Game Thread #2 Chapter One: A Friend in Need - RPG Crossing
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Old Jan 24th, 2023, 07:25 PM
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#2 Chapter One: A Friend in Need

Dragon Heist

1492 DR, the Year of Three Ships Sailing
Near Sunset

As you make your way to the Yawning Portal, you can't help but think about your past here as a citizen of this city. Reuniting with your "family" after what seems like a long time seems to do that to a person. Memories.

You grew up in the Southward at the Light of Day Orphanage. It was just down the street, two buildings down and west from The Garrulous Grocer, a grocer business that you went to often to get leftovers and food substances that were either considered ruined, bad or paid for and not picked up. This location places your upbringing about a block southeast of the Temple of Good Cheer. Not only did the temple almost solely pay for the upkeep of the orphanage, but it still survives today.
Not so, for the Orphanage. Some who recall it say it's not surprising as it took in orphans even other orphanages didn't want. It was said that at it's end there was just one Human orphan remaining, along with a Lizardfolk, a Halflling, a Tiefling, a Dwarf, and a very light-colored Red Dragonborn orphan. Some said it looked more like an odd carnival that an orphanage.

The Temple of Good Cheer is a makeshift temple dedicated to Lliira and Milil. Located in the Adventurers' Quarter of the Southern Ward of Waterdeep, just like the Orphanage, it doesn't do as well as most others in the city - any others in fact. The temple resides in a three-story building, near the corner of Fishwife Alley and Slop Street. It is on the second floor and is accessible through an external stairwell. The temple occupies the second floor of the building between the derelict lower and topmost floors - a fact you know well as you visited this place many times during your young life.
Though some might see that the Temple failed you and your caretaker, that just isn't the case. Those who previously ran it left the city on adventure - or so it is said - and never came back. Without anyone managing its accounts, your Orphanage fell into trouble and your caretaker who was already in poor health, worked hard to keep enough to feed you all. It would be her undoing. She took ill and died from an illness within a few weeks, and thus you were left on your own so long ago. A lot can happen in a year.

Has it really been a year?

You had heard of such Orphanages as the very nice one in the Dock Ward, the Starry Cradles Orphanage, which was a Selūnite-sponsored one. But, questions and calls for assistance fell on deaf ears since the Temple was also paying rent on your small place.

Several months after, you were all left to your own devices, new clergy came in to the Temple of Good Cheer, but by then the Orphanage's location had been rented out to others, and any interest or concern was all but forgotten.

Today, you are meeting at the Yawning Portal. The reason is familiarity, because you all took part in collecting from the few places that would let the Orphanage leave collection boxes. One of those places was Mother Salinka's House of Pleasures, which was right next door to the Yawning Portal.

Mother Salinka's is a dingy low-coin festhall owned by halflings and frequented by those who are there for a 'brief visit', or can't afford or are turned away from the Yawning Portal. Most everyone in there spoke of the Tavern next door, and it stuck on you in your youth as well. You all vowed one day to visit this place, this "Yawning Portal", together and this culminated in a promise to meet there on the one year anniversary of your departure from your home.

Perhaps some of you kept touch with one another, perhaps not. Whatever the case, it will be good to see your family again. Or have you changed so much that they won't recognize you? It's time to find out.

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Old Jan 25th, 2023, 12:56 AM
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Callie Tealeaf
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The halfling woman stood on Rainrun Street, hands on the twin shortswords decorating her slim hips, clean-but-worn cavalier hat tilted upward as she peered upward at the Yawning Portal with an amused grin on her face, long hair hanging free to part around the shortbow slung across her back. Like her hat, the rest of her outfit had seen better days, but was kept as nice and cared-for as possible. If the threadbare, rivet-studded faded leather caused any sneers of disdain...unlikely this far south in the Castle Ward...she paid no notice to it. Rather, she had the aura of a returning conqueror, a deposed queen come to reclaim her mighty throne.

In truth, she hadn't really gone very far. What need was there to go outside the city gates when Waterdeep held so many limitless opportunities for a halfling of enterprise? The city was big enough for one of her stature; she could conquer the world later. For now, there was one task in front of her, and one task explore the mysteries and intrigue of the Yawning Portal.

Well...two tasks, she amended to herself, slipping a fresh coin pouch into a subtly-crafted pocket, courtesy of a careless citizen who decided to plow through her rather than skirt a bit. In fact, he'd probably been aiming for her, so it served him right. Some people simply have no respect for others' personal space, she noted, waiting until she was inside before counting the coin within. Striding forward and effortlessly dodging the legs and feet of people, animals, and merchant stalls, she passed the black iron pole holding the inn's namesake and swung the door to the establishment open to slip inside.

As she took a moment to look around, she had to admit that she was impressed. The glorious wash of odors (okay, maybe 'glorious' was a bit optimistic) and sounds mixed with the whirlwind of beings of all shapes, sizes, and colors. The clientele, mostly adventurers, drank, ate, and yelled stories, challenges, and insults at each other in a calliope of flesh and steel. Tavern wenches swirled through the crowd with a grace that rivaled her own, trays laden with tankards spilling froth and plates overflowing with greasy meats and cheeses. It was hard to tell at her height compared to most of the crowd, but she thought she could almost hear a brawl in the far corner. It was all so perfect, so far beyond what she'd ever hoped, it nearly brought a tear to her eye.

