280. Desertfolk 5281. Draconian 5282. Dra’konite 5283. Draenei 5284. Dragon (variant) 5285. Dragonborn, Keran 5286. Dragonborn 5287. Dragonkin, Tirr 5288. Drakouni 5289. Drox 5290. Dryad, Vagrant 5291. Dryder-born 5292. Elf, Dunmer 5293. Durzite, Keran 5294. Durzite 5295. Goblin, Dusk 5296. Dwarf, Keran 5297. Dwarf, Albion 5298. Dwarf, Ardanian 5299. Dwarf, Ice 5300. Dwarf, Loam 5301. Dwarf, LotR 5302. Dwarf, Mittlehelm 5303. Dwarf, Obsidian 5304. Dwarf, Sundered 5305. Dwarf, Taresi 5306. Dwelf 5307. Dwelf, Dark/Drowgar 5308. Elf, Minbari 5309. Earthkin 5310. Angel, Ebtekal 5311. Efreet 5312. Elan, Warriorblood 5313. Elnade 5314. Elf, Nymph 5315. Elf, Starstepper 5316. Elf, Ardanian 5317. Elf, Ash 5318. Elf, Clan Ele Drize 5319. Elf, Dar’oka Deep 5320. Elf, Deep 5321. Elf, Dusk 5322. Elf, Edesil 5323. Elf, Exiled 5324. Elf, Fleshforge 5325. Elf, Frost 5326. Elf, Grel 5327. Elf, Illumil 5328. Elf, Jakril 5329. Elf, Kirin 5330. Elf, LotR 5331. Elf, Lord of Asylum 5332. Elf, Luck 5333. Elf, Norinkil 5334. Elf, Rytha 5335. Elf, Schandernan 5336. Elf, Shadow 5337. Elf, Simiran 5338. Elf, Silver 5339. Elf, Song 5340. Elf, Sun 5341. Elf, Swamp 5342. Elf, Syphoner 5343. Elf, Taresi 5344. Elf, Silver Lands 5345. Elf, True 5346. Elf, Valenal 5347. Elf, Drow (variant) 5348. Elf, High (variant) 5349. Elf, High (variant) 5350. Elf, Jungle (variant) 5351. Elf, Sun (variant) 5352. Elf, Wild (variant) 5353. Elf, Blood 5354. Elf, Wild Drow 5355. Elf, Wind 5356. Elf, Wolf 5357. Elf, Zharian 5358. Enting 5359. Eon 5360. Escarian 5361. Esquirel 5362. Eternal 5363. Evoil 5364. Ewok 5365. Faerie, Silver Land 5366. Faerie 5367. Faun 5368. Feld 5369. Felidae 5370. Fennihk 5371. Fenris Nomad 5372. Feol Viera 5373. Feonix 5374. Ferengi 5375. Ferrs 5376. Feyrin 5377. Fireborn 5378. Firekin 5379. Fisher 5380. Fomorian 5381. Nymph, Forest 5382. Forestfolk 5383. Franes 5384. Fremen 5385. Frogkin 5386. Furbolg 5387. G’Koatone 5388. Ganteka 5389. Garif 5390. Garl 5391. Gear Actua 5392. Gelfling 5393. Gemling 5394. Genasi, Fire, Tirr 5395. Genasi, Air, Tirr 5396. Genasi, Earth, Tirr 5397. Genasi, Water, Tirr 5398. Genome 5399. Goede 5400. Gestbar 5401. Ghul 5402. Spider, Giant 5403. Giant, True 5404. Gnoll, Apaloosa 5405. Gnome, Bohemian 5406. Gnomeling 5407. Gnome, Keran 5408. Gnome, Albion 5409. Gnome, Ardanian 5410. Gnome, Taresi 5411. Gnorf 5412. Goblin, Ardanian 5413. Goblin, Feral Nation 5414. Goblin, LotR 5415. Goblin, Marsh 5416. Goblin, Silver Lands 5417. Goblin, Taresi 5418. Goblin (variant) 5419. Goh’ul 5420. Goron 5421. Gor 5422. Granling 5423. Gremlin 5424. Gremlin, Shhiinnii 5425. Human, Gronfrox 5426. Gronwhal 5427. Gumnut 5428. Guromescai 5429. Half-crool 5430. Half-djini 5431. Half-dwarf 5432. Half-Elf, Keran 5433. Half-elf, Moon of Five Suns 5434. Half-elf, Prince of a Thousand Faces 5435. Half-goblin (variant) 5436. Half-hobgoblin 5437. Half-Kobold 5438. Half-lunar 5439. Half-orc, RMCGLF 5440. Half-pangoloid 5441. Half-troll 5442. Half-wolf 5443. Half-elf, Teoryran 5444. Halfling, Changeling 5445. Halfling, Furchin 5446. Halfling, Hairfoot 5447. Halfling, Nomad 5448. Halfling, Stoor 5449. Halfling, Tallwalker 5450. Halfling, Taresi 5451. Harkotian 5452. Heart-reacher 