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Old Dec 8th, 2022, 05:07 PM
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Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
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Old Dec 8th, 2022, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Greyling View Post
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
It does fit the game I'll admit. Doesn't look like anything kicks in until 3rd level anyway, so if you'd be so kind as to plug a link into your application that isn't copyrighted that I can see when you submit it, I think this subclass will be fine.
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Dec 8th, 2022 at 06:22 PM.
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Old Dec 8th, 2022, 05:33 PM
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Caramiriel Spellstalker
Sun Elf Rogue - Harper Watcher
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Name: Caramiriel Spellstalker (Kahr-ah-meer-ee-ell)
Race: Sun Elf (High Elf)
Class: Rogue (Future Arcane Trickster)
Background: Faction Agent of the Harpers (SCAG)

Trait I'm a born gambler who can't resist taking a risk for a potential payoff.
Trait Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
Ideal Change. I must help bring about the changes the Harpers are constantly working towards in the world.
Bond I owe my faction a great debt for forging me into the person I am today.
Flaw I put too much trust in those who wield power within my faction's hierarchy.

If anything had been proven true, it was that halfling refugees were bad influences on young, impressionable, sun elf minds. Caramiriel was still a relatively young member of the Harpers by her count, even though ten years had passed since that first encounter with the bard that asked her to carry a simple letter from one place to another. The elf's unnatural wanderlust had taken her far, allowing her to see places and meet people she wouldn't have if she'd never left home and never had gotten into trouble. Trouble that often came as a result of her arrogance in her abilities as a sneakthief. Trouble that had left her owing a man for getting her out of a rather difficult position.

While technically she wasn't doing anything but trespassing when she'd been caught precariously up a tree in the Baroness's garden, it hadn't looked good. Guards had been called. LOTS of guards. If it hadn't been for Leosin Erlanthar, Cara was sure she'd have been occupying a shallow grave. He'd apparently stumbled onto the property earlier that day and made friends with the Baroness. The elf owed him her life, so when the monk's message came, Cara didn't hesitate to throw everything in her pack and hop the first wagon to Greenest.

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Cara's eyes go wide as they catch what she was worried about, causing the woman to thrust herself forward around the priest to grab the dwarf's shoulders and yank him back, "WAIT!" Huffing breaths as she can feel her heart pounding in her chest, the rogue steps to the warrior's side as she pushes him back half a step. Her voice comes unsteady as she tells him, "You nearly got yourself killed," as Cara points towards a disguised pressure plate a couple of steps ahead of the dwarf.

"Now, unless you'd like to have a giant boulder come rolling down on us, I got this." Stepping forward and crouching down, Cara reached around and pulled the leather wrapped set of tools from the pouch at the back of her waist. Unrolling it onto the floor and picking out a couple of tools, the thief starts to work in finding the trigger mechanism and disarming the trap. It's not a quick process. Further investigation reveals that if the dwarf had stepped onto it, dozens of deadly poison tipped darts would have turned her dear friend into a pincushion. Luckily someone had been keeping a well-trained eye out.

OOC: It's a repost of an old app, so if there are any issues with the format, let me know. Character Sheet in Name Link.
So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams

Last edited by Saratek; Dec 9th, 2022 at 11:52 AM.
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Old Dec 8th, 2022, 05:55 PM
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Sure you don't want to call him your "dear little friend?" (Just reread the Narnia books)
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Old Dec 9th, 2022, 11:00 AM
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If your application is complete, you'll see it at the bottom of the advert post here. Compare yours to those who have completed apps to see what you're missing. If you're not sure, just ask.
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Old Dec 9th, 2022, 05:00 PM
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Ceara Vandral
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Character Name: Ceara Vandral
Race: Protector Aasimar
Class: Ranger
Description: Pale, almost luminescent skin, golden eyes and orange-red hair that looks to be aflame in the light of the sun. Despite her divine beauty, she can often be found with dirt under her short nails. She doesn't care much for outward appearances, though she understands its use, she prefers practicality. Very rarely is she seen without leather armor, cloak, and bow in hand.
Personality: Ceara is a mixed bag. Optimistic and cheerful normally, she wants to help people but will do anything to stop monsters, be them humanoid and live in cities, or bestial and roam dark forests. She wears her heart on her sleeve, yet keeps her fair share of secrets. She can come across as niave, yet she knows how the world works, she aims to fix it.
Background: Faction Agent (Harper)
Trait 1: Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
Trait 2: I can find common ground between the fiercest enemies, empathizing with them and always working toward peace.
Ideal: Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)
Bond: Everything I do is for the common people.
Flaw: Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.

