2. I think I have mentally outlined the generic character I will be playing and I can flavor the details to fit a few different playbooks. One option that has not been mentioned by anyone yet (so I feel comfortable that I won't steal it from anyone at this point) is the Aware. There are at least two other options depending on how things shake out with the other players and if one of those starts to gain traction in my mind.
Status: Shaking off the rust ... |
I just got confirmation that Vislands is in, so we've got a full crew! 6 is a pretty big cast, but in my experience, having multiple scenes at once is close to the norm in PbtA, so I imagine we'll often just have multiple scenes of 2 to 4 participants.
Let me try to summarize what I'm hearing: 1) on the city, I'm hearing a lot of "let's just settle on DC" and some "let's just let Wyn pick and not sweat it". Vis mentioned in PM that he'd prefer to avoid the US (and I get a similar sense from jbear). Given the current state of the conversation, let me put the question to Vislands: are you willing to go with Washington DC, or would you strongly prefer London? Those have been the two strongest contenders, I think. I'm willing to let you (Vis) be the deciding vote between these options, if you've got strong feelings. 2) Playbooks. The opinions expressed so far are:
Pending Vis' thoughts, Oracle, Aware, and wolf seem like locks. The main 'conflict' right now is between wodine and elanir. But if one of you prefers fae to spectre, and vice-versa, then we're good. Or if wodine way prefers dragon, then Elanir's choice is easy. 3) "Private" threads. No one is claiming to need the "as true as these things get in a game with two Redstrue" privacy of a private thread, but lots of folks like their own dedicated thread. That's fine by me, and I agree that something like discrod can give fast and private discussions, if necessary. So I'll get those set up eventually, and if you and I aren't connected on discord, my username is Wynamoinen#2734
On indefinite hiatus from the site. |
Wolf: I think my expectations might need some adjustments as I still have the lingering conversation that suggested a lighter tone might be in the mix for the game. So my brain is going to 'teen wolf' or 'Jeckle and Hyde' where there is a very different, perhaps even nerdy or weak character that masks terrifying potential for violence. (I think it is my soft spot for barbarians coming through). In terms of archetypes, I have only read the blurb so far really. I'll give them another read-through, excluding the ones in which people have shown a strong interest. I'll take a look at Veteran and chew on the suggestion. I am not fixated on an idea yet... creative juices bubbling in the subconscious stage at the moment.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard! |
I'll just say that I am not a grimdark person by any stretch, and so anyone coming in expecting a super serious brutal campaign is in for severe disappointment. I just can't do that, it's not me. Tone is very much a matter of consensus and collaboration, and so what we provide is what we get. If we all tend to lighten moods, then the mood will be lighter.
But on the other hand, the game is about the shadows, it's literally about being monsters, and a central mechanic is 'corruption'. So it's going to be significantly darker than Masks. I definitely lean towards the 'power politics' aspects of the city more than the 'urban despair' aspects as I think about plotlines. And I'm definitely hearing an agreement that PvP is bad and cooperation a good. So I think this is not going to be super bleak campaign. But 'goofy' probably doesn't play. 'Teen wolf' might be a stretch, but 'Jekyl and Hyde' seems very much in the spirit of the system.
On indefinite hiatus from the site. Last edited by Wynamoinen; May 11th, 2023 at 08:02 PM. |
I suppose I should ask some questions about the "city" question because, as the conversation continues, my expectations may be way off here. What is everyone expecting from the specific city chosen? I have been to DC; I can't tell you anything of substance from those few trips that would lend "real life believability" to some post that I make. Everything would still be made up. The other cities being discussed I haven't even been to. I guess I was viewing the city as more of a "what cool landmark(s) do we want in the backdrop" than a really deep dive into the city of 2023 planet Earth. Unfortunately, I don't really have the time (nor inclination) to go do a massive research project on a city so that I can sound like I know something about it.
I just want to be upfront about this now because we aren't that far into this thing and if I am going to end up royally disappointing someone, it is really easy for me to step aside now. No harm no foul! And just to be clear, anything declared in the game setting as a part of the city I would absolutely agonize over the details presented in game ... I am just struggling to see where everyone is coming from on the city aspect right now, so forgive me if I am reading into things too much or missing something important. ![]()
Status: Shaking off the rust ... |
I am 100% easy breezy on the city.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard! |
But I can google a city and find out neat things like that, its just easier with greater knowledge - but I am totally fine with anything. I don't feel like we have to use a city I've been to, it would just be a nice added bonus. Ya'know? Edit: I think I'm leaning more towards dragon, so let Elanir pick and I'll decide based on what's left. Last edited by wodine; May 11th, 2023 at 09:10 PM. |
I will probably do some research about whatever location. But that’s because (1) I am an awkward obsessive like that, and (2) I’m the MC. I have exactly zero expectation that any given player will do a lick of IRL research about IRL geospatial socioeconomics. I think it can be enriching, and for some people it’s entertaining. The things the game needs is answers to stuff like “where do you live” and “where do you want to go”. That can work on vagaries, or fictionalizations, or outsourcing to the MC. I agree that the choice of city is a flavor thing, and not about versimilitude to our current 2023.
