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Old Mar 30th, 2018, 01:35 PM
AshesWhite001 AshesWhite001 is offline
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The Four Winds Tavern

This thread will be for rolling up characters and presenting their background stories.
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Old Mar 30th, 2018, 01:53 PM
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Character Application
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Character Rolls here
Dice Roll:
2d6 6, 5 Total = 11
And rolling for starting gold

Name: Connor Mordelios

Race: Human

Class: Bard

Personality: Connor comes off as very affable. Pleasant to talk to, compelling to listen to for a reason you can't quite put your finger on and seems to know many stories about his work to become a diplomat. His speech is eloquent and measured, and gives a general aura of calm. When he isn't reading books on a variety of subjects he could be found practicing an instrument of some kind out in the open. One day it's a lute, then a shawl, then a flute, then a trumpet. When possible he avoids conflict, preferring to keep his distance from combat when diplomacy has failed. He's certainly not a great fighter by any means, but his planning and disarming personality has kept him out of a good deal of trouble thus far.

Background: The son of a Elven translator and a treasure hunter-turned-archaeologist, Connor certainly had a colorful life growing up. Hearing many tails of Elven society, his father's tall tales and the books he helped fill in his travels. He possesses a fair bit of knowledge of the world at large and grew up studying language in particular thanks to his Mother. Once he became of age, his Father told him of an artifact that he could never find and dearly wants his son to do so as he seems to have the same desire to explore as he once did. An item called The Sundrinker, a sword that can supposedly kill anyone and anyTHING by slicing its shadow. But before Connor set out on this journey, he opted to instead try his hand at being a musician.

He worked countless odd jobs in order to secure funding for teachers, classes, and lessons to shape him into being a skilled music man. One morning he was approached by a figure in a black hooded cloak wearing a clasp that resembled a dagger. He said he wanted to offer Connor 1,000 gold in exchange for learning to become what he called 'a Crowd Face'. He refused and walked away from the man. That night, he was woken up by someone trying to enter his room through the window. He managed to escape with some quick thinking and sharp lies, and has been on the run from an organization he now knows as The Blades.

With his dreams cut sooner than he expected, he took up the life of a sailor. Well, mainly a deckhand, as he wasn't strong enough to help batten down sails or shift cargo life other crewmen could. Despite that, he did find a niche for himself honing his craft in song writing and music. As well as being a voice of reason and comfort to those having a hard time out on the ocean. He works tirelessly to gather whatever information he can on The Sundrinker and stay one step ahead of The Blades, knowing he can't go home until he forces The Blades to leave him alone. His most recent job is aboard a ship in the city of Amn, planning to head North up along the Sword Coast. With the leader of this expedition talking loudly of recently uncovered treasure that he plans to claim.
My Get To Know A Gamer thread is up! Ask me things! | My collection of niche/uncommon characters! | The post that netted me 10k RPXP!
The RNG gods favor those that roleplay well.

Last edited by Tyeal; Mar 31st, 2018 at 10:13 PM.
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Old Mar 30th, 2018, 03:08 PM
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Name: Osfire Bandawax

Race: Halfling

Class: Fighter/Priest

Kit: Pirate/Waterwalker

Height/Weight/Age: 40" tall, 60 lbs, 30 years of age

Background: Osfire hails from the Lake Esmel area in Amn. He mostly grew up in Esmeltaran, and went on many trips up and down the Esmel River. He knows a few halfling folk in Murann, traders and the like. This area in general, the river, the lake, and the coast up and down Amn he knows rather well. He's looking to make a name for himself - not a reputable name - but a name or recognition for the Church of hte Magnificent Storm: one of the sects of the Water Lord's Faith - Istishia. He loves being out on the sea, and just on any body of water in general. He believes in the cleansing powerr of Istishia, and that it washes away the impurities of both the land and sea and even purifies the air. He is a 'Stormer', and he always tries to be present during thunderstorms and sever weather.
He also has aspirations of joining the Harpers, but that's not something one discusses in the company of those who don't harp.


Warning: rolls have been deleted from this post.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Mar 30th, 2018 at 09:52 PM.
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Old Mar 30th, 2018, 07:29 PM
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Name: Deacon Cross
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Kit: Sea Ranger
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190lbs
Age: 19

Deacon grew up by the sea side, with an instant love for the ocean. Spending most of his time by the docks, he grew up on stories from the sailors and other deckhands that frequented the taverns. As soon as he was able to he signed on his first boat and never looked back. Often seen with a stern or serious look on his face, Deacon is quick to laugh, and buy a round for his friends.

