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Old Mar 22nd, 2013, 08:43 PM
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Lanaya reacted
Dice Initiative:
1d20+5 (4)+5 Total = 9
as soon as she could, picking up the hint the wizard sent out by covering the surrounding snow with a greasy patch of oil, and with a fluid motion in which the elf magus drew the slim scimitar from it's sheath and used her free hand for a well-practiced simple movement that made a little spark fly from the tips of her fingers, through the white turmoil and onto a patch of oiled snow, in the hope of igniting it and keeping whatever was bold enough to throw snow at them at bay.



Last edited by Lightened; Mar 22nd, 2013 at 08:43 PM.
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Old Mar 25th, 2013, 12:26 AM
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Shinobi sees that we are under Init Roll
Dice Roll:
1d20+7 (7)+7 Total = 14
attack yet again. He Perception
Dice Roll:
1d20+9 (16)+9 Total = 25
looks about trying to see where the enemy may be. He moves about doing Acrobatics
Dice Roll:
1d20+11 (6)+11 Total = 17
flips and rolls trying to make himself a Going total defensive - AC 23 , AC - 19 touch difficult target looking for an opportunity to use his bow.
Live each day as it was your last, for one day you will be correct

Last edited by ShinobiMaster123; Mar 25th, 2013 at 01:44 AM.
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Old Mar 29th, 2013, 07:15 PM
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Talhoffer reacts quickly to the danger, already having been aware of the danger present. He casts his spell near the center of the garden, and the sound of something large hitting the ground can be heard. Zariel disappears, leaping head first into the snow, from which two more ice balls appear a moment later, but neither successfully find a target. Lanaya lights the greasy snow, and the flame quickly spreads. Howling can be heard from within the garden, but only Shinobi's keen eyes can make out two forms battling within the flames, one smaller, and feminine, wielding double rapiers, the other large and wielding a naginata. Neither combatant appears to have an edge over the other.

~End Round 1. Begin Round 2.~
Characters: Julia, Saru

Last edited by Aerandor; Mar 29th, 2013 at 07:40 PM.
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Old Apr 1st, 2013, 10:44 PM
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following up his first, now flaming, patch of grease, Talhoffer lays down a second patch diagonal to it, doing his best to aim it towards the imminent combat. Stepping off to the side, he
Dice Perception:
1d20+4sh15 (16)+4 Total = 20
looks around for the exact position of the combatants so he may better place his trail of flame.

HP: 31/31
AC: 11
Standard action: activate wand of grease close enough to the first patch to light it up
Move action: move to the back of the group and perception.
wear the chains you forged in life, link by link.

Last edited by brann miekka; Apr 1st, 2013 at 10:48 PM.
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Old Apr 5th, 2013, 09:57 PM
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Shinobi sees the two ONI and points at them. "Over there!!" (aid others to spot).

Shinobi reaches back into his backpack an retrieves a flask from his haversack. The fiery red flask has a viscous substance in it. He opens it and dips the arrow tip into it. As he draws out the arrow the substance bursts into flame on open contact with air. He draws a bead on one of the ONI (the slender one).

He slows down his breathing and concentrates and slowly Attack roll
Dice Roll:
1d20+7 (7)+7 Total = 14
Dice Roll:
1d6+1 (4)+1 Total = 5
1 damage Fire
releases the flaming shaft.
Live each day as it was your last, for one day you will be correct

Last edited by ShinobiMaster123; Apr 6th, 2013 at 07:14 PM.
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Old Apr 29th, 2013, 05:19 PM
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Talhoffer's spell goes off first, and the combatants find themselves suddenly in a much more precarious situation. Zariel, which Talhoffer can now see clearly, manages to keep her footing, but the oni is not so lucky, falling prone on the ground. Zariel does not let the opportunity pass, trying repeatedly to stab the fallen oni, yet the tough hide of the demon seems unable to be pierced by her blades. Shinobi then targets the same Oni with his bow, but the arrow is unable to strike his target.

Sagota moves forward towards the first oni that had fallen, bringing his weapon to bare on the Oni's flesh, cutting deep into it's burning hide as black blood oozes from the wound before the demon quickly turns to ice and melts in the wave of heat that the spreading fire seems to be creating. The remaining Oni that had just barely escaped Zariel's attacks unscathed grabs at Sagota's weapon, but fails to get a hold of it, instead receiving a nasty cut along his chest from the naginata. Nevertheless, he moves to stand again. Lanaya tries to reach Zariel so she can help her companion, but stops suddenly in her tracks as she feels the ground crack beneath her feet and shift slightly.

~End Round 2. Begin Round 3.~

Characters: Julia, Saru
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Old Apr 30th, 2013, 03:15 PM
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With one enemy remaining, Talhoffer gingerly reaches into his bag and removes a scroll, and reading it off he chants a series of sharp sounding words before letting out a near subsonic scream that tore and rent at the icy form of the ice demon.

OOCHP: 31/31
AC: 11
Standard action: cast ear piercing scream from a scroll. fort save dc 16 or be dazed and take
Dice Sonic damage:
3d6 4, 6, 2 Total = 12
damage. if it saves it isn't dazed and it takes half damage.
Move action: draw scroll from bag.
Dice * Spell resistance (if applicable):
1d20+5 (8)+5 Total = 13
Warning: rolls have been deleted from this post.
wear the chains you forged in life, link by link.

Last edited by brann miekka; Apr 30th, 2013 at 03:18 PM.
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Old May 10th, 2013, 08:06 PM
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Shinobi curses the fact that he hasn't been able to contribute much towards the attacks from the ice demons. Still he has to take on a stace of bravery until things get out of hand.