5453. Heartbound 5454. Vampire, Hellborn 5455. Hendyn 5456. Heni 5457. Higardi 5458. Hitakand 5459. Hobeet 5460. Hobit 5461. Hobgoblin, Silver Lands 5462. Holtmen 5463. Hu Child 5464. Human, Al Bhed 5465. Human (variant) 5466. Human (variant) 5467. Human, Albion 5468. Human, Ardanian 5469. Human, Imperial 5470. Human, MoFS 5471. Human, Oresian 5472. Human, Serpentshrine 5473. Human, Taresi 5474. Human, Nordheim 5475. Hume 5476. Hydra 5477. Iceborn 5478. Ikasus 5479. Ikshar 5480. Elf, Imperial 5481. Intierity 5482. Intruugin 5483. Inumimi, Oreisa 5484. Inumimi (variant) 5485. Istari, LotR 5486. Jilt 5487. Jocobion 5488. Kaisan 5489. Karakasa, Kasa-obake 5490. Karmainian 5491. Kataran 5492. Kattai, Wild 5493. Kattai 5494. Keldrashnim 5495. Kemonomimi 5496. Kender 5497. Khajit 5498. Khraan 5499. Kihi 5500. Kindaros 5501. Klilks 5502. Klingon 5503. Kobold, Keran 5504. Kobold, Dracorule 5505. Kobold, Goblin 5506. Kobold, Whiskered 5507. Kobold, Nordheim 5508. Kobring 5509. Kojin 5510. Kopiko 5511. Kraas 5512. Kreinos 5513. Kroot 5514. Lacerti 5515. Lapruni 5516. Leonin 5517. Leonine 5518. Leprechaun 5519. Lion-man 5520. Human, Lephevi 5521. Critterfolk, Little-people 5522. Dwarf, Little-people 5523. Gnome, Little-people 5524. Kobold, Little-people 5525. Korrigan, Little-people 5526. River Sprite, Little-people 5527. Lizardfolk, Duneswift 5528. Lizardfolk, Emberscale 5529. Lizardfolk, Emerald Thorn 5530. Lizardfolk, Flat-tail 5531. Lizardfolk, Frost Fang 5532. Lizardfolk, Keran 5533. Lizardfolk, Marsh Shadow 5534. Lizardfolk, Marshshadow 5535. Lizardfolk, Spikeback 5536. Lizardfolk, Twilight 5537. Lizardfolk (variant) 5538. Llathrana 5539. Lombax 5540. Lotorian 5541. Luminon 5542. Lunar 5543. Lunatio 5544. Lupine 5545. Lupis 5546. Lurewolf 5547. Lycan Spawn 5548. Mabigard 5549. Malaquian 5550. Mallea 5551. Mandragora 5552. Mandrake 5553. Manes, Silver Lands 5554. Mankey 5555. Marpie 5556. Human, Man, LotR 5557. Merfolk, Tirr 5558. Merling 5559. Mewling 5560. Mind Leech 5561. Minfolk 5562. Minotaur, Rockland 5563. Mir-aj 5564. Moai 5565. Momonga 5566. Monkey-man 5567. Moogle 5568. Moogle, Ivalice 5569. Mudokon 5570. Mulskroo 5571. Human, Murderer 5572. Murloc 5573. Musteval, Beastlands 5574. Myconid 5575. Myosine 5576. NaRok 5577. Naiad 5578. Nain 5579. Naku 5580. Nalielm 5581. Nan’xin’ 5582. Nanelzi 5583. Nature Bound Changeling 5584. Human, Neanderthal 5585. Neko 5586. Nekomata 5587. Nekomimi, Oreisa 5588. Nekomusume 5589. Nelvaanian 5590. Giant, New 5591. Nezumi 5592. Human, Nietschean 5593. Noctaven 5594. Nogad 5595. Human, Nord 5596. Human, Norkton 5597. Nosk’quela 5598. Nu Mou 5599. Nychan 5600. Nylimp 5601. Nymphspawn 5602. Nystagian 5603. Offer 5604. Ogre, Wolf 5605. Ogrillon 5606. Okeanos 5607. Orc, LotR 5608. Orc, True 5609. Orion 5610. Orochi 5611. Owl Kin 5612. Pandaren 5613. Pandwarf 5614. Pangoloid 5615. Pantheraeo 5616. Pantheren 5617. Paonil 5618. Parasite 5619. Peir-fairff 5620. Penguinian 5621. Peregrine 5622. Pictsie 5623. Pixie, Silver Lands 5624. Platonian 5625. Platypus Person 5626. Polecat 5627. Polymal 5628. Proteus 5629. Puppet 5630. Quickling 5631. Halfling, Quickmind 5632. Quillman 5633. Rabbit-man 5634. Halfling, Rageblade 5635. Raku-n 