"Looks like everyone has decided to show up! Mom and dad, this is Reynard and this is Angarato. Angarato and Reynard, this is Maggie, my mom, and Sergi, my dad."
Angarato dons a warm, welcoming smile saying, "Maggie, what a pleasure it is to meet you. " Angarato shakes Sergi's hand in a firm, solid handshake. It was as though Sergi was sizing up the man before him. "Sergi, a pleasure to meet you as well. Thank you for allowing us to invade your home. I feel as if I have known you both for years, Basementicus has been quite enthusiastic about our stop here in Easton." Angarato is then distracted by the smells emanating from the kitchen, saying " What is that wonderful smell? Smells like someone is working some powerful magic in the kitchen!"
Angarato then steps aside for Reynard to make introductions and takes a seat Last edited by Angarato; Jan 19th, 2014 at 02:17 PM. Reason: typos |
"It is good to meet you Angarato." Sergie says while shaking his hand with a nod. His hand was shaking from age, but it was still firm and strong. "At least someone appreciates my baking!" Maggie says with a pointed glare at Sergie. "Anyway, dinner is ready if everyone would like to take a seat. And I mean at the table old man!" Sergie grumbles a bit, but then hobbles over to the dining room table and has a seat at the head of the table. The table itself is a solid ironwood table with intricate designs all around it. The chairs around the table are oak, but also have a padded seat and are thus a little more comfortable than just sitting on solid wood. Dinner consists of a veggie stir fry and a vegetable casserole that look delicious. Maggie also places cups around the table, two for each person. One is filled with a sweet berry wine and the other with fresh water. While it may have irritated Sergie a bit at first Maggie was a vegetarian even if he was not. But the food was always good so he didn't complain anymore. The wolf seemed to have no problems with it either... especially considering it was sitting in a chair at the table as well and even waited till the short blessing was said before devouring everything on its plate.
Maggie says a quick blessing to nature, as that is what she believed in and what provided her with food. Sergie starts eating immediately and once he had taken a few bites he asks. "So what are you planning on doing out in the wastelands? I know it's power has been weakening as of late... I can feel it." As Sergie speaks he reaches behind himself and scratches his back. A rather slow process given his age
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Reynard introduces himself before sitting down next to the wolf. After the prayer, he explains about the groups mission to find the Shining Library to find a certain book, casually omitting the name of their employer.
Basementicus takes a bite and watches Isabel the wolf as she sits at the table. The wolf has her own plate.
"What do you think, Isabel? Is it good?" |
Angarato raises an eyebrow at Maggies comment, saying "When you say the power in the wastelands is weakening, what do you mean specifically? I didn't realize Easton was close enough to the wastelands for anyone to have a perception of them. At least I was informed the wastelands were 2-3 days travel from here. We heard something about a raven cult that emerges every so often, have either of you had much contact with them or have you heard where they may be hiding out?"
Angarato takes a sip of wine and enjoys more of the casserole. |
Isabel, the wolf, barks happily as she quickly finishes off her food and then proceeds to look around the table at everyone as if hoping that they had food that they didn't want.
"The wastelands itself is only about half a day's walk from here. The library ruins you are heading to are around 2-3 days travel from here depending on how fast you travel." Sergie grumbles and takes a deep drink of his wine. "As for the wastelands, we keep a pretty good eye on them since the border of it starts only about twelve miles from here and we know these lands better than anyone else in the city right now. Anyway, when I say the power of the wastelands is weakening I mean that within the borders some plant life has begun growing. Sure, it is mostly lichens and weeds and they are pretty sparse, but the fact that they have begun growing is the important part. It means that the negative energy destroying life in their has weakened to the point that some life can overcome it's effects. In theory it means that humans should be able to handle it as long as they don't get sick. It also means that it might be less likely for the dead to animate themselves in that area." Sergie goes back to eating while Maggie takes over on answering the questions. "As for the Cult of the Raven... They are part of the reason that Basementicus is with us. We rescued him when we were part of a raid on one of the underworld Raven training camps. Brought him here and raised him. The cult itself rears its ugly head every once in a while. Unfortunately we don't know where they are hiding this time. I have suspicions that the entrance to one of their caves might be in the wastelands, but I haven't been able to find out for sure, even with scrying. They had a few agents poking around a while ago... and around that time a shop in the town burned down. The town guard did an investigation and said that it had been merely an accident. A lantern falling down and catching the shop on fire. The fact that the owner only used everburning torches to light his shop determined that what the guards said was a lie. But there was little we could do at the time, especially since we believe that at least some of the guard is bought off by the Ravens. You work for the gods as mercenaries right? I'd think they would be more concerned by the cult considering they have two major goals: Obtain godhood, and destroy any who might challenge their ascent. Which means they aim to kill the gods and any adventurers or mercenaries who might challenge them. I would watch out specifically for Cid Civid. A half-black dragon assassin that wears red armor and carries a battle axe and a crossbow. Both we know he keeps heavily poisoned. He was an assassin for them from before we were born and probably will be long after we die. He has some deal with the cult that they raise him from the dead any time that he dies. I don't think he'll challenge us again though since we don't adventure anymore and we gave him quite the beating last time he tried!" Maggie laughs at this and takes another bite. Sergie shifts in his chair, almost as if uncomfortable as Maggie shoots a glare at him.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Reaching over to scratch Isabel behind her ear, Reynard recounts his memories, "That shop that burned down was my home and its owner my employer and mentor. I was studying late at night at the library when it happened." He gets a distant look, the loss still painful, "The old man didn't deserve that fate. He took me in when I was little, when I was 'barely old enough to walk' he used to say. When I showed potential for the arcane arts he agreed to teach me in exchange for work. The day after the shop burned down, I got some supplies together and left town, I had been afraid someone might blame me for the fire... and I didn't have any place to stay. On the road to Lartran, I met Basementicus and he told me about the mercenary business. That was about two months ago now."
