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Old May 11th, 2023, 07:16 PM
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hafrogman's Cole, The Veteran

A place for your character sheet, and for any discussions that only pertain to your character, or questions that are only relevant to you and the MC.

Please note that this is a private thread for hafrogman, but it is not a "private thread" in the sense of RPGX's permission structure. So anything hafrogman and I say here is public, but I'd ask others not to post here. Truly private things can either be secreted or discussed on discord.
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Last edited by Wynamoinen; May 11th, 2023 at 07:22 PM.
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Old May 12th, 2023, 07:07 PM
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Cole Schneider, the Veteran
right-aligned image
Ducky Draws Art
"Hey, you know that weird little tailor shop down the street? The one tucked inbetween the Lucky Cat Gift Shop and the check cashing place? Well, word on the street is that the guy who works there used to be somebody."

If you were keyed into the supernatural side of D.C. politics five years ago, you might remember a little bit of a shake-up on the infernal side of things. Or maybe you don't, one demon is pretty much like another until you're the one dancing at the end of their strings. But there was definitely something going on. Lots of scrambling for power, and debts being called in, but it all amounted to nothing. When the dust settled, the ond guy was out, and new demon was sitting on top of the heap. Around that same time, one of their mortal services went missing. No big shock, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that more than one body ended up floating in the Potomac over the whole affair. Only, the thing is, wasn't that guy's name Cole, too?

Looks: Caucasian male, tailored clothing. Professional demeanor.


Cole Schneider, the Veteran
Caucasian male, tailored clothing. Professional.
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] -1 BloodShattered [ ] -1 HeartDisfigured
[ ] -1 MindFractured [ ] -1 SpiritBroken
Apartment Car (Nice)
Smartphone 2-harm close loud9mm Beretta
... ...
... ...
When you first encounter an NPC, you may declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face to a Name and roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you comfort and aid, even if it exposes them to danger or retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them a Debt. On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.Old Friends, Old Favors
When you create something for someone using your Workspace, mark their Faction.True Artist
When you get caught up in a fight you tried to prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1 ongoing to seeing yourself and others to safety.Too Old for This S--t!
Corruption [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you knowingly head straight into danger, mark corruption.Veteran Corruption Move
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another person, tell them a story about the past and the lessons you learned. Choose 1:
  • You both take +1 forward
  • You take +1 forward and they take -1 forward
  • Hold 1. Spend the hold to Lend a Hand to that character from any distance
Intimacy Move
When you die or retire your character, choose a character to inherit your Workspace and True Artist.End Move
A Library of Old Books
A Mystical Focus
Magical Wards


Zenda • Cole Schneider • Artemis

Last edited by hafrogman; Jun 16th, 2023 at 10:18 PM.
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Old May 12th, 2023, 07:24 PM
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lol, there’s an interesting interaction between veteran moves and dragon moves. You can declare any NPC an old friend, and the dragon can declare any NPC an ancient member of their brood. In both cases, that NPC might turn out to be an old enemy. There’s got to be room for shenanigans buried in there…
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Last edited by Wynamoinen; May 12th, 2023 at 07:25 PM.
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Old May 12th, 2023, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Veteran
Once upon a time, you were someone important…and dangerous.
When I first looked over the Veteran playbook, it felt like it was very much modeled after the old man in the Blade movies. It took me a bit to get past the idea that you're specifically a retired Hunter. I had toyed with the idea that they had previously been a wizard, but in fiction I generally find that wizards don't even become 'too old' to wiz. It was something you said to jbear that helped coalesce these musings into a more fleshed out idea.
Originally Posted by Wynamoinen View Post
I almost wonder if a Veteran is mechanically closer to what you want? Maybe you were a wolf, but there was a cure?
There's a 2e playbook (the Imp) that's basically a minor demon who has managed to gain a degree of independence, and there's the Tainted which looked interesting, but was ultimately darker than I was interested in playing with. But put these all together and you get the concept I'm working towards.

The Gist<INSERT NAME HERE> was one of the Tainted. He sold his soul for power, money, influence. The usual. At the start, he believed (or at least he told himself) that he was doing it for the greater good. He'd use that influence to shape the world into a better place. But as time went on, power and money became the ends rather than the means, and he found he had less and less say in what that power was used to accomplish. He was bound to his patron by an unbreakable contract, right?

