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Old Jan 7th, 2014, 01:28 PM
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The Encampment

Everyone in the group has been gathered together in one of the small briefing halls within the camp and is waiting for their next orders. The "camp," if you could call it that, is really a small city with numerous permanent buildings. It is the base of operations for a mercenary organization that sold their services to the highest bidder and right now the highest bidders were the gods. Naturally the organization has become very wealthy during this time. Most mercenaries are more than willing to work for whoever pays the highest after all. The camp is fully stocked with stores, a dwarven smithy, as well as several magic workshops and a "general temple". Naturally, since the camp is full of adventurers and mercenaries, there are an abundance of inns, taverns, and places of lesser repute. At the outskirts of the encampment are a huge tent city that was primarily used by some of the larger mercenary groups working for the gods.

The briefing hall itself is the second largest building in the camp and has one large chamber capable of handling several thousand people at once. In addition it has numerous smaller briefing rooms, which you are currently in. The room is well stocked with nice padded chairs and a polished solid oak table. There is even a mini bar in one of the corners that is kept stocked primarily with an assortment of ale and rum. On the table is a blue tablecloth as well as plates of snack food that had been brought out just moments before. Whoever runs this organization recognized the benefit to having food at briefings and it was always good.

Around the table there are several humans, a Drow and an Aasimar, all with different equipment. After munching on the snacks for a while an imposing half-orc male with a staff and beautiful purple robe enters the room and seats himself at the end of the table. "My name is Kizziar, Magus of the Plains. I will be your boss for the time being." Kizziar speaks oddly for a half-orc, sounding as if he had a slight gnomish accent. He passes out a paper to everyone at the table. "On that paper are the missions that have been chosen for this group to be best suited for your skills and experience. Given the nature of this group, you will primarily be used for diplomatic of a dangerous nature. I will give you time to look over the sheet. Once the group has chosen, by majority vote, the mission it intends to take on I will brief you on the specifics of the job. All jobs have some degree of danger, prices listed are the reward for the group that the associated employer has offered."

Job Sheet-Halmyr, god of strategy and skill in war, wishes for you to recruit Siles Velnor, wild elven blademaster for his cause. 1,000 gp.

-Vatun, god of the northern barbarians, wishes for you to recruit members of the Tilna tribe for an upcoming war. 1500 gp.

-Bahamut, god of metallic dragons, wishes for you to convince a specific copper dragon to change his ways. 750 gp.

-Dendar, elven lord of Málos, wishes for you to convince a local goblin tribe to leave their villages alone. 500 gp.

-Maglubiyet, god of all goblinoids, wishes for you to convince a local lord to leave his goblin tribes alone. 2,500 gp.

-Yeenor, kobold demigod of trolling, wishes for you to convince a group of elves and a group of goblins to go into all out war. "I'm not paying you, this is totally just for the fun of it." -Yeenor

-Tharizdun, god of knowledge, wishes for you to obtain a specific book of knowledge for his temple. 1,250 gp.

Final note: The values posted for each given job are not an indication of difficulty of the job, only how much the employer is willing to pay.

Kizziar waits patiently for the group to review the document and discuss amongst themselves as to which one they choose. If necessary he will answer questions, but as is the standard he will not answer specific questions about a job until it is chosen. As per the standard of this organization, alignments of deities are not posted with a job as it may sway a mercenary to take one job over another.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Jan 7th, 2014 at 01:41 PM.
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Old Jan 7th, 2014, 02:43 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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The Aasimar takes a seat at the table and places his recently refilled cup of rum on the table. He is the first to pick up the document provided by the Magus. Each line read, challenges his mind to probe for his recollections of the gods named here. After finishing the document he passes it to the next member of his new group.

While part of his mind labors to collect and organize his knowledge of the names he just read, the other began a closer look at the group he will be seeking adventure and fortune with. One thought immediately made him chuckle as he realizes with what appears to be a pair of bards in the group, we certainly won't lack in quality entertainment. Overall the group strikes me as a solid force for the jobs put before us. I think some introductions are in order before we get down to the business at hand.

Angarato brandishes a warm, welcoming smile and says in common "Greetings and well met, my name is Angarato, I am an Oracle of the Dark Tapestry. I come from Ormath a city in the Vilhon Reach region. I have spent many years traveling the lands seeking adventure, knowledge and a livelihood. I look forward to finding those things with the lot of you should fortune favor us. Maybe each of you could briefly introduce yourselves before we discuss the offers before us.

As Angarato sits down he takes a sip from his glass of rum and waits for the next person to speak. His face shifting to an expression of attentive concentration as he begins to think about the gods listed before him.

