Age: 21 Appearance: Ella is on the short side of average but otherwise resembles most common working women of her generation. She is tanned from trips to the woods, and covered in small scars on hands, arms, and legs from thorns and other prickly herbs. She wears a scarf over brown waist-length hair, tying her hair up into it to keep out of the way of her various tasks. Her face is young but wary, eagerly searching faces for hidden secrets, motives, or antagonism towards her person.
Personality: Ella knows the value of what she does to the community and does not hold with false modesty when surrounded by the people she respects and that know her. However, she also knows the need to remain hidden, and will bow and scrape and cringe as the situation requires to remain ignored by anyone that would do her harm.
Background: I need a bit more background of where we are, what country. Looking it up at the moment.
__________________ Catching up.
Last edited by FoggyKnight; Nov 21st, 2017 at 11:05 PM.