Except that about five years ago, he managed the impossible. Demons and devils are devious, treacherous creatures at heart. So he made another pact, this time with his one of his patron's rivals. Betraying one to the other, playing a deadly game with eternal consequences. Unless there was a loophole, the smallest flaw in the contract, a gap just large enough for a single soul to slip through.

Now he is once more just a human. Mortal like the rest of us. He gave up all of the power he had originally bargained for, of course. And even the memory of exactly how he engineered his freedom was burned from his mind lest any others seek to follow his path. But he had his freedom, and that was enough.

I like the idea of him being a tailor, but with a little bit of an arcane bent. The Veteran's workshop had a few suitable options, magical wards, a mystical focus, a scattering ancient relics or a library of old books. The playbook a little bit hazy on what exactly can be made, but I was thinking minorly ensorcelled items of clothing might be interesting. A suit that's worth 1 armor, a shirt that resists blood stains for the Vamp, pants that resize and keep the Wolf's dignity intact. That kind of thing. If that's out of line with what's possible then I happy to just have him make bespoke clothing for various members of the community as an artiste.

One thing I really liked about this concept is how it interacts with the When you knowingly head straight into danger, mark corruptionVeteran Corruption Move . I'm not exactly sure what the original intent is here, but for this character I like to read it as his worst fear. The idea that he's not as out as he likes to think he is. Demonic powers might still be his to use... and all it would cost him would be his soul. He avoids violent situations because he's terrified of what he might unleash in a moment of anger. As he advances, I might take the option for 'A move from another archetype' to pick up some minor abilities from the Tainted to reflect this.

Originally Posted by Wynamoinen View Post
lol, there’s an interesting interaction between veteran moves and dragon moves. You can declare any NPC an old friend, and the dragon can declare any NPC an ancient member of their brood. In both cases, that NPC might turn out to be an old enemy. There’s got to be room for shenanigans buried in there…
Isn't it more fun if they turn out to be a friend to one and an enemy to the other? "Okay, okay. So I sent a gang of demons after your lover from a previous life. She survived, didn't she? So where's the harm?"
Zenda • Cole Schneider • Artemis

Last edited by hafrogman; May 12th, 2023 at 07:57 PM.
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Old May 13th, 2023, 12:35 PM
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I agree that the Urban Shadows vibe would work better between Dragon and Veteran if for the same NPC, one of you gets them as an ally, and the other an enemy! And in terms of the corruption move, I think you've got it right. It's that 'I tried to leave but they keep pulling me back in' vibe.

So in terms of the backstory: there's certainly no rule for losing magical powers, but that's no reason to stop you. Just the opposite!

This doesn't matter for the mechanics, but it might be worth thinking about whether you were formerly a Tainted or a Wizard? There are no hard rules for where magic comes from, so you could still be (in the D&D sense) a warlock, powered through magic of a pact. In urban fantasy (ie Shadowrun) the burned-out mage is a classic character type. I think that your hope is to be something similar to the Tainted, so I don't want to push you away from that. But my reading is that the Tained aren't really magicians, they're just straight-up devils. And your character concept seems to be a magical craftsperson. We can always add story to rationalize either ('when the devil was torn from me, some residue was left behind'), so it's just something to think about.

In terms of crafting bespoke items: that can absolutely be something you do! There's a very importent phrase in the playbook: "When you work on something... the MC tells you what it will take to complete."

I like that you're building in new NPCs - two entities that both now hate you. I assume you're imagining them to be active antagonists/participants in the City? You were reading my mind when you suggested that the way of breaking the contract is now somehow hidden or taken from you. I think that's good, and almost necessary. But maybe you're 'hiding' it too deeply? It could be a big source of story. I wonder if it wouldn't be more dramatic to have another NPC who witnessed/assisted, or a secret order that walked you through the process, or some tragic thing you had to do to seal the deal that keeps coming back to haunt you (or hey one of our PCs will LITERALLY be able to haunt you!).
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Old May 13th, 2023, 05:28 PM
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I think you've hit the nail on the head with "this doesn't matter for mechanics". Realistically, my previous life doesn't have to be playable or fit inside one of these playbooks. I do like the term 'Warlock' and could see that being a way he's referred to in character.
Vignette"Oho! If it isn't my favorite warlock."
"You know I don't do that anymore, Simon. I'm just a tailor."
"Well, what can I say?" Simon smiled insincerely, hellfire dancing in his eyes. "Old habits die hard."

