DnD5e Really fun game by Drachenspirit - RPG Crossing
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Old Jun 5th, 2020, 10:16 PM
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Really fun game by Drachenspirit

Game NameRace Against Lycanthropes
Game SystemDnD 5e
ThemeHigh Level Survival and Reward. A straightforward dungeon crawl with high risk and high reward
FlavourExplore a long forgotten Wizard's lair with classic Dungeons & Dragons puzzles, traps and monsters; and they are prepared.
Plot Summary


" This adventure was designed to be challenging and potentially lethal. Disclaimer: I did not design this adventure."

SettingPlayer Hook - - Hundreds of years ago, a powerful archmage built a number of tremendously powerful magic items. Most of these items are lost, as are his laboratories. Gnomish spies, at great cost of life, have discovered notes and sketches that might indicate the location of a home of sorts for the historical mage. They also suspect another powerful agency knows of this discovery since several of the infiltrators were captured and it is possible further notes remained unfound.

While this Wizard has been gone for hundreds of years, he was sure to have laid deadly traps and left powerful guardians, not to mention the possibility of a lycanthropic troop poking around. The local consortium of Arcane Magists request that you and a trio of well regarded adventures who recently slay a Green Dragon and cleared out his lair undertake this quest, and in return they may keep the minor items not listed upon the scraps of paper bought in gnomish blood.

InfoWhat am I looking for?

Playerwise - Excitement.

How's that? Yes, excitement, or more to the point a "want" to be in the game and genuine interest to RP the depths of your character as well as RPing with the other characters in the game. So, that's all I ask of you as the player. Be excited, and be invested. You do that, and I'll do that, and we'll have an awesome game.

Also, be nice. Life is short, and we all get enough ugliness from others out in the real world. Site rules apply on conduct.

DMwise - I want to continue to learn all the "ins and outs" of 5E, especially at higher levels and this game will continue to do just that. I want to get more familiar with the system, and aside from following "the rulebooks" you, the player can teach me as well. If I'm wrong on a ruling, I want to know. How else am I going to get experience in the system? If I think you're wrong with something, it means I'll let you know, especially if I'm not sure, and it will be a learning experience for one or both of us as we figure it out.
In the end, a rule may be bent or ignored for the greater good of the story. But, that will be my call.

  • Setting: Forgotten Realms
  • Starting Level: 13
  • Classes needed: Looking one or two Players with Classes that don't overlap too much with the current three of the group.
  • Allowed Sources: Player's HandbookPHB, Dungeon Master's GuideDMG, Xanthar's Guide to EverythingXGtE, Tasha's Cauldron of EverythingTasha's, and Sword Coast Adventurer's GuideSCAG. No other sources, don't ask.
  • Attribute Scores: We will be doing 4d6 drop lowest at creation. Or, you can take the 27 point route. Once the choice is made, there's no changing. Then advance from there at level one as you see fit up to level 13. Please do not roll here. Roll HERE! In the Game Forum. Note: I’ll allow rerolling only the second 1 in 4d6. You may reroll that "second" one if it comes up a one again until it doesn't. If you get a third or fourth one on the 3rd and fourth 4d6, that's fate and you're stuck with them.
    HP:Max at first level of Class, then Average or roll every level thereafter. You can alternate if you like as you level the character up, but it must be clearly stated when you do so, or you take the lowest.
  • Alignments: Neutral or Good, but not true neutral
  • Gear: Straight from DMG - 5,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, three uncommon magic items, one rare item, normal starting equipment. You may spend your gp at normal PHB prices for mundane items and common magic items at 100 gp per, including Healing Potions at 50 gp per.
  • Pantheon: Forgotten Realms
  • Multi-classing: Is allowed but limited to one. Main Class + Secondary Class. Also make it believable/PC-background relevant.
  • Post Rate: Minimum of 1 a week as long as the "1" isn't consistent or stretched. This is very important as PbP is a LONG process. I am available most days during the week, and some on weekends.
  • Party Size: Currently 3, looking to add 1-2 more.
  • Resources: We will use RPGX for most everything including posts, sheets, and rolls. Will also be using Roll20 for maps. You don't need to really know how to use Roll20 so much, except to see enemies and understand the layout and mapping of the "dungeon."

