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Old Feb 13th, 2023, 08:56 PM
Citizen Sam Citizen Sam is offline
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Ben Cassar
‘Big’ Ben was rather cursing the cause of his nickname at the moment, the apprentice blacksmith still trying to muscle his way through the mass of humanity (and other folks) currently separating him from Growler, Vera and the others.

“Get! Out! Of the way! Dammitall!”

Ben gave an exasperated grumble as he again attempted to join his siblings. It took a considerable act of compassion and self-restraint on his part to not start clubbing people left and right until a path cleared.



Last edited by Citizen Sam; Feb 13th, 2023 at 09:03 PM.
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Old Feb 15th, 2023, 05:56 PM
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Dragon Heist1492 DR, the Year of Three Ships Sailing

Vera causes one man to flinch back and grab the side of his head as she speaks of one falling into the Portal. He looks up at her and holds up hands in submission.

Callie moves to Yagra as Growler goes to pull her off the man she's beating on.
She starts to resist Growler, but sees Callie there and lets herself be pulled to her feet.

"Okay, Okay. But he started it. I was just going to finish it."

One of the thugs with the man moves to his companion and helps him to his feet as well. The bald-headed man who started it takes a deep breath and scowls at those who came to Yagra's aide.

Shouts of alarm suddenly ring out as a hulking creature climbs up out of the shaft on the northern side of it right in the middle of the taproom - a monster with warty green skin, a tangled nest of wiry black hair, a long, carrot-shaped nose, and bloodshot eyes. As it bares its yellow teeth and howls, you can see that a half-dozen bat-like creatures are attached to its body, with three more circling above it like flies . Everyone in the tavern reacts in fear except for the barkeep, Durnan, who shouts, "Troll!"



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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Feb 15th, 2023 at 05:59 PM.
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Old Feb 16th, 2023, 08:46 PM
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Troll In Tavern
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When the yell of "Troll" was bellowed by the barkeep it caught Barakas' attention away from the fight and onto a new opponent. It was big and ugly and had these flying creatures all about it. He wasn't going to wait to find out if it was bad. He just knew it.

"May Leira cleanse you" he stated rather calmly and
Dice Guiding Bolt Attack/Damage:
1d20+5 (3)+5 Total = 8
4d6 1, 1, 6, 5 Total = 13
cast a bolt of radiant energy at the troll but he missed badly and blasted the back wall. Luckily, no one else was hit.

"Kill it quick and burn it" He was not sure what the flying things were but he was sure they bleed.

Move Action: Turned toward Troll
Bonus Action: Cast spell
OOC info:


Last edited by Clawsome; Feb 28th, 2023 at 10:13 AM.
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Old Feb 16th, 2023, 11:23 PM
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The dwarven bard's fingers missed a string on the lyre and her tune faltered as she turned to look at the hideous bulk climbing out of the pit, surrounded by those giant bats, or whatever they were. Her wits still about her, she tucked her lyre under her arm,
Dice Acrobatics +2:
1d20+2 (10)+2 Total = 12
jumped off the table to run for her belongings, intent to grab her bow.

Think darn you, think, trolls, fire, yes Barakas knows, burn them. While running, grabbing a pinch of beach bark dust from one of her many pouches, she turned to Prestidigitation - not sure if I need a roll - here is one if I do
Dice Prestidigitation:
1d20+5 (4)+5 Total = 9
aggrevate the flames of the fire in the northern wall. Hopefully that will be enough to steer the troll away from this corner, or even to turn the other way

Reaching the other table, she stooped to grab her bow and quiver in one hand, continuing to the other side of the table, there she laid her lyre on the table and readied an arrow, aiming at the flying creatures.

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Old Feb 17th, 2023, 03:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Yagra View Post
"Okay, Okay. But he started it. I was just going to finish it."
Ghereshk "Growler" Daylight
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"It was already finished," says a visibly disturbed Growler, straightening out his clothes. "I thought you were going to finish him."

