The Volker Macht arena floor is roughly 275ft long by 160ft wide in an oval shape. The floor will be hard packed dirt and sand that extends down 20ft until hitting hard worked masonry. The walls of the arena are 25ft high 5ft thick reinforced masonry. There will be an invisible magical barrier that extends in a cylinder upwards to a height of 200ft above the colosseum's floor. This barrier will also extend through the walls and down into the reinforced masonry 20ft below the ground. All fights will take place during the daytime.
Let me preface this by saying if your application is messy or hard to read I will likely lose interest in it. Please keep applications neat, well organized, and easy to read.
Character Application Info
Name: Race: Classes: Archetype(s): If any Alignment: I won't be strictly enforcing alignment requirements for most classes; however, codes of conduct and similar restrictions on classes will still be required.Note on Alignments Primary Party Roles: Damager dealer, debuffer, buffer, healer, support, ect... Character Sheet: But if you would like to make one anyway feel free toNot required initially
Home Kingdom: Which kingdom do you hail from? If you were not born to a specific kingdom, which one would your character most strongly associate themselves with? [See Kingdom's of Kairinia]
Campaign Trait: See Homebrew traits section. This should be tied into your backstory.
Picture: While not a hard requirement, I do visualize a character better with some sort of image to go with them. This is also useful for me when making map tokens.
Physical Description: Give me at least one to two paragraphs with a general physical description of your character.
Personality: Give me at least two to four paragraphs of how your character thinks and acts. What makes them tick? What are some of their most interesting or notable traits? (Good/bad)
Backstory: This does not need to be a novel but I will appreciate folks who go out of their way to make your character feel like a part of the world. Remember that brevity is the soul of wit. If you give me three paragraphs of juicy story I'll be more interested than if you give me a novel of boring narrations. My homebrew world is still very much a work in progress and though I may have a grasp of the big picture there is still a lot of room for additions. Feel free to create people, places, groups, new lore, ect... that you feel fit within the setting I have established.
RP Scenario: By far the most important section of your app. This lets me see your actual writing skills AND get a better feel for your character. Show me your character's reaction to the following scenario:
Write how your character reacts when they first realized they would be competing in the Parabellum games and possibly facing death?
Create a Monster Encounter
You read that right. In addition to your character I want each PC to craft a single monster encounter. My reasoning for this is two fold. I want to see your creativity as monster/encounter makers AND more importantly...... for those who are not chosen to participate in the game I will consider using your monster encounter against the chosen PCs!
Monster Sources: You can use pre-written monsters or homebrew ones of your own devising. Ever want to see a pack of trolls riding beholders into battle as mounts? Go crazy. Want to have a treant who is used as mobile fortress for a bunch of tiny fey archers. Sky's the limit. No matter what you design have fun with it!
Fight Location: This fight will take place in an open colosseum style arena during daytime. The arena is roughly 275ft long by 160ft wide. Terrain will be flat hard packed dirt and sand that goes down at least 20ft before hitting reinforced stone. There will be an invisible magical barrier shaped like a cylinder extending up to 200ft above the arena's floor making flying creature's a viable choice for an encounter.
Expected Number of PCs: 4 level 10 adventurers
Difficulty Rating: Low/Med/High -- The Monster Hunter competition always starts off with weaker monsters and progressively increases the strength and difficulty of monsters as the fights progress. For applicant's reference, I see a Low difficult rating roughly as an encounter challenge rating of 5 - 8, Medium as CR 9 - 12, and High as CR 13 - 16. Given that challenge ratings are rather subjective, I want your best personal estimate as to what you would consider your encounter's difficulty rating compared to 4 level 10 PCs. I can always adjust the monster statistics if I feel the difficulty level is not appropriate.
Number of Monsters: Be it one big boss type monster, loads of weaker monsters swarming the PCs, or a combination of the two it matters not. At minimum you need at least one monster in the encounter.
Monster Types: Anything except Aquatic Monsters, Dragons, Humanoids, or Outsiders.
Hit Points: Max Hit Points
Class Levels: No -- While you can create homebrew abilities for your monsters and even assign them spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities these monsters will not benefit from any class levels.
Gear: Monsters will not possess any gear; although if they possess a means to summon equipment temporarily that is fine.
Magical Restrictions: Direct Interplanar and Ethereal travel are blocked within the arena; however, abilities that use the Ethereal plane in short bursts such as Blink function normally. Teleport abilities of any kind are also blocked. Incorporeal creatures are allowed, but cannot pass through the stone floor beneath the 20ft of topsoil, walls, or the magical barrier of the arena.
Encounter Name: Difficulty Rating: X Monster(s): Monster names and number present in the fight Monster Strategy: Explain how the monsters will choose to fight, if they will use certain tactics, and or if they have any special reactions to specific stimuli such as being dropped to low hit points. Monster Statblocks/Link: If using a pre-made monster, please put a legal link to its statblock. If using a homebrew monster please include their statblock here.
Encounter Name: GremlinBombardiers Difficulty Rating: Low Monster(s): Gremlins (Hobkins) x6, Gremlins (Pugwampi) x6, and Bombs x6 Monster Strategy: The fight will begin with with six Bomb's floating into the arena. Each bomb is being ridden by two Gremlins (One Hobkin and one Pugwampi each). On their initiative, two Hobkin gremlin use their Silent Image SLA to create an illusionary fog filled with smiling gremlins to block line of sight from the PCs to the bombs. The rest use Ghost Sound to imitate the laughter of gremlins from multiple places within the fog that are not directly near the actual Bomb locations. Meanwhile, the Pugwampi gremlins direct each Bomb to spread out and begin trying to flank the PCs from the above them in the air. The Bomb's themselves use their spit fire ability to target the most flammable looking PCs.
Once a PC comes within range the Hobkin gremlins leap from their bombs and swarm the weakest looking target. Meanwhile the Pugwampi continue to direct the bomb's, but if they see a PC wearing fragile equipment or containers they will use their Shatter SLA to try and break the gear. Once the bombs are engaged in melee they proceed to try and bite the closest PC while the Pugwampi actively use the bombs as soft cover to keep the PCs affected by their Unluck Aura. Bombs actively try to use their Detonate ability to maximum effect unless slain before they can move into position. If a Pugwampi is still riding a Bomb when it explodes all PCs within range are subject to the Pugwampi's Unluck Aura when rolling their Reflex saves. Monster Statblocks: Gremlin, Hobkins Gremlin, Pugwampi
Credit: This stat block was converted from the FFd20 site using the Bomb creature. All credit goes to the original creator.
Bomb- M - CE- Elemental (Fire) Initiative: +6 | Speed: Fly Average30ft | Low Light
Darkvision 60ftSenses | Perception: +6 HP: 48/48 (4d10) | Nonlethal: 0 | Temp HP: 0/0 AC: (+2 Dex + 2 Natural + 1 Dodge)15, Touch: 13, FF: 12 Fort: +3, Ref: +6, Will: +4 BAB: +4 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 18, FFCMD: 16 Melee Attack: Bite +5 (1d8+1) Ranged Attack: Spit Fire - Bombs can spit a glob of fire as a ranged touch attack with a range of 60ft. This deals 1d6 Fire damage and targets struck must make Reflex save DC 13 or catch fire.Spit Fire +6 (1d6 + Burn)
Str: 12 (+1), Dex: 15 (+2), Con: 14 (+2), Int: 3 (-4), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 12 (+1)Ability Scores | Fly: +7
Survival: +6Skills | Float - A bomb has the Float (always floating 5 feet into the air) status effect continuously unless unconscious or dead. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Self-Destruct - After each successful physical attack made against the bomb, the bomb increases in size by 1-ft. in diameter (the bomb increases Strength by 2 per physical attack, size increase lasts for 1d6+4 rounds); Once the bomb is struck 3 times with a physical attack, but not killed, the bomb will use its next turn to place itself within range of as many enemies as possible before exploding as an immediate action destroying itself and dealing 4d6 points of elemental type and physical (half and half) damage to everything within a 15-ft.-radius (Reflex save DC 13 for half damage). Alternatively, if a bomb is dropped to 0hp it detonates as an immediate action.Special Abilities | Light Fortification
Immunity: Fire
Vulnerability: ColdSpecial Qualities NAExpendables | NACurrent Effects | NoneStatus Effects | Dodge
Improved InitiativeFeats | IgnanLanguages
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
Last edited by Eviltedzies; Nov 26th, 2024 at 05:52 PM.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
Last edited by Eviltedzies; Nov 30th, 2024 at 01:58 AM.
At level four and every four levels thereafter, a character gains a +2 to a single ability score of their choice or +1 to two different ability scores of their choice.
Charisma has long since been attributed to both a characters physical appearance as well as their personal magnetism. The reality is that appearances can be deceiving and as such Charisma will no longer represent a character's physical appearance. This shall be represented by the Comeliness score, Com for short.
Comeliness (Com)
Comeliness measures a characters physical perfection including attractiveness, lack of natural blemishes, or otherwise unsightly features. Attractiveness is not the same depending on the person viewing and as such the benefits of Com only apply if someone would others find such physical perfection or beauty attractive or of interest. In addition, things such as scars or defects do not always blemish ones image and with a high enough Com score others might consider such a defect an attractive quality. Comeliness is useful when attempting to use one's appearance to ones advantage.
A character with a Comeliness score of 0 is so physically hideous or warped that they fall unconscious until brought above 0 Com.
You apply your Comeliness modifier to:
Allure checks (See Skills section)
Replaces your Charisma modifier on Bluff, Intimidate, Perform (Dance), and Diplomacy checks when actively attempting to use ones appearance to one's advantage.
Replaces your Charisma modifier on Charisma based ability checks when actively attempting to use one's appearance to one's advantage.
Com Ability Score Generation: Roll 2d20 and take the preferred roll. Given that beauty is subjective, players who do not like their Com roll can elect to simply be set at a a neutral Comeliness of 10. (They can still play a beautiful character, they will simply not receive any mechanical benefit of their Com score.)
Special: Most mortals can never achieve a Comeliness score of higher than 20 even with magic. Only exotic beings of supernatural origin such as Nymphs and Succubi can be said to possess higher than a 20 Com. Comelienss cannot be increased using increases to ability scores or via point buy.
Note: While more of a vanity ability than a useful one, the ability to replace a characters Charisma modifier on certain checks only applies if the affected NPC's or monsters would find the PC attractive.
Alignment is not so cut and dry as many might like to paint at least in regards to good and evil. Some say there are indeed "grey" areas where morality can be viewed through different perspectives depending on what side if things you are on. We are not here to debate which is right or wrong, we are here to play a game. That said, many mechanical aspects of D&D rely on these obscure notions of alignments. As such, the following rules are in effect in regards to alignment:
Races can be of any alignment regardless of the natural tendencies' of such races. For example, a demon may be a good hearted individual while an angel might be a black hearted murderer.
Class based alignment restrictions are mostly removed. The exception to this rule is with those whose class derives its' powers and abilities from holy or unholy sources. Classes that require a code of ethics or behavior may also be required to maintain a certain alignment if their code or rules fall within a specific category of alignment. These classes often draw their strength from their convictions either in the worship of a deity or the strong emotions they hold.