Then she saw it. The well.

She'd expected a holy light to descend from above to illuminate the head-high (for her) stone wall blocking the portal of such infamy and importance, but truth be was slightly overwhelming. There was no aura of foreboding, no menace, no bloodstained remains cresting the rim. It was just a wall, largely ignored by most, even those close to it, other than ensuring they didn't drunkenly topple over.

With a sigh and a shrug, she slipped through and around a forest of limbs, consciously avoiding anyone wearing a loincloth. Few paid any attention to her, which suited her just fine. It was tempting to bolster her funds on the way to the bar, but she actually needed to stay for a bit without causing trouble. The others will be here soon, she reminded herself. Don't get tossed out or arrested...yet. The feather in her cap must've looked like some winged land shark as she wove a winding path toward her destination, and eventually she reached the bar.

Climbing up into a stool, she adjusted her cap and clothing, fixed her hair, and flashed her most charming grin at the barkeep as he came over, a no-nonsense-looking human who glared down at her expectantly, arching a brow slightly. "Hullo there!" she chirped, leaning on the bar closer to him, mostly to be heard above the din. "Callie Tealeaf, at your service!"

"Durnan," stated the man flatly. "What'll it be?"

"Durnan, well met! I'm actually meeting some friends of mine, who should be showing up shortly. A human, a tiefling, a lizard-"

"What'll it be?" Durnan repeated more pointedly.

"Oh," Callie said with a blink, halting her explanation and drumming her fingers on the bartop. "Shadowdark ale and quipper and chips?" Now that business had been concluded, she opened her mouth to continue her description of those she was Durnan's back as he nodded and walked away to start her order. Guess he's immune to being charmed, she decided with a shrug, turning in her seat. She was still unable to see over many of the heads, so she stood in the seat for a better view.

From her vantage point, she could actually see a little inside the well, though not enough to note anything exceptional. She could see the hoist, though, which presumably lowered and lifted (she hoped) those who wished to traverse the Undermountain. The thought filled her with a shiver of anticipation and excitement, almost as much as the thought of seeing her family again. I hope everyone comes, she thought anxiously with a lopsided grin. Has it really been a whole year? I wonder how big some of them have gotten...they were all already so big! Well, except for-

The slam of a tankard behind her nearly made her jump off the chair. As it was, she spun with a squeak to see her ale oozing foam onto the counter and Durnan eyeing her skeptically.

"Sit down before you break your neck," he grunted. Callie flopped down into the seat with a grin and a twinkle in her eye.

"Shall I speak, or roll over?" she giggled, reaching for her ale.

"Prefer the latter," Durnan grunted, shuffling off.

I like that guy, she decided, wiping foam from her lip as she savored the light, bitter draught and counted the coin in her latest pouch, scanning for her family.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Nov 22nd, 2023 at 11:17 PM.
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Old Jan 26th, 2023, 03:01 AM
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Ghereshk "Growler" Daylight
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Growler stops two buildings down from the Yawning Portal, checking his reflection in a front window. He would have stopped one building before, but that would be Mother Salinka's House of Pleasures, and they weren't always pleased to see people staring into the window - some of its clientele can be shy about people watching them. This close to dusk, the sun has taken on a fiery orange tinge, highlighting the colour ("rosy crimson" in his words, "pink" in everyone else's) of his smooth scales, but Growler is currently more preoccupied by his clothes. He came here directly from his job, an apprenticeship at a halfling-owned tavern, and is still wearing his kitchen whites and carrying his cooking tools, as well as the other tools he's picked up from other jobs over the last year. Normally, he wears his kitchen whites out on the street as little as possible, but he wants to show them off. He really thinks he's found his calling this time.

Satisfied with his appearance, he turns and strides towards the Yawning Portal, practically bouncing from step to step. He'd come down this way so many times, but he's never been in the Portal. This will be his first. More than that, he'll be seeing his family again. Part of him can't believe it's been an entire year, and another part can't believe it's been only that. So much has happened in that time, and he can't wait to tell them. To tell anyone. He's made "friends" at his various jobs, but he hadn't worked at any of them long enough for those friendships to be very deep. Occasionally, he'd met other dragonborn and tried to connect with them, but they seemed so different from him. So many times he'd wanted to have another of the Light of day kids around - any of them, even just for an hour. Why had they gone their separate ways in the first place? Why couldn't they stay together?

I miss Old Barker, he thought, but shook it off. He can't get maudlin now of all times. Putting on his biggest smile, he pushes open the door to the Portal and steps inside. "Who's ready to - "

Growler isn't sure what he expected, but part of it had been the assumption that he'd see the other Light of Day kids upon walking in. It turns out the Yawning Portal is a lot more popular than he'd expected, and there's too many people for him to recognize anyone immediately. Eyes widening in concern, he steps into the Portal, scanning the room as he steps towards the bar. He tries to spot the others, but truly, is more likely to be spotted instead; his height and unusual clothes help him stand out from the crowd, perhaps more so than the people he's looking for.

