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Old Oct 25th, 2018, 03:36 AM
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Some fantastic apps coming in. Damn. This is going to be hard!
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!
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Old Oct 25th, 2018, 02:53 PM
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Friendly Neighborhood Necromancer
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Name: Naeriah Evermoor
Race: Half-elf
Class: Necromancer (wizard)
Background: Sage (wizard's apprentice)

Trait: Dusty old tomes aren't everything. You can learn as much from people as you can from books, probably more so.
Ideal: The journey matters more than the destination. Existence is full of destinations but the journey is never-ending.
Bond: Death is but one step in the journey of existence. I must ensure that step is handled properly and with reverence.
Flaw: Most people fear death, but I am eager to study it.



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Old Oct 25th, 2018, 09:28 PM
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Posting interest if there's still room.
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Old Oct 25th, 2018, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by astra View Post
Posting interest if there's still room.
My guess would be yes. The more great apps we throw in here, the harder we can make it on jbear to choose! Working on my character's backstory, but I think I have the rest of it finalized.
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Old Oct 25th, 2018, 11:05 PM
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For me finding the portrait is the obstacle. For whatever reason I can't start until I find one that matches the theme of what I want to play.
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Old Oct 26th, 2018, 03:44 PM
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I'm interested too, if you don't mind a newbie tagging along. When are you going to be making the final decision, or did I miss that post along the way?
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Old Oct 26th, 2018, 07:12 PM
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The new elf on the block

Name: Riardon Moonwhisper
Race: High Elf
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality Traits: I have a strong sense of fair play and always try to find the most equitable solution to arguments.
If someone is in trouble, I am always ready to lend help.

Ideals: Respect. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. (Good)

Bonds: I protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Flaws: The people who knew me when I was young know my shameful secret, so I can never go home again.

Background: As a young elf, Riardon was not quite like other elves. He was very selfish and cared very little for the lessons of communing with nature and whatnot. He was a bit of a prankster, and went from village to village playing jokes on his fellow elves. He constantly needed more excitement though, so his pranks became more and more elaborate and dangerous.

One night, he planned on scaring a family friend’s two small children by pretending he was part of a raiding party of orcs trying to take over the village. He had torches set up next to the house that he had rigged to all be lit together, but something went terribly wrong. When he pulled the rope to light the torches, instead the house was set ablaze! Horrified, he thought about going in and rescuing the family, but thought otherwise because he feared it would make him look suspicious. He watched as the father pulled his family from the burning home one by one, as a small crowd began to gather. The father went back in a third time, and brought out another girl, who was limp and not moving. He was screaming for help, that the girl was not breathing. Sadly, it seemed there was nothing anyone could do. Riardon looked on in horror as he realized it was his baby sister! He had not known she would be at the house tonight! Frantic and on the verge of hyperventilating, he was at a loss of what to do. Then, out of the smoke, a cleric appeared and knelt down next to the girl. He laid his hands on her head, and Riardon saw a warm glow surround them both. The little girl sat up, coughing, and in the next moment, Riardon’s parents had rushed over to her.

This shook Riardon to his core. He knew he would never be forgiven if the truth of what happened came out, and he could never forgive himself for nearly killing his own sister, or anyone else for that matter. He left the elven lands in a form of self exile, to spend his years trying to atone for his misdeed. He was constantly haunted by the vision of his sister being pulled from the fire. In his dreams, sometimes the cleric did not arrive in time, but still the girl would sit up. She would look at him with vacant eyes, point to him hiding, and scream a hideous scream, alerting the village to his presence. He vowed to himself that he would never again do anything that could harm an innocent person. In his travels, he came across an old human man that looked as though he was down on his luck. Riardon offered to buy the man a meal, and together they traveled into the city of Baldur’s Gate to find a place to eat. The man introduced himself as Davin, a former cleric. Riardon wondered how one could be a “former” cleric, but he did not press for information. Davin thanked him for his kindness, and the two began a long conversation. Riardon used what coin he had to give them both a room at one of the inns, and they proceeded to spend the better part of a month together. Eventually, Riardon began to ask him questions about his past. Davin told Riardon that he had been a member of the Order of the Gaunlet, an organization of clerics and paladins that fought to vanquish evil from the land. Riardon took to Davin’s teachings like a sponge, deciding that the cause of the Order matched up with his own desire to protect innocent lives. After asking Davin’s blessing, Riardon made his way to find the Order and ask for inclusion. Little did he know what that decision would ultimately cost him….

