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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 12:19 AM
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I am interested, will take a few days to put a good app together. When are you looking to start up again? I am leaning towards a caster.

Last edited by Stonk; Oct 24th, 2018 at 12:20 AM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 01:28 AM
Izathel Izathel is offline
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Posting as a placeholder, very interested in playing a bladelock in this game.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 03:51 AM
Zwingli Zwingli is offline
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Wow, I'm just on Page 3 of the Game Thread and am deeply impressed by the DM and Oliver especially! It would be a privilege to join (and will back that up with an application soon), but just reading the game is already quite satisfying. Just finishing a bit of work, then I'll get back to this before it's too late, hopefully!

Last edited by Zwingli; Oct 24th, 2018 at 08:31 PM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 04:45 AM
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I would like to pick things up again next week, if I'm honest. I feel that the game needs a shot of momentum to avoid the RPGCrossing Death Curse that seems to afflict most campaigns. So, I'd appreciate those interested in joining the game to have apps in by Monday or Tuesday of next week at the latest.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!

Last edited by jbear; Oct 24th, 2018 at 10:57 AM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 11:21 AM
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Putting together an application for this: You said the magic words and you seem to mean them...LONG TERM. I have never dropped out of game and I wouldn't do so here.
Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
I have taken The Oath of Sangus
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 11:44 AM
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Nice to see some familiar faces.

My character app is complete. Arsaloe reporting for Harper duty and Harper revenge!
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 11:47 AM
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I'd be interested in playing a Moon Druid with a focus on durability and ally protection (ie "tanking"). I'll see if I can have an application up sometime today.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 12:12 PM
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Trixy Green
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Name: Trixy Green
Race: Goblin
Class: Bard

Appearance: Trixy is a small bright green goblin of cheerful personality and witty conversation. She dresses fashionably as if that would somehow distract others from the fact that she is in fact a little goblin. She keeps her bone white hair neatly coifed and perfumed. Trixy goes out of her way to present a civilized, put together appearance but in reality it is all for show. She is a goblin and revels in the chaos of life.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Background: Spy

Personality Traits:
- I take great pains to always look my best and follow the latest fashions.
- I stretch the truth for the sake of a good story.
- I don't pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds.

Ideal: Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling.

Bond: A proud noble once gave me a horrible beating, and I will take my revenge on any bully I encounter.

Flaw: I'm convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.


Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
I have taken The Oath of Sangus
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.

Last edited by Begon Ugo; Oct 26th, 2018 at 08:08 PM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 02:10 PM
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APPLICATION - Submitted for Consideration

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Name: Toben
Race: Forest Gnome
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class: Wizard - School of Illusion
Background: Far Traveler

Personality Traits: Toben is a gnome that has traveled far and wide exploring new places and things. He is on the hunt for knowledge and adventure as he feels that experience is what drives wisdom and that wisdom is what makes each individual unique or perhaps...greater. He is mischeiveious and likes to be jovial and happy. He uses his illusionary skills to entertain those who he likes or frighten and drive off those who he doesn't.

Appearance: Toben is not your typical forest gnome, though he seems to always have a smirk on his face like he is the only one getting the joke. He looks like a middle aged man on a short stature body which some feel that his a very ugly, overly large pixie. But, his facial features reveal his gnome heritage, including his overly large feet. His hair is dark brown and he sports a goatee on his chin. He has tattoos on many places of his body as wards of protection against those whom might harm him. His skin is an earthy brown and wrinkled from the sun. Toben wears his dark brown hair short, which is atypical of the forest gnomes of his homeland.

Toben hails from the Feywild, the forest gnome's ancestral homeland. He studied for nearly 30 years as a wizard in training. There, he learned how to speak with the animals and hone his abilities as an illusionist. When it was time for him to leave the comfort and convenience of being a student, Toben was shell shocked. He felt that he had so much more to learn than what his masters had taught him so far. He decided to set off in search of more knowledge and wisdom at the Candlekeep library. His travels, however, were not direct. He spent time amongst the civilized folk in various hamlets and villages along the way. He studied people of all races and learned that he had a knack for entertaining. He had a smile on his face and always made the women and children laugh at his silly illusions. However, Toben's mischievous side always seemed to emerge.

