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Old Jan 9th, 2014, 09:28 PM
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"I can think of no better advice than that Kizziar." Thomas parrots, not interested in the slightest in furthering the causes of most of the gods on the list, but like the rest, very curious to peek in the book before delivering it (made even easier since the job doesn't specify that the book must remain unopened.) "Companions?"
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 01:39 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Sounds to me like we have a consensus then, we are going to find a good book and read it.
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 02:28 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus leans his head on one hand.

"I've not much personal interest in the book, but I will assist you in obtaining it. Now, Kizziar, what can you tell us about this quest?"
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 04:00 AM
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Seeing that the party has (mostly) come to an agreement, Raynard visibly perks up. Re-seating himself at the table with a sandwich, he waits patiently for Kizziar to divulge the details of the quest. Rather than dig in he keeps the sandwich close on the table appearing almost protective of it. The last two months had been hard and with no work, he's down to his last few gold pieces.
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 06:19 PM
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Kizziar then stands up and takes a much more professional stance and pulls a large scroll out of a pouch at his side. "Tharizdun already has a reasonable idea of where his book is, though he believes it is behind an anti-scrying shield. There is a chance that he is just being paranoid and it isn't actually there, but that is not for us to worry about. What we do know is that the last known location of the book is a library that had previously been long abandoned and mostly destroyed. It is now being excavated by a group of the Dwarven Warrior Archeological and Reconnaissance Foundation... Or DWARF for short." Kizziar pauses for a moment to shake his head. Dwarves were not really known for their cleverness with words.

The magus then continues his briefing. "We believe that it will be possible to get the dwarves to part with the book if it can be found within the rubble of the once upon a time Shining Library. The library got it's name due to the shear number of valuable gems used in it's creation. The gems were used for two reasons. Decoration and the fact that gems hold magic really well. So even though the library has been destroyed for a long time there are magical traps and protections still protecting the location making exploration and excavation a slow process. We also have word that there may have been some creatures that have tunneled in from below while the Library was buried. Hopefully none of these issues will be a problem. If all goes well you will show up, talk the dwarves into parting with the book, take the book, and then return to me." Kizziar sighs, nothing ever went according to plan and he knew these adventurers knew it too.

"To get to the Library you will go to the portal, which I will give you both departing and returning passes for, that will take you to Lartran which is the closest city with a portal. From there you will need to travel west into the wastelands following the provided map till you reach the dig site. There are some smaller towns on the way and you might be able to hire transportation till you get to the edge of the wastelands. After that you will likely be on your own. The wastelands don't have a terribly high amount of life. Mostly just dead ground and rocks. Occasionally you might find a skeleton or zombie wandering around, but they should be little threat to you. The only other notable threat on the way is the ravens that still plague those lands. Their bite and claws can sap the strength of an adventurer quite easily. Luckily, they are also pretty easy to kill and the chance you will run into them is pretty small." At this point it was becoming obvious that Kizziar was actually getting bored of hearing himself speak.

"Given the location that you are traveling too your group has been authorized 100 gold pieces in travel expenses. This will be in the form of credit that can be spent at authorized locations that exist everywhere a mercenary portal is located. Tharizdun has also provided a divining rod that will point to his book if it is within fifty feet. The divining rod is supposed to be powerful enough to overcome even an anti-divination shield. The book you are looking for is known to change it's appearance to look interesting or boring depending on whether it wants you to read the book or not so you will need the rod to verify it is the right book. Lastly, it is an artifact. Be careful with it as it is unknown what effects it might have on the casual reader. Are there any questions?" Kizziar is finally finished with his briefing and places the scroll that he had pulled out on the table. It has a map of the location as well as the full briefing and the reward amount for completion on it.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Jan 10th, 2014 at 08:33 PM.
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 06:41 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus looks hopeful.

"To the west, you say? Perhaps if it's not out of the way we could pay my parents a visit in Easton. They don't exactly live in a large house, but I'm sure they would be happy to accommodate us for a night. I can't recall if there is a carriage service in the city, though it's likely we would need to visit a different quarter to find one if we went there."

He looks at the map, attempting to trace a path with his finger from Lartran to the destination.
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 07:11 PM
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Thomas hrums a moment. "Your home town of Easton." He mutters, "To the west... Hmm. The more I hear about this task the more it piques my interest." With a resolute nod of the stone head, green moss poking out from under the hat like hair, Thomas places his hands flat on the table. "We should leave without delay, should we not? Can any of us activate the dousing rods, are do they require a special skill?"
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 08:47 PM
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"Yes, all of you can use the rod. All you have to do is hold it and the single stick side will automatically start pointing toward the book once you are within range." Kizziar responds.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Jan 10th, 2014 at 08:48 PM.
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 08:53 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Looking up from the map, Basementicus says, "The most direct route looks like it goes through a town that borders the wastelands. It's about a day's travel to the border town from Lartran if we catch transport and about two days if we go on foot. From the border town to the library it would about another day depending on our transportation. If we take a detour to the south a bit toward Easton it would add about a day to the whole trip. All in all, we can expect to be out for about a week."