Last edited by VaultDweller; Oct 29th, 2018 at 06:53 PM. Reason: adding to application
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Old Oct 26th, 2018, 08:55 PM
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It might not be the best art, but it is original
Name: Svaly Cliffrock
Race: Halfling (Ghostwise)
Class: Monk (Intent to go Way of the Sun Soul)
Background: Clan Outcast (tweaked Outlander)
BITFS: Developed in the background narrative. Will fill out discretely, if selected, later

Apperance: Svaly looks like a regularly proportioned, if not slightly tall and lanky human. The biggest problem with that description is that he is all of three feet tall. He has a wild look accented by extra sharp canines that give him a somewhat feral appearance. Brown mopy hair models stiles popular in Neverwinter among the bards that cater to teenage birthday parties. The rest of his traveling garb is minimalistic. A big smile and deep blue eyes help bring some civility to his appearance.

Personality: The traits that have kept Ghostwise halflings a secret to the world, being seclusive, un-adventures, reserved and untrusting, are the exact opposite of the characteristics that Svaly posses. This in large part, led to his expulsion from his Tribe. Svaly is talkative, inquisitive, outgoing, friendly and quick to trust others. Customs and laws can seem strange to him, but he always tries to do what is right, guided by a strong moral compass. He is fearless in the face of danger, often to his own determent. He also tries to see the best in people. He is keenly aware of his own awkwardness, so never takes offense to those who give him strange scornful looks on first introductions. It would be a mistake to take his light-heartedness to mean he isn't serious though. Once sword to a cause he believes in, nothing (short of a 4' tall wall) will get in his way, or persuade him to choose another path.

Background Narative
Svaly knew quickly he didn't fit in well with the Cliffrock tribe. He was too... curious about the world around him. Their clan was named after the large cliffs near the forest they inhabited. The Cliffrock clan were, like most Ghostwise halflings, isolationists. Friendly and cheerful, wanting to make friends with his neighbors of the woods, and see the world might have been well received in most halfling villages. Being the nephew of the chief though, put a spotlight on Svaly's excursions outside of town, and he was given an ultimatum. Stay put, or be exiled. Svaly didn't take the threat seriously and was out before long visiting with some nearby elves. To save face, his Uncle had to follow through on the threat, and Svaly was cast out of the clan, told never to return. It seemed like a harsh punishment to the youngster, but it was also a lesson to him. When someone had enough, believe them. Don't push. He wasn't bitter or mad about the situation, though. It just gave him an opportunity to go explore the world full time.

A Friend in Need
On rare occasion, two people meet and realize instantly that they click. Sometimes they click so well that it would be hard for them to be apart. Such was the case when Svaly met a lovely goliath woman names Chary. Despite being nearly five feet taller than Svaly, the two became instant friends (and insisted that friends were all they were) when they met on the road. Chary was on a hunt for a massive boar, and Svaly happened to have seen the creature just before the pair crossed paths. They tracked the beast down to a cave, the entrance much too small for Chary to fit into. Svaly just happened to be the right size to squeeze in though and flush the boar out. What happened over the next few days is disputed, each telling a different story, but eventually, the pair set out on the road again, determined to find adventure and help those in need along the way. For Chary, having a quick, nimble and friendly traveling companion was great company. Svaly provided a strong moral compass, and Chary, well Chary could see over fences and walls that Svaly couldn't.

The Harpers?
On the road to Waterdeep, Svaly and Chary ran into a merchant caravan that was under ambush by hobgoblins. With Svaly's promptings, the pair rushed to aid the outnumbered caravan guards. Chary was filled with the rage of a Barbarian, and was fearsome in combat. Svaly was nimble, quick, and cause a lot of confusion for such a little guy. Working together, along with the caravan guards, the ambushers were repelled. Refusing to accept more than a token payment as a reward, Svaly and Chary impressed one of the guards, who happened to be a member of the Harpers. He wrote them an introductory letter and asked them to visit Remallia Haventree once they reached the city. Given the account of what happened, and what was written in the letter, the pair were inducted into the Harpers, and given charge to do good and fight evil wherever they may travel.

