DnD35e Why Are The Masters Of The Universe Mortals? - RPG Crossing
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Old Jul 11th, 2021, 07:35 PM
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Why Are The Masters Of The Universe Mortals?

Game NameWhy Are The Masters Of The Universe Mortals?
Game SystemDnD 3.5e
ThemeSurvival, Dungeon Crawl, Round Robin
FlavourGaining renown for their divine cause
Plot Summary

I will keep the game open as well as players come and go.

Come Say Hello on our Game Thread here.
Game Information
The Basics Level, Gold, Attributes, Story etc.

For this game I will be the primary DM.
Players will also take turns running singular encounters.
No DM experience is required, I will help should anyone need help with running their encounter.
I will be the first DM and it will be one single encounter.
After that we will see who wants to DM

10th level characters.
The fun part is your demigods with 6 divine ranks.

Starting Level: 10
All D&D 3.5 books and classes are allowed
Home-brew allowed within reason as well as other sources like pathfinder.
Starting Attributes 50 point buy
+LA races and savage progressions are allowed
Any alignment is ok
Hit points are maximum per level
Starting gold will be 70,000gp

Deity Bonuses

Your An Outsider And Gain Some Benefits


Powers and Domain Special Abilities
Spell-Like Abilities

Domain Powers
Your deity gets 1 domain it can use and the domain represents its sphere of influence.
The domain is 9 spells numbered 1-9. The deity may select what 9 spells make up their domain to personalize it. Each domain has a special ability that can be used once a day.
Domains and the 1-9 spell levels can be selected, put together to fit a unique build, and domains can be made up depending on the players choice[

Spell-Like Abilities

Major Salient Abilities

Players can take any of the abilities on the list.
Any salient ability with another salient ability as it's prerequisite must have the prerequisite salient to be chosen before it is chosen.

There are a few nerfs for some:
Any attribute buffs can give +1 + divine rank until the max listed is gained.
Alter reality is out
Avatars Salient can only have one Avatar during combat the rest can go off and do whatever.
(Like cohorts Avatars have half character wealth and no artifacts)
Alter Size increase is +1 size category + 1 per 3 ranks
Monk strikes +1 per divine rank until max listed
Divine spellcasting is out
Spell slots is out until epic levels
Irresistible Blows stuns can be used a number of times equal to your character level +divine rank

Artifact Gift

Divine Realm Augments & Travel

Story And Basic Set Up

Even Before Your 1st Level Renown Follows You
For whatever reason your character has decided to answer a compulsion to become an adventurer. Fame calls out to you. As you grew up you were the idol of your town and your actions were renowned around your home town. It is time for you to seek your own fortune. Through various odd jobs around your local town you have managed to gain some wealth. Scraping up your savings you have enough cash to gain some basic adventuring gear. Your soul years the adventurers life and you set out to find some training.

Your player characters believe themselves to be normal mortals however over time you have noticed that you have a little more motivation than those around you and can easily do some things others train for years to master. You were always a gifted and some things regarding some specific element or attribute seem to come naturally to you. Your teachers think your a genius. You begin training and finally gain some small skill enough to join a beginner adventuring party. Going to an adventurers guild you sign up to join a party of first time beginner adventurers. Even without trying you can call out to that magic that you have an affinity with. Magic seems to come naturally and flow through you with ease.

Your Higher Self Is Actually A Powerful God
Truth be told your a newly created life form seeded by a god making you a demigod not just any demigod a demigod created by a more powerful version of yourself. You somehow used your higher godly power and created a lower version of yourself. One that can adventure in the prime plane gain renown and bring glory and fame to your sphere of influence. Your higher self is actually a much higher ranked god and has tasked your lower godly self with adventuring which is an inner compulsion.

The Godly Group Of Secretive Benifactors
Your characters higher self is one of a group of powerful cosmic entities each with godly power. They have decided to influence the mortal realm by sending demigod versions of themselves into the mortal realm in order to gain renown. The gods treat this as a kind of game and the prize is influence in the mortal realm. Other groups of gods have also sent their demigods into the mortal realm to likewise offset the balance and spread their own influence. Rivalry's between groups of gods exist and the gods use their mortal versions of themselves. Part of the rules is that the demigods don't know of their higher godly selves and they must adventure as mortals. To test their mettle the gods made themselves mortal to show off their skills to their peers as well as gain more followers in the mortal realm. So the gods manipulate the prime realm creating adventures for their mortal demigod forms.