My other US game actually had an alternate history that diverged from ours 40 or 50 years earlier, to help ease the expectation of being true-to-life.
On indefinite hiatus from the site. Last edited by Wynamoinen; May 11th, 2023 at 09:30 PM. |
Hi everyone! Nice to be here and see some familiar faces, as well as new people I haven't had a chance to play with yet.
So couple things. 1.) In terms of city, and Wyn you posing the question of London or DC to me, I would say shooting from the hip I prefer London (even though it may be a tad overdone for this type of game). But I'm not strongly opposed to DC in a way that would turn me off from the game or setting if you decided to go that way. And yeah I'm not expecting any great deal of verisimilitude when it comes to city setting. I've never been to London, and only been to DC a couple times, but for me London has more of that labyrinthine and mysterious vibe. That being said I'd rather not be the deciding vote haha and say go with your gut. I'd be interested to discover the flavors and settings that DC brings to the table as well. 2.) Keeping the ball moving, for Playbooks, I'd say everyone who has staked a claim to a playbook can have it, fine by me! I'm a chronic "filler" when it comes to party composition, so in this case taking up the narrative space that someone else has left vacant is what'll be exciting for me. I haven't had a chance to look at the playbooks just yet, but I won't be competition for what has already been listed out above. 3.) Secret threads, I'm not anti, but I know I'll never use it. I'd just PM or, in this case, message you on Discord with my ideas. |
Hello, Vislands! Nice to “meet” you.
![]() If you do prefer the Dragon, Wodine, I think I would choose the Spectre, assuming that’s alright with everyone.
He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
Okay, I'll be a Dragon!
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He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
But to me, DC does bring the implication of a heavy political feel. Treading the corridors of power, backroom deals. Supernatural politics bleeding into human politics and vice-versa. (Not real-world politics which brings with it all sorts of baggage I'm not interested in unpacking, but like Tainted congressional aides whispering temptations into a senator's ear, or fae courts using a proposed bill as a proxy war). Conversely, a city like London or Rome brings with it history and age and all they entail. I wouldn't be surprised to find a vampire or fae queen having been in place for hundreds of years. Streets are narrower, dark corners and crevices where cars can't even fit. This is where my personal prejudices and preconceptions come in to weigh as well. While DC feels like politics to me, London is just as much a national capitol (as is Rome, for that matter), but my mind doesn't immediately leap to the houses of parliament or 10 Downing Street when I think of the city as a whole. Chicago's flavor might be... I don't know actually. In the 60s it probably would have been corruption, but now... business, I suppose? Toronto's flavor is maple syrup. Tim bits and apologies. Boots? (I've never been to Canada, can we tell?) All in all, I suppose I'm thinking of a heightened reality. Take whatever your first impression of the city is and double it. As far as reality goes, like many I don't have the experience with these cities to fact check anyone else (except on the very basics. No sea ports in London, etc.). I've been to London a fair amount, but it's such a huge place that any individual part feels different from any other. I can't imagine many dark supernatural entities are lurking around Twickenham. DC I spent less than 24 hours in this spring, but if the game was there I might look for a chance to squeeze in a reference to the National Arboretum, because I really enjoyed my visit. Chicago I flew into once, but I am unlikely to make a reference to the bus station where I waited before being driven to Rockford. Realistically, the only city I have practical working experience of is Phoenix, and nobody (including myself) is suggesting we set the game there. Last edited by hafrogman; May 12th, 2023 at 12:00 PM. |
What you say makes a lot of sense, Hafrogman.
I would prefer the political dealings between the various factions (i.e. DC), but I am open to other “flavors” as well. That said, I intend my character to be as apolitical as possible, which will hopefully offer a nice contrast.
He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
So I have had a closer look at the Wolf archetype and the Veteran archetype. I looked at the Hunter as well. There were aspects that I liked from each of them, but I think I am more pulled to the Wolf.
I especially like the 'neighbourhood vigilante' angle. 'This is my territory, and when you are from my territory, you are under my protection whether you know it or not.' I am envisioning my alter ego as a gentle giant with a highly attuned protective instinct (there was a movie I saw about a gentle giant football player who became a great ... first tackle? Is that the most important tackler who protects the quarterback? Anyway, I am thinking of drawing inspiration along those lines). So the 'hunt' aspect would be like Batman with Fangs - hunting any who would harm those under my protection.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard! |
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