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Old Jan 26th, 2023, 03:50 PM
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Dragon Heist

1492 DR, the Year of Three Ships Sailing
Near Sunset

As Callie was scanning for her family, a huge hand clamps down on her left shoulder. She turns to see a quite large and muscular female half-orc staring at her. The woman says, "You watch yourself and don't get into any trouble in here." After a pause, she smiles, gives Callie a friendly shake that will slightly spill her drink if she doesn't set it down or grab it with both hands. "But if you do, get my attention. See ya in a bit. I've got work to do."

As she moves off, Durnan says, "If you're to know anyone in here, you could do worse. You said you were meeting friends? Then let me get Bonnie to set you up at that table over in the corner there. You can move over now if you want."

Growler comes in and starts to speak, but pauses at the door. Less than half of the patrons pay him mind and only a few think he might be a threat for a moment.

A barmaid that has the look of one with Tethyrian ancestry pauses in between tables, smiles and moves right to him.

"Friend Growler!", She hugs him sideways with her free arm, the other holding several empty mugs.
"Hope you didn't come seeking a job. Our cook's not going anywhere after - Wait. You're here to meet your friends, right? The ones you told me about? Wondered why that Lady Halfing seemed familiar. She's the spitting image of your friend, Callie to be sure. Durnan's just given me some pointing gestures on setting her up at a table over to the far side there. Come on, follow me."

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Old Jan 26th, 2023, 04:50 PM
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Meeting at The Yawning Portal
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As Barakas entered the city gates and quickly learned that the smells and sounds had hardly changed from years past. A combination of chaos and comfort, disgusting and wonderful, loud yet quiet. Waterdeep was all of that and more. It had been over a year since Barakas had moved among its people. It didn’t take long to remember how easy it was to help himself and help teach others to be more observant of their own things. It also didn’t take long to remember how seriously the watch took their duties of keeping the law and peace. Justice was swift and hard. Luckily, he had been able to keep from ever being caught.

He passed by several buildings that brought back strong memories. The Garrulous Grocer where he was sent on many occasions to pick food for the orphanage. They were good people. Walking by Temple of Good Cheer did not bring good memories.
::Where were they when our Orphanage needed them. Curse them::

The last place he wondered by was Mother Salinka’s House of Pleasures. He remember many of times dropping off and picking up the donations for the orphanage. He looked across the street to see the famous Yawning Portal. Many stories and rumors came from that place. He was sure many were false, but some had to be true.

As he approached the Yawning Portal he thought back to the last days he was in the orphanage and who was left. It was an odd bunch and he was possibly the oddest of them all or so he thought.

::It shouldn’t be too hard to find a Halfling, dragonborn, Lizardfolk, Dwarf and human hanging out together no matter how wild the reputation of the portal is::

Barakas walked across the street and enter the doors and stepped in. It was everything they said and more and it was quite busy. He looked around observing entrances and exits and likely trouble makers. It was just his ingrained reflexes. He noticed one of his brother orphans, the Red Dragonborn “Growler” being guided to a corner booth. ::A nice vantage point of the whole tavern::

He proceeds to follow a distance from behind. As he approached, he saw the female Halfling, hmm ::Callie Tealeaf:: He then felt if prudent to walk up and introduce himself. He really wasn’t too keen with gatherings, but they were the closest thing to family he had even though he was treated distantly.

“Greetings, Growler and Callie. Are we all that arrived to this meeting?” He turns to server and asks for some elven wine and proceeds to sit down.

"It has been a long year. Too bad what happened to the Orphanage? Given up on just like we were by our parents” He looks around “So this is the famous Yawning Portal” as he looks to the deep well? Hole? Portal. “Anything come out lately, or go in?” he chuckles.


Last edited by Clawsome; Jan 27th, 2023 at 10:41 AM.
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Old Jan 26th, 2023, 08:22 PM
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Callie Tealeaf
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Callie's heart nearly jumped into her throat when a rough hand clapped down on her shoulder, but she sighed in relief to see a familiar and friendly face. "Trouble?" she asked with exaggerated innocence and fingertips placed lightly to her chest. "Me?? Perish the thought!" Making a quick save on her roiling beverage as the half-orc gave her a 'gentle' shake, she couldn't help but grin back and give a friendly wave as the woman wandered off to 'work'. "Break a leg...or, arm..." she called, taking a sip and turning back around. Really gotta remind that girl that I'm delicate, she sighed to herself as she spotted Durnan approaching again.

It didn't surprise Callie that Durnan knew the half-orc. Between the two of them, they probably knew everyone in Waterdeep, so it made sense they knew each other. With this apparently ringing endorsement, the barman apparently had warmed up to Callie a bit, going so far as to arrange a table with a more suitable view for collecting her wayward orphanage-siblings. This brightened Callie's day and expression, gracing Durnan with a beaming smile and cheerful, "That'd be great, thanks!"

Taking her mug with her, Callie headed toward the designated table, looking for the aforementioned Bonnie. Before Callie reached the table, she found Bonnie...talking to Growler! It had been a year, and the old lizard had somehow grown even taller, but there was no mistaking that pink hide...Sorry, what was it? Crimson rose? she corrected herself...anywhere.