If he was precisely a Tainted, or a Wizard with an infernal source to his powers, or something in between doesn't strictly matter as far the current storyline is concerned. It's important that he bargained away his soul, got it back somehow, and now he's no longer "dangerous" or "a threat"... more or less.

Regarding magic itself, if I may be permitted a small digression...
World-Building GeekeryI like the idea that there is no specific requirement for any given person (or perhaps specifically mortals?) to use magic. Anybody can do it. Sure, it takes a Wizard to generate and hold the raw power required to huck a ball of fire across a room in a combat situation. But given fifteen minutes, the proper focusing rune and incantations (plus a week or two of practice) and any loser off the street might be able to light a candle with magic. The trick is that the mortal world is chock-a-block full of snake-oil salesmen and fake practitioners prepared to deprive the unwitting masses of their money. So the main thing stopping your average hedge mage or wannabe witch from casting actual spells is knowledge, the ability to tell the real deal from some random B.S. that xXxDarkFyre420xXx posted to Reddit.

Anyways, that's sort of how I was originally intending to spin the tailor's magical abilities. His infernal past might not have had to specifically given him the ability to wield magic, just the knowledge that magic is real. That said, if we want magic to be more of a "gift" then it totally makes sense that a conduit was opened as part of his pact. He's been cut off from the source of power, but the pathways themselves remain open.

Another possible route is that the tailor has no actual "magic" at all (and never did). As you pointed out "the MC tells you what it will take to complete." Perhaps the 1-Armor suit isn't even something the tailor has to "enchant". Any tailor could craft such a suit provided that...
  • The know Fairy cocoon silk is a thing
  • The have a contact in the fae courts they can barter with
  • They own a cold-iron needle so they can stitch the thing together without blunting their sewing machine.

So yeah, whatever angle ends up working best with the story, the other players, the group as a whole. I've been sketching out various ideas, but I'm flexible (within the bounds of the general framework) as to what path we take to get there.

Lastly we come to the Rival and the Patron. My gift to you. I certainly imagined them being part of the city scape, but with one or two caveats. Perhaps the Rival doesn't hate the tailor. Despise and detest, sure. But hate? For some reason the Tailor's existence has been permitted to continue up until this point (doesn't have to be five years, I just threw out a round number earlier). Perhaps 'hands off' was part of the deal for his emancipation? Perhaps the rival has just been consolidating his new power structure? Or the Rival has orders from his superiors to leave off? For fear of drawing attention to the whole affair? Or because the powers that be want him tempted back to the fold rather than just killed? After all, why let him get off with an easy death if you can be patient and then torture his soul for all eternity as punishment for his transgressions?

But the Patron? Oh yeah, he hates the Tailor. But I feel like he (or she or they? Who am I to judge) would work well as an impetus or call to action. The tailor has retired and been living his more-or-less quiet existence leveraging his knowledge of the systems to carve out a niche among the shadows. But what gets him back out on the streets? The Patron is back and out for revenge against both the Rival and the tailor? (Bad). The Patron is back and working with/for the Rival. Now they are both gunning for me (Double Bad). Or the Patron is gone. Deposed, demoted, defenestrated, deported. Demons presumably can't actually die, but he's busy being punished for his failures and certainly isn't something the tailor has to keep looking over his shoulder for. Except... recently there have been rumors. Certain signs appearing. A name best forgotten keeps cropping up in the rumor mill (Indeterminately Bad).

You've mentioned the Dragon coming with a broad storyline that might be what pulls the Veteran out of retirement. We might not need to use the Patron's return for that, but as the girl from the juice commercial says, "Why not both?"

I am still keeping a lot of this vague and hand-wavy so I can work in debts to PCs and NPCs later. I am one hundred percent down with working one of them into my emancipation. The only owed debt I have on the sheet is
* Someone keeps pulling your ass out of the fire. You owe them 2 Debts.
I don't know if it would be too much of a stretch to have "keeps pulling" become "once pulled"... but the fire was all too real.
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Old May 14th, 2023, 01:38 PM
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Great, yeah, I agree that we want to leave lots of threads dangling, to be fleshed out either as we build PC connections, or as the game plays out.

I guess my main question is: could the Tailor do magic, in "the old days"? You can determine that as you like. Basically what I think is important is understanding, what did he leave behind (and, presumably, why)? That is, what kinds of things was he doing back then? Knowing this can help to build connections, I think. And it might help understand why he's getting pulled back in.

