Waterdeep - What you all know
Almost anything can be bought or sold in Waterdeep. You know that there's no need for adventurers to shop elsewhere. You are fully aware that Waterdavians generally hold adventurers with high regard and that many of the city's most esteemed citizens are former adventurers and that the city has been saved countless times by adventurers over the years. BREAKING THE LAW: Waterdeep is a city of firm Jaws and swift justice. Adventurers hell-bent on slaughter and plunder won't fare well in the City of Splendors. The punishments for assault, arson, theft, and murder are severe, regardless of the reason for the crime. Those who overtly engage in criminal behavior are quickly cornered and arrested by members of the City Watch. Those charged with committing a crime are brought before a magister to be judged. Advocates might intercede on behalf of those caught if they have allied themselves with influential persons and factions. Given how strictly laws are enforced in Waterdeep, it's possible that one could end up being exiled, sentenced to several years of hard labor, imprisoned, or put to death. If that's how you choose to live and that's how your life ends, so be it. Hopefully, in your next city or life, you will fare better. SEASONS: SPRING - In Waterdeep, early spring tends to be cold and damp. Misty rain falls for days on end. It's common for fog to settle at night and last through the day. As the weather improves, th e city attracts more visitors, and the streets become increasingly crowded as summer approaches. SUMMER - Summers in Waterdeep are quite comfortable, and it's a great time for citizens and visitors to congregate outside. The markets are busier than at any other time of year. Sometimes, though, warm air pushes up from the south and settles in the valleys north and east of the city. This air gets trapped, creating a hot spell that might last days or weeks. Activity in the city slows to a crawl, since Waterdavians are unaccustomed to such heat. AUTUMN - Throughout autumn, wagon loads of food arrive in Waterdeep from outlying farms. Without this bounty, city folk would starve during the winter. Cold, howling sea winds remind Waterdavians that winter is near. WINTER - Waterdavian winters are harsh. As snow piles up around the city and ice fills the harbor, trade grinds to a halt and the city seals it gates. Citizens willing to brave the cold still gather in local taverns and festhalls, but few venture outside the city walls.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me. Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jan 9th, 2023 at 07:21 PM. |
Zhentarim - What Everyone Knows
The Black Network has an open recruitment policy. Anyone can join. Tenacity and loyalty are highly valued (but not essential) traits in new members. The Zhentarim is a shadow organization that trades mercenaries and goods (including weapons) for profit. It has long sought to gain political influence in Waterdeep, but the s trength of the city's Masked Lords, nobility, and professional guilds makes that difficult. Xanathar Guild - What Everyone Knows Anyone can join the Xanathar Guild, which, despite its name, doesn't have official guild status in Waterdeep. Before membership is granted, however, an applicant must pass a test that always involves the perpetration of a serious crime.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me. |
Trollskull Alley
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me. Last edited by Drachenspirit; Aug 15th, 2024 at 06:26 PM. |
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