Dice Cure Light Wounds:
Well... I suppose I can make you all a deal. If it is as you say, that such a time has passed and my forest is dead... I suppose I have nowhere else to go. I already owe you all for releasing me as it is. I will travel with you and aid you if you should provide me with protection and eventually help me to find a new home.
"First things first, Willowick. We'll keep you safe, now let's find our way out of here. If we can't go back the way we came, we'll have to go through that doorway that just appeared. That is, unless there are any other apparent exits from this area."
Basementicus begins to make his way toward the door, passing over some old bones and by some of the empty cages. |
Thomas nods and takes point.
Dice Perception:
Upon attempting to open the door it is apparent why the handle doesn't look dusty. It is merely an illusion, likely the changes in the previous hallway are illusions as well. There is one other door in the room at the far end that is still there. If inspected the door is just a normal door and while the handle is mostly dusty, it is noticeable that the door has been opened since much of this dust has been laid down.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Basementicus thinks this may be the start of a recurring theme for this place. He'll just have to watch out for other false features in this worn-out library. He decides to follow Thomas and Willowick at a short distance from them with his rapier drawn in case they were not alone. The drow keeps his eyes and ears open in case something should try to surprise them.
Angarato says, "WOW that was a surprise! Talk about messing with ones mind. A good meal still sounds good to me, as it is getting late. Let me go check and see what I saw out there is illusory as well. If so, then I think we should stick with Reynard's suggestion of getting a good meal and some rest. "
Angarato walks out of the office and heads back to where the entrance was located to the room with the balcony entrance. He rubs his hands along the wall where the opening was; and sure enough, he hands went right through the opening. Angarato lets out a sigh of relief because the idea of being trapped in here sure made him nervous. He walks back down the hall and sticks his head in the room saying, "Thankfully, these were illusions out here as well. So I am going to go collect our funds and will meet everyone at the mess hall. Willowick, this might give you an opportunity to scout out the area around the library so you can confirm the truth of what we have told you. Take Basementicus with you in case the Dwarves react negatively to your presence." With that, Angarato left the ruins and made his way to the Digmaster's tent. The gentlemen seemed pleased that we delivered not one, but four trapped gems. After a few basic questions about where the traps were located and how far we were able to explore, Angarato was able to leave without discussing the incident with the Mephit and the addition of Willowick to the team. His thinking was that it might be best to avoid a discussion of ownership over the dragon, who seemed the nice enough sort, just confused about his place in time. The 400gp in his pockets provided a nice sense of satisfaction as this team has finally earned some money. Hopefully a sign of the prosperous times ahead for them. As this thought passes through his head, his belly grumbled with hunger. He quickly made his way to the mess tent, hopeful that his companions arrived quickly less he be forced to eat without them. Last edited by Angarato; Feb 9th, 2014 at 12:36 AM. Reason: typos |
"Good news! Thomas, Base, it seems the blockage is an illusion as well. We can continue our investigation tomorrow after some rest." Says Reynard.
"It's a relief that we're not trapped down here." He comments as he pockets the mephit's gland, "We used to get things like this delivered to our shop by adventurers, I know they can be used in crafting magic items." He uses a little more water to wash his hands off and hands the water skin back to Basementicus. Reynard makes his way out of the library and heads towards the mess tent to await the rest of the party. He ignores the looks from camp workers as he passes with Willowick still perched on his shoulder. |
"Aw, Willowick's his own man. Or woman. I can't really tell. Anyway, I don't think there should be much of a fuss about freeing a li'l ol' dragon."
He takes back the waterskin and is struck by a mighty thirst! It's the need for mead. "I must go now, there is drink that needs drinking and food that needs eating. Away!" He points his rapier high and forward and hustles out of the library. He is sensible enough to sheathe his weapon when he arrives before the watchmen at the camp spot him. Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 9th, 2014 at 01:12 AM. |
Willowick glances around, still on Reynard's shoulder, his claws soften in their grip when he sees what has become of his forest, he remains sorrowfully silent. "This place used to be so beautiful. I don't even know how long I was gone..." He remains silent for a moment, to the whole party "So. About this job I am supposed to be helping you on. Exactly what are we doing?"
