#2 Chapter One: A Friend in Need
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Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
Last edited by The Rat Queen; Nov 22nd, 2023 at 11:17 PM. |
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me. |
Last edited by Clawsome; Jan 27th, 2023 at 10:41 AM. |
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
Last edited by The Rat Queen; Nov 22nd, 2023 at 11:18 PM. |
The flagon sized dwarf ran back into the tunnel, her pack and quiver jolting uncomfortably on her back. For her short stature she was faster than many would expect, but a running dwarf was still a very strange sight indeed. As the music of the Neverending String of Pearls grew louder, the temptation to halt and desire to join in snagged onto her concentration. Then they were there in front of her, lit by the mystical glow that eminated through the tunnel, reflecting off her auburn hair in the corner of her vision as she looked on at the four bards playing out a gentle jig. Some travellers were caught up in the music, dancing and swaying to the tune, minds carried to a distant memory.
'Memories' She thought, Ah sweet memories, how I will never forget the honour to play with these bards. I have no time now of course, I must chase my favourite memories, those of my family. But wait, that is a new step, Stepping forward, her eyes intent on the elven lady in front of her, her silver white hair shining like stars as it swayed majestically to her inner rhythm. Tonwen stepped forward, to the side, up and down, back again and so she continued doing what convinced her was a confident rendition of the masterful craft before her. Oh wait till I play this melody to Vera tonight. Oh no, I am sooo late! she scolded herself, quickly bowing and turning to dart back down the tunnel, her mind now imagining the laughter of Growler, the mischievous grin of Callie, even the puzzled look Barakas always gave the dwarf. Tonwen was in a world of scattered memories from her time in the Light of Day with her adopted family, a cheshire grin across her face as she dashed left, then right, spinning around a particularly slow person moving blindly into her path, moving the an inner music which now played out a fast jig, keeping her short and stubby legs striding. When she realised her forward momentum had ceased, her legs still running, but now a foot off the ground as a deep voice broke through her reverie snapping her back to reality. Her reality was hanging in the bear like grasp of one of the City Watch, a towering man in shining heraldic colours. The last light of the setting sun shining over his shoulder and blinding the panting dwarf. And what is a young dwarf doing in such a hurry? The face of the guard peers into Tonwen's, a musky scent filling her nostrils, reminding her of Big Ben when he was showing off that he could lift her over his head like a log. The guard's eyes flicked past Tonwen; Blake, do you see anyone chasing her? Tonwen's eyes opened wide, showing their green and best childlike innocents. But sir, I am in no trouble, or I will not be if I make it to my appointment in time. She turns her head enough to see Blake looking back the way she had come, she realised that she was now on Swords Street and the corner of Sevenlamps Cut. Did you know that it was the great mage Ahgairon who cast those ever burning lamps which gives the alley its name over 400 years ago. The watchman holding Tonwen high, lowered her to the ground, clearly demonstrating that even for the mighty, there is only so long you can hold a dwarf up high, but his hand did not slacken. Looking down his crooked nose as Blake replied; There is no sign of a commotion or chase. Tonwen took the fraction of a seconds gap as her queue to continue, That would be because I am the only one in this race. I need to meet my brothers and sisters. Did you know I hadn't seen them in a year, a year to the day. We had agreed we would meet in a year you know. Now there is a funny story about why we would wait a year. We were.... The grip on her shoulder tightened, interrupting her flow as the guard I think you are straying from the point, why are you running? Have you been up to mischief? Blake's voice behind her now spoke with delilberation; There's a quite an odd shape in that pack of yours, and why would a child be running with bow and sword? What is in your pack? Tonwen turned as the watchman behind implied her wrong doing; Aha, oh that in my bag, it is not such an odd shape if you knew it was my lyre. Did you know I was given that by Onnan O'Beirnei, she says taking it out to show the guards. The strings are made from the gut of a mighty Rothé brought down by his own arrow. It was a cold cold night, he had been tracking the wild beast for two days before he... Now wait a moment, rothé are a herd animal, why would someone need to hunt a herd animal for days, he can't have been very good. the first guard interrupted Tonwen's tale. Her mouth closed, empty of an immediate retort, her eyes betraying a series of thoughts questioning her story. Here let me play for you, you will see that this is