ApplicationsWhat do I want in your app?
  • Your typical app; Name, class, race, appearance, 5e background, two personality traits, ideal, bond, flaw.
  • Post a pic of reasonable size, and be sure to add it again after you resize it to at least 250x250px, please so I can use it as a token on Roll20.
  • A backstory that includes a few things:
    • Their story, of course
    • Their hometown/origin here in Faerun
    • Why has your character decided to do this adventuring thing and how do they find themselves somewhere along the Sword Coast when called for?
    • What is their over-arching goal? {Their goal does not need to be within the confines of this adventure, this can easily be a stepping stone in their journey. But having a driving force often brings more life into the character, I find.note}

Q&AQuestion: I'm not all too familiar with the DnD Lore; apart from the pantheon, is there lore associated with Faerun that I need to be caught up on?
Answer:You don't have to know much about the Forgotten realms lore for this game really. There will be references, and should travel go to a place your character is from or may have been, it will affect what they know. So it's really the regional stuff. In the PHB, it mentions different ethnicities and how they'd look, and names and such. That's all you'd really need to be generally familiar with. Any questions you have on this front, I'd be more than happy to give you links and info.

TimelineApplication Deadline - November 25th (10 PM CST)
Yes, that's a week away. I may extend the deadline if the interest is low.

Note: Character death is a possibility, and if it happens to your character, you will have the opportunity to either roll up another character, or step away and let someone else come in who put an app in before game start. Or... stay dead and read along waiting for your fellow adventurers to see if they can resurrect your character.

[table]RPGX Member| Name |Class| Beginning Background |Race
WhovianBeast | Khyba | Paladin, Oath of Conquest | Mercenary Veteran | Half-Orc
The Rat Queen | Helja Balderk | Cleric - Life Domain| Acolyte| Gold Dwarf
Ghost6442 | Frulr, Bear of Narfell | Barbarian 10 / Rogue 3| Outlander | Human

Posting Status: Average | If a response is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please send me a PM.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Nov 18th, 2024 at 07:08 PM. Reason: hit me with a secret tag on what changed recently above under Settings, Info, or Details, and if first, you will get a bonus!
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Old Jun 5th, 2020, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Drachenspirit
So, what I'd like is for you to write up two scenarios that your character has been in that answer the above question in two of three ways. One scenario for one way they would answer, and one for another.
Is there the 'Eeyore' way, the 'Deadpool' way, and the 'Wash' way, or did you just happen to provide three examples?

Are you asking us to write up two different scenarios for how our characters drew the interest of a silver dragon, or two different scenarios where the character asks themselves 'how did I get into this'?

I'm not all too familiar with the DnD Lore; apart from the pantheon, is there lore associated with Faerun that I need to be caught up on?

I'm generally interested, though, so consider this Posting Interest.

Last edited by WhovianBeast; Jun 5th, 2020 at 11:35 PM.
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Old Jun 5th, 2020, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by WhovianBeast View Post
Is there the 'Eeyore' way, the 'Deadpool' way, and the 'Wash' way, or did you just happen to provide three examples?

Are you asking us to write up two different scenarios for how our characters drew the interest of a silver dragon, or two different scenarios where the character asks themselves 'how did I get into this'?

I'm not all too familiar with the DnD Lore; apart from the pantheon, is there lore associated with Faerun that I need to be caught up on?