I think your world-building idea of where magic comes from makes total sense with both the mechanics of the system, and the idea of "the shadows". It works for me, though we should be sure to cross-check with other PCs' lore at some point before we make it official?
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Old May 14th, 2023, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Wynamoinen View Post
It works for me, though we should be sure to cross-check with other PCs' lore at some point before we make it official?
Oh, absolutely. Especially if Vis (or anyone else) goes for the Wizard. I'd expect them to have a pretty heavy input on such a decision. We can post the question now, or wait until Archetype selections are finalized.

Since you're leaving it up to me, I think I will go with "no" for magic in the old days. It makes for a cleaner cut, rather than clinging to the remnants of his old powers.

So, let's look at his old life. With DC itself being a character, mortal politics was part of it, probably the "original sin" as it were.

I had originally been toying with the idea of having been tainted for a while, ageless, Dorian Gray style. But with both the Dragon and the Spectre going for characters out of time (I've been snooping a little), I don't want to edge in that territory. I need to recalibrate the timeline in my head. But there I will pick some humanitarian or international crisis from say the 90s or 00s, and a young, idealistic Tailor got caught up in advocacy... but was ultimately frustrated by the lack of any perceivable progress. That starts him on the path downward, with a new fiend friend offering unprecedented access to influential ears. Fund-raising dinners. Celebrities offering promotional endorsement, etc. They just need a favor or two along the way.

As far as the other side of the coin goes, I'm going to lean on the Tainted playbook again.
Your dark patron keeps you on Earth for a reason. Choose two jobs from the
list below:
  • delivering threats and messages
  • brokering demonic contracts
The Tailor (is it too on the nose to just call him Taylor?) served as his Patron's "face" in the city. He got close to important people in the city, offering favors and gifts. Anything to accrue debts for his master.

Ultimately, though, the leader of an NGO/social-advocacy group just wasn't valuable enough an asset. Wouldn't it be better if Taylor took a position with this major lobbying firm? He could still continue his own work on the side after all.

As a major player inside the beltway, and as his Patron's representative, it was important that Taylor looked the part. Expensive clothes, expensive cars, expensive women. But for him, the ultimate high came from feeling invincible. Under his Patron's aegis, with demonic powers at his fingertips (if he even needed them), he could walk anywhere, into any negotiation, with a politician, a mobster, a vampire or fey lord, secure in the knowledge that none of them would dare try and threaten him physically. After all, he was the biggest bad-ass in any room he occupied.

But all good things must come to an end. He'd left behind his earlier ideals in favor of power, money and success. His new position had him pushing agendas he didn't believe in, didn't care for, and eventually even ones in direct opposition to his personal beliefs... or at least what he used to think those beliefs were.

Still to be decided: was this a slow realization? Or was there a specific event that served as a catalyst? Either way, he now knew that he needed to find a way out. He couldn't let any of his "friends" know what he intended. Any or all of them could be compromised in exactly the same way he was, a puppet for a demonic power. So he had to look elsewhere for knowledge... and outside assistance (cue debt discussion)
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Old May 15th, 2023, 02:05 PM
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That's all looking really intriguing! At first read, I don't think there are any action items in there for me, so I'll just keep watching for now. Please flag questions for me, if I missed them, or if they arise.

One thing that I did notice in wodine's thread, that I'll flag here too, is that I don't think you've answered your "Intro" questions yet? That's fine (and it seems likely you've indirectly answered a few already). But it will definitely be helpful to give direct answers to those questions, and record them as such, at some point.
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Old May 15th, 2023, 09:24 PM
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Okay, I think I have everything more or less in place.
✅ Name chosen
✅ Intro completed
✅ Gear selected
✅ Workspace defined

A few notes of things I had left undefined that otherwise didn't fit into the Intro section.
I settled on healthcare as the original driving issue for Cole. It is an ongoing issue, which leaves the timeframe flexible if we need to tweak.

On the subject of the Patron and the Rival, I thought it would be fun if demons in the modern era have taken to ironically adopting virtue names when interacting with mortals. So I present Justice, the patron and Charity, the rival. (Hence Cole referring to himself as the former Herald of Justice).
Zenda • Cole Schneider • Artemis

Last edited by hafrogman; May 15th, 2023 at 09:25 PM.
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Old May 17th, 2023, 03:20 PM
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What did your patron want out of all those senators and congresspeople? In particular, what was the Patron's goals *within the City*? (Remember that we want to avoid national politics. But that the federal government does oversee the laws of DC.)