Character History: Ceara grew up in a small village called Easting, living only with her father. The pair would often hunt on behalf of the village, bringing meat to the table of the tight-knit community. However, anytime Ceara would ask about her mother, her father, Yusef, would only ever smile wistfully, and explain that she was a goddess. She always assumed he spoke that way because he was still very much in love with her beauty. That was until her 16th birthday. There was talk of a bear that had wandered down from the mountains in the south... and her father was away. So she went to hunt the beast, herself, to ensure it harmed no one. Her aim had been true, but the hide of a bear is very thick. The arrow stuck in place, and she soon found the mighty creature upon her in an instant.

Ceara tried to fight the creature, but it was too strong. She was knocked aside, and struggled to her feet... it was then a radiant light shone from her body, the bear let out a roar of surprise as it was blinded... but Ceara could not allow the shock of this experience to freeze her. She grabbed up her bow, and put two arrows into its throat, ending the threat. The radiance of her body slowly dimmed as she dragged the bear's corpse back to the village, but she had to tell her father what had happened.

When she told her father what had happened, he looked pensive, and then explained who HE was. He was a member of the Harpers. Bards and spies that tried to make the world a better place. Heroes to the people... and once, long ago, there was a Cult that had caused many a problem. The Harpers were involved in trying to bring them down, but their actions caught the eye of someone else. A cleric, or so he had thought, by the name of Tamara. Together, her father and this cleric managed to stop the Cult... though he assumes they are now under new management. He had fallen in love with Tamara... and together they had a daughter. But before Ceara was even one year old, Tamara's duty called her away.

She revealed to him who she was, Tamara, the draconic goddess of healing and mercy. Asgorath, the World Shaper, had asked her to prevent the Cult from freeing Tiamat... her daughter. Granted, Yusef was then concerned about the ire of Lendys, Tamara's supposed mate... but he had refused to fight for Toril. She always would. Being a goddess of mercy did not mean one did not fight. She promised to look after them... but a time would come when Ceara would need to be ready.

So, now knowing her divine heritage, Yusef began training her all the harder. Teaching her to be a Harper, and telling Ceara Leosin Eralanthar, a monk who once saved his life, and a fellow Harper, rumored to be in Greenest. He knew more about the threat she'd soon face...

Character Sheet: Ceara Vandral
I have taken the Oath of Sangus. As such, I am still present unless otherwise discussed.

Last edited by Dyerdon; Dec 9th, 2022 at 05:02 PM.
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Old Dec 10th, 2022, 02:24 AM
Greyling Greyling is offline
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Name: Litha Dinoryn
Race: Aasimar (Protector)
Class: Ranger (progressing toward Drakewarden)
Background: Knight of the Order (of the Gauntlet)
Order of the Gauntlet tenets:
1. Faith was a member's most potent weapon against evil;
2. Great challenges required heroic demonstrations of both strength and valor;
3. It was justified to punish an act of evil, not a thought or feeling.

Description: Most mistake this 5 ft 9 inch woman for Human until they get closer. Her amber eyes, sometimes obscured by her long black hair, hints at a lineage of something more. Litha is usually be found dressed in leather armor, worn with a red tabard. A shortsword adorn each hip, and longbow across her back. Vigilant in her duties to combat evil where it shows itself.
Personality: First impression of Litha can cold or dispassionate. Those that look past, or get to know her, find a warm heart with a steadfast dedication to the destruction of evil.

Trait I bear any injury or indignity with stoic discipline.
Trait I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.
Ideal Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others. (Good)
Bond Ontharr Frume, a crusading warrior and champion of good, is your friend and mentor. He has asked you to travel to Greenest in search of rumors of increasing dragon activity.
Flaw I have a weakness for the vices of the city, especially hard drink.

