Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Jan 11th, 2014 at 06:08 PM. |
Pausing at the door, Basementicus moves toward the supply bag and checks the contents.
"It looks like there ought to be enough food for each of us in the bag for about five days and enough water for about two days. We probably ought to not use the rations unless nothing else is available though. I don't think we'll find much of any food or water in the wastelands unless you like dust and rocks. No offense, Thomas." Thinking for a moment, he then says, "If we want to pick up any extra supplies, we can see if the credit allowed us is good for spending on such things here. I myself don't have much coin left for extra supplies." Considering Easton, he says, "Easton is not a large town. It is perhaps a few miles across in either direction. It has a central market and a few academies, though all the businesses I've seen are legitimate and I don't think that this mercenary establishment has an office in Easton. We wouldn't be able to use the card there or catch a portal back." |
Thomas manages a smirk at the remark. "Dust is composed primarily of dead skin, pollen, bits of dead insect, wood particulate, and other various organic material. If anything, dust should offend you. Do none of you hunt? Food runs rampant among the fields and woodlands for omnivorous predators such as yourselves."
Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Jan 11th, 2014 at 07:11 PM. |
OOC: Ouch!
"I do have a shortbow, though I'm not the best tracker. It would certainly be reasonable to hunt for food and possibly gather water from streams and the like along the way." |
Angarato looks a little disappointed at the question he posed, because it would seem that some of his group members didn't take to heart the description of the desolate wastelands that Kazziar described was home to the library with which they would be traveling.
"Well I may have been to sensitive to the description of the libraries location as being in the middle of a wasteland. In my experience, there is little living, animal or vegetable that can be hunted in such locations. Furthermore, there is near zero water to be found in such places, especially enough to support the needs of our group. Thus, my practical sense that if we think we will need it there, we should bring it with us. Thomas did inquire earlier about our abilities, maybe some of you have the magical abilities to summon food and water. I however have not learned that divine skill. Additionally, I was also thinking of things we may need to reach high places, or to trigger traps from a distance, or some small caged critters to trigger magical traps. Kazziar did mention that this place was encrusted with many gems, some of which were magical, that we may or may not want to collect to increase our profit margin on this adventure. So maybe we need a pick or other tool to pry them from the walls. Now I get the impression some of you are more seasoned than I, so I was hoping to tap into that experience before we leave this wonderful town. My observation is that this place has craftsman and black market resources we would not likely find on the road, except in the largest of cities. One of my favorite axioms is that 'Gold is only useful if you are alive to spend it', so please indulge my practical nature as we consider how we can sustain ourselves in the desolate wastelands for a reasonable estimate of the time that we will be spending there. Needless to say, the things we may need to insure our safe return seem worthy of a little consideration as well" |
"Do not forget that before the inhospitable wasteland that you describe, we will be traveling through verdant country to visit Baemenitcus's homeland of the East in the West. On the way you are likely to fell and rend from its bones the flesh of many animals, perhaps even deer, leaving more sustenance than you can gorge yourself upon in a sitting. The surplus can be retained for future consumption can it not? That leaves more credit for indulgences such as more luxurious accommodations and mission specific tools as you suggested, instead of quibbling about buying food we very well may be able to harvest for ourselves. That is the point I intended to make. I hold all of you in enough esteem to make the assumption that at least a few days of the barest necessities is already on your person as part of your personal gear."
Stepping out of the tent and into the sun, Reynard shivers against an early autumn breeze and pulls his cloak's hood up, "We do have a ten gallon barrel of water and any food kept in the bag of holding shouldn't spoil. I'm sure we all bought rations for the road ahead, I made my purchases earlier this morning." At that remark he glances towards Basementicus, "The funds would be enough for a couple lesser scrolls, excavation tools, ammunition, or if the need presented itself, warm weather clothes." He thinks a moment longer, "Do any of you have an axe for firewood?"
The drow's veins in his eyeballs visibly shift back and forth and his complexion deepens. A bead of sweat builds on his forehead. Basementicus sidles away from the tent and breaks into a jog for the market. The credit card still lies on the table.