Order and Chaos are universal regardless of ones sense of morality and in essence are completely neutral in all things. Though gods and beings may be shaped and guided by these forces, they are caught in an endless cycle. Life and death itself are also part of these as both bring about change.
Though Law and Order can be used interchangeably, they are not necessarily the same depending on the context. Being a character whose alignment leans towards Order (Law) over Chaos does not mean you have to abide by the laws of government. Order is instead a natural phenomena in which all things fall into a natural rhythm of sorts. Your character tends to lean toward following that rhythm whether it be the laws of the land, a personal creed, or the law of nature itself. Though you may occasionally go against the flow of things, your nature will usually see you return to the rhythm of things.
Those who lean towards Chaos regularly follow an irregular flow often to their own whims. They look at the here and now more often than they do the future. Though they may temporary follow the natural flow of things it is often only to accomplish their own ends rather than due to having an innate appreciation or draw towards such things.
Good and evil are now considered white and black karma. Ones karma tends to shift as one accumulates white and black karma through one's actions. Actions that create generally positive emotions and results create white karma. Actions that create generally negative emotions and results create black karma. If one's karma exists within a person at a far greater amount than the other then that person registers as good or evil depending. If both karma's are relatively equal, the person registers as neutral. Nearly all sentient creatures possess as least some white and black karma.
[Campaign] Traits
Blackmail Description: You or someone you know fell in with the seedy underbelly of Baalreisan and now you are paying the price. Through threats or coercion you are being forced to compete in the Parabellum games against your will. Win and the slate will be wiped clean, reject and you will likely wish you had died in the games. Benefit: Your undesired criminal backers have eyes and ears everywhere that you can take advantage if you so choose. The week before each of your fights, choose round 1, 2, or 3 and then roll a special Diplomacy check to gather information. The later the round the higher the base DC. On success you learn the name of at least one type of monster you will be fighting in that round. For every 5 by which you exceed the DC you learn one additional monster name and type that you will be fighting. If no more monster types are present in the round, you learn one strength or weakness of one of the monsters chosen randomly.
Note: Knowing the monsters in advance allows you or other PCs you inform to make relevant Knowledge checks on the creatures, research them at libraries, and or plan countermeasures for them. Normally gladiators are not told in advance which monsters they will be battling.
Blood Debt Description: Your life was saved long ago by a citizen of Baalreisan. At that time you swore a blood debt to them should they ever call on you. That debt is now being called in. Whether by unfortunately happenstance, cruel choice, or for some greater scheme your debtor has tasked you to compete and win at the Parabellum festival in order to pay back the debt. You must answer the call, honor demands it. Benefit: Your blood oath grants you strength when you might otherwise be forced to break it. When subject to a fear or compulsion effect that would cause you to abandon your oath you may reroll a failed saving throw once and add your highest mental score to the reroll. (If Wisdom this effectively adds two times your Wisdom modifier to the reroll) Even if this reroll fails you may forestall the fear or compulsion effect for 1 round before it affects you as normal.
Doth Anyone Object? Description: One way or the other you will get out of this arranged marriage. Your family is dead set on you marrying and whether you loathe your intended partner or simply have no desire to marry is up to you. In your genius or idiocy you managed to forestall your nuptials by entering the Parabellum games, but such a measure is only temporary. If you win however..... it could earn you the coin and repute to reject such a marriage outright. Benefit: Despite your obvious desire not to go through with the marriage, one or both sides of the family want to see you survive and continue with the wedding. To that end they are using what resources they have to send you aid. Whether you choose to use said aid is up to you. Each morning prior to your fights you will receive 1d3 random magical consumable items. Each consumable will have a unique beneficial effect determined by the DM.
Gambler Description: You always enjoyed a good gamble and with the Parabellum games fortunes can be won or lost with the right bet. But why risk your hard earned coin on strangers when you yourself are your most reliable asset? Whether by choice or accident you have entered the games yourself and placed a wager on yourself that you must win or else you will lose everything. Benefit: You know how to bank your luck and use it when it really matters. Three times per day when you would roll a natural 20 you can choose to treat the roll as a natural 10 instead. You must make this decision before you know the result of the roll. For the remainder of the day any time you roll a natural 1 you can spend one of your banked rolls to convert the natural 1 to a natural 20. You can store up to three banked rolls at once but if not used by the end of the day these banked rolls vanish.
Glutton for War Description: You revel in the violence of battle. You are not here for glory or gold.... no.... you seek the raw pleasure of walking the razors edge between life and death. You won't be satisfied until you have faced the deadliest beasts and strongest warriors alive. Thus you eagerly sought out the Parabellum games hoping to temporarily quench your thirst and savor the ecstasy. Benefit: Your fighting prowess improves the more injured you become. When you are below 75% of your maximum hit points you gain +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 AC, and +1 caster level. When below 50% of your max hit points these bonuses improve to +2. When below 25% of your max hit points these bonuses improve to +3. If you possess less than 10 hit points these bonuses double to +6.
Graduation with Honors Description: This is your final year at the prestigious Crimson Dawn military academy based in the capital of Vlastheim. Though not required, it is unofficially custom for graduates to prove themselves in the Parabellum games. Those who distinguish themselves even within the nonlethal competitions are granted higher positions of honor at their graduation; however, those who put their lives on the line and succeed are given the highest honors by the school. Those who graduate with such honors are often recruited in the upper echelons of the military, offered a position within one of the Tribunal families, or potentially even scouted by a foreign military powers. Benefit: Your classmate's cheers from the arena seats spur you onward. You cannot look bad in front of your piers. Once per minute on a failed attack, saving throw, or opposed skill/ability check you can choose to reroll the check. This reroll gains a bonus equal to your highest mental ability score modifier.
Grim Hunter Description: You are the only survivor of a vicious monster attack that took the lives of people close to you. You could never forget the image of the beast that still haunts your nightmares. You have spent years training and hunting the beast only to recently learn that it was captured to be used as one of the fights in the Parabellum games. With no way to acquire the beast directly from the Arena Master, you vowed to enter the games and reap sweet revenge upon the bane of your life. Benefit: Your hatred of your chosen creature spurs you onward and aids you in slaying lesser beasts of their kin. You gain Favored Enemy tied to the creature type of the beast you are hunting. You treat your level as your Ranger level when calculating the benefits.
Special: Those who select this Campaign trait must use their Monster Encounter to craft the very beast your character seeks to slay. This beast must be of a challenge rating of 13 or higher as it has distinguished itself even possibly amongst its own kind as being fiercer and more deadly than the rest.
Hidden in Plain Site Description: You are a wanted criminal (actual or falsely accused) from another kingdom and whether by choice or necessity you found yourself hiding out in Baalreisan with pursuers hot on your tail. They chased you down and cornered you in the capital city of Vlastheim. In your desperation to escape the law you discovered a legal loophole within the rules of the Parabellum games. The long and short of it is combatants in the Parabellum games have diplomatic immunity while on arena grounds and any attempt at extraditing criminals must wait until the completion of the games. With no choice, you quickly signed up for the games and your pursuers were indeed halted for a time by Baalreisan authorities; however, should you be caught outside arena grounds you will be arrested on the spot. Now you must not only plan your escape but survive the games in the meantime. Benefit: Your extended stay on the arena ground has granted you certain after hours access normal visitors are not allowed. With a bit of subtly you are able to slip in and out of the arena's restricted areas to gain an advantage on your upcoming fights. The week before each of your fights, choose round 1, 2, or 3 and then roll a special Stealth check to gather information. The later the round the higher the base DC. On success you learn the name of at least one type of monster you will be fighting in that round. For every 5 by which you exceed the DC you learn one additional monster name and type that you will be fighting. If no more monster types are present in the round, you learn one strength or weakness of one of the monsters chosen randomly. If you fail this check by 10 or more you are caught by the arena attendants and held in isolation until your next match begins. In addition, future Stealth attempts have their DC's increased by 5.
Note: Knowing the monsters in advance allows you or other PCs you inform to make relevant Knowledge checks on the creatures, research them at libraries, and or plan countermeasures for them. Normally gladiators are not told in advance which monsters they will be battling. Being isolated makes it impossible for the PC to communicate with his allies or to purchase additional supplies. He will literally be allowed to join his team minutes before the fight is to start.
Hunger for Glory Description: You seek the fame and glory that the victors of the Parabellum games reap. Your battles will be sung of in taverns for years to come while young aspiring warriors shall look to you as a role model. Even facing down death your pride will not allow you to falter. Benefit: You becoming emboldened with each successful strike or spell. When you successfully hit with three attack rolls and or combat maneuvers in a row you roll your next attack or combat maneuver check made before the end of your next round twice and add the two d20 rolls together to determine the total. (For purposes of calculating a natural 1 or natural 20 you take the higher of the two d20 rolls). These attacks need not all take place on the same turn, but if you go longer than one round without making the next successive attack or combat maneuver check the counter resets.
When casting spells you gain a boon if the same target fails three successive saving throws against your spells or if at least three enemies fail a saving throw against a single spell on your turn. This boon takes effect on the next spell you cast after meeting the criteria. Your next spell either gains a +4 bonus to the saving throw DC or gains the benefit of one of your metamagic feats without increasing the spell's level or casting time. If you do not cast a spell by the end of your next turn upon gaining this boon the counter is reset.
In Remembrance Description: An important ancestor of yours once competed in the games but perished in their attempt. Their death and perhaps even their failure have had a lingering effect over your family line ever since. You have taken it upon yourself to complete what your ancestor started and bring closure to their name and spirit. Benefit: You gain a magical relic worn or used by your ancestor during their failed battles in the colosseum. This item begins as a simple magic item, but will grow in power with each successful battle you complete in the games.
Note: The item type will vary based on your character, but I will allow you to choose a base form. (Think +1 magic weapon, +2 magic armor/shield, or a minor wondrous item). This item will start out weaker than a standard item of your starting wealth might allow, but it will gain unique effects tailored to your character as it grows.
Per Mortem Vivimus Description: You were a slave in Baalreisan until you invoked the ancient right of Per Mortem Vivimus. By this ancient right you are given one chance to earn you freedom in the Parabellum festival by fighting and winning one of the deadly competitions. You literally have nothing left to lose save your life. Benefit: You would sooner die before allowing yourself to be chained once more. You gain the Liberation domain and treat your character level as your effective cleric level. (Using your highest mental ability score in place of your casting modifier) You may cast each Liberation domain spell normally available to you as a spell-like ability once per day.
Pride of the Kingdom Description: You were selected to represent your homeland in the Parabellum games. It is a great honor but also a heavy responsibility. To fail will be to bring shame to your nation, your family, and you personally. Success however will uplift your status in your homeland by unimaginable margins. Benefit: Bolstered by your pride in your nation, you refuse to accept failure. A natural 1 on an attack roll or saving throw is no longer an automatic failure. Three times per day when you would fail an attack roll or a saving through due to rolling a natural one, you may choose to reroll the attack or save and add your highest mental ability score to the roll.