Discovering Your Artifact
Each of you felt an calling from within guiding you to search mysterious places and find forgotten realms. In your search you find your truest keepsake in the form of an artifact. How each of you acquired your artifact is specific to each of your characters backgrounds. However after obtaining the weapon it has become likened to another limb resonating with you as you train. Your weapon is your eternal companion and after training with it you master each of its abilities which are usable as a beginner adventurer.

Tuning Into Your Divine Realm
Each of you has a story of how your divine realm resonated with you. For some they simply woke up in their divine realms, others were called. Regardless of how your player comes across their divine realm each demigod attunes to it over time learning how to manipulate weather climate and even night and day. Over time players become masters of their divine realms and can invite friends and family to visit or even live there. Some grow crops while others research magic. The divine realm is a place for rest and enjoyment and each player learns the ins and outs of traveling to their divine realms. However you all notice there are certain times when you cannot go to the divine realm, and those times seem to be when your indoors as well as when your under stress. The divine realms are mysterious and you feel lucky to have found such a magical place.

Forming The Group And Meeting At Adventurers Guild
While in your divine realms each of you felt a calling of like minded realm keepers. You follow your new resonance leading you to the adventurers guild. As you look around you see plenty of adventurers however some seem to resonate with an aura of planar power somewhat similar to your own.

This intrigues you and you watch to see that others also notice you as well. Some days go by with much of the same and it would appear that this adventurers guild is a nexus point for those who resonate with planar energy. Not only that but the adventurers who have access to planar lands and distant realms seems to be rather a common occurrence

You talk with others and get information when you can here and there, eat some food and listen to various offers for beginning adventurers. One of the beginner groups has peaked your interest its a group of planar resonating adventurers searching for others who may have similar good fortune to have found keys to their own planar houses and lands.
Rival Groups
There are other groups with similar abilities but for some reason they seemed standoffish and not very welcoming one group warns that not all adventurers here are allies and some may try to rob any valuables while out on missions.

Learning of some of the dangers lurking about, you figure it would be best to not go adventuring alone and that's when you meet the party and introduce yourself.

Typical D&D settings are the places the adventurers will travel to:

General Setting:

Flavor of settings

Psionics-Magic Transparency

Flavor & Homebrew

I lessened the penalty for death as I don't see a huge penalty necessary other than that of a normal character.

At lower levels there is a 50/50 chance the players could die at any time. So death may be an unfortunate part of this game.

Your a god as such when you die your divine soul reappears back on the demiplane of your true god body which is in charge of your current avatar god body and then will resurrect the body.

Subtracted from your items will be the cost of a plane shift scroll to bring you to your divine realm plus the cost of the scroll used to return you back to life.
The deity may choose which type of scroll will be used and must pay the cost in your gold or items.
Scroll costs are listed here:
Raise dead 6,125 gp
Resurrection 12,275 gp
True Resurrection 28,825 gp

OR at your option
You can lose 3000xp and be resurrected by your deity and not have to pay any gold costs.

Because you have the native subtype you can also be brought back like a normal mortal.

Native Subtype
A subtype applied only to outsiders. These creatures have mortal ancestors or a strong connection to the Material Plane and can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be. Creatures with this subtype are native to the Material Plane (hence the subtype’s name). Unlike true outsiders, native outsiders need to eat and sleep.

Finally as I have realized most are native subtype you will need food if your on a long journey. Also you are not supposed to have darkvision so I will remove that from character creation. Sorry ahead of time

Deities are creatures of the outsider type. All deities that are outsiders have all alignment subtypes that correspond with their alignment. Unlike other outsiders, they have no darkvision unless noted in the deity description. Deities’ physical characteristics vary from deity to deity. A deity’s outsider type, along with its class or classes, determines its weapon proficiencies, feats, and skills.

Player VS Player Conflicts

Savage Progressions And Level Adjusted Races
So we will allow level adjusted races as well as savage species like monster classes.
As an added bonus savage species can multiclass races and take as many levels in each that they want without having to take all levels in the race.

