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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 12:32 AM
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War and Romance

Game NameWar and Romance
Game SystemDnD 5e, 2024
ThemeRomance, growth, and intrigue as the world crumbles around you.
FlavourCity life in a time of war, revolution, and strife.
Plot SummaryThe game begins in the middle of a civil war. The action occurs in a city untouched by the war. At least untouched yet. The nobles go about business like nothing is happening, without a care in the world, exploiting the common folk. The commoners are at a breaking point, but the spark hasn’t been lit to set it off. People are sick of being treated like garbage. People are sick of not having enough food because the wealthy aren’t sharing the meager supplies coming through the city gates.

The Western provinces have declared themselves an independent country called Austbulg, while the East has become Furostenberg. When unified, the Grand Empire of Amstadten was one of the most powerful nations in the world, but decadence and political corruption took their toll on the empire, leading a group of radicals to seek independence. The quest for independence became more popular, especially after the Holy Emperor, Klaus Von Karstein, executed some of the voices of revolution.

The game begins in Kiennen, a large city and the last stronghold for those who want to remain neutral. Duke Johann Wilhelm of Kiennen rules the city with his family. He’s a vain fool of a man, and rumors abound that he has appetites of an unsavory nature. Unlike most nobility, Johann isn’t related to the Emperor by blood, only by marriage. His family is as old as the emperor’s, so it’s only by luck that Johann isn’t emperor.

Kiennen is a walled city with massive outer walls. Surrounding the walls are artificial lakes that merge with a broad, meandering river. Five fortresses are nestled into the walls, looming over the water with their impressive size. Six main roads divide the city into districts. The commoner and merchant districts are the largest, while the walled-off noble district is the smallest but richest. The military, faith, old town, and artisan districts also exist.

Elves can be found in the Dark Forest ten miles from town. After immigrating from a faraway nation, they prefer to isolate themselves. Half-elves prefer city life but are uncommon. Most of the elves that came to Kiennen aren't of noble stock but common citizens who are fleeing genocide.

Dwarves aren't native to the area, so any dwarves in Kiennen are traveling craftsmen or turned their backs on home. The mountains to the far north are thick with dwarves, but those found there are reclusive, wanting no part in human wars.

Aasimar and Tiefling are a rare sight in the Empire. Aasimar may be found in the faith district, while a Tiefling may be a member of the Thieves Guild or some other less reputable organization.

Dragonborn are as rare as the two mentioned above. Their kind dwells in the south and seldom leaves. Any Dragonborn in Kiennen is most likely a mercenary or an outcast.

Orcs are found in the Southlands, warring with Dragonborn or whoever makes them mad. And they're mad most of the time. An orc in Kiennen would raise eyebrows.

Halflings and gnomes are a more common sight in town than the other races. The hills outside of the city are home to several gnomish villages, while the plains south of the city contain towns filled with jovial halflings.

Goliath can be found in the snow-capped mountains to the east. They live in nomadic tribes, hunting game and squabbling amongst themselves. They generally lack the ambition for conquest, preferring their simple lives in nature. Sometimes, Goliaths travel west to trade fur, but since the war began, they don't feel safe traveling in the empire.

Humans make up 80% of the population of Kiennen. The folk of Kiennen tend toward pale skin, dark hair, and blue eyes. They are taller than humans found in other areas with well-muscled frames and chiseled features. Nobles tend to be plumper due to their rich meals and love of expensive wines. Facial hair is common in men, while long hair tied with ribbons is common in women.

I've decided how to begin the game! The game will start at a festival in Castle Konrad. The festival is the brainchild of Lord Frederik, his wife, and a few of their friends. The idea is to soothe class tensions by allowing commoners and artisans to enter the Noble District to attend the festival. The festival is to last three days. For the Duke to agree, conditions had to be met. Lord Frederik is limited in how many non-nobles can attend each day. The commoners and middle class must also be vetted to ensure they are the "right" people. Some nobles will protest the festival by staying home, while others see it as a way to show the other city folk how perfect the lives of nobles are. The Duke and his family haven't committed to attending, but nobody really wants them around, even if they pretend otherwise. Use this information to get into your character's head and figure out why they'd attend.