A fateful Day
A few years after their induction, while traveling near Baulder's Gate, Svaly and Chary received notification that the Harpers needed them. It was going to be a dangerous mission, one which might cost them their lives. Chary didn't want to go. It wasn't mandated for them too. But Svaly pushed her to it, reminding her of their oath to do good. He wasn't scared. They had each other's backs, and Svaly was sure they would make it through whatever task was given them. He should have been shaken though when he learned that they were being used to cause a distraction. To assault a Litch's lair. Still, he had faith that the cause must have been good, and that the plan wouldn't need them to throw their lives away like pawns.

Trying to hold to that faith, yet questioning those decisions were racking Svaly's thoughts as he lay dying on the ground. He was wounded, a skeleton warrior had run a rusty blade through his leg. Chary stood over the halfling, protecting him with all of her might and rage. It was a last stand worthy of a bards song, but alas, a curse flew through the woods and struck Chary in the back. She dropped dead, crushing Svaly beneath her.... "At least we are together," Svaly thought, unable to draw breath. As his vision faded, a flash of blue light appeared not far off, bringing travelers from the depths below. It must have been those sent to find the phylactery. A happy thought at the end. They had succeeded!

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Old Oct 26th, 2018, 09:11 PM
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Wow, there are a lot of great character post's here. I'll see about coming up with something tomorrow...maybe . I am new to 5th edition, but I have bought the book just last week. Haven't had time to do more then glance at it as I have been working long hours at work.

If I don't have something up by the time jbear chooses, good luck with the game everyone

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"
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Old Oct 28th, 2018, 02:13 AM
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Well I managed to get a character made. Enjoy
Character ConceptName: Tiffa Anglan
Race: Female Tiefling
Age: 19
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Background: Outlander (homesteader)
Role: Big Boom-Boom!

Personality Traits: I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear.
Ideals: Change: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.
Bonds: My family is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.
Flaws: I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.

Description: As Tieflings go, Tiffa is quite noticeable for a Tiefling. Having a bright red skin tone tends to do that. The solid silver eyes, canine teeth, dark purple hair, and a pair of curling antelope horns might also make her quite noticeable. It's only when you get closer that you notice the fine scales across her forearms, shins, hips, shoulders, chest, lower back and forehead. In a vain effort to not be as noticeable, Tiffa wears red cloths, the same color of her skin and has her hood up and stay's at least ten feet away from strangers when she encounters them.

Background: Tiffa did not want to watch her mother Erena die again...not like this, slowly wasting away. The first time was because of her when she was much younger, and so this time was her fault also. Back then, scared commoners in Baldur's Gate did not like a Tiefling "spawn" amongst them. Griff Hartten, who she was apparently named after, was there back then to bring her mother back and he was here now. Only he could not cure what was killing her now. Nor would he be able to raise her from the dead after what was killing her finished it's slow job. She was in her room in their small log cabin house and was watching as Griff talked with her mother. Her father Melech was outside taking out his rage and greef on pieces of defenseless wood. He was a Tiefling like his daughter and they both blamed themselves for Erena's first death. But even with the loud whacks from out side and the quiet nature of the conversation in the other room, Tiffa could hear what was being said from where she was. "Tell..<chough><chough> tell me what is happening Griff. I'm still a Harper even if I have retired to raise a family. <chough> I-I'm dying. I wish to know." The large human sighed, "First, I contacted a Priestess that is responsible for a cemetery half a day's ride from Baldur's Gate. They will be bringing one of those silver caskets I told you about in a few days." Erena coughed some more before staring at the man and said, "Tell me." He sighed and almost seemed to cry before explaining the plan the Harpers came up with. Tiffa was shocked out of her greef at hearing they were going to do "that" to a Litch of all things, just so they could ask it a question. Even Tiffa has heard of the Duchess of Rot. As Griff explained he had to leave if he was going to make it in time, Tiffa made a decision that changed her life. Packing as quickly and as quietly as possible, she put her pack and supply's outside her window that was on the back of the house. She thought, 'Hopefully father doesn't go around back for any reason.' before heading out to speak with her mother. Griff was just getting ready to leave when her mother, upon seeing Tiffa, asked him to stay just a moment to witness. What he witnessed was Erena give her daughter a small tarnished pin. It was in the shape of a Harp. Griff sighed, "After I'm done with my duty, I'll come back and begin her training." With that he gave Tiffa a somber look and left.