I'm generally interested, though, so consider this Posting Interest.
You don't have to know much about the Forgotten realms lore for this game really. There will be references, and should travel go to a place your character is from or may have been, it will affect what they know. So it's really the regional stuff. In the PHB, it mentions different ethnicities and how they'd look, and names and such. That's all you'd really need to be generally familiar with. Any questions you have on this front, I'd be more than happy to give you links and info.
For the the scenarios, I'm looking for two different scenarios wherein the character is asking themselves the question. Choose two of the three "ways", and script as you see fit. As long as they are different, I don't care if you chose the "Wash" way and it sounds like the Eeyore way. I'm just looking for creativity and writing styles.
Posting Status: Average | If a response is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please send me a PM.
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Old Jun 6th, 2020, 03:11 AM
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Character Application
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Name: Helja Balderk
Class: Life Cleric
Race: Gold Dwarf
Appearance: A determined-looking female dwarf standing a little over four feet tall, perhaps slightly less stocky than many of her kin. Long brown hair in a carefully plaited braids and bright amber eyes, with dusky, light tan skin. A silver amulet around her neck shows two simple rings interlaced visible over the finely-crafted chain mail armor fitting comfortably over her body. A warhammer and a throwing axe hang from her belt, and a shield slung over her shoulder shows the same two-ring image as her amulet. Despite her fierce expression, her eyes show a great depth of emotion and kindness, and the corner of her lip curves upward slightly in a slight smile.
Background: Acolyte
Personality trait 1: I am tolerant of other faiths and respect the worship of other gods.
Personality trait 2: I face problems head-on. A simple direct solution is the best path to success.
Ideal: Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost.
Bond: I will do anything to protect the temple where I served.
Flaw: My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god.
Helja originally hails from the Giant's Run Mountains, west of the Vilhon Reach in the Shining Plains. Growing up in the Iltkazar Range, she saw strife from a young age, as her people battled goblins, ogres, denizens of the Underdark, and lived under the constant threat of dragon attack. She has a twin sister, Ilde, thanks to Moradin's Thunder Blessing upon the dwarven people, and both sisters had a fierce determination to help their people, and the world. But while Ilde chose the martial path of the warrior, Helja herself entered service to The Revered Mother, becoming one of the faenor in service to Berronar Truesilver.
One night, she had a powerful dream featuring a silver dragon being imprisoned by ogres, begging for freedom. Upon waking the next morning, she immediately confided in her superiors, who advised her that the dream was a message from Berronar, and that she must quest to find the silver dragon, whatever it may be, and release it. They also forbade her from speaking to anyone about the quest, especially her sister, though they would not explain why she would forgo such useful aid. Without questioning the wisdom of her leaders, she packed her belongings and slipped out of her home, letting her instincts guide her.
Why has your character decided to do this? She follows the instructions of her church leadership to complete a quest given from Berronar. On a more personal level, she believes the dream was indeed granted by her goddess, but may in fact be more of a metaphor than literal. While a silver dragon is purportedly a powerful ally of good, the presence of the ogres, long-time foes of her people, and the silver of the dragon to match her symbol, makes her suspect that there is more to this than it would seem.
What is their over-arching goal? Aid and protect the dwarven people, and spread the word of Berronar Truesilver. Deep within her heart, though, she is one of a growing percentage of dwarves who find the current church a bit too conservative and restrictive, though she is not yet harboring thoughts of abandoning her faith or her people. This schism disturbs her deeply, though she is not yet aware of how to deal with the issue. She hopes her current quest will provide insight as to how she should proceed.
"How did I get myself into this" writing sample 1:

"How did I get myself into this" writing sample 2.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Jun 13th, 2020 at 12:37 PM.
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Old Jun 6th, 2020, 04:03 AM
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I'm afraid I have to withdraw for now. Can't muster enough headspace recently to get into character.

Last edited by buzzlitebeer; Jun 16th, 2020 at 09:57 AM.
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Old Jun 6th, 2020, 11:59 AM
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Application for Khyba
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Character Sheet
Name: Khyba
Class: Paladin - Oath of Conquest
Alignment: Lawful Good
Background: Mercenary Veteran
Deity: Tyr
Personality traits: Being an orc and a seasoned warrior, it takes a lot to frighten me; I can stare down a hellhound without flinching. I judge people by their actions, not their words.
Ideal: As Tyr commands, so it should be; I do what I must, and obey just authority.
Bond: To betray a soldier in arms is to betray yourself; I will never leave a friend behind.
Flaw: An orc is proud, a soldier is true, a paladin is sure; I'd rather eat my armor than admit when I'm wrong.






Last edited by WhovianBeast; Jun 14th, 2020 at 06:42 PM.
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Old Jun 6th, 2020, 03:39 PM
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Character Sheet

Additional Information


Last edited by Mythrandil; Jun 14th, 2020 at 06:22 PM.
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Old Jun 6th, 2020, 11:51 PM
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UA ranger?
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
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Old Jun 7th, 2020, 11:39 AM
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Artificer allowed?
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Old Jun 7th, 2020, 09:27 PM
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Name: Kurzin
Race: Ghostwise Halfling
Class: Monk - Open Palm
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Background: Urchin
Personality Traits:I always have a smile on my face, even in the face of death.
I can't shut up when I'm scared.
Ideal: Respect. All people, rich and poor, deserve respect. (Good)
Bond: I owe a debt I can never repay to the person who took pity on me.
Flaw: I'm stingy with the things I own, even to my own and other's detriment.
Deity: Tymora
Backstory: Kurzin has no memory of where he came from. His earliest actual memories are of living in the streets of Waterdeep, one of many orphans and urchins, living beneath the sight of normal people and struggling to get by. As a halfling stuck mostly among tall-folk, he had it both worse and better than others - he was quicker and nimbler, and harder to spot when he stole food or money, but if others muscled in on him he had no choice but to share and give away most of what he earned.