City Information

* City Population: 300,000 +/- (inside the walls)
* Outside Population: 80,000 +/- (including elves, gnomes, and halflings)
* Thieves Guild: small, tight-knit, highly skilled, rumored to have the Duke's youngest son as a patron
* Music Hall: Kiennen is the center of culture, music, and art in the empire
* Old Brewery: the oldest brewery in the country is found in Kiennen
* The Patricians: aristocrats that belong to high society. They are feuding with the artisan guilds.
* Artisan Guilds: the trained professionals that make up the new middle class. They hate the patricians.
* Commoners: the base of the city's population. They keep the cogs turning. Currently fomenting revolution.
* Farmers: they live outside the city and are having trouble meeting the food demands of the aristocracy
* Mage Guild: a mysterious group of arcane spellcasters that keep to themselves. Well funded.
* God Row: where the various temples and churches are.
* The Fortress: where the private military of Kiennen lives and trains.
* The Citadel: where the Duke and his family live.
* Castle Konrad: where the Dukes of old used to live.
* Market Street: the longest, widest street in the city and home to a huge open-air market.
* Shop Street: a winding street that connects to Market Street. Contains shops of all kind.
* River Port: found outside the walls on a bend in the river.
* Noble District: only those of noble birth are allowed in unless you work for nobles.
* Gold Guard: the private watch of the noble district
* Night Watch: the watch for the rest of the city
* Blue Hats: a new public security and investigative group funded by a group of merchants

The Districts

* Commoner District: The largest district that holds the homes of the common folk. It also has businesses owned by commoners, like laundry services, chimney sweeps, pubs, etc. You can find the lower-tier inns in this district, and 90% of the crime occurs here. The Thieves Guild operates out of this district, but they don't stick to one hideout. The streets are dirtier than in the other districts, and some places look run down. Foreigners are urged not to go out at night in the Commoner District.

* Old Town District: Old Town separates the commoners from the nobles. It's where the burgeoning middle class lives. Old Town is the former home of nobles, but they built the Noble District and hide behind their walls now. The Thieves Guild does some of the operations here, but the Night Watch prowls the streets of Old Town. Most travelers stay in the inns of Old Town and frequent the drinking establishments. The Brewery is here.

* Merchant District: The second largest district that borders the Commoner District and Old Town. You'll find the market here as well as shops. This district is where foreign traders stay while on business. It contains most of the non-human businesses as well. A majority of the people are tolerant of other species, so there's never much conflict in that regard. The Merchant District is near the main gates of the city.

* Noble District: This walled-off district is smaller than the others, but there are larger buildings and less room for non-aristocrats. Admittance into the Noble District is heavily regulated, as only nobles or their servants are allowed through the gates. Visiting nobles are welcome in the district and often stay at one of the manors or magnificent hotels. No businesses are permitted in the Noble District besides the two extravagant hotels. Every square inch has been allocated to hold manors for the nobility. Castle Konrad sits on a hill overlooking the district. It was built around the castle's grounds.

* Faith District: This area is small and exists solely to hold the various temples and churches of the gods. From massive temples to tiny shrines, you'll find all the gods represented in the city of Kiennen. Unlike most cities, Kiennen doesn't have a patron deity. All faiths are equal. (This isn't exactly true, but people still say it.) Priests and priestesses live in the Faith District. Most live in the temples or churches themselves, but for those too small, there are boarding houses that host the holy men and women. A colossal fountain can be found in the center of the district. The many blessed waters are said to bring good fortune to those who throw coins into it.

* Military District: This district is larger than the Noble District but still small. It contains The Fortress, where the military sleeps and eats. Officers maintain houses near The Fortress, while soldiers live in the multiple barracks found there. This district is self-contained, and few go in or out who aren't military.

* Artisan District: One of the newest districts, you'll find the workshops and forges in this district. Most people who work here live in the Commoner District or Old Town. You'll find larger shops here that sell things like furniture or armor. The Blue Hats operate out of this district, and the many theaters can be found here. This district has art galleries, a botanical garden, and a park in addition to the shops and workshops. The higher-end bars or pubs can be found in this district.

People of Note

* The Duke: Not a popular man, even amongst the nobility. He's dishonest, lecherous, and loud. Many feel he's running the city into the ground.
* The Duchess: Beautiful but cold. She isn't loved any more than her husband. She's considered callous and unfeeling by the people.
* Rudolph: Eldest son of the Duke and not much brighter or honest. His first wife died under mysterious circumstances.
* Leopold: Middle son of the Duke. Quiet like his mother and said to be cruel.
* Matthias: Youngest son of the Duke and the only "smart" one of the bunch. He is said to fund the thieves guild.
* Ilse: Only daughter of the Duke and Duchess. Beautiful but vain and calculating.

* Lord Frederik Kleinhamer: A noble and one of the only "good" ones. He is one of the wealthiest people in the city. He is a patron of the arts.
* Lady Katerina Kleinhamer: The foreign-born wife of Frederik. She is a tiny but good-hearted soul who devotes time to healing the sick.

