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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 04:25 PM
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Squeak: consider the following.

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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 04:34 PM
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Interested, yes very much so.
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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 05:48 PM
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Qasim Abdul Waliyy Ozir

"Warden of the Dunes."

Human (Keleshite)
Cavalier, Order of the Land
CampaignGnoll Killer | Region TraitDesert Child
Theme: At the Gates of Babylon

Appearance and Personality: Qasim Abdul Waliyy Ozir, Warden of the Dunes, cuts an impressive image at first sight. Standing just above six foot, he towers over many of his fellow Keleshites. Wrapped in a carapace of leather, metals, and coarse fabrics -- a veritable cornucopia of flexible protection -- he takes his seat with ease, once his bit of the duties are done, and regards the others at the table with lighthearted humor and guarded purpose. His long, dark hair gives way to a strong brow, looming over his golden eyes. His jaw and chin sport a long thick beard sprinkled with bits of premature grey, and his mouth is often curved upward in an easy smile. His hand, wrapped and calloused, grip a small wooden bowl while the other picks bits of meat and root and moves them to his mouth.

He does his best to jest with the others gathered around the firepit, the light flickering back and forth in the dark, casting wild shadows into the dust. "By the looks here, the Dog-Faced King best be the one cowering this night!" He exclaims, jesting and elbowing one of the traveling companions in the ribs. "What a colorless lot," his thoughts betray him in this. He keeps his tongue, though, preferring not to voice his unfavorable opinion. "Humor seems to be lost on them." Taking another mouthful from the bowl he sits back and listens to their dreary conversation and sets his mind to the grim task before them.

Warning: rolls have been deleted from this post.

Last edited by AusFly; Jan 21st, 2014 at 05:51 AM.
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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 06:45 PM
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Application WiPName: According to my Arabic baby names guide, this should mean 'The Sun, Graceful, Queen of Sheba' which is only right for a chosen of Sarenrae.Jawna Jameela Bilqis

Race: Human, Keleshite.

Class:Cleric of Sarenrae

Traits: Earning Your Freedom (Campaign trait): You’ve been a slave your whole life, and have passed from master to master more times than you can count. Some of those masters were cruel, others kindly. In all cases, you’ve yearned to be free. When your most recent master fell on hard times, he sold many of his slaves to the city government, and as luck would have it, a recent opportunity to earn your freedom has manifested. The Pactmasters of Katapesh are looking to revitalize an old trade route to Osirion, and a band of mercenaries and guards is gathering to go out and supplement forces already in place near the ruined village of Kelmarane, now said to be infested by gnolls. You’ve secured a place among those mercenaries, under the watchful eye of Garavel. If you help in retaking Kelmarane, you’ve been promised your freedom. In any event, your life as a slave has toughened you and made you more resistant to hardship. Choose one of the three categories of saving throw; you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws of that type.Earning Your Freedom, Birthmark (Faith trait): You were born with a strange birthmark that looks very similar to the holy symbol of the god you chose to worship later in life. Benefits: This birthmark can serve you as a divine focus for casting spells, and as a physical manifestation of your faith, and it increases your devotion to your god. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.Birthmark

Music: Jawna and the Dawnflower Jawna and the Cleansing Flame

Appearance and personality: Jawna stares into the fire. A log at the edge isn't burning right. It has fallen and one end barely smoulders. It is trying to escape the flames. Jawna Sparksets it alight and kicks it into the pit.

It hurts, standing so close to the fire. The cut and brand on her breast never healed right. Is it ever too hot? It is right now, Jawna rotates her finger and Create waterdouses it a little. She sits back down. She closes her eyes in meditation. Her face is roasting, she pulls her hijāb over to protect her cheeks. The red of the fire glows through her eyelids. Here is the strength she needs.

Jawna Jameela Bilqis stands up. She looks around the campfire. It has always represented the perfect shrine and auditorium - the people sit in a circle, focused on the flame and the cold and pitch dark desert envelops but is excluded. Jawna bows as if to address her fellow travellers then drops her robes and pulls open her tunic. She has a fine body. - that's the point - but the horseshoe burn and the jagged cut on her breast marks that body as a unit, an object, a commodity.

Trait story:


Last edited by Captain K; Jan 27th, 2014 at 11:55 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 12:06 AM
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I imagine a Summoner should be important to this crusade

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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 02:06 AM
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Sounds fun.

I'm going to apply with a Half Orc Summoner.
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Last edited by Numen Wraith; Jan 15th, 2014 at 05:04 AM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by JohnStone View Post
I imagine a Summoner should be important to this crusade

If you're looking for a summoner with a genie, can I suggest going Shaitan, not Djinn. There's a handy dandy archetype for that. (It does require the ARG which has not been permitted. I just thought it was relevant to the suggestion)

As is the Ifrit wishcrafter
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 02:38 PM
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Name: Malik Bashar
Race: Human
Class: Monk of the Four Winds
Picture: Not quite sure what an arabic monk would look like, but this is good for Elemental Fist types. See --->
Music: Give a link to a song that best represents your character. It does not have to be arabic, just something that would reflect the character best.
Traits: Pesh Addict, Finding Haleen
Appearance and Personality: Malik kneels in front of the fire, sitting back on his heels as he stares into the bright flames. His eyes seem sunken, haunted, but it could just be a play of shadows from the fire's light that play across his face. After a moment of seeming contemplation, he closes his eyes and breathes in, opening his eyes again on exhaling. He rubs his face and slides his hand over his shaven head before standing to take a serving of the hot food. He smiles at the others, although the smile never reaches his eyes.

"We should reach Kelmarine by tomorrow...," he says, emotions playing across his face before it settles in a calm facade, "then we shall see what we see, yes?"