Are any of these Congressfolk that you pressured enemies or friends now? Lots of people like that become lobbyists when they leave office. It could be interesting if one of them became a lobbyist in support or opposition to your Patron's goals. They might therefore be Cole's ally or enemy now, depending.

Similarly with the Rival, what's their goal? The Patron seems to be high-status, focusing on congresspeople. I wonder if the Rival might be low-status, focusing closer to the street (street level issues that were being impacted by whatever your Patron's City shenanigans were)?
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Old May 17th, 2023, 11:31 PM
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I think both the Patron and the Rival have the same goal, which is the acquisition of souls. What exactly they do with those souls is beyond mortal ken. Is Hell a real place? Are the souls devoured for sustenance? Are they simply amassed as a sort of currency or status symbol? The primary method of acquiring souls is to use temptation or leverage to push a human to the brink, then start the bargaining process. Create a problem, sell the solution. But mere need or deprivation are usually not sufficient to bring someone into the fold, you have to erode their foundations first, then rely on fear, uncertainty and doubt to make them crumble.

Where the Patron and Rival differed is in methodology and taste.
As you noted, Justice enjoyed the finer things in life, focusing on the souls of those he deemed 'important' and occasionally those he felt had potential (such as Cole's). He enjoyed the sins of excess: greed, gluttony and lust, using them to build a hedonistic empire of corruption among the elite of DC. He did take also a particular interest in quashing any attempts at self-determination for the city, letting the proposals wither slowly in committee instead of even letting them be voted down. It's so much more fun where you have all of congress to toy with, playing all the special interest groups off of each other, and none of them are sure of when or if the gravy train might run out.

But Charity is more classically minded, wrath is her favorite sin. Under her watchful eye, violent crime has risen among the city's poorest elements. Organized crime, disorganized crime, crimes of passion and crimes of hatred. She enjoys sowing the seeds of discontentment, and letting them fester to promote a feel of hopelessness.

I don't believe that Cole would have cultivated any long-term relationships among the politicians themselves, they were always a means to an end, and often out of town anyways. Instead, he tried to make friends out of people who could be useful to him. Jerry, the guard at the Capitol building who somehow never remembered to have Cole sign the visitor log. Antonio, the intern who was too busy looking at the pair of Wizards tickets in his hand to notice what papers Cole was reading over in the print lab. And Nita, who was a little too fond of trips to Atlantic City, and a little too bad at poker. Still, she was terribly useful and had found herself occupying a chief of staff position for a minor representative by the time Cole 'quit'. He heard she got offered a lucrative position at his old lobbying firm, and could indeed be working for a demon herself... but he has no idea on which side she may have ended up.

All in all, I do feel like Cole probably cut himself off from a lot of his old life, but I realize that's not helpful in terms of giving you NPCs to play with. Any of the above could be interjected as a returning element, but I'll work on a few more fleshed out elements.

We'll say the PI I mentioned before tracked Cole down in his new life (as a job for a client? or personal interest? Cole probably doesn't know for certain). I'll contemplating an ex-girlfriend to give him at least one longer-term non-demonic relationship in town, but he almost certainly ghosted her as well, so she probably (rightfully) hates his guts now.

I'll try and fill in a few new-life NPCs as well, the old lady who runs the gift store next door to his shop/apartment, the fae lordling who is an inveterate clothes horse and more or less keeps Cole in rent money, etc.
Zenda • Cole Schneider • Artemis

Last edited by hafrogman; May 17th, 2023 at 11:33 PM.
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Old May 22nd, 2023, 09:16 PM
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holy **** how did it just click in my head that the name of the basketball team is the "Wizards"?
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Old Jun 10th, 2024, 02:56 AM
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Adding a note here because I keep forgetting how much Cole knows about Anne.

Regarding knowing Anne: Reading back over the notes we made, Cole's family has been haunted for generations, and with his knowledge of the occult he almost certainly recognizes the haunting for what it is. Perhaps he's even been given enough clues to research some of Anne's history... but I didn't get the feeling they've ever sat down and had a chat. So I don't think he'd recognize her voice itself, so much as recognizing a poltergeist attack when he sees one.
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