Before Growler could escape, or even finish his chat with Bonnie, he found himself the target of an incoming airborne halfling executing a perfect Flying Glomp attack. "Growl-oof!" cried Callie as she splatted against him and gave his legs a tight squeeze. Grinning up at him, she tugged at his chef's clothes, teasing, "Do the lobsters you cook ever feel like you've betrayed them?"

Wiping a happy tear from her eye, she lead Growler and Bonnie back to the table and got set up. She waited impatiently as the lizardman placed his order and finished chatting with Bonnie, then began grilling him over the past year of his life. She'd barely started though, when Barakas' horned countenance all but appeared out of thin air.

"Hi, Barakas! Good to see you again! Oh, I'm sure the others will come," she assured the pessimistic tiefling. "Don't be so dreary! I know lots of people who grew up with parents and are just the worst! Who needs parents when we have each other, right?" She reached over to squeeze both their hands with her tiny ones, though she had to settle for several fingers instead.

Turning toward the well, she gave a shrug. "I haven't seen anything go in or out yet, but I've only just arrived. I was only hear a few minutes before Growler showed up. I know of an arm-wrestling contest we could watch until something good happens, though!"
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Nov 22nd, 2023 at 11:18 PM.
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Old Jan 27th, 2023, 02:52 AM
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Ghereshk "Growler" Daylight
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Growler looks over at the sound of his name, then grins. "Bonnie!" He was tempted to wrap her in a bear hug, but that would probably be unwise. He's carrying his cook's utensils with him, including two knives on his belt, and while they're sheathed - obviously - their handles may still poke her uncomfortably. Besides, one of his arms is already busy. Instead, he simply returns her one-armed hug in kind, squeezing her to his side for a moment before letting go. "Callie's here? I didn't step on her, did I? Lead the way!"

Growler very nearly does step on Callie when she tackles his leg, and despite their difference in size, he has to step back with his free foot to keep balance. "Callie! Haha, no, lobsters don't turn crimson until they're cooked. When they see my scales, they think I'm a fish!"

He slides into a free seat. "Look what I found!" he says, dumping a suit of chain mail on the table. Its weight reminds him of some of the heavy protective gear he'd worn during a couple jobs he'd taken in Waterdeep. While he figured he knew how to move in it, the weight would be too much for him to do so comfortably. "I picked up so many things over the last year, I don't even remember how I got it! I've got to tell you everything I've been doing!"

He glances up at the sight of the tiefling. "Barakus!" he exclaims, grinning his goofy, toothy grin. "No, everyone's supposed to come! It's still early! I just got here! Oh - !"

He looks down in concern as Callie grabs at his fingers. "Watch my claws, they're sharp! You know, I tried to pick my nose the other day, but then I had to pick it up off the floor!" He guffaws, though the sharpness of his claws was beginning to concern him. Maybe if he'd been raised by dragonborn, he'd know how to trim them, but...

"If I had parents, I wouldn't have met all of you," he tells Barakas. He doesn't exactly become serious, but it's clear he's not joking as before. "And I can't imagine my life that way. You're my family. You and...Old Barker."

He sighs. "I miss her." After a long, quiet moment, he looks over to Callie. "Arm wrestling, you said? Sure, I want to see! It must be a pretty impressive arm."

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Old Jan 27th, 2023, 11:22 PM
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The flagon sized dwarf ran back into the tunnel, her pack and quiver jolting uncomfortably on her back. For her short stature she was faster than many would expect, but a running dwarf was still a very strange sight indeed. As the music of the Neverending String of Pearls grew louder, the temptation to halt and desire to join in snagged onto her concentration. Then they were there in front of her, lit by the mystical glow that eminated through the tunnel, reflecting off her auburn hair in the corner of her vision as she looked on at the four bards playing out a gentle jig. Some travellers were caught up in the music, dancing and swaying to the tune, minds carried to a distant memory.

'Memories' She thought, Ah sweet memories, how I will never forget the honour to play with these bards. I have no time now of course, I must chase my favourite memories, those of my family.
But wait, that is a new step,

Stepping forward, her eyes intent on the elven lady in front of her, her silver white hair shining like stars as it swayed majestically to her inner rhythm. Tonwen stepped forward, to the side, up and down, back again and so she continued doing what convinced her was a confident rendition of the masterful craft before her.

Oh wait till I play this melody to Vera tonight.
Oh no, I am sooo late!
she scolded herself, quickly bowing and turning to dart back down the tunnel, her mind now imagining the laughter of Growler, the mischievous grin of Callie, even the puzzled look Barakas always gave the dwarf.

Tonwen was in a world of scattered memories from her time in the Light of Day with her adopted family, a cheshire grin across her face as she dashed left, then right, spinning around a particularly slow person moving blindly into her path, moving the an inner music which now played out a fast jig, keeping her short and stubby legs striding. When she realised her forward momentum had ceased, her legs still running, but now a foot off the ground as a deep voice broke through her reverie snapping her back to reality. Her reality was hanging in the bear like grasp of one of the City Watch, a towering man in shining heraldic colours. The last light of the setting sun shining over his shoulder and blinding the panting dwarf.

And what is a young dwarf doing in such a hurry? The face of the guard peers into Tonwen's, a musky scent filling her nostrils, reminding her of Big Ben when he was showing off that he could lift her over his head like a log. The guard's eyes flicked past Tonwen; Blake, do you see anyone chasing her?