Last edited by Angarato; Jan 7th, 2014 at 02:45 PM.
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Old Jan 7th, 2014, 03:30 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Sitting reverse in his chair at the table, his pale, bloodshot eyes peeked out from behind folded hands. He rises slightly to introduce himself.

"I'll go next, then... hi. I'm Basementicus. I'm not much for words, but I'm good in a fight."

He pauses uncomfortably.

"I come from a long line of some pretty vitriolic drow, but I was raised by half elves in a small city out west. It's a long story. I've been on one job before from a different employer and they recommended me to come here. It's nice to meet you guys."

Basementicus looks at the missions and then over at his friend sitting nearby. The drow eyeballs the mission at the top of the list.
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Old Jan 7th, 2014, 08:06 PM
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Looking up from his spellbook with a yawn, the mage studies the list with golden eyes. Blinking and wrinkling his brow, he reads through a second time, "Did anyone else notice that the three missions referencing goblins and elves appear to be the same situation? Seems to me, the best course of action would be to..." He trails off, looking around at the others seated at the table.

Noting the awkward silence, he rises from his seat, "Ah, where are my manners. Formerly an apprentice Wizard, I've been recently released by tragic circumstances to pursue my own studies abroad. You may call me, Reynard."
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Old Jan 7th, 2014, 08:46 PM
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A tall human with brown hair in stylish leather armor, suddenly aware that the group is introducing themselves, rips his attention from the tapestries on the walls and smiles sheepishly, "Apologies, I am Kelmos. Well met!" taking the paper into his hands, he looks over the jobs. "Well, I believe Reynard is correct, Three of these jobs do involve the same people. If some sort of understanding could be reached between the goblins and the elves, we could be paid twice." He pauses thinking, then continues "we should be careful though, that would require BOTH sides to be reasonable. If either side digs in their heels, or worse both, this could just turn into a waste of time. Either way, I would prefer to get more information before choosing if possible."
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Old Jan 7th, 2014, 08:58 PM
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Kizziar smirks. "Too bad our policy is to withhold information till the choice is made. It isn't our problem whether employers are quarreling, only that they pay us when we accomplish the task." He grabs a bottle from the mini-bar filled with a clear liquid and downs the entirety of its contents and then leans back in his chair. "Just remember that policy also says you can only accept one job at a time through our organization." Though he doesn't say it, he is reminding you that it is possible to take jobs from outside the organization. The downside to doing that is that the organization protects people completing tasks for them. On the other hand, they will hang you out to dry if you break a law for a job that they didn't give you.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Jan 8th, 2014, 01:11 AM
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At first glance the statue at one side of the table is completely out of place, leaning forward against the table as it is. Modern art has its limits, and in contrast to the tasteful tapestries and other decorations the meaning behind the rough sculpture of a man dressed as a traveler is beyond explanation. That is, until the statue itself turns its head to regard the job’s list being passed around, the brim of the leather wide brimmed hat tilting as he reaches out with a hand and gingerly slides the paper along the table until it rests before him. The exposed skin of the creature is mostly a pale gray, striated with darker hues in a way that strongly resembles marble. To his right, on the table, is a pair of heavily gauntleted brown leather gloves that match his hat. After a quick perusal of the sheet he slides it away from him allowing anyone who is interested to take a look at it.

Looking up from the table to regard the group his face is blocky and rough, his brows large cut square, his jaw square, and his eyes not emerald green but two rough cut emeralds. When he speaks, his voice is deep, but hardly gravelly or rocky. In fact it has a somewhat whistling quality to it, like when wind blows through a hole in a rock. “Not to be contradictory,” he begins tugging at the brown canvas jacket he wears over an osnaburg shirt, “but because the goblins and elves are at such direct odds makes me far less interested in picking a side. Perhaps, something fairly neutral such as the task set down by Tharizdun is more appropriate for our first adventure together, while we’re getting to know one another, and there are no politics to put us at conflict.” After taking a deep breath he leans back and sets his hands on his thighs. As an afterthought he adds, “I am Thomas.”
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Old Jan 8th, 2014, 05:27 AM
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"Thank you for the clarification on the workings of this operation, Kizziar. I had thought we could arrange peace talks between the elves and goblins." Clearing his throat, "Money aside, I'm inclined to agree with you, Thomas. Tharizdun's quest was the first to catch my eye; I'm interested to see this book of knowledge for myself."

Reynard walks over to the mini-bar and helps himself to an ale.
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Old Jan 8th, 2014, 11:23 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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After listening to the comments made by the others, an eyebrow rises on Angarato's face as if realizing another connection among the work options.

