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Old Feb 4th, 2014, 12:39 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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You could almost see the dollar signs in the drow's eyes; if they weren't half-shut from the gloomy atmosphere of the general area. He rubs his hands together. He wonders for a second what union benefits would be like, but he quickly realizes that he'd have to pay fees, and go on strike when everyone else does, and vote on where work should be moved to, and...

"That's an interesting offer you've put forth. We've also heard of a couple other jobs you might have available, such as cleansing the negative energy. I believe one of those gentledwarves who greeted us mentioned something about the source of it being in the main site. Also in a town far from here, we saw an offer for exterminating the ravens. Was it DWARF that put up the offer?"

Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 4th, 2014 at 12:52 AM.
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Old Feb 4th, 2014, 01:17 AM
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"You can have the damn birds if you want. We've just been burning them so they don't come back to life. DWARF did not put up that quest and we aren't worried too much about it. As for the negative energy thing... it definitely has us stumped so far. From what I've been told headquarters plans on giving a choice between a minor artifact or some magical items plus a bunch of gold if you succeed. I don't have the actual information, but I can still fill out and route the paperwork saying that you succeeded... if you succeed, which is unlikely given the nature of the problem." The gnome replies with a shrug.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Feb 4th, 2014, 03:25 AM
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Examining the map on the table, Reynard says to himself, "It would be awfully convenient if the book is the source of all this dark energy. Though that would make transporting it awkward." Addressing the gnome, "Could you point out the areas you've thoroughly cleared? We can sweep those areas with the dowsing rods first without fear of traps. As for the ravens, we just need the beaks for the bounty."

Stifling a yawn, "Is there some space in camp we can use to set up? We've been on the road so-to-speak, all day. We could use some rest before we get started."
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Old Feb 4th, 2014, 10:08 AM
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"And have you drawn a map of explored areas already, that we can use for reference?" Thomas was sure it was a given that the group has accepted the quest.
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Old Feb 4th, 2014, 10:44 AM
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"We've explored quite a bit! Or... well... here." the gnome points to just inside what looks like an entrance to the library. They haven't gotten very far, but then archeological digs can take many years just to get a very small distance. "As information gets available, my map can create a 3D illusion of the dig site and show where we've been... but so far all we've done is gotten a look inside the the office attached to the balcony we entered through. The room itself filled in with dirt and debris, but we believe that beyond the door is likely open since it wasn't right next to a window. Took us about six months just to get as far as he have. Each trap found represents around a week or more delay depending on the type of trap, hence the relatively high pay being offered for clearing the traps. Actually, I could give you a little bit of help by showing you what we believe the layout of the library is based on research we've done." The gnome waves his hands over the map and chants a couple words and up pops a miniature model of the library that is see-through enough to be able to see the rooms inside. The room that they have gotten into is highlighted with a bright yellow color and is in full detail. The rest of the map seems to be sketches with the exception of the top of the library, which can be seen from outside anyway. The gnome points to a specific room near to the room that had already been explored. "If you head toward that room first, that would help out a lot. It is also the most likely source of any monsters that might be wandering around... I believe anyway. The room used to have some displays on live monsters... by now they would probably have died and been animated again. Unfortunately we don't even know what they had since records on that sort of thing are scarce." The gnome paces a bit before turning around again remembering something. "Oh yeah, you can set up your tents pretty much wherever you want as long as you don't put them between the dig and the storage tent. Also, after you bring us your first trap I'm authorized to grant you access to the mess tent, if you wish to dine with us.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Feb 4th, 2014, 07:56 PM
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Fascinated as he is by the illusion of the library, Reynard's attention is still easily grabbed by the mention of food, "Well, I suppose it's not all that late. We could poke around a bit after we set up camp. You mentioned you might have a tool for dealing with the magical traps?" He says, "A hot meal will almost always be better than trail rations after all; doing some shallow exploration will give us some time to come up with a plan of action for tomorrow."

Reynard shifts his pack, ready to leave as soon as the rest of the party is done.

Last edited by Aarroun; Feb 4th, 2014 at 08:22 PM.
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 01:10 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato nods in agreement, "Sounds like a plan to me"

Angarato looks at the dig master, "Thank you for seeing us, sounds we may be able to help each other out"

After bowing slightly, Angarato leaves the tent and finds a nice, cozy, out of the way place to set up his tent.
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 01:17 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus can't help but pass his fingers through the map, prodding at it gingerly. He feels like a giant monster for a moment. At the mention of the mess hall, he appears interested at the prospect of new foods. Since there are so many dwarves, he figures there will be a ton of hard liquor and pub food. Maybe some karaoke. Basementicus isn't much of a drinker, but this sort of opportunity does not often present itself...

Oh, yeah. The job.

"Huh... oh! Right, camp. Where do we put our camp?"

Basementicus stands up with his belongings.
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 01:19 AM
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"Oh very well, just remember the tool is on loan. You must either return it or die trying. Or you can purchase it, but I imagine you don't quite have the funds to do so yet. It is a set of thieves tools that is designed specifically for disarming magical traps. Makes it less likely to trip the traps while disarming them, and if you are good you can remove the trap in tact. The downside is that they are worthless for dealing with mechanical traps... Anyway, have fun with your explorations. I need to get back to work." The gnome says while handing the set of tools to Reynard. The tools seem to be very finely made, especially since they seem to be made of crystal with gems on the handles.