* Lady Erika Von Straud: The noble widow, as she is called. Neither kind nor cruel, she is a formidable voice in the city. Second in wealth to Frederik.
* Lord Klaus Von Straud: Son of Lady Erika and a wise man with nerves of steel. He is a career politician.

* Lord Wilfred Streich: The real brains behind the Duke's schemes, or so people say. He's a shrewd man but amoral.
* Lady Elena Streich: The young, ravishing wife of Lord Streich. Rumor has it that she has secret paramours in the city and favors artists and musicians.

* Viscount Alaric Gravenoft: A foreign noble who has settled in the city. He is a mystery, a victim of gossip, and very handsome by Kiennen standards.

* Viktor Gruble: The Prince of Merchants, as the populace calls him. Viktor is a tough man who is fair and always working. He is the voice of the Artisan Guilds.
* Maria Gruble: Wife of Viktor. She is as tough as him and as large. She keeps their house in order.
* Harold Gruble: Son of Viktor and Maria. A big, dumb, gentle giant that helps protect his father's caravans.
* Magdalena Gruble: Daughter of Viktor and Maria. A clever yet plain-looking young woman who longs to see the world.

* Wolfgang Blint: A musical prodigy known beyond the kingdom for his talent. He's full of himself.
* Franz Lieberitz: A musician and rival to Wolfgang. Not as talented, but kinder and more humble.

* Gustav Klugman: A young painter but a master who has captured the hearts of many young ladies.
* Josef Holtzmund: A young sculptor and painter with the skill of Gustav but lacking in social skills.
* Karl Freitz: A young inventor always making new toys and contraptions to delight the public. He's older than he looks but immature.

*Marie Starzer: A young singer who has enchanted the city with her beautiful voice. Said to be the greatest singer of the age.
*Emma Blau: A semi-retired singer who was the toast of the city at one point in her life. She currently makes her rounds amongst the nobility.

* Commander Franz Ulrich: Commanding officer of the garrison. A capable man but fond of drink.

* Captain Sigbert Leister: Officer in charge of the Gold Guard. A braggart and a lazy fool.

* Captain Andreas Hiller: Officer in charge of the Night Watch. Newly promoted, dashing, dauntless, and scarred.

* Peter Von Kadar: In charge of the Blue Hats. A serious fellow who follows the rules.

Non-Human People of Note

***Note for Dwarves: In this world, dwarves don't share their family names with non-dwarves. When they need a surname, they go by their father's name + son or dottir.
***Note for Dragonborn: Dragonborn only take surnames in areas that require them. They normally pick names that reflect their physical traits.

* Dwain Angvarson: A dwarf smith who has lived in the city for a hundred years. He's rough, gruff, and loves his suds. Has a soft spot for children.
* Brokk Durnson: A dwarf who owns a quarry and an iron mine outside the city. He's moderately wealthy and friendly.
* Ola Grumnsdottir: Brokk's romantic partner who owns a bar. Her bar attracts non-humans.
* Freyga Fainsdottir: A newcomer to the city. She's a jeweler and goldsmith who has her own shop. She's caught Dwain's eye.

* Scathe Blacktongue: A Dragonborn mercenary captain who has stationed his troops outside the city. The Duke is rumored to be paying him for protection.
* Halkor the Red: An outcast Dragonborn that operates a service collecting dead bodies or dead animals. He doesn't speak much.

* Ancel Wimblwisper: A wealthy halfling who owns a plantation outside the city. He is fat, friendly, charitable, and merry.
* Nelda Wimblwisper: The wife of Ancel. She's much like her husband. Together, they have eight children.

* Orby Glasse: A gnome who operates a print shop and bookbinding business. He's an excitable little guy.
* Nilla Thwaife: A gnome who owns an apothecary. She's selfless and caring.
* Rildo Hobbe: A gnome who tutors young nobles in basic education. He's highly educated and considered a top-notch teacher.

* Desmond Applewood: A young half-elf seeking fortune in the city. He's a dreamer and a poet well-known to the young women of the city.
* Sylva Swift: A young half-elf lady who operates many side hustles in the city. Men find her exotic and lovely.