He coats another arrow with the alchemist fire and draws it back toward his opponent. He Attack Roll
Dice Roll:
1d20+7 (7)+7 Total = 14
Dice Roll:
1d6+1 (6)+1 Total = 7
+ Unknown amount of Fire damage.
fires hoping to connect against the demon. As the arrow flies through the air the alchemist fire reacts to the air and ignites.
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Old May 13th, 2013, 03:56 PM
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Talhoffer's spell screams into existence, punishing the oni with it's force. Though Shinobi's arrow misses it's target, the moment the Alchemist's fire makes contact with the grease beneath it's feet, an explosion occurs. Globs of burning grease splatter across the Oni, engulfing it in flames as it melts away into nothing. An eerie silence descends upon the garden, as the snow quickly smothers the flames and the group recovers from the ordeal. Once safely under the covered walkway again, Zariel asks, "How many of those things do you think there are anyway?"
Characters: Julia, Saru
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Old May 15th, 2013, 04:41 PM
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Shaking his head, Talhoffer said, "If I am correct, and I normally am, the mirror was a gateway which means any forces aligned with the demoness could be here. We should tread carefully and pull out any use of fire you may have as all of these creatures will be ice in nature."
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Old May 19th, 2013, 10:54 PM
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Act 2: The Frozen Dead

uka-uka to bon mo sugitaru tôrô kana

the Bon Festival
flickers out too...
lanterns for the dead

yoso-goto to omoe omoedo tôro kana

someone else's affair
you think...
lanterns for the dead

-Haiku, Kobayashi Issa, circa 1804


Rimiko's eyes snapped open. Something stirred within her, pulling at the strings of the nebulus where her heart would be. If she were mortal...

Something was wrong. The smile that had graced her face while she had lain with the cold, dead body that had once been Koyamata Ito was now gone. She sat up, hearing the howling wind and the pelting snow outside. The warm air that had filled this room was now gone, but this did not bother Rimiko. No, she was born of the frigid darkness of night in the mountains. She welcomed it as mortal men welcomed a hearth fire. Something had happened outside... something she had not foreseen.

Rimiko moved to the doors leading onto Ito's small balcony. She opened them softly, and peered out into the storm. Her eyes saw the smoldering remains of fire, and the large piles of ice that had once been her oni. A grimace crossed her face.

"It appears I have unwelcome guests.. komaru yo ne.. so troublesome.."

Returning inside, she brought a hand to the chest of Ito's body. A dark energy flowed from her palm into the once beating heart of the man that had loved her all his life, though he had known not why. If possible, the temperature in the room dropped further still, and Rimiko welcomed it. Ito's cold, dead eyes snapped open.


From below the awning of the garden path, the five companions huddled together. While Zariel and Lanaya listened carefully to Talhoffer's words, Shinobi and Sagota picked up on a not-to-distant clinking sound. It seemed to be coming from the gates of the Monastery. Sagota looked blindly into the snow before turning back to the others, "Do you think it could be more travelers lost in the storm?"

Characters: Julia, Saru

Last edited by Aerandor; May 19th, 2013 at 10:56 PM.
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Old May 21st, 2013, 04:09 PM
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Mind still cooling from the recent engagement, Talhoffer shakes his head and Sagota and says, "Most likely more threat to our well being. With the way things have gone the gods most likely aspire to watch us squirm with false guise's, which only means we have to be even further upon our toes then previously." Lifting his ear to
Dice Perception:
1d20+4 (6)+4 Total = 10
listen for any sound, he continues. "Whatever it is, we need to find it out; it would be unwise to leave a threat or ally unchecked."
wear the chains you forged in life, link by link.

Last edited by brann miekka; May 21st, 2013 at 04:14 PM.
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Old May 25th, 2013, 12:32 AM
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Shinobi wipes his brow of the sweat that had formed during the battle. He listens to the foreigner and he madkes some sense. "Talhoffer-san is right. If these ice onis came through some magical gate, then they probably wouldn't come through the main monestary gates. We should investigate."

Shinobi keeps a sharp Perception check
Dice Roll:
1d20+9 (12)+9 Total = 21
eye out for danger and he moves toward the main gates.
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Old May 25th, 2013, 10:02 PM
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Talhoffer winces at the pain in his leg, but follows the shadowy man before him, wand gripped tightly in his free hand. As they move, he takes the time to invoke the power of the pearls within his pocket, and he feels slightly more comfortable as the invisible shield and suit of armor rests over the elderly mans form.

OOCactivating my pearls of power to get shield and mage armor with a duration of 5 minutes and 5 hours respectively.
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Old Jun 8th, 2013, 07:51 PM
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Moving toward the Monastery Gate, the keen eyes of Shinobi saw them first. Two men shambling through the hard-driven snow. The huge gate of the Monastery lies shut, a large mound of snow and ice having been blown against it. Removing such an obstacle, especially under the circumstances, would be nearly impossible.

No, these two men are not new arrivals at the monastery. Their armor identifies them as monks of the order, most likely the same ones that were on gate duty earlier that evening. Yet something seems wrong. The monks have left their naginatas lying in the snow back at the gate. Their movements seem too rigid to be natural.

Entering the enclosed entrance hall, Shinobi can see them more clearly, and what he sees sends a chill down his spine. These are no longer men, but walking corpses. Their blue skin is caked with snow and ice, and their eyes lie frozen open, gazing fixedly upon the travelers. Slowly, they move toward the group, their unblinking eyes filled with, if anything, an infernal hatred for life.

Characters: Julia, Saru
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