Tonwen's eyes opened wide, showing their green and best childlike innocents. But sir, I am in no trouble, or I will not be if I make it to my appointment in time. She turns her head enough to see Blake looking back the way she had come, she realised that she was now on Swords Street and the corner of Sevenlamps Cut. Did you know that it was the great mage Ahgairon who cast those ever burning lamps which gives the alley its name over 400 years ago.

The watchman holding Tonwen high, lowered her to the ground, clearly demonstrating that even for the mighty, there is only so long you can hold a dwarf up high, but his hand did not slacken. Looking down his crooked nose as Blake replied; There is no sign of a commotion or chase.

Tonwen took the fraction of a seconds gap as her queue to continue, That would be because I am the only one in this race. I need to meet my brothers and sisters. Did you know I hadn't seen them in a year, a year to the day. We had agreed we would meet in a year you know. Now there is a funny story about why we would wait a year. We were....

The grip on her shoulder tightened, interrupting her flow as the guard I think you are straying from the point, why are you running? Have you been up to mischief? Blake's voice behind her now spoke with delilberation; There's a quite an odd shape in that pack of yours, and why would a child be running with bow and sword? What is in your pack?

Tonwen turned as the watchman behind implied her wrong doing; Aha, oh that in my bag, it is not such an odd shape if you knew it was my lyre. Did you know I was given that by Onnan O'Beirnei, she says taking it out to show the guards. The strings are made from the gut of a mighty Rothé brought down by his own arrow. It was a cold cold night, he had been tracking the wild beast for two days before he...

Now wait a moment, rothé are a herd animal, why would someone need to hunt a herd animal for days, he can't have been very good. the first guard interrupted Tonwen's tale. Her mouth closed, empty of an immediate retort, her eyes betraying a series of thoughts questioning her story.

Here let me play for you, you will see that this is mine. and without pause, she started to strum out a catchy jig, slipping from under the guard's hand so that she could dance while she played. Dance she did, moving back and forth with her feet tapping out a beat to accompany her strings. Someone nearby started to clap to the same beat and more passers by paused in their travels. An ever growing grin crept across Tonwen's face as she breathed in the attention and joy of the gradually growing crowd. She darted this way and that, moving to the fast pace set by her heart, remembering the urgency of her journey. Her journey, of course, this was her chance as more and more joined in the dance, she found herself with a half dozen bodies away from the watch, she called over; See it is mine without question and with that my kind and gracious audience I must away to catch up with my family. She curtsied, turned and ran across the street and down Sevenlamps cut.

The Street of Silks full of people, swerving and sliding back and forth to get through. Shadow Alley quiet and quick, fortunate for no time to stop and investigate the darker corners. Then out to Waterdeep Way, the main thoroughfare leading to the Griffon, so many people it was getting harder to navigate now the sun's light had truly faded to be replaced by light from the many lanterns held up high on the streets to keep the shadows at bay. I wonder if I will be later than Vera? I bet that Growler will be there already. I wonder if her is even redder?I am so late, this is really bad, I know. Yes With that spark of resolution, she dips to grab a pinch of dirt from the ground, mutters the practised Longstrider Level 1incantation and presents the street dust to her inner focus as she had been taught. With that done the magic took hold and the short stout form accelerated round the corner into Hillock Court at an elven pace.

With little to no time, Tonwen came barrelling round the corner of Cook Street, turning left towards the tavern. Without a pause, the adrenaline of the run having taken complete hold of her body, her mind now thinking; mmm, I can just taste a scrumptious game pie, just like what Old Barker would bake. She burst through the swinging door of the Yawning Portal without a thought of who or what lay the other side. That had been a crucial mistake for Tonwen had never been inside the Yawning Portal before, curiosity had always pulled at her, but never won. So she was totally unprepared for the crowded main room, full of patrons of all sizes and shapes. More specifically that of the elderly gentleman who happened to be just walking past the door, hand holding tightly to his tankard as Tonwen's bulk burst through. Diving to one side to avoid him, her reactions quicker than any dwarf had the right to, she tripped and slid face first foot of the bar. Her pack flying up her back and sprawling her clothes and bed roll into the feet of a guest stood at the bar waiting for service.

As the dust settles and the din of the tavern returns to normal after Tonwen's sudden arrival, Tonwen reaches out to grab her lyre and cradle it to her chest, protectively. Turning to look up at the bemused faces looking down. Self consciously she starts to gather her belongings and stuff them into her pack.

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Last edited by Batty; Jan 29th, 2023 at 01:02 PM.
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Old Jan 28th, 2023, 05:47 AM
Dukklord Dukklord is offline
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Vera AraboltThe sun was still high in the sky when The Serpents Crest sailed into Waterdeep docks. As the large pirate ship made it's path through the water, looking for a spot to moor for their stay, it was quickly noticed that there were no spots available. Vera took the same kind of initiative that made her invaluable to her crew, and dove off the deck, into the water.

The large lizard woman was almost completely camouflaged within with water, if it weren't for the colours of her clothes she'd be a regular sea predator. She swam straight to the docks, dug her claws into the brine soaked wood of the dock, and began to climb up. She pulled her body up and out of the water, creating a puddle upon the otherwise dry stretch of wood. She took a brief moment to check her surroundings, the docks were busy, but no one seemed to be paying particular attention to her.