He catches the man - Krentz, he assumes - scowling at him, and returns his gaze with an affronted look. Growler may well have just saved his life, and now he's giving Growler the stink-eye. He's tempted to tell him off, but decides to let it go instead. The sooner he walks out of the Yawning Portal, and Growler's life, the better.

Growler jumps as the other patrons starting shouting. He whirls to see the hulking, ugly monster climbing out of the Portal along with its friends. He hesitates, momentarily overwhelmed by the crowd's panic, and considers running out the door. Then he looks across the room and sees that someone is still on the far side of the Portal, alone, with the troll between her and the exit.

"Tonwen!" Growler shouts, then pushes his way through the crowd back towards the group's table. His hand slips to his belt and pulls a sharp butcher's knife free. "Tonwen! Get to me!"

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Old Feb 18th, 2023, 12:29 AM
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Callie Tealeaf
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Callie beamed happily as Yagra begrudgingly agreed not to turn the thug's skull into a fine paste, and gave her friend a supporting squeeze. "I was gonna help," she chirped up at the half-orc, "but you looked like you were having too much - "

"Troll!" came the yell. "...what? Where?" asked Callie, looking around curiously. Sure enough, there was a definitely a troll in all it's snarling, ugly glory, with a halo of stirges circling it. It was almost beautiful, it was so hideous.

"Huh," Callie commented, drawing her shortbow and knocking an arrow. She considered lighting a lantern and tossing it at the ugly creature, but apparently Barakas and Tonwen had the fire covered. All she had to do was put it down so it would burn quietly.

Quickly hopping down off her table, she ducked underneath, looking for an angle to fire from. Pulling back on the bowstring, she carefully took aim and let an arrow fly through the crowd toward the troll.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Nov 22nd, 2023 at 11:13 PM.
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Old Feb 18th, 2023, 05:33 AM
Dukklord Dukklord is offline
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Vera Arabolt"I was hoping fer a family fight." Vera rolled her eyes as the fight resolved itself before she could really get involved. She pulled her sword from the table and began to step down when someone shouted "Troll!" She felt a new surge of adrenaline hit the alcohol in her body and she actually cheered at the sight of the beast. "Now this'll be a fitting fight fer the family!" She hopped down from the table with her sword pointed at the troll.

She grabbed the crank of gurdy and began turning the crank backwards, playing a grating sound to break over the clamor of the crowd. The instrument made a screeching noise like some kind of siren, once she felt she had the taverns attention she lowered the volume she was playing at and shouted over the noise she was making "If ye can't fight, get out! If ye can't get out, stay outta the way!" She repeated this several times as she began to make her way across the room towards the Troll, playing her siren all the while.

"The crew is never gonna believe I fought a troll at the tavern I left for the day I left the ship!" She said to herself excitedly, her words slurring slightly. She bounced on her feet as she readied to fight the troll and its bat-things. An excited rumble could be heard in her throat as she bared her teeth.



Last edited by Dukklord; Feb 21st, 2023 at 03:42 PM.
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Old Feb 19th, 2023, 12:42 AM
Citizen Sam Citizen Sam is offline
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Ben Cassar
The neophyte artificer grimaced as something…foul just clawed it’s way out of the Yawning Portal’s namesake. He was quick to follow after Growler, seeking to put himself between the beast with their pet stirges and Tonwen.

And as he did, he’d shout out orders…or…well…at least back up Vera’s shouting.

“Do what the lady says! If you can fight, grab a weapon! Otherwise run for it!”

He wasn’t deluding himself though. This was going to be painful. But if nothing else maybe these monstrosities could be held off long enough for the others to make their escape.

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Old Feb 19th, 2023, 04:26 PM
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Dragon Heist1492 DR, the Year of Three Ships Sailing

Barakas was the first to react to the warning of Troll and cast a quick offense spell in the Troll's direction. The bolt of radiant energy missed the Troll, but was close enough that it caused all of the Stirges on the Troll to release themselves - it helped that they were bloated from sucking up the Troll's blood - and fall back down into the gaping hole from which the Tavern gets its name.

