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Is there a dice emulator?
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Please limit your posts in this thread to five. Thanks. ~Aethera Last edited by Aethera; Jun 6th, 2019 at 12:25 PM. |
Dice Roll:
Contrary to popular opinion, the plural of anecdote is not facts.
Rowan idly fingers the black stone he received from the petty functionaries. He was in no hurry to search out those possessing a stone similarly numbered, and decided to wait and let them find him. In the meantime he reflected on the events of the past night. Tremors. It was the tremors that woke him as he lay fast asleep deep in his warren beneath the east Den. Impact tremors of greater magnitude than he’d ever experienced, strong enough to dislodge some of the packed soil that formed the ceiling of his burrow, and with a frequency that defied easy explanation.
He had moved towards the surface. Carefully at first, then with more urgency as the sustained rumblings fueled a rising concern. As he neared the mouth of his tunnel, a wave of heat roiled over him, carrying cinders and something ominous: the smell of charred flesh. He emerged into a scene taken from the old tales, of cataclysm, of a raging inferno fueled by a vengeful god. After a few stunned moments he had collected himself, morphed into a form immune to flames, and begun doing whatever he could to douse the flames. It had been a long night. When morning came, and he answered the call of the baron, he overheard others speak of what they had seen while he had yet slumbered. The visage of the dark god Bane had appeared in the cloud of a firestorm. Horrifying though the prospect of Bane taking direct action against the city might be, Rowan found he couldn’t help but think darkly that you had to somewhat respect a god who wasn’t afraid to show his face around here. Rowan shakes himself out of his black reverie and takes stock of the surroundings. No one with a matching stone has found him. And by the absence of clusters, no one has found anyone. "Not too surprising", he thinks. Piss poor way to sort any size group, much less one at least a thousand strong" He turns a faintly derisive gaze to the long table, only to find it empty. Questions furrow his brow, but they fade as the earth beneath his feet begins to tremble anew, and are completely forgotten when the cobblestones erupt. Pandemonium reigns as the crowd scatters in terror. For a few moments the panicked throng obscures Rowan's view of the source of the commotion, but when the area clears, he sees several volunteers already battling a shiny metal monstrosity. Almost simultaneously, a red-winged woman he's not seen before descends and begins speaking. Her message will remain unheard, as three shots ring out and silence her. No sooner has her body hit the ground when a much larger boom thunders from the metal monster. Ronan whirls to see that one brave defender has taken a point-blank shot from a cannon housed in the monster's chest. The figure survived the blast, but may not be able to withstand a second shot. The druid is about to run to the aid of the fallen fighter when a cry rings out that another foe has been located, and Rowan spies a lone figure racing in the general direction from whence the first three shots came. For a split-second he is torn deciding which battle to join, before reaching the only answer: both. Rowan stretches a hand towards the melee and channels the spirit of the natural worldRapid Summoning to cast Summon Nature's Ally IV as standard action, using Ring of the Beast and 3rd level spell Greater Magic Fangchannels the spirit of the natural world, a spirit that may be bent, but not yet broken. A large brown bear materializes, interposed between the metal monster and the fallen fighter. With a roar, the beast unleashes an assault of claw and fang. ![]() Satisfied that the ursine ally will be able to grant cover for the injured fighter long enough for the other combatants to defeat the foe, Rowan turns his attention toward the other threat. Bones shift, muscles ripple, pale skin becomes encased in a layer of scales and fur as the shifter Wild shape into fleshraker dinosaur as move action, Beast Spirit casting of Bite of the Werewolf as swift actiontakes a form ready to sprint into the fray. ![]() Rolls
I have taken the Oath of Sangus Last edited by ThreadBear; Dec 14th, 2018 at 02:01 AM. |
Dice Test Rolls:
Test 2.0
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Another Test
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Last edited by creed; Dec 15th, 2018 at 06:57 PM. |
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Last edited by Grimbreath; Dec 15th, 2018 at 07:06 PM. |
Dice Roll: Dice Roll:
Last edited by MIniSchnauzer; Dec 16th, 2018 at 08:49 PM. |
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Last edited by MIniSchnauzer; Dec 16th, 2018 at 08:56 PM. |
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