Threats and Storms (tbd... there are clocks but probably I should keep these hidden. This might be better stated as "known problems" or "dangling plot threads" or something like that)
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Last edited by Wynamoinen; May 11th, 2023 at 07:57 PM.
Our Dramatis Personae! Here's I'll do my best to give an extensive list of any NPCs who have gotten any meaningful 'screen time'.
If this was a more modern forum, I could apply tags and you could sort them as you please. With fixed text, I'll need to figure out if it's best to sort by faction, or location, or the PC they're primarily connected to, or something else.
Important NPC information to track includes their connections to PCs, debts, and factions. I've marked factions where it is well-known. Many of the un-factioned are probably mortal, but.... you never know!
NPCs connected to Andre
Becky Valentine - Mother to Andre, currently hospitalized for unknown illness
Anjelo Adams - father to Andre, currently MIA
Little brother (name tbd) - witnessed Andre's attack by wolves, inspiration for Andre to take up wrestling.
Nelson Farley (Mortal) - promoter in the shady world of DC wrestling. "a toad in a bad wig with a fake smile"
Debt held against Farhad: for allowing Farhad to just slide in as Andre's manager.
Mr Brown (Mortal? Power?) - barbershop owner, pillar of the community in Anacostia. Has seen some ****
Lito (Mortal) - gang leader of the Choppa Boys
Dwayne (Night? Wild?) - gang leader of the Lench Mob
The Morgue - one of the best and most popular wrestlers on the DC scene. Has a booking to wrestle with Andre (once Andre gets his second win).
Billy Buzzard - a past-his prime wrestler. Dirty fighter.
NPCs connected to Anne
Anne Hayes (Mortal? Wild?) - A canny (and increasingly uncanny!) pre-teen. Descendent of Anne (the spectre's) favorite sister. Was investigating this connection, to our Anne's chagrin. Victor is interetsed. Brassa knows that Anne is tied into the fates of the Fae, and may be slowly lost to the Courts.
The Beall clan - her former husband re-married and sired more children. Cole (via his now-deceased father) is a direct descendent of this line.
Celia Hershfeld-Reyes - a Washington Post reporter, investigating corruption in the District, and its connection to the Shadows. A "truth seeker".
Debt held against Anne: for helping her with investigating the supernatural origin of some of the City’s corruption.
Vasili Belov - the 'cold man' from the Undergroud - the Missionary - who she posessed at the end of scene 1. Then administered some sort of drug to Andrea Valentine, Andre's mother in Scene 3.
NPCs connected to Cole
Justice - a devil of excess who meddles in affairs of the rich and powerful. Former patron to Cole
Charity (Wild) - a devil of wrath who meddles in street-level crime and vice. Arranged Cole's break with Justice.
Jerry - a guard on Capitol Hill
Nita (Mortal? Wild?) - former Capitol Hill staffer, current K-street lobbyist, possibly working with one devil or another.
Cassandra (Power) - a wrestler whose gimmic is to wrestle blindfolded while bringing a python to the ring. Cole knows her to be an Oracle.
NPCs connected to Victor
MaryAnne - mother to Victor's first child, Abbie. High school sweetheart, and still on decent terms, but no longer with Victor. Receiving child support from Victor
Abbie - Victor's first child, 12 years old
Jade - police officer, mother to Victor's second child, Tyrone. On again, off again with Victor. Receiving child support from Victor.
Tyrone - Victor's second child, 2.5 years old
Marcus - Victor's brother,
Eloise (Night) - a specter, who introduced Victor to the shadows. Good relationship with Victor, they can talk honestly with each other. Aloof, flippant, condescending
NPCs connected to Farhad
Agent Daniel Kensington (Mortal?) - Current special agent of the FBI, current member of the Ordo Draconis. On cordial "cat and mouse spy games" terms with Farhad.
The multitudes of the Ordo Draconis (various factions, Mortal and Power among them) - oh y'know just a vast centuries-old clandestine organization dedicated to his extermination.
Nazanin (Power) - a fortune teller and magic-dealer with vision of street-level struggles and materiel needs. A 350-year-old witch.
Red - leader of a band of squatters in the underground. In Farhad's debt after the group ran off some harassing Missionaries and gave the squatters an AK.