Tiffa soon left too, giving her mother a kiss and telling her father that she was going to go out to watch the horses run. Where they lived, out in the wilderness, was surrounded by trees. Half an hours walk north was a clearing where wild horses lived and ran. Less then five minutes after jogging north she came back quietly and gathered her things. She knew the path Griff had to take to head back to Baldur's Gate, and she easily outpaced him. An hour later, when he spotted her sitting on a fallen tree, he was of course surprised and then very angry. She just weathered his angry shouts and ignored his commands. When he gave an ultimatum that he would magic her back up to her cabin, her skin darkened a deep red in anger of her own, and she said, "No! And if you do magic me, I'll just turn and around start following you again! I'm prity good at tracking you know." She set her jaw and looked stubbornly at him. Tiffa was not prepared to see the man to crumple into him self in greef. She could not know that Griff was once one of her mothers suitors before Melech won Erena's heart. She could not know that he was still madly in love with her. She could not know, even with the Tiefling racial traits she possessed, that she looked exactly like Erena did when she was being stubborn. She could not know that he resented Melech and Tiffa for being Tieflings and getting Erena killed in the first place, and she could not know Griff hated himself greatly for feeling that way. He slowly got control of himself and wiped the tears away. Deciding he had to try one more time he looked sternly at her, "Your mother and father brought you out here to hide you. Those scales on your arms and face are not a Tiefling racial trait. You get that from your mothers Draconic heritage. If you ever showed the power your mother has.. Tiffa interrupted him, "I do." Griff's mouth gaped open in surprise. "About a year now. I hid it from mother and father so they wouldn't fret." He closed his mouth and his eyes as he let out a mighty sigh before continuing, "Then people will fear you more." Tiffa walked closer to him and stared him in the eye. "Then let them fear me. I'll burn the world down if it will bring back my mother." That seemed to make him grin, "I think your forgetting the founding Tenants of the Harper's. Just how much do you remember from the story's your mother and father told you?" Looking down and blushing a brite pink, Tiffa said, "N-not much. I thought they were just that, story's." Abruptly walking past Tiffa he said, "Then I guess the walk to Baldur's Gate will be educational for you." Tiffa frowned at him as he passed her and she thought, 'He almost sounds happy.' Then it struck her, "Does that mean I can come with you?" He grinned back at her, "Well, I'm not magicking you am I? She grabbed her stuff from besides the fallen tree and raced after him.

Battle Aftermath: Tiffa came to consciousness feeling a searing pain all over her left side and a ringing in her ears. The palm of her left hand seemed to be on fire but it was only smoldering from where she tried to desperately block the blast of flames with her bare hand. She would laugh if it wouldn't hurt so much. She remembered playing with the kitchen fire and only getting a little bit of reddened skin. Well redder. She whimpered as the pain came in waves, ebbing and flowing, as she looked for Griff. She stayed by him like he said too. 'Where is he?' She could not see him. Past a burning corpse of a skinny fallen Harper, Tiffa saw people talking. She focused on the group facing off against one person in black. As her hearing slowly came back, she heard the one in black finish speaking, "Veral Olo, bring me the book and then ask your questions." Eyes widening, she recognized the voice. "Zaldaraaaaggh!" Her fear had caused her to jerk and pull painfully on her burns. The ringing was back and she gritted her teeth in pain. Slowly she could hear a shout, then a smattering of talking, and then Zaldara's voice again, "...knight I hope to see him again one day." Realizing they had succeeded, Tiffa looked up to the sky and smiled, "We did it mother. The crazy plan of theirs worked." She closed her eye's, knowing the quest was not over yet, but content for the moment to escape her pain into unconsciousness.

  • I do not know if Harpers can get there kids into the secret guild like I portrayed, but it sounded good.
  • I figured I would leave it up to jbear to decide if the cleric Griff Hartten is still alive, wounded, or fried to a crisp.
  • I have not played Tomb of Annihilation before. The name is not familiar. Until a few months ago I have not played D&D for 11 years....unless it's a remake from an older module.
  • I am also willing to commit to a long term game.