Character History:

Born to celestian heritage dormant until Litha came alongHuman parents, Litha grew up in the City of Splendors, Waterdeep. Growing up in such a metropolitan city gave her glimpse into a vast variety of cultures and people of the wider world around her. Her parents' humble alchemy shop counted many adventurers and city guard among their customers. Exposing her to countless stories of strength and valor done to fight back against the evils that existed.

As she grew up, one city guard caught her eye. A kind hearted cleric of lead to her following Gwaeron WindstromMielikki named Quille. The two spent as much time together, grew close and fell in love. The two spoke of building a life together, when Quille's squad got word of a possible threat and had to leave. Litha's heart broken when the squad returned with grave news. At the funeral, Litha met one who was a mentor to her lost love, and who would become a mentor to her as well. Ontharr Frume, a crusading warrior and champion of good. She traded the apron of her parents' shop for the steel of the ranger's blade.

Character Sheet: link

Last edited by Greyling; Dec 11th, 2022 at 05:23 PM.
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Old Dec 11th, 2022, 09:45 AM
TheThreadWeaver TheThreadWeaver is offline
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Hi! I'm interested in applying to this game. Are you still looking for players?
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Old Dec 11th, 2022, 10:02 AM
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Old Dec 11th, 2022, 12:02 PM
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Noticed you allowed Sword Coast adventurers guide, would you allow the updated racial stats for the Duergar from Monsters of the Multiverse rather than the older racial stats?

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Old Dec 11th, 2022, 05:56 PM
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Character ApplicationRento Enheiller
Human Fighter - Shepherd of Daggerford
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Name: Rento Enheiller (Rehn-to)
Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Fighter (Future BattleMaster)
Background: Folk Hero (PHB)

Trait If someone is in trouble, I'm always ready to lend help.
Trait When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.
Ideal Sincerity. There's no good in pretending to be something I'm not. (Neutral)
Bond You have heard rumors that your close childhood friend, a half-elf named Talis, has been kidnapped by a strange group of dragon cultists. Your investigations into the cult have led you to the town of Greenest. You must save her!.
Flaw I'm convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.


Rento reflect the typical appearance of a captain of an army, his simple clothes made of wool and his leather brown boots says that he prefers practicality over extravagance. Upon his slender build covered by their breastplate he hides a body with thick muscles and his sleeveless long jacket made of white cotton, shows the embroidered family's crest in his back showing the a pile of twelve rocks stacked as a big mountain in a golden thread. A set of sword in his right and a shield in his back with the emblem of Daggerford reveal the precedence of his skills as a fighter. His haircut and shaved beard shows that he cares for the hygiene, also makes look younger than he is.


The first impression that Rento some get when someone interact with him is the humbleness that the serene grave tone of voice transmit when he express his ideas and opinion and after a couple of minute you will find out the kind heart of his. His tendency to help others and his commitment to fulfill once he decide what must do is the main core of his personality, maybe because the teachings of yah that set on his parents in himself and his relentless pursue of the wisdom about how to become a just and reliable person when he is lost in the moral's choices he has day after day. Once you gain his friendship, you would find in Rento a loyal partner, a warm fellow and a relaxed companion in the days of celebration. He may no be the soul of the party but unlike most of the serene people normally is, he shows quite cheerful in the times of joy.

Rento always see life in a reflexive way but at the same time he learned that some action need to be made so when the moments comes you can find a proactive people but most of the time people feels like he can be in a lethargic mode most of the time, observing in silence his partners, smiling or laughing to the jokes but barely sharing his thoughts unless he feels a motive. Even so, is not like he is an asocial person but because of his yearning of being a wise person and the memories that comes back the teaching of Yah that his father instilled on him that says that with lots of words comes wrongdoing, but the wise restrain their lips.


Rento was born in the foreigner town of Daggerford as the youngest member of his numerous family . His parents, a couple of farmers searching for a place to prosper and give a better life for his ten children, established as shepherd in the so called pastoral haven. Even though he was the smallest one in a group of siblings, his parent commended the task taking came of sheep with his older brothers. So along with the trade of Shepherd, the teaching of Yah (the God of his tribe) and the occasional plays in the open-wide fields with his childhood friend, Talis; he found himself growing up in a environment that bolstered his sense of focus, commitment and sheer will in anything he did.