* Danu Ilotha: The leader of the elves who dwell in the Dark Wood. He's much older than he appears and has a quiet strength to him.
* Brigi Ilotha: The wife of Danu. She rarely leaves the forest, but she draws all attention when she does for her ethereal beauty.
* Nuadin: One of the three primary protectors of the elf group. He's a master of both bow and sword. He has brown hair with a silver stripe.
* Nualin: Twin sister of Nuadin. She's a trained wizard and can be seen visiting the Mage Guild from time to time.
* Morregan Llione: The second of the protectors. She is skilled in both armed and unarmed combat. She has fierce eyes and wavy brown hair.
* Eldalugh Ta'Denan: The third of the protectors. He is trained in the holy arts of the elven gods and is skilled in combat on foot or mounted. He is taller than other elves and brawnier.

* Brother Fiore: An aasimar priest of Lathander. He is inhumanly attractive but fully devoted to his god. His hair shines like golden thread, and his eyes are like brass.

* Sebastien Blood: A tiefling member of the thieves guild that acts as second in command. Their true commander is known only to him. His tiefling traits are less obvious.

Newcomers of Note

* Ferdinand Haugwitz: Leader of the Cult of the Green Man, a growing religion amongst the common folk. He was once a farmer before he had a "revelation."

* Teodor Schenk: A magistrate who reports to the Emperor. He makes the nobles nervous when he pops up. He was recently seen entering the city.

* Christina Raab of Wolfenberk: A former noblewoman from a town outside the capital who fled the war with her two young children. She seeks to wed a nobleman of Kiennen.

* Lord Gotlieb Von Seyfried: A nobleman from another city who has a lot of secrets. Rumors say he was a merchant and purchased his title. He's middle age and keeps to himself.

* Mehmed Olghuz Sakulla: A noble from the western side of the Umtakku Empire. He has ties to the island of Neboka. He's a man in his thirties with dark skin, long black hair, and piercing eyes.
* Shikar Ormush: Works for Mehmed in more than one capacity. His scars and demeanor mark him as a soldier, but he dresses in fine silk from the east. He rarely speaks to those not from his homeland.
* Akawel Silina: A cleric/wizard from Neboka. He advises Mehmed and is in charge of the man's education. He and Shikar hate each other. He is ebon-skinned with a graying beard.
* Sirra Kolanei Mbarka: An attendant to Mehmed. She is a gorgeous woman with a sharp tongue and quick wit. Her skin is a rich cocoa color, and her eyes are inquisitive. Akawel covets her.

Other Religions

* Umtakku: Hajama: God of bravery.
Hakiyah: Goddess of honesty and truth.
Haku: God of freedom.
Jisan: Goddess of fertility and productivity.
Kor: God of wisdom.
Najm: God (sometimes goddess) of adventure.
Selan: Goddess of beauty.
Zann: God of knowledge, learning, and intellect.

Jauhar: Goddess of wealth.
Bala: Goddess of music.
Jarmik: God of sharing and generosity.
Vataqatal: God of war and duty.

Kiga, the Predator.
Migal, a god of teaching but also of assassins.
Kar'r'rga, a god of the sea.
Thasmudyan, god of undead, worshiped on the island of Neboka.

Akadi, primordial of Air
Kossuth, primordial of Fire
Grumbar, primordial of Earth
Istishia, primordial of Water

Bane, a god of cruelty, hatred, and tyranny, worshipped on the island of Neboka.
Bhaal, a god of murder and killers, worshipped on the island of Neboka.
Kalsheeve, a goddess of chaos and death, worshipped on Neboka.
Hafeluruku, a god of fear, worshipped on Neboka.
Phaerlmaroc, a god of nightmares, worshipped on Neboka.
Loludine, a goddess of dreams and Phaerlmaroc's lover.
Selune, a goddess of the moon.
Shar, a goddess of darkness.
Azuth, a god of wizards.
Mystra, a goddess of magic.
Amaunator, a god of the sun and laws.

***Not gods, but deeply revered by all.

Kabril Ali al-Sara al-Zalazil, Great Khan of the Dao
Husam al-Balil ben Nafhat al-Yugayyim, Great Caliph of the Djinn
Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan, Most Respected Sultan of the Efreet
Kalbari al-Durrat al-Amwaj ibn Jari, Imperial Padishah of the Marids

Game Information

Post Rate: 2-3 times per week or more if needed
Setting Info: A city on the brink of collapse trying to escape a civil war. You’ll be able to find romance, scheme against the nobles, or play as a noble. Through intrigue and drama, your character can find growth or fall into darkness. The choice is yours. Who will you be?
Players: 5-6
Level: 4th
Hit Points: Maximum per level
Ability Scores: 27 point-buy
Game Edition: 5th, 2024
End Date: 02/1/2025 **Amended Date**


Character Description:

The game will be set mid-autumn.