Last edited by DarkNetwerk; Jan 26th, 2014 at 06:46 AM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 10:08 PM
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Name: Mamook Jassin
Race: Human (Keleshite)
Class: Gunslinger (Musket Master)
Music: Link
Traits: Gnoll Killer, Black Powder Bravado
Appearance and Personality: W.I.P

Last edited by Legion; Jan 15th, 2014 at 10:31 PM.
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Old Jan 16th, 2014, 09:48 AM
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Great work so far, guys.
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Old Jan 16th, 2014, 09:49 AM
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I love your idea for Mamook, Legion. All sorts of ideas arose when I considered introducing him to the game. His abilities and the mystic of the picture would give not only the group, but also the story, further depth. But Gunslinger (Musket Master) is the class archtype under Ultimate Combat. You can pick another class and choose Gunslinger later after a couple of levels if you still want to pursue that class. I can introduce the musket to the world and have your character develop his skills along the way.

DM NOTE: Be careful to read the requirements in the application. You can only accept the classes of Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Oracle, Summoner, or Witch. The only reason I mention this is so that you don't spend all your time and energy into a class or race you can't have and then have it rejected and thus discourage you in playing. I want you guys to have fun and want to see everything you can give. Great great concepts so far from all of you.
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Old Jan 16th, 2014, 02:19 PM
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Inquiry. Since Katapesh is part of Golarion, and Golarion is very much an established setting, do we have much freedom as far as adding a small NPCs or small organizations to the world?

Sorry if it's a silly question.
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Old Jan 16th, 2014, 03:04 PM
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Dropped the crazy halfling idea and went in a different direction. How about an effeminate half-orc bard that can't sing? Yeah, I went there.

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Name: Majid Al Rasim Al Abd Karim
Race: Technically, he is 1/4 orc, but for game purposes he's half-orcHalf Orc
Class: Bard
Music: HERE is his theme song. It's about as far away from Persian music as you can get, but it does reflect his personality quite well.
Traits: Dustwalker Agent (Katapesh), Reclaiming your Roots


RP Sample #1 -

RP Sample #2 -


Last edited by Squeak; Jan 19th, 2014 at 06:16 PM.
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Old Jan 16th, 2014, 06:12 PM
Captain K Captain K is offline
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Squeak, that Willie song is cool and I think it suggests the twinkle in the eye of Majid. Nice.

PIG, I see your note about CRB and APG only. In that case, I suggest you edit the 'Basic Traits' section of your OP, because the ones you have listed include ones from various sources including Cheliax, Empire of Devils and Ultimate Campaign, for instance. You can see, there is stuff like Black Powder Bravado there for shooters as Legion found. I would recommend sticking to this original list: Traits

Fellow players, if it looks like am being pedantic, it is unintended. Traits are an important part of a character's backstory, and obviously I want my story to make sense with mechanical elements such as these traits. I have already found that ideas I had about the direction for Jawna are restricted, for instance, I had imagined her as some shining dervish of the Sun, but the famed Sarenrae feat of Dervish Dance is in Inner Sea Guide. It would be silly of me painting a picture of her spinning through the desert when that won't happen. It doesn't matter, but I wouldn't want my idea not to make sense. Similarly, I suggest the revised trait list above, so nobody picks something cool or thematic or powerful or whatever and you have to remove it from the character.

Last edited by Captain K; Jan 16th, 2014 at 06:51 PM.
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Old Jan 16th, 2014, 08:53 PM
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Rashida Qadr al-Walida, Cleric of Pharasma

This looks great, and an excellent pool of applicants shaping up as well! If I make the cut I'll be rolling a halfling cleric of Pharasma. This application is finished and includes a character sheet using 20 point buy and average gold as specified by the GM. Please feel free to critique.

PIG, can you please confirm you can see my secret text? I'm not sure if I did it correctly. Thanks!

Application: Rashida Qadr al-Walida, Cleric of Pharasma
left-aligned image
Name: Rashida Qadr al-Walida (Rough English meaning: Wise Rose of the Newborn)
Character Sheet: Here.
Race: Halfling
Class: Cleric of Pharasma (Knowledge - Thought, Repose)
Theme: Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata arranged for classical guitar.
Traits: Uwaga Highlander, Missionary

Appearance and Personality: She covers her face and returns to camp after eating alone in the dark. Rashidah observes the traditional practice of Kelesh women and always covers her face while among others. She listens intently to the discussion and caresses an onyx black rose hanging around her neck.

When she speaks her companions are surprised. She’s hardly breathed a word since the caravan set out. Rashidah is so unobtrusive that most of them had forgotten she was there. She turns her piercing jade stare directly into the eyes of the man bragging about his intentions for the Carrion King. "Quick to deal out death and judgment, are you? I would not hurry. Given time the red sands of the Lady's hourglass run out for us all."

Her companion is indignant. “You suggest the Carrion King deserves mercy?”

"Many who deserve mercy are denied. Many who deserve death are spared. As a midwife I have seen countless innocent babes perish. Followers of Sarenrae deal out righteous fury and discover the condemned were not guilty. My people live in bondage for no other reason than being born one of the small folk. Great civilizations convinced of their own divine favor are now but sand and ruin."

“I don't see what these philosophical considerations have to do with our immediate concern – bringing the vile butcher-dog in Kelmarane to justice.”

"Good and evil, liberation and bondage, life and death. These are but two sides of the same coin, no? Each loses meaning without its partner. Surely we must act. Even inaction is a choice for which we are responsible. But I humbly maintain we only ever know the true justice of our choices when we arrive at the Boneyard for final judgment. For only the Lady of Graves knows the fate of all creation."

Last edited by ClicheGuevara; Jan 25th, 2014 at 12:02 AM. Reason: grammar, typos, style, 1-23: Updated region trait to work better with Rashida's background
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