"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Thomas pauses when he realizes that he's failed to wedge a shim under the plate to hold it in place, awaiting the worst. When it doesn't happen he doesn't so much sigh in relief, but just gets less tense... if that's possible. "The pressure plate's still active, so no one take anything, but I'd like to look inside. Also, who brought rope?" He asks as he switches the tool set he's using from shim hammering to thin lock pick tools. "I have some, but I'm just curious now that I think about it."
Dice Disable Device (Open Lock):
Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Feb 16th, 2014 at 09:16 PM. |
Basementicus wipes some dust and ash from his hands off on his pantlegs. No key to be found here. He can't imagine why there would be a locked chest with no key unless the key is somewhere else or irretrievably lost.
"I believe there is some rope in the dungeoneering kit. Did you need some?" |
"I will if what's in this chest is worth taking." Thomas states, glancing over his shoulder at Base. "If."
"You know, the chest is the same material as the key. Usually locks and the keys that go to them share a common design and material." Reynard works the key free from the door where it was left and holds it for Basementicus or Thomas to take, "Care to see if this works?" He asks with an innocent smile.
"Yeah, gimme that thing!"
Basementicus snatches the key and thrusts it into the lock, giving it a firm twist. |
The attempt to pick the rather complex lock fails, but oddly the key works just fine. When removed from the keyhole those who can see it can tell that it is a slightly different shape than before, as if it had changed to fit the lock. Since the room is magically kept clean the chest opens with ease, no creaking or anything though the dowsing rod plays some different music when the chest is opened (think Zelda chest opening music). Inside the chest are three different compartments with lids on each one. No apparent locks or traps can be seen. The interior seems to be lined with red velvet. The box itself isn't very large, so there is only so much it can fit inside.
You check under each of the lids carefully. The right compartment has a bunch of paperwork in it, the middle container has a black and red bound book. The left container has what looks like a folded up shoulder bag. From what you can tell from the depth of the compartments there is likely a final compartment underneath the ones visible, though it would be difficult to get at it without possibly triggering the trap.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
"And now we need the rope" Thomas explains his plan of tying the rope around the chest, standing outside the room, and pulling it out quickly allowing whatever trap to spring on an empty room. The chest would be closed to protect the contents of course. "Sound like a plan?"
Basementicus retrieves the fifty feet of silk rope from the dungeoneering kit. He faces the chest; perhaps the most daunting challenge yet. Rope in hand, he makes a move on the chest.
Dice Subdue the chest:
Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 17th, 2014 at 02:21 AM. |
Angarato considers the plan for a moment and sees the logic of it. However, he thinks it might be worth another attempt to disable it, saying "I will defer to the judgment of you trap disarming experts, given the amount of magic used to protect this room, I think maybe another attempt to disarm the sole remaining trap seems like a reasonable precaution. It would be a shame if the trapped triggered something inside the chest. Failing that of course, using the rope makes sense to me."
As he turns out of walk out of the room, Angarato picks up the painting and moves it to the hallway, being carefull to keep the face of the painting away from where the others were working. "I guess I will take this painting to the Digmaster for his review, I am doubtful he will be interested in it, but we did say we would bring any items we found to him." Angarato steps back into the hallway of the library to make room for others who will be yanking the chest out of the room and places the facing toward the wall opposite the door to the office. "I'll stand out here, but have a pretty strong arm should want a hand pulling the chest off the trap." Last edited by Angarato; Feb 17th, 2014 at 03:38 PM. |
"My judgement as a trap disarming expert is to not try it again, and tug on it with a rope." Thomas counters. "If trying it again was the most viable option, I wouldn't need rope." Once Base has the chest tied up, Thomas exits the room with hands on the rope. "It may be heavy, I suggest we all lend a hand and tug on a count of three."
The rope gets tied firmly around the chest and the group manages to pull the chest to safety as a giant boulder comes down making quite a bit of noise and then crashes into the other wall before disappearing. When the illusory rock and noise is gone you can see bolts stuck in the walls and a couple blades hanging down from the ceiling now. The chest itself was rather heavy, but everyone working together managed to make it move quite easily. The fact that the room was kept clean helped greatly in the chest moving smoothly. Out in the hallway you can hear some movement, likely just the DWARF employees.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
"I win." Thomas comments with more smile than he's ever displayed before. He kneels again and opens the chest to examine the contents with impunity."
Angarato pleased with the efforts of his team, kneels down and looks into the chest. Considering the level of protections here, Angarato decides to
Dice Perception:
Reynard drops the rope and looks towards the sound of footsteps outside, "I don't think that's DWARF out there, they still have weeks worth of time left in that first office and it's not like them to do a half-assed job. We should be cautious." He looks at the rest of the group with a worried expression then moves to the far side of the room, while keeping distance from the door, so as to have a better vantage point.
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