Right of the Strong Description: You have been gravely wronged by a high ranking member of Baalreisan society. Perhaps a military official unjustly accused a your friend or family member of a crime they did not commit? Maybe a noble tricked your family out of their entire lands and gold? Or perhaps one of your loved ones spoke out against the Tribunal itself and was struck down in cold blood for their arrogance? Whatever the reason, you sought revenge only to be rejected for your lack of strength and reputation. In your foes pride, arrogance, or ignorance however you found an opportunity. Gold is not the only thing that can be wagered at the Parabellum games and any bet sanctioned by Arena Master of the Volker Macht Collesuem is absolute. So you concocted a plan and managed to convince or trick you target to a wager. Should you win at the Parabellum games you will be given the right to face your foe in battle and gain your rightful vengeance free of reprisal from the laws of Baalreisan. Benefit: When the chips are down you remember the injustice done to you by the target of your revenge. Their face appears before you and invokes a fury few can match. You gain a special form of Rage that enhances both your body and mind but takes a toll once used. While in this special rage you gain the following: +4 to one physical ability score, +4 to one mental ability score, and can convert half the damage you take to nonlethal damage. You can use this special rage for a number of rounds per day equal to your hit die plus Constitution modifier. After using this Rage you suffer a -4 penalty to the chosen ability scores and move at half speed for twice the number of rounds of rage you just spent. Unlike normal rage, you are not limited to the actions you can take during this allowing you to make complex decisions, cast spells, ect....
Stubborn Crossfang Candidate Description: You sought to enter the legendary Crossfang monster hunter's guild; however, through misfortune, treachery, or some other machination of fate you were barred from entering through the traditional means. You were undettered in your efforts however and planned to take advantage of an ancient rule held by the Crossfang guild. Those who succeed in besting the monster trials in the Parabellum games are granted unconditional acceptance into the guild should they desire. All you have to do is survive.... Benefit: When you think about it, every creature or person could be considered a monster. Through your training you have learned how to choose weak spots with exceptional speed and accuracy. Anytime you successfully identify a creature's strengths and or weaknesses through a Knowledge check or other similair ability you gain special bonuses against the identified target. Against the target you gain Sneak Attack as rogue of half your hit die and whenever you successfully land a sneak attack against the target you may choose attack, armor class, movement, or one type of saving throw. Your attack applies a -2 penalty to the chosen score or a 5ft penalty to the creature's speed. (If a creature has multiple types of movement you must select which movement type is being impaired.). These penalties stack with themselves but can be removed as a Standard action by your target.
The Things We Do For Love Description: For one reason or another you have entered the Parabellum games to prove or affirm your love for another. Maybe you are a chivalrous knight dedicating your victories to a fair lady? Perhaps you seek to impress a potential spouses family by winning the competition? No matter your reason, love is your driving passion and you will not let something as trivial as deadly monsters stand in the way of it. Benefit: Your burning passion is so great that it strengthens your body making otherwise deadly blows seem like mere flesh wounds. While in combat you gain Fast Healing 5. This Fast Healing can heal a total amount of damage per day equal to [(5 + Con Modifier) x HD]. In addition, three times per day when you would normally be subject to a critical hit you may choose to negate the extra damage (and any effects dependent on a successful critical hit). Doing so however disables your Fast Healing for 1d4 rounds.
[Region] Traits
Lukae [Region] Traits Beast's Best Friend - You spent a portion of your youth working with various livestock and beasts of burden and developed a bond with them. If your class grants you a special companion that is of the animal, magical beast, or vermin type they gain +2 Str and +2 Con. In addition, you gain an empathic connection with your special companion allowing you to give it simple commands or express simple emotions without words of gestures so long as you have line of sight to it. If you already possess a similar ability such as the Familiar's "Empathic Link" ability you gain telepathy with your companion and can give complex commands to your companion even if it would normally be unable to understand such commands.
Farmhand - You have spent time working on a farm giving you unique insights into animals and plants. You gain Knowledge (Nature) as a class skill and may substitute your Knowledge (Nature) skill in place of either the Handle Animal or Ride functions of the Handle Beast skill. Once chosen this choice cannot be changed.
Knight's Honor - Your strong knightly ideals empower you. You may substitute your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier on Will saves made against Mind Effecting and or [Emotion] based effects.
Plains Strider - Years of traveling the well paved roads of the Lukae countryside have put a spring in your step. Whenever you charge you may count your speed as being +10ft faster before any other modifiers. In addition, you may make one 90 degree turn during a charge.
Saddle Born - From a young age you felt at home riding atop beasts. You gain Handle Beast as a class skill and any mount you ride gains a +10 trait bonus to its speed while you ride it.
Ver'Adal [Region] Traits Artistic Soul - Years spent in the kingdom of Ver'Adal gave you the perfect environment to hone your crafts. Choose one Craft, Perform, or Profession skill. You may substitue a different mental attribute to skill checks made with that specific subset of Craft, Perform, or Profession skill. Once made this decision cannot be changed. (Examples: You could choose to use your Int modifier on Peform: Dance checks, Wisdom modifier for Craft: Alchemy, or your Charisma modifier for Profession: Bartender)
Deft Climber - Years spent scaling the massive Meloria trees have ingrained in you a keen understanding of where and how to place your hands and feet when climbing. You gain a Climb speed equal to half your base speed.
Green Thumb - Your time spent among the green singers of Ver'Adal have sharpened your magical affinity with plants. When casting any spell, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, or class feature that specifically affects or interacts with plants you gain an effective +1 trait bonus to caster level or Hit Die for purposes of calculating the abilities effects.
Note: General purpose spells and effects that just happen to target plants such as using Fabricate to convert hemp plants into rope do not benefit from this trait; however, spells like Plant Growth or Entangle do benefit as they are specifically designed to affect plants.
Keen Aim - Your time spent hunting with the rangers of Ver'Adal have taught you the ways of the arrow and bolt. You gain proficiency with one type of bow or crossbow type weapon. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on critical confirmation rolls made with your chosen bow or crossbow type.
Swift yet Silent - Scouting through the dense underbrush of the Meloria forest has given you a sixth sense about where you place your feet to maximize your mobility and stealth. You may move at full speed while using Stealth without suffering the usual -5 penalty.
Mar'Zhal'Adul [Region] Traits Cunning Smuggler - Be it smuggling magical contraband into Mar'Zhal'Adul or smuggling illegal goods into another country you are no novice to risking your neck for gold. When using Sleight of Hand, you can treat any item as one size category smaller for calculating whether it can be hidden on your person and if you gain any bonus to Sleight of Hand to the check. In addition, you may now draw a hidden weapon as a move action. If you could already draw a hidden weapon as a move action you reduce the action required to draw a hidden weapon to a swift action.
Surefooted Sailor - Your time on the sea has trained you to move well despite unstable footing. You gain Profession (Sailor) as a class skill. Each round you can ignore an amount of difficult terrain equal to 5ft + 5ft per 4 ranks in Profession (Sailor) you possess.
Shrewd Negotiator - You gain Diplomacy as a class skill and may substitute your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier when using Diplomacy.
Spellscarred - In your past you were subject to or witness to a horrific use of magical power that left a permanent hatred for magic in your heart. You gain a +1 trait bonus to attacks and critical confirmation rolls against targets that you have seen cast a spell, spell-like, or supernatural ability. You suffer a -1 trait penalty to your caster level and hit die for purposes of calculating your effective caster level and or spell-like/supernatural ability effects.
Weaponized Chemist - Due to your nations hatred of magic, you delved into alchemy to supplement your lack of magical might. Your use of alchemical weapons is particularly skilled allowing you to apply your years of knowledge in the heat of battle. When using an alchemical weapon you may add your Intelligence modifier to both the direct damage and splash damage of the effect (If applicable). For alchemical weapons that do not deal damage, you instead may add your Intelligence modifier to the saving throw DC.
Note: If you could already apply your Int modifier to splash weapon damage or to the saving throw DC of an alchemical weapon this trait has no effect.
Soul Terra [Region] Traits Born to Magic - Either through your lineage or your years spent in the magically saturated lands of Soul Terra you have developed an innate adeptness for wielding magical forces. Choose one school of magic, one sphere, or one elemental energy type. When casting spells or spell-like abilities of the chosen school, sphere, or energy type you gain a +1 trait bonus to your effective caster level or HD (Hit die in the case of class features which use hit die rather than caster level to calculate their ability effects).
Grasp at the Weave - Your ability to manipulate magical energies of a spell's normal parameter's are beyond the capabilities of most magic users. Choose one metamagic feat you possess. You may reduce the level increase of that metamagic feat by 1. Each time you level up you may choose to apply this trait to a different metamagic feat you know.
Special: This trait may also apply to (Monster) feats that mimic metamagic feats for spell-like abilities such as Empower Spell-Like Ability. When applied to such feats this trait grants the user one additional use of said feat per day.
Magizoologist - Your long studies into the fantastical creatures of the realms has granted you a better understanding of how such creature's utilize magic within their bodies. You gain Knowledge (Arcana) as a class skill and can substitute Knowledge (Arcana) in place of any other Knowledge check made to identify a creature as long as said creature possesses the capability to cast spells, spell-like abilities, or use supernatural abilities. This benefit does not apply to Humanoids or Outsiders.
Piercing the Veil - You have developed the ability to see magical auras without the need of magical aid. You gain Detect Magic as a constant spell-like ability; however, you need not concentrate to maintain the effect and do not need to spend three rounds to gain the full benefit. Aura's within your Detect Magic cone's line of sight are automatically detected and you can make skill checks to identify them as normal. This ability causes your eyes to glow a soft blue light while in use, but can otherwise be turned off and on at will on your turn.
Scholar of Lost History - Your passion for discovering lost artifacts and lore motivates you beyond normal scholars. You may add Knowledge (History) as a class skill and may substitute your Knowledge (History) check in place of Appraise checks to identify forgotten relics as well as Perception checks to notice traps or hidden doors within dungeons or remote areas.
Baalreisan [Region] Traits Citizen of Baalreisan - You spent two grueling years serving in the Baalresian army. The experience toughened you and during those years you picked up a trick or two. You gain proficiency in one weapon of your choice. (Simple, Martial, or Exotic). Alternatively choose one type of armor or shield and gain proficiency with it.
Fiat Justitia - In one way shape or form you have witnessed the harsh justice done to criminals of Baalreisan and have come to respect the order such methods produce. You gain Intimidate as a class skill and can use the Demoralize function of Intimidate as a move action. If you know for a fact that your target has broken the law you can instead Demoralize them as a swift action.
Gladiator - You have spent time fighting in the famed Volker Macht Colosseum of Baalreisan. Such battles always kept you on your toes and your ability to react in a split second to changes in battle is second to none. Choose one combat maneuver. Once per day per two points of base attack bonus you possess, you may reduce the action required to use said combat maneuver by one step. (Standard -> Move -> Swift -> Free)
Stalker of Monsters - You have trained with the members of the Cross Fang monster hunter's guild based in Baalreisan. Their teachings have given you unique insights into hunting all manner beast which torment the common folk. When making a Knowledge check to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a monster you may make the check even untrained. In addition, you may substitute your base attack bonus for your ranks in any Knowledge check made in this way.