When she felt inconspicuous enough she began to walk down a stretch of the docks. As she traveled quickly and sneakily removing the ropes keeping several boats from floating away, and giving the vessels a shove with her tail. It wasn't long before a spot had cleared up, and The Serpents Crest approached for mooring. As her fellow crewmates tossed the lasso, and set up a plank Vera quickly made her way back on deck.

The reptilian pirate went underdeck to grab a dry change of clothes, she had to meet back with her family and she couldn't do that dripping with sea water. She grabbed her shore bag, and slung her Hurdy Gurdy over her shoulder and into her hip. The large instrument sat over top of her sheathed sword, something she had originally done as an oversight, but was now a way for her to conceal her weapon, and be able to draw her blade midsong. As she made her way towards the stairs to the deck, she found her path blocked by her crew.

"Aye, ya boys know I have to go. Family comes first." She tried to push her way past, but found her crew was resisting more than she had expected. "Oi, I'm gonna be late." Ka-thunk The sound of the wooden doors at the top of the stairs stopped Vera's struggle. At the top of the stairs stood the captain of The Serpents Crest, Captain Callisto, and they were locking the doors.

Aye, family do come first. But yer Captain is above all, and I say, we be yer family too. He tucked the key deep into his thick dwarvish beard. Now we're gonna have a little farewell, and I'll let ya leave when ye can beat me in a little gamble. Now then. Let's drink boys! Callisto raised their hand which had acquired a mug of ale from seemingly nowhere. The ship roared to life, sound erupting from within the vessel drawing attention from passersby.

The sun had begun setting, the sky painted a glorious orange when the captain's key finally found its way into the lock. Vera shoved the doors open with her full weight, the thud the doors made carried out across the docks. She stumbled across the plank and onto the docks, her toe claws, which protruded from her boots, scraped across the wood as she wasn't lifting her feet fully. The sound of fresh coin clinked within her coin pouch. She looked up to the setting sun, her eyes drifting off in opposite directions. She lifted a hand to cover her eyes from the light, a bottle still in hand. A low rumble emanated from her throat, Late. She thought before making her way down familiar streets. Her muscle memory taking over where her head was failing her.

On her way to the Yawning Portal she found herself passing by the Temple of Good Cheer. By this point Vera's walk had sobered her up enough to function. She looked up at the building and bared her sharp teeth, the rumbling in her throat grew louder, and more aggressive. Lousy good fer nothing… leaving us in the street. She pulled her arm back, ready to hurl her empty bottle at the building, but she hesitated. That's why I met Callisto… Ye get a pass. She lowered her arm and continued on her way.

The sun was practically gone when Vera finally made it to the Yawning Portal. She'd attempted to sneak in when she was younger many times, but she was frequently removed with force, this would be her first time truly visiting the spot. As she approached the building her gaze was drawn to its neighbor. Mother Salinas House of Pleasure, the rumble in Vera's throat returned, but it was faster, and not as deep. While she had never been inside, and she wasn't particularly interested in visiting, it did bring her fond memories from her year at sea. Vera stopped outside the entrance to the tavern and stared at the door. Why's it so quiet?

She was sure by now the get-together would have been in full swing, sure she could hear a commotion from the various tavern goers within, but she expected to hear the musical stylings of her orphan sister Tonwen at full force. She grinned in the way that Lizardfolk do without lips, a less aggressive baring of teeth, this was the perfect chance for her to show Tonwen that her constant plucking had worn off on the reptile.

She reached down and grabbed the crank of her instrument, beginning to turn the crank, a deep tone stretched into the air, carrying through the tavern doors. Her tail began thumping against the ground for her to keep rhythm. Her clawed fingers hovered over the keys, as she contemplated what to play. She tapped her claws into the keys as she looked inside for the right notes, a light clicking sound to accompany the grinding chord. When the first key was pressed, and the first note played atop the gurdys constant hum Vera kicked the tavern doors in creating a ruckus that would surely draw the room's attention.

Vera rushed into the building and immediately hopped onto a table knocking over several drinks in the process, the hurdy gurdy on her hip playing a jaunty sailing tune. As her song rang out Vera peared across the room in search of her family. Her song stumbled and she lost turn on her crank when she saw the large well. A clicking could be heard in her throat as she fought the urge to dive in. When she managed to avert her gaze and continue her tune she quickly noticed a familiar dwarf gathering their belongings off of the floor.

"Tonny!" The lizard roared, she stepped into the back of a chair and allowed gravity to carry her from the table back to the floor, the chair making a ruckus as it hit the floor. She continued grinding her crank, but with her key hand she began helping Tonwen gather her belongings. Then she grabbed the dwarves back and, with a great deal of effort, hoisted her off the floor and onto her feet. "D'you just her here or somethin'? When I didn't hear ya outside I thought ye hadn't made it. It ain't a family gathering without a Tonny Tune!" She began clacking out her song once more. "Ever see one of these? My claws don't snap the strings! Oh ho, there ye are!" She started a complex melody to showcase her claws in the keys, but was cut off by the sight of her other orphan siblings gathered at a table in the corner.