This had brought him a bit of trouble, however. Some of the local ruffians in the thieves' guild were rumored to be kidnapping the innocent daughter of the local mayor for blackmail and extortion. Toben happened to be walking by the alley where the thugs were laying in wait for the barmaid, and he overheard their plan. With a flick of his wrist, Toben summoned the image of a beholder to frighten the men away, but as they ran out of the alley, they bumped the gnome, and the illusion fell. His tricks were instantly discovered, and he was chased by the men. He managed to hide in a small barrel in an adjacent alley, but it was too late. The men reported back to their leader and a price was put on Toben's head. He had no choice except to leave the town for his own well being, though, he still feared for the girl While trying to slip out of town, a shadowy figure approached him and offered him safe passage. What Toben did not realize, however, was that this man was a Harper's agent.

While Toben was being smuggled out of town, the man told him of the organization and the need for similar talents to those that Toben possessed. Apparently, there were bigger problems brewing across Faerun, and the Harpers were amassing new recruits. Toben was intrigued and felt that 'on the job' training would do him just fine. Together, they made their way to Baldur's Gate where Toben joined others like him. Little did the poor gnome realize that he was destined to fight forces well beyond anything he had ever imagined.
Roleplay Example: The Job

Posting Rate: Maximum: Many times per workday (M-F CST). Only once or twice on weekends; Minimum: once per day during workday, none on weekends. Oh, and I am definitely here for the long run!

Last edited by Shaede; Oct 24th, 2018 at 02:59 PM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 03:18 PM
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Simon Steffanson
Class- Druid (Circle of the Moon)
Race- Human
Background- Faction Agent
Alignment- Chaotic Good
Role- Durable Frontline/Control, Backup Caster

Appearance- Simon is a human male with long black hair and a black beard. He's in his early thirties, though his hard years in the wilderness show in every wrinkle on his brow, every callus on his hands, in his lean but healthy physique.

Personality- Simon is slow to trust, but fiercely protective of his friends. Though he was born and raised in a city, he's become deeply uncomfortable with civilization. He's rejoined the Harpers, but he still hasn't entirely forgiven them for allowing themselves to be corrupted so deeply all those years ago, and will always make his own judgements about the right course of action, even if it differs from the Harpers' philosophy. He's brash and to the point, taking little time to consider the impact of his words; he doesn't have much of a filter, realizing only after the fact that he's hurt feelings or alienated someone. For this reason and others, he's often more comfortable in the form of a beast than a man.

History- Recruited by Harper ranger Christophe Loraine when he was a boy, Simon Steffanson began as an informant for the organization, feeding them information from within several of Waterdeep's more nefarious criminal organizations. When his cover was blown in 1474, Christophe helped Simon escape from the city, and by 1475, had begun training the young man to survive in the wilds. In 1478, when it came to light that the Harpers of Waterdeep had been subverted by the very organizations they had sworn to defeat, Chritophe left the order, and his protege Simon left with him, blaming the organization for his exile from the city he grew up in.

It became clear to Christophe that Simon wasn't cut out to be a ranger. A ranger needs balance, between order and chaos, nature and artifice, man and beast, but Simon seemed to have given up on humanity. Still determined to turn the young man into a force for good, the ranger made contact with a Druid Circle he'd had dealings with in the past, and they agreed to take in the young man, to make him one of them. As a druid, Simon found his calling, tapping deep into the primal roots within himself, he became one with the beasts of the woods, bringing their vengeance of nature upon those who would bring the evils of civilization into the wilds. Over the years, he grew more powerful, and had begun to make a name for himself, when Christophe found him again.

He was glad to see his old friend and mentor, but was more than a little apprehensive when Christophe told him he had rejoined the Harpers, that the corruption in the organization was gone. At first Simon refused to rejoin, but in the end the love and trust he felt for the man who had taught him so much won out, and he was sworn in once again as a Harper agent, using his nature magic and shapeshifting abilities to keep the world safe. When word got out that volunteers were needed to assault a Lich's lair, Christophe and Simon heard the call, and joined their fellow harpers in battle, Simon taking the form of a direwolf and tearing apart the undead minions of Zaldara with his jaws while Christophe expertly decorated them with arrows from the treeline. But both heroes fell in that battle, an undead ogre wrestling Simon to the ground and savaging him with a hammer the size of a man until he couldn't maintain the shape of a direwolf any longer, and then kept pummeling him until the world went dark. It wasn't until he came to, days later, that he learned Christophe was dead.