mine. and without pause, she started to strum out a catchy jig, slipping from under the guard's hand so that she could dance while she played. Dance she did, moving back and forth with her feet tapping out a beat to accompany her strings. Someone nearby started to clap to the same beat and more passers by paused in their travels. An ever growing grin crept across Tonwen's face as she breathed in the attention and joy of the gradually growing crowd. She darted this way and that, moving to the fast pace set by her heart, remembering the urgency of her journey. Her journey, of course, this was her chance as more and more joined in the dance, she found herself with a half dozen bodies away from the watch, she called over; See it is mine without question and with that my kind and gracious audience I must away to catch up with my family. She curtsied, turned and ran across the street and down Sevenlamps cut. The Street of Silks full of people, swerving and sliding back and forth to get through. Shadow Alley quiet and quick, fortunate for no time to stop and investigate the darker corners. Then out to Waterdeep Way, the main thoroughfare leading to the Griffon, so many people it was getting harder to navigate now the sun's light had truly faded to be replaced by light from the many lanterns held up high on the streets to keep the shadows at bay. I wonder if I will be later than Vera? I bet that Growler will be there already. I wonder if her is even redder?I am so late, this is really bad, I know. Yes With that spark of resolution, she dips to grab a pinch of dirt from the ground, mutters the practised Longstrider Level 1incantation and presents the street dust to her inner focus as she had been taught. With that done the magic took hold and the short stout form accelerated round the corner into Hillock Court at an elven pace. With little to no time, Tonwen came barrelling round the corner of Cook Street, turning left towards the tavern. Without a pause, the adrenaline of the run having taken complete hold of her body, her mind now thinking; mmm, I can just taste a scrumptious game pie, just like what Old Barker would bake. She burst through the swinging door of the Yawning Portal without a thought of who or what lay the other side. That had been a crucial mistake for Tonwen had never been inside the Yawning Portal before, curiosity had always pulled at her, but never won. So she was totally unprepared for the crowded main room, full of patrons of all sizes and shapes. More specifically that of the elderly gentleman who happened to be just walking past the door, hand holding tightly to his tankard as Tonwen's bulk burst through. Diving to one side to avoid him, her reactions quicker than any dwarf had the right to, she tripped and slid face first foot of the bar. Her pack flying up her back and sprawling her clothes and bed roll into the feet of a guest stood at the bar waiting for service. As the dust settles and the din of the tavern returns to normal after Tonwen's sudden arrival, Tonwen reaches out to grab her lyre and cradle it to her chest, protectively. Turning to look up at the bemused faces looking down. Self consciously she starts to gather her belongings and stuff them into her pack.
Trying to settle on a new routine. Going to just work small with one game I am just starting. Last edited by Batty; Jan 29th, 2023 at 01:02 PM. |
Last edited by Dukklord; Jan 28th, 2023 at 05:55 AM. |
Last edited by Citizen Sam; Jan 28th, 2023 at 01:01 PM. |
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me. Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jan 29th, 2023 at 11:57 AM. |
Last edited by Clawsome; Jan 30th, 2023 at 11:55 AM. |
Picking up her items, feeling rather red cheeked, she hears her good friend Growler's voice, then before she could react she felt herself lifted bodily up from the floor.
It was clear to see the overwhelming emotion flooding the little dwarf as she reacted to being lifted by Vera. Hey Gal, oh my goodness, why am I surprised to see you. You have shrunk. Oh, no. You have me off the ground. People keep doing that to me. Wow so good... On hearing Three Strings introduction as Vera put her down, Tonwen, Tonny takes a bow to the audience and smiles a beaming, genuine smile, truly emminating her appreciation for all before her. It is then that she notices that Vera had gathered her last belongings into a pile at her feet, Tonwen stoops to shove them into her pack as her friends guide her towards the back of the tavern where the rest of her family is. Following the sage advice of the always jovial and always hungry Growler, Tonwen orders a good meal from this barmaid Bonnie. Until the food arrives, Tonny competes with her brothers and sisters to share her own stories of the year that has past, listening intently to the stories of the others, always eagre for new material to sing about in a ballad, tragedy or shanti. Dice Deception +4:
Trying to settle on a new routine. Going to just work small with one game I am just starting. |
Last edited by Citizen Sam; Feb 2nd, 2023 at 11:55 AM. |
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