Last edited by CrackedPepper; Feb 1st, 2025 at 02:28 PM.
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 08:51 AM
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Foreign Devil
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Name: Jibril Ibn Shaytan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Class: Paladin
Species: Tiefling

Character Description: Jibril stands out amongst the nobles of the former Grand Empire of Amstadten for two simple reasons. One, he isn't human, as his horns and tail will attest. Tieflings are not unknown but they are rarely acknowledged as noble or treated as such. But Jibril is . . . tolerated . . . at noble events because of the second reason he stands out. He is a foreigner, hailing from their powerful and aggressive neighbors, the Umtakku Empire, that no one in this currently weakened and war torn nation wants to risk offending. That doesn't mean they are comfortable around him, no matter how much he smiles or speaks.

Background: And Jibril is always polite and well spoken. He had that beaten into him early by the Qadiriyya that raised him. You see, Umtakku nobles aren't any happier than those of Amstadten when their woman bear children that are half Djinni and like others in their stead, Jibril's family turned him over to the Qadiri Order of Dervishes to be raised. He was raised in military discipline and his noble background opened doors to diplomatic missions such as this one . . . when the Umtakku Empire wanted to be offensive to a neighbor without actually doing anything they could be called out on as actually offensive. And so he smiles, flirts, talks, after all, he never took a vow of celibacy.

Character Description continued: But within him, the slights and discrimination add up to a powerful anger. This channels into his fighting and leads him to look for opportunities to pay back the world, without of course offending his superiors in the order as discipline among the Qadiriyya is harsh and the world outside the order harsher. So, he seeks out Evil to punish and despite his Dervish vows, is equally harsh on those that become his enemies. Jibril does try to live up to his vows of aid by helping those unfortunates who were harmed by the conflicts he engages in but his primary vow is Vengeance upon those who do evil in the world.

Background continued: And so Jibril leads a sort of double life here in this cold and foreign land. He attends upon the Duke and his court, following the dictates of diplomacy. His strangeness in some ways just adds to his attraction to some at the court so his social calendar is similarly full with balls, parties, or drinking sessions with the local nobles who are less fixed in their traditions. Meanwhile, he seeks out trouble outside the court as well, cultivating acquaintances among the local clergy, at least those who do not seek to exorcise him on sight and taking his vengeance out on more acceptable targets than repaying the slights of various courtiers and his own superiors.

Superiors in the Qadiri Order of Dervishes:
Grand Master Abdul Qadir Gilani came out of the desert with nothing to found the Qadiriyya. Ancient, dangerous, secretive, a young low level follower like Jibril has never met him.
Master Ahmed Yesevi is a poet and mystic who sponsored Jibril and used his influence to get him sent on this diplomatic embassy. That doesn't necessarily mean he had Jibril's welfare at heart (see notes above).
Mahmud Aziz is a wizard and leads the Qadiriyya mission which means he is Jibril's superior and gives him orders. He does not seem prejudiced against Tieflings though he seems to hold martials generally in lesser esteem than mages. He encourages Jibril to make contacts in the court and in the streets and has hinted that romantic liasons hold the potential for gaining more information for the Empire and the Order. Jibril is willing but newly arrived and has not yet had the opportunity to do more than unpack.

The Future: is written in the sands, as the poets say. Jibril would like adventure, romance, intrigue, and danger (he's still very young). However, his oaths to the Order do mean a great deal to him and it would take some extraordinary betrayal for him to forsake them.

Never quit on an active game yet.

Last edited by penbeast0; Jan 25th, 2025 at 03:39 PM.
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 09:47 AM
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Yes I might be interested. @penbeast - "5e 2024" edition is stated in the Game Information bit at the end.

Starting at Level 4, oh my!
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 11:26 AM
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 11:49 AM
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 11:54 AM
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I will allow some older sub-classes.
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 01:29 PM
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What a fun concept! I think I'll go with Forgotten Realms deities, so Lliira is the goddess of joy in that pantheon. I look forward to seeing your concept evolve.
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 03:48 PM
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I've got to say, this all looks really tempting. But I'm just now trying to get back into the swing of things after a health related unexcused absence. Sadly I can't really commit to two or three posts a week just yet. Maybe soon but not yet.

I do hope your game goes well though and that you all have a lot of fun with it.
I have taken the Oath.