Streetwise Rogue - Your time spent dodging the law in the bustling towns of Baalreisan have taught you how to blend in with crowds unnoticed. You can treat creatures as one size larger for purposes of using them to make Stealth checks. In addition, when adjacent to a crowd of five or more creatures you can make a Stealth check in place of Bluff to create a diversion. On success, anyone actively looking for you loses sight of you within the crowd for one round.
Arrhakor [Region] Traits Drawn to the Sea - You've always felt at home on and in the water. You gain a Swim speed equal to half your base land speed.
Eye for an Eye - You tend to hold a grudge more bitterly than most. Once per encounter, whenever an enemy rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll or opposed skill check against you, you may choose to "mark" the target. The next time you make an attack or opposed roll against the marked target and roll a natural 1 you may choose to convert the natural 1 to a natural 20. The "marked" status lasts until you convert a natural 1 to a natural 20, until the enemy dies, or until the end of the encounter.
Fool Me Once - Having been deceived on more than one occasion you are more keenly aware of attempts to trick you. You gain Sense Motive as a class skill and can substitute either your Intelligence modifier or Charisma modifier in place of Wisdom on Sense Motive checks.
Troublesome Tongue - Deception has been your bread and butter for many years. It can't be all bad if it keeps you alive right? You gain Bluff as a class skill and can subtitue your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Bluff checks.
Wild Soul - Years spent in the northern wilds of Kyrfeign alongside the barbarin tribes have brought out yout latent feral instincts. You gain one of the following: Bite attack (1d4), Claw attacks x2 (1d4), Low Light Vision, Darkvision (60ft), or Scent.
Jukai [Region] Traits Beyond the Veil - Your eyes are opened to realms of spirits adjacent to our own. You can see ethereal creatures, possessing creatures, and lingering undead spirits as easily as you can material creatures. Unfortunately this tie to the realms beyond draw such spirits to you and any such creature you see is immediately made aware of your presence.
For the Emperor - Growing up within Jukai you have come to respect or perhaps even idolize the Golden Emperor for his power and deeds of legend. This admiration inspires you in times of dire need as you push past your normal limits. You may add your Charisma score to your Constitution score when determining your death threshold.
Hard Style Martial Arts - Your unarmed fighting style focuses on singular powerful blows over multiple weaker blows. Your unarmed critical multiplier increases by 1. This does not stack with any other effect which increases your critical multiplier.
Kata Breathing - Years of practicing breathing kata's has given you more control over your bodies reaction to outside stimulus. If subject to an effect which would make you sickened, fatigued, or you would suffer the effect of a poison you may delay the onset of the effect by 1 round. You may only do this once per effect and this delayed round does not reduce the overall duration of the effect. If an effect would instead make you Exhausted or Nauseated you may reduce it to Fatigued or Sickened for 1 round. After which the effect increases back to the stronger effect.
Soft Style Martial Arts - Your unarmed fighting style focuses on small precise strikes designed to whittle down your opponent. When dealing nonlethal damage with unarmed strikes you may add your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier to the unarmed damage.
The following are new skills available to any class. A player may choose to give up two of their class skills to make up to two of these new skills class skills. For skills that combine previous skills, if one of those previous skills was a class skill then the new combined skill is also a class skill for the class.
Athletics (Str)
You are naturally good at using your body to maneuver around your environment, Note: Climb, Jump, and Swim are now combined into one skill. If a class previously had even one of these as a class skill, Athletics is now a class skill for that class. The Jump function of Acrobatics is now part of Athletics and classes with Acrobatics on their class list do not automatically gain Athletics.
Allure (Com)
You know how to use your looks to attract, distract, or seduce others. Check: In order to make an Allure check, you must have line of sight and effect to your intended target. The target must be able to see and hear the user clearly. The user makes an Allure check as a standard action with a DC equal to 10 + the target's Hit Dice + the target's Wisdom modifier. If successful, the target is intrigued and will attempt to engage the user in dialogue or otherwise attract the users attention.
An effected person does not drop everything he or she is doing immediately and may complete whatever business or act they were attempting previously before seeking out the player. At worst, the target might take note of the player, but be unable to act on the desire to speak to the user during that encounter if more pressing business is at hand.
If the user actively engages a target he or she has successfully used an Allure check on in the current encounter with dialogue he or she gains a +2 bonus to any Charisma checks related to the target for the remainder of the encounter so long as the user continues to remain friendly towards the target.
Distract: While similar to using Bluff to create a distraction, Allure explicitly involves the use of one's body to draw the attention of onlookers. While the user themselves may usually escape detection, the distraction may be enough to allow an ally to sneak by or some other action to go ignored for a brief moment.
Seduce: The user is skilled at using his or her sexuality to entice others. Using an Allure check in this manner is different than simply attracting someone as seduction involves much more sensual or vulgar acts depending on the user. When performing acts of the naughty nature, the user may make an Allure check apposed by his or her targets Allure check. On success, the targets attitude towards the user shifts to one step friendlier for one day. For every five by which the roll exceeds the targets, the duration increases by one day. Multiple uses of Seduction do not increase the targets attitude, but simply extend the duration.
Composure (Wis; IE: You must trade a class skill in order to obtain this skill.Trained Only)
You have spent countless hours honing your ability to control your emotions and are able to use your control to overcome physical and mental distress. Special: The 3.5 Psionic SkillAutohypnosis is now rolled into the Composure skill. If a class previously had Autohypnosis as a class skill they now gain Composure instead. Resist Emotional Trauma: If you fail a save against a spell or effect with an emotional descriptor, you may make a Composure check DC 15 at the start of your next turn to ignore the the effect until the end of your turn. If the effect lasts longer than one round you may continue to make Composure checks at the start of each of your turns, but each additional check after the first increases the DC by five.
Handle Beast (Dex)
You are skilled at taming and riding all manner of beasts. Note: Ride and Handle Animal are now combined into one skill. If a class previously had even one of these as a class skill, Handle Beast is now a class skill for that class.
Legerdemain (Dex)
You are skilled at using your hands. Note: Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, and Use Rope are now combined into one skill. If a class previously had even one of these as a class skill, Legerdemain is now a class skill for that class.
Endure (Con; IE: You must trade a class skill to gain access to this skill.Trained Only)
You are able to endure pain and other harsh conditions much longer than most. Remain Conscious: If reduced to below 0 hit points, but not enough to kill the player. You can make an Endure check with a DC equal to 10 + the total amount of HP below 0 you are currently at in order to avoid passing out. This check does not stabilize the player, but remaining conscious may allow the player to make a Heal check or heal themselves.
Ignore Fatigue: If you would begin your turn suffering from the Fatigued condition, you may make a DC 15 Endure check at the start of your turn as a free action. On success you may ignore the Fatigued condition until the end of your turn. Each successive use of this ability against a specific instance of Fatigued increases future checks by +5. On a failed check, you automatically become Exhausted. If you choose not to make an Endure check for a specific instance of Fatigued, you cannot later choose to attempt an Endure check for that instance.
Ignore Sickness: If you would begin your turn suffering from the Sickened condition, you may make a DC 15 Endure check at the start of your turn as a free action. On success you may ignore the Fatigued condition until the end of your turn. Each successive use of this ability against a specific instances of Sickened increases future checks by +5. On a failed check, you automatically become Nauseated. If you choose not to make an Endure check for a specific instance of Sickened, you cannot later choose to attempt an Endure check for that instance.
Ignore Pain: If suffering from a spell or ability that specifically uses excruciating pain, you make may an Endure check with a DC equal to the original saving throw of the effect to ignore the penalties until the end of your turn. This can only be used once on any individual instance of (pain) based effects.
Resist Torture: You can resist torture attempts by making an opposed Endure check against your torturer's Heal check. On success you resist a specific instance of torture and suffer no additional penalties. For every day you are denied sleep you suffer a -2 penalty to Resist Torture.
Style (Cha)
Everything from the way you speak, the way you move, and even the way you bleed seems to ooze style. Perhaps as you walk your hair blows in the wind just so or maybe the way you fall to the ground after a blow and get back up appears just so epic. Check: A Style check can be performed as a free action anytime the user takes some sort of physical action. The action can be as subtle as a wink or as pronounced as leaping off a building. It can also be performed whenever the user's physical form is affected by an outside effect such as an attack, spell, or even being forcefully moved. This free use of the Style skill can be done even when it is not your turn. This use of the Style skill by itself is a purely cosmetic effect with no mechanical value. (That's right you heard me, looking good is its own reward)
Craft New Uses: Craft skills may now be used as substitutes for any Knowledge check that a craft would normally grant the user insight into. Craft may be used in place of Appraise when dealing with goods related to the Craft skill in question.
Knowledge New Uses: Whenever using a Knowledge check to identify a creature, the user gains a +1 bonus to attack, damage, AC, saves, and opposed ability and skill checks against that type of creature for the entire encounter. The DC for to identify a creature is 15 + the creatures Hit Dice. For every 5 by which the user exceeds the DC the bonus improves by +1. Note: This use of the Knowledge skills can only be used during combat. This use of the Knowledge skill cannot but made untrained.
Profession New Uses: Profession skills may now be used as substitutes for any Knowledge checks that a Profession would normally grant the user insight into. Appraise Service: Profession may be used in to Appraise the value of a service just as Appraise can be used to appraise the value of a physical item.
Jumping is no longer a part of the Acrobatics skill. Jump has now been rolled into the Athletics skill.
Homebrew Language Rules
The is no longer any "Common" language.
There are three levels of each language: Basic, Intermediate, and Fluent
To advance into or through the three levels of a common language, it takes two ranks in Linguistics, or one rank if Linguistics is a class skill. On creation a PC gains 1 level of any language per Intelligence modifier as well as two Intermediate language levels based off their Examples:
Dwarfs gain the Dwarven language at Intermediate level for free
Elves gain Elven language at Intermediate for free
Ect....race and Examples:
Baalreisan nationals gain Baalian language at the Intermediate level for free.
Lukae nationals gain Kaelen language at the Intermediate level for free.
Ect...home kingdom. Feats and other abilities that grant a permanent skill bonus to Linguistics grant that many language levels that must be assigned when taken. Temporary boost to linguistics cannot grant new language levels. Rarer languages require more ranks to increase their levels.
Language Levels
Basic vocal communication with this language is possible, but reading and writing is not. This is akin to a tourist visiting a foreign country and knowing enough of the language to get by but all native speakers of the language will easily be able to determine the speaker is not well versed in said tongue. Wisdom and Charisma opposed ability or skill checks involving use of said language suffer a -4 circumstance penalty due to your lack of understanding.Basic | You can speak, read, and write the language. No penalties or bonuses.Intermediate | You are either a native born and raised or you have spent countless time perfecting your use of such language. Your speech with this language likely has a strong native accent or at the very least an imitation of one. Your writing skills with the language also take advantage of every bit of cultural grammar use. Wisdom and Charisma opposed ability or skill checks involving use of said language gain a +2 circumstance bonus due to your keen understanding of the tongue.Fluent
National language of BaalreisanBaalian National language of JukaiBahk A patchwork language cobbled together over the centuries by beastfolk slaves. Normally such beastfolk possess their own unique tongues however centuries of enslavement have essentially wiped out knowledge of their true tongue. Thus Beast Speak has become the common tongue of beastfolk acting within society be they slaves or free. Beast Speak does not possess a written form.Beast Speak National language of ArrhakorFree Speak National language of LukaeKaelen National language of Mar'Zhal'AdulSasan National language of Soul TerraZaivex
These languages are commonly used across the realms and they cost no additional ranks in Linguistics to advance into or through.