Vera stopped her way over to the table her family was gathered at, her tail wrapped around Tonwens back, guiding her along to the table as well. "Growler, my scaly brother, I see yer living up to yer name! Little Teacup, looking as feisty as ever. And Barry, yer actually here?" She burst out into a raucous laughter. "I'm only pulling yer leg. I knew ye would be here. Barkeep! I've had enough mead, a bottle of rum be what I need!" She called out rhythmically, her hands still creating her song.

OOCVera's a nickname gal.



Last edited by Dukklord; Jan 28th, 2023 at 05:55 AM.
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Old Jan 28th, 2023, 10:27 AM
Citizen Sam Citizen Sam is offline
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Family Reunion
Has it really been a year? It has, hadn’t it? This was the day Ben had been both yearning for yet anxious about at the same time. Yearning to see his family again (and they are family, blood be damned), yet at the same time anxious at how they had all managed on their own. He’d been among those originally hesitant to split up, having seen firsthand on his sojourns to take up extra work to help the old caretaker make ends meet how fathomlessly ruthless big city could be. But…there was no changing the others’ minds. They wanted to see the wider world themselves perhaps. Or maybe they just wanted to get away from the past.

He had mixed feelings as he passed by the old orphanage building. A sense of nostalgia, but also a sense of regret. Nostalgia for the only home he’d never known…and regret for how it all ended, with the poor caretaker working herself to death to keep things running.

If only he’d worked harder, had made better connections…he could have kept things running himself, maybe even saved the orphanage from closing…

…Eventually Ben just shook his head at those thoughts. Feeling guilty about yesterday was a pointless affair. Better to put his efforts towards improving today and tomorrow. He glanced over to nod at the bulky rucksack strapped to his back at that, as if it's strange humming noise was affirmation.

And so the grungy man sighed as he passed by all the familiar sights. He could see the grocery was still in business, as well as the…ahem…House of Pleasures. They were good enough folks from what he knew of them so he was glad for that least.

A year...already… Ben had to pause at that, right at the front door of the Yawning Portal...then just shook his head at the vagaries how time passes before stepping inside. Growler would be the first one he’d notice of course…no offense to the others but a pink dragonborn is hard to miss. “Growler?...” But quickly enough he’d spot the sullen tiefling as well. “Barry? Is Callie…? Oh there she is!”

And there was Ben, much as they had remembered him, albeit perhaps grungier and a little more wiry since they’d last been together…oh, and the weird humming rucksack on his back, that was new too. Still, Ben wore a broad, honest smile as he stomped on over to the gathering, his earlier anxieties and fears melting away as as he rejoined his family.


Last edited by Citizen Sam; Jan 28th, 2023 at 01:01 PM.
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Old Jan 28th, 2023, 08:04 PM
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Dragon Heist

1492 DR, the Year of Three Ships Sailing
Near Sunset

Bonnie directed Callie and Growler - whom it seemed she knew personally - over to the table on the far side of the Tavern and Barakas who had just arrived followed. As Barakas moves to the table towards the other side of The Yawning Portal, someone at a table on the far side of the bar in a corner catches his eye.

Bonnie takes everyone's orders who spoke of such before moving off towards the kitchen to put those orders in to the cook.

As Tonwen made her entrance, just to the right of the main entrance to this place, the "house" Bard who called themselves "Three Strings" makes a fast "drum roll of sorts on his Lute that has just 3 strings and then makes an announcement. "Ladies, gentlemen, Lords, lustful youth, and ne'er do wells, allow me to introduce my floor show for when I'm on a break. Tonwen, everyone! Can't she make an entrance?!"
Then a Lizardfolk burst in and began to play an odd instrument for a moment before they stopped and began to help Tonwen.

Three Strings adds, "And it looks like even Tonwen has a backup act. Okay, that's enough. Move along. Only room for one show off in here." Threestrings chuckles, then gives a nod with his head for Tonwen and her friend to "stop playing" and let him get to work. He winks one time and begins to tune up his Lute.

Moving into the Yawning Portal, Vera spots a familiar face off to the far east side of the Tavern.

Big Ben came in and looked around, seeing his orphan family and also spotting someone he knew a bit.


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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jan 29th, 2023 at 11:57 AM.
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Old Jan 30th, 2023, 11:54 AM
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Family and Friends?
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"Hi, Barakas! Good to see you again! Oh, I'm sure the others will come," she assured the pessimistic tiefling. "Don't be so dreary! I know lots of people who grew up with parents and are just the worst! Who needs parents when we have each other, right?" She reached over to squeeze both their hands with her tiny ones, though she had to settle for several fingers instead.

"If I had parents, I wouldn't have met all of you," he tells Barakas. He doesn't exactly become serious, but it's clear he's not joking as before. "And I can't imagine my life that way. You're my family. You and...Old Barker."

Barakas looked at the two and wondered how they took it all in stride or more importantly, why he was so anger about being orphaned. Maybe he needed to make some changes. It was good to see them, but he never let them know how much. To keep up the ruse.

"You are right, but then maybe I was a prince and could be living as such? We never know."