Beware: Gamers at play. Not responsible for any damages inflicted by wandering monsters, random encounters or my over active imagination!
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 03:58 PM
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Name: Stefan Usher
Age: 31 but looks 20
Class: Rogue - subclass Thief
Species: Dhampir
Appearance: He stands 6’ tall, medium built, a bit on the slender side. Brown hair down to his shoulders with matching goatee. His green eyes go well with his tanned skin. Dressed in black and purple, he seems to blend in the busy streets, easily disappearing within the people and the buildings. Dressed in leather armor, he is armed with a sword sheathed at each his left hip, a bow at his back, and a dagger sheathe at each thigh.
right-aligned image

Personality: Easy going, gets along well with others. He’s always alert, not wanting to miss anything. Even though he has the mentality of a thief, he has a good heart, helping the street urchins when he can. His top two vices are money and women.
Background: As a toddler, his folks wanting to rid of him because his father was a vampire, besides the stress, they did not want any scandals marking their family. The boy’s aunt took the babe and said she would take care of it. She took the child when left for home. Little did the family know that Aunt Rosa was a member of the Thieves Guild in the city of Greyhawk.

She took care of the child and while he grew up, she taught him proper manners while he was in training to be a thief. Rosa took the boy with her for two reasons. One, he was family, and she was protective of her family, be it kin, siblings, or any other blood. The second was that since he was half vampire, his skills would be much welcomed by the guild.

So, he grew up a thief and was more than decent as his natural skills began to shine. Rosa never changed the boy’s name, the thought of him being the cause of a scandal was preposterous to her. However, there was one thing that she had overlooked. While he could control or hide some of his natural abilities from his vampire blood, the one thing he could not hide was his very slow aging. He still looked like a teen even though he was entering his 20s. While he was fine inside the guild, being accepted as he was, outside of the guild was another story. Some places he had to avoid because he had been there a while, and some folks began talking about how young he still looked as if he hadn’t aged.

Then one night while he was in bed with a woman, not knowing she was married, her husband, a city guard came home much earlier than normal. Well, that settled it, there was no way he could stay in the city any longer. He left the city early the next morning before sunrise and set out with supplies that he might need. He had traveled awhile, wondering where his life is going. He came to a temple of Tyche. The High Priest took him for a couple of days and was able to sense that Stefan was not fully human, had confronted him. The lad was surprised that the priest accepted as he was. Stefan never asked for much, just a bit of good fortune was all, and he became a follower of Tyche.

He spent some time traveling, wondering where to go. He had settled in a town or two for about three years apiece, not wanting to draw attention to his aging. At that time, chaos and war was breaking out in various cites and countries. He came to another city, a city called Kiennen and so far it seemed like safe place to be. Being a thief himself, he found his way to the Thieves Guild, asking to be a member. They looked at him up and down half suspiciously, for the refined way he acted and spoke. So two days later, he in a private room with Matthias, who Stefan later learned who he was. The two talked, finding out they had something in common. When Stefan mentioned that he was from Greyhawk, Matthais was both surprised and impressed, and then told Stefan who he was. After awhile, Stefan told him what he was, taking a risk, but he felt as he could trust this man.

Matthias listened and nodded and rubbed his chin. He found him a home in the Old Town District. It would be a better fit for him, plus the Guild had a hideout there. He would put the him the Noble district but they would need a damn good sort of proof for whatever lie they might use and couldn't use his real family name, it might get out and who knows what would happen. So Stefan accepted both the house and employment to the Guild. They shook hands and Matthais told Stefan not to worry about his slow again until three or four years, then they would figure something out.

Where do you want to take this character?: Far as I can, LOL I like to see him become a top rogue, and perhaps a mayor or something providing he can find the people accept him. If they would think he was an Aasarmir or something, they would accept his slow aging.
What kind of future do they have?: A family be nice and wealth and a good reputation.
Who are the people in their life?: His Aunt Rosa who he keeps in contact. Being in a new city, it would be Matthias and whatever inner circle of people he has.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."

Last edited by Seekr34; Jan 25th, 2025 at 09:42 PM.
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 04:09 PM
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This... This seems very interesting. So, the themes are romance, growth, and intrigue. I'd like to know why and how romance is a theme. That would be up to the players, wouldn't it? And you imply that revolution hasn't quite started yet, so will we be beginning the story 'life as usual'? We're just going about our daily lives, going through the same old routine, when something happens?

What more can you tell us about the different disstricts, and anything that may stand out in them?
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 04:46 PM
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There will be romantic elements in the game. I won't push love or romance on any characters, but the possibilities will be there if anyone wants to explore them. There will be a lot of npcs out there looking for love.

The common people speak in hushed whispers about revolution, and it will feature as a major plot point in the story. Your characters could help spark a full revolution or try to stop it. Something will happen to kick things off and bring the PCs into each other's orbit.