Basementicus thinks to himself that it would be nice to pay his parents a visit. It had been some time since he saw them last and he doesn't believe that he has had the pleasure of introducing Reynard.

He jokes to himself under his breath, "Too bad we aren't being paid by the hour..."

Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 10th, 2014 at 09:02 PM.
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 09:38 PM
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"Then let us travel West to Basemanticus's East home in the West before continuing on to the dig site." Taking to his feet the man of stone hefts an old leather backpack with a slight creak of straps. On his left hip is an arming sword and small buckler suspended from the grip across the quillion. "I am eager to..." he clears his lips and smacks his lips, "see such ancient stones and gem fragments. And the book of course."
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Old Jan 10th, 2014, 10:42 PM
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Seeing Basementicus motion him over, Reynard leans over and they hold a quick, whispered conversation.

Straightening up, he turns to Kizziar as Basementicus begins gathering his gear, "We'd like to thank the organization for the travel funds. We were just wondering if there's any other supplies you could provide us, perhaps from your old adventuring days."
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Old Jan 11th, 2014, 03:34 AM
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"I'm feeling generous, here have a knife." Kizziar tosses a beautiful curved blade dagger on the table. "If that is all then I'll be off and the group of you can start your job. I've got some heavy drinking to do and the water they serve in these rooms is worthless." Kizziar is almost out the door before he pauses a moment and tosses a set of four bracelets on the table. "Those are your portal passes. Put them on, don't take them off till you get back, and don't lose them. They only will allow one trip to the designated city and only one trip back. If you screw this up you get to deal with transportation on your own." Kizziar walks out the door and slams it behind him causing the now empty booze bottles on the table to rattle a bit. He left four bottles of various liquor sitting on the table where he had been sitting. Likely enough alcohol to kill a normal human.

OOC: I will now leave the group of you on your own for a short time (one day max) so that you can talk amongst yourselves and maybe purchase any gear that you may still need. You can also wait till you are on the other side of the portal if you are wanting any pack animals or whatnot. Also, checking old threads can be worthwhile. I've been editing posts and being sneaky.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Jan 11th, 2014, 03:45 PM
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The knife catching his eyes as it tumbles through the air to land point first in the table, Reynard curiously examines the finely crafted blade... and completely misses the remainder of Kizziar's dialogue.

Snapped out of his concentration by the slamming door, Reynard looks about the room and realizes he's holding the group up. He tucks the knife into his belt and gathers his spellbook and pack. Hefting his quarterstaff he notes the remaining bracelet lying on the table, "Hmm, what's this for?" Shrugging, he slips it onto his wrist and makes for the door.

Last edited by Aarroun; Jan 11th, 2014 at 03:45 PM.
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Old Jan 11th, 2014, 03:55 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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"Huh..." Basementicus quietly vocalizes, observing Reynard's absentmindedness. Slipping on his bracelet, he then gathers his belongings and follows after Reynard.
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Old Jan 11th, 2014, 06:06 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato reaches over and picks up a bracelet and places it on his left wrist. Like the rest of the group he is excited to get on the road and begin this mission, but then some practical concerns cross his mind. "Gentlemen, I think before we make for the door we may want to think about some practical matters real quick. I must confess, I am used to managing on my own logistics in adventuring with little experience with a group such as ours. Which makes me wonder what supplies we will need to pick up here or on the road before we enter into the wastelands where obtaining supplies will by nigh impossible?

If we assume that we can eat in Inns and such as we travel to our departing city near the wastelands, how many days rations do you think we should allow for to conduct our business in the wastelands? On the conservative side, I would think two weeks worth, when you consider 2-3days travel to the library from the nearest city and back from the library, and 6-8 days potentially to locate the book and hopefully negotiate with the Dwarves for its removal. Of course depending on the Dwarves or whatever nastiness we may come into contact with, 6-8days could be underestimating our needs. Additionally, are there any items we may want to bring with us that will help us navigate the environs of the library as described by Kizziar? This base seems to have some skilled craftsmen of various types that we may not be able to find elsewhere"

Last edited by Angarato; Jan 11th, 2014 at 06:08 PM.
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