A decorated agent like Christophe would normally be resurrected by the Harpers so he could continue to serve the greater good, but despite their victory, the curse upon the world was not yet lifted, and resurrection magic was still failing. The Harpers swore they would stand vigil over the ranger's body, would use their magic to keep it from decaying, to ensure he could be resurrected when the balance was restored. Simon decided quickly it was a sign it would fall to him to help save his old mentor by joining the band of adventurers in their quest.


Last edited by Phil; Oct 26th, 2018 at 04:58 PM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 06:33 PM
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Application Complete
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Name: Kreal Hust
Class: Warlock - Fiend
Race: Human Variant
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Back Ground: Urchin




Last edited by Stonk; Oct 25th, 2018 at 03:11 PM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 06:52 PM
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Posting interest. Just had two games wrap up, so might be interested in throwing my hat into the ring. I'll get something together over the next few days.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 07:43 PM
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Simon's application and character sheet are complete. He's a human with the sentinel feat: this, combined with a beast form's extra toughness and large size should make him a great protector for the party in battle. Out of combat he has a variety of utility spells, and can be the party "face" as far as animals are concerned.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 09:00 PM
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Harper to the Bone
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Name: Harpshadow Morrill Palethorn
Class: Warlock (Hexblade)
Race: Half-Elf
Background: Faction Agent (Harper)
Age: 28
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Ideal: Through my persistence and discipline, I advance.
Flaw: Due to my surety of self, I have little patience for any indecision or lack of direction. Move, or you will be moved.
Bond: I have inherited the legacy of Harpers going back generations. I shall serve and advance the interests of Those Who Harp.
Personality: Morrill has gained a reputation among the Harpers for her passion and force of will. The woman is implacable when she sets her mind on something, and rarely shows vulnerability in front of her allies. Somewhat unusual for the individualistic Harpers, Morrill's approach to life is militaristic and sometimes rigid. While she is often guarded, she values her companions and serves those connections with a fierce loyalty, Harper or no.


MiscWhy this game appeals to me: I gotta say when I saw that this game was open to applicants, I was pumped! I'd actually stumbled onto the game thread a week or two ago, and the DM style along with the roleplay therein really got me going. I enjoy challenging, crunchy combat and dungeon crawling as well as the systems you've built on top like the items and skill challenges that really help bring the roleplay to life. And I have not played this adventure before.

Posting Rate: I'm on this site on a daily basis, so I can definitely manage two well-crafted posts per week. If I get into this game it'll be the last I take on though cause it's one that I can really sink my teeth into. And yes, I am very interested in a long-term, lasting PbP game! I've been a part of such before, just not on this site sadly.

Last edited by Vislands; Oct 26th, 2018 at 04:47 AM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2018, 11:34 PM
Zwingli Zwingli is offline
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Yurmyr the Ranger
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Name: Yurmyr Wrenbeard
Race: Hill Dwarf
Class: Ranger (possibly Horizon Walker)
Role: possibly archer/ranged support + scout
Alignment: Neutral Good
Background: Faction Agent (Harpers)

Personality: Slow to speak but quick in action (for a dwarf), Yurmyr earned the nickname 'Wrenbeard' as a tribute to his peaceful, calm nature (so calm that birds would nest in his beard). Though perceived as dull or too easy-going at times, the dwarf prefers violence to be a last resort. Instead, he strives to achieve a peaceful resolution to almost any conflict. This philosophy has served him well most of the time. Being a Harper, he has sometimes resorted to subterfuge and evasion to accomplish his goals, but lying (about anything) clawed at his conscience. He feels a certain kinship with druids and clerics, or individuals who also care much about the preservation of life. On the handful of occasions that he has had to fight, Yurmyr has held his own well enough.

Personality Trait: I can find common ground between the fiercest enemies, empathizing wilh them and always working toward peace. However, there are certain lines that cannot be crossed. Evil, especially the kind that leads to the destruction of the weak or the innocent, cannot be tolerated.
Ideal: Peace. I wage war on my enemies in order to equalize the battlefield and achieve peace. I look forward to a day when war is no longer necessary.
Bond: A fellow Harper - Karylla - saved my life on multiple occasions. It is only my duty to return the favor as she lays dying back in a safehouse.
Flaw: I put too much trust in those who wield power within my faction's hierarchy.


Last edited by Zwingli; Oct 26th, 2018 at 03:13 AM.
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