"There is a more subtle commonality among two of the jobs before us." Both Vatun and Tahrizdun are gods that have been imprisoned by other gods. Since it is logical to assume that escaping their imprisonment is a motive to their actions, I recommend we tread lightly into the affairs of such matters. Especially in dealings with Tahrizdun, The Ender. The Dark God's priests are all mad, and his desire is to end all of existence. It is believed among many that if Tahrizdun were ever released that the evil gods would even work with good to put him back. I state this not to dissuade others from their choice, for I am oddly attracted to pursuing his offer. I just wanted to make sure we all know who we are dealing with before moving forward."

Angarato turns up his glass and drains it of the last drops of rum. A moments reflection and the decision was made, he would return to the bar to grab another. On his way back to his seat, he loaded up a plate with snacks and places it on the table as he takes his seat. As he takes his first bite, his face is one of a man in conflict, after a few moments he mumbles to himself .. "Knowledge is Knowledge, it can be neither good nor evil, it is what we do with it that matters" A moment later he appears resolved in his choice and appears to be enjoying the snacks before him.
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Old Jan 8th, 2014, 12:24 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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"I'm still not entirely sure on the rules set here for missions as far as to how employment works. If I may suggest, while one may only be able to pick one job at a time, is there any rule mandating that all present here must work together on one mission? If not, I should think that we may be able to divide our efforts to complete both Dendar's and Maglubiyet's missions."

Basementicus mutters quietly, "Though I suppose if we as a group really had to choose between the two I would go for the highest bidder..."
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Old Jan 8th, 2014, 11:42 PM
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"Not generally a wise idea to split one's forces when going into the unknown with the knowledge that diplomacy may fail, and if it does your lives may be on the line." Kizziar responds while actively drinking a bottle of rum. He looked like he might have put his feet up on the table if it weren't for the fact that it would be bad manners. He was willing to help out with general information and advice, but until a job was picked he was just sitting back and watching the show. In the mean time, alcohol was his friend.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Jan 9th, 2014, 12:33 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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"You're probably right. I apologize, I'm not thinking far ahead enough. Perhaps if we shared what exactly we all specialized in first we could make a more sound decision as to what challenges we are prepared to handle at this time."

He stands up.

"To elaborate upon my introduction, I am a graduate from the martial academy in the half-elf territory of South-Western Easton. I'm certified in various weapons, armor, and shields-"

He gestures to his scale mail, shield, shortbow, and rapier.

"-and I am familiar with some combat tactics. Despite some minor experience from a mission in which I routed a small kobold encampment, I am still rather new to live combat."

He sits back down and surveys the group, waiting for someone to speak.

Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 9th, 2014 at 02:36 AM.
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Old Jan 9th, 2014, 06:01 AM
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Appearing impressed by Basementicus' acclaimed accomplishments, Reynard looks down in thought. "I'm afraid I wouldn't be much help in a stand up fight myself. The worst I've had to deal with have been a few thugs and hooligans in the city where I lived. Nothing a charm or sleep spell couldn't handle." He looks around smiling halfheartedly at the group.

Glancing at the list again, "Does anyone know about this Halmyr?" He asks, looking hopefully to Angarato.
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Old Jan 9th, 2014, 11:27 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato notices Reynard's inquisitive glance as he asked about Halmyr saying "Well I am not sure I know that much about him, maybe others know more. My recollections of him seem to suggest he is a pretty straight forward lesser deity that prioritizes order and organization above all. He has a reputation as a patient and thoughtful deity that favors planning and skill; And he is pretty handy with a rapier. His mission seems the most straight forward.

However, I still am of the opinion that we pursue Tharizdun's mission, like Reynard, I am extremely curious to look through a book that contains knowledge that such an entity would desire. Furthermore a few extra gold pieces for the each of us would be nice bonus.

I would suggest the even higher valued mission by Maglubiyet, but I am of the firm belief taking a mission that puts us in the middle of elves and goblins is a terrible way to start our adventures together no matter what the cost. Not to mention that Maglubiyet has a reputation of being a bit of a trickster. He even had his own sons killed by sending them on suicide missions against orcs and dwarves. Not the sort I think we want to seek employment.

Angarato continues enjoying the food before him.
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Old Jan 9th, 2014, 09:16 PM
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As you are talking a young Kobold in a messenger outfit comes in and hands a note to Kelmos. Kelmos reads it quickly while frowning, then gets up and follows the Kobold out. "Appearantly I've been called off to another task. I'm sure you can handle on your own!"

Kizziar laughs. "You haven't even gotten out the door and the party is already down by one! Tell you what, don't tell anyone I told you this, but take the mission for Tharizdun. It is a little dangerous, but if you bring me the book before returning it to him I will pay a bonus. It sounds like the group of you is relatively interested in it anyway."
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Jan 9th, 2014 at 09:16 PM.
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