Maggie can't be seen from the door of the house at the moment and neither can Sergie and neither of them seem to be responding. On the other hand, Isabel seems to have slipped out of the house at some point and is actively looking at a certain herb growing a couple feet from Basementicus and then looking at Basementicus, as if the herb might help him and whines quietly.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Reynard assists Angarato in binding the cultists' hands, humming tunelessly all the while. As he finished he looks around the still lively garden, concern growing within him. "Maggie? Sergie? Is everything alright?" He calls as he cautiously walks back into the house and looks around the dining room...
Basementicus is feeling very paralyzed. He can hardly believe such a thing got to him with his enhanced vigor. Also his mouth is going kind of dry.
Oh, it looks like Isabel has shown up. Basementicus thinks to himself. "Oh, hi Isabel. I am feeling very paralyzed... hm? Oh, that grass there... yeah, it sure would be convenient if that grass cured the paralysis... ...now that I think about it... don't remedies for plant stings grow near the stinging plants? Mama always said. Maybe the same logic applies here." |
Thomas gets the same hint and, grabbing a handful of the plant, he crumples them up into a small wad and shoves it into Base's mouth.
Basementicus feels the herbs take effect almost immediately.
"Mmmphmmm Ishabel?" He finishes chewing and spits out a wad of grass. He seems to relax momentarily. "Good work there, Thomas! Did we get everyone?" He takes a moment to look at the two other men lying on the ground. One is extremely rigid and the other is all bloody, but his chest still heaves with effort. Before he does anything else he grabs some more of the grass and stuffs it into his pocket. |
Isabel leads Basementicus around the house, mostly ignoring the men on the ground at this point. The only sound from inside the house seems to be growing laughter, and it obviously isn't coming from either of the old couple. As Reynard enters the house there is a cloud of darkness that comes from the dining room as a person dressed in red disappears. Maggie and Sergie are face down on the table, as if dead. They both have a single black crossbow bolt lodged in them.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Following after Base, Thomas is without words. A total family kill can't be easy for anyone.
"No..." Reynard whispers, shocked at the scene and more than a little disturbed by the bone chilling laughter. He shouts for help, panic tinging his words as he rushes to Maggie and Sergie's side, but holds back from touching them, afraid to know the truth... Noticing the lack of blood from their wounds he calms down a little, A curse or poison maybe? He casts detect magic, hands and voice shaking he weaves the signs and speaks the draconic incantation.
He's still a little hazy, coming off the paralysis.
"Hah? What's all this, then? Some kind of send-off...? Guys...?" Oh, there seems to be something stuck in each of his foster parents. He says drowsily, "I guess we'll have to take a rain check for dessert." He doubles over, and steps outside to vomit. Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 29th, 2014 at 10:14 PM. |
Angarato checks the final knot of the last cultist he bound, and looks up abruptly as he hears Reynard's shout! Angarato shouts, " Thomas, come watch these cultists, while I run inside and see if I can help our hosts"
Angarato then rushes inside the living room and assesses the situation, first order of business is to Dice Heal Check:
Angarato fetches some cloth from the kitchen and soaks it in the water from the scrying bowl, then returns to Maggie and methodically washes the poison off her back. Then repeats this for Sergi. Angarato then smiles as a thought occurs to him, he then considers another possibility. Angarato says to Basementicus, "I think they should be ok soon with the poison washed away, in fact, I am almost sure of it" Last edited by Angarato; Jan 30th, 2014 at 12:29 AM. |
Sergie and Maggie sit up. "Well you are no fun. At least Cid Civid thinks we are dead now... I hope." Sergie says with a bit of disappointment. Maggie then says "We saw Cid sneak in as soon as Thomas and Basementicus rounded the corner outside so we prepared ourselves ahead of time. Every time we've killed him they just raise him again so we decided a while back that the next time we had to deal with him we'd feign our death to see if he'd leave us alone. Hopefully it'll work. As soon as he heard you guys coming in he teleported, probably back to his base. It is okay though, we are both just fine. You may have the bolts to analyze if you desire, but we already know what the poison is. Naturally, we stopped responding after he reached the dining room. In the mean time, you may want to deal with your hostages." Maggie nods toward the door. Both the old people seem to be just fine, but you can hear the tied up people stirring outside. Isabel sits off near the door watching the tied up men with a dumb smile on her face.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who Last edited by Valistar; Jan 30th, 2014 at 12:46 AM. |
Still outside, Basementicus wipes some of the puke off of his mouth. Now he has a little nosebleed. Probably from thinking about all the horrible things he would do to that man who totally killed his foster parents. He hears Angarato, and then his parents and freezes for a second. He heads back inside.
"Oh, they're okay. Of course they're okay. I totally knew it. All along." He goes to pet the doggy. What was he supposed to be doing again? Oh right, the hostages. There sure are a lot of them. He takes a moment to regain his composure. "I guess I'll go invite our guests inside." |
Still shaking from adrenalin, Reynard sits down at the table and rests his face in his hands, elbows on the table. He calls to Basementicus, "Just the priest, if you please, and no roughing them up 'till I've had a shot at him. The rest can wait outside..." He takes a deep breath, counts to ten, and slowly lets it out. Looking up at Maggie, "Do you have any more wine or maybe something stronger?"
Basementicus goes to the bound unholy man outside. The guy looks groggy. Basementicus helps the man stand up and dusts him off. He's still bound, though.
"Come on inside, buddy. We'd like to get to know you better." The venom in his tone is barely constrained. Dried blood still hangs below his nose. "Keep an eye on the rest for me, okay Isabel? They haven't been excused yet." He lifts the man over his shoulder and carries him inside, closing the door behind him. A sign hangs from the front door bearing the family's motto: non sollicitatoribus. He brings the man into the guest room away from the dining room and sets the man on the couch gently. Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 30th, 2014 at 01:50 AM. |
"I've got just the thing for you Reynard!" Maggie says as she pulls out a bottle of a clear liquid from a cabinet that seems to be full of bottles of alcohol of different types, each of which are labeled. "Will elven moonshine work for you or would you rather something a bit rougher... I've got some dwarven moonshine too if you want." Maggie pulls out a jug and slams it on the table. "Or are you are you a wimp and want something lighter. I've got whiskey as well, both elven and orc to choose from. I brew all of them from ingredients from my garden. I've got some sweeter things too, though Sergie might get irritated if you steal his supply."
Isabel dutifully walks outside and sits at attention while watching the tied up men with a look of I dare you to move on her face. The raven priest gets set on the couch and glowers at everyone "You'll regret this. Heh, you probably already are. The old ones are already dead you bastards!" the cultist spits at Basementicus as he says this. Right now he hasn't seen Basementicus's parents and thinks that they are dead, assuming that he was in on the plan with Cid Civid. "Cid will be back for us, and then you'll all be dead. GLORY TO THE RAVEN LORD!" The priest shouts at the top of his lungs.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
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