All national kingdom languages are considered common languages.Common: Beast Speak, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnolls, Goblin, Halfling, Orc
These languages are less spoken within the major kingdoms, but their use by scholars and adventurers is still present enough in the world that speakers or records of the tongues can be found with moderate enough effort. Each level of these languages require 3 ranks in Linguistics. (Or 2 if you Linguistics is a class skill).Uncommon: Aquan, Auran, Dark Folk, Ignan, Necril, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon
These languages are rarely spoken in the civilized lands and textual records in these tongues are exceedingly rare. Finding a teacher or source of knowledge in these tongues is an extremely time and resource consuming method not to mention grasping the complexities of the tongue itself. Each level in these languages costs 4 ranks in Linguistics. (3 if it is a class skill). You may only learn one Rare language per Intelligence modifier due to the complexity involved in learning the tongue.Rare: Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Protean, Treant
These languages have either been rolled into existing languages or simply do not exist within the setting.Removed: Cyclops, D'ziriak, Grippli, Rougarou, Sphinx, Tengu, Vegepygmy
Disclaimer: Original credit for part of these rules goes to Jat who I "believe" was the first instance in which I saw the idea of languages being broken up into fluency levels.
Improved Critical - Instead of doubling a weapons critical threat range, Improved Critical increases the threat range by +2.
Hardy Endurance - The Endurance, Diehard, and Toughness feats have been combined into a single feat. Any class or source granting any of these feats as a bonus feat now grant this feat instead. Sources requiring any of these feats as a prerequisite now require this feat. Prerequisite: Base Fortitude Save +2
Save Boosting Feats - Feats such as Great Fortitude, Iron Will, and Lightning Reflexes no longer grant a static +2 bonus. They now grant 1 + 1 per 4HD to their respective saves.
Dual Skill Boosting Feats - Feats such as Acrobatics or Persuasive now grant a +4 bonus if you have 8 or more ranks in one one of the listed skills. At 12 or more ranks you gain a +6 bonus. At 18 or more ranks you gain a +8 bonus.
Skill Focus Feat - Skill Focus now grants a +6 bonus if you have 8 or more ranks in the chosen skill. If you have 12 or more ranks in the chosen skill you may now take 10 on that skill even if rushed or threatened. If you have 18 or more ranks in the chosen skill the bonus increases to +12.
Parry Ranged Attacks - You may use the Parry combat tactic to also deflect ranged weapon attacks at a -5 penalty. Unusually large or abnormal ranged attacks such as boulders or ballista bolts cannot be parried. This is considered a Combat feat.*
Diagonal movement over a map grid only costs 5ft of movement per square.
Normal: Normally the every other 5ft square moved diagonally costs 10ft of movement instead of 5ft.
Characters now gain an additional attack of opportunity for every 5 base attack bonus they posses. This is in addition to any additional attacks of opportunity gained from Combat Reflexes or similar feats and abilities.
Example A: A 15th level Fighter with a BAB of +15 gains 3 additional opportunity. (4 Total)
Example B: A 15th level Cleric with a BAB of +11 gains 2 additional attacks of opportunity. (3 total)
Example C: A 15th level Wizard with a BAB of +7 gains 1 additional attack of opportunity. (2 total).
Note: This change is meant to relieve some of the feat tax that Combat Reflexes and similar abilities present while reflecting the improved martial prowess of higher BAB classes and monsters.
Similar to Power Attack and Combat Expertise, the following new tactics can be used in combat.
Reckless Strike - You can choose to take a -1 penalty on your armor class to gain a +2 bonus on all melee attack rolls. This bonus to hit is halved (-50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. This bonus to attack does not apply to combat maneuver checks. In addition, your melee attacks provoke an Resolved after your attack resolvesattack of opportunity from enemies and enemies attacking you in melee gain a bonus to all damage rolls equal to the bonus you gained to hit.
You must choose to use a Reckless Strike before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by -1 and the bonus to hit increases by +2. (You may choose to use a lower penalty/bonus)
This tactics requires utter dedication to offense and may not be used in combination with Combat Expertise, Focused Strike, Parry Strike, or with the Power Attack combat actions.
Focused Strike - When making a full attack action in melee, you may choose to give up an iterative attack gained from BAB in order to gain a +3 bonus to hit. If forgoing two attacks the bonus increases to +6. If forgoing three attacks the bonus increases to +12.
This tactic requires focus and may not be combined with the Combat Expertise, Parry Strike, Power Attack, or Reckless Strike combat actions.
Parry Strike - When making a full attack action in melee, you may choose to give up an one or more iterative attacks gained from BAB in order to attempt to parry a future melee attacks from an enemy. Until the start of your next turn, if an enemy attacks you in melee you may make an opposed attack roll (at your full BAB) against your attackers as an attack of opportunity. On success, the attack is deflected and misses you. For each additional iterative attack you give up you may Parry one additional attack per round. You must declare that you are going to parry a blow before the attack result is known.
Special: If wielding a shield, you may choose to make your parry strike using your shield instead of your weapon. Doing so allows you to add the shield's Additional shield bonuses to AC not directly tied to your wielded shield's AC are not added to thisbase armor bonus and any enhancement bonuses to your parry attack roll.
Take the Blow - As a standard action, select one foe you can see. Until the start of the next round, if that foe makes a melee attack against you the attack automatically hits except on a natural 1. After damage has been dealt you may make a attack of opportunity against your foe. For this attack your foe is considered flat-footed. This tactic is especially dangerous however and if a foe threatens a critical hit the threat automatically confirms.
Bladepoint - As a full-round action you can choose to position a slashing or piercing weapon dangerously close to a vital point on a helpless or pinned foe. Though dealing no damage, you may now perform a cou de grace action as an immediate action at any time while your foe is at bladepoint. Performing this cou de grace ends the bladepoint maneuver.
Performing this maneuver in combat is extremely difficult. The user must make a CMB check against his foes CMD. For this check, the enemy adds his armor, natural armor, and shield bonuses to his CMD. This maneuver provokes an attack of opportunity. If the attack of opportunity hits the attempt automatically fails. If the CMB check succeeds, the user now has the enemy at bladepoint.
In order to maintain bladepoint, a user must continue to use a full-round action to hold his blade in position. During this maneuver he is loses his Dexterity to AC against attacks. Taking any action other than free actions ends the bladepoint.
I reserve the right to add more to this list if I find something too imbalanced or that does not fit the setting. If you are not sure about a class, feat, ability, ect.... ask me before committing yourself to it.
General Mechanics
Resurrection Magics - Banned except for effects that specifically only work on the recently deceased such as the Breath of Life spell or the Elixer of Life (Formulae) talent.
Teleport Magics - All forms of teleportation are banned as are abilities that imitate teleportation effects.
Permanency - Banned.
Planar Travel - Any effects which allow planar travel in any form are banned.
Examples: Handy Haversack, Bag of Holding, ect....Extradimensional Containers - [Limited] These are considered rarer than usual in this setting with any magical item containing an extradimensional space costing three times the normal market cost. Spells or abilities that temporarily create or duplicate the effects of an extradimensional container are fine.
Spheres of Power Classes
Trinity Angel
Trinity Knight
Spheres of Power Magic Spheres
Technomancy Sphere
Warp Sphere Sphere
Weather Sphere -- Control Weather ability and anything that relies on it are banned. Mantle talents are still allowed.
Veilweaving Sphere
Spheres of Might Spheres
Leadership Sphere
Tech Sphere
Tinker Sphere
Pilot Sphere
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
Last edited by Eviltedzies; Nov 27th, 2024 at 11:53 PM.
After the Horizon War came to an end one of the most prominent displays of damage done to the realm came in the form of the Everstorm. This massive never ending storm covers a huge portions of the central ocean between the continents. The sun never shines within the ever cloudy skies and the seas within the Everstorm are treacherous for even the most seasoned sailors. To make matters worse, the currents of the ocean beneath the Everstorm itself all pull inward towards the center of the storm in a massive series of clockwise currents. Countless ships have met their ends after being caught in the pull and disappear into the central eye of the storm. Due to this strong circular current, even the currents outside the storm have been effected making sailing counter-clockwise to the Everstorm's current's difficult without aid.
Due to this aberrant geological feature of the realm, most ships are forced to sail clockwise on the outskirts of the Everstorm where the current is weakest or to follow near the coastlines of the continents. While safer, this method often makes shipping goods to far off continents a time consuming endeavor. Enterprising or desperate sailors will often attempt to ride the inner currents of the Everstorm in order to shave months of their journey; however, if the sailors have no method to break free of the current their end is all but guaranteed. Piracy within these risky shipping lanes is common further compounding the danger facing any who traverse the waters.
Many legends have evolved over the years about the origins and nature of the Everstorm, but the few who have journeyed deep into its realms and returned to tell the tale speak of massive sea monsters, lost islands filled with exotic beasts, and of course of the unfathomable wealth of resources and knowledge awaiting anyone brave of foolish enough to seek them out.
While the Everstorm is considered the most visible scar left by the Horizon Wars, another less seen but equally deadly such phenomina is the Burning Sea. Located between the continents of Zeinvold and Roah, this area of ocean covers a huge vertical swath of the northern and southern hemispheres creating a seeming dividing line between the two continents. The oceans here are constantly boiling and any ship attempting to sail into its waters inevitably sinks regardless of the efforts used to reinforce the buoyancy of the ship. Even birds and other flying creatures avoid the area for the very skies above the ocean seem to prevent movement across the air. Such creatures that unknowingly fly into this dead zone almost immediately lose altitude and plummit into the roiling waters below.
This abberant phenomina makes sailing between Roah and Zeinvold almost impossible without first sailing either far north or far south towards the frigid poles. Even then, many legends and superstitions exist surrounding both the Burning Sea and the polar waters of the realm. This has instilled a deep sense of fear and respect by sailors with only the most foolhardy or brave being willing to make the extended voyage. Due to this, naval travel in this area of the world is all but nonexistent with most considering it a no mans land.
A rare few who have journeyed close to the Burning Sea return with tales of great sea beasts residing within, but are almost always met with mockery or criticism. No beast no matter how great could survive within an entire ocean of boiling water..... could it? None are willing to put the rumors to the test however and these tales only add to the mystery of the Burning Seas.
Any time period during or before the Horizon War is often referred to by scholars as the Twilight EraPrior to Current Calendar Years
The earliest memory only the most ancient of the elves now possess is that of the end of the Horizon War. This war was said to have spanned the entire breath and depth of the realms with its original cause being long since lost to history. Legends tell of beings of all shapes and powers fighting in a seemingly never ending bloodbath. Dragons fought dragons, angels fought angels, demons fought demons, ect.....
If such tales are to be believed old grudges were set aside at times during the war with it said that angels and demons would at times fight side by side against any number of horrific foe. For how long the war raged nobody knows, but the carnage wrought tore the lands asunder. Oceans boiled and entire continents are said to have been wiped off the map. Great kingdoms were annihilated and their ruins swallowed by the earth and sea.
