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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 10:53 AM
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Thomas watches the conversation with interest.
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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 09:08 PM
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After some continued attempts to get a response the party eventually gives up. Ending up in jail for breaking and entering wasn't a good start to an adventure especially since they had no proof anything bad was happening behind the door. The party completes it's last minute preparations and takes a taxi carriage to Easton, costing all of 1.5 gp from the travel expenses fund. Easton may not be all that large, but it is possible that some of the inns and transportation places may accept the credit from the mercenaries. In the mean time some had family in Easton. More importantly they had a small library that might have more information on the wastelands and maybe some information on the ruins of the library you are ultimately headed to.

OOC: Check the locations thread for more information on Easton.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Jan 14th, 2014 at 09:09 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 01:35 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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"Well, that was fruitless. But you know what isn't? The public library! Also, the market. But more importantly the library."

Looking over at the public transportation center; a bulletin with carriage operating times can be seen. Basementicus observes that one will be leaving toward the divine-arcane district in the southeastern section in a few minutes.

"I would like to direct one of you scholarly types toward the carriages heading south to the Easton Arcane Institution. The library there is accessible to anyone and someone should be able to assist you in finding a book on the wasteland and a book on the history of the Shining Library. They also have a fine selection of spellbooks for studying."

The drow is quite content to be home, even if it is only for a day. "We still have some time to kill before the street lights come on so I can give you guys the grand tour. It would probably be best if Starswirl the Bearded magician went to study, since he already knows his way around."

Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 15th, 2014 at 04:18 AM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 02:34 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato smiles graciously toward the drow and says, "Thank you for your kind offer of a tour, but I feel as if I know the place already by all the things you have shared with us on our trip. I think I will take your suggestion and head to the library and see what I might can learn about our destinations ahead. I would welcome company if either of you care to join me. First though, I would like to find a room for the night in an inn, I believe there are a few in the central part of town which is on my way. I will make my leave so that you can get on with your family reunion."

Angarato nods farewell, as he gathers his belongings and begins to walk toward the central part of town opting to slowly take in this town rather than find a carriage.

Last edited by Angarato; Jan 15th, 2014 at 02:37 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 04:01 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus calls out, "Well, if you really want to spend the night at an inn, you can. My parents in the southwestern part of town can offer us room and board, though. I intend to make my way down to their cottage around dusk. In the mean time, I'm going to go hang out around the market and maybe pay a visit to the martial academy."

Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 15th, 2014 at 04:02 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 04:24 PM
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"I look forward to meeting Basemanticus's parents. Lead the way B, does your mother cook?" Thomas asks.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 04:52 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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He seems to zone out for a second upon remembering his mother's cooking. His eye barely twitches and he shivers briefly.

"Yeah, she can cook. She usually imports really weird foodstuffs, so I have no idea what she would be planning. They also tend to buy frequently from the dairy. Something about needing to grow strong bones. Also, for some reason she insists on not eating meat or anything that may have had a face on it."

Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 15th, 2014 at 04:56 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 08:10 PM
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"Well, I for one will not say 'no' to a free meal. I'll meet you two there later. For now, I'll stick with you, Angarato." Reynard says and turns to follow.

OOC: Since I never really gave a description for my character, it seems too late to do one in post (though some of you may have guessed, I'll get a chance to make another description sooner or later.), I'll drop one here.
At a little over five feet tall and lean of build, with auburn hair and gold irises, Reynard could likely pass as human or half-elf, though he lacks the pointy ears of the latter. He is garbed in finely woven, alpaca wool trousers with a white shirt and tanned leather vest. Now, this impulsive youth ventures forth on a journey of self-discovery after living a mostly sheltered life.

also OOC: Stayed home with a fever today, but starting to feel better. Not so dizzy.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 08:16 PM
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"That sounds like a reliable, if arbitrary, dietary restriction." Thomas comments as he follows Basemanticus. "I myself am far less discerning."
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 10:25 PM
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Reynard and Angarato wander off to the library after first stopping to get a room at an inn for Angarato. The inn was fairly simple, the Green Duck Inn, but the people there seemed honest enough. After this the pair reach the library, which is luckily open for business. Even better, Reynard still had his library card from when he lived in Easton and the librarian even recognized him. "Huh, look what the cat drug in. Good to see you back in town Reynard, I was worried I'd never see you again after you left town. So what are you here for?" Asks the librarian, a middle aged forest gnome wearing a dark blue set of robes.

Thomas and Base head toward Basemanticus' old house where his adopted parents are still living. His adopted mother meets him at the door. Very old, but still in surprisingly good shape for her age. "Basey, you came home!" The old lady gives him a hug "Introduce your friend to me will you? Oh, food! I must be a good host and make dinner!" The old woman then goes into a flurry around the kitchen preparing work with a large red wolf helping her out when it can. The wolf was obviously safe and very intelligent to be able to help out around the kitchen like this. As she works Base's adopted mother starts talking all about the drow and how amazing he was as a child. After a little while of this you hear a loud snort from behind a chair in the living room. "Bah, the boy couldn't use a staff to save his life. Let alone use a bow! Can't even track a dire bear looking him in the face." It was the sound of Base's adopted father. Definitely looking his age and obviously feeling it. This doesn't stop him from tossing a dart at Base that manages to stick between two plates in his scale mail without penetrating far enough to actually hurt the drow. "See boy, I can barely even see you and you can't even dodge a simple dart!" Base's mother sighs and responds "Oh give him some slack you old goat. He just came back after how many years of being gone? Lets at least enjoy his company for a little while before you start complaining about him again."
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 11:09 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus pries out the dart and invites Thomas inside the living room. It's... cozy, to say the least.

"Yes, I've come home for a bit! Hey, would it be alright if me and a couple friends spent the night? We've got to get to the wastelands tomorrow and I thought we could cut through here to say hi."

Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 15th, 2014 at 11:09 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 11:16 PM
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"Happy to meet you!" Thomas intones, and watches with merriment as his parents prattle on. "Are parents always this fun?" He asks.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 11:25 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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"Yeah, they're pretty cool. I haven't brought many friends over before, though, and I've never invited anyone over for a sleepover..."

He trails off...

"I wonder what Beardy and the Chosen One have found?"
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 11:33 PM
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Thomas shrugs. "Mrs. Basemanticus, your wolf... it hasn't tried to eat anyone."
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 11:47 PM
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"We have plenty of spare room. Two of them actually. Do you have more friends coming dear?" The lady asks Base. She takes a good look at Thomas and giggles a little, "I can't say that she hasn't eaten someone before, but I should think that you will be safe enough. She only attacks people who try to harm me... or people I tell her to attack. Isabel is such a good wolf isn't she? Who's the good wolf? Isabel is the good wolf!" The elderly half elf pets her wolf roughly. The wolf seems more than happy about this. They then both continue to make dinner, which consisted mostly of vegetables, cheese, and mushrooms. "Oh dear, we haven't introduced ourselves yet! I am Maggie and the old goat in the chair is Sergi."
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Jan 16th, 2014 at 01:07 AM.
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