Always on the lookout for the next adventure, Deacon looks to make his mark on the world.
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Old Mar 30th, 2018, 07:39 PM
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Nice Rolls Drach
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Old Mar 30th, 2018, 07:41 PM
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See if I am anywhere as lucky

Dice Roll:
4d6kh3 1, 2, 1, 6 (keeping 1,2,6) Total = 9

Dice Roll:
4d6kh3 1, 5, 5, 1 (keeping 1,5,5) Total = 11

Dice Roll:
4d6kh3 1, 1, 6, 2 (keeping 1,2,6) Total = 9

Dice Roll:
4d6kh3 4, 1, 2, 2 (keeping 2,2,4) Total = 8

Dice Roll:
4d6kh3 5, 5, 5, 3 (keeping 5,5,5) Total = 15

Dice Roll:
4d6kh3 3, 6, 5, 4 (keeping 4,5,6) Total = 15

Reroll Ones
Dice Roll:
1d6 1

Dice Roll:
1d6 5

Dice Roll:
1d6 4

Reroll One again
Dice Roll:
1d6 3

Wow have to check if i can even play the class kit I want. I guess it will have to do.

Wild Talent
Dice Roll:
1d100 15

Dice Roll:
4d6kh3 6, 5, 5, 5 (keeping 5,5,6) Total = 16
4d6kh3 5, 1, 5, 1 (keeping 1,5,5) Total = 11
4d6kh3 2, 5, 6, 4 (keeping 4,5,6) Total = 15
4d6kh3 4, 6, 6, 5 (keeping 5,6,6) Total = 17
4d6kh3 3, 3, 5, 5 (keeping 3,5,5) Total = 13
4d6kh3 3, 6, 4, 1 (keeping 3,4,6) Total = 13

Reroll 1
Dice Roll:
1d6 1

Reroll 1
Dice Roll:
1d6 2

Dice Roll:
2d10 8, 10 Total = 18

Warning: rolls have been deleted from this post.

Last edited by Clawsome; Apr 1st, 2018 at 09:19 AM.
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Old Mar 30th, 2018, 10:53 PM
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Name: Vinn Rrostarr

Race: Drow Elf

Gender: Male

Class: Fighter

Kit: Blade Master

Appearance: He is average height at 5'6". His slender but will toned body was misleading to the untrained eye. His skin is dark as the night and contrast to his long flowing white hair and glaring red eyes. He is youthful, but at the same time you see he has aged looking into his eyes. Life has been difficult. He wears black armor and clothing and twin long swords on his side.

Personality: He is a cautious person which is the side effect of his past and current life. He has patience, knowing the reaction he usually gets from folks that don't know him. He doesn't talk a lot, but prefers to listen and learn before talking too much. He lets his blades speak for him most of the time. Being a fool gets you dead where he came from. He can work with others and will fight for and with them, but deep down he truly doesn't trust anyone but himself. That is how he has survived this long.

Background: Vinn was born into the very minor house of Rrostarr. House Rrostarr was located in the city of Menzoberranzan, deep in the underdark. As a male he was treated as lowly as most slaves of the family. He was trained for combat as with all house males. He was good at it, so good he started to exceed his elders in combat training. This did not sit well. He was soon a target of assassination by his own family, not to mention the other families weapon masters he embarrassed from higher and lower houses. Embarrassing or showing up other houses will get you killed fast unless you have enough allies, which he didn't.

His only chance at survival let alone any kind of life was to slip away and take the treacherous journey to the surface world. He got some help from a mercenary band of drow. It was perilous, but Vinn was not without skill. He eventually made it to the surface, only to learn that he was just as hated by surface folks because of his race and its reputation.

He spent several years adapting to the surface world until eventually the sun and lights no longer affected him. During the same time his magic armor, weapons and gear lost their magical properties from being on the surface. The only thing that survived was his skill and knowledge to harvest Underdark mushrooms and make Khayless poison. The famous drow sleep poison. He had several vials of it with him. He uses it very sparingly for harvesting the mushrooms is not an easy or safe task.

He eventually learned other skills to survive along the way. The surface world opened his eyes and soul to other races and peoples. He learned that not everyone is as evil and conniving as his homeland. This along with his introduction to Eilistraee from other rogue drow elves who came to the surface he slowly started changing his alignment and look on life. There would always good and evil, law and chaos, but that he had a choice of how he reacted to it.

Vinn worked many odd jobs over the years from mercenary to protection details to caravan guard to sailor and pirate at one time. He found he like the life on the open seas. He got to see many new places and had to deal less with people. He even took occasional bounty jobs. He did what ever it took to to survive and thrive in his new world while trying to stay on the side of light, but no one if perfect. He is currently looking to sign on to another ship.

Last edited by Clawsome; Mar 31st, 2018 at 04:39 PM.
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