Just about then Barakas recognized the rest of their family walk into the door. Well, make an entrance stumbling and bumbling and making a racket. Yep, that is one of us. ::Nice entrance:: He chuckles to himself

It was also when he noticed an acquaintance at best lurking in the far back corner of the Tavern. It best to not acknowledge him here in front of everyone. ::One job and they like the plague. You can't get rid of them. I guess it is good I am on their good side at least.::

Barakas waits for Bonnie to bring the meal and more drinks. He is going to need it.


Last edited by Clawsome; Jan 30th, 2023 at 11:55 AM.
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Old Jan 30th, 2023, 12:07 PM
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Ghereshk "Growler" Daylight
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Growler, crossing the bar on the way to the arm wrestling contest, flinches noticeably when the door blasts open. To the thrill-seekers who frequent the Yawning Portal, the violent entry may be nothing special, but this is all still new to Growler. After calming his nerves, he moves to investigate, trying to see who or what entered the establishment so dramatically.

"Tonwen!" he exclaims, looking down at the sprawled dwarf. "Are you alright? You didn't need to rush in like that! We've got all night!"

His hand is mid-reach down to the dwarf when the doors burst open and Vera makes her equally spectacular entrance. As she performs for the crowd, Growler wonders if he'd missed an opportunity by not making a ruckus when he'd entered the building. Still, his doubts don't prevent him from eagerly welcoming Vera as soon as she gives him an opening.

"That's right!" he says, patting his stomach. "But don't worry, I can beg myself for food now! By the way, where's Bonnie? We should order some drinks and grub! Especially grub!" Growler is genuinely hungry, but also wants to give Bonnie the work of taking their orders if possible.

Bonnie's good people, he thinks. I hope the owner of this place knows that. Who does own this place, anyway? Growler is looking around the Yawning Portal curiously when he hears a familiar voice call his name. Looking over, he grins when he sees Ben.

"Big!" Growler claps his hand on Ben's shoulder with a guffaw. He gets the irony of the nickname, but only on a logical level; the subtle differences in humans' heights means little to Growler when he towers over virtually all of them. "That's it! We're all here! Oh, we've got six years of stories to tell! Hope you've got nothing to do tonight!"

He suddenly pauses, staring at Ben's rucksack. "Hold on, Big, what's that? Your backpack's, um...humming along to Three Strings, I think."

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Old Feb 1st, 2023, 08:48 PM
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Picking up her items, feeling rather red cheeked, she hears her good friend Growler's voice, then before she could react she felt herself lifted bodily up from the floor.

It was clear to see the overwhelming emotion flooding the little dwarf as she reacted to being lifted by Vera. Hey Gal, oh my goodness, why am I surprised to see you. You have shrunk. Oh, no. You have me off the ground. People keep doing that to me. Wow so good... On hearing Three Strings introduction as Vera put her down, Tonwen, Tonny takes a bow to the audience and smiles a beaming, genuine smile, truly emminating her appreciation for all before her.

It is then that she notices that Vera had gathered her last belongings into a pile at her feet, Tonwen stoops to shove them into her pack as her friends guide her towards the back of the tavern where the rest of her family is.

Following the sage advice of the always jovial and always hungry Growler, Tonwen orders a good meal from this barmaid Bonnie. Until the food arrives, Tonny competes with her brothers and sisters to share her own stories of the year that has past, listening intently to the stories of the others, always eagre for new material to sing about in a ballad, tragedy or shanti.

Dice Deception +4:
1d20+4 (10)+4 Total = 14
Discretely, Tonwen keeps an eye on Three Strings and when he takes a break, Tonny makes an excuse to get more drink, aiming to be at the bar when he is getting his refreshment. How are you doing? Shall we join in a duet later?;

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Old Feb 2nd, 2023, 03:27 AM
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Ben Cassar“Growler!” The grungy little man barely stopped himself from flat out hugging Growler in greeting as they reunited…after all he didn’t want to smudge up the big guy’s clothes. Instead Ben just settled reaching up (and up!) to grasp the tall dragonborn’s shoulder in return. “Why am I not surprised seeing you in a cook’s uniform? It suits you, brother.” And at the scaly chef's query he glanced over at his rucksack, who’s previously tuneless humming had indeed started matching up with Three String’s famous lute. “Heh, let’s just say I’ve got some stories of my own, eh?”

Ben temporarily stepped away from to greet the rest of his siblings. “Tonwen! Vera! Quite an entrance that. You two okay?” Again he held back from fully embracing either of the two, not wanting to get them dirty. “You both look like you’ve been doing well. Heh…to think I was worried about you folks when we all split up back then…”

But Ben seemed to trail off as he recognized someone else among the crowd. Someone he was…not quite as happy to see. A ghost of a frown marred the apprentice smith’s forge-darkened features before he quickly replaced it with a cheery smile again as he faced the others. He’d deal with that bridge when he got to it, assuming he’d need to cross it at all.

For now he was going to enjoy spending the evening with wayward brothers and sisters. Yes, even the sullen tiefling. Ben’d just shake his head at Barakas’d words as he’d take a seat with the others. “...Bah, far as I’m concerned our real family’s Barker and the orphanage, not the faceless cowards that left us on their doorstep.” Yep, that’s one thing that’s never changed about Ben; the past is past and he had little interest in exploring it.


Last edited by Citizen Sam; Feb 2nd, 2023 at 11:55 AM.
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