I'm working on the information on the districts, so keep an eye out for my edits to the first post.
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 04:55 PM
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Name: Lianna Geloc
Age: 23
Class: Fighter
Species: Human
Character Description: A youn woman of features fair; her skin is white, the palor of mother's milk, and her hair the color of a fresh wheat harvest. Her eyes are a startling green, like Spring, bright and mirthful. When dressed as a civilian, she opts for plain dresses of grass green or sky blue, with white frills. Sometimes, she also wears a plain white hairband, usually adorned with a blooming flower. She has a single gray fleck on her cheek, like an iron freckle.

She used to idolize the Gold Guard. Or, rather, she coveted the position, the prestige, the opportunities. Her father, Gelbert Gelock, was a talented sculptor, and a member of the Artisan Guild. For many long days and nights, he would chisel away at his latest masterpiece. A statue honoring the founder of Kiennen, an early depiction of Holy Emperor, Klaus Von Karstein, before the decline, and most recently, an angel, kneeling, her hands outstretched in a healing gesture. It was after this, the breathtaking depiction of a celestial, nearly life-like, that he was approached by none other than Lord Frederik Kleinhamer. The names of the Kleinhamer couple had floated around the house on occasion, alongside mentions of Klugman, and Holtzmund. Mythical figures, forever out of the reach of a commoner-turned-artisan. And yet... Here it was. Happening. The old man had never smiled so widely before, honored beyond words to be commissioned by the great Lord Frederik Kleinhamer. He was to create in his honor a statue that will immortalize the young lord in the hearts and minds of the people of Kiennen, a task Gelbert took to with great enthusaism. Lianna Geloc, too, shared in his merriment. She had no delusions of granduer herself, being only mildly talented with a brush, but... She could share in his happiness. The old man meant everything to her, especially after the regrettable passing of her mother, a talented healer.

Having spent her days working at a bakery, dabbling in art- a passion which Gelbert strongly encouraged she pursue -she instead turned her attention to the city defenses. If this panned out, if Gelbert was able to impress the Lord Frederik Kleinhamer, she anticipated he would be spending a great deal more time around the aristocracy. Although she lacked any formal training, she had heard whispers of revolution... Whispers which disturbed her. She had lost her mother already, and she shuddered to think what could become of old man Gelbert if he were to be caught at the wrong end of an uprising. Gelbert was heartbroken when he heard her proposal: she will abandon the bakery, and her passion of art, and pursue a military career. She will climb the ranks, and eventually be promoted to the sattus of a Golden Guard, so that she may watch over him always. He implored that she abandon such notions, and enjoy her youth whilst it lasted, but her mind had been set. Besides, swordplay is a form of art in itself, is it not?

It was a joke in poor taste.

Although a cloud had been cast over her father, he would not be persuaded to abandon his current path, and carried on with the commission. Lianna, meanwhile, entered into the service of the Night Watch, under the intimidating gaze of Captain Andreas Hiller. A real rogue, handsome, and a merciless captain. Lianna's days, once filled with the din of conversation, the smell of baked goods, and quiet afternoons of painting, were replaced with relentless drills. But her heart remained strong, for each day she got to return home and witness her father at work, marvelling at his craft. Although, secretely, she was alwasy drawn back to the angel. It... Spoke to her, in a sense. A feeling she could never quite describe.

Now she nears her goal, pushing herself harder than she ever has before. Soon, she tells herself. Soon, she will prove her mettle, and don the golden armor. It helps that, through her father, she's been able to make a few valuable connections of her own.

The Festival: With a letter of merit from the Night Watch, and a letter of patronage from Lord Kleinhamer himself, Lianna is attending as a guest. In part, to keep an eye on her father, but she will also be seeking out those who may support her rise in status. She may also seek out Baudric Hallenburg's father.

* Lianna frequents the Artisan District, and the Faith District. The former to visit her father in his shop, and the latter to vainly attempt to connect to her late mother. Anna Geloc was a priestess of Jisan, goddess productivity and fertility, but Lianna never really found her faith.
* Anna Geloc, Lianna's mother, died when her daughter was still very young, Too young to remember her face. Still, Lianna sometimes feels as though her mother is watching over her.
* Lianna really appreciates the work of Lady Katerina Kleinhamer, as it makes her think of what her mother once did in life.
* The lizardmen dragonborn without the gates of Kiennen are rather fond of Kiennen baked goods. Awhile back, Lianna made friends with a dragonborn. After expressing an interest in learning their ways (After joining the Night Watch), she's begun training occasionally with the reptillians in her downtime. She always makes sure to bring them as many baked goods as she can feasibly make AND carry for these occasions, making them social events. She often jokes they'll get fat like an iguana if they keep eating all of her pastries.
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Last edited by Aisede; Jan 27th, 2025 at 03:36 AM.
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 04:56 PM
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Name: Elisabeth Hausler
Age: 22
Class: Bard (College of Glamour)
Species: Human
Character Description: While most would describe Elisabeth as beautiful, there is a quality about her that transcends simple physical attractiveness. 'Beautiful' is generally not the first word most use to describe her; indeed, she tends to go a bit out of her way to avoid such a descriptor. Instead, she is described as 'charming', 'mesmerizing', or 'fascinating'. She works hard to engender such characterizations, wishing to remain a level above the typical court beauties that tend to haunt the galas and court proceedings around the city. She maintains an aura of mystique that draws attention even from the most jaded of court players.