Starting XP is same average of current group

Traits And Flaws

Last edited by Shakram; May 7th, 2023 at 02:23 AM.
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Old Jul 11th, 2021, 10:24 PM
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This sounds epic! I will come up with something.
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Old Jul 12th, 2021, 12:37 AM
BBK BBK is offline
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Super interested. A few initial clarifying questions:
  • When it says things like "A deity’s outsider Hit Dice and character level determine its base saving throw bonuses." does that mean it gets Outsider HD and Class HD, or just the better of the two & is the answer the same for Save Bonuses?
  • Are you automatically proficient with your Godly Artifact, or do you need to achieve proficiency on your own (via feat or class that already grants proficiency with that weapon type)
  • Can 3.0 material be used with approval? (Arms & Equipment Guide, Drow of the Underdark, Unapproachable East, etc)
  • It says "You may use one spell from your chosen domain of first level at will." but 'Extra Domain' is a valid Salient Divine Ability to start with two godly domains. Would that mean you could start out using both domains' level 1 spells at will, or would you have to pick one or the other to be your 'at-will' domain? If you have to pick one, can that domain be used unless you have domains slots from a class first (aka, cleric)?
  • Will your ability to cast your favored domain spells at-will qualify you as being 'able to cast divine spells' for the purpose of qualifying for prestige classes?
  • The Salient Divine Ability 'Spontaneous Wizard Spells' says, "This ability works like a cleric’s ability to cast cure spells spontaneously, except that it applies to wizard spells." - does that mean he can burn prepared spells for spontaneous cure spells, or that he can spontaneously use wizards spells in place of prepared ones? Basically just need general clarifying this as I think it may be poorly written.
  • When making your own Domain, are there any guidelines or guideposts for the included 1/Day Domain Power?
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Old Jul 12th, 2021, 04:19 AM
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Originally Posted by BBK View Post
Super interested. A few initial clarifying questions:
  • When it says things like "A deity’s outsider Hit Dice and character level determine its base saving throw bonuses." does that mean it gets Outsider HD and Class HD, or just the better of the two & is the answer the same for Save Bonuses?
  • Are you automatically proficient with your Godly Artifact, or do you need to achieve proficiency on your own (via feat or class that already grants proficiency with that weapon type)
  • Can 3.0 material be used with approval? (Arms & Equipment Guide, Drow of the Underdark, Unapproachable East, etc)
  • It says "You may use one spell from your chosen domain of first level at will." but 'Extra Domain' is a valid Salient Divine Ability to start with two godly domains. Would that mean you could start out using both domains' level 1 spells at will, or would you have to pick one or the other to be your 'at-will' domain? If you have to pick one, can that domain be used unless you have domains slots from a class first (aka, cleric)?
  • Will your ability to cast your favored domain spells at-will qualify you as being 'able to cast divine spells' for the purpose of qualifying for prestige classes?
  • The Salient Divine Ability 'Spontaneous Wizard Spells' says, "This ability works like a cleric’s ability to cast cure spells spontaneously, except that it applies to wizard spells." - does that mean he can burn prepared spells for spontaneous cure spells, or that he can spontaneously use wizards spells in place of prepared ones? Basically just need general clarifying this as I think it may be poorly written.
  • When making your own Domain, are there any guidelines or guideposts for the included 1/Day Domain Power?
Good questions!
When it says things like "A deity’s outsider Hit Dice and character level determine its base saving throw bonuses." does that mean it gets Outsider HD and Class HD, or just the better of the two & is the answer the same for Save Bonuses?
I think that it will come from class levels. So saves and such are all class based. However I am thinking of a bonus of +5 per level regardless of class on top of your class hp per level.

Are you automatically proficient with your Godly Artifact, or do you need to achieve proficiency on your own (via feat or class that already grants proficiency with that weapon type)
Yes you can use whatever artifact you choose without penalty even if your not supposed to be proficient with it. House ruling it as it would be pretty stupid if players took penalties from their artifacts due to lacking proficiency.

Can 3.0 material be used with approval? (Arms & Equipment Guide, Drow of the Underdark, Unapproachable East, etc)
Arms and equipment guide is approved and I plan on taking a few rules about feats into weapons from that book. Other 3.0 material is ok as well but needs approval on a case by case basis.

[*]It says "You may use one spell from your chosen domain of first level at will." but 'Extra Domain' is a valid Salient Divine Ability to start with two godly domains. Would that mean you could start out using both domains' level 1 spells at will, or would you have to pick one or the other to be your 'at-will' domain? If you have to pick one, can that domain be used unless you have domains slots from a class first (aka, cleric)?
If you choose bonus domain then you will gain a second at will ability.
However you dont get this from cleric domains.
Keep in mind your artifact can has another domain so you already have 2 to work with.