By the time the fighting finally ended those who remained were scattered, battered, and desired nothing more than to try and pick up the pieces of their world in peace. The original cause of the war and whether there was a victorious side remained lost to history. With the actual year lost to time, the current calendar year was restarted to 0 AD upon the end of the war meaning "After Dawn" to represent the beginning of a new age.
(0 AD - 300 AD)
The first three hundred years after the end of the Horizon War marked the Era of the New Dawn. During this era, several new civilizations would be built up from the ashes of the old and the various races of the world would begin to rediscover bits and pieces of their lost heritage. This era was generally marked by peace and prosperity save for a thirty year war between the kingdoms of the Zienvold continent and the various pirate and barbarian factions of the northern continent of Kyrfeign. This war ended with the kingdoms of the Zienvold continent retreating and the formation of the kingdom of Arrhakor by the various pirate and barbarian factions of the north. It was with the formation of the kingdom of Arrhakor that scholars generally claim the Era of the New Dawn came to a close.
(300 AD - 1,000 AD)
The current age is that of the year 1000AD. Much has happened in the 700 years since the end of the Era of the New Dawn, but the major countries formed during those first 300 years have continued to prosper and grow. One major contributor to the overall stability of this time were the longer lived races who still recalled the carnage wrought by the Horizon Wars. The elves, dwarves, and rare other races with extended lifespans all counseled the younger races for peace and prosperity.
The vast majority alive in the current day however do not even recall the Era of the New Dawn and the few long lived enough that can even begin to recall the years after the end of the Horizon War are likely on their deathbeds. With civilization reestablished and prospering, many kingdoms have begun pushing to learn more of the forgotten history before the Horizon War. Much of the lands and seas of the world remain overrun by nature and unexplored. Thus the Age of Discovery has begun.....
Spanning the southern coast of the continent of Kyrfeign, Arrhakor is not so much an organized kingdom as a patchwork system of loosely allied territories. Pirates, eccentric outcasts, and various misfits of society have made this continent their home alongside the odd bedfellows of the barbarian tribes to the north. While infighting is common between these makeshift territories, if the greater whole is threatened by an outside force they will band together to fend of any intruders to their lands. Piracy, gambling, and black market trade however tend to keep the infighting to a minimum as greater profit can be made raiding shipping lanes and foreign shores. Despite the seemingly volatile nature of its territories, many eccentric adventurers have carved out homes for themselves in these lands with some territories being considerably safer than others depending on who is in charge.
National Language: Free Speak
The southern portion of this kingdom is very much a patchwork of inspirations from both the real world and fantasy. Your southern coast is dotted with port towns akin to the romanticized swashbuckling pirate or gangster tales of media. Of note the sea faring skills and ship building ingenuity of Arrhakor territories take inspiration from Portuguese history. Several of the territories are simply one or a few powerful individuals carving out a place for themselves to be left alone. The northern half of the continent however is much more inspired by Celtic, Gaelic, and Norse mythology. The barbarian tribes of the north vary in cultures but are heavily inspired by the previously mentioned cultures.DM Note
The sole kingdom occupying the eastern coast of the otherwise harsh western continent of Roah, Baalreisan is known for its disciplined military, unforgiving legal system, and renowned monster hunters. To even earn citizenship with the kingdom requires a minimum of two years served in the army making the idea of picking a bar fight in a Baalreisan tavern an unwise decision. All forms of martial combat are regarded in high esteem within the kingdom and its citizens are often ingrained with a deep sense of patriotism and self-sufficiency from a young age. Monster hunters in particular are seen in almost celebrity like roles within the kingdom. Of less savory note, Baalreisan's legal system brooks little tolerance for criminals with even minor crimes being granted harsh sentences. The kingdom is ruled by The Tribunal, a group of six families whose lineage run all the way back to the founding of the kingdom.
National Language: Baalian
Baalreisan is heavily inspired by German, Russian, and Roman culture. Given that it is the only kingdom on the western continent of Roah it is also inspired by the American Western genre as Baalreisan seeks to expand their territories into the uncharted lands of the west. It also boasts inspirations of various monster hunter genres such a Vampire Hunter D, The Witcher, ect.....DM Note
Isolated within the mountainous craggy outcroppings that surround the continent of Jiansei, Jukai is the most mysterious of all the modern kingdoms. Ruled over by the Golden Emperor who brought peace to the warring lands after the Horizon War, Jukai is a land of spirits, superstition, and martial arts. Outsiders are rarely allowed into Jukai and even then they are often forced to wear blindfolds and remain below decks until their ships have docked. Those who return tell tales of magnificent towns with homes of paper thin walls, beautiful artwork of mythic creatures, and strange customs. Though outsiders are not often allowed within the kingdom, Jukai citizens are granted leave to explore the outside world although the secrets of actually entering and exiting the mountainous barrier around the kingdom are fiercely guarded. Jukai merchants in particular are welcome for they often bring with them fine silks, rice wines, and foreign goods unavailable anywhere else in Kairinia.
National Language: Bahk
Jukai is inspired by the orient with heavy Japanese and Chinese cultural themes present. A bit of Taoism and Buddhism are thrown in here and there for good measure as well. It is a secretive country both by choice and due to its island continent being surrounded by a huge mountain range that juts up from its coast.DM Note
A predominantly human kingdom located on the north western branch of the Zeinvold continent, Lukae is best known for its knightly orders and bountiful plains. Though ruled by a king who assigns fiefdoms to the major houses Lukae is technically an elected monarchy. Upon the death of one king a new one is elected by the people in a one month festival process known as the Succession Right of Lukae. While this governmental style has not always led to great stability, it has fostered a deep respect for tradition within its citizens. Helping to maintain stability across its large plains are the many knightly orders of Lukae, the most notable order of knights being the Plains Riders whose cavalry skills are legendary. With a land so fertile farming, wine making, and livestock raising are widespread and many citizens take pride in their homegrown produce.
National Language: Kaelen
Lukae is your stereotypical fantasy human kingdom complete with Knights, bandits, and whatnot. Heavy inspirations from English, French, Spanish, and a bit Roman cultures.DM Note
The desert kingdom of Mar'Zhal'Adul sprawls across the south western portion of the Zeinvold continent. With the Dai'Isis desert having swallowed up much of the south central portion of the continent, only the capital city still remains inhabitable within the desert sands thanks in large part to the Heiriku Oasis and the river complex which springs from it. The remaining major towns and cities line the south western coast shipping and receiving goods upriver back to the capital. Mar'Zhal'Adul is known for its cutthroat merchants and its utter hatred of all things magical. A dictatorship overseen by the Imantus family, business shapes most aspects of the kingdom with the Imantus family preferring to sit back and watch the competition for customers play out. So long as it is not magical in nature, anything can be bought and sold within the Kingdom of Mar'Zhal'Adul even if considered illegal in any other kingdom. Their merchant ships are known far and wide with their sailors being second in navigating the seas only to the pirates clans of Arrhakor.
National Language: Sasan
Mix the cut throat political intrigue of Game of Thrones or some similar series and apply it to a dictatorship built on the hatred of magic and ruthless capitalism. A lot of middle eastern themes are present in Mar'Zhal'Adul as well as some Indian. Basically if you are one of the richest people in Mar'Zhal'Adul you are allowed a seat at the governing table by the ruling family.DM Note
Located within the Aphael archipelago in the southern hemisphere of Kairinia, Soul Terra is a kingdom seeped in magic and mystery. Though officially ruled over by the Priestesses of the Eternal Soul, Soul Terrain governance is generally a mageocracy with each major school of magic having a say in the overall running of the kingdom. With the aid of magic, Soul Terra was the first kingdom to rise from the ashes of the Horizon War and it's dedication to all things magical has made it the central hub of every major magical school, college, and teaching known barring the darker magics.
It is also one of the only kingdom where magical creatures are granted citizenship should their minds be intelligent enough to follow the general laws of the land. Within the hallowed college halls wizards, witches, sorcerers, warlocks, and many more practitioners have honed their crafts over the centuries. Of particular interest to Soul Terrain scholars is the recovery of artifacts and knowledge which predates the Horizon War. Thus several archeological schools have found patronage within the kingdom and regularly set out to explore the forgotten lands of Kairinia.
National Language: Zaivex
A kingdom founded on the backbone of magic itself by an order of mysterious female spellcasters known as the Priestesses of the Eternal Soul. This kingdom is by far the most fantastical of the bunch and draws themes from all over. Culturally this country is a large melting pot, but due to it being located in a huge tropical archipelago many elements from the Caribbean and Polynesian cultures have been implemented into it. The governing system also does possess elements of Roman and Greek.DM Note
The elven kingdom of Ver'Adal is located within north eastern branch of the Zeinvold continent. It is know for its towering Meloria tree forests, its fostering of art in all forms, and its citizens unwavering philosophy of living in harmony with the natural world. The kingdom is governed by the Council of Seven. With the exception of the Tien'Eshal who serves for life, the remaining six Eshal serve ten year elected terms. One cannot speak of life in Ver'Adal without acknowledging the almost symbiotic relationship its citizen's have built with the land and the great Meloria trees in particular. Using druidic magics the people of Ver'Adal have shaped natural alcoves into the enormous trees creating entire cities of living plant buildings. Likewise, art in all its forms are revered by the elves who foster fledgling craftsman, performers, and other artists as one might a sapling tree.
National Language: Elvish
Imagine if a civilization could use magic to live in harmony with nature by "growing" their homes, tools, ect... from the land itself without harming it. Imagine massive cities grown into trees the size of small mountains. This is the premier home of the elves and takes inspiration from series like Avatar the Last Airbender, Nausica and the Valley of the Wind, as well as large influences from Native American culture (Both North and South America)DM Note
Due to the Horizon War knowledge of most gods was wiped from history. While the knowledge of a handful of gods may been carried over into the new age by survivors the religions are not what they once were. In the wake of the new millenia new religions have slowly begun to take root in the world though most do not possess the history or instances of actual divine intervention to reinforce their beliefs. Belief is a powerful force however and divine magic still makes its presence known through the faithful albeit less prevalent than it might have once been.
Of the few religions said to have been carried over from before the Horizon War is that of the worship of the natural world itself, commonly refer to as Gaia. Almost all druids and clerics revering nature revere Gaia in some way shape or form as she is considered to be part of every aspect of the natural world. Gaia is also the predominant goddess worshiped in the elven kingdom of Ver'Adal.
Two newer religions that spawned during the new millennia was that of the Golden Emperor of Jukai and the Priestesses of the Eternal Soul in Soul Terra. While the Golden Emperor has seemingly embraced his worship as a god the Priestesses of the Eternal Soul actively denounce any worship of them despite their cult like followings still persisting to this day.
Though not technically worship of a god per say, one other notable spiritual group to have gained traction in the new era is that of the Praetor Saeculum in Baalreisan. Commonly referred to as the "Church of Betterment" this group espouses the virtues of self reliance, personal improvement, and self determination. They have gained the love the common folk not only for aiding the poor but for working with them to help them go on to improve their lives as a whole. Despite not worshipping an actual god, clerics and priests of this group are capable of wielding divine power.