Unlike other children of his town, Rento was timid, quiet and obedient to his parents, making the others considered him as boring and as always, Talis stepped to defend him with such fierce anger that the other always joked about her being in love with Rento. He always blushed wondering if their friends hit in the nail because every time that matter surfaced in the occasional bullying he received with a relaxed attitude, you could see how they began to run as a wild mad Talis began to pursue them trying to make them pay for their foolishness as she used to say.

So it was the days of his childhood and he thought it would continue that way forever; often thinking in a future where he saw himself married with Talis, like any tiny inner thoughts that any person keep in his heart but the life in Daggerford had his own duties to fulfill and when he joined the militia everything changed.

Someone in the tavern would say it was his bravery, others will say the sheer will of his that he found himself being praised for but the truth it was that his act of heroism was driven for the love of his family, Talis and the town that saw him grow. He never realized how simple thing like thinking that one evil act could make to the place and people how filled his life with joy and happiness would ignite the passion and commitment to defend what he never considered important until that time.

Defining EventThe Focus to lead the militia he showed, the commitment and sagacity to fend off the raid of Agg'nard tribe of Orcs that tried to pillage the town, made him the hero of the town and a symbol to his people but for himself was a desperate act to only protect that was important for him and never considered as a such big deal. The truth to be told, that day the militia was outnumbered and the wise leadership of Rento avoided the disaster that would fall upon Daggerford otherwise.

When Lady Morwen called him, he was surprised because he never thought a reward for the so called heroic deeds he did. She offered a I have not decided the uncommon or the two common magic Items. I accepts suggestions though I thought in getting a mithral armor (breastplate to avoid disadvantage in stealth missions), a warning weapon (Although I think I wouldn't choose it because I think it will ruin the fun for the utility characters in the party), gauntlet of ogre.gift and the opportunity to serve under her wing that he gladly accepted. He often saw her in his training and he knew her good heart they desired to protect her people and that was one hell of a reason to accept because after the incident he felt the fear of losing the place that made him fell home.

As the years passed by, the relationship between Talis and him cooled off and as she grow old he could deny that he fell in love with her though he never have the chace to told her his feelings. One day she simply leave the town in the search of the adventures she always talked about with him and his heart was divided between his duty as the captain of the army and the love he felt. Eventually he let the duty absorb the grief, immersing himself in the call of his new found profession.

One day a letter came in Duke's office, saying Talis was kidnapped by a strange group of dragon cultists. He knew about this so called group because Lady Morwen ordered to investigate his operation in Daggerford as she heard that their numbers and goals was indeed not in the best interest of the town. Rento's feeling for Talis resurfaced as the Duke spoke about the suggestions he have to prevents the operations of the cult as they were doing in Greenest as the report said but his mind his inner feelings was screaming "what are you waiting? you have to go and save her! Forget about duty once for all."

- Lady Morwen, I never demanded something from you and for many years I quietly worked for this town, helping you in any way I can to improve the life of my people but now a friend need my help. Talis... Talis is my best friend... he stopped for a second as he ruminating in his love for her, thinking that could be something more. Maybe his wife ...She need me!... PLEASE! Gave me permission to to travel tomorrow! I want to rescue Talis... his once serene eyes for the first time showed despair in from of his Lord and the compassionate stare of the Lady followed with a series of gesture, smiles and the bless of her god Tempus in her lips resounded to confirm the plead of the Captain of her guard to relief Rento's Anguish.

The next day he departed, accepting a the job as a caravan guard to Greenest. Once he got up in the wagon, the rattle of the wheels as the vehicle moved toward their destiny gave him hope as he set out on the road.

Will she be Okay? Do I have a chance to made it in time? I know she can defend herself but... he thought trying to calm down himself and regaining the disciple and self-control he once was praised for.

