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Old Feb 11th, 2014, 09:56 PM
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The Digmaster scowls at Basementicus and then sighs as he hands his plate to the drow. "If the little thing wasn't so cute I'd have said no, but I can eat other things." The gnome returns to idly staring off into space, obviously thinking about something important. The group eats its meal in relative peace before packing up to head down to the library. While grabbing his backpack Basementicus notices that it is significantly heavier than normal. Upon inspection inside he realizes that it has been filled with what looks like rocks upon first inspection. When checked closer the rocks turn out to be dirty gems, low quality, but still gems. Mostly consisting of agates and obsidian, with a rock crystal or two mixed in. All in all, with the help of the dwarves in the camp you manage to determine the value of the "rocks" comes out to be about 350 gp. No one is quite certain where the gems came from since the dwarves haven't seen any in their digging and these are all too rough to be found in the library.

After that mess is dealt with the group makes their way back to the library and is now to the point of needing to make a decision. Check out the theory that Kryla had written down, or head further into the library to see if the book can be found in the main part of the library.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Feb 12th, 2014, 04:36 AM
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Back inside the corridor of the library's offices, Reynard looks down the hall towards the unopened offices to the right, "What say we check a few of these offices, we can see if this map holds up. Likely the outer rooms will be filled with rubble like the one we came through, but maybe the inner rooms will be clear." He's carrying the divining rod in his hands and has tethered it to a short cord attached to his belt, in the event that he has to use his hands for a spell, it won't be lost. "I'm curious to see what might've been left behind by the previous occupants and we don't know where the book may be so it's best to search everywhere we can."

Suddenly he seems to remember something important, "In the event that we do locate the book we're looking for, do not store it in the bag of holding that we were supplied with. This is very important if we intend to collect on the bonus we were offered by Kizziar. As I understand it, once the book enters that bag it will be spirited away to our employer; this would obviously impede our ability to study it ourselves." He adds the last with a look towards Angarato; something to motivate them not to forget. He does not remark on the potential dangers of actually reading an artifact as he is unsure of them himself.

"There's also the door at the other end of the gallery, we don't really know where that leads." Reynard makes a mental note to himself to start drawing up a rough map, by all accounts, this place is massive and it would not do to get lost. He wonders if the offices still have writing supplies that have survived the years.
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Old Feb 12th, 2014, 04:48 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato looks at Reynard curiously, then considers his comments. "My recommendation for exploring this place is to try to clear the single rooms as we come by them, otherwise we adopt a rule of rights. For those that are unfamiliar with the term, we always choose the right path when we come to a room or hallway that makes us choose. We could equally do all lefts as well, but the main things is being consistent with the choice. The main advantage to this is that we can more easily protect our daily travels in and out of the library and avoid getting turned around or lost. As we have already learned we need to be on guard against traps and from some of the tracks we have seen, there are some things moving around down here.

I had already considered the book issue myself, but I think it is important for everyone to understand our desire to examine the book. I appreciate you pointing that out to all of us, especially since we have added a new member to the team."

Angarato clears his mind and prepares to focus his attentions on
Dice Perception traps and illusions:
1d20+8 (17)+8 Total = 25
actively searching for traps and illusions. "Now that we have seen those illusions, I think that is something we need to be minful of as we proceed deeper inside the library. However, It would be dangerous to assume that all visual tricks are illusions, So look before you leap!" This last part was aimed directly at Basementicus, who has demonstrated a rather impulsive, ready, fire, aim approach.

Angarato grins briefly and then focuses on the path before them saying, "Ickrak'ey Arcaniss"

Last edited by Angarato; Feb 12th, 2014 at 05:35 PM.
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Old Feb 12th, 2014, 05:49 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus appears resigned. He understood the plan and though he really didn't care much about the book personally, he would still do his best to make sure the party got what it needed with what he could offer.

"You've got the magic, so take the lead. I'm not going to be going near any gems on my own. If I'm going to be doing something, it's going to involve stabbing."

He cracks his neck and waits for the party to resume their investigation.
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Old Feb 14th, 2014, 02:31 AM
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Reynard makes his way to the right, back towards the gallery they visited before. He stops by the pair of doors flanking the hall, "Let's try this room first." He says, pointing to the left hand door, "The other one likely has a cave in, if the room had windows."
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Old Feb 14th, 2014, 02:46 AM
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The group checks the door for traps and doesn't find any from the outside. The door handle itself doesn't want to move, but after a try or two it finally breaks loose of whatever rust or dirt was preventing movement. The next problem is getting the door to open as it seems to be very stuck. It doesn't take very long to determine that the door isn't actually made of wood, but rather a substance that was made to look like wood. It seems to be aging, but otherwise in good condition, unlike anything else made of wood in the wastelands. Eventually Basementicus with some help manages to get the door open, which unfortunately breaks the hinges at the same time. The opening of the door also causes an illusion trap to go off, but it is easy to tell that it is an illusion and disappears just as quickly.