Tonwen moved quickly back to get her bow and then cast a Cantrip upon the fire close to her, causing it to swell. This didn't stop the Troll, but did cause it to stay away from the fire as much as it could and hug the edge of the pit as it moved to get same tasty humanoid flesh.

Growler dashed towards Tonwen, placing himself between her and the path of the Troll.

Callie took measure of the situation and moved where she could get a clear line of sight to the troll across the open pit.

She could hardly miss the large beast and her arrow flew true and slammed into the thing's chest.
She would be the only one of your group to hurt it in this opening round of melee.

Vera dashed towards the Troll, playing an odd tune on her musical squeeze box as she went.

Ben followed Growler, getting in what was perceived to be the path of the Troll.

The Troll's skin pushes Callie's arrow out of it and the falls to the ground with dark blood on it, but the wound has sealed up. One of the punctures from the Stirges seals up as well.

The 3 Stirges that were hoving above the Troll dive on the closest moving target they can see - Vera.
She manages to bat away the first one trying to attach itself to her, but the other two slam into her side and shoulder, impaling themselves as they Vera Damage 14 from blood losssuck out her blood at an alarming rate.

Most tavern patrons and staffers flee to take cover at the sight of the Troll.

The moment the Troll showed itself and the alarm rang out, the thugs who attacked Yagra dashed out of the Tavern.
Yagra, moved quickly around the eastern side of the pit, and seeing Callie fire an arrow at the Troll, yelled out, "Stay back, Callie! That's close enough!"

Durnan had scooped up a greatsword from behind the bar and with means that can only be attributed to something magical, leapt over the bar in an arc that was just over everyone's heads and landed next to the Troll. He slashed not once, nor twice, nor thrice, but four times with blinding speed at the Troll with his blade. He cut it deeply in two places.
Durnan shouts as he attacks, "Get those Stirges first! And then, I hear people yellin' fire, but no one's actin'! Someone douse this thing with lamp oil if ye can't kill those Stirges!"

The man named 'Meloon' who was sitting next to the bar jumps up and moves out a few feet, seemingly taking in the situation.

Across the other side of the Tavern, Jalester moves up behind Yagra, but then halts, seemingly cutting off an escape for the Troll his way.

3 Strings begins playing a romping fast-paced melody that seems to go with the action in the Tavern.

Bonnie has moved behind the bar and pulls out a heavy crossbow and lays it on the bar top. She begins spinning the crank to pull the metal string back and anyone who glances her way notes that this particular heavy crossbow has been modified to shoot two bolts side by side. Anyone knowing anything about Crossbows would know that this would lessen the distance the big weapon could fire, but definitely double it's killing power.



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Old Feb 20th, 2023, 12:39 AM
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Ghereshk "Growler" Daylight
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"Vera!" Growler cried, seeing the stirges descend upon her. Fear runs through him, then anger and determination. She's still standing, though it's almost hard to believe. I still have a chance.

"Hold on, Vera!" Growler shouted. His free hand pulled a another knife free, this one a chef's knife. "I'm on my way!"

Growler charged forward, swinging both knives at the closest stirge, but neither connect as the stirge flies back and out of his reach. So long as he can drive it off of Vera, however, or even draw its attention on him instead of her, he'll be satisfied.

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Old Feb 20th, 2023, 08:38 AM
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Round 2 Troll and pets vs Tavern
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Someone yelled out, "Get those Stirges first! And then, I hear people yellin' fire, but no one's actin'! Someone douse this thing with lamp oil if ye can't kill those Stirges!"

Internally, Barakas was admonishing himself for rushing his spell attack and missing the troll with such a valuable spell. Externally, he was irate that he saw the flying creatures had attacked Vera, but being so close to her there was little he could do from the distance he was.