5636. Ranx, Kerran 5637. Raptorite 5638. Rasfar 5639. Raskas 5640. Rat-man 5641. Ratling 5642. Human, Redgaurd 5643. Reflector 5644. Reika 5645. Rheryus 5646. Rillkin 5647. Rovino 5648. Eladrin 5649. Saiyan-blooded 5650. Sandman 5651. Saniarme 5652. Sarli, Keran 5653. Sarli 5654. Selvic 5655. Serpent-man 5656. Shadeling 5657. Shadowkin 5658. Shadowkin, Cora 5659. Shark-man 5660. Sheikel 5661. Shifter (variant) 5662. Sholon 5663. Sigire 5664. Sindran 5665. Siroc 5666. Skaven 5667. Skeler 5668. Skerottian 5669. Skithita 5670. Skraal 5671. Soulbour 5672. Spell Wolf 5673. Spellforge 5674. Spirit-touched 5675. Squirrel Folk 5676. Stalwart 5677. Starborn 5678. Human, Steelheart 5679. Orochu, Steel 5680. Human, Steelhive 5681. Elf, Story 5682. Succedaneum 5683. Sulkai 5684. T’kerrik 5685. Swinling 5686. Squared 5687. Tabit 5688. Human, Taken 5689. Talking Mouse 5690. Tanarkin 5691. Tanreiss 5692. Tarichas 5693. Tauren (variant) 5694. Tauren 5695. Telum 5696. Ortal 5697. Therionthrope (reroll animal) 5698. Thirdling 5699. Thoon 5700. Tiefling, Keran 5701. Tiger-man 5702. Timber Wolf 5703. Dragon, Time-draco 5704. Torton 5705. Traelin 5706. Troll, Darkspear 5707. Human, True Ancient 5708. Tsigugian 5709. Turaank 5710. Turtlekin 5711. Twinborn, Depowered 5712. Twinborn 5713. Tylwyth Teg 5714. Tryannosaurfolk 5715. Ulaquin 5716. Human, Ulster 5717. Ulykos 5718. Underfolk 5719. Urak 5720. Ursanare 5721. Ursinen 5722. Urubane 5723. Usagimimi 5724. Ushimimi 5725. Vampire, Methuselan 5726. Vashino, Carrion Stalker 5727. Vaspen Swarm 5728. Vedalken 5729. Velkurn 5730. Vellorrean 5731. Verian 5732. Versoren 5733. Vespine 5734. Vielian 5735. Viera 5736. Viera, Ivalice 5737. Human, Viking 5738. Human, Viridanai 5739. Vithui 5740. Vithui, Keran 5741. Viverrae 5742. Giant, Vorpal Rager 5743. Vulcan 5744. Vurminee 5745. Warforge (variant) 5746. Watcher 5747. Waterkin 5748. Lycanthrope, Werepyre (variant, reroll animal) 5749. Wolder 5750. Woodekin 5751. Worban 5752. Wyg 5753. Xacilin 5754. Xenex 5755. Xenolith 5756. Xeren 5757. Xerlasi 5758. Yearling 5759. Zashaal 5760. Zealothian 5761. Zephyr 5762. Zora 5763. Kitsune, Yokai 5764. Aanan 5765. Aasimar, Gnoll 5766. Aetherguard 5767. Alartares 5768. Allurin 5769. Alumaril 5770. Ambyr 5771. Antec 5772. Arashi no okami 5773. Arcanosian 5774. Artaiad 5775. Arthian 5776. Asura 5777. Athame, Silver Lands 5778. Aubondir 5779. Avariel 5780. Avian 5781. Batfolk 5782. Beastfolk, Birdfolk 5783. Beastfolk, Bloodseeker 5784. Beastfolk, Foxkin 5785. Beastfolk, Merfolk 5786. Beastfolk, Loxophant 5787. Beastfolk, Lutrin 5788. Beastfolk, Ripper 5789. Beastfolk, Roos 5790. Beastfolk, Urban Catfolk 5791. Beastfolk, Xi-coatl 5792. Human, Bondo 5793. Cactimian 5794. Cambion 5795. Canid 5796. Catgirl, Arctic 5797. Catgirl, Desert 5798. Catgirl, Domestic 5799. Catgirl, Jungle 5800. Catling (variant) 5801. Human, Charmer 5802. Human, Charon 5803. Charr, 2nd Generation 5804. Charr 5805. Chestoria 5806. Child of Nature 5807. Children of Green 5808. Cirmos 5809. Coeurl 5810. Consu 5811. Cricalan 5812. Cusomo 5813. Dak’ol 5814. Elf, Dark, LoD 5815. Dark Folk 5816. Decapodian 5817. Demi-ogre 5818. Fiend, Demon 5819. Denizen 5820. Dragona 5821. Drakebred, Blue 