The group leaves the tent and takes a few minutes to set up their own tent before heading to the library for a bit of exploration. They head down the ramp to the entrance that has been dug out, dodge around an ogre pulling another cart of debris and then finally enter the door. Inside the room it is obvious that at one time it was an office given all the book shelves, cabinets, and large desk with a nice chair. Of course, there is debris everywhere and there are dwarves loading up another cart with the debris... slowly. They inspect every piece they pick up before tossing it in the cart. From the looks of things, the room had been filled to the ceiling before the dwarves began their dig. On a good note, the normal door to enter the room has already been unburied and is open.

On the other side of that door the hallway seems to be mostly clear, and judging by the thickness of the inner walls of the room compared to the outer walls it is apparent that the outer walls were added after the initial structure had been built, thus they weren't built to support as much of a load. The hallway, despite being mostly clear, is still coated with a very thick layer of dust. Unfortunately, there is a trail going through the dust, suggesting that there are still things moving around inside the library. The hallway goes right or left and is dark beyond the points that are lit by the dwarves. There are two indents on either side of the door (but in the hallway) and one on the opposite side of the hallway that look like they used to have gems. Unfortunately, further down the hall in either direction there are doors, each of which has two gems on either side and there are gems spaced evenly on the bare parts of the hallway as well. The good news is that not all the gems are necessarily trapped. The bad news is that you don't necessarily know which ones are which. The doors have placards labeling what the room is, but they are too dusty to see what they say. Down the hallway to the right at the end of the hallway is the door to the room that the Digmaster asked you to check out first. The other direction leads toward the main part of the library. The other doors coming off the sides likely just lead to more offices. Offices may still have something useful in them, though anything useful is likely to be locked up.

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 02:56 AM
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Casting detect magic, Reynard looks over the gems lining the hallway, "I suspect the ones flanking the doors won't trigger if we leave the doors alone, that is assuming they're still working. Another thing to note, these tracks in the dust might be able to give us a clue as to which passages are safe." He's mostly just voicing his thoughts aloud but in a way that invites discussion regarding the matter. Looking primarily for gems with a magical aura, he cautiously approaches the first set that seem to guard the passageway with the magic picks at the ready.

Dice Spellcraft:
1d20+7 (14)+7 Total = 21

OOC: Bravely he ventures forth into unknown danger...
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 03:33 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Observing the expanse of the library, Basementicus cannot resist commenting on the general state of things.

"No wonder this place is a wasteland. They cut down all the trees to make books to fill this library!"

Seeing Reynard fiddling with the gems, Basementicus decides it would be safest to keep his distance while his friend attempts to disarm the trap. He stays about ten feet away with his shield ready.
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 02:30 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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"Well I don't have much experience dealing with traps myself, but I do have a
Dice Perception chk:
1d20+7 (17)+7 Total = 24
keen eye for things so I will focus on analyzing our path for traps and other things."

As a look of concentration appears across his face , Angarato focuses on the area before them and says, "Ickrak'ey Arcaniss"
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 02:51 PM
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Thomas's stone eyes also glint with inner glow as he casts detect magic and regards the room. "Those tools, I think I could make the best use of them." He comments as they regard the gems and the path ahead.

Dice Perception:
d20+6 (6)+6 Total = 12

[OOC]Thomas disarms traps in half the normal time.[/ooc]
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 07:10 PM
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"Well, by all means Thomas, have at it. If something unfortunate should happen I'm sure you'd weather the blow better than I would." Replies Reynard and hands over the tools.
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Old Feb 5th, 2014, 09:38 PM
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The group heads to the right, toward the room that was mentioned earlier. For those that can detect magic, it quickly becomes apparent that all the gems are magical. The question was whether they were dangerous or not. The first gem tested simply just lights up when the group gets near, showing that some of the gems are just there for lighting when needed. The next gem had a slightly different aura to it, and after a short amount of examining at a distance it is determined that it was highly likely that this gem was trapped. Thomas creeps up to the gem and works carefully and eventually manages to not only disarm the gem, but remove it in tact with the capability of being rearmed at a later time if needed. The only thing known about this first gem is that it has some sort of conjuration spell. Something that is noticable to those with detect magic going is that their is a faint aura of necromancy everywhere except around the gems, which seem to be absorbing the latent energy in the area. It is almost as if the negative energy destroying the area is currently powering the gems. Thomas manages to get one more trap gem safely removed (this one evocation based) before finally reaching the door. With the dust in the library getting stirred up it is possible to see a thin line of red light traveling between the two gems on the sides of the door. While working on removing these gems Thomas singes his fingers on the tiny light, but his tough stony skin prevent him from taking any real damage from it. Finally the last of the trap gems in this direction in the hallway are removed (4 trap gems total). The door itself is actually unlocked, but takes a bit of force to get it to move on it's rusted hinges.

Inside the room is quite spectacular. Everything is covered in a thick layer of dust, but there are what look like magical cages around the room. The "cages" are really just an Adamantine frame. All but two of them are non-functional and their previous inhabitants have left (some even leaving faint trails in the dust toward another door in the room). The two cages that are still operating have a light golden haze around them and filling in. The creatures inside are in absolutely perfect condition, immune to whatever is happening outside the cage. In one of the cages is a thin leathery and winged creature (that Thomas manages to identify as a fire mephit). In the other cage is a young faery dragon.

Spread around the room you can see a couple piles of bones, possible result of creatures eating each other when they first got out. There are several benches around the outside of the room for observing. Each of the "cages" has a label plate that is completely coated in dust, probably readable if the dust was removed. There are light gems in the room, which lit up upon entry. Luckily, it is readily apparent that none of the gems in the room are trapped. There is what looks to be a small control panel of sorts underneath the platform that each of the cages is sitting on, though they lack any directions. In the mean time, whatever might have been in the cages that are inactive are now either loose or dead. Given the area, dead doesn't necessarily make them any safer either.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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