[*]Will your ability to cast your favored domain spells at-will qualify you as being 'able to cast divine spells' for the purpose of qualifying for prestige classes?
Yes when it comes to prerequisites any way you gain the ability qualifies even if its from an item or some other source.

[*]The Salient Divine Ability 'Spontaneous Wizard Spells' says, "This ability works like a cleric’s ability to cast cure spells spontaneously, except that it applies to wizard spells." - does that mean he can burn prepared spells for spontaneous cure spells, or that he can spontaneously use wizards spells in place of prepared ones? Basically just need general clarifying this as I think it may be poorly written.
It means that the wizard can burn wizard spells to cast cure spells.

[*]When making your own Domain, are there any guidelines or guideposts for the included 1/Day Domain Power?
I recommend look at preexisting domains to get a basic idea, or you can just choose one that's already made up.

Common things domain powers give are:
A feat related to the domain like blind fight
Skill use related to the domain like appraise
+1 caster level when using certain spells
Some minor energy resistance +5

Here is a good list of domains


Last edited by Shakram; Jul 12th, 2021 at 12:46 PM.
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Old Jul 12th, 2021, 11:53 AM
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Deities gain all the class features for all their levels. The deity also gains the normal Hit Die for that class, plus additional skill points as if the deity had a level in that class normally.
So to clarify you do not get racial hd per level just class hd.
For example if your a wizard your hd will be d4
However your still an outsider and recieve the following traits:

An outsider possesses the following traits

Darkvision out to 60 feet.

Unlike most other living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature—its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection, don’t work on an outsider. It takes a different magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection to restore it to life. An outsider with the native subtype can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be.

Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Outsiders not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Outsiders are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
Outsiders breathe, but do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish). Native outsiders breathe, eat, and sleep.
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Old Jul 12th, 2021, 05:46 PM
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I thought all Hit Dice were D8s?
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Old Jul 12th, 2021, 06:54 PM
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This would be an ideal opportunity to dip my toe into the DM pool.

Posting interest. App incoming.

WIP: GREATER SELF: Oneiros, God of Dreams
WIP: PC CHAR: Personis, Lord of Changes
DMing Intent: Mind F-ing encounters

A Shakeup in Quasireality
Mad Mary was at first a non-threat when it came to her influence upon the realms.

A woman, horribly abused (we shant get into details here) who as a result developed a multiple personality disorder. A sad case of of a woman done wrong, but her coping mechanism had gone far and beyond your typical insanity. For she had developed in her rage against the machine, tangible personalities that had cast themselves upon the ether. In the physical world, she was but a mere babbling crazy-person sent to a nunnery to be dealt with, but the consequences and the ornateness of her personas left their imprint upon the psychic world.

To Oneiros, her fury was felt across the Realm of Dreaming.

Still, the Dream God could not bring himself to come down hard upon one who was so terribly broken. Though she had assaulted Him upon many fronts, threatening his Rule as Dream King through her Many angry personalities intent on bringing him low, he understood her Sickness, knowing such a woman deserved Mercy. Through many battles upon the psychic realm, he eventually managed to defeat all of her multiple personalities and capture their essence into Possible Crystalline.

The Physical Realm didn't even register a blip as Oneiros battled the Multiple Witch within his reality, and humans (and other races) Dreamed in peace. But now that he had won against this highly anguished soul, the only question was how to deal with her Hate and Confusion in such a manner that would distill her personality into the primary essence, so that her soul and passion would disapate into something more constructive and real.

After much deliberation, Oneiros had decided to harbor her personalities into a Dream Child. Mad Mary's sins would be borne anew, taking on form in immaculate birth.

She was a woman of One Past, possessed of Many Personalities. By His Guidance, her child would be of One Personality, possessed of Many Pasts, bringing her cycle to an end.

She was destined to die as a result of her loss to the Dream Lord. But at least in her final moments, she was given peace and sound mind, due to her exorcise. The moment of the child's Birth heralded her end, but even in her final moments, she gave praise to Oneiros, muttering, "I am. And that is all I wanted." Before drifting off to sleep, forever more.