Mechanical Notes: For simplicity purposes, PCs wishing to play a cleric or other class reliant on a god, goddess, or belief to function can assume there is at least one religion of each of the common themes. (Good, Evil, Law, Protection, Magic, Luck, Nature, ect....) You are free to create your own religions as part of your backstory.
Necromancy is by its vary natured viewed with fear, suspicion, and disdain by most civilized folk. In most countries it is illegal to practice necromancy and even where it is tolerated it is often heavily controlled and monitored. Of the major kingdoms, only Arrhakor, Baalreisan, and Soul Terra allow the practice of necromancy though each have their own stipulations to them.
Arrhakor is split between the northern barbarian tribes and the patchwork territories of the south. The barbarian tribes are horrified by necromancy as they see it as a violation of their ancestral spirits. This makes necromancer's essentially kill on sight to any barbarian tribesmen with enough bravery to or insanity to take one on. The southern territories however see the value in a mindless untiring workforce gained from reanimating corpses. Despite this they remain suspicious and numerous superstitions involving such practices make them extremely wary of trusting any practitioners fully.
Baalreisan sees the practical military applications of necromancy, but due to popular perception of the craft generally keep it heavily policed and more importantly out of the public view. Those wishing to practice necromancy within Baalreisan must apply for an expensive license and are required to annually reaffirm their skills in their craft at the main mage's guild run by House D'Sang. Those who do not are stripped of their license and if caught practicing will suffer severe consequences.
Soul Terra is the only country to openly acknowledge Necromancy due to it being one of the fundamental schools of arcane magic. An entire college exists within kingdom dedicated to the study of the craft, though just like in Baalreisan necromancy is heavily monitored and controlled. Necromancers are required to register with the main guild and pass an annual exam to acquire or renew their license. Though many forms of necromancy are considered taboo by most kingdoms, only two aspects of the school are outright banned in Soul Terra. Any magics dealing in the manipulation of the soul or the creation of sentient undead are strictly forbidden in Soul Terra.
Modern Era Debate on Reanimation and the Soul
By far the largest controversy with the school of Necromancy revolves around reanimating corpses. Over the known history, necromancers who attempt to reanimate undead without using any special preparations run the risk of calling a soul into the reanimated corpse. This can range from the original soul of the body, a foreign soul, or at worst a malign spirit. Even if the original corpses soul is returned, they are more often than not twisted. Stories of souls coming back filled with malicious intent, plagued by insanity, or worse are not uncommon. Should something darker find its way from the other side into the host corpse even worse could happen. Much of what is known to modern day necromancers was learned from the past horrific failures and deaths of many a necromancer and innocent bystander alike.
Generally speaking, mindless undead possess no soul if reanimated properly. All novice necromancers regardless of the origin of their knowledge are taught various rites or how to craft trinkets with the specific intention of preventing any soul from accidently crossing over during an animation process. So long as these teachings are abided by most reanimations run no risk of accidently calling a soul. Of note, undead brought into being through temporary Conjuration or Summoning magics do not suffer the same risk of calling a soul as re-animated undead do. Scholar's theorize that this is due to these summoned undead already having existed elsewhere prior to being conjured.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
Last edited by Eviltedzies; Nov 28th, 2024 at 12:14 AM.
In the wake of the Horizon Wars the fear of monsters, demons, and other abominations was high. Without the war to hold their focus, these creatures roamed the lands preying on the helpless common folk. Desperate folk turned to banditry to survive which only compounded problems. Villages feared the night and with no established government or army the people were on their own. It was during this time that a man by the name of Aluvian appeared and began rallying the scattered peasants and ex-soldiers into a consolidated force that could better serve to protect its people. Under Aluvian’s guidance, the city of Vlastheim was formed as a bastion against the evils of the world be they monster or man.
Aluvian’s unnatural charisma and keen wisdom allowed the city to grow rapidly. His leadership brought food, shelter, and safety to the common folk for which they were grateful. One aspect for which Aluvian quickly became known for was his strict punishments against any crime or wrongdoing. Aluvian believed that, while cruel, the severity of punishments for crimes would help deter future citizens from such tasks. Many who committed grave crimes were often taken away never to be seen again. While many disapproved of his tactics dealing with crime, none could argue his guidance was helping the city prosper. In time, Aluvian declared Vlastheim the capital of a new kingdom to be known as Baalreisan.
Aluvian himself also believed in having an army of strong disciplined men and women. Strangely enough he extolled the values of quality over quantity and personally created and supervised the grueling training regiments designed to turn a single soldier into a formidable warrior. To prove his point, Aluvian took six of the strongest and brightest soldiers deep into the mountains for ten long years. During this time a great arena was commissioned to be built in Vlastheim.
Upon his return, Aluvian presented the six warriors to the people granting them the title of Paradigm Knights. Using the newly completed Volker Macht arena, Aluvian unleashed all manner of monster upon the knights. To the shock of the people, these six easily bested every creature thrown at them while displaying almost supernatural skill and power. Aluvian decreed that any man or woman could become strong like his chosen six if they had the heart and the dedication. This display of power emboldened the people and strengthened their sense of nationalism.
Soon after, Aluvian commissioned a tribunal to help him run the city. Aluvian reigned as the head of the tribunal for a hundred years working to see Baalreisan prosper. On his deathbed, Aluvian appointed each of his six chosen knights to one of the Tribunal households and charged them to protect Baalreisan and pass down their title to a worthy successor once the time comes. These six and their chosen families took up Aluvian’s job of governing and have continued the ever since.
With the solid foundation of the kingdom set in the very stones of Vlastheim, Baalreisan continued to grow and fortify its boundaries. Keeping to Aluvian's philosophies, Baalreisan focused on quality and self improvement over rapid expansion. Ever so slowly however as its population grew so too did its borders. The Tribunal families continued to govern and aided by the Paradigm Knight's there we no external threats that Baalreisan could not handle.
The Towers District - Seat of Power for the Tribunal
These six families currently act as the governing body for the country of Baalreisan. Their core strength comes from each claiming possession of an active Paradigm Knight, but over the years each has amassed additional power through other means.
House Baelsar is undoubtedly one of the most prominent proponents of Baalreisan's military expansion and evolution. Their house can claim many a great warrior and tactician among its ranks and their influence within the military hierarchy is potent. House Baelsar also acts as one of the largest promoters for military service and duty. Their propaganda machine has been honed through generations and their fiery speeches inspires nationalism even in foreigners visiting the nation. In addition to this, House Baelsar runs the country's most notorious prison "Rachen Schwarz" so named for most inmates who are sentenced to its depths are often never heard or seen again.
House Chevalier espouses the virtue of ending a fight before it begins using words over the sword. This is not to say that House Chevalier is incapable of holding their own in a fight, but that they respect the harshness bloodshed brings to both sides of a fight. Over the years this has led members of House Chevalier to become some of the most skilled negotiators and diplomats Baalreisan has to employ. On many occasions they have been called to mediate disputes between foreign parties and their impartiality has earned the great respect. Often seen as one of the more upright families of the Tribunal, House Chevalier's word is worth more than gold. Of minor note, House Chevalier is in charge of the Baalreisan embassies both domestic and foreign.
The preeminent magical power within the kingdom of Baalreisan is undoubtedly House D'Sang. Being the only house of elven blood, House D'Sang is usually seen as being arrogant and unconcerned with the going ons of the common folk. While partially true, House D'Sang is also a major patron of many of the magical guilds, schools, and archeological expeditions within Baalreisan. This coupled with their job at enforcing laws relating to magic within the kingdom make it all but impossible to deal in magic within Baalreisan without seeing some touch of House D'Sang present. They also possess the largest mage's guild on the continent.
Spoken of in hushed tones by common folk, House Jaeger is the most disreputable of all the Tribunal families. Theirs is a house of guile and deceit with their main source of power being their vast information network. Nothing happens in Baalreisan without House Jaeger likely hearing of it. Though unconfirmed publicly, it is also rumored that House Jaeger is in charge of the criminal underbelly of Baalreisan with no black deed being committed without either their approval or paying a tithe.
One fact nobody disputes however is House Jaeger's total control of the Splinter district of Vlastheim. Though seen as the slums by most, the family seems to have no qualms operating out of such a dark dingy place. These rumors seem completely counter to Baalreisan's extremely strict judicial system; and yet, to date none have brought charges against any member of House Jaeger. At least.... nobody alive that is.
If money is power than certainly House Kalrose is one of the most powerful families in all of Baalreisan. Their operations touch just about every source of business within Baalreisan not to mention their large merchant sailing fleet. House Kalrose members are shrewd business folk who always know how to take advantage of a potential opportunity even if at the expense of their business partners. This has earned them a mixed reputation with the merchant class as they are just as likely to make you rich as they are to swindle you out of your goods. For those cunning enough to avoid falling into any legal pit traps however, business with House Kalrose means profit for all. The crowning jewel in House Kalrose's cap however is their ownership of the Royal Bank of Baalreisan.
House Wayneright's claim to power comes in the form the Praetor Saeculum. More commonly referred to as the "Church of Betterment" by the common folk, House Wayneright has for generations built up an almost cult like following using teachings that extol the virtues of self reliance, personal improvement, and self determination. The members of House Wayneright all possess an almost unnatural charisma with their words being able to inspire extreme emotions within their listeners. Their seemingly beneficial philosophies have not rendered the family immune to criticisms however as they tend to hold an extreme distain for those them deem too weak to change. Despite running their own "church" House Wayneright does not deny the worship of other gods and is a known patron of many of the religious establishments in Baalreisan.
The Paradigm Knights were originally six normal people who were taken in by the founder of Baalreisan, Aluvian, and secretly trained in the mountains for years before returning having been transformed into warriors of unimaginable prowess. Upon their return to Vlastheim, Aluvian hosted the very first Parabellum games and had the Paradigm Knights do battle with the most deadly beasts imaginable. No matter the challenge each Knight exceeded any onlookers wildest imagination and slew any foe set before them. Aluvian claimed anyone could reach the heights of power the Paradigm Knights had achieve through hard work and perseverance and thus galvanized the fledgling kingdom of Baalreisan into an era of national pride and growth.
When Aluvian was in his twilight years he bequeathed each of the leading family's of Baalreisan with a single Paradigm Knight to serve them and protect the kingdom. Since then, the title of Paradigm Knight has been passed down for nearly seven hundred years although to take up the mantle is to forsake ones previous life and dedicate oneself to Baalreisan and the Tribunal. A Paradigm Knight is never seen in public without sporting a full suite of armor obscuring their identity. Even then, such appearances are rare as the Tribunal families rarely dispatch a Paradigm Knight unless the need is dire as they are the last and most powerful weapons Baalreisan has at its disposal.
City Name: Vlastheim Meaning: Powerful Home / Home of the Powerful Flag: A Mailed Fist Grasping a Rising Sun
Originally built as a stronghold for survivors of the Horizon War to avoid the roaming monsters and bandits of the lands, Vlastheim soon became the central heart of the fledgling nation of Baalreisan. Built along the eastern coast of the Roah continent just south of the mouth of the Black Mountain river, supplies could be easily sailed downriver to aid in the cities growth. Given it is also the last major port city prior to any wayward ships bound for Arrhakor, Vlastheim became a major trade hub on the western continent.