She has been trained her entire life to play the court game. The initial goal, of course, was for Elisabeth to achieve the highest possible value as currency for the advancement of the family by securing an advantageous marriage. She certainly had the tools to do so - the looks, the charm, the intellect, the courtly skills. But as the political and social situation continued to deteriorate, and the nobles and landed gentry continued to push their collective heads further and deeper into the sand, Elisabeth's father, Burgrave Caspar Hausler, began to guide her more toward court intrigue and an ability to flow with the situation. They needed a courtier who could blend in and advance within the court without being summarily executed in case of a peasant revolt.

Elisabeth has learned the value in captivating people, the common bond between peasant and noble. Get someone's attention and make them wish to be your friend. She knows she cannot afford true friendship during such a turbulent time, so the best alternative is to be loved, if even at a superficial level. Thus she ingratiates herself to all, becoming friend - even invaluable - to all, so that no matter which way the winds of fortune blow, they blow favorably to her.

Deep inside, hidden even where her father cannot detect it, she yearns for true relationships. Love, friendship, camaraderie - it matters little to her, so long as it's honest. Though she can be ruthless, she has no malice within her. She hopes that, once she and her family are safe and secure, she can stop the lies, the usage, and the manipulation and actually develop trust with someone. She just isn't willing to sacrifice her family's fortune and well-being to get it...yet.

Background: The Hausler family is one of many minor nobility houses within the city, each one vying and jockeying for position, status, wealth, and power. It is a ruthless, fast-paced game they all play, with the various members of each family as the pieces on the chessboard. The Hauslers were ennobled two generations ago, and thus are relative newcomers to the courtly games, but they have grown remarkably in status and wealth in that time - a fact that carries both merit and peril.

Elisabeth was brought up in the court and has witnessed the madness within firsthand. While she enjoys the intrigue, prestige, and attention of court, she detests the cruelty, debauchery, and nihilism just as much. She has walked the streets and seen what is going on with her own eyes, and firmly believes that the ruling class has failed in their duty to protect and provide for the commoners. However, she also knows that to point this out would spell ruin and destruction for her family. So she copes in the only way she can - distraction.

She is a trained bard, a graduate of the College of Glamour. This carries the rather perplexing dichotomy of people knowing that she is highly skilled at manipulating them, while simultaneously begging her to do it. Wariness blended with fascination, like a small child reaching for a flame, particularly one who has already been burned at least once. Such is the decay and debasement of the court that people are willing to put themselves in position to be manipulated in exchange for a brief moment of distraction. It is wonderful and horrific all at once.

The commoners are little better, though one would think that living day-to-day would provide a sense of practicality, if not wisdom. But no, they line up just as quickly to be entertained, a moment's distraction to take them away from the doldrum and struggle of their daily life. The coming festival is the perfect opportunity for Elisabeth to follow her father's direction and form a bridge between the nobility and lower classes. This should serve to demonstrate to the smoldering lower classes that not all of the nobility are bad, while simultaneously making it dangerous for the nobility to move openly against the family...if Elisabeth can indeed ingratiate herself with the populace.

Elisabeth enjoys a symbiotic relationship with those around her - use and be used by all parties. For the time being, she is content enough with her 'rock star' lifestyle. She plays, recites, sings, or often just stands around to allow others to soak up her presence. But she is aware enough that the ride may soon be ending, and that the jolt of the carriage may well toss her far. Things are changing in her town, and she only hopes she has generated enough allies to come out on top.

Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Jan 28th, 2025 at 06:03 PM.
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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 05:29 PM
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Wow! So much interest in my little game? I love it! I have some PMs to answer and will get on them when I get home.

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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 06:08 PM
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I have a few questions to help me zero in on a character concept.
  • How do Paladins fit into this world?
  • Are you allowing Multi-classing?
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