As for the Dream Child? Well, this is where things get hazy...
The Past is Multiple ChoiceWIP
Business is good. Means I am down to 3 posts/week per forum, maybe more. Please be patient with me, and skip if necessary. Thank you, you Awesome DMs you.

Last edited by SelfAwareNPC; Jul 15th, 2021 at 01:03 AM.
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Old Jul 12th, 2021, 09:02 PM
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Houserule no true striking every round for anyone who was thinking about it. LOL

Also for artifact items +1metamagic feats can't be applied until you get 2nd level spell slots at 3rd level, however +0 metamagic is ok.

Remember your artifacts get a domain of their own which needs to be similar to your portfolio.

Last edited by Shakram; Jul 13th, 2021 at 02:30 AM.
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Old Jul 13th, 2021, 01:06 AM
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This is truly an epic concept and I have an idea I would love to play out...

Daddy Deity: Mechanus (or equivalent construct/mechanical deity on precision and craftsmanship)
The Simulacrum: a dwarven blacksmith/clocksmith with a penchant for creating unusually strong magical items and is slowly turning into a construct himself. Or just starting with a warforged artificer straight up.
DM scenarios: *panic face* This is where I'd struggle initially and could use some support. I've done a lot of worldbuilding of my own that I'd potentially be able to run games through with a group of demi-gods. The ideas have already started brewing.
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Old Jul 13th, 2021, 05:12 AM
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I'm loving this, especially the chance to switch DMs in and out for a scene here and there.

DeityImperius Karus, God of Pride and Ambition
As his title implies, Karus is the very embodiment of unbridled haughtiness. He believes himself the wisest, cleverest, most worthy (and of course, most handsome ) of all the gods. At any time he is eagerly hatching half a dozen schemes to exert control on some corner of the universe, no matter how small. He simultaneously asserts that he is the only one worthy to control the skies or the oceans or the orbit of the planet itself, all while vying to dominate armies of demons or undead... but his attention span keeps him flitting between too many schemes at any one time, making him a Jack of all Trades, master of none. To the other deities, his machinations might range from irritating to pathetic to comically adorable, but he actually poses very little threat of actually stealing power from anyone except very minor deities. Besides this, his belief that he is already perfect as he is leads him to being lackadaisical in his schemes. He does not care if his plans succeed or fail, because he is already the most worthy, and so eventually one plan will succeed and garner him the power he deserves.

Aside from his more negative qualities, Karus is actually maniacally intelligent, much like a mad genius. If his scouring pad of a personality did not interfere with his own goals, he might actually pose more of a threat. He is surprisingly cunning when backed into a corner, and entirely impossible to demoralize. He might very well have made a decent deity of hope or perseverance if he did not enjoy inspiring despair in others.

MortalAster the Poet.

As a young boy, Aster made himself the center of attention in his hometown. He was the fastest, the strongest, the most daring and reckless. From an early age, he proclaimed that he would go from a simple peasant to a famous hero, a notion that was treated by adults as all other boyhood fantasies are. Unlike most other fantasies, however, Aster worked constantly for his dream. He practiced acrobatics, wrestling, horse-riding, and with sticks even sword and spear-fighting. As soo as he was old enough to do so, Aster set out on his own to travel to the capital and become an adventurer... his first step to earning glory. He lives from day to day, hunting and foraging for food, and earning money in the taverns he passes as a poet and a bard.

In stark contrast to Karus, Aster is quiet and speaks with a soft voice. He treats others with absolute respect, and takes no offense when anyone laughs at or mocks him. He is incredibly ambitious and prideful, but he isn't terribly interested in displaying these qualities for everyone else. His only concern is his own thoughts and goals, no one else's. Because he keeps his pride hidden internally, when it surfaces Aster will occasionally say this incredibly conceited and shock those that know him.

DMing Scenarios: I have a tendency towards mystery scenes and slow-burn challenges, plopping players in a scenario with few external pressures and letting them pick away at their own pace. I also like to think I can pull off horror pretty well. I more often than not like to leave combat as an option for players to use or a consequence for failure, rather than a scripted event.
RIP computer. You had a good long life. May you find peace in the bitcoin farm in the sky.

Posting will be abysmally slow, so always feel free to move on without me.

Last edited by Solid Snek; Jul 13th, 2021 at 05:16 AM.
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Old Jul 13th, 2021, 09:01 AM
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@Shak. This is much more interesting to me than the other game simply because I am finding it impossible to get to grips with a system I have never played at Level 50. Could I use Rianne as a Level 1 character with Selhanine Moonbow as the God - that fits with all the work I have already done and I will have lot of ideas to use as she goes up levels.