Life on the street like that toughened him. His minor gifts he inherited from his parents proved exceptionally helpful for smaller thieving operations with others, and though he never stole more than he needed to survive, he still hated it. Yet he was never caught, not even once. Apparently, in exchange for his bad start in life, Lady Luck herself had blessed him - guards got tangled up in a loose net, a shingle broke right as someone was chasing him up a roof, they sprinted right past barrels he hid in.

Until one day, when his increasing daring he used to dull the feeling of worthlessness his style of life gave him caused him to go after a Tortle adventurer returning to Waterdeep from an expedition. Caught by the aging master and his party, the older monk apparently saw something in Kurzin. Talent, drive, or simply cheap labor, but he got the option of not getting handed in to the guards in exchange for being a hired hand with the party. Immediately, Kurzin accepted.

Leaving Waterdeep for the first time in his life, he traveled all across the Sword Coast as a hireling, all while learning and studying as much of his benefactor's fighting style as he could while keeping his head out of the reach of any errant swords. One day in the middle of an ambush by Orcish raiders, Kurzin suddenly had no such luxury of being able to simply duck into the cart he helped drive to wait out a fight. Instead, he put to use what little he picked up, and pummeled two raiders into the ground when they tried to steal the party's loot with a quarterstaff he snatched up in the confusion.

Leaving the services of the party that had changed his life soon after, Kurzin sought out his own companions to continue on. Fighting threats all on his own with accompanying beginner adventurers was hair-raising and far more difficult, yet his luck prevailed. Where others got seriously injured, he ducked just at the right time and returned the favor to his opponents with an unforeseen fury and speed. At this point, he also started to shave his head in emulation of his old master's style, and he began following a path of pure martial excellence to eventually surpass any weapon with just his body.

His travels took him far beyond the Sword Coast now, deeper into Faerun, his prayers to Lady Luck always on his lips so she wouldn't forsake him at his most critical moments. He saved villages, ran from necromantic armies, challenged knights to single combat. When his way finally lead away from his latest group of allies back into Waterdeep, he barely recognized his old 'home' anymore. Sleeping in the same Inn where he tried to steal so many years ago now - a bed he couldn't have even dreamed about affording in the past - he suddenly realized that in all his travels, he had never found a real home - or a party that he'd stick with for more than an adventure or two. Wondering what his old master was up to now, and if he had retired, sleep came to Kurzin, and he dreamt of a silver dragon, asking for his help.

The hero's work is never done, and so Kurzin set out. Belt tightened around his Gi, head shaved clean in the morning and polished to sparkle, it was time to test the limits of Lady Luck's blessing once again!
Writing Samples:
The Eeyore
Kurzin winced, adjusting his hurt shoulder as he crouched behind the nearly-collapsed wall of the crumbling ruin they were in. From the constant hard impact sounds, the undead horde was still firing salvo after salvo from their longbows and crossbows at the last bit of cover they had. Not much longer, and the aging stone would crumble, he thought darkly. A glance to his side just made his stomach sink even lower.

Bartok was barely even breathing, and only really kept alive by the soothing, warm golden light around Myra's hands, but the cleric herself looked like she was about ready to collapse, too. The last time any of them had seen their leader had been right before those huge double doors had burst open, and the tide of skeletal warriors had swallowed and brought him to ground. Kurzin didn't want to imagine just how awful an end like that had to have been...

Myra nearly collapsed forward onto the injured barbarian, her magic spent. If he ran for it... yeah, he could make it. They were both slow, which meant he'd have to move especially well, but he'd be able to do it. Grasping the nicked staff next to him, the halfling shifted his position, now kneeling with one leg, and the other foot braced against the cold stone floor. His eyes met the cleric's for a moment, and the pale monk smiled a thin smile.

"See you back in town, I've got a body to grab." speaking to her in her mind only, Kurzin darted to the side, arrows immediately shifting aim and clattering into the ground behind him, splintering. Back in the ruined courtyard, he began to dart from cover to cover, whirling between two archers and spinning his staff. Wood cracked against bone, cracked, and broke. Tossing the useless weapon aside, a backflip was all that saved the monk from a sticky end. Sinking behind another piece of rubble, now slowly getting surrounded, he knew that this was it.

Nobody could escape this horde alive, he was sure of it. He was as good as dead. With a smile still on his face, Kurzin leapt over the massive hammer of the skeletal champion that smashed his cover, before delivering a powerful and quick kick to the head of the undead creature.