OOC: If your character cares about what Basementicus is doing, why not make a DC 5 sense motive check? Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 11th, 2014 at 09:55 PM. |
Once the group is ready you travel to the portal location and step through. It is plenty big enough to fit an elephant through so all of you are able to go through at the same time. After feeling as if you were just pulled through the air, and most feeling a bit nauseous, you all appear on the other side safe and sound. Lartran is a fairly large city with around 59,000 people (or so the weathered sign in front of you claims). It is filled with the normal hustle and bustle of town life. The portal itself is outside the city walls, but within the wooden walls of a small compound run by the mercenaries. It had a large general adventuring store suited for all the typical adventuring and mercenary needs. So about a third of the store was filled with alcohol.
Within the compound was also a decent sized tavern and a stables. Next to the welcome sign was a bounty board and next to that was a job board. A good place for them considering a lot of mercenaries and adventurers came through here. One of the bounties catches the eye of both Thomas and Basementicus. It has the picture of a raven on it, and when read closer it is offering a bounty of 10gp for every corrupted raven beak that is turned in. Something that might be possible considering where you are going. Otherwise at a quick glance, none of the jobs look like something that could be done without going out of your way. As you are checking the sign you see a kobold get dragged out of the tavern by a small group of men and then around the back of it while struggling and fighting. Considering where you are currently, it definitely wasn't attacking the tavern. More likely to be some sort of adventuring kobold anyway. But really, it is of little concern to the party. The important part is getting to your next destination. Whether it be heading straight for the wastelands now or stopping by Easton first. Or maybe the other way around. There is no time limit on this job anyway. The one thing that might be possible at Easton as opposed to the city closest to your destination (Helpme) is that Easton has a population of around 10,000. Helpme only has a population of around 500. Easton may have a book store or library with information on the wastelands. It might even be possible to find some information in Lartran, but they don't have to deal with the threat of the wasteland as often.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who Last edited by Valistar; Jan 12th, 2014 at 05:09 PM. |
While Basementicus and Thomas examine the bounty board, Reynard watches where the kobold was dragged off to with concern. After a moments indecision, he glances towards the party and takes off in the direction of the kobold, a spell ready in his mind. Something non-lethal, he reminds himself, don't need any trouble with the authorities.
Authorities... That gives him an idea, looking around, he notices a guard and fixes the image of their uniform in his mind. Before he rounds the side of the tavern, he's casting Disguise Selfaltered the appearance of his clothes, hair, and the dagger at his belt into something more appropriate for a watchman. Last edited by Aarroun; Jan 12th, 2014 at 07:46 PM. |
"Those ravens sound like some nasty creatures. I think I would like to avoid fighting them if it's unnecessary to do so. I remember before that Kizziar told us they can sap a victim's strength. I don't know if they would do this through some means of venom or magic, but it is certain they should be handled with-"
Basementicus does a double take as he looks where Reynard was. Concerned for Reynard's well-being, his eyebrows lower as he sees Reynard round a corner. Basementicus begins to follow after him. Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 12th, 2014 at 01:47 PM. |
"They sound like a pest, otherwise their extermination wouldn't be financially incentivized. I say we erect massive nets and murder them by the hundreds..." Trailing off Thomas frowns. "When did Reynard defect our fellowship and join the local guard?"
Angarato adjusts to the scene after stepping through the portal. The chatter about ravens draws little attention as his eyes takes in the scene before him. Reynard dons a disguise of one of the local guards and appears to be following a group of men forcing a Kobold toward the back of the Tavern. Angarato's instincts tell him those men are intent on exacting retribution because they believe the Kobold stole from their employer. It appears Raynard's impulsive nature may be getting him into trouble. Although his first instinct was to shout after Reynard, discretion got the better of him and he decided to follow him, the least he could do was watch his back. It would be a sad start to our adventure to lose a nosy Sorcerer before we even left the first town we visited.
Last edited by Angarato; Jan 12th, 2014 at 07:20 PM. Reason: typos |
A short time after Reynard goes around the corner the group hears the slamming of a door while they are discussing the ravens. As Angarato goes around the corner he can now see Reynard with an open Horizontal kind with stairs underneathcellar door in front of him looking down into the darkness beyond. The kobold and it's assailants are nowhere to be seen.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
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