5822. Drakebred, Pyroclastic 5823. Drakebred, Red 5824. Drakebred, White 5825. Human, Dreamer 5826. Dricon 5827. Dryad, Yagure Mori 5828. Dwarf, Azer 5829. Eaglefolk 5830. Human, Ecendrite 5831. Elementalist 5832. Cat, Elven 5833. Elf, Albion 5834. Elf, Hiri’noli 5835. Elf, Ivory 5836. Elf, Jekka Dusk 5837. Elf, Marel 5838. Elf, Silver 5839. Elf, High (variant) 5840. Elf, High (variant) 5841. Elf, Darkmoon (variant) 5842. Epsy 5843. Fachan 5844. Faerie 5845. Fairie 5846. Firbolg 5847. Flamekin 5848. Foxrien 5849. Human, Garnemoire 5850. Goblin, Blue (variant) 5851. Golem 5852. Orc, Green 5853. Gritaur 5854. Half-dragon (variant) 5855. Half-malboro 5856. Half-merfolk 5857. Half-minotaur 5858. Half-phoenix 5859. Half-stone Golem 5860. Half-nymph 5861. Hanyo 5862. Human, Harakan 5863. Hobgoblin (variant) 5864. Hontic 5865. Houndfolk 5866. Human, Tengu 5867. Human, Yato 5868. Elemental, Ignika 5869. Human, Ineo, Vanya 5870. Irda 5871. Moogle, Ivalician 5872. Human, Ivoory 5873. Karadin 5874. Karei 5875. Kerki’n 5876. Kiry 5877. Kitsune 5878. Koalinth 5879. Kyojin 5880. Lamia 5881. Hulk, Lesser 5882. Lumian 5883. Moogle, Machall 5884. Malady 5885. Dwarf, Mithral 5886. Naga 5887. Natalupe 5888. Norn 5889. Ogre, Silver Lands 5890. Oms 5891. OOD 5892. Oraner 5893. Pangali 5894. Pestilent 5895. Planetouched, Xenosian 5896. Pooka 5897. Protoss 5898. Psifelid 5899. Qu 5900. Qua-vel 5901. Ra’vaac 5902. Ralis 5903. Raluri Magistrate 5904. Riesfrit 5905. Rokurokubi 5906. Samarie 5907. Scorpino 5908. Selkan 5909. Selranixies 5910. Shadow Born 5911. Shadow Grafted (reroll) 5912. Shyrid 5913. Siren 5914. Snakeblood Opposer 5915. Soul Bound 5916. Soul 5917. Sovani 5918. Sth’li 5919. Human, Sultry 5920. Sundowner 5921. Human, Suran 5922. Tanuki-folk 5923. Terrabain 5924. Saint 5925. Theodian 5926. Thri-ranx 5927. Tribalist 5928. Human, Twilight 5929. Urgoth 5930. Ursinal, Beastlands 5931. Vampire, Methuselan (reroll) 5932. Vampire, Donor (reroll) 5933. Volpevi 5934. Giant, Vorpal Intelect 5935. Vurcar 5936. Wendego 5937. Willowin 5938. Yearling 5939. Yeti 5940. Yuke 5941. Zurreal 5942. Golem, Aegis Hands 5943. Aeth 5944. Almiut 5945. Amaranthine 5946. Ancient 5947. Angel, Malakh 5948. Ashenborn 5949. B’er’den 5950. Bamfling 5951. Bangaa 5952. Batfolk 5953. Darconian, Binel 5954. Elf, Blood 5955. Botanan 5956. Cait-sith 5957. Catfolk 5958. Chaser, Albion 5959. Chaser 5960. Children of Green 5961. Children of the Moon 5962. Dwarf, Chromatic, General 5963. Dwarf, Chromatic, Azurn 5964. Dwarf, Chromatic, Rutilan 5965. Dwarf, Chromatic, Veridin 5966. Cyclops 5967. Cylon 5968. Illithid, Daeijine 5969. Deathclaw 5970. Deciever 5971. Demi-vamp 5972. Diclonii 5973. Human, Dire 5974. Dracomancer 5975. Dragonblood 5976. Dragoon 5977. Drakenbred, Fang 5978. Dryad, Ardanian 5979. Dweomerling 5980. Einherjar 5981. Eldar 5982. Eldritch Abomination 5983. Elf, Aether 5984. Elf, Blood 5985. Elf, Daemon 5986. Elf, Darkmoon 5987. Elf, Ghost 5988. Elf, Salvator 5989. Elf, Sky 5990. Elf, Tenebrous 5991. Elf, High (variant) 5992. Elf, Drow (variant) 5993. Faerie (variant) 5994. Fallen, Albion 5995. Faunotaur 5996. Featherfolk 5997. Feh’a 5998. Orc, Feral Ork 5999. Fey 6000. Archon, Fire