::I can't attack the ones on her, but I can the other one. The bartender seems to have the troll under control for now::

Barakas observes the flying creature that did not attach to Vera and unleashes a different spell. It is a
Dice Firebolt Attack/Dam:
1d20+5 (1)+5 Total = 6
1d10 6
bolt of fire that streaks across the room once again missing badly.

::That is why I didn't try to shoot them off Vera. Grrr my casting skills suck. I must do better Some sorcerer I am::

He yells out in bloody frustration, "AGRRRRR"


Last edited by Clawsome; Feb 20th, 2023 at 08:42 AM.
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Old Feb 20th, 2023, 09:16 AM
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Tonwen drew back the arrow, aiming for a stirge when she saw three of them dive onto Vera; Vera! No!. Seeing two of the beasts attach to her sister, she knew Vera would need her support. Tracking the big flying rodent which Vera had knocked away, Tonwen calms her breathing and What was that, so shiny, what was that.; before she realised it, her aim had tracked the bolt and she
Dice Shortbow +4 at Stirge AC 14:
1d20+4sh14 (6)+4 Total = 10
released the arrow

Seeing the two parasites latched onto Vera, Tonny summoned the the magic of a particular melody and sang out a Healing Word as a bonus action targeting Vera]
Dice Healing Word:
1d4+5 (3)+5 Total = 8
short uplifting verse

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Last edited by Batty; Feb 20th, 2023 at 09:25 AM.
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Old Feb 21st, 2023, 02:56 AM
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Ben Cassar
“Vera!” Dammit, he was careless!

Ben was still mentally reprimanding himself as he looked frantically. Thinking quickly, the artificer reached into his leather work apron for what looked like a metal tuning fork. With a simple flick, the fork began to hum dissonantly. Catapult…And as it did so a nearby ale mug began to levitate before launching itself at one of the stirges.


Dice Catapult Damage:
3d8 6, 3, 3 Total = 12

Last edited by Citizen Sam; Feb 21st, 2023 at 02:57 AM.
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Old Feb 21st, 2023, 03:47 PM
Dukklord Dukklord is offline
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Vera AraboltWhen she approached the troll, playing her siren all the way, the stirges dove at her. She screamed out in pain as the beasts latched onto her shoulders. She felt woozy as the blood left her body faster than she'd ever bled before. She nearly fell over, but was caught by Growler as he came to seat the beasts off of her. The edges of her vision were starting to go black when she heard Tonny's brief tune. The arcane tune invigorated her, seemingly refilling Vera's veins.

"Good lookin' out Tonny, Growler." Just as she felt her feet steady, a cup shattered against one of the stirges. She turned to see the source of the cup and gave Ben a good cheer. Before turning to swing her blade at the beasts that attacked her. However her blade missed entirely causing her to cry out in rage. "Quit moving around so much! Ya wiggly freaks." She was starting to think perhaps she'd had too much to drink for this fight.


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Old Feb 23rd, 2023, 02:13 AM
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Callie Tealeaf
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Callie heard Yagra yelling for her to stay back, but simply waved a hand negligently behind her at the half-orc. There were plenty of people attacking the troll, she was in no direct danger. Right?

More interesting was Durnan shouting for someone to douse the troll with oil. She'd been a little disappointed and irritated that the troll had spat out her arrow like a chicken bone, but here was something that might really cause some damage.

Digging an oil flask from her pack, she took off running back the way she'd come originally. When she encountered the crowd fighting off stirges, she skipped around one pair of legs, back the other side of another, and slid right under Growler to pop up on the other side of him. Cocking her arm back, she hurled the oil at the troll, hitting it in right in the shoulder. The movement of the troll's swinging, combined with his tough skin, caused the oil to burst and spill all over, dousing the troll just as Durnan had called for.

"Yessss!" whooped Callie, hopping up and down and pumping her fists in the air. Then she realized...a troll doused in oil was basically just a wet, pissed-off troll. Fire! she thought, looking around. We need fire!
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Nov 22nd, 2023 at 11:15 PM.
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