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"

Last edited by Silk; Oct 28th, 2018 at 04:21 PM.
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Old Oct 28th, 2018, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by VaultDweller View Post
I'm interested too, if you don't mind a newbie tagging along. When are you going to be making the final decision, or did I miss that post along the way?
Yeah, I said asap, as I would like to make my selection early this next week. I did receive a request via PM however for a tiny bit more time so I will delay my decision until Wednesday. I'm both looking forward to it and dreading it.

Thank you for the awesome responses so far guys.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!
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Old Oct 28th, 2018, 05:30 PM
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Name: Taurri Stellaur
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard (Possible Specializations - Necromancy or Illusion)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Will possibly swing between Good and Evil)
Background: Haunted One

Trait: I don't talk about the thing that torments me. I'd rather not burden others with my curse.
Ideal: I like to know my enemy's capabilities and weaknesses before rushing into battle.
Bond: There's evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free (or should it?).
Flaw: I talk to spirits that no one else can see (himself).
A Scarred Battlefield

That’s all he ever wanted out of life, and now he finally had it. Peace. It was bliss and flowers and bubbling brooks.


No! That isn’t peace. Taurri Stellaur wanted sleep. Eternal slumber. He had his peaceful death. No more pain. No more suffering. No more confusion. He had it all now.


No! He didn’t want that. He wanted his peace! But he was quickly approaching the thing in front of him. This must be the Soulmonger. The eater of souls. And He was next. This isn’t how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to go to fields of green, and waters pure. This thing was an abomination of life. A spirit of undeath. A beast unimaginable.



"Cough… cough…"

The blood welled up in his lungs, and out of his mouth. Taurri could feel it bubble up, and out of his month. "Craff…Hriss!" He was struggling to breathe. He was alive. He hadn’t been eaten. Destroyed. Consumed in the afterlife. He was alive.

Then the pain came. And the suffering. His side hurt. His entire side. The intensity of it only worsening with each move; with each breathe. He moved the one thing that didn’t seem to instantly hurt, and he saw why. His arm was a charred wreck. His fingers barely attached. But they were there, and moving slightly.

He couldn’t stop the moaning from coming out of his mouth. It was involuntary. Breathe in, try not to take in blood. Breath out, his vocal cords vibrating of their own accord. Wheeze, gasp, breathe… live. It seemed that he was alive. In a way. His thoughts of peace and serenity quickly fading. But he could hear.

Hear the arguing. Hear the pleading, hear the questioning. His one good eye was able to look upon the form of Lady Zaldara. She was the one who did all this destruction. Or was she? The Harpers had brought this on. Did they need to instigate her wrath? All this to garner answers to unknown questions. Answers that weren’t even answers themselves. Was it all worth it?

Was his life worth it?

Was anyone’s?

Classes, classes, and other stuff."OK everyone, books away. Time for some practical applications."

'Schooling... who needs all of this. Just show us the spells, and we can go on from there.'

The students began to gather around the instructor. Some more enthusiastic than others. "Okay wart, show me what you got." The request was given, and the spells began to be thrown. The student trying to outwit the master, but the master always getting the better of the student.


Everyone was upside down, even the student himself. "Interesting approach. Not only did you manage to disable your target, but also yourself, and from the looks of things, all of the by-standards in the area." The student couldn't help but smile... until the teacher managed to get out with a simple knife cutting here and there. "But now, you seem to be caught, as well as everyone else here. You might have been able to catch me briefly, and yes you did what you set out to accomplish. But at what cost? And, what result? What if that had been a fireball? Or a cloudkill?" The teacher approached the student, knife extended. "You might have won the battle, but you've lost the war." With a quick slash... nothing.

Then everyone dropped. "Remember this. Every action has a reaction. What will that reaction breed? Death and destruction? Life and liberty? Knowledge and power? What are you trying to accomplish? What are you trying to leave behind in your wake?"

No, he was thinking wrong. It wasn’t 'if' their lives were worth the information. Was the information worth the loss of life around him? Souls now flowing directly to the Soulmonger. He wasn’t one of them, but the others around him. The dead and dying. They weren’t supposed to be dead.