As the city expanded, its founder and the ruling families under him slowly began to erect large gothic towers, churches, theaters, and civil establishments necessary to facilitate not only the basic needs of the people but to bring an essence of culture and civility to the city. Almost all buildings built within Vlastheim are built with a defensive tactical mindset first with aesthetics second. Thick stone wells reinforced with wood and metal are common as are buttresses line with arrow slits and ladders. Every section of the city boasts arching gates and portcullises complete with murder holes among the more mundane defenses.
Even a grand sewer system was commissioned and built by dwarven workmen ferried in from as far off as Zeinvold. It is said the sewers of Vlastheim are a mini-city unto themselves though few dare venture down both due to it being off limits to non-government personal and due to the known presence of "Cleaners" regularly patrolling the sewers keeping them clean.
Tower's District - Location of the ruling tribunal families of Baalreisan. Marked by a circle of six tall gothic ebony towers. Each one is home to one of the ruling families. At the center lies a larger tower that acts as the central government building where the tribunal meets and governs. Located in the center of the city.
Volker Macht Colosseum - More commonly referred to by locals as the "Great Forge". Located on the north east section of the city alongside the coast with the mouth of the Black Mountain river exiting just to the north east of it.
Steel District - An entire section of the city devoted to its military and combat. Home to the cities most formal military training academy, several mercenary guilds, and various independent magical guilds. Also host to the cities main prison.
Docks District - Located along the eastern coastline, the docks district is composed of three smaller sections. The Mithral docks (rich people), the Iron docks (merchants), and the Copper docks (cheap/poor dock).
Gold District - (AKA: Noble District) The upper class/nobility area of town. Host to many upper class families and establishments.
Silver District - (AKA: Market District) marked by numerous shops and open air markets. Also home to many middle class citizens.
Stone District - General lower/middle class living area of the city. Where most visitors of non-adventurer level wealth stay and eat. Host to numerous inns/taverns.
Gilded District - (AKA: Entertainment District). Northern portion of the capital. Host to all manner of forms of entertainment for wealthy and modest means alike.
Splinter District - (AKA: The Slums). Southeast portion of the city alongside the coast. Coastline in that area is too unruly and dangerous for larger boats to travel so officials don't care too much if poor folk use it as a refuge.
N - Gilded District
NE - Volker Macht Colosseum
E - Docks
SE - Splinter District
S - Steel District
SW - Stone District
W - Silver District
NW - Gold District
Center - Tower's District
Volker Macht Colosseum
Common Alias: "The Great Forge"
History: Commissioned by Aluvian during the the era of the New Dawn. Most notably the arena historically plays host to the Parabellum festival every 5 years; however, tournaments and other such martial spectacles are regularly held throughout the year in its grounds. Due to the high importance placed on personal strength in Baalreisan culture the Volker Macht Colosseum is often seen as one of the best, if dangerous, methods to achieve status within the capital city of Vlastheim.
Organization: Volker Macht is officially overseen by the Meister des Krieges. This position is one of extreme prestige within Baalreisan. The position is granted for life, but when a new Meister is needed, a special tournament is held within the Volker Macht to chose a replacement. This tournament is a series of one on one death battles until only one remains. In rare cases, the Tribunal has been known to forgo this special selection tournament and instead assign the position to a worthy candidate with a majority vote of the council.
The Meister has the ultimate say in the running of the Volker Macht Colosseum with his or her authority only being superseded by the Tribunal itself. Regular responsibilities include the upkeep of the grounds, organization of the events, facilitating sanctioned betting on events, and maintaining the colleseum armory. Often times the Meister will hire a staff of servants and underlings to assist him in his duties. These staff bear the official title of Lakai.
Colosseum Betting: Betting on events within the Volker Macht is legally sanctioned by the Tribunal with the stipulation that a percentage of the profits (both the house and betters) are given to the city as a tax. Bets and wagers must be placed within the colosseum grounds prior to the event in question, though wagers can be made well in advance if both parties agree to terms. Bets most commonly include currency, but gems and other valuables are allowed so long as a Lakai appraiser values the item prior to the bet being made. More obscure valuables such as deeds, titles, and lands can also be bet but attempting to renege on such bets is a perilous option as Ballreisan's legal system holds no pity for those who lose their fortunes on such wagers.
Note: While illegal betting markets do exist though they are often fleeting or kept to small groups to avoid drawing the ire of Baalreisan authorities.
Colosseum Events: There are various categories of events both in nonlethal and lethal formats. While the nonlethal formats are more popular with foreigners and those not willing to risk their lives, they are often looked down upon by Baalreisan nationals. In keeping, the betting odds for nonlethal events are often far less than lethal ones.
Despite commonly being referred to as "lethal" participants can opt to surrender mid match should they feel unable to win against other gladiators. Similarly, in between Monster Hunter bouts gladiators can choose to bow out. Surrender from a lethal contest however can often prove a double edged sword. Should the gladiator have given their all and clearly be unable to finish, the crowds will often show their respect for the warrior as they step down. For those who are cocky or show obvious fear and weakness they are often booed and jeered with the gladiator often receiving a permanent stigma attached to not only their personal name but their family name as well.
Various Colosseum Events
Nonlethal One on One Battles
Nonlethal Squadron vs Squadron Battles
Nonlethal Squadron Naval Skirmish Exercises
Lethal One on One Battles
Lethal One on One Monster Battles
Lethal Squadron vs Squadron Battles
Lethal Squadron vs Monster battles
Lethal Naval Squadron Skirmishes
Lethal Naval Monster Battles
In the event of multiple groups successfully completing either the Monster Hunter battles or the Naval Monster Hunter battles the first place will be decided by which team completed their fights in the shortest amount of time. This forces teams vying for the top spot to balance speed with safety.
Parabellum Festival: Originally established by Aluvian, in order to display the power of the newly anointed Paradigm Knights, the festival has since become something of an open advertisement for Baalreisan's military might. The festival is held once every five years during the first month of spring and consists of multiple events all culminating with a massive free for all battle were only one can emerge victorious. Though in modern times the hefty rewards of such a competition tend to overshadow its history, the original purpose of this Festival was to find the most talented warriors in the land and add their might to the power of Baalreisan.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
Last edited by Eviltedzies; Nov 6th, 2024 at 02:15 PM.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
Last edited by Eviltedzies; Oct 30th, 2024 at 08:25 PM.
What size arena are you looking at? Is mounted combat a reasonable choice where we have room to maneuver?
The arena is a roughly 275ft long by 160ft wide oval in shape with hard packed dirt and sand floors. (I will update the main post with this info since this is relevant for some folks builds)
Mounted combat will be a valid combat strategy in these fights as the terrain will not change in between matches other than where it has been magically manipulated by the PCs or enemies.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
Last edited by Eviltedzies; Oct 31st, 2024 at 12:21 AM.
Sage is banned for obvious reasons, but what about Prodigy? It can get wild, too.
Also, which pantheon are you using? Does this world have its own gods and beliefs? Or are we free to make those up?
What is the state of firearms in this setting?
If we make our own race, can we make our own favored class bonuses? (Stealing from existing ones, obviously, such as "+1/6 hedgewitch secret", not OP like...+2 spheres each time you take the FCB or something)
Last edited by Ermine; Oct 31st, 2024 at 10:41 AM.
Sage is banned for obvious reasons, but what about Prodigy? It can get wild, too.
Prodigy is allowed. It is highly flexible and its combo system is uniquely potent if used correctly, but I don't find it abusive. (At least in my experience and I've played both a regular Prodigy and a Battle-born Prodigy)
Originally Posted by Ermine
Also, which pantheon are you using? Does this world have its own gods and beliefs? Or are we free to make those up?
Pantheons are one thing I have not yet gone into much detail on. Due to the Horizon War much knowledge of previous gods and goddesses was wiped out. For the most part civilization has had to recreate religion from scratch. Two notable exceptions to this is the Golden Emperor of Jukai and the Priestesses of the Eternal soul from Soul Terra. Both have churches dedicated to them due to their power and instrumental role in the building of their respective nations (although the Priestesses refuse to acknowledge themselves as gods) For simplicity sake you can consider that there is at least one god or belief system dedicated to many of the staple concepts. (Good, Evil, War, Death, Nature, ect.......) You are more than welcome to create your own gods and religions however given that there has been over 1,000 years for the world to rebuild itself.
Edit: I have added a section on Religion in Kairina with a brief overview of some of the more notable newer religions as well as at least one goddess worshipped even before the great Horizon War.
Originally Posted by Ermine
What is the state of firearms in this setting?
Firearms would be considered "Emerging Guns" per the Pathfinder rules. They are rare but not completely unheard of. Due to the prevalence of magic and supernatural abilities guns have not had the same impact on warfare as they did in our modern world. The desert Kingdom of Mar'Zhal'Adul does make heavy use of guns in their elite unites due to their hatred of magic and they have a pseudo monopoly on the black powder trade due to this. (Though PCs with the Gunsmithing feat can make their own black powder as normal) The only other groups that generally have some gun users among their ranks are the pirate clans of Arrhakor and some dwarven clans.
Originally Posted by Ermine
If we make our own race, can we make our own favored class bonuses? (Stealing from existing ones, obviously, such as "+1/6 hedgewitch secret", not OP like...+2 spheres each time you take the FCB or something)
I swear somewhere I once saw a list of Expanded Universal Alternate Favored Class bonuses. That said if you create your own race you may create your own Favored Class Bonus so long as it is in line with existing ones and is approved by me.
Originally Posted by Namo
Will prebuffing be allowed? With a preset number of rounds? Or just buffs that last long enough?
Gladiators will be able to pre-buff prior to the start of the first match of each day but there will be a 1 minute interlude between the gladiators entering the arena and the monsters being released. (Hyping up the crowds and whatnot). Before the 2nd and 3rd match of the day you will have 1 minute to heal, buff, ect... So if you have 10min/level or 1hour/level buffs feel free to pop them before you even enter the arena. 1round/level buffs you may want to hold off on until right before the fight begins.
Originally Posted by Battlechaser
I wonder. Does the limited availability of extradimensional containers have anything to do with the black hole trick Rasputin pulled years ago?
Hail Battlechaser! Good to see an old face in the crowd. Rasputin's shinanigans in my previous PvP game were not the inspiration for the increase in the cost of extradimensional containers. This change is due partly to lore reasons and partially due to the repeated shinanigans of my real world players.
~ To be alive is not to live; living requires reaching beyond survival for something more. Reach for that something and find what dreams breath life into your existence. ~
Now recruiting for my players vs monsters colosseum battle game. Welcome to Parabellum Games
Last edited by Eviltedzies; Oct 31st, 2024 at 01:42 PM.
Hey Evil, good to be back once again. I have a few questions:
- is only spheres magic allowed or combo of Vancian magic and spheres? A possible exploit could be the grim hunter trait and the instant enemy spell.
- are oaths allowed?
- if we convert and archetype that grants extra spells known to spheres does it grant extra talents known? A one on one ratio might be too beneficial.