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos |
7th Section:
6001. Fiyashano 6002. Fox-folk 6003. Foxphyre 6004. Furyian 6005. Ganra-samal 6006. Human, Geschickt 6007. Gibis 6008. Gigas 6009. Glutton 6010. Gloomborn 6011. Gnoll, Mountain (variant) 6012. Gorillafolk 6013. Gremlin, Albion 6014. Half-bugbear 6015. Half-undead 6016. Gnome, Halfling 6017. Fiend, Hybrid 6018. Hydro 6019. Kiegon 6020. Kitsixian 6021. Kitsune-bito 6022. Kuldifolk 6023. Gnome, Lawn 6024. Elf, Levan 6025. Ley 6026. Lionfolk 6027. Human, Lord of Stone and Sea 6028. Loxodon 6029. Elf, Magi 6030. Masterforge 6031. Metal Humanoid 6032. Mind Flayer, MoFS 6033. Minotaur, Ardanian 6034. Minotaur 6035. Mooseman 6036. Naiad 6037. Orc, Smithy 6038. Orochi-bito 6039. Orog 6040. Poladar 6041. Pterasaurian 6042. Quickling 6043. Rashak 6044. Ratfolk 6045. Sarryn 6046. Scorlin 6047. Selkie 6048. Shadar-kai 6049. Skiurdling 6050. Slerrith 6051. Slithzirkhai 6052. Soulbound 6053. Spike Lord 6054. Squirreling 6055. Sykuin 6056. Tanarukk, Mittlehelm 6057. Tauros 6058. Tigerborn 6059. Tonberry 6060. Tortugan 6061. Tricinoid 6062. Triclopes 6063. Troll, LotR 6064. Trol, Silver Lands 6065. Tylwydd 6066. Vorpal Elder 6067. Vraaden 6068. Warborn 6069. Wastecrawler 6070. Wendego, Silver Lands 6071. Lycanthrope, Werepyre (reroll animal) 6072. Wolfman 6073. Wolfborn 6074. Wraith, Albion 6075. Xin’douti 6076. Yern 6077. Yokai-humanoid 6078. Zuberaak 6079. Cat, Ash 6080. Billore 6081. Elf, Blade 6082. Blur 6083. Chiropteran, Queen 6084. Dirche 6085. Dragoon (variant) 6086. Elf, Fey 6087. Fae 6088. Favored of Lolth 6089. Fey-cursed 6090. Griffon, Psitigris 6091. Half-polar Bear 6092. Half-garillon 6093. Half-hyrda 6094. Half-xill 6095. Infernous 6096. Irinsian 6097. Jachyrine 6098. Karnin 6099. Kinzom 6100. Kittelar 6101. Lumin 6102. Mahrdian 6103. Maji 6104. Mind Flayer, Psionic, MoFS 6105. Musspeltide 6106. Pixie 6107. Quarterling 6108. Salandrian 6109. Sarandor 6110. Shokan 6111. Silenian 6112. Sirilian 6113. Orc, Sledged Orgillon 6114. Succubus 6115. Soul Bound 6116. Sweetling 6117. Symbiocah 6118. Tanathan 6119. Terrapin 6120. Cursed One 6121. Theogar 6122. Thoradorian 6123. Trollkin 6124. Troll, Albion 6125. Troll, LotR 6126. Yoni 6127. Youst 6128. Zurren 6129. Aertai 6130. Alamanti 6131. Anges de Rebelle 6132. Cathaki 6133. Drake 6134. Dwarf, Nordheim 6135. Elf, High (variant) 6136. Enturiant 6137. Fallen 6138. Half-succubus-warforge 6139. Golem, Iron 6140. Lictor 6141. Raptrosian 6142. Saiyan 6143. Samarie 6144. Sliver 6145. Stone-born 6146. Taur (reroll animal) 6147. Darkfeather 6148. Trivencini 6149. Veinoda 6150. Yondi Izuna 6151. Yoni 6152. Yuki-onna (variant) 6153. Appyri 6154. Satyr, Dark 6155. Angel, Death 6156. Grazhaz 6157. Hork-bajir 6158. Kashojin 6159. Magmarut 6160. Giant, Mountain 6161. Murearomalquin 6162. Reaper 6163. Human, Spartan 6164. Vampyre 6165. Protoss (variant) 6166. Protoss, Dark Templar (variant) 6167. Human, Wood Wanderers 6168. Alqemx 6169. Ancient Lumberer 6170. Chronoku 6171. Elf, High (variant) 6172. Paradox 6173. Yukou 6174. Demon, Angelic 6175. Elemental Master, Blazing 6176. Daemon 6177. Troll, Northern Forest 6178. Rakshasa, Naz’nakya 6179. Rhox 6180. Ses’Rin 