Last edited by jr1v3; Dec 12th, 2022 at 11:19 PM.
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Old Dec 11th, 2022, 08:45 PM
TheThreadWeaver TheThreadWeaver is offline
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Name: Durryk Redmane
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Paladin
Description: Durryk cuts an imposing figure, tall, and muscular with a thick middle. He almost looks human, but the flat nose and small tusks jutting out of his mouth reveal his heritage. His auburn hair is cut close on the sides and coifed on the top. His eyes are large and rounded, friendly, with a slight orcish discoloration. He keeps his face clean-shaven. Durryk tends for vibrant, flashy clothing, customizing uniforms and armor with bits and bobs to add flair to his appearance.
Personality: Gregarious, outspoken, the kind of outgoing person who finds the wallflower at a party and tries to make sure they don't feel left out. Under that blaring foghorn of extroversion is a gentle softness, beanpoled by an iron will.
Background:City Watch
  1. I am easy-going: I am not strict on others and don't hold them to lofty standards. Everyone just needs a hand.
  2. I am F L A M B O Y A N T, with a penchant for the dramatic and theatrics.
  3. If you can get their attention, you can change their minds about you.
  4. I carve an effigy to Bahamut with whatever I have on hand, once per day. I do this as part of a pledge of penance.
  5. I nurse a deep grudge against a person who betrayed me.
Character History: Durryk grew up in a human and half-orc settlement called Boulderdash, which used to exist northeast of Greenest, near the southwest slopes of the Sunset Mountains. It was formed by those seeking a place of their own, away from the judgment and pressures of society. The less than hospitable terrain, distant from most trade roads, made for a perfect sanctuary.

In his early life Durryk grew up well aware of the reasons for the settlement. The elders of the small society told him of what persecution they had faced. But he never knew it personally. Indeed, he never knew much of any struggle. Secluded with strong gates, the village never became the target for bandits or raiders. Save for small beast incursions, life in the village was quiet.

Durryk grew up idly. He had a strong arm and a quick mind that grasped scripture easily, and so his elders pressed him into supporting the guard. He didn't see the need for it; he would much rather ply words against others. Hands were for shaking hands, not necks!

It was just as the sun dipped beneath the mountains in the evening. Durryk was on guard duty, watching the gate from the sole lookout tower, when he heard a hale call from below. There was Grunnish, another half-orc he had known since childhood. He had left the village some years ago, to make his fortune. He called out to Durryk, and the watchman's heart swelled at the familiar face. Grunnish asked him to open the gate, permit him enter.

Protocol was to call another watchman, that someone might man the lookout while the gate was being opened. But it was deep into the evening shifts, and Durryk would have to hide his books and other distractions before making the long walk to get another able body - an effort he was loathe to make. And, besides! This was Grunnish, an old friend. Durryk knew him. Protocol made a poor bedmate for reunions, so Durryk opened the gate himself.

There is much and more Durryk still does not understand from that night. How he missed the Dragon Cult raiders, lurking outside the walls. The speed with which they speared into the settlement, sowing fire and smoke and reaping screams. The blow to his head. The red. The black.

Durryk woke up. He helped those who had survived bury those who had not. Even more were yet missing, taken by the raiders.

It was in this shattered home that Durryk lingered, rededicating himself. He swung his halberd to clear his mind. He read books and scripture, seeking guidance. He whittled away at himself.

One day a merchant, unaware of Boulderdash's fall, came with news that the cult had struck again - at Greenest. In his mind's eye, Durryk saw Grunnish outside the gates. He left that very day.

Character sheet can be found Here.
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Old Dec 12th, 2022, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by IrishKatt View Post
Noticed you allowed Sword Coast adventurers guide, would you allow the updated racial stats for the Duergar from Monsters of the Multiverse rather than the older racial stats?
I don't have access to that book, so unless you can provide that information via a link that isn't copyright infringement, I'll have to say now.

@TheThreadWeaver - the link to the character sheet needs to be made public.

- D
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Old Dec 12th, 2022, 05:19 PM
TheThreadWeaver TheThreadWeaver is offline
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Whoops, sorry about that! Thank you for the guidance, it should be public now.
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Old Dec 12th, 2022, 06:05 PM
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2 days and 6 hours before Application window closes.

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