They were just supposed to be the help. Run information to the heavy hitters. Mage hand out potions. Just be the support for those in the know. That didn’t last long. And Zaldara figured it out quick. She started hitting the supply lines and ignoring those on the front lines. This was war, and she was a master compared to whom the Harpers sent.

"Cough… Wheeze!" Breathing shouldn’t be this hard. But he was breathing. And Zaldara wasn’t killing anymore. That was good. She might be power corrupted, but there was still a sliver of humanity there. Power with purpose. Whatever her twisted purpose might be.

And the dragonling. There must be something there for the taking. Something that can force her hand. But this group with her book, they were too week to force it. The paladin too stupid to see the larger picture. The snake girl… she saw the larger play. But they all fell for it.

Who was correct here... was anyone? What is the Harper’s end game? "Hack!"

Why was I alive?
ConceptMy concept with this character is someone at a crossroads, and needing to figure out which way to finally travel.

The losses in the battle against Zaldara are high, and he's basically weighting those loses against if he believes they are worth it, especially since he almost became one of those losses. On top of that, the power shown by Zaldara against the assembles masses make him question if he should follow the normal course for a Gnome Wizard and go down the path of Illusion, or seek power in other ways. Now lying near death, and being asked to accompany the group who just retrieved the lich's spellbook, but gives it back seems like an interesting course of action. It'll give him a way to:
  • Discover what this soulmonger is, given that it even frightened Zaldara.
  • To see if the sacrifices that the Harpers made for this group was worth it.
  • Travel, and see the world.
The most important part is the self searching journey that this trip will allow. I'm heavily leaning towards taking the necromancy specialization path, as he has seen the devastation first hand. Plus, there's always the lure of fighting fire with fire. Using undead tactics to fight against undead (he see's Zaldara as the final end game in all this. Take out the threat of the soulmonger, then return to deal with Zaldara.

I want to use the Haunted One background to represent is own personal internal struggles regarding the outcome of the battle against Zaldara. It doesn't sit well with him, and he's trying to figure out how to deal with that; Sometime in unhealthy ways. So this would be a new haunting, not something well established.

So the internal struggle is the key to the character. Will he continue to be the Gnome Wizard he was originally meant to be? Will he turn towards the dark allure, and fight against the Harpers? Or, there is always the possibility that he continues his balancing act upon the knife's blade, and does both: Stays the wizard working for good, but using the dark forces to do so.

I didn't go to far into his background, but for a reason. I want that to be something to explore as well. Revealing how his past might affect his present, and future. He has obviously gone to school, for a time, where magic is involved and trained... but so did Voldemort. What about Vecna, Acererak, Bigby, Mordenkainen, and Halaster Blackcloak? They weren't always the names they are now, and they obviously came from somewhere. I want to try and explore that with Taurri Stellaur flashbacks, or even visions of the future. I'm not saying the Taurri will become as well known as those magic users. More that they also might have had humble beginnings.
Random StuffI'm not 100% tied to the name. I've always envisions gnomes having silly names.

Other Possible Images:

Last edited by Insacrum; Oct 31st, 2018 at 08:55 AM.
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Old Oct 29th, 2018, 12:22 AM
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I haven't played it before. Actually, I just finished a game with a character that could work: an elven wizard trained in medicine and necromancy. His backstory has him set off on his quest because of his dead master, but she could just as easily come back... so she can immediately start dying again, lol.



Last edited by FatherDondo; Oct 29th, 2018 at 12:38 AM.
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Old Oct 29th, 2018, 01:14 AM
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Just a question about Mage Armor in 5th edition. It say's you get 13 AC unless you wear Armor & then it does not work. Tiffa's Draconic Origin's prity much states the same thing. 13 AC unless you wear Armor.
Since they are almost identical, does that mean they do not stack? (I'm assuming they do not stack, but just wanted to be certain.)

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"

Last edited by Silk; Oct 29th, 2018 at 02:06 AM.
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Old Oct 29th, 2018, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Silk View Post
Just a question about Mage Armor in 5th edition. It say's you get 13 AC unless you wear Armor & then it does not work. Tiffa's Draconic Origin's prity much states the same thing. 13 AC unless you wear Armor.
Since they are almost identical, does that mean they do not stack? (I'm assuming they do not stack, but just wanted to be certain.)
They do not. In 5E, if you have multiple formulas for AC, you only use one of them.
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