6181. Forgotten One 6182. Morkar 6183. Wee’diox 6184. Akrotesy 6185. Deformian 6186. Duald 6187. Felhunter 6188. Gardevoir 6189. Groundbold 6190. Half-goblin 6191. Half-veela 6192. Ictheyin 6193. Ikimarus (reroll) 6194. Kaldorei 6195. Kamaitachi 6196. Kharru 6197. Knasari 6198. Kraj 6199. Kyree 6200. Lin Kuei 6201. Cat, Lolcat 6202. Lucario 6203. Lumin 6204. Mangorian 6205. Maojin 6206. Mind Flayer 6207. Na’vi 6208. Nagana 6209. Namekian 6210. Necrolite 6211. Necrom 6212. Northlander 6213. Obdobje 6214. Phalanx Agent 6215. Prinny 6216. Raion-sha 6217. Reaper of Nerull 6218. Ronso 6219. Lizard, Rune 6220. Sasquatch 6221. Saurian 6222. Shadar-kai (variant) 6223. Shadow Exile 6224. Shirrec 6225. Sidhe 6226. Sion 6227. Slime Child 6228. Southlander 6229. Sylph 6230. Syvlar 6231. Tamerianian 6232. Tarkata 6233. Tarrask 6234. Human, Teoryran, Bourgeoisie 6235. Orc, Teoryran 6236. Orc, Noble, Teoryran 6237. Warforge, Centaur 6238. Wendulokona 6239. Whitelighter 6240. Wingle 6241. Y’ngir 6242. Yautjas 6243. Zephyri 6244. Zynevlin 6245. Zynoble 6246. Aiel’Vasai 6247. Azurian 6248. Bregalad 6249. Crystal-born 6250. Dakin 6251. Demon 6252. Faerie, Dwarf 6253. Elf, Fire 6254. Fornraeth 6255. Gallade 6256. Herozzas 6257. Human Bear 6258. K’Tann 6259. Kenheim 6260. Tiger, Laguz 6261. Lilliputian 6262. Liminal 6263. Palbrig 6264. Passier 6265. Pumpkin Child 6266. Severan 6267. Kitsune, Syslasian 6268. Troll 6269. Volaticus Malum 6270. Vrykolakas 6271. Wolf-kin 6272. Catgirl, Nekomusume, Nekomimi 6273. Children of Green 6274. Elf, Winged, Common 6275. Elf, Winged, Advanced 6276. Elf, Winged, Elite 6277. Elf, Winged, Paragon 6278. Form-changer (reroll d4 times) 6279. Forsaken (reroll) 6280. Mechanoid, Mek, Bronze 6281. Mechanoid, Mek, Iron 6282. Mechanoid, Mek, Mithral 6283. Mechanoid, Mek, Adamantine 6284. Mechanoid, Mek, Platinum 6285. Naiad (variant) 6286. Naiad 6287. Yearling 6288. Draconian, Aurak 6289. Draconian, Baaz 6290. Draconian, Bozak 6291. Draconian, Sivak 6292. Draconian, Kapak 6293. Human 6294. Bakali 6295. Centaur, Abanasinian 6296. Centaur, Crystalmir 6297. Centaur, Endscape 6298. Centaur, Wendle 6299. Dwarf, Daegar 6300. Dwarf, Daewar 6301. Dwarf, Hylar 6302. Dwarf, Klar 6303. Dwarf, Neidar 6304. Dwarf, Theiwar 6305. Dwarf, Zhakar 6306. Elf, Dargonesti 6307. Elf, Dimernesti 6308. Elf, Kagonesti 6309. Elf, Qualinesti 6310. Elf, Silvanesti 6311. Half-elf 6312. Gnome, Tinker 6313. Irda 6314. Kender 6315. Kender Blood (reroll) 6316. Minotaur 6317. Mischta 6318. Ogre 6319. Ogre-taint (reroll) 6320-6417. Elf: SRD 6418-6515. Dwarf: SRD 6516-6612. Gnome: SRD 6613-6709. Half-elf: SRD 6710-6806. Half-orc: SRD 6807-6903. Halfling: SRD 6904-7000. Human: SRD
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos |
The Following Random Charts is available for all of the RoK can be applied as well at the provided XP bonuses. The chart also grants a 50gp addition can be made to starting funds.
+1XP Random Background GeneratorBackground Generator (be as detailed as you like) http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/u...Generator.html
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos Last edited by Solomon777; Dec 14th, 2013 at 01:29 AM. |