Crumbling to dust, the monster fell. Flicking his wrist to the side, Kurzin stared into his enemies, and into his death coming for him.

All in all, today really wasn't worth the meager fifty gold per person they were supposed to get for this job. But Kurzin wasn't one to complain, even when he really should and felt like it.

"One down. Fifty-seven to go."

The Wash
Kurzin pulled a chair over to climb up on, and peered at the map with the others. Well, that seemed bad, but not unsalvageable! Everyone had dire expressions on their faces, which wasn't entirely surprising. The small valley village they were in was completely cut off by the robber baron's forces at every possible exit.

"Hey, its not all bad! Look at it this way, we know their signal to attack, and we know which group is smaller. So if we trick them into staggering their attacks, we'll only be outnumbered one-to-three and one-to-five in two back to back fights for our lives." Taking a not very well paid job to guard this village from ruthless bandits had perhaps not been their best idea ever, but now that they were here, it was time to act like heroes!

"Also, we heard about their boss still having some chivalry, right? So when the second fight's about to start, challenge to a duel! Of course they'll break any agreement, but we'll be ready for that. Really, I don't see how this is any trouble at all."


Last edited by Silim; Jun 17th, 2020 at 04:55 AM.
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Old Jun 8th, 2020, 01:03 AM
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While I should have my head checked for trying to get into another game that will start the end of the first round of Outplay, I really enjoyed your Serenity game Drachenspirit, and while reading the add for this game, a concept grabbed my attention and won't let go. So I post my interest, though I really should get over to Outplay and make my character there I suppose.

Concept: Rogue(Arcane Trickster) with the Urban Bounty Hunter background from SCAG.

He is good at his job. So good that he can not find a challenge anymore. Steel a rare jewel? "Boring!" Break into a prison to have a chat with a friend/contact "Done that." Con a prince out of hundreds of gold pieces? "Done that too. A few times in fact." Use an illusion/bluff to slip past guards? "Yawn!" Enter a dungeon and evade all it's traps to plunder it to the very last copper? "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzz"

In short, he is bored with life and no longer feels the spark of fire that he did when he was a youth. Then, along comes a dragon knocking on his unconscious mind..."Finnaly! A REAL challenge!"

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"

Last edited by Silk; Jun 8th, 2020 at 01:06 AM.
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Old Jun 8th, 2020, 09:57 AM
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Posting interest. I'll think about what to apply with later today.
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Old Jun 8th, 2020, 10:39 AM
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@ Kshnik - Are you referring to one of the Archetypes? If something else, please provide the link.

@ Mythrandil - Probably. Have you RP'd an Artificier before? If so, are you comfortable enough with the subclass and it's "mechanics?"

@All - I added some more information to one of the Q&A questions, the one regarding the writing samples. Hope that makes it a bit clearer.
Posting Status: Average | If a response is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please send me a PM.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jun 8th, 2020 at 10:40 AM.
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Old Jun 8th, 2020, 11:34 AM
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Last edited by WhovianBeast; Jun 8th, 2020 at 11:37 AM.
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Old Jun 8th, 2020, 01:28 PM
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Character Application
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Character Name: Keyleth Moonbrook
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Druid (Circle of Spores)
Description: Keyleth is not your typical elf, having a more reserved and less charismatic presence than most of her kind. This primarily the result of her dis-figuration when she was a child and a fire broke out burning her face quite badly. Even with the elven healing her face is still marred by scarring from the injury. It is one reason she almost always wears barkskin. She is average height at 5'7" and weighs in at a lithe 107 pounds.

Background: Hermit
2 Personality Traits:
I judge people by their actions, not their words.
When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.
1 Ideal:
Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling.
1 Bond:
I protect those who cannot protect themselves.
1 Flaw:
I’m convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.

Fear: Keyleth's greatest fear is that she will forever be alone. She fears a life without friend or companion. Her scarring on her face has made her self conscious to the point she rarely her face in view of others, preferring instead to do so in private if at all. This self consciousness affects her in interactions with others to the point of fearing trusting others.

Birthplace: Haven a small community of humans just North of Cormanthor and West of Hillsfar

Character History:

Writing Sample:


OOC Changed up the class I want to try a new Druid Circle that caught my attention sorry Drach. Oh and the prancing pony part was related to Wash and his dinosaurs he kept on the console of Firefly.

Character Sheet
Current Characters: Barthal, Fezaliax, Galileo, Thorin, Vesden,

Last edited by JaredSyn; Jun 17th, 2020 at 04:16 PM.
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