By this time most of the people at the camp have stopped working on the dig as it has gotten dark out. They weren't stopping because of light levels due to the fact that all of them had darkvision. Instead they were stopping because it was a good time to stop and get some rest. In addition, it was more likely for undead to wander around at night, thus making things safer for everyone to be available to defend if necessary.
The group meets in the mess tent, which still has some stragglers playing cards. One of the ogres is at the table and seems to be doing quite well. The meal pass the party received from the Digmaster is accepted immediately and the dwarf in charge of meals brings out some food right away. Mostly it consists of dried meats, sausage, and potatoes, but desert is a delicious rum cake. Willowick gets a few odd stares, but is mostly left alone. After all, even the Digmaster has a pet (you haven't seen it, but he's got a mole as a familiar). The mess hall itself is pretty simple. It has more of the fold-able tables and chairs and a curtain to hide the kitchen area. As the group is eating one of the dwarves pulls a chair from another table and sits down next to the group. The dwarf is wearing studded leather like most of the dwarves at the camp and has two short swords at it's waist. It isn't until she speaks that you are able to tell it is a female, considering that she has a reasonable sized beard and all the dwarves are wearing their hair in braids. "We all got filled in on why you are here, and I just got word that you managed to clear four trap gems in just one day. You guys must be pretty amazing, that would have taken us weeks to clear. I'm Kryla by the way, team leader for Dig Team Bravo." She offers her hand for a handshake to everyone within her short reach. She seems friendly enough overall. "I know you aren't just here to clear traps for us... so what is the real reason you are here?" Kryla asks in a more serious tone as she pulls out a flask to drink from. OOC: Everyone gets to gain a level now, congratulations!
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who Last edited by Valistar; Feb 9th, 2014 at 04:05 AM. |
Basementicus discovered the joy of pints and found himself with a flagon of mead. Looking about the cafeteria line, he spotted some sausage and pickled cabbage and went straight for it. He grabbed a fork and headed for the table where his friends sat, only to see the dwarven lady approaching the table. He set his tray down and had a good look at her beard. You had to admire that sort of thing. He couldn't help but rub at his own pale stubble which he had neglected to shave since he began this mission. It wasn't growing fast...
He shakes her hand as she offers. That's quite a grip she has. "Hi, Kryla. We're PCs a group of adventurers hired from the gods' guild. We're here to investigate the library." The drow cuts up the sausage with his fork and mixes it with the pungent cabbage. He takes a bite. |
Seating himself near Basementicus with a plate of sausages, Reynard adds, "More specifically, we're working for a mercenary guild that's in the employ of the gods at this time. But Base is right, we're just here to investigate and report on our findings. As to the speed of our work, it does help that we're not burdened with union rules and the like." At that, he offers her a charming smile to be sure he meant no offense. Changing the subject, he looks to Willowick, "Would you like any of this sausage? You're welcome to mine if you like, I got enough for both of us."
OOC: Reynard is still open to conversation at this point. After the meal, Reynard feels inspiration strike. Perhaps it's the tiny dragon that's been near him all evening, but he feels the need to write and rushes off to get his writing supplies. |
Kryla rolls her eyes. "Right right, I already knew that much. What I also know is that DWARF didn't ask any mercenaries to come provide help. My guess is that there is something specific that someone thinks is down there that they want you to retrieve for them, especially if you are working for the gods. I would love to provide help to you if I know what you are looking for. Honestly, the faster you get what you are looking for and get out of here the better for us union folk. Every trap in that place represents around a weeks pay of us not doing all that much. I might be able to help point you in the right direction... I just ask that you bring me an amethyst trap gem if you run into one." She looks around really quick to verify who might be watching or listening.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Willowick glances at Reynard, having silently been listening to the conversation being held, he seems a little confused and uneasy about the sausage "What... is that? I don't usually eat meat. Have fae dragons really been gone that long? I would prefer berries, or honey, or fruit of some sort."
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