The MASSIVE Random Generator for a Dragonlance Theme
Each Item is worth 300XP additional upon character creation. 1-2 Human 3-4 Bakali 5-6 Abanasinian Centaur 7-8 Crystalmir Centaur 9-10 Endscape Centaur 11-12 Wendle Centaur 13-14 Daegar Dwarf 15-16 Daewar dwarf 17-18 Hylar Dwarf 19-20 Klar Dwarf 21-22 Neidar Dwarf 23-24 Thiewar Dwarf 25-26 Zhakar Dwarf 27-28 Silvanesti Elf 29-30 Qualinesti Elf 31-32 Kagonesti Elf 33-34 Half-elf 35-36 Tinker Gnome 37-38 Irda 39-40 Kender 41-42 Half-kender ‘Kender-blood’ 43-44 Mischta 45-46 Ogre 47-48 Ogre-taint ‘Half-Ogres’ 49-50 Half-dwarf http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/11559.aspx 51-52 Lucanesti Elf http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/15104.aspx 53-54 Taladas Minotaur http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/14181.aspx 55-56 Half-minotaur http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/14181.aspx 57-58 Half-irda http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/11030.aspx 59-60 Half-dragon http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/11576.aspx 61-62 Kajinee http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/12674.aspx 63-64 Child of the Pit http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/14005.aspx 65-66 Proto-draconic Creature http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/15743.aspx 67-68 Thanoi http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/12774.aspx 69-70 Kobold http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/monstersKtoL.html 71-72 Player’s Choice Arctic Variant (any d20 Resource UA) http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthed...lVariants.html 73-74 Player’s Choice Jungle Variant (any d20 Resource UA) http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthed...lVariants.html 75-76 Player’s Choice Desert Variant (any d20 Resource UA) http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthed...lVariants.html 77-78 Player’s Choice Air Elemental Variant (any d20 Resource UA) http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthed...lVariants.html 79-80 Player’s Choice Earth Elemental Variant (any d20 Resource UA) http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthed...lVariants.html 81-82 Player’s Choice Fire Elemental Variant (any d20 Resource UA) http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthed...lVariants.html 83-84 Player’s Choice Water Elemental Variant (any d20 Resource UA) http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthed...lVariants.html 85-86 Dromite http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/psionicRaces.html 87-88 Duergar http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/psionicRaces.html 89-90 Elans http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/psionicRaces.html 91-92 Half-Giant http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/psionicRaces.html 93-94 Maenads http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/psionicRaces.html 95-96 Xeph http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/psionicRaces.html 97-98 Goblin http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/monstersG.html 99 Blue http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/psionicMonsters.html#blue 100 Player’s Choice (any d20 Resource) Bloodlines = 300XP As per Random Bloodline Table http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthed...-determinationRandom Bloodline Generator Core/Base Classes = 300XP 1 BarbarianRandom Generator d20 2 Bard 3 Cleric 4 Druid 5 Fighter 6 Monk 7 Paladin 8 Ranger 9 Rogue 10 Sorcerer 11 Wizard 12 Psion 13 Psychic Warrior 14 Soulknife 15 Wilder 16 Expert 17 Spellcaster 18 Warrior 19 Specialist Wizard 20 Player’s Choice (any d20 Resource) Alignment = 300XP 1 Lawful GoodRandom Generator d10 2 Lawful Neutral 3 Lawful Evil 4 Neutral 5 Neutral Good 6 Neutral Evil 7 Chaotic Good 8 Chaotic Neutral 9 Chaotic Evil 10 Player’s Choice Template = 300XP 1-2 Moonborn http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/13191.aspxRandom Generator d100 (those that have links can be found online, however, the rest are on a list too large to retype) 3-4 Dragontouched http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/13502.aspx 5-6 Child of the Forest http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/17257.aspx 7-8 Death Knight http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/12702.aspx 9-10 Dreamwraith http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/12703.aspx 11-12 Dragonspawn http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/11052.aspx 13-14 Dreamshadow http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/11052.aspx 15-16 Elemental Cross-breed 17-18 Outsider Cross-breed 19-20 Vermin Cross-breed 21-22 Dragon Cross-breed 23-24 Fey Cross-breed 25-26 Montrous Humanoid Cross-breed 27-28 Giant Cross-breed 29-30 Unead Cross-breed 31-32 Elemantal Denizen 33-34 Inner Planar Denizen 35-36 Outer Planar Denizen 37-38 Distant Planar Denizen 39-40 Lycanthrope 41-42 Infectious 43-44 Mutation 45-46 Intelligent Undead 47-48 Vampire 49-50 Lich 51-52 Incorporeal Undead 53-54 Class-based Undead 55-56 Environmental-based Undead 57-58 Unusual Undead 59-60 Half-golem 61-62 Recycled 63-64 Trasnformed 65-66 Underground 67-68 Afflicted 69-70 Ka-tainted 71-72 Hivebrood 73-74 Memelith 75-76 Maurid 77-78 Deathless 79-80 Ageless 81-82 Souled (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 83-84 Hellspawn (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 85-86 Heroic (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 87-88 Winged (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 89-90 Mutable (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 91-92 Felis Sapien (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 93-94 Evolved (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 95-96 Psychic (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 97-98 Synthetic Soul (DnD Wiki) http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Creature_Templates 99-100 Player’s Choice/None Traits = 300XP Random Trait GeneratorRandom Trait Generator (at least two) http://srd.rpgcrossing.com/unearthedTraits.html Random Personality Generator = 300XP http://at-will.omnivangelist.net/201...ity-generator/
An Orthodox-Unorthodox Form of Chaos Last edited by Solomon777; Dec 14th, 2013 at 01:28 AM. |
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