NPCs connected to Brassa
Pyracantha (Wild?)- Brassa's sister, and therefore another former member of the now-defunct Dusk Court
Lord Daucus of the Spring Court (Wild)- a client of Cole's, who often leaks information about the Court to Cole.
Unnamed cousin, (Wild) one of Brassa's closest ally and friends after the dissolution of the Dusk court
Aunt Wisteria, (Wild? Power?) a wise but faded member of the former Dusk Court. Brassa's closest confidant in DC. Shielded Brassa and her cousin from Dusk's collapse, and is now burdened with their old debts and rivalries.
Silas Giudry (Wild) - Owner of the Blue Room, an upscale nightclub. Careful observers can notice a mark of his taint, movement under his skin that looked like the swarming of bugs.
Kriklaw (Wild) - a member of the Dusk court. Boyish face, tight red curls, bright green eyes. Terribly old, shrewd and cruel.
Reyspite (Wild) - a Baron of the Dawn Court. Seen consorting with Kriklaw.
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Last edited by Wynamoinen; Aug 1st, 2024 at 01:33 PM.
My thought is that this is more a storehouse for lore that we develop than about specific locations (which will be another post in this thread). That means history, politics, and other big picture stuff.
To do(?):
<need a brief history of the dissolution of the Dusk Court>
<maybe a bit about the wrestling scene>
<Anne's family history? Sister's side and the Beall lineage?>
<The Ordo Draconis? I don't think we have much "on screen" information yet, but it must come eventually>
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Last edited by Wynamoinen; Jun 7th, 2023 at 08:17 PM.
A gazeteer of our city. Here I'll provide specific information about specific locations we develop. I'm drawing the distinction that...
A location is just a physical place. Roads, bus stops, food carts, whatever. These are all locations.
A place of power is a location that is claimed by a faction. They control it, and it is 'theirs'. It is a place where they hold advantage, and other factions are at a disadvantage. This can be anywhere! A bar, a park, a library, a sewer culvert. The important part is that it 'matters' to a faction.
Our two named neighborhoods so far are Georgetown (west of the Mall and north of the only island on the Potomac, Roosevelt Island) and Anacostia (across the river of the same name and just off the northern tip of the Naval base in the southern portion of the city).
Notice that a rough shorthand, if you don't want to worry about exact locations, is to refer to locations as being in the four quadrants "Northeast", "Southwest," etc. As a very gross overgeneralization, neighborhoods tend to get poorer and have a greater minority representation as you move east and south.
Map of the Metro. Neighborhoods can be closely associated to their stops on the Metro
Locations associated with Andre
Mr Brown's barber shop - a location for information, counsel, deals, and no nonsense in Anacostia
"The Coliseum" - a run-down three-story warehouse, converted into a black-market entertainment venue for wrestling afficionados among denizens of the Shadows (and adjacent Mortals). Just off the Navy Yards near the Frederick Douglas Bridge.
Locations associated with Brassa
The Blue Room - a nightclub run by Silas Guidry that caters to a VIP clintelle and hires top talent in the city. A Wild place of power.
Locations associated with Cole
Cole's tailor shop - a workshop that has been Warded, is full of books and a magical focus.
Locations associated with Farhad
The Dragon's Hoard - Farhad's antiquarian shop on O street in Georgetown
The National Cathedral - a neutral meeting ground. Has its own neighborhood, Cathedral Heights! In Northwest, and northwest of Georgetown.
FBI headquarters - also the main location for the Ordo Draconis. A few blocks east of the White House.
Fāl - Nazranin's store; a tarot and divination parlor in the front, a warehouse for magical and informational exchange in the back. On the southeast side of Capitol Hill.
Locations associated with Victor[LIST][*]A mysterious apartment building near the river - a location where the ghosts of women gather to wail.[*] There is a building in the city that Night avoids. Many people avoid the whole block. In the Douglass area of the city, south of Anacostia and Fort Stanton. Anne discovered it is an entrance to the Underground, a link to the Metro and associated tunnels, that hosts a small society.[*]
Locations associated with Anne
Abaondoned Metro station - the heart, it seems, of an Underground society led by Vox Populi, and from which issues The Missionaries.
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Last edited by Wynamoinen; Oct 29th, 2023 at 01:15 PM.