I also have DMed ebfore but not in PbP and would love to have a go. Designing stuff for the current game would be beyond me
I have taken the Oath of Sangus

On phone at weekends so shorter and less frequent posts.
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Old Jul 13th, 2021, 12:00 PM
BBK BBK is offline
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Thank you for replying so quickly! I have a few quick follow-up questions:
  • Since your Caster Level for your godly at-will domain spells is 10 + 1/2 Character Level + Primary Attribute, does this qualify for things like "Caster Level 4th"? For example, the Touch Spell Specialization feat requires "Weapon Focus (PH) (touch spell), Caster Level 4th". That was the way I read it, but always better to ask just in case.
  • Whips, whip daggers and mighty whips are considered to be ranged weapons (meaning they use Dex for attack rolls, don't get Str mod damage (except the corresponding mighty whip, and can't be used for attack of opportunities), yes?
  • Since you have access to any feats your artifact has, do its feats qualify you for feats of your own? For example, if an Artifact had the Cleave feat, would the Character be able to take the Great Cleave feat, or would all qualifying feats have to be taken by the Character/Artifact that technically qualified for it?
  • Can the artifact have a metamagic feat that isn't usable at the outset (For example something with a +1 or higher spell level adjustment) for the purposes of pre-qualification later? Basically like having a 'great power that will only unlock when you're ready to wield it' type of flavor.
  • Since we are outsiders, does that mean the 'Lesser' mechanics for planetouched races is off the table? Examples being Lesser Asimar, Lesser Tiefling, Lesser [element] Genasi, etc.

WIP Concept:

Higher Self: God of Vengence
Lower Self: WIP
Portfolio & Domains: The Cycle of (perhaps Self-Perpetuating) Vengence, cycling between a "Ruination" & a "Reprisal" domain.
  • Ruination - The series of 'Inflict' Spells (with Wail of the Banshee as the 9th level capstone, since there is no lvl 9 version of an Inflict spell).
  • Reprisal - Spells that either set-up or execute a counteraction like 'Electric Vengeance', 'Stifle Spell', 'Steal Summons', 'Justice of the Wyrm King', etc.

Last edited by BBK; Jul 13th, 2021 at 12:24 PM.
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Old Jul 13th, 2021, 02:07 PM
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Shakram Shakram Shakram Shakram Shakram Shakram Shakram
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Thank you for replying so quickly! I have a few quick follow-up questions:[LIST][*]Since your Caster Level for your godly at-will domain spells is 10 + 1/2 Character Level + Primary Attribute, does this qualify for things like "Caster Level 4th"? For example, the Touch Spell Specialization feat requires "Weapon Focus (PH) (touch spell),
Caster Level 4th
". That was the way I read it, but always better to ask just in case.
No problem happy to help
On to the questions!
Spell-Like Abilities
A deity can use any domain spell it can grant as a spell-like ability at will. The deity’s effective caster level for such abilities is 10 + the deity’s divine rank. The saving throw DC for such abilities is 10 + the spell level + the deity’s primary attribute + the deity’s divine rank.

Unfortunately I forgot to edit this out the deities caster level and artifact caster level should be equal to their effective character level ecl. I think that's fair.
For example a level 1 wizards caster level for his artifact and domain is 1.
Once he becomes level 2 his caster level for his domain and artifact will increase even if he multiclasses.

Again sorry about the lack of an edit.
I will go edit that in now.

[*]Whips, whip daggers and mighty whips are considered to be ranged weapons (meaning they use Dex for attack rolls, don't get Str mod damage (except the corresponding mighty whip, and can't be used for attack of opportunities), yes?

Not sure, there may be some info out there that changes that.
Also that would be a great ability for your domain.

[*]Since you have access to any feats your artifact has, do its feats qualify you for feats of your own? For example, if an Artifact had the Cleave feat, would the Character be able to take the Great Cleave feat, or would all qualifying feats have to be taken by the Character/Artifact that technically qualified for it?
Yes you and your artifact share feats or any spell effect.

Also yes you can use your artifact to help you qualify for another feat.