Inside the room looks much like the other room. There is a desk and some chairs and a book case. Mostly unremarkable overall upon first glance. Upon looking closer it becomes apparent that there seems to be a pile of ash sitting on the chair at the desk and one chair at the front of the desk. Naturally the ash is covered with dust as well. There are some dessicated remnants of books on the desk and bookshelves, but even the ones that still look mostly whole crumble immediately into dust if touched. It is odd, but remarkably a painting hanging on the wall to the left of the door (side wall, not hallway wall). The dust hides its appearance but it seems to be a painting of some person.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Feb 14th, 2014, 03:03 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus notes the presence of fire hazards in the general area. It's no wonder there's a pile of ash in that chair. Also that painting in particular looks suspicious.

The drow decides to approach the painting and have a look at it.

Dice Oh what fine art:
d20+3 (9)+3 Total = 12
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Old Feb 14th, 2014, 03:42 AM
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Reynard follows the group into the room, checking for any response from the divining rod while looking around. After a walk around the room with it not showing signs of detecting anything, he recalls that it might have more uses than just detecting the book. He casts Detect Magic and takes a moment to
Dice Identify:
1d20+8 (9)+8 Total = 17
analyze it. He also searches the desk drawers for anything of interest before joining Basementicus at the portrait.

Last edited by Aarroun; Feb 14th, 2014 at 03:44 AM.
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Old Feb 14th, 2014, 03:43 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato realizing that going into the room might make things a little crowded, decides to watch from the door. He scans the room closely and noticing Reynard's searching of the desk asks, "Anything of interest?"

Focusing on the painting, Angarato searches his recollections for any knowledge he may have on the painting.

OOC:Assuming Perception and Detect Magic are still active from previous post
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Old Feb 14th, 2014, 05:14 PM
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Willowick, who had been solemnly silent the entire time, decides to speak up, cautiously flying into the room, close to the ceiling, glancing about to see if he can notice anything else.
Dice Perception:
1d20+7 (7)+7 Total = 14

"I don't remember this room at all. Though... I don't know if I should know the person in that painting or not..."
Willowick then decides to fly over and hover in front of it, staring at it intently, trying to remember...
Dice History / Memory:
1d20+3 (4)+3 Total = 7
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Old Feb 14th, 2014, 11:19 PM
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Reynard checking the dowsing rod gives him no new information other than it has powerful magic in it. Those looking at the painting can't really tell much about it till Willowick's flapping wings manage to cause enough dust to fall off the painting to show what it actually looks like (See below). The portrait has an amazing wooden frame on it, now noticeable since most of the dust has fallen off. The wood was probably preserved by the magic that those who have detect magic working can see on the portrait. After staring at it for a moment you see the man in the portrait blink. The portrait is still pretty dusty, but at least it is clean enough to see fairly well what it is of.

The desk drawers reveal a lot of dust or papers that turn into dust when touched. However, the top drawer reveals an excellent (and slightly magical) mithril quill and a crystal vial of blue ink (the vial itself is slightly magical as well). The only other thing of note in the drawers is a red steel key that seems to be in perfect condition.

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Feb 15th, 2014, 01:02 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus had never seen a portrait move on its own before. If it can blink, maybe it can speak?

"You alive in there?"
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Old Feb 15th, 2014, 05:12 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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"Well there is something you just don't see everyday, a blinking painting." Angarato looks down at the name plate on the door and notices that it is the same as the label on the painting. Then looking at the ashes in the chair behind the desk, "The nameplate out here is the same as the painting, wonder if the guy who worked in here somehow utilized the painting as some form of trap or even a defense mechanism. One guy in the painting, two piles of ashes. Do you see any special markings or mechanisms in the frame?" This last question was directed at either Willowick or the Drow, both of which were close to the painting.
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Old Feb 15th, 2014, 05:31 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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The drow pokes and feels around the frame of the painting. He's not sure if he's found anything. He decides to take the painting off of the wall and hold it in his hands. He faces the painting toward the wall.

"I don't know. Has anything happened yet?"

The drow begins to suspect that this might be little more than an ordinary painting with some magic cast on it to make it looks like it's moving. He's probably wasting his time fiddling with it.
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Old Feb 15th, 2014, 05:58 PM
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Basementicus manages to take the painting off the wall, revealing a mostly clean section of wall with a hanger for the painting. Or that is what you are meant to believe. It doesn't take much searching before it becomes obvious that there is an illusion behind the painting, one that seems to be running out of magic as it seems to flicker every once in a while. Behind the illusion, which doesn't seem to want to properly disperse, is a single keyhole. Below the keyhole is some writing in draconic saying "Remember 3". It looks as if it were just a simple note to whoever wrote it in the first place.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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