... As the meal comes to a close, he drains his wine and rises from the table, "Please excuse me... is there someplace I could sit and write? My friend at the library was kind enough to give me a few scrolls." |
Basementicus rubs his head as his parents bring up the cult.
"I seem to remember a sensation of weightlessness when the cult springs to mind. Then it stops abruptly with a headache. Oh well." |
Angarato notices the sudden sense of danger on the wolf Isabel and begins to scan the room for impending threats. Thomas also appears to have noticed the wolf's change in demeanor. Angarato
Dice sense motive on Sergi:
Not waiting for an answer, Angarato moves to his morningstar and shield, crouching down and grabbing each in his hands. As he does so, he hears the sound of movement outside. Isabel growls and jumps down from her chair, nearly knocking Reynard on his rear, and moves towards the front door. The movement ceases as though two individuals had taken up a position at the front door. Angarato quietly moves towards the door, keeping low and gripping the morningstar tightly. Angarato looks at Maggie with a warm smile on his face but a dark, combative look in his eyes, "Are we expecting anyone else for dinner?" Angarato makes eye contact with Basementicus and signals that he may want to take position opposite him near the front door. |
Though Thomas senses the danger and watches Sergie with interest, Angarato's must have been filled with much more violence than Thomas's because he doesn't have the urge to spring into action and grab for weapons. Considering the kind of gifts they were able to give away, and the concept that they had trounced the Raven's top bully, and everything else about the house gave Thomas a feeling of security. Even if a situation did present itself that required response, somehow he doubts that it would get through whatever perimeter defense this couple likely has set up without any delay, giving them more than enough time to react.
Basementicus draws his rapier and readies his shield in one fluid motion. He joins Angarato opposite of his position with his shield raised. He attempts to make out any sound from outside the house.
Dice Listen:
OOC: I hope that if there are any intruders they are really noisy! Got 4+3. Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 20th, 2014 at 02:43 PM. |
The old man sighs and presses the button. At this point the doors lock themselves and the windows get covered in vines (on the outside). "I was trying to see how close we could let them get without alerting them that we know their presence, but your loud attempts to prepare for something alerted them anyway. I just set security for the house. Doors are locked and there are traps that should keep out all but the most experienced intruders. You will be safe. Dear, will you show them what is out there?" Sergie asks his wife.
Maggie gets up and brings a large bowl of crystal clear water to the table and casts a spell at which point it gives a bird's eye view of what is happening outside. There are two men by the door and others sneaking up on the house. Most are wearing a black outfit with a red bird on the front of the shirt. The one that is different is wearing red and black robes and has a much more intricate red and black bird on the back of his robes. "Just a low priest and some followers. Should be easy to deal with if you want to go out there. Otherwise the traps will keep them away... and there one goes!" Maggie says as you watch some vines catapult one of the intruders away from the house. He is launched high enough that he is unlikely to survive the fall, but it is hard to tell as he lands outside the view of the scrying pool. Naturally this panics those that are left, but the priest seems to keep them in line. "Regardless, we Sergie and I are not going out there tonight. If they are still wandering around in an hour or so I'll send Isabel out to chase them off. Or maybe we should let you get a taste of what you might be up against."
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Basementicus walks over to Maggie and asks her, "Do you thing we could go out the back door and surprise them? Also, would you be able to power us up?"
He looks eager for action. Basementicus wonders what the people outside are like and if they would recognize him. Last edited by Explosionguy; Jan 20th, 2014 at 07:01 PM. |
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