[*]Can the artifact have a metamagic feat that isn't usable at the outset (For example something with a +1 or higher spell level adjustment) for the purposes of pre-qualification later? Basically like having a 'great power that will only unlock when you're ready to wield it' type of flavor.
Yes this is totally fine.

[*]Since we are outsiders, does that mean the 'Lesser' mechanics for planetouched races is off the table? Examples being Lesser Asimar, Lesser Tiefling, Lesser [element] Genasi, etc.
No you can be whatever race you want.
However if the race or template has a level adjustment you will have to just take 1 level of it. if it doesn't have levels then you will need to homebrew it into levels.

Last edited by Shakram; Jul 13th, 2021 at 02:21 PM.
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Old Jul 13th, 2021, 04:47 PM
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This is Shakrams DM PC account

Hoping to avoid the above animated 1st level possibility by any means necessary.

Mahima & Anima

I will be playing Erudite Mahima god of change and growth.
Higher self has countless forms and is always off doing a variety of saintly endeavors for the most part he has become the progenitor of a new race of super beings along with his eternal goddess companion. Having succeeded in his greater goals of universal creation decided to throw his hat into the ring with some of the other gods mostly on a whim.

The Infamous Slayer Of Thousands Of Gods Mahima
However there are plenty of other gods who have a bone to pick with him and rather than have a universal war many gods have decided to just send their demigods to the prime realm where they can settle their differences once and for all. So his coming to the prime realm in a weak body is a big chance to finally settle some old grudges as his more powerful forms have brought ruin to all that have opposed him in ancient multiversal wars during bygone epochs now long past but not forgotten. He killed so many thousands of godly clans, wiping them out by the thousands. They had no chance to even approach him on the field of battle. Numerous godly descendants of his ancient enemies would love to slay his lower form just for bragging rights and to see him lose in the prime realm. Just for revenge for their slain ancestors. Anima and Mahimas renown has echoed through the divine realms of the gods as well as the devils making their enemies far too numerous but their allies vastly outweigh the opposition.
Maima wont let the gods get him, instead he plans to kill each and every one of his enemies with a little luck and a lot of careful planning to replay his ancient exploits yet again striking fear into his foes once again.

Anima Will Be A Hired Helper
Mahima will also have Erudite or cleric Anima(goddess completely reborn as a mortal) she will be a 1st level typical hired 3sp a day henchman/woman she will also be his mentor teaching him about psionics and the like. She will be tagging along to keep an eye on him. Eventually she is his romantic interest. Eventually she will be a cohort. She is very reserved when it come to dealing with others, however when it comes to Mahima she is very foward and senses that they have a divine connection beyond her mortal life. Her goddess form incarnated her as a mortal a part of the condition of the godly wagers of their betting game they are in. The other snickering gods complained that it wouldn't be fair if the goddess was there. So she bargained to arrive as a total mortal without any divine splendor and all the sides agreed.

The two of them enjoy good company and seek to do what they can to help others, they have been known to overlook some lesser evils for the greater good. Mahima is very friendly outgoing and talkative, while Anima is much the opposite being shy and withdrawn.

They attempt to aid the party when possible and favor long ranged fighting with bows.
Mahima will be pretty good at stealth while taking shots with his bow and spells.
Anima will try and reinforce his strategy and stay behind Mahima helping where she can.

Last edited by Mahima And Anima; Jul 13th, 2021 at 04:50 PM.
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Old Jul 13th, 2021, 11:32 PM
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Nezkrul Nezkrul is offline
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Character The Sojourner, warforged cleric of metal, forging, and warcraft. (Looks like a tall metalline dwarf)
Overdeity: Moradin

Artifact will be a warforged racial item he can attach to his arm, most likely a hammer

As he has no planar travel yet, his realm will be in the forges of a dwarven capital city.

Domain: Metal (if it needs homebrewing, ill write it up)

I’m an experienced DM and player and will happily run encounters for us

Changing character idea WIP-

Character: Malik, Deathsheperd, human dread necromancer; he seeks to be the ruler of the undead; not lich king but more like hades ruling the underworld.

Patron deity: Kelemvor

Artifact will be a war hammer, etched with a pile of upside-down skulls with a wavey apparition hovering above them.

His realm will be at a capital city within a large graveyard that also has a large temple of kelemvor.

Deific Domain: Undeath, Artifact Domain: Planning

Last edited by Nezkrul; Jul 14th, 2021 at 02:55 AM.
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